cv::gpu::CudaStream -> cv::gpu::Stream

some refactoring
added gpu module to compilation
This commit is contained in:
Anatoly Baksheev 2010-08-10 09:44:50 +00:00
parent c56085917b
commit d1fc3e6b5a
10 changed files with 101 additions and 92 deletions

# ====================================================================
# Link libraries: e.g., opencv_imgproc220d.lib, etc...
# ====================================================================
set(OPENCV_LIB_COMPONENTS opencv_core opencv_imgproc opencv_features2d opencv_calib3d opencv_objdetect opencv_video opencv_highgui opencv_ml opencv_legacy opencv_contrib)
set(OPENCV_LIB_COMPONENTS opencv_core opencv_imgproc opencv_features2d opencv_gpu opencv_calib3d opencv_objdetect opencv_video opencv_highgui opencv_ml opencv_legacy opencv_contrib)
# CMake>=2.6 supports the notation "debug XXd optimized XX"

@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ add_subdirectory(haartraining)

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ namespace cv
CV_EXPORTS void getGpuMemInfo(size_t *free, size_t* total);
//////////////////////////////// GpuMat ////////////////////////////////
class CudaStream;
class Stream;
class MatPL;
//! Smart pointer for GPU memory with reference counting. Its interface is mostly similar with cv::Mat.
@ -111,12 +111,12 @@ namespace cv
//! pefroms blocking upload data to GpuMat. .
void upload(const cv::Mat& m);
void upload(const MatPL& m, CudaStream& stream);
void upload(const MatPL& m, Stream& stream);
//! Downloads data from device to host memory. Blocking calls.
operator Mat() const;
void download(cv::Mat& m) const;
void download(MatPL& m, CudaStream& stream) const;
void download(MatPL& m, Stream& stream) const;
//! returns a new GpuMatrix header for the specified row
GpuMat row(int y) const;
@ -291,14 +291,14 @@ namespace cv
// Passed to each function that supports async kernel execution.
// Reference counting is enabled
class CV_EXPORTS CudaStream
class CV_EXPORTS Stream
CudaStream(const CudaStream&);
CudaStream& operator=(const CudaStream&);
Stream(const Stream&);
Stream& operator=(const Stream&);
bool queryIfComplete();
void waitForCompletion();
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ namespace cv
void operator() ( const GpuMat& left, const GpuMat& right, GpuMat& disparity);
//! Acync version
void operator() ( const GpuMat& left, const GpuMat& right, GpuMat& disparity, const CudaStream & stream);
void operator() ( const GpuMat& left, const GpuMat& right, GpuMat& disparity, const Stream & stream);
//! Some heuristics that tries to estmate
// if current GPU will be faster then CPU in this algorithm.
@ -390,18 +390,18 @@ namespace cv
enum { DEFAULT_LEVELS = 5 };
//! the default constructor
explicit StereoBeliefPropagation_GPU(int ndisp_ = DEFAULT_NDISP,
int iters_ = DEFAULT_ITERS,
int levels_ = DEFAULT_LEVELS,
int msg_type_ = MSG_TYPE_AUTO,
explicit StereoBeliefPropagation_GPU(int ndisp = DEFAULT_NDISP,
int iters = DEFAULT_ITERS,
int levels = DEFAULT_LEVELS,
int msg_type = MSG_TYPE_AUTO,
float msg_scale = 1.0f);
//! the full constructor taking the number of disparities, number of BP iterations on each level,
//! number of levels, truncation of data cost, data weight,
//! truncation of discontinuity cost and discontinuity single jump
StereoBeliefPropagation_GPU(int ndisp_, int iters_, int levels_,
float max_data_term_, float data_weight_,
float max_disc_term_, float disc_single_jump_,
int msg_type_ = MSG_TYPE_AUTO,
StereoBeliefPropagation_GPU(int ndisp, int iters, int levels,
float max_data_term, float data_weight,
float max_disc_term, float disc_single_jump,
int msg_type = MSG_TYPE_AUTO,
float msg_scale = 1.0f);
//! the stereo correspondence operator. Finds the disparity for the specified rectified stereo pair,
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ namespace cv
void operator()(const GpuMat& left, const GpuMat& right, GpuMat& disparity);
//! Acync version
void operator()(const GpuMat& left, const GpuMat& right, GpuMat& disparity, const CudaStream& stream);
void operator()(const GpuMat& left, const GpuMat& right, GpuMat& disparity, const Stream& stream);
//! Some heuristics that tries to estmate
//! if current GPU will be faster then CPU in this algorithm.

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace cv
// In this case you have to install Cuda Toolkit.
struct StreamAccessor
CV_EXPORTS static cudaStream_t getStream(const CudaStream& stream);
CV_EXPORTS static cudaStream_t getStream(const Stream& stream);

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ cv::gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation_GPU::StereoBeliefPropagation_GPU(int, int, int,
cv::gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation_GPU::StereoBeliefPropagation_GPU(int, int, int, float, float, float, float, int, float) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation_GPU::operator()(const GpuMat&, const GpuMat&, GpuMat&) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation_GPU::operator()(const GpuMat&, const GpuMat&, GpuMat&, const CudaStream&) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation_GPU::operator()(const GpuMat&, const GpuMat&, GpuMat&, const Stream&) { throw_nogpu(); }
bool cv::gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation_GPU::checkIfGpuCallReasonable() { throw_nogpu(); return false; }
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ void cv::gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation_GPU::operator()(const GpuMat& left, const
::stereo_bp_gpu_operator(ndisp, iters, levels, max_data_term, data_weight, max_disc_term, disc_single_jump, msg_type, msg_scale, u, d, l, r, u2, d2, l2, r2, datas, out, left, right, disp, 0);
void cv::gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation_GPU::operator()(const GpuMat& left, const GpuMat& right, GpuMat& disp, const CudaStream& stream)
void cv::gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation_GPU::operator()(const GpuMat& left, const GpuMat& right, GpuMat& disp, const Stream& stream)
::stereo_bp_gpu_operator(ndisp, iters, levels, max_data_term, data_weight, max_disc_term, disc_single_jump, msg_type, msg_scale, u, d, l, r, u2, d2, l2, r2, datas, out, left, right, disp, StreamAccessor::getStream(stream));

@ -44,9 +44,11 @@
using namespace cv::gpu;
/////////////////////////////////// Remap ///////////////////////////////////////////////
namespace imgproc
texture<unsigned char, 2, cudaReadModeNormalizedFloat> tex1;
texture<unsigned char, 2, cudaReadModeNormalizedFloat> tex_remap;
__global__ void kernel_remap(const float *mapx, const float *mapy, size_t map_step, unsigned char* out, size_t out_step, int width, int height)
@ -58,12 +60,40 @@ namespace imgproc
float xcoo = mapx[idx];
float ycoo = mapy[idx];
out[y * out_step + x] = (unsigned char)(255.f * tex2D(tex1, xcoo, ycoo));
out[y * out_step + x] = (unsigned char)(255.f * tex2D(tex_remap, xcoo, ycoo));
texture< uchar4, 2, cudaReadModeElementType > tex_meanshift;
namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace impl
extern "C" void remap_gpu(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D_<float>& xmap, const DevMem2D_<float>& ymap, DevMem2D dst)
dim3 block(16, 16, 1);
dim3 grid(1, 1, 1);
grid.x = divUp(dst.cols, block.x);
grid.y = divUp(dst.rows, block.y);
imgproc::tex_remap.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
imgproc::tex_remap.addressMode[0] = imgproc::tex_remap.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeWrap;
cudaChannelFormatDesc desc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<unsigned char>();
cudaSafeCall( cudaBindTexture2D(0, imgproc::tex_remap, src.ptr, desc, dst.cols, dst.rows, src.step) );
imgproc::kernel_remap<<<grid, block>>>(xmap.ptr, ymap.ptr, xmap.step, dst.ptr, dst.step, dst.cols, dst.rows);
cudaSafeCall( cudaThreadSynchronize() );
cudaSafeCall( cudaUnbindTexture(imgproc::tex_remap) );
/////////////////////////////////// MeanShiftfiltering ///////////////////////////////////////////////
namespace imgproc
texture<uchar4, 2> tex_meanshift;
extern "C" __global__ void meanshift_kernel( unsigned char* out, int out_step, int cols, int rows, int sp, int sr, int maxIter, float eps )
@ -72,9 +102,8 @@ namespace imgproc
if( x0 < cols && y0 < rows )
int isr2 = sr*sr;
uchar4 c = tex2D( tex_meanshift, x0, y0 );
uchar4 c = tex2D(tex_meanshift, x0, y0 );
// iterate meanshift procedure
for( int iter = 0; iter < maxIter; iter++ )
@ -137,26 +166,6 @@ namespace imgproc
namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace impl
using namespace imgproc;
extern "C" void remap_gpu(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D_<float>& xmap, const DevMem2D_<float>& ymap, DevMem2D dst)
dim3 block(16, 16, 1);
dim3 grid(1, 1, 1);
grid.x = divUp(dst.cols, block.x);
grid.y = divUp(dst.rows, block.y);
tex1.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
tex1.addressMode[0] = tex1.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeWrap;
cudaChannelFormatDesc desc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<unsigned char>();
cudaSafeCall( cudaBindTexture2D(0, tex1, src.ptr, desc, dst.cols, dst.rows, src.step) );
kernel_remap<<<grid, block>>>(xmap.ptr, ymap.ptr, xmap.step, dst.ptr, dst.step, dst.cols, dst.rows);
cudaSafeCall( cudaThreadSynchronize() );
cudaSafeCall( cudaUnbindTexture(tex1) );
extern "C" void meanShiftFiltering_gpu(const DevMem2D& src, DevMem2D dst, float sp, float sr, int maxIter, float eps)
dim3 grid(1, 1, 1);
@ -165,11 +174,11 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace impl
grid.y = divUp(src.rows, threads.y);
cudaChannelFormatDesc desc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<uchar4>();
cudaSafeCall( cudaBindTexture2D( 0, tex_meanshift, src.ptr, desc, src.cols, src.rows, src.step ) );
cudaSafeCall( cudaBindTexture2D( 0, imgproc::tex_meanshift, src.ptr, desc, src.cols, src.rows, src.step ) );
meanshift_kernel<<< grid, threads >>>( dst.ptr, dst.step, dst.cols, dst.rows, sp, sr, maxIter, eps );
imgproc::meanshift_kernel<<< grid, threads >>>( dst.ptr, dst.step, dst.cols, dst.rows, sp, sr, maxIter, eps );
cudaSafeCall( cudaThreadSynchronize() );
cudaSafeCall( cudaUnbindTexture( tex_meanshift ) );
cudaSafeCall( cudaUnbindTexture( imgproc::tex_meanshift ) );

@ -48,28 +48,28 @@ using namespace cv::gpu;
#if !defined (HAVE_CUDA)
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::create() { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::release() { throw_nogpu(); }
cv::gpu::CudaStream::CudaStream() : impl(0) { throw_nogpu(); }
cv::gpu::CudaStream::~CudaStream() { throw_nogpu(); }
cv::gpu::CudaStream::CudaStream(const CudaStream& /*stream*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
CudaStream& cv::gpu::CudaStream::operator=(const CudaStream& /*stream*/) { throw_nogpu(); return *this; }
bool cv::gpu::CudaStream::queryIfComplete() { throw_nogpu(); return true; }
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::waitForCompletion() { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::enqueueDownload(const GpuMat& /*src*/, Mat& /*dst*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::enqueueDownload(const GpuMat& /*src*/, MatPL& /*dst*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::enqueueUpload(const MatPL& /*src*/, GpuMat& /*dst*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::enqueueUpload(const Mat& /*src*/, GpuMat& /*dst*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::enqueueCopy(const GpuMat& /*src*/, GpuMat& /*dst*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::enqueueMemSet(const GpuMat& /*src*/, Scalar /*val*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::enqueueMemSet(const GpuMat& /*src*/, Scalar /*val*/, const GpuMat& /*mask*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::enqueueConvert(const GpuMat& /*src*/, GpuMat& /*dst*/, int /*type*/, double /*a*/, double /*b*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::Stream::create() { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::Stream::release() { throw_nogpu(); }
cv::gpu::Stream::Stream() : impl(0) { throw_nogpu(); }
cv::gpu::Stream::~Stream() { throw_nogpu(); }
cv::gpu::Stream::Stream(const Stream& /*stream*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
Stream& cv::gpu::Stream::operator=(const Stream& /*stream*/) { throw_nogpu(); return *this; }
bool cv::gpu::Stream::queryIfComplete() { throw_nogpu(); return true; }
void cv::gpu::Stream::waitForCompletion() { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::Stream::enqueueDownload(const GpuMat& /*src*/, Mat& /*dst*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::Stream::enqueueDownload(const GpuMat& /*src*/, MatPL& /*dst*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::Stream::enqueueUpload(const MatPL& /*src*/, GpuMat& /*dst*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::Stream::enqueueUpload(const Mat& /*src*/, GpuMat& /*dst*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::Stream::enqueueCopy(const GpuMat& /*src*/, GpuMat& /*dst*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::Stream::enqueueMemSet(const GpuMat& /*src*/, Scalar /*val*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::Stream::enqueueMemSet(const GpuMat& /*src*/, Scalar /*val*/, const GpuMat& /*mask*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::Stream::enqueueConvert(const GpuMat& /*src*/, GpuMat& /*dst*/, int /*type*/, double /*a*/, double /*b*/) { throw_nogpu(); }
#else /* !defined (HAVE_CUDA) */
#include "opencv2/gpu/stream_accessor.hpp"
struct CudaStream::Impl
struct Stream::Impl
cudaStream_t stream;
int ref_counter;
@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ namespace
CV_EXPORTS cudaStream_t cv::gpu::StreamAccessor::getStream(const CudaStream& stream) { return stream.impl->stream; };
CV_EXPORTS cudaStream_t cv::gpu::StreamAccessor::getStream(const Stream& stream) { return stream.impl->stream; };
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::create()
void cv::gpu::Stream::create()
if (impl)
@ -95,13 +95,13 @@ void cv::gpu::CudaStream::create()
cudaStream_t stream;
cudaSafeCall( cudaStreamCreate( &stream ) );
impl = (CudaStream::Impl*)fastMalloc(sizeof(CudaStream::Impl));
impl = (Stream::Impl*)fastMalloc(sizeof(Stream::Impl));
impl->stream = stream;
impl->ref_counter = 1;
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::release()
void cv::gpu::Stream::release()
if( impl && CV_XADD(&impl->ref_counter, -1) == 1 )
@ -110,15 +110,15 @@ void cv::gpu::CudaStream::release()
cv::gpu::CudaStream::CudaStream() : impl(0) { create(); }
cv::gpu::CudaStream::~CudaStream() { release(); }
cv::gpu::Stream::Stream() : impl(0) { create(); }
cv::gpu::Stream::~Stream() { release(); }
cv::gpu::CudaStream::CudaStream(const CudaStream& stream) : impl(stream.impl)
cv::gpu::Stream::Stream(const Stream& stream) : impl(stream.impl)
if( impl )
CV_XADD(&impl->ref_counter, 1);
CudaStream& cv::gpu::CudaStream::operator=(const CudaStream& stream)
Stream& cv::gpu::Stream::operator=(const Stream& stream)
if( this != &stream )
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ CudaStream& cv::gpu::CudaStream::operator=(const CudaStream& stream)
return *this;
bool cv::gpu::CudaStream::queryIfComplete()
bool cv::gpu::Stream::queryIfComplete()
cudaError_t err = cudaStreamQuery( impl->stream );
@ -142,31 +142,31 @@ bool cv::gpu::CudaStream::queryIfComplete()
return false;
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::waitForCompletion() { cudaSafeCall( cudaStreamSynchronize( impl->stream ) ); }
void cv::gpu::Stream::waitForCompletion() { cudaSafeCall( cudaStreamSynchronize( impl->stream ) ); }
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::enqueueDownload(const GpuMat& src, Mat& dst)
void cv::gpu::Stream::enqueueDownload(const GpuMat& src, Mat& dst)
// if not -> allocation will be done, but after that dst will not point to page locked memory
CV_Assert(src.cols == dst.cols && src.rows == dst.rows && src.type() == dst.type() )
devcopy(src, dst, impl->stream, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::enqueueDownload(const GpuMat& src, MatPL& dst) { devcopy(src, dst, impl->stream, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); }
void cv::gpu::Stream::enqueueDownload(const GpuMat& src, MatPL& dst) { devcopy(src, dst, impl->stream, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); }
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::enqueueUpload(const MatPL& src, GpuMat& dst){ devcopy(src, dst, impl->stream, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); }
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::enqueueUpload(const Mat& src, GpuMat& dst) { devcopy(src, dst, impl->stream, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); }
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::enqueueCopy(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst) { devcopy(src, dst, impl->stream, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice); }
void cv::gpu::Stream::enqueueUpload(const MatPL& src, GpuMat& dst){ devcopy(src, dst, impl->stream, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); }
void cv::gpu::Stream::enqueueUpload(const Mat& src, GpuMat& dst) { devcopy(src, dst, impl->stream, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); }
void cv::gpu::Stream::enqueueCopy(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst) { devcopy(src, dst, impl->stream, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice); }
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::enqueueMemSet(const GpuMat& src, Scalar val)
void cv::gpu::Stream::enqueueMemSet(const GpuMat& src, Scalar val)
impl::set_to_without_mask(src, src.depth(), val.val, src.channels(), impl->stream);
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::enqueueMemSet(const GpuMat& src, Scalar val, const GpuMat& mask)
void cv::gpu::Stream::enqueueMemSet(const GpuMat& src, Scalar val, const GpuMat& mask)
impl::set_to_with_mask(src, src.depth(), val.val, mask, src.channels(), impl->stream);
void cv::gpu::CudaStream::enqueueConvert(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, int rtype, double alpha, double beta)
void cv::gpu::Stream::enqueueConvert(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, int rtype, double alpha, double beta)
bool noScale = fabs(alpha-1) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() && fabs(beta) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ void cv::gpu::GpuMat::upload(const Mat& m)
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy2D(data, step,, m.step, cols * elemSize(), rows, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );
void cv::gpu::GpuMat::upload(const MatPL& m, CudaStream& stream)
void cv::gpu::GpuMat::upload(const MatPL& m, Stream& stream)
stream.enqueueUpload(m, *this);
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ void cv::gpu::GpuMat::download(cv::Mat& m) const
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy2D(, m.step, data, step, cols * elemSize(), rows, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) );
void cv::gpu::GpuMat::download(MatPL& m, CudaStream& stream) const
void cv::gpu::GpuMat::download(MatPL& m, Stream& stream) const
stream.enqueueDownload(*this, m);

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ cv::gpu::StereoBM_GPU::StereoBM_GPU(int, int, int) { throw_nogpu(); }
bool cv::gpu::StereoBM_GPU::checkIfGpuCallReasonable() { throw_nogpu(); return false; }
void cv::gpu::StereoBM_GPU::operator() ( const GpuMat&, const GpuMat&, GpuMat&) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::StereoBM_GPU::operator() ( const GpuMat&, const GpuMat&, GpuMat&, const CudaStream&) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::StereoBM_GPU::operator() ( const GpuMat&, const GpuMat&, GpuMat&, const Stream&) { throw_nogpu(); }
#else /* !defined (HAVE_CUDA) */
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ void cv::gpu::StereoBM_GPU::operator() ( const GpuMat& left, const GpuMat& right
::stereo_bm_gpu_operator(minSSD, leBuf, riBuf, preset, ndisp, winSize, avergeTexThreshold, left, right, disparity, 0);
void cv::gpu::StereoBM_GPU::operator() ( const GpuMat& left, const GpuMat& right, GpuMat& disparity, const CudaStream& stream)
void cv::gpu::StereoBM_GPU::operator() ( const GpuMat& left, const GpuMat& right, GpuMat& disparity, const Stream& stream)
::stereo_bm_gpu_operator(minSSD, leBuf, riBuf, preset, ndisp, winSize, avergeTexThreshold, left, right, disparity, StreamAccessor::getStream(stream));

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ bool CV_GpuMatASyncCall::compare_matrix(cv::Mat & cpumat, gpu::GpuMat & gpumat)
//int64 time = getTickCount();
CudaStream stream;
Stream stream;
stream.enqueueCopy(gmat0, gmat1);
stream.enqueueCopy(gmat0, gmat2);
stream.enqueueCopy(gmat0, gmat3);