added gpu::solvePnpRansac

This commit is contained in:
Alexey Spizhevoy 2011-02-28 12:44:19 +00:00
parent 518ed29480
commit cae59a7caf
4 changed files with 260 additions and 0 deletions

@ -868,6 +868,25 @@ namespace cv
const Mat& camera_mat, const Mat& dist_coef, GpuMat& dst,
const Stream& stream);
struct CV_EXPORTS SolvePnpRansacParams
SolvePnpRansacParams(): subset_size(4),
inliers(NULL) {}
int subset_size;
bool use_extrinsic_guess;
int num_iters;
float max_dist;
int min_num_inliers;
vector<int>* inliers;
CV_EXPORTS void solvePnpRansac(const Mat& object, const Mat& image, const Mat& camera_mat,
const Mat& dist_coef, Mat& rvec, Mat& tvec, SolvePnpRansacParams params);
//////////////////////////////// Filter Engine ////////////////////////////////

@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ void cv::gpu::projectPoints(const GpuMat&, const Mat&, const Mat&,
void cv::gpu::projectPoints(const GpuMat&, const Mat&, const Mat&,
const Mat&, const Mat&, GpuMat&, const Stream&) { throw_nogpu(); }
void cv::gpu::solvePnpRansac(const Mat&, const Mat&, const Mat&, const Mat&,
Mat&, Mat&, SolvePnpRansacParams) { throw_nogpu(); }
using namespace cv;
@ -103,6 +106,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace project_points
const float* proj, DevMem2D_<float2> dst, cudaStream_t stream);
void projectPointsCaller(const GpuMat& src, const Mat& rvec, const Mat& tvec,
@ -138,4 +142,139 @@ void cv::gpu::projectPoints(const GpuMat& src, const Mat& rvec, const Mat& tvec,
::projectPointsCaller(src, rvec, tvec, camera_mat, dist_coef, dst, StreamAccessor::getStream(stream));
namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace solve_pnp_ransac
void computeHypothesisScores(
const int num_hypotheses, const int num_points, const float* rot_matrices,
const float3* transl_vectors, const float3* object, const float2* image,
const float3* camera_mat, const float dist_threshold, int* hypothesis_scores);
// Selects subset_size random different points from [0, num_points - 1] range
void selectRandom(int subset_size, int num_points, vector<int>& subset)
for (int i = 0; i < subset_size; ++i)
bool was;
subset[i] = rand() % num_points;
was = false;
for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
if (subset[j] == subset[i])
was = true;
} while (was);
void cv::gpu::solvePnpRansac(const Mat& object, const Mat& image, const Mat& camera_mat,
const Mat& dist_coef, Mat& rvec, Mat& tvec, SolvePnpRansacParams params)
CV_Assert(object.rows == 1 && object.cols > 0 && object.type() == CV_32FC3);
CV_Assert(image.rows == 1 && image.cols > 1 && image.type() == CV_32FC2);
CV_Assert(object.cols == image.cols);
CV_Assert(camera_mat.size() == Size(3, 3) && camera_mat.type() == CV_32F);
CV_Assert(dist_coef.empty()); // We don't support undistortion for now
CV_Assert(!params.use_extrinsic_guess); // We don't support initial guess for now
const int num_points = object.cols;
// Current hypothesis input
vector<int> subset_indices(params.subset_size);
Mat_<Point3f> object_subset(1, params.subset_size);
Mat_<Point2f> image_subset(1, params.subset_size);
// Current hypothesis result
Mat rot_vec(1, 3, CV_64F);
Mat rot_mat(3, 3, CV_64F);
Mat transl_vec(1, 3, CV_64F);
// All hypotheses results
Mat rot_matrices(1, params.num_iters * 9, CV_32F);
Mat transl_vectors(1, params.num_iters * 3, CV_32F);
// Generate set of (rotation, translation) hypotheses using small subsets
// of the input data
for (int iter = 0; iter < params.num_iters; ++iter) // TODO TBB?
selectRandom(params.subset_size, num_points, subset_indices);
for (int i = 0; i < params.subset_size; ++i)
object_subset(0, i) =<Point3f>(subset_indices[i]);
image_subset(0, i) =<Point2f>(subset_indices[i]);
solvePnP(object_subset, image_subset, camera_mat, dist_coef, rot_vec, transl_vec);
// Remember translation vector
Mat transl_vec_ = transl_vectors.colRange(iter * 3, (iter + 1) * 3);
transl_vec = transl_vec.reshape(0, 1);
transl_vec.convertTo(transl_vec_, CV_32F);
// Remember rotation matrix
Rodrigues(rot_vec, rot_mat);
Mat rot_mat_ = rot_matrices.colRange(iter * 9, (iter + 1) * 9).reshape(0, 3);
rot_mat.convertTo(rot_mat_, CV_32F);
// Compute scores (i.e. number of inliers) for each hypothesis
GpuMat d_object(object);
GpuMat d_image(image);
GpuMat d_hypothesis_scores(1, params.num_iters, CV_32S);
params.num_iters, num_points, rot_matrices.ptr<float>(), transl_vectors.ptr<float3>(),
d_object.ptr<float3>(), d_image.ptr<float2>(), camera_mat.ptr<float3>(),
params.max_dist * params.max_dist, d_hypothesis_scores.ptr<int>());
// Find the best hypothesis index
Point best_idx;
double best_score;
minMaxLoc(d_hypothesis_scores, NULL, &best_score, NULL, &best_idx);
int num_inliers = static_cast<int>(best_score);
// Extract the best hypothesis data
rot_mat = rot_matrices.colRange(best_idx.x * 9, (best_idx.x + 1) * 9).reshape(0, 3);
Rodrigues(rot_mat, rvec);
rvec = rvec.reshape(0, 1);
tvec = transl_vectors.colRange(best_idx.x * 3, (best_idx.x + 1) * 3).clone();
tvec = tvec.reshape(0, 1);
// Build vector of inlier indices
if (params.inliers != NULL)
Point3f p;
Point3f p_transf;
Point2f p_proj;
const float* rot = rot_mat.ptr<float>();
const float* transl = tvec.ptr<float>();
int inlier_id = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_points; ++i)
p =<Point3f>(0, i);
p_transf.x = rot[0] * p.x + rot[1] * p.y + rot[2] * p.z + transl[0];
p_transf.y = rot[3] * p.x + rot[4] * p.y + rot[5] * p.z + transl[1];
p_transf.z = rot[6] * p.x + rot[7] * p.y + rot[8] * p.z + transl[2];
if (p_transf.z > 0.f)
p_proj.x =<float>(0, 0) * p_transf.x / p_transf.z +<float>(0, 2);
p_proj.y =<float>(1, 1) * p_transf.x / p_transf.z +<float>(1, 2);
if (norm(p_proj -<Point2f>(0, i)) < params.max_dist)
(*params.inliers)[inlier_id++] = i;

@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
#include "internal_shared.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gpu/device/transform.hpp"
namespace cv { namespace gpu
namespace transform_points
@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu
} // namespace transform_points
namespace project_points
__constant__ float3 crot0;
@ -114,4 +117,75 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu
} // namespace project_points
namespace solve_pnp_ransac
__constant__ float3 crot_matrices[SOLVE_PNP_RANSAC_NUM_ITERS * 3];
__constant__ float3 ctransl_vectors[SOLVE_PNP_RANSAC_NUM_ITERS];
__constant__ float3 ccamera_mat[2];
__device__ float sqr(float x)
return x * x;
__global__ void computeHypothesisScoresKernel(
const int num_points, const float3* object, const float2* image,
const float dist_threshold, int* g_num_inliers)
const float3* const &rot_mat = crot_matrices + blockIdx.x * 3;
const float3 &transl_vec = ctransl_vectors[blockIdx.x];
int num_inliers = 0;
for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < num_points; i += blockDim.x)
float3 p = object[i];
p = make_float3(
rot_mat[0].x * p.x + rot_mat[0].y * p.y + rot_mat[0].z * p.z + transl_vec.x,
rot_mat[1].x * p.x + rot_mat[1].y * p.y + rot_mat[1].z * p.z + transl_vec.y,
rot_mat[2].x * p.x + rot_mat[2].y * p.y + rot_mat[2].z * p.z + transl_vec.z);
if (p.z > 0)
p.x = ccamera_mat[0].x * p.x / p.z + ccamera_mat[0].z;
p.y = ccamera_mat[1].y * p.y / p.z + ccamera_mat[1].z;
float2 image_p = image[i];
if (sqr(p.x - image_p.x) + sqr(p.y - image_p.y) < dist_threshold)
extern __shared__ float s_num_inliers[];
s_num_inliers[threadIdx.x] = num_inliers;
for (int step = blockDim.x / 2; step > 0; step >>= 1)
if (threadIdx.x < step)
s_num_inliers[threadIdx.x] += s_num_inliers[threadIdx.x + step];
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
g_num_inliers[blockIdx.x] = s_num_inliers[0];
void computeHypothesisScores(
const int num_hypotheses, const int num_points, const float* rot_matrices,
const float3* transl_vectors, const float3* object, const float2* image,
const float3* camera_mat, const float dist_threshold, int* hypothesis_scores)
cudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(crot_matrices, rot_matrices, num_hypotheses * 3 * sizeof(float3)));
cudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(ctransl_vectors, transl_vectors, num_hypotheses * sizeof(float3)));
cudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(ccamera_mat, camera_mat, 2 * sizeof(float3)));
dim3 threads(256);
dim3 grid(num_hypotheses);
int smem_size = threads.x * sizeof(float);
computeHypothesisScoresKernel<<<grid, threads, smem_size>>>(
num_points, object, image, dist_threshold, hypothesis_scores);
} // namespace solvepnp_ransac
}} // namespace cv { namespace gpu

@ -105,3 +105,31 @@ TEST(transformPoints, accuracy)
ASSERT_LT( /, 1e-3f);
TEST(solvePnpRansac, accuracy)
RNG& rng = TS::ptr()->get_rng();
const int num_points = 5000;
Mat object = randomMat(rng, Size(num_points, 1), CV_32FC3, 0, 100, false);
Mat camera_mat = randomMat(rng, Size(3, 3), CV_32F, 1, 1, false);<float>(0, 1) = 0.f;<float>(1, 0) = 0.f;<float>(2, 0) = 0.f;<float>(2, 1) = 0.f;
Mat rvec_gold = randomMat(rng, Size(3, 1), CV_32F, 0, 1, false);
Mat tvec_gold = randomMat(rng, Size(3, 1), CV_32F, 0, 1, false);
vector<Point2f> image_vec;
projectPoints(object, rvec_gold, tvec_gold, camera_mat, Mat(), image_vec);
Mat image(1, image_vec.size(), CV_32FC2, &image_vec[0]);
Mat rvec;
Mat tvec;
solvePnpRansac(object, image, camera_mat, Mat(), rvec, tvec, SolvePnpRansacParams());
ASSERT_LE(norm(rvec - rvec_gold), 1e-3f);
ASSERT_LE(norm(tvec - tvec_gold), 1e-3f);