Fix Android build warnings in new imgproc tests

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Kamaev 2012-09-10 20:33:35 +04:00
parent dd1091bbe1
commit b1b5e392e6

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ namespace internal
cvtest::TS::ptr()->printf(cvtest::TS::SUMMARY, buffer);
#define PRINT_TO_LOG __wrap_printf_func
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public:
virtual ~CV_ImageWarpBaseTest();
virtual void run(int);
virtual void generate_test_data();
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ protected:
virtual void prepare_test_data_for_reference_func();
Size randSize(RNG& rng) const;
const char* interpolation_to_string(int inter_type) const;
int interpolation;
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ void CV_ImageWarpBaseTest::generate_test_data()
int cn = rng.uniform(1, 4);
while (cn == 2)
cn = rng.uniform(1, 4);
src.create(ssize, CV_MAKE_TYPE(depth, cn));
// generating the src matrix
@ -170,10 +170,10 @@ void CV_ImageWarpBaseTest::generate_test_data()
for (x = cell_size; x < src.cols; x += cell_size)
line(src, Point2i(x, 0), Point2i(x, src.rows), Scalar::all(0), 1);
// generating an interpolation type
interpolation = rng.uniform(0, CV_INTER_LANCZOS4 + 1);
// generating the dst matrix structure
double scale_x = 2, scale_y = 2;
if (interpolation == INTER_AREA)
@ -196,13 +196,13 @@ void CV_ImageWarpBaseTest::generate_test_data()
scale_y = rng.uniform(0.4, 4.0);
CV_Assert(scale_x > 0.0f && scale_y > 0.0f);
dsize.width = saturate_cast<int>((ssize.width + scale_x - 1) / scale_x);
dsize.height = saturate_cast<int>((ssize.height + scale_y - 1) / scale_y);
dst = Mat::zeros(dsize, src.type());
reference_dst = Mat::zeros(dst.size(), CV_MAKE_TYPE(CV_32F, dst.channels()));
if (interpolation == INTER_AREA && (scale_x < 1.0 || scale_y < 1.0))
interpolation = INTER_LINEAR;
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ void CV_ImageWarpBaseTest::validate_results() const
Mat _dst;
dst.convertTo(_dst, reference_dst.depth());
Size dsize = dst.size(), ssize = src.size();
int cn = _dst.channels();
dsize.width *= cn;
@ -241,12 +241,12 @@ void CV_ImageWarpBaseTest::validate_results() const
t = 1.0f;
else if (interpolation == INTER_AREA)
t = 2.0f;
for (int dy = 0; dy < dsize.height; ++dy)
const float* rD = reference_dst.ptr<float>(dy);
const float* D = _dst.ptr<float>(dy);
for (int dx = 0; dx < dsize.width; ++dx)
if (fabs(rD[dx] - D[dx]) > t &&
// fabs(rD[dx] - D[dx]) < 250.0f &&
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ void CV_ImageWarpBaseTest::validate_results() const
PRINT_TO_LOG("Tuple (rD, D): (%f, %f)\n", rD[dx], D[dx]);
PRINT_TO_LOG("Dsize: (%d, %d)\n", dsize.width / cn, dsize.height);
PRINT_TO_LOG("Ssize: (%d, %d)\n", src.cols, src.rows);
float scale_x = static_cast<float>(ssize.width) / dsize.width,
scale_y = static_cast<float>(ssize.height) / dsize.height;
PRINT_TO_LOG("Interpolation: %s\n", interpolation_to_string(interpolation == INTER_AREA &&
@ -266,32 +266,32 @@ void CV_ImageWarpBaseTest::validate_results() const
PRINT_TO_LOG("Scale (x, y): (%lf, %lf)\n", scale_x, scale_y);
PRINT_TO_LOG("Elemsize: %d\n", src.elemSize1());
PRINT_TO_LOG("Channels: %d\n", cn);
const std::string w1("OpenCV impl (run func)"), w2("Reference func"), w3("Src image"), w4("Diff");
namedWindow(w1, CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO);
namedWindow(w2, CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO);
namedWindow(w3, CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO);
namedWindow(w4, CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO);
Mat diff;
absdiff(reference_dst, _dst, diff);
imshow(w1, dst);
imshow(w2, reference_dst);
imshow(w3, src);
imshow(w4, diff);
const int radius = 3;
int rmin = MAX(dy - radius, 0), rmax = MIN(dy + radius, dsize.height);
int cmin = MAX(dx / cn - radius, 0), cmax = MIN(dx / cn + radius, dsize.width);
std::cout << "opencv result:\n" << dst(Range(rmin, rmax), Range(cmin, cmax)) << std::endl;
std::cout << "reference result:\n" << reference_dst(Range(rmin, rmax), Range(cmin, cmax)) << std::endl;
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ protected:
virtual void run_func();
virtual void run_reference_func();
double scale_x;
double scale_y;
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ private:
void resize_generic();
void resize_area();
double getWeight(double a, double b, int x);
typedef std::vector<std::pair<int, double> > dim;
void generate_buffer(double scale, dim& _dim);
void resize_1d(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst, int dy, const dim& _dim);
@ -356,23 +356,23 @@ namespace internal
coeffs[0] = 1.f - x;
coeffs[1] = x;
void interpolateCubic(float x, float* coeffs)
const float A = -0.75f;
coeffs[0] = ((A*(x + 1) - 5*A)*(x + 1) + 8*A)*(x + 1) - 4*A;
coeffs[1] = ((A + 2)*x - (A + 3))*x*x + 1;
coeffs[2] = ((A + 2)*(1 - x) - (A + 3))*(1 - x)*(1 - x) + 1;
coeffs[3] = 1.f - coeffs[0] - coeffs[1] - coeffs[2];
void interpolateLanczos4(float x, float* coeffs)
static const double s45 = 0.70710678118654752440084436210485;
static const double cs[][2]=
{{1, 0}, {-s45, -s45}, {0, 1}, {s45, -s45}, {-1, 0}, {s45, s45}, {0, -1}, {-s45, s45}};
if( x < FLT_EPSILON )
for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ namespace internal
coeffs[3] = 1;
float sum = 0;
double y0=-(x+3)*CV_PI*0.25, s0 = sin(y0), c0=cos(y0);
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
@ -389,12 +389,12 @@ namespace internal
coeffs[i] = (float)((cs[i][0]*s0 + cs[i][1]*c0)/(y*y));
sum += coeffs[i];
sum = 1.f/sum;
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
coeffs[i] *= sum;
typedef void (*interpolate_method)(float x, float* coeffs);
interpolate_method inter_array[] = { &interpolateLinear, &interpolateCubic, &interpolateLanczos4 };
@ -402,10 +402,10 @@ namespace internal
void CV_Resize_Test::generate_test_data()
scale_x = src.cols / static_cast<double>(dst.cols);
scale_y = src.rows / static_cast<double>(dst.rows);
area_fast = interpolation == INTER_AREA &&
fabs(scale_x - cvRound(scale_x)) < FLT_EPSILON &&
fabs(scale_y - cvRound(scale_y)) < FLT_EPSILON;
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ void CV_Resize_Test::run_func()
void CV_Resize_Test::run_reference_func()
if (interpolation == INTER_AREA)
@ -441,28 +441,28 @@ double CV_Resize_Test::getWeight(double a, double b, int x)
void CV_Resize_Test::resize_area()
Size ssize = src.size(), dsize = reference_dst.size();
CV_Assert(ssize.area() > 0 && dsize.area() > 0);
CV_Assert(ssize.area() > 0 && dsize.area() > 0);
int cn = src.channels();
CV_Assert(scale_x >= 1.0 && scale_y >= 1.0);
CV_Assert(scale_x >= 1.0 && scale_y >= 1.0);
double fsy0 = 0, fsy1 = scale_y;
for (int dy = 0; dy < dsize.height; ++dy)
float* yD = reference_dst.ptr<float>(dy);
int isy0 = cvFloor(fsy0), isy1 = std::min(cvFloor(fsy1), ssize.height - 1);
CV_Assert(isy1 <= ssize.height && isy0 < ssize.height);
float fsx0 = 0, fsx1 = scale_x;
for (int dx = 0; dx < dsize.width; ++dx)
float* xyD = yD + cn * dx;
int isx0 = cvFloor(fsx0), isx1 = std::min(ssize.width - 1, cvFloor(fsx1));
CV_Assert(isx1 <= ssize.width);
CV_Assert(isx0 < ssize.width);
// for each pixel of dst
for (int r = 0; r < cn; ++r)
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ void CV_Resize_Test::resize_area()
area += w;
CV_Assert(area != 0);
// norming pixel
xyD[r] /= area;
@ -494,19 +494,19 @@ void CV_Resize_Test::resize_area()
void CV_Resize_Test::resize_1d(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst, int dy, const dim& _dim)
Size dsize = _dst.size();
Size dsize = _dst.size();
int cn = _dst.channels();
float* yD = _dst.ptr<float>(dy);
if (interpolation == INTER_NEAREST)
const float* yS = _src.ptr<float>(dy);
for (int dx = 0; dx < dsize.width; ++dx)
int isx = _dim[dx].first;
const float* xyS = yS + isx * cn;
float* xyD = yD + dx * cn;
const float* xyS = yS + isx * cn;
float* xyD = yD + dx * cn;
for (int r = 0; r < cn; ++r)
xyD[r] = xyS[r];
@ -515,13 +515,13 @@ void CV_Resize_Test::resize_1d(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst, int dy, const dim& _d
internal::interpolate_method inter_func = internal::inter_array[interpolation - (interpolation == INTER_LANCZOS4 ? 2 : 1)];
int elemsize = _src.elemSize();
int ofs = 0, ksize = 2;
if (interpolation == INTER_CUBIC)
ofs = 1, ksize = 4;
else if (interpolation == INTER_LANCZOS4)
ofs = 3, ksize = 8;
Mat _extended_src_row(1, _src.cols + ksize * 2, _src.type());
uchar* srow = + dy * _src.step;
memcpy( + elemsize * ksize, srow, _src.step);
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ void CV_Resize_Test::resize_1d(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst, int dy, const dim& _d
memcpy( + k * elemsize, srow, elemsize);
memcpy( + (ksize + k) * elemsize + _src.step, srow + _src.step - elemsize, elemsize);
for (int dx = 0; dx < dsize.width; ++dx)
int isx = _dim[dx].first;
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ void CV_Resize_Test::generate_buffer(double scale, dim& _dim)
int length = _dim.size();
for (int dx = 0; dx < length; ++dx)
double fsx = scale * (dx + 0.5f) - 0.5f;
int isx = cvFloor(fsx);
_dim[dx] = std::make_pair(isx, fsx - isx);
@ -570,12 +570,12 @@ void CV_Resize_Test::resize_generic()
Size dsize = reference_dst.size(), ssize = src.size();
CV_Assert(dsize.area() > 0 && ssize.area() > 0);
dim dims[] = { dim(dsize.width), dim(dsize.height) };
if (interpolation == INTER_NEAREST)
for (int dx = 0; dx < dsize.width; ++dx)
dims[0][dx].first = std::min(cvFloor(dx * scale_x), ssize.width - 1);
dims[0][dx].first = std::min(cvFloor(dx * scale_x), ssize.width - 1);
for (int dy = 0; dy < dsize.height; ++dy)
dims[1][dy].first = std::min(cvFloor(dy * scale_y), ssize.height - 1);
@ -584,14 +584,14 @@ void CV_Resize_Test::resize_generic()
generate_buffer(scale_x, dims[0]);
generate_buffer(scale_y, dims[1]);
Mat tmp(ssize.height, dsize.width, reference_dst.type());
for (int dy = 0; dy < tmp.rows; ++dy)
resize_1d(src, tmp, dy, dims[0]);
transpose(tmp, tmp);
transpose(reference_dst, reference_dst);
for (int dy = 0; dy < tmp.rows; ++dy)
resize_1d(tmp, reference_dst, dy, dims[1]);
transpose(reference_dst, reference_dst);
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ protected:
Scalar borderValue;
remap_func funcs[2];
void remap_nearest(const Mat&, Mat&);
void remap_generic(const Mat&, Mat&);
@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ void CV_Remap_Test::generate_test_data()
const int n = std::min(std::min(src.cols, src.rows) / 10 + 1, 2);
float _n = 0; //static_cast<float>(-n);
switch (mapx.type())
case CV_16SC2:
@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ void CV_Remap_Test::generate_test_data()
@ -746,10 +746,10 @@ void CV_Remap_Test::convert_maps()
else if (interpolation != INTER_NEAREST)
if (mapy.type() != CV_16UC1)
mapy.clone().convertTo(mapy, CV_16UC1);
if (interpolation == INTER_NEAREST)
mapy = Mat();
CV_Assert((interpolation == INTER_NEAREST && ! || mapy.type() == CV_16UC1 ||
CV_Assert(( (interpolation == INTER_NEAREST && ! || mapy.type() == CV_16UC1 ||
mapy.type() == CV_16SC1) && mapx.type() == CV_16SC2);
@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ void CV_Remap_Test::run_reference_func()
if (interpolation == INTER_AREA)
interpolation = INTER_LINEAR;
int index = interpolation == INTER_NEAREST ? 0 : 1;
(this->*funcs[index])(src, reference_dst);
@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ void CV_Remap_Test::remap_nearest(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst)
const short* yM = mapx.ptr<short>(dy);
float* yD = _dst.ptr<float>(dy);
for (int dx = 0; dx < dsize.width; ++dx)
float* xyD = yD + cn * dx;
@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ void CV_Remap_Test::remap_nearest(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst)
void CV_Remap_Test::remap_generic(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst)
CV_Assert(mapx.type() == CV_16SC2 && mapy.type() == CV_16UC1);
int ksize;
if (interpolation == INTER_LINEAR)
ksize = 2;
@ -857,9 +857,10 @@ void CV_Remap_Test::remap_generic(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst)
else if (interpolation == INTER_LANCZOS4)
ksize = 8;
ksize = 0;
int ofs = (ksize / 2) - 1;
CV_Assert(_src.depth() == CV_32F && _dst.type() == _src.type());
Size ssize = _src.size(), dsize = _dst.size();
int cn = _src.channels(), width1 = std::max(ssize.width - ksize + 1, 0),
@ -874,7 +875,7 @@ void CV_Remap_Test::remap_generic(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst)
const ushort* yMy = mapy.ptr<ushort>(dy);
float* yD = _dst.ptr<float>(dy);
for (int dx = 0; dx < dsize.width; ++dx)
float* xyD = yD + dx * cn;
@ -883,7 +884,7 @@ void CV_Remap_Test::remap_generic(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst)
inter_func((yMy[dx] & (INTER_TAB_SIZE - 1)) / static_cast<float>(INTER_TAB_SIZE), w);
inter_func(((yMy[dx] >> INTER_BITS) & (INTER_TAB_SIZE - 1)) / static_cast<float>(INTER_TAB_SIZE), w + ksize);
isx -= ofs;
isy -= ofs;
@ -907,7 +908,7 @@ void CV_Remap_Test::remap_generic(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst)
else if (borderType != BORDER_TRANSPARENT)
int ar_x[8], ar_y[8];
for (int k = 0; k < ksize; k++)
ar_x[k] = borderInterpolate(isx + k, ssize.width, borderType) * cn;
@ -1001,7 +1002,7 @@ void CV_WarpAffine_Test::generate_test_data()
M.convertTo(tmp, depth);
M = tmp;
// warp_matrix is inverse
if (rng.uniform(0., 1.) > 0)
interpolation |= CV_WARP_INVERSE_MAP;
@ -1034,7 +1035,7 @@ void CV_WarpAffine_Test::warpAffine(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst)
Mat tM;
M.convertTo(tM, CV_64F);
int inter = interpolation & INTER_MAX;
if (inter == INTER_AREA)
@ -1044,36 +1045,36 @@ void CV_WarpAffine_Test::warpAffine(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst)
mapy.create(dsize, CV_16SC1);
mapy = Mat();
if (!(interpolation & CV_WARP_INVERSE_MAP))
invertAffineTransform(tM.clone(), tM);
const int AB_BITS = MAX(10, (int)INTER_BITS);
const int AB_SCALE = 1 << AB_BITS;
const int AB_SCALE = 1 << AB_BITS;
int round_delta = (inter == INTER_NEAREST) ? AB_SCALE / 2 : (AB_SCALE / INTER_TAB_SIZE / 2);
const double* data_tM = tM.ptr<double>(0);
for (int dy = 0; dy < dsize.height; ++dy)
short* yM = mapx.ptr<short>(dy);
for (int dx = 0; dx < dsize.width; ++dx, yM += 2)
int v1 = saturate_cast<int>(saturate_cast<int>(data_tM[0] * dx * AB_SCALE) +
saturate_cast<int>((data_tM[1] * dy + data_tM[2]) * AB_SCALE) + round_delta),
v2 = saturate_cast<int>(saturate_cast<int>(data_tM[3] * dx * AB_SCALE) +
int v1 = saturate_cast<int>(saturate_cast<int>(data_tM[0] * dx * AB_SCALE) +
saturate_cast<int>((data_tM[1] * dy + data_tM[2]) * AB_SCALE) + round_delta),
v2 = saturate_cast<int>(saturate_cast<int>(data_tM[3] * dx * AB_SCALE) +
saturate_cast<int>((data_tM[4] * dy + data_tM[5]) * AB_SCALE) + round_delta);
yM[0] = saturate_cast<short>(v1 >> INTER_BITS);
yM[1] = saturate_cast<short>(v2 >> INTER_BITS);
if (inter != INTER_NEAREST)
mapy.ptr<short>(dy)[dx] = ((v2 & (INTER_TAB_SIZE - 1)) * INTER_TAB_SIZE + (v1 & (INTER_TAB_SIZE - 1)));
CV_Assert(mapx.type() == CV_16SC2 && (inter == INTER_NEAREST && ! || mapy.type() == CV_16SC1));
CV_Assert(mapx.type() == CV_16SC2 && ((inter == INTER_NEAREST && ! || mapy.type() == CV_16SC1));
cv::remap(_src, _dst, mapx, mapy, inter, borderType, borderValue);
@ -1147,24 +1148,24 @@ void CV_WarpPerspective_Test::warpPerspective(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst)
CV_Assert(dsize.area() > 0);
CV_Assert(_src.type() == _dst.type());
if (M.depth() != CV_64F)
Mat tmp;
M.convertTo(tmp, CV_64F);
M = tmp;
if (M.depth() != CV_64F)
Mat tmp;
M.convertTo(tmp, CV_64F);
M = tmp;
if (!(interpolation & CV_WARP_INVERSE_MAP))
Mat tmp;
invert(M, tmp);
M = tmp;
int inter = interpolation & INTER_MAX;
if (inter == INTER_AREA)
mapx.create(dsize, CV_16SC2);
if (inter != INTER_NEAREST)
mapy.create(dsize, CV_16SC1);
@ -1175,31 +1176,31 @@ void CV_WarpPerspective_Test::warpPerspective(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst)
for (int dy = 0; dy < dsize.height; ++dy)
short* yMx = mapx.ptr<short>(dy);
for (int dx = 0; dx < dsize.width; ++dx, yMx += 2)
double den = tM[6] * dx + tM[7] * dy + tM[8];
den = den ? 1.0 / den : 0.0;
if (inter == INTER_NEAREST)
yMx[0] = saturate_cast<short>((tM[0] * dx + tM[1] * dy + tM[2]) * den);
yMx[1] = saturate_cast<short>((tM[3] * dx + tM[4] * dy + tM[5]) * den);
int v0 = saturate_cast<int>((tM[0] * dx + tM[1] * dy + tM[2]) * den);
int v1 = saturate_cast<int>((tM[3] * dx + tM[4] * dy + tM[5]) * den);
yMx[0] = saturate_cast<short>(v0 >> INTER_BITS);
yMx[1] = saturate_cast<short>(v1 >> INTER_BITS);
mapy.ptr<short>(dy)[dx] = saturate_cast<short>((v1 & (INTER_TAB_SIZE - 1)) *
mapy.ptr<short>(dy)[dx] = saturate_cast<short>((v1 & (INTER_TAB_SIZE - 1)) *
CV_Assert(mapx.type() == CV_16SC2 && (inter == INTER_NEAREST && ! || mapy.type() == CV_16SC1));
CV_Assert(mapx.type() == CV_16SC2 && ((inter == INTER_NEAREST && ! || mapy.type() == CV_16SC1));
cv::remap(_src, _dst, mapx, mapy, inter, borderType, borderValue);