Added fisheye camera model
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp"
#include "opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/affine.hpp"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern "C" {
@ -744,6 +745,132 @@ CV_EXPORTS_W int estimateAffine3D(InputArray src, InputArray dst,
OutputArray out, OutputArray inliers,
OutputArray out, OutputArray inliers,
double ransacThreshold=3, double confidence=0.99);
double ransacThreshold=3, double confidence=0.99);
class Fisheye
// Let P be a point in 3D of coordinates X in the world reference frame (stored in the matrix X)
// The coordinate vector of P in the camera reference frame is: Xc = R*X + T
// where R is the rotation matrix corresponding to the rotation vector om: R = rodrigues(om);
// call x, y and z the 3 coordinates of Xc: x = Xc(1); y = Xc(2); z = Xc(3);
// The pinehole projection coordinates of P is [a;b] where a=x/z and b=y/z.
// call r^2 = a^2 + b^2,
// call theta = atan(r),
// Fisheye distortion -> theta_d = theta * (1 + k(1)*theta^2 + k(2)*theta^4 + k(3)*theta^6 + k(4)*theta^8)
// The distorted point coordinates are: xd = [xx;yy] where:
// xx = (theta_d / r) * x
// yy = (theta_d / r) * y
// Finally, convertion into pixel coordinates: The final pixel coordinates vector xp=[xxp;yyp] where:
// xxp = f(1)*(xx + alpha*yy) + c(1)
// yyp = f(2)*yy + c(2)
CALIB_FIX_K1 = 16,
CALIB_FIX_K2 = 32,
CALIB_FIX_K3 = 64,
CALIB_FIX_K4 = 128
//! projects 3D points using fisheye model
static void projectPoints(InputArray objectPoints, OutputArray imagePoints, const Affine3d& affine,
InputArray K, InputArray D, double alpha = 0, OutputArray jacobian = noArray());
//! projects points using fisheye model
static void projectPoints(InputArray objectPoints, OutputArray imagePoints, InputArray rvec, InputArray tvec,
InputArray K, InputArray D, double alpha = 0, OutputArray jacobian = noArray());
//! distorts 2D points using fisheye model
static void distortPoints(InputArray undistorted, OutputArray distorted, InputArray K, InputArray D, double alpha = 0);
//! undistorts 2D points using fisheye model
static void undistortPoints(InputArray distorted, OutputArray undistorted,
InputArray K, InputArray D, InputArray R = noArray(), InputArray P = noArray());
//! computing undistortion and rectification maps for image transform by cv::remap()
//! If D is empty zero distortion is used, if R or P is empty identity matrixes are used
static void initUndistortRectifyMap(InputArray K, InputArray D, InputArray R, InputArray P,
const cv::Size& size, int m1type, OutputArray map1, OutputArray map2);
//! undistorts image, optinally chanes resolution and camera matrix. If Knew zero identity matrix is used
static void undistortImage(InputArray distorted, OutputArray undistorted,
InputArray K, InputArray D, InputArray Knew = cv::noArray(), const Size& new_size = Size());
//! estimates new camera matrix for undistortion or rectification
static void estimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify(InputArray K, InputArray D, const Size &image_size, InputArray R,
OutputArray P, double balance = 0.0, const Size& new_size = Size(), double fov_scale = 1.0);
//! stereo rectification for fisheye camera model
static void stereoRectify( InputArray K1, InputArray D1, InputArray K2, InputArray D2, const cv::Size& imageSize,
InputArray rotaion, InputArray tvec, OutputArray R1, OutputArray R2, OutputArray P1, OutputArray P2, OutputArray Q,
int flags = cv::CALIB_ZERO_DISPARITY, double alpha = -1, const Size& newImageSize = Size(), Rect* roi1 = 0, Rect* roi2 = 0 );
//! performs camera calibaration
static double calibrate(InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints, InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints, const Size& image_size,
InputOutputArray K, InputOutputArray D, OutputArrayOfArrays rvecs, OutputArrayOfArrays tvecs, int flags = 0,
TermCriteria criteria = TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT + TermCriteria::EPS, 100, DBL_EPSILON));
//! stereo rectification estimation
static void stereoRectify(InputArray K1, InputArray D1, InputArray K2, InputArray D2, const Size &imageSize, InputArray R, InputArray tvec,
OutputArray R1, OutputArray R2, OutputArray P1, OutputArray P2, OutputArray Q, int flags, const Size &newImageSize = Size(),
double balance = 0.0, double fov_scale = 1.0);
namespace internal {
struct IntrinsicParams
Vec2d f;
Vec2d c;
Vec4d k;
double alpha;
std::vector<int> isEstimate;
IntrinsicParams(Vec2d f, Vec2d c, Vec4d k, double alpha = 0);
IntrinsicParams operator+(const Mat& a);
IntrinsicParams& operator =(const Mat& a);
void Init(const cv::Vec2d& f, const cv::Vec2d& c, const cv::Vec4d& k = Vec4d(0,0,0,0), const double& alpha = 0);
void projectPoints(cv::InputArray objectPoints, cv::OutputArray imagePoints,
cv::InputArray _rvec,cv::InputArray _tvec,
const IntrinsicParams& param, cv::OutputArray jacobian);
void ComputeExtrinsicRefine(const Mat& imagePoints, const Mat& objectPoints, Mat& rvec,
Mat& tvec, Mat& J, const int MaxIter,
const IntrinsicParams& param, const double thresh_cond);
Mat ComputeHomography(Mat m, Mat M);
Mat NormalizePixels(const Mat& imagePoints, const IntrinsicParams& param);
void InitExtrinsics(const Mat& _imagePoints, const Mat& _objectPoints, const IntrinsicParams& param, Mat& omckk, Mat& Tckk);
void CalibrateExtrinsics(InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints, InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints,
const IntrinsicParams& param, const int check_cond,
const double thresh_cond, InputOutputArray omc, InputOutputArray Tc);
void ComputeJacobians(InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints, InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints,
const IntrinsicParams& param, InputArray omc, InputArray Tc,
const int& check_cond, const double& thresh_cond, Mat& JJ2_inv, Mat& ex3);
void EstimateUncertainties(InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints, InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints,
const IntrinsicParams& params, InputArray omc, InputArray Tc,
IntrinsicParams& errors, Vec2d& std_err, double thresh_cond, int check_cond, double& rms);
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <climits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <opencv2/ts/gpu_test.hpp>
#include <opencv2/ts/ts_perf.hpp>
#include <opencv2/ts/ts.hpp>
#define DEF_PARAM_TEST(name, ...) typedef ::perf::TestBaseWithParam< std::tr1::tuple< __VA_ARGS__ > > name
#define PARAM_TEST_CASE(name, ...) struct name : testing::TestWithParam< std::tr1::tuple< __VA_ARGS__ > >
namespace FishEye
const static cv::Size imageSize(1280, 800);
const static cv::Matx33d K(558.478087865323, 0, 620.458515360843,
0, 560.506767351568, 381.939424848348,
0, 0, 1);
const static cv::Vec4d D(-0.0014613319981768, -0.00329861110580401, 0.00605760088590183, -0.00374209380722371);
const static cv::Matx33d R ( 9.9756700084424932e-01, 6.9698277640183867e-02, 1.4929569991321144e-03,
-6.9711825162322980e-02, 9.9748249845531767e-01, 1.2997180766418455e-02,
-5.8331736398316541e-04,-1.3069635393884985e-02, 9.9991441852366736e-01);
const static cv::Vec3d T(-9.9217369356044638e-02, 3.1741831972356663e-03, 1.8551007952921010e-04);
std::string combine(const std::string& _item1, const std::string& _item2)
std::string item1 = _item1, item2 = _item2;
std::replace(item1.begin(), item1.end(), '\\', '/');
std::replace(item2.begin(), item2.end(), '\\', '/');
if (item1.empty())
return item2;
if (item2.empty())
return item1;
char last = item1[item1.size()-1];
return item1 + (last != '/' ? "/" : "") + item2;
std::string combine_format(const std::string& item1, const std::string& item2, ...)
std::string fmt = combine(item1, item2);
char buffer[1 << 16];
va_list args;
va_start( args, item2 );
vsprintf( buffer, fmt.c_str(), args );
va_end( args );
return std::string(buffer);
void readPoins(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point3d> >& objectPoints,
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2d> >& imagePoints,
const std::string& path, const int n_images, const int n_points)
std::vector<cv::Point2d> image(n_points);
std::vector<cv::Point3d> object(n_points);
std::ifstream ipStream;
std::ifstream opStream;
for (int image_idx = 0; image_idx < n_images; image_idx++)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << image_idx;
std::string idxStr = ss.str();
|, std::string(std::string("x_") + idxStr + std::string(".csv"))).c_str(), std::ifstream::in);
|, std::string(std::string("X_") + idxStr + std::string(".csv"))).c_str(), std::ifstream::in);
CV_Assert(ipStream.is_open() && opStream.is_open());
for (int point_idx = 0; point_idx < n_points; point_idx++)
double x, y, z;
char delim;
ipStream >> x >> delim >> y;
image[point_idx] = cv::Point2d(x, y);
opStream >> x >> delim >> y >> delim >> z;
object[point_idx] = cv::Point3d(x, y, z);
imagePoints[image_idx] = image;
objectPoints[image_idx] = object;
void readExtrinsics(const std::string& file, cv::OutputArray _R, cv::OutputArray _T, cv::OutputArray _R1, cv::OutputArray _R2,
cv::OutputArray _P1, cv::OutputArray _P2, cv::OutputArray _Q)
cv::FileStorage fs(file, cv::FileStorage::READ);
cv::Mat R, T, R1, R2, P1, P2, Q;
fs["R"] >> R; fs["T"] >> T; fs["R1"] >> R1; fs["R2"] >> R2; fs["P1"] >> P1; fs["P2"] >> P2; fs["Q"] >> Q;
if (_R.needed()) R.copyTo(_R); if(_T.needed()) T.copyTo(_T); if (_R1.needed()) R1.copyTo(_R1); if (_R2.needed()) R2.copyTo(_R2);
if(_P1.needed()) P1.copyTo(_P1); if(_P2.needed()) P2.copyTo(_P2); if(_Q.needed()) Q.copyTo(_Q);
cv::Mat mergeRectification(const cv::Mat& l, const cv::Mat& r, double scale)
CV_Assert(l.type() == r.type() && l.size() == r.size());
cv::Mat merged(l.rows, l.cols * 2, l.type());
cv::Mat lpart = merged.colRange(0, l.cols);
cv::Mat rpart = merged.colRange(l.cols, merged.cols);
for(int i = 0; i < l.rows; i+=20)
cv::line(merged, cv::Point(0, i), cv::Point(merged.cols, i), CV_RGB(0, 255, 0));
return merged;
/// Change this parameter via CMake: cmake -DDATASETS_REPOSITORY_FOLDER=<path>
//const static std::string datasets_repository_path = "DATASETS_REPOSITORY_FOLDER";
const static std::string datasets_repository_path = "/home/krylov/data";
TEST(FisheyeTest, projectPoints)
double cols = FishEye::imageSize.width,
rows = FishEye::imageSize.height;
const int N = 20;
cv::Mat distorted0(1, N*N, CV_64FC2), undist1, undist2, distorted1, distorted2;
undist2.create(distorted0.size(), CV_MAKETYPE(distorted0.depth(), 3));
cv::Vec2d* pts = distorted0.ptr<cv::Vec2d>();
cv::Vec2d c(FishEye::K(0, 2), FishEye::K(1, 2));
for(int y = 0, k = 0; y < N; ++y)
for(int x = 0; x < N; ++x)
cv::Vec2d point(x*cols/(N-1.f), y*rows/(N-1.f));
pts[k++] = (point - c) * 0.85 + c;
cv::Fisheye::undistortPoints(distorted0, undist1, FishEye::K, FishEye::D);
cv::Vec2d* u1 = undist1.ptr<cv::Vec2d>();
cv::Vec3d* u2 = undist2.ptr<cv::Vec3d>();
for(int i = 0; i < (int); ++i)
u2[i] = cv::Vec3d(u1[i][0], u1[i][1], 1.0);
cv::Fisheye::distortPoints(undist1, distorted1, FishEye::K, FishEye::D);
cv::Fisheye::projectPoints(undist2, distorted2, cv::Vec3d::all(0), cv::Vec3d::all(0), FishEye::K, FishEye::D);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(distorted0, distorted1, 1e-5);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(distorted0, distorted2, 1e-5);
TEST(FisheyeTest, undistortImage)
cv::Matx33d K = FishEye::K;
cv::Mat D = cv::Mat(FishEye::D);
std::string file = combine(datasets_repository_path, "image000001.png");
cv::Matx33d newK = K;
cv::Mat distorted = cv::imread(file), undistorted;
newK(0, 0) = 100;
newK(1, 1) = 100;
cv::Fisheye::undistortImage(distorted, undistorted, K, D, newK);
cv::Mat correct = cv::imread(combine(datasets_repository_path, "test_undistortImage/new_f_100.png"));
if (correct.empty())
CV_Assert(cv::imwrite(combine(datasets_repository_path, "test_undistortImage/new_f_100.png"), undistorted));
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(correct, undistorted, 1e-15);
double balance = 1.0;
cv::Fisheye::estimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify(K, D, distorted.size(), cv::noArray(), newK, balance);
cv::Fisheye::undistortImage(distorted, undistorted, K, D, newK);
cv::Mat correct = cv::imread(combine(datasets_repository_path, "test_undistortImage/balance_1.0.png"));
if (correct.empty())
CV_Assert(cv::imwrite(combine(datasets_repository_path, "test_undistortImage/balance_1.0.png"), undistorted));
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(correct, undistorted, 1e-15);
double balance = 0.0;
cv::Fisheye::estimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify(K, D, distorted.size(), cv::noArray(), newK, balance);
cv::Fisheye::undistortImage(distorted, undistorted, K, D, newK);
cv::Mat correct = cv::imread(combine(datasets_repository_path, "test_undistortImage/balance_0.0.png"));
if (correct.empty())
CV_Assert(cv::imwrite(combine(datasets_repository_path, "test_undistortImage/balance_0.0.png"), undistorted));
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(correct, undistorted, 1e-15);
TEST(FisheyeTest, jacobians)
int n = 10;
cv::Mat X(1, n, CV_32FC4);
cv::Mat om(3, 1, CV_64F), T(3, 1, CV_64F);
cv::Mat f(2, 1, CV_64F), c(2, 1, CV_64F);
cv::Mat k(4, 1, CV_64F);
double alpha;
cv::RNG& r = cv::theRNG();
r.fill(X, cv::RNG::NORMAL, 0, 1);
X = cv::abs(X) * 10;
r.fill(om, cv::RNG::NORMAL, 0, 1);
om = cv::abs(om);
r.fill(T, cv::RNG::NORMAL, 0, 1);
T = cv::abs(T);<double>(2) = 4; T *= 10;
r.fill(f, cv::RNG::NORMAL, 0, 1);
f = cv::abs(f) * 1000;
r.fill(c, cv::RNG::NORMAL, 0, 1);
c = cv::abs(c) * 1000;
r.fill(k, cv::RNG::NORMAL, 0, 1);
k*= 0.5;
alpha = 0.01*r.gaussian(1);
TEST(FisheyeTest, Calibration)
const int n_images = 34;
const int n_points = 48;
cv::Size imageSize = cv::Size(1280, 800);
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2d> > imagePoints;
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point3d> > objectPoints;
readPoins(objectPoints, imagePoints, combine(datasets_repository_path, "calib-3_stereo_from_JY/left"), n_images, n_points);
int flag = 0;
flag |= cv::Fisheye::CALIB_CHECK_COND;
flag |= cv::Fisheye::CALIB_FIX_SKEW;
cv::Matx33d K;
cv::Vec4d D;
cv::Fisheye::calibrate(objectPoints, imagePoints, imageSize, K, D,
cv::noArray(), cv::noArray(), flag, cv::TermCriteria(3, 20, 1e-6));
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(K, FishEye::K, 1e-11);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(D, FishEye::D, 1e-12);
TEST(FisheyeTest, Homography)
const int n_images = 1;
const int n_points = 48;
cv::Size imageSize = cv::Size(1280, 800);
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2d> > imagePoints;
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point3d> > objectPoints;
readPoins(objectPoints, imagePoints, combine(datasets_repository_path, "calib-3_stereo_from_JY/left"), n_images, n_points);
cv::internal::IntrinsicParams param;
param.Init(cv::Vec2d(cv::max(imageSize.width, imageSize.height) / CV_PI, cv::max(imageSize.width, imageSize.height) / CV_PI),
cv::Vec2d(imageSize.width / 2.0 - 0.5, imageSize.height / 2.0 - 0.5));
cv::Mat _imagePoints (imagePoints[0]);
cv::Mat _objectPoints(objectPoints[0]);
cv::Mat imagePointsNormalized = NormalizePixels(_imagePoints, param).reshape(1).t();
_objectPoints = _objectPoints.reshape(1).t();
cv::Mat objectPointsMean, covObjectPoints;
int Np = imagePointsNormalized.cols;
cv::calcCovarMatrix(_objectPoints, covObjectPoints, objectPointsMean, CV_COVAR_NORMAL | CV_COVAR_COLS);
cv::SVD svd(covObjectPoints);
cv::Mat R(svd.vt);
if (cv::norm(R(cv::Rect(2, 0, 1, 2))) < 1e-6)
R = cv::Mat::eye(3,3, CV_64FC1);
if (cv::determinant(R) < 0)
R = -R;
cv::Mat T = -R * objectPointsMean;
cv::Mat X_new = R * _objectPoints + T * cv::Mat::ones(1, Np, CV_64FC1);
cv::Mat H = cv::internal::ComputeHomography(imagePointsNormalized, X_new.rowRange(0, 2));
cv::Mat M = cv::Mat::ones(3, X_new.cols, CV_64FC1);
X_new.rowRange(0, 2).copyTo(M.rowRange(0, 2));
cv::Mat mrep = H * M;
cv::divide(mrep, cv::Mat::ones(3,1, CV_64FC1) * mrep.row(2).clone(), mrep);
cv::Mat merr = (mrep.rowRange(0, 2) - imagePointsNormalized).t();
cv::Vec2d std_err;
cv::meanStdDev(merr.reshape(2), cv::noArray(), std_err);
std_err *= sqrt((double)merr.reshape(2).total() / (merr.reshape(2).total() - 1));
cv::Vec2d correct_std_err(0.00516740156010384, 0.00644205331553901);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(std_err, correct_std_err, 1e-16);
TEST(TestFisheye, EtimateUncertainties)
const int n_images = 34;
const int n_points = 48;
cv::Size imageSize = cv::Size(1280, 800);
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2d> > imagePoints;
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point3d> > objectPoints;
readPoins(objectPoints, imagePoints, combine(datasets_repository_path, "calib-3_stereo_from_JY/left"), n_images, n_points);
int flag = 0;
flag |= cv::Fisheye::CALIB_CHECK_COND;
flag |= cv::Fisheye::CALIB_FIX_SKEW;
cv::Matx33d K;
cv::Vec4d D;
std::vector<cv::Vec3d> rvec;
std::vector<cv::Vec3d> tvec;
cv::Fisheye::calibrate(objectPoints, imagePoints, imageSize, K, D,
cv::noArray(), cv::noArray(), flag, cv::TermCriteria(3, 20, 1e-6));
cv::internal::IntrinsicParams param, errors;
cv::Vec2d err_std;
double thresh_cond = 1e6;
int check_cond = 1;
param.Init(cv::Vec2d(K(0,0), K(1,1)), cv::Vec2d(K(0,2), K(1, 2)), D);
param.isEstimate = std::vector<int>(9, 1);
param.isEstimate[4] = 0;
errors.isEstimate = param.isEstimate;
double rms;
cv::internal::EstimateUncertainties(objectPoints, imagePoints, param, rvec, tvec,
errors, err_std, thresh_cond, check_cond, rms);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(errors.f, cv::Vec2d(1.29837104202046, 1.31565641071524), 1e-14);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(errors.c, cv::Vec2d(0.890439368129246, 0.816096854937896), 1e-15);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(errors.k, cv::Vec4d(0.00516248605191506, 0.0168181467500934, 0.0213118690274604, 0.00916010877545648), 1e-15);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(err_std, cv::Vec2d(0.187475975266883, 0.185678953263995), 1e-15);
CV_Assert(abs(rms - 0.263782587133546) < 1e-15);
CV_Assert(errors.alpha == 0);
TEST(FisheyeTest, rectify)
const std::string folder =combine(datasets_repository_path, "calib-3_stereo_from_JY");
cv::Size calibration_size = FishEye::imageSize, requested_size = calibration_size;
cv::Matx33d K1 = FishEye::K, K2 = K1;
cv::Mat D1 = cv::Mat(FishEye::D), D2 = D1;
cv::Vec3d T = FishEye::T;
cv::Matx33d R = FishEye::R;
double balance = 0.0, fov_scale = 1.1;
cv::Mat R1, R2, P1, P2, Q;
cv::Fisheye::stereoRectify(K1, D1, K2, D2, calibration_size, R, T, R1, R2, P1, P2, Q,
cv::CALIB_ZERO_DISPARITY, requested_size, balance, fov_scale);
cv::Mat lmapx, lmapy, rmapx, rmapy;
//rewrite for fisheye
cv::Fisheye::initUndistortRectifyMap(K1, D1, R1, P1, requested_size, CV_32F, lmapx, lmapy);
cv::Fisheye::initUndistortRectifyMap(K2, D2, R2, P2, requested_size, CV_32F, rmapx, rmapy);
cv::Mat l, r, lundist, rundist;
cv::VideoCapture lcap(combine(folder, "left/stereo_pair_%03d.jpg")),
rcap(combine(folder, "right/stereo_pair_%03d.jpg"));
for(int i = 0;; ++i)
lcap >> l; rcap >> r;
if (l.empty() || r.empty())
int ndisp = 128;
cv::rectangle(l, cv::Rect(255, 0, 829, l.rows-1), CV_RGB(255, 0, 0));
cv::rectangle(r, cv::Rect(255, 0, 829, l.rows-1), CV_RGB(255, 0, 0));
cv::rectangle(r, cv::Rect(255-ndisp, 0, 829+ndisp ,l.rows-1), CV_RGB(255, 0, 0));
cv::remap(l, lundist, lmapx, lmapy, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::remap(r, rundist, rmapx, rmapy, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::Mat rectification = mergeRectification(lundist, rundist, 0.75);
cv::Mat correct = cv::imread(combine_format(folder, "test_rectify/rectification_AB_%03d.png", i));
if (correct.empty())
cv::imwrite(combine_format(folder, "test_rectify/rectification_AB_%03d.png", i), rectification);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(correct, rectification, 1e-15);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user