removed unused files from repo
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
* jinja2._debugsupport
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* C implementation of `tb_set_next`.
* :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team.
* :license: BSD.
#include <Python.h>
static PyObject*
tb_set_next(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyTracebackObject *tb, *old;
PyObject *next;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O:tb_set_next", &PyTraceBack_Type, &tb, &next))
return NULL;
if (next == Py_None)
next = NULL;
else if (!PyTraceBack_Check(next)) {
"tb_set_next arg 2 must be traceback or None");
return NULL;
old = tb->tb_next;
tb->tb_next = (PyTracebackObject*)next;
return Py_None;
static PyMethodDef module_methods[] = {
{"tb_set_next", (PyCFunction)tb_set_next, METH_VARARGS,
"Set the tb_next member of a traceback object."},
{NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* Sentinel */
#ifndef PyMODINIT_FUNC /* declarations for DLL import/export */
#define PyMODINIT_FUNC void
Py_InitModule3("jinja2._debugsupport", module_methods, "");
#else /* Python 3.x module initialization */
static struct PyModuleDef module_definition = {
return PyModule_Create(&module_definition);
@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Highlevel implementation of the Markup string.
:copyright: (c) 2010 by Armin Ronacher.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
'AElig': 198,
'Aacute': 193,
'Acirc': 194,
'Agrave': 192,
'Alpha': 913,
'Aring': 197,
'Atilde': 195,
'Auml': 196,
'Beta': 914,
'Ccedil': 199,
'Chi': 935,
'Dagger': 8225,
'Delta': 916,
'ETH': 208,
'Eacute': 201,
'Ecirc': 202,
'Egrave': 200,
'Epsilon': 917,
'Eta': 919,
'Euml': 203,
'Gamma': 915,
'Iacute': 205,
'Icirc': 206,
'Igrave': 204,
'Iota': 921,
'Iuml': 207,
'Kappa': 922,
'Lambda': 923,
'Mu': 924,
'Ntilde': 209,
'Nu': 925,
'OElig': 338,
'Oacute': 211,
'Ocirc': 212,
'Ograve': 210,
'Omega': 937,
'Omicron': 927,
'Oslash': 216,
'Otilde': 213,
'Ouml': 214,
'Phi': 934,
'Pi': 928,
'Prime': 8243,
'Psi': 936,
'Rho': 929,
'Scaron': 352,
'Sigma': 931,
'THORN': 222,
'Tau': 932,
'Theta': 920,
'Uacute': 218,
'Ucirc': 219,
'Ugrave': 217,
'Upsilon': 933,
'Uuml': 220,
'Xi': 926,
'Yacute': 221,
'Yuml': 376,
'Zeta': 918,
'aacute': 225,
'acirc': 226,
'acute': 180,
'aelig': 230,
'agrave': 224,
'alefsym': 8501,
'alpha': 945,
'amp': 38,
'and': 8743,
'ang': 8736,
'apos': 39,
'aring': 229,
'asymp': 8776,
'atilde': 227,
'auml': 228,
'bdquo': 8222,
'beta': 946,
'brvbar': 166,
'bull': 8226,
'cap': 8745,
'ccedil': 231,
'cedil': 184,
'cent': 162,
'chi': 967,
'circ': 710,
'clubs': 9827,
'cong': 8773,
'copy': 169,
'crarr': 8629,
'cup': 8746,
'curren': 164,
'dArr': 8659,
'dagger': 8224,
'darr': 8595,
'deg': 176,
'delta': 948,
'diams': 9830,
'divide': 247,
'eacute': 233,
'ecirc': 234,
'egrave': 232,
'empty': 8709,
'emsp': 8195,
'ensp': 8194,
'epsilon': 949,
'equiv': 8801,
'eta': 951,
'eth': 240,
'euml': 235,
'euro': 8364,
'exist': 8707,
'fnof': 402,
'forall': 8704,
'frac12': 189,
'frac14': 188,
'frac34': 190,
'frasl': 8260,
'gamma': 947,
'ge': 8805,
'gt': 62,
'hArr': 8660,
'harr': 8596,
'hearts': 9829,
'hellip': 8230,
'iacute': 237,
'icirc': 238,
'iexcl': 161,
'igrave': 236,
'image': 8465,
'infin': 8734,
'int': 8747,
'iota': 953,
'iquest': 191,
'isin': 8712,
'iuml': 239,
'kappa': 954,
'lArr': 8656,
'lambda': 955,
'lang': 9001,
'laquo': 171,
'larr': 8592,
'lceil': 8968,
'ldquo': 8220,
'le': 8804,
'lfloor': 8970,
'lowast': 8727,
'loz': 9674,
'lrm': 8206,
'lsaquo': 8249,
'lsquo': 8216,
'lt': 60,
'macr': 175,
'mdash': 8212,
'micro': 181,
'middot': 183,
'minus': 8722,
'mu': 956,
'nabla': 8711,
'nbsp': 160,
'ndash': 8211,
'ne': 8800,
'ni': 8715,
'not': 172,
'notin': 8713,
'nsub': 8836,
'ntilde': 241,
'nu': 957,
'oacute': 243,
'ocirc': 244,
'oelig': 339,
'ograve': 242,
'oline': 8254,
'omega': 969,
'omicron': 959,
'oplus': 8853,
'or': 8744,
'ordf': 170,
'ordm': 186,
'oslash': 248,
'otilde': 245,
'otimes': 8855,
'ouml': 246,
'para': 182,
'part': 8706,
'permil': 8240,
'perp': 8869,
'phi': 966,
'pi': 960,
'piv': 982,
'plusmn': 177,
'pound': 163,
'prime': 8242,
'prod': 8719,
'prop': 8733,
'psi': 968,
'quot': 34,
'rArr': 8658,
'radic': 8730,
'rang': 9002,
'raquo': 187,
'rarr': 8594,
'rceil': 8969,
'rdquo': 8221,
'real': 8476,
'reg': 174,
'rfloor': 8971,
'rho': 961,
'rlm': 8207,
'rsaquo': 8250,
'rsquo': 8217,
'sbquo': 8218,
'scaron': 353,
'sdot': 8901,
'sect': 167,
'shy': 173,
'sigma': 963,
'sigmaf': 962,
'sim': 8764,
'spades': 9824,
'sub': 8834,
'sube': 8838,
'sum': 8721,
'sup': 8835,
'sup1': 185,
'sup2': 178,
'sup3': 179,
'supe': 8839,
'szlig': 223,
'tau': 964,
'there4': 8756,
'theta': 952,
'thetasym': 977,
'thinsp': 8201,
'thorn': 254,
'tilde': 732,
'times': 215,
'trade': 8482,
'uArr': 8657,
'uacute': 250,
'uarr': 8593,
'ucirc': 251,
'ugrave': 249,
'uml': 168,
'upsih': 978,
'upsilon': 965,
'uuml': 252,
'weierp': 8472,
'xi': 958,
'yacute': 253,
'yen': 165,
'yuml': 255,
'zeta': 950,
'zwj': 8205,
'zwnj': 8204
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
import gc
import unittest
from jinja2._markupsafe import Markup, escape, escape_silent
class MarkupTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_markup_operations(self):
# adding two strings should escape the unsafe one
unsafe = '<script type="application/x-some-script">alert("foo");</script>'
safe = Markup('<em>username</em>')
assert unsafe + safe == unicode(escape(unsafe)) + unicode(safe)
# string interpolations are safe to use too
assert Markup('<em>%s</em>') % '<bad user>' == \
'<em><bad user></em>'
assert Markup('<em>%(username)s</em>') % {
'username': '<bad user>'
} == '<em><bad user></em>'
# an escaped object is markup too
assert type(Markup('foo') + 'bar') is Markup
# and it implements __html__ by returning itself
x = Markup("foo")
assert x.__html__() is x
# it also knows how to treat __html__ objects
class Foo(object):
def __html__(self):
return '<em>awesome</em>'
def __unicode__(self):
return 'awesome'
assert Markup(Foo()) == '<em>awesome</em>'
assert Markup('<strong>%s</strong>') % Foo() == \
# escaping and unescaping
assert escape('"<>&\'') == '"<>&''
assert Markup("<em>Foo & Bar</em>").striptags() == "Foo & Bar"
assert Markup("<test>").unescape() == "<test>"
def test_all_set(self):
import jinja2._markupsafe as markup
for item in markup.__all__:
getattr(markup, item)
def test_escape_silent(self):
assert escape_silent(None) == Markup()
assert escape(None) == Markup(None)
assert escape_silent('<foo>') == Markup(u'<foo>')
class MarkupLeakTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_markup_leaks(self):
counts = set()
for count in xrange(20):
for item in xrange(1000):
assert len(counts) == 1, 'ouch, c extension seems to leak objects'
def suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
# this test only tests the c extension
if not hasattr(escape, 'func_code'):
return suite
if __name__ == '__main__':
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Various constants.
:copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
#: list of lorem ipsum words used by the lipsum() helper function
a ac accumsan ad adipiscing aenean aliquam aliquet amet ante aptent arcu at
auctor augue bibendum blandit class commodo condimentum congue consectetuer
consequat conubia convallis cras cubilia cum curabitur curae cursus dapibus
diam dictum dictumst dignissim dis dolor donec dui duis egestas eget eleifend
elementum elit enim erat eros est et etiam eu euismod facilisi facilisis fames
faucibus felis fermentum feugiat fringilla fusce gravida habitant habitasse hac
hendrerit hymenaeos iaculis id imperdiet in inceptos integer interdum ipsum
justo lacinia lacus laoreet lectus leo libero ligula litora lobortis lorem
luctus maecenas magna magnis malesuada massa mattis mauris metus mi molestie
mollis montes morbi mus nam nascetur natoque nec neque netus nibh nisi nisl non
nonummy nostra nulla nullam nunc odio orci ornare parturient pede pellentesque
penatibus per pharetra phasellus placerat platea porta porttitor posuere
potenti praesent pretium primis proin pulvinar purus quam quis quisque rhoncus
ridiculus risus rutrum sagittis sapien scelerisque sed sem semper senectus sit
sociis sociosqu sodales sollicitudin suscipit suspendisse taciti tellus tempor
tempus tincidunt torquent tortor tristique turpis ullamcorper ultrices
ultricies urna ut varius vehicula vel velit venenatis vestibulum vitae vivamus
viverra volutpat vulputate'''
@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Implements the debug interface for Jinja. This module does some pretty
ugly stuff with the Python traceback system in order to achieve tracebacks
with correct line numbers, locals and contents.
:copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import sys
import traceback
from types import TracebackType
from jinja2.utils import CodeType, missing, internal_code
from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateSyntaxError
# on pypy we can take advantage of transparent proxies
from __pypy__ import tproxy
except ImportError:
tproxy = None
# how does the raise helper look like?
exec "raise TypeError, 'foo'"
except SyntaxError:
raise_helper = 'raise __jinja_exception__[1]'
except TypeError:
raise_helper = 'raise __jinja_exception__[0], __jinja_exception__[1]'
class TracebackFrameProxy(object):
"""Proxies a traceback frame."""
def __init__(self, tb):
self.tb = tb
self._tb_next = None
def tb_next(self):
return self._tb_next
def set_next(self, next):
if tb_set_next is not None:
tb_set_next(self.tb, next and next.tb or None)
except Exception:
# this function can fail due to all the hackery it does
# on various python implementations. We just catch errors
# down and ignore them if necessary.
self._tb_next = next
def is_jinja_frame(self):
return '__jinja_template__' in self.tb.tb_frame.f_globals
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.tb, name)
def make_frame_proxy(frame):
proxy = TracebackFrameProxy(frame)
if tproxy is None:
return proxy
def operation_handler(operation, *args, **kwargs):
if operation in ('__getattribute__', '__getattr__'):
return getattr(proxy, args[0])
elif operation == '__setattr__':
proxy.__setattr__(*args, **kwargs)
return getattr(proxy, operation)(*args, **kwargs)
return tproxy(TracebackType, operation_handler)
class ProcessedTraceback(object):
"""Holds a Jinja preprocessed traceback for printing or reraising."""
def __init__(self, exc_type, exc_value, frames):
assert frames, 'no frames for this traceback?'
self.exc_type = exc_type
self.exc_value = exc_value
self.frames = frames
# newly concatenate the frames (which are proxies)
prev_tb = None
for tb in self.frames:
if prev_tb is not None:
prev_tb = tb
def render_as_text(self, limit=None):
"""Return a string with the traceback."""
lines = traceback.format_exception(self.exc_type, self.exc_value,
self.frames[0], limit=limit)
return ''.join(lines).rstrip()
def render_as_html(self, full=False):
"""Return a unicode string with the traceback as rendered HTML."""
from jinja2.debugrenderer import render_traceback
return u'%s\n\n<!--\n%s\n-->' % (
render_traceback(self, full=full),
self.render_as_text().decode('utf-8', 'replace')
def is_template_syntax_error(self):
"""`True` if this is a template syntax error."""
return isinstance(self.exc_value, TemplateSyntaxError)
def exc_info(self):
"""Exception info tuple with a proxy around the frame objects."""
return self.exc_type, self.exc_value, self.frames[0]
def standard_exc_info(self):
"""Standard python exc_info for re-raising"""
tb = self.frames[0]
# the frame will be an actual traceback (or transparent proxy) if
# we are on pypy or a python implementation with support for tproxy
if type(tb) is not TracebackType:
tb = tb.tb
return self.exc_type, self.exc_value, tb
def make_traceback(exc_info, source_hint=None):
"""Creates a processed traceback object from the exc_info."""
exc_type, exc_value, tb = exc_info
if isinstance(exc_value, TemplateSyntaxError):
exc_info = translate_syntax_error(exc_value, source_hint)
initial_skip = 0
initial_skip = 1
return translate_exception(exc_info, initial_skip)
def translate_syntax_error(error, source=None):
"""Rewrites a syntax error to please traceback systems."""
error.source = source
error.translated = True
exc_info = (error.__class__, error, None)
filename = error.filename
if filename is None:
filename = '<unknown>'
return fake_exc_info(exc_info, filename, error.lineno)
def translate_exception(exc_info, initial_skip=0):
"""If passed an exc_info it will automatically rewrite the exceptions
all the way down to the correct line numbers and frames.
tb = exc_info[2]
frames = []
# skip some internal frames if wanted
for x in xrange(initial_skip):
if tb is not None:
tb = tb.tb_next
initial_tb = tb
while tb is not None:
# skip frames decorated with @internalcode. These are internal
# calls we can't avoid and that are useless in template debugging
# output.
if tb.tb_frame.f_code in internal_code:
tb = tb.tb_next
# save a reference to the next frame if we override the current
# one with a faked one.
next = tb.tb_next
# fake template exceptions
template = tb.tb_frame.f_globals.get('__jinja_template__')
if template is not None:
lineno = template.get_corresponding_lineno(tb.tb_lineno)
tb = fake_exc_info(exc_info[:2] + (tb,), template.filename,
tb = next
# if we don't have any exceptions in the frames left, we have to
# reraise it unchanged.
# XXX: can we backup here? when could this happen?
if not frames:
raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
return ProcessedTraceback(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], frames)
def fake_exc_info(exc_info, filename, lineno):
"""Helper for `translate_exception`."""
exc_type, exc_value, tb = exc_info
# figure the real context out
if tb is not None:
real_locals = tb.tb_frame.f_locals.copy()
ctx = real_locals.get('context')
if ctx:
locals = ctx.get_all()
locals = {}
for name, value in real_locals.iteritems():
if name.startswith('l_') and value is not missing:
locals[name[2:]] = value
# if there is a local called __jinja_exception__, we get
# rid of it to not break the debug functionality.
locals.pop('__jinja_exception__', None)
locals = {}
# assamble fake globals we need
globals = {
'__name__': filename,
'__file__': filename,
'__jinja_exception__': exc_info[:2],
# we don't want to keep the reference to the template around
# to not cause circular dependencies, but we mark it as Jinja
# frame for the ProcessedTraceback
'__jinja_template__': None
# and fake the exception
code = compile('\n' * (lineno - 1) + raise_helper, filename, 'exec')
# if it's possible, change the name of the code. This won't work
# on some python environments such as google appengine
if tb is None:
location = 'template'
function = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name
if function == 'root':
location = 'top-level template code'
elif function.startswith('block_'):
location = 'block "%s"' % function[6:]
location = 'template'
code = CodeType(0, code.co_nlocals, code.co_stacksize,
code.co_flags, code.co_code, code.co_consts,
code.co_names, code.co_varnames, filename,
location, code.co_firstlineno,
code.co_lnotab, (), ())
# execute the code and catch the new traceback
exec code in globals, locals
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
new_tb = exc_info[2].tb_next
# return without this frame
return exc_info[:2] + (new_tb,)
def _init_ugly_crap():
"""This function implements a few ugly things so that we can patch the
traceback objects. The function returned allows resetting `tb_next` on
any python traceback object. Do not attempt to use this on non cpython
import ctypes
from types import TracebackType
# figure out side of _Py_ssize_t
if hasattr(ctypes.pythonapi, 'Py_InitModule4_64'):
_Py_ssize_t = ctypes.c_int64
_Py_ssize_t = ctypes.c_int
# regular python
class _PyObject(ctypes.Structure):
_PyObject._fields_ = [
('ob_refcnt', _Py_ssize_t),
('ob_type', ctypes.POINTER(_PyObject))
# python with trace
if hasattr(sys, 'getobjects'):
class _PyObject(ctypes.Structure):
_PyObject._fields_ = [
('_ob_next', ctypes.POINTER(_PyObject)),
('_ob_prev', ctypes.POINTER(_PyObject)),
('ob_refcnt', _Py_ssize_t),
('ob_type', ctypes.POINTER(_PyObject))
class _Traceback(_PyObject):
_Traceback._fields_ = [
('tb_next', ctypes.POINTER(_Traceback)),
('tb_frame', ctypes.POINTER(_PyObject)),
('tb_lasti', ctypes.c_int),
('tb_lineno', ctypes.c_int)
def tb_set_next(tb, next):
"""Set the tb_next attribute of a traceback object."""
if not (isinstance(tb, TracebackType) and
(next is None or isinstance(next, TracebackType))):
raise TypeError('tb_set_next arguments must be traceback objects')
obj = _Traceback.from_address(id(tb))
if tb.tb_next is not None:
old = _Traceback.from_address(id(tb.tb_next))
old.ob_refcnt -= 1
if next is None:
obj.tb_next = ctypes.POINTER(_Traceback)()
next = _Traceback.from_address(id(next))
next.ob_refcnt += 1
obj.tb_next = ctypes.pointer(next)
return tb_set_next
# try to get a tb_set_next implementation if we don't have transparent
# proxies.
tb_set_next = None
if tproxy is None:
from jinja2._debugsupport import tb_set_next
except ImportError:
tb_set_next = _init_ugly_crap()
del _init_ugly_crap
@ -1,620 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Jinja extensions allow to add custom tags similar to the way django custom
tags work. By default two example extensions exist: an i18n and a cache
:copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team.
:license: BSD.
from collections import deque
from jinja2 import nodes
from jinja2.defaults import *
from jinja2.environment import Environment
from jinja2.runtime import Undefined, concat
from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateAssertionError, TemplateSyntaxError
from jinja2.utils import contextfunction, import_string, Markup, next
# the only real useful gettext functions for a Jinja template. Note
# that ugettext must be assigned to gettext as Jinja doesn't support
# non unicode strings.
GETTEXT_FUNCTIONS = ('_', 'gettext', 'ngettext')
class ExtensionRegistry(type):
"""Gives the extension an unique identifier."""
def __new__(cls, name, bases, d):
rv = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, d)
rv.identifier = rv.__module__ + '.' + rv.__name__
return rv
class Extension(object):
"""Extensions can be used to add extra functionality to the Jinja template
system at the parser level. Custom extensions are bound to an environment
but may not store environment specific data on `self`. The reason for
this is that an extension can be bound to another environment (for
overlays) by creating a copy and reassigning the `environment` attribute.
As extensions are created by the environment they cannot accept any
arguments for configuration. One may want to work around that by using
a factory function, but that is not possible as extensions are identified
by their import name. The correct way to configure the extension is
storing the configuration values on the environment. Because this way the
environment ends up acting as central configuration storage the
attributes may clash which is why extensions have to ensure that the names
they choose for configuration are not too generic. ``prefix`` for example
is a terrible name, ``fragment_cache_prefix`` on the other hand is a good
name as includes the name of the extension (fragment cache).
__metaclass__ = ExtensionRegistry
#: if this extension parses this is the list of tags it's listening to.
tags = set()
#: the priority of that extension. This is especially useful for
#: extensions that preprocess values. A lower value means higher
#: priority.
#: .. versionadded:: 2.4
priority = 100
def __init__(self, environment):
self.environment = environment
def bind(self, environment):
"""Create a copy of this extension bound to another environment."""
rv = object.__new__(self.__class__)
rv.environment = environment
return rv
def preprocess(self, source, name, filename=None):
"""This method is called before the actual lexing and can be used to
preprocess the source. The `filename` is optional. The return value
must be the preprocessed source.
return source
def filter_stream(self, stream):
"""It's passed a :class:`~jinja2.lexer.TokenStream` that can be used
to filter tokens returned. This method has to return an iterable of
:class:`~jinja2.lexer.Token`\s, but it doesn't have to return a
In the `ext` folder of the Jinja2 source distribution there is a file
called `` which implements a filter that utilizes this
return stream
def parse(self, parser):
"""If any of the :attr:`tags` matched this method is called with the
parser as first argument. The token the parser stream is pointing at
is the name token that matched. This method has to return one or a
list of multiple nodes.
raise NotImplementedError()
def attr(self, name, lineno=None):
"""Return an attribute node for the current extension. This is useful
to pass constants on extensions to generated template code.
self.attr('_my_attribute', lineno=lineno)
return nodes.ExtensionAttribute(self.identifier, name, lineno=lineno)
def call_method(self, name, args=None, kwargs=None, dyn_args=None,
dyn_kwargs=None, lineno=None):
"""Call a method of the extension. This is a shortcut for
:meth:`attr` + :class:`jinja2.nodes.Call`.
if args is None:
args = []
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = []
return nodes.Call(self.attr(name, lineno=lineno), args, kwargs,
dyn_args, dyn_kwargs, lineno=lineno)
def _gettext_alias(__context, *args, **kwargs):
return'gettext'), *args, **kwargs)
def _make_new_gettext(func):
def gettext(__context, __string, **variables):
rv =, __string)
if __context.eval_ctx.autoescape:
rv = Markup(rv)
return rv % variables
return gettext
def _make_new_ngettext(func):
def ngettext(__context, __singular, __plural, __num, **variables):
variables.setdefault('num', __num)
rv =, __singular, __plural, __num)
if __context.eval_ctx.autoescape:
rv = Markup(rv)
return rv % variables
return ngettext
class InternationalizationExtension(Extension):
"""This extension adds gettext support to Jinja2."""
tags = set(['trans'])
# TODO: the i18n extension is currently reevaluating values in a few
# situations. Take this example:
# {% trans count=something() %}{{ count }} foo{% pluralize
# %}{{ count }} fooss{% endtrans %}
# something is called twice here. One time for the gettext value and
# the other time for the n-parameter of the ngettext function.
def __init__(self, environment):
Extension.__init__(self, environment)
environment.globals['_'] = _gettext_alias
def _install(self, translations, newstyle=None):
gettext = getattr(translations, 'ugettext', None)
if gettext is None:
gettext = translations.gettext
ngettext = getattr(translations, 'ungettext', None)
if ngettext is None:
ngettext = translations.ngettext
self._install_callables(gettext, ngettext, newstyle)
def _install_null(self, newstyle=None):
lambda x: x,
lambda s, p, n: (n != 1 and (p,) or (s,))[0],
def _install_callables(self, gettext, ngettext, newstyle=None):
if newstyle is not None:
self.environment.newstyle_gettext = newstyle
if self.environment.newstyle_gettext:
gettext = _make_new_gettext(gettext)
ngettext = _make_new_ngettext(ngettext)
def _uninstall(self, translations):
for key in 'gettext', 'ngettext':
self.environment.globals.pop(key, None)
def _extract(self, source, gettext_functions=GETTEXT_FUNCTIONS):
if isinstance(source, basestring):
source = self.environment.parse(source)
return extract_from_ast(source, gettext_functions)
def parse(self, parser):
"""Parse a translatable tag."""
lineno = next(
num_called_num = False
# find all the variables referenced. Additionally a variable can be
# defined in the body of the trans block too, but this is checked at
# a later state.
plural_expr = None
variables = {}
while != 'block_end':
if variables:
# skip colon for python compatibility
name ='name')
if name.value in variables:
||||'translatable variable %r defined twice.' %
name.value, name.lineno,
# expressions
if == 'assign':
variables[name.value] = var = parser.parse_expression()
variables[name.value] = var = nodes.Name(name.value, 'load')
if plural_expr is None:
plural_expr = var
num_called_num = name.value == 'num'
plural = plural_names = None
have_plural = False
referenced = set()
# now parse until endtrans or pluralize
singular_names, singular = self._parse_block(parser, True)
if singular_names:
if plural_expr is None:
plural_expr = nodes.Name(singular_names[0], 'load')
num_called_num = singular_names[0] == 'num'
# if we have a pluralize block, we parse that too
have_plural = True
if != 'block_end':
name ='name')
if name.value not in variables:
||||'unknown variable %r for pluralization' %
name.value, name.lineno,
plural_expr = variables[name.value]
num_called_num = name.value == 'num'
plural_names, plural = self._parse_block(parser, False)
# register free names as simple name expressions
for var in referenced:
if var not in variables:
variables[var] = nodes.Name(var, 'load')
if not have_plural:
plural_expr = None
elif plural_expr is None:
||||'pluralize without variables', lineno)
node = self._make_node(singular, plural, variables, plural_expr,
num_called_num and have_plural)
return node
def _parse_block(self, parser, allow_pluralize):
"""Parse until the next block tag with a given name."""
referenced = []
buf = []
while 1:
if == 'data':
buf.append('%', '%%'))
elif == 'variable_begin':
name ='name').value
buf.append('%%(%s)s' % name)
elif == 'block_begin':
if allow_pluralize:
||||'a translatable section can have only one '
'pluralize section')
||||'control structures in translatable sections are '
'not allowed')
||||'unclosed translation block')
assert False, 'internal parser error'
return referenced, concat(buf)
def _make_node(self, singular, plural, variables, plural_expr,
vars_referenced, num_called_num):
"""Generates a useful node from the data provided."""
# no variables referenced? no need to escape for old style
# gettext invocations only if there are vars.
if not vars_referenced and not self.environment.newstyle_gettext:
singular = singular.replace('%%', '%')
if plural:
plural = plural.replace('%%', '%')
# singular only:
if plural_expr is None:
gettext = nodes.Name('gettext', 'load')
node = nodes.Call(gettext, [nodes.Const(singular)],
[], None, None)
# singular and plural
ngettext = nodes.Name('ngettext', 'load')
node = nodes.Call(ngettext, [
], [], None, None)
# in case newstyle gettext is used, the method is powerful
# enough to handle the variable expansion and autoescape
# handling itself
if self.environment.newstyle_gettext:
for key, value in variables.iteritems():
# the function adds that later anyways in case num was
# called num, so just skip it.
if num_called_num and key == 'num':
node.kwargs.append(nodes.Keyword(key, value))
# otherwise do that here
# mark the return value as safe if we are in an
# environment with autoescaping turned on
node = nodes.MarkSafeIfAutoescape(node)
if variables:
node = nodes.Mod(node, nodes.Dict([
nodes.Pair(nodes.Const(key), value)
for key, value in variables.items()
return nodes.Output([node])
class ExprStmtExtension(Extension):
"""Adds a `do` tag to Jinja2 that works like the print statement just
that it doesn't print the return value.
tags = set(['do'])
def parse(self, parser):
node = nodes.ExprStmt(lineno=next(
node.node = parser.parse_tuple()
return node
class LoopControlExtension(Extension):
"""Adds break and continue to the template engine."""
tags = set(['break', 'continue'])
def parse(self, parser):
token = next(
if token.value == 'break':
return nodes.Break(lineno=token.lineno)
return nodes.Continue(lineno=token.lineno)
class WithExtension(Extension):
"""Adds support for a django-like with block."""
tags = set(['with'])
def parse(self, parser):
node = nodes.Scope(lineno=next(
assignments = []
while != 'block_end':
lineno =
if assignments:
target = parser.parse_assign_target()
expr = parser.parse_expression()
assignments.append(nodes.Assign(target, expr, lineno=lineno))
node.body = assignments + \
return node
class AutoEscapeExtension(Extension):
"""Changes auto escape rules for a scope."""
tags = set(['autoescape'])
def parse(self, parser):
node = nodes.ScopedEvalContextModifier(lineno=next(
node.options = [
nodes.Keyword('autoescape', parser.parse_expression())
node.body = parser.parse_statements(('name:endautoescape',),
return nodes.Scope([node])
def extract_from_ast(node, gettext_functions=GETTEXT_FUNCTIONS,
"""Extract localizable strings from the given template node. Per
default this function returns matches in babel style that means non string
parameters as well as keyword arguments are returned as `None`. This
allows Babel to figure out what you really meant if you are using
gettext functions that allow keyword arguments for placeholder expansion.
If you don't want that behavior set the `babel_style` parameter to `False`
which causes only strings to be returned and parameters are always stored
in tuples. As a consequence invalid gettext calls (calls without a single
string parameter or string parameters after non-string parameters) are
This example explains the behavior:
>>> from jinja2 import Environment
>>> env = Environment()
>>> node = env.parse('{{ (_("foo"), _(), ngettext("foo", "bar", 42)) }}')
>>> list(extract_from_ast(node))
[(1, '_', 'foo'), (1, '_', ()), (1, 'ngettext', ('foo', 'bar', None))]
>>> list(extract_from_ast(node, babel_style=False))
[(1, '_', ('foo',)), (1, 'ngettext', ('foo', 'bar'))]
For every string found this function yields a ``(lineno, function,
message)`` tuple, where:
* ``lineno`` is the number of the line on which the string was found,
* ``function`` is the name of the ``gettext`` function used (if the
string was extracted from embedded Python code), and
* ``message`` is the string itself (a ``unicode`` object, or a tuple
of ``unicode`` objects for functions with multiple string arguments).
This extraction function operates on the AST and is because of that unable
to extract any comments. For comment support you have to use the babel
extraction interface or extract comments yourself.
for node in node.find_all(nodes.Call):
if not isinstance(node.node, nodes.Name) or \
|||| not in gettext_functions:
strings = []
for arg in node.args:
if isinstance(arg, nodes.Const) and \
isinstance(arg.value, basestring):
for arg in node.kwargs:
if node.dyn_args is not None:
if node.dyn_kwargs is not None:
if not babel_style:
strings = tuple(x for x in strings if x is not None)
if not strings:
if len(strings) == 1:
strings = strings[0]
strings = tuple(strings)
yield node.lineno,, strings
class _CommentFinder(object):
"""Helper class to find comments in a token stream. Can only
find comments for gettext calls forwards. Once the comment
from line 4 is found, a comment for line 1 will not return a
usable value.
def __init__(self, tokens, comment_tags):
self.tokens = tokens
self.comment_tags = comment_tags
self.offset = 0
self.last_lineno = 0
def find_backwards(self, offset):
for _, token_type, token_value in \
if token_type in ('comment', 'linecomment'):
prefix, comment = token_value.split(None, 1)
except ValueError:
if prefix in self.comment_tags:
return [comment.rstrip()]
return []
self.offset = offset
def find_comments(self, lineno):
if not self.comment_tags or self.last_lineno > lineno:
return []
for idx, (token_lineno, _, _) in enumerate(self.tokens[self.offset:]):
if token_lineno > lineno:
return self.find_backwards(self.offset + idx)
return self.find_backwards(len(self.tokens))
def babel_extract(fileobj, keywords, comment_tags, options):
"""Babel extraction method for Jinja templates.
.. versionchanged:: 2.3
Basic support for translation comments was added. If `comment_tags`
is now set to a list of keywords for extraction, the extractor will
try to find the best preceeding comment that begins with one of the
keywords. For best results, make sure to not have more than one
gettext call in one line of code and the matching comment in the
same line or the line before.
.. versionchanged:: 2.5.1
The `newstyle_gettext` flag can be set to `True` to enable newstyle
gettext calls.
.. versionchanged:: 2.7
A `silent` option can now be provided. If set to `False` template
syntax errors are propagated instead of being ignored.
:param fileobj: the file-like object the messages should be extracted from
:param keywords: a list of keywords (i.e. function names) that should be
recognized as translation functions
:param comment_tags: a list of translator tags to search for and include
in the results.
:param options: a dictionary of additional options (optional)
:return: an iterator over ``(lineno, funcname, message, comments)`` tuples.
(comments will be empty currently)
extensions = set()
for extension in options.get('extensions', '').split(','):
extension = extension.strip()
if not extension:
if InternationalizationExtension not in extensions:
def getbool(options, key, default=False):
return options.get(key, str(default)).lower() in \
('1', 'on', 'yes', 'true')
silent = getbool(options, 'silent', True)
environment = Environment(
options.get('block_start_string', BLOCK_START_STRING),
options.get('block_end_string', BLOCK_END_STRING),
options.get('variable_start_string', VARIABLE_START_STRING),
options.get('variable_end_string', VARIABLE_END_STRING),
options.get('comment_start_string', COMMENT_START_STRING),
options.get('comment_end_string', COMMENT_END_STRING),
options.get('line_statement_prefix') or LINE_STATEMENT_PREFIX,
options.get('line_comment_prefix') or LINE_COMMENT_PREFIX,
getbool(options, 'trim_blocks', TRIM_BLOCKS),
NEWLINE_SEQUENCE, frozenset(extensions),
if getbool(options, 'newstyle_gettext'):
environment.newstyle_gettext = True
source ='encoding', 'utf-8'))
node = environment.parse(source)
tokens = list(environment.lex(environment.preprocess(source)))
except TemplateSyntaxError, e:
if not silent:
# skip templates with syntax errors
finder = _CommentFinder(tokens, comment_tags)
for lineno, func, message in extract_from_ast(node, keywords):
yield lineno, func, message, finder.find_comments(lineno)
#: nicer import names
i18n = InternationalizationExtension
do = ExprStmtExtension
loopcontrols = LoopControlExtension
with_ = WithExtension
autoescape = AutoEscapeExtension
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module implements various functions that exposes information about
templates that might be interesting for various kinds of applications.
:copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from jinja2 import nodes
from jinja2.compiler import CodeGenerator
class TrackingCodeGenerator(CodeGenerator):
"""We abuse the code generator for introspection."""
def __init__(self, environment):
CodeGenerator.__init__(self, environment, '<introspection>',
self.undeclared_identifiers = set()
def write(self, x):
"""Don't write."""
def pull_locals(self, frame):
"""Remember all undeclared identifiers."""
def find_undeclared_variables(ast):
"""Returns a set of all variables in the AST that will be looked up from
the context at runtime. Because at compile time it's not known which
variables will be used depending on the path the execution takes at
runtime, all variables are returned.
>>> from jinja2 import Environment, meta
>>> env = Environment()
>>> ast = env.parse('{% set foo = 42 %}{{ bar + foo }}')
>>> meta.find_undeclared_variables(ast)
.. admonition:: Implementation
Internally the code generator is used for finding undeclared variables.
This is good to know because the code generator might raise a
:exc:`TemplateAssertionError` during compilation and as a matter of
fact this function can currently raise that exception as well.
codegen = TrackingCodeGenerator(ast.environment)
return codegen.undeclared_identifiers
def find_referenced_templates(ast):
"""Finds all the referenced templates from the AST. This will return an
iterator over all the hardcoded template extensions, inclusions and
imports. If dynamic inheritance or inclusion is used, `None` will be
>>> from jinja2 import Environment, meta
>>> env = Environment()
>>> ast = env.parse('{% extends "layout.html" %}{% include helper %}')
>>> list(meta.find_referenced_templates(ast))
['layout.html', None]
This function is useful for dependency tracking. For example if you want
to rebuild parts of the website after a layout template has changed.
for node in ast.find_all((nodes.Extends, nodes.FromImport, nodes.Import,
if not isinstance(node.template, nodes.Const):
# a tuple with some non consts in there
if isinstance(node.template, (nodes.Tuple, nodes.List)):
for template_name in node.template.items:
# something const, only yield the strings and ignore
# non-string consts that really just make no sense
if isinstance(template_name, nodes.Const):
if isinstance(template_name.value, basestring):
yield template_name.value
# something dynamic in there
yield None
# something dynamic we don't know about here
yield None
# constant is a basestring, direct template name
if isinstance(node.template.value, basestring):
yield node.template.value
# a tuple or list (latter *should* not happen) made of consts,
# yield the consts that are strings. We could warn here for
# non string values
elif isinstance(node, nodes.Include) and \
isinstance(node.template.value, (tuple, list)):
for template_name in node.template.value:
if isinstance(template_name, basestring):
yield template_name
# something else we don't care about, we could warn here
yield None
@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Adds a sandbox layer to Jinja as it was the default behavior in the old
Jinja 1 releases. This sandbox is slightly different from Jinja 1 as the
default behavior is easier to use.
The behavior can be changed by subclassing the environment.
:copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team.
:license: BSD.
import operator
from jinja2.environment import Environment
from jinja2.exceptions import SecurityError
from jinja2.utils import FunctionType, MethodType, TracebackType, CodeType, \
FrameType, GeneratorType
#: maximum number of items a range may produce
MAX_RANGE = 100000
#: attributes of function objects that are considered unsafe.
UNSAFE_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTES = set(['func_closure', 'func_code', 'func_dict',
'func_defaults', 'func_globals'])
#: unsafe method attributes. function attributes are unsafe for methods too
UNSAFE_METHOD_ATTRIBUTES = set(['im_class', 'im_func', 'im_self'])
import warnings
# make sure we don't warn in python 2.6 about stuff we don't care about
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'the sets module', DeprecationWarning,
from collections import deque
_mutable_set_types = (set,)
_mutable_mapping_types = (dict,)
_mutable_sequence_types = (list,)
# on python 2.x we can register the user collection types
from UserDict import UserDict, DictMixin
from UserList import UserList
_mutable_mapping_types += (UserDict, DictMixin)
_mutable_set_types += (UserList,)
except ImportError:
# if sets is still available, register the mutable set from there as well
from sets import Set
_mutable_set_types += (Set,)
except ImportError:
#: register Python 2.6 abstract base classes
from collections import MutableSet, MutableMapping, MutableSequence
_mutable_set_types += (MutableSet,)
_mutable_mapping_types += (MutableMapping,)
_mutable_sequence_types += (MutableSequence,)
except ImportError:
_mutable_spec = (
(_mutable_set_types, frozenset([
'add', 'clear', 'difference_update', 'discard', 'pop', 'remove',
'symmetric_difference_update', 'update'
(_mutable_mapping_types, frozenset([
'clear', 'pop', 'popitem', 'setdefault', 'update'
(_mutable_sequence_types, frozenset([
'append', 'reverse', 'insert', 'sort', 'extend', 'remove'
(deque, frozenset([
'append', 'appendleft', 'clear', 'extend', 'extendleft', 'pop',
'popleft', 'remove', 'rotate'
def safe_range(*args):
"""A range that can't generate ranges with a length of more than
MAX_RANGE items.
rng = xrange(*args)
if len(rng) > MAX_RANGE:
raise OverflowError('range too big, maximum size for range is %d' %
return rng
def unsafe(f):
"""Marks a function or method as unsafe.
def delete(self):
f.unsafe_callable = True
return f
def is_internal_attribute(obj, attr):
"""Test if the attribute given is an internal python attribute. For
example this function returns `True` for the `func_code` attribute of
python objects. This is useful if the environment method
:meth:`~SandboxedEnvironment.is_safe_attribute` is overriden.
>>> from jinja2.sandbox import is_internal_attribute
>>> is_internal_attribute(lambda: None, "func_code")
>>> is_internal_attribute((lambda x:x).func_code, 'co_code')
>>> is_internal_attribute(str, "upper")
if isinstance(obj, FunctionType):
return True
elif isinstance(obj, MethodType):
return True
elif isinstance(obj, type):
if attr == 'mro':
return True
elif isinstance(obj, (CodeType, TracebackType, FrameType)):
return True
elif isinstance(obj, GeneratorType):
if attr == 'gi_frame':
return True
return attr.startswith('__')
def modifies_known_mutable(obj, attr):
"""This function checks if an attribute on a builtin mutable object
(list, dict, set or deque) would modify it if called. It also supports
the "user"-versions of the objects (`sets.Set`, `UserDict.*` etc.) and
with Python 2.6 onwards the abstract base classes `MutableSet`,
`MutableMapping`, and `MutableSequence`.
>>> modifies_known_mutable({}, "clear")
>>> modifies_known_mutable({}, "keys")
>>> modifies_known_mutable([], "append")
>>> modifies_known_mutable([], "index")
If called with an unsupported object (such as unicode) `False` is
>>> modifies_known_mutable("foo", "upper")
for typespec, unsafe in _mutable_spec:
if isinstance(obj, typespec):
return attr in unsafe
return False
class SandboxedEnvironment(Environment):
"""The sandboxed environment. It works like the regular environment but
tells the compiler to generate sandboxed code. Additionally subclasses of
this environment may override the methods that tell the runtime what
attributes or functions are safe to access.
If the template tries to access insecure code a :exc:`SecurityError` is
raised. However also other exceptions may occour during the rendering so
the caller has to ensure that all exceptions are catched.
sandboxed = True
#: default callback table for the binary operators. A copy of this is
#: available on each instance of a sandboxed environment as
#: :attr:`binop_table`
default_binop_table = {
'+': operator.add,
'-': operator.sub,
'*': operator.mul,
'/': operator.truediv,
'//': operator.floordiv,
'**': operator.pow,
'%': operator.mod
#: default callback table for the unary operators. A copy of this is
#: available on each instance of a sandboxed environment as
#: :attr:`unop_table`
default_unop_table = {
'+': operator.pos,
'-': operator.neg
#: a set of binary operators that should be intercepted. Each operator
#: that is added to this set (empty by default) is delegated to the
#: :meth:`call_binop` method that will perform the operator. The default
#: operator callback is specified by :attr:`binop_table`.
#: The following binary operators are interceptable:
#: ``//``, ``%``, ``+``, ``*``, ``-``, ``/``, and ``**``
#: The default operation form the operator table corresponds to the
#: builtin function. Intercepted calls are always slower than the native
#: operator call, so make sure only to intercept the ones you are
#: interested in.
#: .. versionadded:: 2.6
intercepted_binops = frozenset()
#: a set of unary operators that should be intercepted. Each operator
#: that is added to this set (empty by default) is delegated to the
#: :meth:`call_unop` method that will perform the operator. The default
#: operator callback is specified by :attr:`unop_table`.
#: The following unary operators are interceptable: ``+``, ``-``
#: The default operation form the operator table corresponds to the
#: builtin function. Intercepted calls are always slower than the native
#: operator call, so make sure only to intercept the ones you are
#: interested in.
#: .. versionadded:: 2.6
intercepted_unops = frozenset()
def intercept_unop(self, operator):
"""Called during template compilation with the name of a unary
operator to check if it should be intercepted at runtime. If this
method returns `True`, :meth:`call_unop` is excuted for this unary
operator. The default implementation of :meth:`call_unop` will use
the :attr:`unop_table` dictionary to perform the operator with the
same logic as the builtin one.
The following unary operators are interceptable: ``+`` and ``-``
Intercepted calls are always slower than the native operator call,
so make sure only to intercept the ones you are interested in.
.. versionadded:: 2.6
return False
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Environment.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.globals['range'] = safe_range
self.binop_table = self.default_binop_table.copy()
self.unop_table = self.default_unop_table.copy()
def is_safe_attribute(self, obj, attr, value):
"""The sandboxed environment will call this method to check if the
attribute of an object is safe to access. Per default all attributes
starting with an underscore are considered private as well as the
special attributes of internal python objects as returned by the
:func:`is_internal_attribute` function.
return not (attr.startswith('_') or is_internal_attribute(obj, attr))
def is_safe_callable(self, obj):
"""Check if an object is safely callable. Per default a function is
considered safe unless the `unsafe_callable` attribute exists and is
True. Override this method to alter the behavior, but this won't
affect the `unsafe` decorator from this module.
return not (getattr(obj, 'unsafe_callable', False) or
getattr(obj, 'alters_data', False))
def call_binop(self, context, operator, left, right):
"""For intercepted binary operator calls (:meth:`intercepted_binops`)
this function is executed instead of the builtin operator. This can
be used to fine tune the behavior of certain operators.
.. versionadded:: 2.6
return self.binop_table[operator](left, right)
def call_unop(self, context, operator, arg):
"""For intercepted unary operator calls (:meth:`intercepted_unops`)
this function is executed instead of the builtin operator. This can
be used to fine tune the behavior of certain operators.
.. versionadded:: 2.6
return self.unop_table[operator](arg)
def getitem(self, obj, argument):
"""Subscribe an object from sandboxed code."""
return obj[argument]
except (TypeError, LookupError):
if isinstance(argument, basestring):
attr = str(argument)
except Exception:
value = getattr(obj, attr)
except AttributeError:
if self.is_safe_attribute(obj, argument, value):
return value
return self.unsafe_undefined(obj, argument)
return self.undefined(obj=obj, name=argument)
def getattr(self, obj, attribute):
"""Subscribe an object from sandboxed code and prefer the
attribute. The attribute passed *must* be a bytestring.
value = getattr(obj, attribute)
except AttributeError:
return obj[attribute]
except (TypeError, LookupError):
if self.is_safe_attribute(obj, attribute, value):
return value
return self.unsafe_undefined(obj, attribute)
return self.undefined(obj=obj, name=attribute)
def unsafe_undefined(self, obj, attribute):
"""Return an undefined object for unsafe attributes."""
return self.undefined('access to attribute %r of %r '
'object is unsafe.' % (
), name=attribute, obj=obj, exc=SecurityError)
def call(__self, __context, __obj, *args, **kwargs):
"""Call an object from sandboxed code."""
# the double prefixes are to avoid double keyword argument
# errors when proxying the call.
if not __self.is_safe_callable(__obj):
raise SecurityError('%r is not safely callable' % (__obj,))
return, *args, **kwargs)
class ImmutableSandboxedEnvironment(SandboxedEnvironment):
"""Works exactly like the regular `SandboxedEnvironment` but does not
permit modifications on the builtin mutable objects `list`, `set`, and
`dict` by using the :func:`modifies_known_mutable` function.
def is_safe_attribute(self, obj, attr, value):
if not SandboxedEnvironment.is_safe_attribute(self, obj, attr, value):
return False
return not modifies_known_mutable(obj, attr)
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <bridge>
typedef std::unordered_map Map;
/*! @brief Hash from strings to OpenCV enums
* This is a translation map for strings to OpenCV constants (enums).
* When an int is requested from the bridge, and the the mxArray storage
* type is a string, this map is invoked. Thus functions can be called
* from Matlab as, e.g.
* cv.dft(x, xf, "DFT_FORWARD");
* Note that an alternative Matlab class exists as well, so that functions
* can be called as, e.g.
* cv.dft(x, xf, cv.DFT_FORWARD);
* This string to int map tends to be faster than its Matlab companion,
* but there is no direct access to the value of the constants. It also
* enables different error reporting properties.
Map<std::string, int> constants = {
{% for key, val in constants.items() %}
{% if val|convertibleToInt %}
{ "{{key}}", {{val}} },
{% else %}
{ "{{key}}", {{constants[val]}} },
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Reference in New Issue
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