added performance tests for gpu::reduce

This commit is contained in:
Vladislav Vinogradov 2011-09-26 08:14:31 +00:00
parent 66b41b67f9
commit 67a9b79433
3 changed files with 111 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -716,3 +716,34 @@ PERF_TEST_P(DevInfo_Size_MatType, addWeighted, testing::Combine(testing::ValuesI
PERF_TEST_P(DevInfo_Size_MatType_FlipCode, reduce, testing::Combine(testing::ValuesIn(devices()),
testing::Values(CV_8UC1, CV_8UC4, CV_32FC1),
testing::Values((int)HORIZONTAL_AXIS, (int)VERTICAL_AXIS)))
DeviceInfo devInfo = std::tr1::get<0>(GetParam());
Size size = std::tr1::get<1>(GetParam());
int type = std::tr1::get<2>(GetParam());
int dim = std::tr1::get<3>(GetParam());
Mat src_host(size, type);, WARMUP_RNG);
GpuMat src(src_host);
GpuMat dst(size, type);
reduce(src, dst, dim, CV_REDUCE_MIN);
Mat dst_host = dst;

View File

@ -1894,27 +1894,29 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace mathfunc
const int x = blockIdx.x * 16 + threadIdx.x;
if (x < src.cols)
S myVal = op.startValue();
if (x < src.cols)
for (int y = threadIdx.y; y < src.rows; y += 16)
myVal = op(myVal, src.ptr(y)[x]);
smem[threadIdx.y * 16 + threadIdx.x] = myVal;
smem[threadIdx.x * 16 + threadIdx.y] = myVal;
if (threadIdx.y == 0)
if (threadIdx.x < 8)
myVal = smem[threadIdx.x];
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 1; i < 16; ++i)
myVal = op(myVal, smem[i * 16 + threadIdx.x]);
dst[x] = saturate_cast<D>(op.result(myVal, src.rows));
volatile S* srow = smem + threadIdx.y * 16;
srow[threadIdx.x] = op(srow[threadIdx.x], srow[threadIdx.x + 8]);
srow[threadIdx.x] = op(srow[threadIdx.x], srow[threadIdx.x + 4]);
srow[threadIdx.x] = op(srow[threadIdx.x], srow[threadIdx.x + 2]);
srow[threadIdx.x] = op(srow[threadIdx.x], srow[threadIdx.x + 1]);
if (threadIdx.y == 0 && x < src.cols)
dst[x] = saturate_cast<D>(op.result(smem[threadIdx.x * 16], src.rows));
template <template <typename> class Op, typename T, typename S, typename D> void reduceRows_caller(const DevMem2D_<T>& src, DevMem2D_<D> dst, cudaStream_t stream)
@ -1965,7 +1967,6 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace mathfunc
template <int cn, class Op, typename T, typename S, typename D> __global__ void reduceCols(const DevMem2D_<T> src, D* dst, const Op op)
__shared__ S smem[256 * cn];
@ -1980,6 +1981,9 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace mathfunc
for (int c = 0; c < cn; ++c)
myVal[c] = op.startValue();
#if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 200
// For cc >= 2.0 prefer L1 cache
for (int x = threadIdx.x; x < src.cols; x += 256)
#pragma unroll
@ -1987,6 +1991,29 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace mathfunc
myVal[c] = op(myVal[c], src_row[x * cn + c]);
#else // __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 200
// For older arch use shared memory for cache
for (int x = 0; x < src.cols; x += 256)
#pragma unroll
for (int c = 0; c < cn; ++c)
smem[c * 256 + threadIdx.x] = op.startValue();
const int load_x = x * cn + c * 256 + threadIdx.x;
if (load_x < src.cols * cn)
smem[c * 256 + threadIdx.x] = src_row[load_x];
#pragma unroll
for (int c = 0; c < cn; ++c)
myVal[c] = op(myVal[c], smem[threadIdx.x * cn + c]);
#endif // __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 200
#pragma unroll
for (int c = 0; c < cn; ++c)
smem[c * 256 + threadIdx.x] = myVal[c];
@ -2025,12 +2052,8 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace mathfunc
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
#pragma unroll
for (int c = 0; c < cn; ++c)
dst[y * cn + c] = saturate_cast<D>(op.result(smem[c * 256], src.cols));
if (threadIdx.x < cn)
dst[y * cn + threadIdx.x] = saturate_cast<D>(op.result(smem[threadIdx.x * 256], src.cols));
template <int cn, template <typename> class Op, typename T, typename S, typename D> void reduceCols_caller(const DevMem2D_<T>& src, DevMem2D_<D> dst, cudaStream_t stream)

View File

@ -1419,3 +1419,39 @@ TEST(Canny)
gpu::Canny(d_img, d_buf, d_edges, 50.0, 100.0);
for (int size = 1000; size < 4000; size += 1000)
Mat src;
gen(src, size, size, CV_32F, 0, 255);
Mat dst0(1, src.cols, CV_32F);
Mat dst1(src.rows, 1, CV_32F);
gpu::GpuMat d_src(src);
gpu::GpuMat d_dst0(1, src.cols, CV_32F);
gpu::GpuMat d_dst1(1, src.rows, CV_32F);
SUBTEST << "size " << size << ", dim = 0";
reduce(src, dst0, 0, CV_REDUCE_MIN);
gpu::reduce(d_src, d_dst0, 0, CV_REDUCE_MIN);
SUBTEST << "size " << size << ", dim = 1";
reduce(src, dst1, 1, CV_REDUCE_MIN);
gpu::reduce(d_src, d_dst1, 1, CV_REDUCE_MIN);