refactored arithm binary operations in order to make them more scalable

This commit is contained in:
Ilya Lavrenov 2013-10-03 20:04:04 +04:00
parent 8224f9843e
commit 5f81988699
7 changed files with 135 additions and 135 deletions

View File

@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ static void arithmetic_run_generic(const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, const
size_t localThreads[3] = { 16, 16, 1 };
size_t globalThreads[3] = { dst.cols, dst.rows, 1 };
std::string kernelName = op_type == ABS_DIFF ? "arithm_absdiff" : "arithm_binary_op";
std::string kernelName = "arithm_binary_op";
const char * const typeMap[] = { "uchar", "char", "ushort", "short", "int", "float", "double" };
const char * const WTypeMap[] = { "short", "short", "int", "int", "int", "float", "double" };
const char operationsMap[] = { '+', '-', '*', '/', '-' };
const char * const funcMap[] = { "FUNC_ADD", "FUNC_SUB", "FUNC_MUL", "FUNC_DIV", "FUNC_ABS_DIFF" };
const char * const channelMap[] = { "", "", "2", "4", "4" };
bool haveScalar = use_scalar || src2.empty();
@ -105,12 +105,12 @@ static void arithmetic_run_generic(const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, const
else if (op_type == MUL)
WDepth = hasDouble && (depth == CV_32S || depth == CV_64F) ? CV_64F : CV_32F;
std::string buildOptions = format("-D T=%s%s -D WT=%s%s -D convertToT=convert_%s%s%s -D Operation=%c"
std::string buildOptions = format("-D T=%s%s -D WT=%s%s -D convertToT=convert_%s%s%s -D %s "
"-D convertToWT=convert_%s%s",
typeMap[depth], channelMap[oclChannels],
WTypeMap[WDepth], channelMap[oclChannels],
typeMap[depth], channelMap[oclChannels], (depth >= CV_32F ? "" : (depth == CV_32S ? "_rte" : "_sat_rte")),
operationsMap[op_type], WTypeMap[WDepth], channelMap[oclChannels]);
funcMap[op_type], WTypeMap[WDepth], channelMap[oclChannels]);
vector<pair<size_t , const void *> > args;
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)& ));
@ -124,6 +124,9 @@ static void arithmetic_run_generic(const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, const
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&src2offset1 ));
kernelName += "_mat";
if (haveScalar)
buildOptions += " -D HAVE_SCALAR";
if (haveScalar)
@ -146,9 +149,6 @@ static void arithmetic_run_generic(const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, const
kernelName += "_mask";
if (op_type == DIV)
kernelName += "_div";
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)& ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&dststep1 ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&dstoffset1 ));

View File

@ -366,23 +366,23 @@ static void set_to_withoutmask_run(const oclMat &dst, const Scalar &scalar, stri
#ifdef CL_VERSION_1_2
// this enables backwards portability to
// run on OpenCL 1.1 platform if library binaries are compiled with OpenCL 1.2 support
if (Context::getContext()->supportsFeature(FEATURE_CL_VER_1_2) &&
dst.offset == 0 && dst.cols == dst.wholecols)
const int sizeofMap[][7] =
{ sizeof(cl_uchar) , sizeof(cl_char) , sizeof(cl_ushort) , sizeof(cl_short) , sizeof(cl_int) , sizeof(cl_float) , sizeof(cl_double) },
{ sizeof(cl_uchar2), sizeof(cl_char2), sizeof(cl_ushort2), sizeof(cl_short2), sizeof(cl_int2), sizeof(cl_float2), sizeof(cl_double2) },
{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 },
{ sizeof(cl_uchar4), sizeof(cl_char4), sizeof(cl_ushort4), sizeof(cl_short4), sizeof(cl_int4), sizeof(cl_float4), sizeof(cl_double4) },
int sizeofGeneric = sizeofMap[dst.oclchannels() - 1][dst.depth()];
// if (Context::getContext()->supportsFeature(Context::CL_VER_1_2) &&
// dst.offset == 0 && dst.cols == dst.wholecols)
// {
// const int sizeofMap[][7] =
// {
// { sizeof(cl_uchar) , sizeof(cl_char) , sizeof(cl_ushort) , sizeof(cl_short) , sizeof(cl_int) , sizeof(cl_float) , sizeof(cl_double) },
// { sizeof(cl_uchar2), sizeof(cl_char2), sizeof(cl_ushort2), sizeof(cl_short2), sizeof(cl_int2), sizeof(cl_float2), sizeof(cl_double2) },
// { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 },
// { sizeof(cl_uchar4), sizeof(cl_char4), sizeof(cl_ushort4), sizeof(cl_short4), sizeof(cl_int4), sizeof(cl_float4), sizeof(cl_double4) },
// };
// int sizeofGeneric = sizeofMap[dst.oclchannels() - 1][dst.depth()];
(cl_mem), (void*), sizeofGeneric,
0, dst.step * dst.rows, 0, NULL, NULL);
// clEnqueueFillBuffer((cl_command_queue)dst.clCxt->oclCommandQueue(),
// (cl_mem), (void*), sizeofGeneric,
// 0, dst.step * dst.rows, 0, NULL, NULL);
// }
// else
oclMat m(mat);

View File

@ -52,10 +52,46 @@
#if defined (FUNC_ADD)
#define EXPRESSION dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) + convertToWT(src2[src2_index]));
#if defined (FUNC_SUB)
#define EXPRESSION dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) - convertToWT(src2[src2_index]));
#if defined (FUNC_MUL)
#if defined (HAVE_SCALAR)
#define EXPRESSION dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) * scalar[0] * convertToWT(src2[src2_index]));
#define EXPRESSION dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) * convertToWT(src2[src2_index]));
#if defined (FUNC_DIV)
#if defined (HAVE_SCALAR)
#define EXPRESSION T zero = (T)(0); \
dst[dst_index] = src2[src2_index] == zero ? zero : \
convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) * scalar[0] / convertToWT(src2[src2_index]));
#define EXPRESSION T zero = (T)(0); \
dst[dst_index] = src2[src2_index] == zero ? zero : \
convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) / convertToWT(src2[src2_index]));
#if defined (FUNC_ABS_DIFF)
#define EXPRESSION WT value = convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) - convertToWT(src2[src2_index]); \
value = value > (WT)(0) ? value : -value; \
dst[dst_index] = convertToT(value);
///////////////////////////////////////////// ADD ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
__kernel void arithm_binary_op_mat(__global T *src1, int src1_step, int src1_offset,
__global T *src2, int src2_step, int src2_offset,
__global T *dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset,
@ -70,50 +106,13 @@ __kernel void arithm_binary_op_mat(__global T *src1, int src1_step, int src1_off
int src2_index = mad24(y, src2_step, x + src2_offset);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dst_step, x + dst_offset);
dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) Operation convertToWT(src2[src2_index]));
__kernel void arithm_binary_op_mat_div(__global T *src1, int src1_step, int src1_offset,
__global T *src2, int src2_step, int src2_offset,
__global T *dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset,
int cols, int rows)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
if (x < cols && y < rows)
int src1_index = mad24(y, src1_step, x + src1_offset);
int src2_index = mad24(y, src2_step, x + src2_offset);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dst_step, x + dst_offset);
T zero = (T)(0);
dst[dst_index] = src2[src2_index] == zero ? zero : convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) / convertToWT(src2[src2_index]));
__kernel void arithm_absdiff_mat(__global T *src1, int src1_step, int src1_offset,
__global T *src2, int src2_step, int src2_offset,
__global T *dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset,
int cols, int rows)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
if (x < cols && y < rows)
int src1_index = mad24(y, src1_step, x + src1_offset);
int src2_index = mad24(y, src2_step, x + src2_offset);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dst_step, x + dst_offset);
WT value = convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) - convertToWT(src2[src2_index]);
value = value > (WT)(0) ? value : -value;
dst[dst_index] = convertToT(value);
// add mat with scale for multiply
// add mat with scale
__kernel void arithm_binary_op_mat_scalar(__global T *src1, int src1_step, int src1_offset,
__global T *src2, int src2_step, int src2_offset,
__global WT *scalar,
@ -129,28 +128,8 @@ __kernel void arithm_binary_op_mat_scalar(__global T *src1, int src1_step, int s
int src2_index = mad24(y, src2_step, x + src2_offset);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dst_step, x + dst_offset);
dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) * scalar[0] * convertToWT(src2[src2_index]));
// add mat with scale for divide
__kernel void arithm_binary_op_mat_scalar_div(__global T *src1, int src1_step, int src1_offset,
__global T *src2, int src2_step, int src2_offset,
__global WT *scalar,
__global T *dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset,
int cols, int rows)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
if (x < cols && y < rows)
int src1_index = mad24(y, src1_step, x + src1_offset);
int src2_index = mad24(y, src2_step, x + src2_offset);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dst_step, x + dst_offset);
T zero = (T)(0);
dst[dst_index] = src2[src2_index] == zero ? zero :
convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) * scalar[0] / convertToWT(src2[src2_index]));

View File

@ -51,6 +51,24 @@
#if defined (FUNC_ADD)
#define EXPRESSION dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) + convertToWT(src2[src2_index]));
#if defined (FUNC_SUB)
#define EXPRESSION dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) - convertToWT(src2[src2_index]));
#if defined (FUNC_MUL)
#define EXPRESSION dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) * convertToWT(src2[src2_index]));
#if defined (FUNC_DIV)
#define EXPRESSION T zero = (T)(0); \
dst[dst_index] = src2[src2_index] == zero ? zero : \
convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) / convertToWT(src2[src2_index]));
///////////////////////////////// add with mask //////////////////////////////////
@ -73,7 +91,7 @@ __kernel void arithm_binary_op_mat_mask(__global T * src1, int src1_step, int sr
int src2_index = mad24(y, src2_step, x + src2_offset);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dst_step, dst_offset + x);
dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) Operation convertToWT(src2[src2_index]));

View File

@ -51,6 +51,29 @@
#if defined (FUNC_ADD)
#define EXPRESSION dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) + scalar[0]);
#if defined (FUNC_SUB)
#define EXPRESSION dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) - scalar[0]);
#if defined (FUNC_MUL)
#define EXPRESSION dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) * scalar[0]);
#if defined (FUNC_DIV)
#define EXPRESSION T zero = (T)(0); \
dst[dst_index] = src1[src1_index] == zero ? zero : convertToT(scalar[0] / convertToWT(src1[src1_index]));
#if defined (FUNC_ABS_DIFF)
#define EXPRESSION WT value = convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) - scalar[0]; \
value = value > (WT)(0) ? value : -value; \
dst[dst_index] = convertToT(value);
///////////////////////////////// Add with scalar /////////////////////////////////
@ -68,44 +91,6 @@ __kernel void arithm_binary_op_scalar (__global T *src1, int src1_step, int src1
int src1_index = mad24(y, src1_step, x + src1_offset);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dst_step, x + dst_offset);
dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) Operation scalar[0]);
__kernel void arithm_absdiff_scalar(__global T *src1, int src1_step, int src1_offset,
__global WT *src2,
__global T *dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset,
int cols, int rows)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
if (x < cols && y < rows)
int src1_index = mad24(y, src1_step, x + src1_offset);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dst_step, x + dst_offset);
WT value = convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) - src2[0];
value = value > (WT)(0) ? value : -value;
dst[dst_index] = convertToT(value);
// scalar divide to matrix
__kernel void arithm_binary_op_scalar_div(__global T *src1, int src1_step, int src1_offset,
__global WT *scalar,
__global T *dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset,
int cols, int rows)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
if (x < cols && y < rows)
int src1_index = mad24(y, src1_step, x + src1_offset);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dst_step, x + dst_offset);
T zero = (T)(0);
dst[dst_index] = src1[src1_index] == zero ? zero : convertToT(scalar[0] / convertToWT(src1[src1_index]));

View File

@ -51,6 +51,24 @@
#if defined (FUNC_ADD)
#define EXPRESSION dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) + scalar[0]);
#if defined (FUNC_SUB)
#define EXPRESSION dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) - scalar[0]);
#if defined (FUNC_MUL)
#define EXPRESSION dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) * scalar[0]);
#if defined (FUNC_DIV)
#define EXPRESSION T zero = (T)(0); \
dst[dst_index] = src2[src2_index] == zero ? zero : \
convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) / scalar[0]);
//////////////////////////// Add with scalar with mask ////////////////////////////
@ -72,7 +90,7 @@ __kernel void arithm_binary_op_scalar_mask(__global T *src1, int src1_step, int
int src1_index = mad24(y, src1_step, x + src1_offset);
int dst_index = mad24(y, dst_step, dst_offset + x);
dst[dst_index] = convertToT(convertToWT(src1[src1_index]) Operation scalar[0]);

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@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ TEST_P(Absdiff, Mat)
TEST_P(Absdiff, Mat_Scalar)
TEST_P(Absdiff, Scalar)
for (int j = 0; j < LOOP_TIMES; j++)