added gpu::cvtColor for RGB <-> YCrCb and RGB <-> YUV

This commit is contained in:
Vladislav Vinogradov 2010-09-28 07:05:21 +00:00
parent 5285722c1c
commit 5d95cd75f2
3 changed files with 317 additions and 287 deletions

@ -89,91 +89,26 @@ namespace imgproc
template <typename T>
__device__ void assignAlpha(typename TypeVec<T, 3>::vec_t& vec, T val)
__device__ void setAlpha(typename TypeVec<T, 3>::vec_t& vec, T val)
template <typename T>
__device__ void assignAlpha(typename TypeVec<T, 4>::vec_t& vec, T val)
__device__ void setAlpha(typename TypeVec<T, 4>::vec_t& vec, T val)
vec.w = val;
//////////////////////////////////////// SwapChannels /////////////////////////////////////
namespace imgproc
__constant__ int ccoeffs[4];
template <int CN, typename T>
__global__ void swapChannels(const uchar* src_, size_t src_step, uchar* dst_, size_t dst_step, int rows, int cols)
template <typename T>
__device__ T getAlpha(const typename TypeVec<T, 3>::vec_t& vec)
typedef typename TypeVec<T, CN>::vec_t vec_t;
const int x = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
const int y = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
if (y < rows && x < cols)
vec_t src = *(const vec_t*)(src_ + y * src_step + x * CN);
vec_t dst;
const T* src_ptr = (const T*)(&src);
T* dst_ptr = (T*)(&dst);
for (int i = 0; i < CN; ++i)
dst_ptr[i] = src_ptr[ccoeffs[i]];
*(vec_t*)(dst_ + y * dst_step + x * CN) = dst;
return ColorChannel<T>::max();
template <typename T>
__device__ T getAlpha(const typename TypeVec<T, 4>::vec_t& vec)
return vec.w;
namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace improc
template <typename T, int CN>
void swapChannels_caller(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream)
dim3 threads(32, 8, 1);
dim3 grid(1, 1, 1);
grid.x = divUp(src.cols, threads.x);
grid.y = divUp(src.rows, threads.y);
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(imgproc::ccoeffs, coeffs, CN * sizeof(int)) );
imgproc::swapChannels<CN, T><<<grid, threads, 0, stream>>>(src.ptr, src.step,
dst.ptr, dst.step, src.rows, src.cols);
if (stream == 0)
cudaSafeCall( cudaThreadSynchronize() );
void swapChannels_gpu_8u(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int cn, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream)
typedef void (*swapChannels_caller_t)(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream);
static const swapChannels_caller_t swapChannels_callers[] = {swapChannels_caller<uchar, 3>, swapChannels_caller<uchar, 4>};
swapChannels_callers[cn - 3](src, dst, coeffs, stream);
void swapChannels_gpu_16u(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int cn, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream)
typedef void (*swapChannels_caller_t)(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream);
static const swapChannels_caller_t swapChannels_callers[] = {swapChannels_caller<unsigned short, 3>, swapChannels_caller<unsigned short, 4>};
swapChannels_callers[cn - 3](src, dst, coeffs, stream);
void swapChannels_gpu_32f(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int cn, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream)
typedef void (*swapChannels_caller_t)(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream);
static const swapChannels_caller_t swapChannels_callers[] = {swapChannels_caller<float, 3>, swapChannels_caller<float, 4>};
swapChannels_callers[cn - 3](src, dst, coeffs, stream);
////////////////// Various 3/4-channel to 3/4-channel RGB transformations /////////////////
namespace imgproc
@ -195,7 +130,7 @@ namespace imgproc
dst.x = ((const T*)(&src))[bidx];
dst.y = src.y;
dst.z = ((const T*)(&src))[bidx ^ 2];
assignAlpha(dst, ColorChannel<T>::max());
setAlpha(dst, getAlpha<T>(src));
*(dst_t*)(dst_ + y * dst_step + x * DSTCN) = dst;
@ -274,7 +209,7 @@ namespace imgproc
((uchar*)(&dst))[bidx] = (uchar)(src << 3);
dst.y = (uchar)((src >> 2) & ~7);
((uchar*)(&dst))[bidx ^ 2] = (uchar)((src >> 7) & ~7);
assignAlpha(dst, (uchar)(src & 0x8000 ? 255 : 0));
setAlpha(dst, (uchar)(src & 0x8000 ? 255 : 0));
return dst;
@ -290,7 +225,7 @@ namespace imgproc
((uchar*)(&dst))[bidx] = (uchar)(src << 3);
dst.y = (uchar)((src >> 3) & ~3);
((uchar*)(&dst))[bidx ^ 2] = (uchar)((src >> 8) & ~7);
assignAlpha(dst, (uchar)(255));
setAlpha(dst, (uchar)(255));
return dst;
@ -431,7 +366,7 @@ namespace imgproc
dst.x = src;
dst.y = src;
dst.z = src;
assignAlpha(dst, ColorChannel<T>::max());
setAlpha(dst, ColorChannel<T>::max());
*(dst_t*)(dst_ + y * dst_step + x * DSTCN) = dst;
@ -563,14 +498,14 @@ namespace imgproc
static __device__ unsigned char cvt(unsigned int t)
return (unsigned char)CV_DESCALE(((t << 3) & 0xf8)*B2Y + ((t >> 3) & 0xfc)*G2Y + ((t >> 8) & 0xf8)*R2Y, yuv_shift);
return (unsigned char)CV_DESCALE(((t << 3) & 0xf8) * B2Y + ((t >> 3) & 0xfc) * G2Y + ((t >> 8) & 0xf8) * R2Y, yuv_shift);
template<> struct RGB5x52GrayConverter<5>
static __device__ unsigned char cvt(unsigned int t)
return (unsigned char)CV_DESCALE(((t << 3) & 0xf8)*B2Y + ((t >> 2) & 0xf8)*G2Y + ((t >> 7) & 0xf8)*R2Y, yuv_shift);
return (unsigned char)CV_DESCALE(((t << 3) & 0xf8) * B2Y + ((t >> 2) & 0xf8) * G2Y + ((t >> 7) & 0xf8) * R2Y, yuv_shift);
@ -836,145 +771,223 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace improc
///////////////////////////////////// RGB <-> YCrCb //////////////////////////////////////
//namespace imgproc
// template<typename _Tp> struct RGB2YCrCb_f
// {
// typedef _Tp channel_type;
// RGB2YCrCb_f(int _srccn, int _blueIdx, const float* _coeffs) : srccn(_srccn), blueIdx(_blueIdx)
// {
// static const float coeffs0[] = {0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f, 0.713f, 0.564f};
// memcpy(coeffs, _coeffs ? _coeffs : coeffs0, 5*sizeof(coeffs[0]));
// if(blueIdx==0) std::swap(coeffs[0], coeffs[2]);
// }
// void operator()(const _Tp* src, _Tp* dst, int n) const
// {
// int scn = srccn, bidx = blueIdx;
// const _Tp delta = ColorChannel<_Tp>::half();
// float C0 = coeffs[0], C1 = coeffs[1], C2 = coeffs[2], C3 = coeffs[3], C4 = coeffs[4];
// n *= 3;
// for(int i = 0; i < n; i += 3, src += scn)
// {
// _Tp Y = saturate_cast<_Tp>(src[0]*C0 + src[1]*C1 + src[2]*C2);
// _Tp Cr = saturate_cast<_Tp>((src[bidx^2] - Y)*C3 + delta);
// _Tp Cb = saturate_cast<_Tp>((src[bidx] - Y)*C4 + delta);
// dst[i] = Y; dst[i+1] = Cr; dst[i+2] = Cb;
// }
// }
// int srccn, blueIdx;
// float coeffs[5];
// };
// template<typename _Tp> struct RGB2YCrCb_i
// {
// typedef _Tp channel_type;
// RGB2YCrCb_i(int _srccn, int _blueIdx, const int* _coeffs)
// : srccn(_srccn), blueIdx(_blueIdx)
// {
// static const int coeffs0[] = {R2Y, G2Y, B2Y, 11682, 9241};
// memcpy(coeffs, _coeffs ? _coeffs : coeffs0, 5*sizeof(coeffs[0]));
// if(blueIdx==0) std::swap(coeffs[0], coeffs[2]);
// }
// void operator()(const _Tp* src, _Tp* dst, int n) const
// {
// int scn = srccn, bidx = blueIdx;
// int C0 = coeffs[0], C1 = coeffs[1], C2 = coeffs[2], C3 = coeffs[3], C4 = coeffs[4];
// int delta = ColorChannel<_Tp>::half()*(1 << yuv_shift);
// n *= 3;
// for(int i = 0; i < n; i += 3, src += scn)
// {
// int Y = CV_DESCALE(src[0]*C0 + src[1]*C1 + src[2]*C2, yuv_shift);
// int Cr = CV_DESCALE((src[bidx^2] - Y)*C3 + delta, yuv_shift);
// int Cb = CV_DESCALE((src[bidx] - Y)*C4 + delta, yuv_shift);
// dst[i] = saturate_cast<_Tp>(Y);
// dst[i+1] = saturate_cast<_Tp>(Cr);
// dst[i+2] = saturate_cast<_Tp>(Cb);
// }
// }
// int srccn, blueIdx;
// int coeffs[5];
// };
// template<typename _Tp> struct YCrCb2RGB_f
// {
// typedef _Tp channel_type;
// YCrCb2RGB_f(int _dstcn, int _blueIdx, const float* _coeffs)
// : dstcn(_dstcn), blueIdx(_blueIdx)
// {
// static const float coeffs0[] = {1.403f, -0.714f, -0.344f, 1.773f};
// memcpy(coeffs, _coeffs ? _coeffs : coeffs0, 4*sizeof(coeffs[0]));
// }
// void operator()(const _Tp* src, _Tp* dst, int n) const
// {
// int dcn = dstcn, bidx = blueIdx;
// const _Tp delta = ColorChannel<_Tp>::half(), alpha = ColorChannel<_Tp>::max();
// float C0 = coeffs[0], C1 = coeffs[1], C2 = coeffs[2], C3 = coeffs[3];
// n *= 3;
// for(int i = 0; i < n; i += 3, dst += dcn)
// {
// _Tp Y = src[i];
// _Tp Cr = src[i+1];
// _Tp Cb = src[i+2];
// _Tp b = saturate_cast<_Tp>(Y + (Cb - delta)*C3);
// _Tp g = saturate_cast<_Tp>(Y + (Cb - delta)*C2 + (Cr - delta)*C1);
// _Tp r = saturate_cast<_Tp>(Y + (Cr - delta)*C0);
// dst[bidx] = b; dst[1] = g; dst[bidx^2] = r;
// if( dcn == 4 )
// dst[3] = alpha;
// }
// }
// int dstcn, blueIdx;
// float coeffs[4];
// };
// template<typename _Tp> struct YCrCb2RGB_i
// {
// typedef _Tp channel_type;
// YCrCb2RGB_i(int _dstcn, int _blueIdx, const int* _coeffs)
// : dstcn(_dstcn), blueIdx(_blueIdx)
// {
// static const int coeffs0[] = {22987, -11698, -5636, 29049};
// memcpy(coeffs, _coeffs ? _coeffs : coeffs0, 4*sizeof(coeffs[0]));
// }
// void operator()(const _Tp* src, _Tp* dst, int n) const
// {
// int dcn = dstcn, bidx = blueIdx;
// const _Tp delta = ColorChannel<_Tp>::half(), alpha = ColorChannel<_Tp>::max();
// int C0 = coeffs[0], C1 = coeffs[1], C2 = coeffs[2], C3 = coeffs[3];
// n *= 3;
// for(int i = 0; i < n; i += 3, dst += dcn)
// {
// _Tp Y = src[i];
// _Tp Cr = src[i+1];
// _Tp Cb = src[i+2];
// int b = Y + CV_DESCALE((Cb - delta)*C3, yuv_shift);
// int g = Y + CV_DESCALE((Cb - delta)*C2 + (Cr - delta)*C1, yuv_shift);
// int r = Y + CV_DESCALE((Cr - delta)*C0, yuv_shift);
// dst[bidx] = saturate_cast<_Tp>(b);
// dst[1] = saturate_cast<_Tp>(g);
// dst[bidx^2] = saturate_cast<_Tp>(r);
// if( dcn == 4 )
// dst[3] = alpha;
// }
// }
// int dstcn, blueIdx;
// int coeffs[4];
// };
//namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace impl
namespace imgproc
__constant__ float cYCrCbCoeffs_f[5];
__constant__ int cYCrCbCoeffs_i[5];
template <typename T> struct RGB2YCrCbConverter
typedef typename TypeVec<T, 3>::vec_t dst_t;
static __device__ void cvt(const T* src, dst_t& dst, int bidx)
const int delta = ColorChannel<T>::half() * (1 << yuv_shift);
const int Y = CV_DESCALE(src[0] * cYCrCbCoeffs_i[0] + src[1] * cYCrCbCoeffs_i[1] + src[2] * cYCrCbCoeffs_i[2], yuv_shift);
const int Cr = CV_DESCALE((src[bidx^2] - Y) * cYCrCbCoeffs_i[3] + delta, yuv_shift);
const int Cb = CV_DESCALE((src[bidx] - Y) * cYCrCbCoeffs_i[4] + delta, yuv_shift);
dst.x = saturate_cast<T>(Y);
dst.y = saturate_cast<T>(Cr);
dst.z = saturate_cast<T>(Cb);
template<> struct RGB2YCrCbConverter<float>
typedef typename TypeVec<float, 3>::vec_t dst_t;
static __device__ void cvt(const float* src, dst_t& dst, int bidx)
dst.x = src[0] * cYCrCbCoeffs_f[0] + src[1] * cYCrCbCoeffs_f[1] + src[2] * cYCrCbCoeffs_f[2];
dst.y = (src[bidx^2] - dst.x) * cYCrCbCoeffs_f[3] + ColorChannel<float>::half();
dst.z = (src[bidx] - dst.x) * cYCrCbCoeffs_f[4] + ColorChannel<float>::half();
template <int SRCCN, typename T>
__global__ void RGB2YCrCb(const uchar* src_, size_t src_step, uchar* dst_, size_t dst_step, int rows, int cols, int bidx)
typedef typename TypeVec<T, SRCCN>::vec_t src_t;
typedef typename TypeVec<T, 3>::vec_t dst_t;
const int x = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
const int y = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
if (y < rows && x < cols)
src_t src = *(const src_t*)(src_ + y * src_step + x * SRCCN);
dst_t dst;
RGB2YCrCbConverter<T>::cvt(((const T*)(&src)), dst, bidx);
*(dst_t*)(dst_ + y * dst_step + x * 3) = dst;
template <typename T> struct YCrCb2RGBConvertor
typedef typename TypeVec<T, 3>::vec_t src_t;
static __device__ void cvt(const src_t& src, T* dst, int bidx)
const int b = src.x + CV_DESCALE((src.z - ColorChannel<T>::half()) * cYCrCbCoeffs_i[3], yuv_shift);
const int g = src.x + CV_DESCALE((src.z - ColorChannel<T>::half()) * cYCrCbCoeffs_i[2] + (src.y - ColorChannel<T>::half()) * cYCrCbCoeffs_i[1], yuv_shift);
const int r = src.x + CV_DESCALE((src.y - ColorChannel<T>::half()) * cYCrCbCoeffs_i[0], yuv_shift);
dst[bidx] = saturate_cast<T>(b);
dst[1] = saturate_cast<T>(g);
dst[bidx^2] = saturate_cast<T>(r);
template <> struct YCrCb2RGBConvertor<float>
typedef typename TypeVec<float, 3>::vec_t src_t;
static __device__ void cvt(const src_t& src, float* dst, int bidx)
dst[bidx] = src.x + (src.z - ColorChannel<float>::half()) * cYCrCbCoeffs_f[3];
dst[1] = src.x + (src.z - ColorChannel<float>::half()) * cYCrCbCoeffs_f[2] + (src.y - ColorChannel<float>::half()) * cYCrCbCoeffs_f[1];
dst[bidx^2] = src.x + (src.y - ColorChannel<float>::half()) * cYCrCbCoeffs_f[0];
template <int DSTCN, typename T>
__global__ void YCrCb2RGB(const uchar* src_, size_t src_step, uchar* dst_, size_t dst_step, int rows, int cols, int bidx)
typedef typename TypeVec<T, 3>::vec_t src_t;
typedef typename TypeVec<T, DSTCN>::vec_t dst_t;
const int x = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
const int y = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
if (y < rows && x < cols)
src_t src = *(const src_t*)(src_ + y * src_step + x * 3);
dst_t dst;
YCrCb2RGBConvertor<T>::cvt(src, ((T*)(&dst)), bidx);
setAlpha(dst, ColorChannel<T>::max());
*(dst_t*)(dst_ + y * dst_step + x * DSTCN) = dst;
namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace improc
template <typename T, int SRCCN>
void RGB2YCrCb_caller(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int bidx, cudaStream_t stream)
dim3 threads(32, 8, 1);
dim3 grid(1, 1, 1);
grid.x = divUp(src.cols, threads.x);
grid.y = divUp(src.rows, threads.y);
imgproc::RGB2YCrCb<SRCCN, T><<<grid, threads, 0, stream>>>(src.ptr, src.step,
dst.ptr, dst.step, src.rows, src.cols, bidx);
if (stream == 0)
cudaSafeCall( cudaThreadSynchronize() );
void RGB2YCrCb_gpu_8u(const DevMem2D& src, int srccn, const DevMem2D& dst, int bidx, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream)
typedef void (*RGB2YCrCb_caller_t)(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int bidx, cudaStream_t stream);
static const RGB2YCrCb_caller_t RGB2YCrCb_callers[2] =
RGB2YCrCb_caller<uchar, 3>, RGB2YCrCb_caller<uchar, 4>
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(imgproc::cYCrCbCoeffs_i, coeffs, 5 * sizeof(int)) );
RGB2YCrCb_callers[srccn-3](src, dst, bidx, stream);
void RGB2YCrCb_gpu_16u(const DevMem2D& src, int srccn, const DevMem2D& dst, int bidx, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream)
typedef void (*RGB2YCrCb_caller_t)(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int bidx, cudaStream_t stream);
static const RGB2YCrCb_caller_t RGB2YCrCb_callers[2] =
RGB2YCrCb_caller<unsigned short, 3>, RGB2YCrCb_caller<unsigned short, 4>
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(imgproc::cYCrCbCoeffs_i, coeffs, 5 * sizeof(int)) );
RGB2YCrCb_callers[srccn-3](src, dst, bidx, stream);
void RGB2YCrCb_gpu_32f(const DevMem2D& src, int srccn, const DevMem2D& dst, int bidx, const float* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream)
typedef void (*RGB2YCrCb_caller_t)(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int bidx, cudaStream_t stream);
static const RGB2YCrCb_caller_t RGB2YCrCb_callers[2] =
RGB2YCrCb_caller<float, 3>, RGB2YCrCb_caller<float, 4>
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(imgproc::cYCrCbCoeffs_f, coeffs, 5 * sizeof(float)) );
RGB2YCrCb_callers[srccn-3](src, dst, bidx, stream);
template <typename T, int DSTCN>
void YCrCb2RGB_caller(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int bidx, cudaStream_t stream)
dim3 threads(32, 8, 1);
dim3 grid(1, 1, 1);
grid.x = divUp(src.cols, threads.x);
grid.y = divUp(src.rows, threads.y);
imgproc::YCrCb2RGB<DSTCN, T><<<grid, threads, 0, stream>>>(src.ptr, src.step,
dst.ptr, dst.step, src.rows, src.cols, bidx);
if (stream == 0)
cudaSafeCall( cudaThreadSynchronize() );
void YCrCb2RGB_gpu_8u(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int dstcn, int bidx, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream)
typedef void (*YCrCb2RGB_caller_t)(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int bidx, cudaStream_t stream);
static const YCrCb2RGB_caller_t YCrCb2RGB_callers[2] =
YCrCb2RGB_caller<uchar, 3>, YCrCb2RGB_caller<uchar, 4>
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(imgproc::cYCrCbCoeffs_i, coeffs, 4 * sizeof(int)) );
YCrCb2RGB_callers[dstcn-3](src, dst, bidx, stream);
void YCrCb2RGB_gpu_16u(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int dstcn, int bidx, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream)
typedef void (*YCrCb2RGB_caller_t)(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int bidx, cudaStream_t stream);
static const YCrCb2RGB_caller_t YCrCb2RGB_callers[2] =
YCrCb2RGB_caller<unsigned short, 3>, YCrCb2RGB_caller<unsigned short, 4>
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(imgproc::cYCrCbCoeffs_i, coeffs, 4 * sizeof(int)) );
YCrCb2RGB_callers[dstcn-3](src, dst, bidx, stream);
void YCrCb2RGB_gpu_32f(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int dstcn, int bidx, const float* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream)
typedef void (*YCrCb2RGB_caller_t)(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int bidx, cudaStream_t stream);
static const YCrCb2RGB_caller_t YCrCb2RGB_callers[2] =
YCrCb2RGB_caller<float, 3>, YCrCb2RGB_caller<float, 4>
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(imgproc::cYCrCbCoeffs_f, coeffs, 4 * sizeof(float)) );
YCrCb2RGB_callers[dstcn-3](src, dst, bidx, stream);
////////////////////////////////////// RGB <-> XYZ ///////////////////////////////////////

@ -81,10 +81,6 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu
void reprojectImageTo3D_gpu(const DevMem2D& disp, const DevMem2Df& xyzw, const float* q, const cudaStream_t& stream);
void reprojectImageTo3D_gpu(const DevMem2D_<short>& disp, const DevMem2Df& xyzw, const float* q, const cudaStream_t& stream);
void swapChannels_gpu_8u(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int cn, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream);
void swapChannels_gpu_16u(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int cn, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream);
void swapChannels_gpu_32f(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int cn, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream);
void RGB2RGB_gpu_8u(const DevMem2D& src, int srccn, const DevMem2D& dst, int dstcn, int bidx, cudaStream_t stream);
void RGB2RGB_gpu_16u(const DevMem2D& src, int srccn, const DevMem2D& dst, int dstcn, int bidx, cudaStream_t stream);
void RGB2RGB_gpu_32f(const DevMem2D& src, int srccn, const DevMem2D& dst, int dstcn, int bidx, cudaStream_t stream);
@ -101,6 +97,14 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu
void RGB2Gray_gpu(const DevMem2D_<ushort>& src, int srccn, const DevMem2D_<ushort>& dst, int bidx, cudaStream_t stream);
void RGB2Gray_gpu(const DevMem2Df& src, int srccn, const DevMem2Df& dst, int bidx, cudaStream_t stream);
void RGB5x52Gray_gpu(const DevMem2D& src, int green_bits, const DevMem2D& dst, cudaStream_t stream);
void RGB2YCrCb_gpu_8u(const DevMem2D& src, int srccn, const DevMem2D& dst, int bidx, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream);
void RGB2YCrCb_gpu_16u(const DevMem2D& src, int srccn, const DevMem2D& dst, int bidx, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream);
void RGB2YCrCb_gpu_32f(const DevMem2D& src, int srccn, const DevMem2D& dst, int bidx, const float* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream);
void YCrCb2RGB_gpu_8u(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int dstcn, int bidx, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream);
void YCrCb2RGB_gpu_16u(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int dstcn, int bidx, const int* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream);
void YCrCb2RGB_gpu_32f(const DevMem2D& src, const DevMem2D& dst, int dstcn, int bidx, const float* coeffs, cudaStream_t stream);
@ -222,6 +226,23 @@ void cv::gpu::reprojectImageTo3D(const GpuMat& disp, GpuMat& xyzw, const Mat& Q,
// cvtColor
#undef R2Y
#undef G2Y
#undef B2Y
yuv_shift = 14,
xyz_shift = 12,
R2Y = 4899,
G2Y = 9617,
B2Y = 1868,
void cvtColor_caller(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, int code, int dcn, const cudaStream_t& stream)
@ -328,74 +349,70 @@ namespace
improc::Gray2RGB5x5_gpu(src, out, code == CV_GRAY2BGR565 ? 6 : 5, stream);
case CV_RGB2YCrCb:
CV_Assert(scn == 3 && depth == CV_8U);
out.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 3));
nppSafeCall( nppiRGBToYCbCr_8u_C3R(src.ptr<Npp8u>(), src.step, out.ptr<Npp8u>(), out.step, nppsz) );
case CV_BGR2YCrCb: case CV_RGB2YCrCb:
case CV_BGR2YUV: case CV_RGB2YUV:
static int coeffs[] = {0, 2, 1};
improc::swapChannels_gpu_8u(out, out, 3, coeffs, 0);
CV_Assert( scn == 3 || scn == 4 );
bidx = code == CV_BGR2YCrCb || code == CV_RGB2YUV ? 0 : 2;
static const float yuv_f[] = { 0.114f, 0.587f, 0.299f, 0.492f, 0.877f };
static const int yuv_i[] = { B2Y, G2Y, R2Y, 8061, 14369 };
static const float YCrCb_f[] = {0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f, 0.713f, 0.564f};
static const int YCrCb_i[] = {R2Y, G2Y, B2Y, 11682, 9241};
float coeffs_f[5];
int coeffs_i[5];
::memcpy(coeffs_f, code == CV_BGR2YCrCb || code == CV_RGB2YCrCb ? YCrCb_f : yuv_f, 5 * sizeof(float));
::memcpy(coeffs_i, code == CV_BGR2YCrCb || code == CV_RGB2YCrCb ? YCrCb_i : yuv_i, 5 * sizeof(int));
if (bidx==0)
std::swap(coeffs_f[0], coeffs_f[2]);
std::swap(coeffs_i[0], coeffs_i[2]);
out.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 3));
if( depth == CV_8U )
improc::RGB2YCrCb_gpu_8u(src, scn, out, bidx, coeffs_i, stream);
else if( depth == CV_16U )
improc::RGB2YCrCb_gpu_16u(src, scn, out, bidx, coeffs_i, stream);
improc::RGB2YCrCb_gpu_32f(src, scn, out, bidx, coeffs_f, stream);
case CV_YCrCb2RGB:
CV_Assert(scn == 3 && depth == CV_8U);
out.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 3));
case CV_YCrCb2BGR: case CV_YCrCb2RGB:
case CV_YUV2BGR: case CV_YUV2RGB:
static int coeffs[] = {0, 2, 1};
GpuMat src1(src.size(), src.type());
improc::swapChannels_gpu_8u(src, src1, 3, coeffs, 0);
nppSafeCall( nppiYCbCrToRGB_8u_C3R(src1.ptr<Npp8u>(), src1.step, out.ptr<Npp8u>(), out.step, nppsz) );
if (dcn <= 0) dcn = 3;
//case CV_BGR2YCrCb: case CV_RGB2YCrCb:
//case CV_BGR2YUV: case CV_RGB2YUV:
// {
// CV_Assert( scn == 3 || scn == 4 );
// bidx = code == CV_BGR2YCrCb || code == CV_RGB2YUV ? 0 : 2;
// static const float yuv_f[] = { 0.114f, 0.587f, 0.299f, 0.492f, 0.877f };
// static const int yuv_i[] = { B2Y, G2Y, R2Y, 8061, 14369 };
// const float* coeffs_f = code == CV_BGR2YCrCb || code == CV_RGB2YCrCb ? 0 : yuv_f;
// const int* coeffs_i = code == CV_BGR2YCrCb || code == CV_RGB2YCrCb ? 0 : yuv_i;
// dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 3));
// if( depth == CV_8U )
// CvtColorLoop(src, dst, RGB2YCrCb_i<uchar>(scn, bidx, coeffs_i));
// else if( depth == CV_16U )
// CvtColorLoop(src, dst, RGB2YCrCb_i<ushort>(scn, bidx, coeffs_i));
// else
// CvtColorLoop(src, dst, RGB2YCrCb_f<float>(scn, bidx, coeffs_f));
// }
// break;
//case CV_YCrCb2BGR: case CV_YCrCb2RGB:
//case CV_YUV2BGR: case CV_YUV2RGB:
// {
// if( dcn <= 0 ) dcn = 3;
// CV_Assert( scn == 3 && (dcn == 3 || dcn == 4) );
// bidx = code == CV_YCrCb2BGR || code == CV_YUV2RGB ? 0 : 2;
// static const float yuv_f[] = { 2.032f, -0.395f, -0.581f, 1.140f };
// static const int yuv_i[] = { 33292, -6472, -9519, 18678 };
// const float* coeffs_f = code == CV_YCrCb2BGR || code == CV_YCrCb2RGB ? 0 : yuv_f;
// const int* coeffs_i = code == CV_YCrCb2BGR || code == CV_YCrCb2RGB ? 0 : yuv_i;
// dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, dcn));
// if( depth == CV_8U )
// CvtColorLoop(src, dst, YCrCb2RGB_i<uchar>(dcn, bidx, coeffs_i));
// else if( depth == CV_16U )
// CvtColorLoop(src, dst, YCrCb2RGB_i<ushort>(dcn, bidx, coeffs_i));
// else
// CvtColorLoop(src, dst, YCrCb2RGB_f<float>(dcn, bidx, coeffs_f));
// }
// break;
CV_Assert( scn == 3 && (dcn == 3 || dcn == 4) );
bidx = code == CV_YCrCb2BGR || code == CV_YUV2RGB ? 0 : 2;
static const float yuv_f[] = { 2.032f, -0.395f, -0.581f, 1.140f };
static const int yuv_i[] = { 33292, -6472, -9519, 18678 };
static const float YCrCb_f[] = {1.403f, -0.714f, -0.344f, 1.773f};
static const int YCrCb_i[] = {22987, -11698, -5636, 29049};
const float* coeffs_f = code == CV_YCrCb2BGR || code == CV_YCrCb2RGB ? YCrCb_f : yuv_f;
const int* coeffs_i = code == CV_YCrCb2BGR || code == CV_YCrCb2RGB ? YCrCb_i : yuv_i;
out.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, dcn));
if( depth == CV_8U )
improc::YCrCb2RGB_gpu_8u(src, out, dcn, bidx, coeffs_i, stream);
else if( depth == CV_16U )
improc::YCrCb2RGB_gpu_16u(src, out, dcn, bidx, coeffs_i, stream);
improc::YCrCb2RGB_gpu_32f(src, out, dcn, bidx, coeffs_f, stream);
//case CV_BGR2XYZ: case CV_RGB2XYZ:
// CV_Assert( scn == 3 || scn == 4 );

@ -500,12 +500,12 @@ void CV_GpuCvtColorTest::run( int )
//run tests
int codes[] = { CV_BGR2RGB, CV_RGB2BGRA, CV_BGRA2RGB,
/* CV_RGB2YCrCb, CV_YCrCb2RGB,*/
const char* codes_str[] = { "CV_BGR2RGB", "CV_RGB2BGRA", "CV_BGRA2RGB",
"CV_RGB2BGR555", "CV_BGR5552BGR", "CV_BGR2BGR565", "CV_BGR5652RGB",
/* "CV_RGB2YCrCb", "CV_YCrCb2RGB",*/
"CV_GRAY2BGR555", "CV_BGR5552GRAY", "CV_GRAY2BGR565", "CV_BGR5652GRAY"};
int codes_num = sizeof(codes) / sizeof(int);