a few fixes of ocl::perf test cases
This commit is contained in:
@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ PERFTEST(lut)
gen(src, size, size, all_type[j], 0, 256);
gen(lut, 1, 256, CV_8UC1, 0, 1);
dst = src;
LUT(src, lut, dst);
@ -233,8 +232,6 @@ PERFTEST(Mul)
gen(src1, size, size, all_type[j], 0, 256);
gen(src2, size, size, all_type[j], 0, 256);
dst = src1;
multiply(src1, src2, dst);
@ -281,8 +278,6 @@ PERFTEST(Div)
gen(src1, size, size, all_type[j], 0, 256);
gen(src2, size, size, all_type[j], 0, 256);
dst = src1;
divide(src1, src2, dst);
@ -291,9 +291,7 @@ PERFTEST(GaussianBlur)
SUBTEST << size << 'x' << size << "; " << type_name[j] ;
gen(src, size, size, all_type[j], 0, 256);
dst = src;
gen(src, size, size, all_type[j], 5, 16);
GaussianBlur(src, dst, Size(9, 9), 0);
@ -346,8 +344,8 @@ PERFTEST(filter2D)
Mat kernel;
gen(kernel, ksize, ksize, CV_32FC1, 0.0, 1.0);
Mat dst, ocl_dst;
Mat dst, ocl_dst;
cv::filter2D(src, dst, -1, kernel);
@ -674,8 +674,8 @@ COOR do_meanShift(int x0, int y0, uchar *sptr, uchar *dptr, int sstep, cv::Size
coor.y = static_cast<short>(y0);
return coor;
void meanShiftFiltering_(const Mat &src_roi, Mat &dst_roi, int sp, int sr, cv::TermCriteria crit);
void meanShiftFiltering_(const Mat &src_roi, Mat &dst_roi, int sp, int sr, cv::TermCriteria crit)
static void meanShiftFiltering_(const Mat &src_roi, Mat &dst_roi, int sp, int sr, cv::TermCriteria crit)
if( src_roi.empty() )
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "The input image is empty" );
@ -683,6 +683,8 @@ void meanShiftFiltering_(const Mat &src_roi, Mat &dst_roi, int sp, int sr, cv::T
if( src_roi.depth() != CV_8U || src_roi.channels() != 4 )
CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Only 8-bit, 4-channel images are supported" );
dst_roi.create(src_roi.size(), src_roi.type());
CV_Assert( (src_roi.cols == dst_roi.cols) && (src_roi.rows == dst_roi.rows) );
CV_Assert( !(dst_roi.step & 0x3) );
@ -725,9 +727,6 @@ PERFTEST(meanShiftFiltering)
SUBTEST << size << 'x' << size << "; 8UC3 vs 8UC4";
gen(src, size, size, CV_8UC4, Scalar::all(0), Scalar::all(256));
//gen(dst, size, size, CV_8UC4, Scalar::all(0), Scalar::all(256));
dst = src;
cv::TermCriteria crit(cv::TermCriteria::COUNT + cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 5, 1);
@ -756,201 +755,21 @@ PERFTEST(meanShiftFiltering)
TestSystem::instance().ExpectedMatNear(dst, ocl_dst, 0.0);
///////////// meanShiftProc////////////////////////
#if 0
COOR do_meanShift(int x0, int y0, uchar *sptr, uchar *dptr, int sstep, cv::Size size, int sp, int sr, int maxIter, float eps, int *tab)
int isr2 = sr * sr;
int c0, c1, c2, c3;
int iter;
uchar *ptr = NULL;
uchar *pstart = NULL;
int revx = 0, revy = 0;
c0 = sptr[0];
c1 = sptr[1];
c2 = sptr[2];
c3 = sptr[3];
// iterate meanshift procedure
for (iter = 0; iter < maxIter; iter++)
int count = 0;
int s0 = 0, s1 = 0, s2 = 0, sx = 0, sy = 0;
//mean shift: process pixels in window (p-sigmaSp)x(p+sigmaSp)
int minx = x0 - sp;
int miny = y0 - sp;
int maxx = x0 + sp;
int maxy = y0 + sp;
//deal with the image boundary
if (minx < 0)
minx = 0;
if (miny < 0)
miny = 0;
if (maxx >= size.width)
maxx = size.width - 1;
if (maxy >= size.height)
maxy = size.height - 1;
if (iter == 0)
pstart = sptr;
pstart = pstart + revy * sstep + (revx << 2); //point to the new position
ptr = pstart;
ptr = ptr + (miny - y0) * sstep + ((minx - x0) << 2); //point to the start in the row
for (int y = miny; y <= maxy; y++, ptr += sstep - ((maxx - minx + 1) << 2))
int rowCount = 0;
int x = minx;
for (; x + 4 <= maxx; x += 4, ptr += 16)
int t0, t1, t2;
t0 = ptr[0], t1 = ptr[1], t2 = ptr[2];
if (tab[t0 - c0 + 255] + tab[t1 - c1 + 255] + tab[t2 - c2 + 255] <= isr2)
s0 += t0;
s1 += t1;
s2 += t2;
sx += x;
t0 = ptr[4], t1 = ptr[5], t2 = ptr[6];
if (tab[t0 - c0 + 255] + tab[t1 - c1 + 255] + tab[t2 - c2 + 255] <= isr2)
s0 += t0;
s1 += t1;
s2 += t2;
sx += x + 1;
t0 = ptr[8], t1 = ptr[9], t2 = ptr[10];
if (tab[t0 - c0 + 255] + tab[t1 - c1 + 255] + tab[t2 - c2 + 255] <= isr2)
s0 += t0;
s1 += t1;
s2 += t2;
sx += x + 2;
t0 = ptr[12], t1 = ptr[13], t2 = ptr[14];
if (tab[t0 - c0 + 255] + tab[t1 - c1 + 255] + tab[t2 - c2 + 255] <= isr2)
s0 += t0;
s1 += t1;
s2 += t2;
sx += x + 3;
for (; x <= maxx; x++, ptr += 4)
int t0 = ptr[0], t1 = ptr[1], t2 = ptr[2];
if (tab[t0 - c0 + 255] + tab[t1 - c1 + 255] + tab[t2 - c2 + 255] <= isr2)
s0 += t0;
s1 += t1;
s2 += t2;
sx += x;
if (rowCount == 0)
count += rowCount;
sy += y * rowCount;
if (count == 0)
int x1 = sx / count;
int y1 = sy / count;
s0 = s0 / count;
s1 = s1 / count;
s2 = s2 / count;
bool stopFlag = (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1) || (abs(x1 - x0) + abs(y1 - y0) +
tab[s0 - c0 + 255] + tab[s1 - c1 + 255] + tab[s2 - c2 + 255] <= eps);
//revise the pointer corresponding to the new (y0,x0)
revx = x1 - x0;
revy = y1 - y0;
x0 = x1;
y0 = y1;
c0 = s0;
c1 = s1;
c2 = s2;
if (stopFlag)
} //for iter
dptr[0] = (uchar)c0;
dptr[1] = (uchar)c1;
dptr[2] = (uchar)c2;
dptr[3] = (uchar)c3;
COOR coor;
coor.x = static_cast<short>(x0);
coor.y = static_cast<short>(y0);
return coor;
void meanShiftProc_(const Mat &src_roi, Mat &dst_roi, Mat &dstCoor_roi, int sp, int sr, cv::TermCriteria crit)
if (src_roi.empty())
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "The input image is empty");
if (src_roi.depth() != CV_8U || src_roi.channels() != 4)
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Only 8-bit, 4-channel images are supported");
dst_roi.create(src_roi.size(), src_roi.type());
dstCoor_roi.create(src_roi.size(), CV_16SC2);
CV_Assert((src_roi.cols == dst_roi.cols) && (src_roi.rows == dst_roi.rows) &&
(src_roi.cols == dstCoor_roi.cols) && (src_roi.rows == dstCoor_roi.rows));
CV_Assert(!(dstCoor_roi.step & 0x3));
@ -1008,8 +827,6 @@ PERFTEST(meanShiftProc)
SUBTEST << size << 'x' << size << "; 8UC4 and CV_16SC2 ";
gen(src, size, size, CV_8UC4, Scalar::all(0), Scalar::all(256));
gen(dst[0], size, size, CV_8UC4, Scalar::all(0), Scalar::all(256));
gen(dst[1], size, size, CV_16SC2, Scalar::all(0), Scalar::all(256));
meanShiftProc_(src, dst[0], dst[1], 5, 6, crit);
Reference in New Issue
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