Make Integral sum support cv_32f, sqsum support cv_64f.

This commit is contained in:
perping 2013-11-11 14:31:02 +08:00
parent 0ac61240c5
commit 50579d2524
4 changed files with 134 additions and 93 deletions

View File

@ -861,10 +861,10 @@ namespace cv
CV_EXPORTS void warpPerspective(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, const Mat &M, Size dsize, int flags = INTER_LINEAR);
//! computes the integral image and integral for the squared image
// sum will have CV_32S type, sqsum - CV32F type
// sum will support CV_32S, CV_32F, sqsum - support CV32F, CV_64F
// supports only CV_8UC1 source type
CV_EXPORTS void integral(const oclMat &src, oclMat &sum, oclMat &sqsum);
CV_EXPORTS void integral(const oclMat &src, oclMat &sum);
CV_EXPORTS void integral(const oclMat &src, oclMat &sum, oclMat &sqsum, int sdepth=-1 );
CV_EXPORTS void integral(const oclMat &src, oclMat &sum, int sdepth=-1 );
CV_EXPORTS void cornerHarris(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int blockSize, int ksize, double k, int bordertype = cv::BORDER_DEFAULT);
CV_EXPORTS void cornerHarris_dxdy(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, oclMat &Dx, oclMat &Dy,
int blockSize, int ksize, double k, int bordertype = cv::BORDER_DEFAULT);

View File

@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ namespace cv
// integral
void integral(const oclMat &src, oclMat &sum, oclMat &sqsum)
void integral(const oclMat &src, oclMat &sum, oclMat &sqsum, int sdepth)
CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_8UC1);
if (!src.clCxt->supportsFeature(ocl::FEATURE_CL_DOUBLE) && src.depth() == CV_64F)
@ -792,6 +792,12 @@ namespace cv
int depth = src.depth();
if( sdepth <= 0 )
sdepth = CV_32S;
sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(sdepth);
int type = CV_MAKE_TYPE(sdepth, 1);
int vlen = 4;
int offset = src.offset / vlen;
int pre_invalid = src.offset % vlen;
@ -799,17 +805,26 @@ namespace cv
oclMat t_sum , t_sqsum;
int w = src.cols + 1, h = src.rows + 1;
int depth = src.depth() == CV_8U ? CV_32S : CV_64F;
int type = CV_MAKE_TYPE(depth, 1);
char build_option[250];
t_sqsum.create(src.cols, src.rows, CV_64FC1);
sqsum.create(h, w, CV_64FC1);
sprintf(build_option, "-D TYPE=double -D TYPE4=double4 -D convert_TYPE4=convert_double4");
t_sqsum.create(src.cols, src.rows, CV_32FC1);
sqsum.create(h, w, CV_32FC1);
sprintf(build_option, "-D TYPE=float -D TYPE4=float4 -D convert_TYPE4=convert_float4");
t_sum.create(src.cols, src.rows, type);
sum.create(h, w, type);
t_sqsum.create(src.cols, src.rows, CV_32FC1);
sqsum.create(h, w, CV_32FC1);
int sum_offset = sum.offset / vlen;
int sqsum_offset = sqsum.offset / vlen;
int sum_offset = sum.offset / sum.elemSize();
int sqsum_offset = sqsum.offset / sqsum.elemSize();
vector<pair<size_t , const void *> > args;
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_mem) , (void *)& ));
@ -821,8 +836,9 @@ namespace cv
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int) , (void *)&src.cols ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int) , (void *)&src.step ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int) , (void *)&t_sum.step));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int) , (void *)&t_sqsum.step));
size_t gt[3] = {((vcols + 1) / 2) * 256, 1, 1}, lt[3] = {256, 1, 1};
openCLExecuteKernel(src.clCxt, &imgproc_integral, "integral_cols", gt, lt, args, -1, depth);
openCLExecuteKernel(src.clCxt, &imgproc_integral, "integral_cols", gt, lt, args, -1, sdepth, build_option);
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_mem) , (void *)& ));
@ -832,15 +848,16 @@ namespace cv
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int) , (void *)&t_sum.rows ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int) , (void *)&t_sum.cols ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int) , (void *)&t_sum.step ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int) , (void *)&t_sqsum.step));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int) , (void *)&sum.step));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int) , (void *)&sqsum.step));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int) , (void *)&sum_offset));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int) , (void *)&sqsum_offset));
size_t gt2[3] = {t_sum.cols * 32, 1, 1}, lt2[3] = {256, 1, 1};
openCLExecuteKernel(src.clCxt, &imgproc_integral, "integral_rows", gt2, lt2, args, -1, depth);
openCLExecuteKernel(src.clCxt, &imgproc_integral, "integral_rows", gt2, lt2, args, -1, sdepth, build_option);
void integral(const oclMat &src, oclMat &sum)
void integral(const oclMat &src, oclMat &sum, int sdepth)
CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_8UC1);
int vlen = 4;
@ -848,10 +865,13 @@ namespace cv
int pre_invalid = src.offset % vlen;
int vcols = (pre_invalid + src.cols + vlen - 1) / vlen;
if( sdepth <= 0 )
sdepth = CV_32S;
sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(sdepth);
int type = CV_MAKE_TYPE(sdepth, 1);
oclMat t_sum;
int w = src.cols + 1, h = src.rows + 1;
int depth = src.depth() == CV_8U ? CV_32S : CV_32F;
int type = CV_MAKE_TYPE(depth, 1);
t_sum.create(src.cols, src.rows, type);
sum.create(h, w, type);
@ -867,7 +887,7 @@ namespace cv
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int) , (void *)&src.step ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int) , (void *)&t_sum.step));
size_t gt[3] = {((vcols + 1) / 2) * 256, 1, 1}, lt[3] = {256, 1, 1};
openCLExecuteKernel(src.clCxt, &imgproc_integral_sum, "integral_sum_cols", gt, lt, args, -1, depth);
openCLExecuteKernel(src.clCxt, &imgproc_integral_sum, "integral_sum_cols", gt, lt, args, -1, sdepth);
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_mem) , (void *)& ));
@ -878,7 +898,7 @@ namespace cv
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int) , (void *)&sum.step));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int) , (void *)&sum_offset));
size_t gt2[3] = {t_sum.cols * 32, 1, 1}, lt2[3] = {256, 1, 1};
openCLExecuteKernel(src.clCxt, &imgproc_integral_sum, "integral_sum_rows", gt2, lt2, args, -1, depth);
openCLExecuteKernel(src.clCxt, &imgproc_integral_sum, "integral_sum_rows", gt2, lt2, args, -1, sdepth);
/////////////////////// corner //////////////////////////////

View File

@ -49,6 +49,9 @@
#elif defined (cl_amd_fp64)
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_fp64:enable
#define CONVERT(step) ((step)>>1)
#define CONVERT(step) ((step))
#define LSIZE 256
#define LSIZE_1 255
@ -60,17 +63,17 @@
#define GET_CONFLICT_OFFSET(lid) ((lid) >> LOG_NUM_BANKS)
kernel void integral_cols_D4(__global uchar4 *src,__global int *sum ,__global float *sqsum,
int src_offset,int pre_invalid,int rows,int cols,int src_step,int dst_step)
kernel void integral_cols_D4(__global uchar4 *src,__global int *sum ,__global TYPE *sqsum,
int src_offset,int pre_invalid,int rows,int cols,int src_step,int dst_step,int dst1_step)
int lid = get_local_id(0);
int gid = get_group_id(0);
int4 src_t[2], sum_t[2];
float4 sqsum_t[2];
TYPE4 sqsum_t[2];
__local int4 lm_sum[2][LSIZE + LOG_LSIZE];
__local float4 lm_sqsum[2][LSIZE + LOG_LSIZE];
__local TYPE4 lm_sqsum[2][LSIZE + LOG_LSIZE];
__local int* sum_p;
__local float* sqsum_p;
__local TYPE* sqsum_p;
src_step = src_step >> 2;
gid = gid << 1;
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i =i + LSIZE_1)
@ -79,17 +82,17 @@ kernel void integral_cols_D4(__global uchar4 *src,__global int *sum ,__global fl
src_t[1] = (i + lid < rows ? convert_int4(src[src_offset + (lid+i) * src_step + min(gid + 1, cols - 1)]) : 0);
sum_t[0] = (i == 0 ? 0 : lm_sum[0][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sqsum_t[0] = (i == 0 ? (float4)0 : lm_sqsum[0][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sqsum_t[0] = (i == 0 ? (TYPE4)0 : lm_sqsum[0][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sum_t[1] = (i == 0 ? 0 : lm_sum[1][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sqsum_t[1] = (i == 0 ? (float4)0 : lm_sqsum[1][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sqsum_t[1] = (i == 0 ? (TYPE4)0 : lm_sqsum[1][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
int bf_loc = lid + GET_CONFLICT_OFFSET(lid);
lm_sum[0][bf_loc] = src_t[0];
lm_sqsum[0][bf_loc] = convert_float4(src_t[0] * src_t[0]);
lm_sqsum[0][bf_loc] = convert_TYPE4(src_t[0] * src_t[0]);
lm_sum[1][bf_loc] = src_t[1];
lm_sqsum[1][bf_loc] = convert_float4(src_t[1] * src_t[1]);
lm_sqsum[1][bf_loc] = convert_TYPE4(src_t[1] * src_t[1]);
int offset = 1;
for(int d = LSIZE >> 1 ; d > 0; d>>=1)
@ -130,7 +133,8 @@ kernel void integral_cols_D4(__global uchar4 *src,__global int *sum ,__global fl
int loc_s0 = gid * dst_step + i + lid - 1 - pre_invalid * dst_step / 4, loc_s1 = loc_s0 + dst_step ;
int loc_s0 = gid * dst_step + i + lid - 1 - pre_invalid * dst_step /4, loc_s1 = loc_s0 + dst_step ;
int loc_sq0 = gid * CONVERT(dst1_step) + i + lid - 1 - pre_invalid * dst1_step / sizeof(TYPE),loc_sq1 = loc_sq0 + CONVERT(dst1_step);
if(lid > 0 && (i+lid) <= rows)
lm_sum[0][bf_loc] += sum_t[0];
@ -138,20 +142,20 @@ kernel void integral_cols_D4(__global uchar4 *src,__global int *sum ,__global fl
lm_sqsum[0][bf_loc] += sqsum_t[0];
lm_sqsum[1][bf_loc] += sqsum_t[1];
sum_p = (__local int*)(&(lm_sum[0][bf_loc]));
sqsum_p = (__local float*)(&(lm_sqsum[0][bf_loc]));
sqsum_p = (__local TYPE*)(&(lm_sqsum[0][bf_loc]));
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
if(gid * 4 + k >= cols + pre_invalid || gid * 4 + k < pre_invalid) continue;
sum[loc_s0 + k * dst_step / 4] = sum_p[k];
sqsum[loc_s0 + k * dst_step / 4] = sqsum_p[k];
sqsum[loc_sq0 + k * dst1_step / sizeof(TYPE)] = sqsum_p[k];
sum_p = (__local int*)(&(lm_sum[1][bf_loc]));
sqsum_p = (__local float*)(&(lm_sqsum[1][bf_loc]));
sqsum_p = (__local TYPE*)(&(lm_sqsum[1][bf_loc]));
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
if(gid * 4 + k + 4 >= cols + pre_invalid) break;
sum[loc_s1 + k * dst_step / 4] = sum_p[k];
sqsum[loc_s1 + k * dst_step / 4] = sqsum_p[k];
sqsum[loc_sq1 + k * dst1_step / sizeof(TYPE)] = sqsum_p[k];
@ -159,30 +163,32 @@ kernel void integral_cols_D4(__global uchar4 *src,__global int *sum ,__global fl
kernel void integral_rows_D4(__global int4 *srcsum,__global float4 * srcsqsum,__global int *sum ,
__global float *sqsum,int rows,int cols,int src_step,int sum_step,
kernel void integral_rows_D4(__global int4 *srcsum,__global TYPE4 * srcsqsum,__global int *sum ,
__global TYPE *sqsum,int rows,int cols,int src_step,int src1_step,int sum_step,
int sqsum_step,int sum_offset,int sqsum_offset)
int lid = get_local_id(0);
int gid = get_group_id(0);
int4 src_t[2], sum_t[2];
float4 sqsrc_t[2],sqsum_t[2];
TYPE4 sqsrc_t[2],sqsum_t[2];
__local int4 lm_sum[2][LSIZE + LOG_LSIZE];
__local float4 lm_sqsum[2][LSIZE + LOG_LSIZE];
__local TYPE4 lm_sqsum[2][LSIZE + LOG_LSIZE];
__local int *sum_p;
__local float *sqsum_p;
__local TYPE *sqsum_p;
src_step = src_step >> 4;
src1_step = (src1_step / sizeof(TYPE)) >> 2 ;
gid <<= 1;
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i =i + LSIZE_1)
src_t[0] = i + lid < rows ? srcsum[(lid+i) * src_step + gid * 2] : (int4)0;
sqsrc_t[0] = i + lid < rows ? srcsqsum[(lid+i) * src_step + gid * 2] : (float4)0;
src_t[1] = i + lid < rows ? srcsum[(lid+i) * src_step + gid * 2 + 1] : (int4)0;
sqsrc_t[1] = i + lid < rows ? srcsqsum[(lid+i) * src_step + gid * 2 + 1] : (float4)0;
src_t[0] = i + lid < rows ? srcsum[(lid+i) * src_step + gid ] : (int4)0;
sqsrc_t[0] = i + lid < rows ? srcsqsum[(lid+i) * src1_step + gid ] : (TYPE4)0;
src_t[1] = i + lid < rows ? srcsum[(lid+i) * src_step + gid + 1] : (int4)0;
sqsrc_t[1] = i + lid < rows ? srcsqsum[(lid+i) * src1_step + gid + 1] : (TYPE4)0;
sum_t[0] = (i == 0 ? 0 : lm_sum[0][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sqsum_t[0] = (i == 0 ? (float4)0 : lm_sqsum[0][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sqsum_t[0] = (i == 0 ? (TYPE4)0 : lm_sqsum[0][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sum_t[1] = (i == 0 ? 0 : lm_sum[1][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sqsum_t[1] = (i == 0 ? (float4)0 : lm_sqsum[1][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sqsum_t[1] = (i == 0 ? (TYPE4)0 : lm_sqsum[1][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
int bf_loc = lid + GET_CONFLICT_OFFSET(lid);
@ -238,17 +244,18 @@ kernel void integral_rows_D4(__global int4 *srcsum,__global float4 * srcsqsum,__
if(i + lid == 0)
int loc0 = gid * 2 * sum_step;
int loc1 = gid * 2 * sqsum_step;
int loc0 = gid * sum_step;
int loc1 = gid * CONVERT(sqsum_step);
for(int k = 1; k <= 8; k++)
if(gid * 8 + k > cols) break;
if(gid * 4 + k > cols) break;
sum[sum_offset + loc0 + k * sum_step / 4] = 0;
sqsum[sqsum_offset + loc1 + k * sqsum_step / 4] = 0;
sqsum[sqsum_offset + loc1 + k * sqsum_step / sizeof(TYPE)] = 0;
int loc_s0 = sum_offset + gid * 2 * sum_step + sum_step / 4 + i + lid, loc_s1 = loc_s0 + sum_step ;
int loc_sq0 = sqsum_offset + gid * 2 * sqsum_step + sqsum_step / 4 + i + lid, loc_sq1 = loc_sq0 + sqsum_step ;
int loc_s0 = sum_offset + gid * sum_step + sum_step / 4 + i + lid, loc_s1 = loc_s0 + sum_step ;
int loc_sq0 = sqsum_offset + gid * CONVERT(sqsum_step) + sqsum_step / sizeof(TYPE) + i + lid, loc_sq1 = loc_sq0 + CONVERT(sqsum_step) ;
if(lid > 0 && (i+lid) <= rows)
lm_sum[0][bf_loc] += sum_t[0];
@ -256,37 +263,37 @@ kernel void integral_rows_D4(__global int4 *srcsum,__global float4 * srcsqsum,__
lm_sqsum[0][bf_loc] += sqsum_t[0];
lm_sqsum[1][bf_loc] += sqsum_t[1];
sum_p = (__local int*)(&(lm_sum[0][bf_loc]));
sqsum_p = (__local float*)(&(lm_sqsum[0][bf_loc]));
sqsum_p = (__local TYPE*)(&(lm_sqsum[0][bf_loc]));
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
if(gid * 8 + k >= cols) break;
if(gid * 4 + k >= cols) break;
sum[loc_s0 + k * sum_step / 4] = sum_p[k];
sqsum[loc_sq0 + k * sqsum_step / 4] = sqsum_p[k];
sqsum[loc_sq0 + k * sqsum_step / sizeof(TYPE)] = sqsum_p[k];
sum_p = (__local int*)(&(lm_sum[1][bf_loc]));
sqsum_p = (__local float*)(&(lm_sqsum[1][bf_loc]));
sqsum_p = (__local TYPE*)(&(lm_sqsum[1][bf_loc]));
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
if(gid * 8 + 4 + k >= cols) break;
if(gid * 4 + 4 + k >= cols) break;
sum[loc_s1 + k * sum_step / 4] = sum_p[k];
sqsum[loc_sq1 + k * sqsum_step / 4] = sqsum_p[k];
sqsum[loc_sq1 + k * sqsum_step / sizeof(TYPE)] = sqsum_p[k];
kernel void integral_cols_D5(__global uchar4 *src,__global float *sum ,__global float *sqsum,
int src_offset,int pre_invalid,int rows,int cols,int src_step,int dst_step)
kernel void integral_cols_D5(__global uchar4 *src,__global float *sum ,__global TYPE *sqsum,
int src_offset,int pre_invalid,int rows,int cols,int src_step,int dst_step, int dst1_step)
int lid = get_local_id(0);
int gid = get_group_id(0);
float4 src_t[2], sum_t[2];
float4 sqsum_t[2];
TYPE4 sqsum_t[2];
__local float4 lm_sum[2][LSIZE + LOG_LSIZE];
__local float4 lm_sqsum[2][LSIZE + LOG_LSIZE];
__local TYPE4 lm_sqsum[2][LSIZE + LOG_LSIZE];
__local float* sum_p;
__local float* sqsum_p;
__local TYPE* sqsum_p;
src_step = src_step >> 2;
gid = gid << 1;
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i =i + LSIZE_1)
@ -295,17 +302,17 @@ kernel void integral_cols_D5(__global uchar4 *src,__global float *sum ,__global
src_t[1] = (i + lid < rows ? convert_float4(src[src_offset + (lid+i) * src_step + min(gid + 1, cols - 1)]) : (float4)0);
sum_t[0] = (i == 0 ? (float4)0 : lm_sum[0][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sqsum_t[0] = (i == 0 ? (float4)0 : lm_sqsum[0][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sqsum_t[0] = (i == 0 ? (TYPE4)0 : lm_sqsum[0][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sum_t[1] = (i == 0 ? (float4)0 : lm_sum[1][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sqsum_t[1] = (i == 0 ? (float4)0 : lm_sqsum[1][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sqsum_t[1] = (i == 0 ? (TYPE4)0 : lm_sqsum[1][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
int bf_loc = lid + GET_CONFLICT_OFFSET(lid);
lm_sum[0][bf_loc] = src_t[0];
lm_sqsum[0][bf_loc] = convert_float4(src_t[0] * src_t[0]);
lm_sqsum[0][bf_loc] = convert_TYPE4(src_t[0] * src_t[0]);
lm_sum[1][bf_loc] = src_t[1];
lm_sqsum[1][bf_loc] = convert_float4(src_t[1] * src_t[1]);
lm_sqsum[1][bf_loc] = convert_TYPE4(src_t[1] * src_t[1]);
int offset = 1;
for(int d = LSIZE >> 1 ; d > 0; d>>=1)
@ -347,6 +354,7 @@ kernel void integral_cols_D5(__global uchar4 *src,__global float *sum ,__global
int loc_s0 = gid * dst_step + i + lid - 1 - pre_invalid * dst_step / 4, loc_s1 = loc_s0 + dst_step ;
int loc_sq0 = gid * CONVERT(dst1_step) + i + lid - 1 - pre_invalid * dst1_step / sizeof(TYPE), loc_sq1 = loc_sq0 + CONVERT(dst1_step);
if(lid > 0 && (i+lid) <= rows)
lm_sum[0][bf_loc] += sum_t[0];
@ -354,20 +362,20 @@ kernel void integral_cols_D5(__global uchar4 *src,__global float *sum ,__global
lm_sqsum[0][bf_loc] += sqsum_t[0];
lm_sqsum[1][bf_loc] += sqsum_t[1];
sum_p = (__local float*)(&(lm_sum[0][bf_loc]));
sqsum_p = (__local float*)(&(lm_sqsum[0][bf_loc]));
sqsum_p = (__local TYPE*)(&(lm_sqsum[0][bf_loc]));
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
if(gid * 4 + k >= cols + pre_invalid || gid * 4 + k < pre_invalid) continue;
sum[loc_s0 + k * dst_step / 4] = sum_p[k];
sqsum[loc_s0 + k * dst_step / 4] = sqsum_p[k];
sqsum[loc_sq0 + k * dst1_step / sizeof(TYPE)] = sqsum_p[k];
sum_p = (__local float*)(&(lm_sum[1][bf_loc]));
sqsum_p = (__local float*)(&(lm_sqsum[1][bf_loc]));
sqsum_p = (__local TYPE*)(&(lm_sqsum[1][bf_loc]));
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
if(gid * 4 + k + 4 >= cols + pre_invalid) break;
sum[loc_s1 + k * dst_step / 4] = sum_p[k];
sqsum[loc_s1 + k * dst_step / 4] = sqsum_p[k];
sqsum[loc_sq1 + k * dst1_step / sizeof(TYPE)] = sqsum_p[k];
@ -375,30 +383,31 @@ kernel void integral_cols_D5(__global uchar4 *src,__global float *sum ,__global
kernel void integral_rows_D5(__global float4 *srcsum,__global float4 * srcsqsum,__global float *sum ,
__global float *sqsum,int rows,int cols,int src_step,int sum_step,
kernel void integral_rows_D5(__global float4 *srcsum,__global TYPE4 * srcsqsum,__global float *sum ,
__global TYPE *sqsum,int rows,int cols,int src_step,int src1_step, int sum_step,
int sqsum_step,int sum_offset,int sqsum_offset)
int lid = get_local_id(0);
int gid = get_group_id(0);
float4 src_t[2], sum_t[2];
float4 sqsrc_t[2],sqsum_t[2];
TYPE4 sqsrc_t[2],sqsum_t[2];
__local float4 lm_sum[2][LSIZE + LOG_LSIZE];
__local float4 lm_sqsum[2][LSIZE + LOG_LSIZE];
__local TYPE4 lm_sqsum[2][LSIZE + LOG_LSIZE];
__local float *sum_p;
__local float *sqsum_p;
__local TYPE *sqsum_p;
src_step = src_step >> 4;
src1_step = (src1_step / sizeof(TYPE)) >> 2;
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i =i + LSIZE_1)
src_t[0] = i + lid < rows ? srcsum[(lid+i) * src_step + gid * 2] : (float4)0;
sqsrc_t[0] = i + lid < rows ? srcsqsum[(lid+i) * src_step + gid * 2] : (float4)0;
sqsrc_t[0] = i + lid < rows ? srcsqsum[(lid+i) * src1_step + gid * 2] : (TYPE4)0;
src_t[1] = i + lid < rows ? srcsum[(lid+i) * src_step + gid * 2 + 1] : (float4)0;
sqsrc_t[1] = i + lid < rows ? srcsqsum[(lid+i) * src_step + gid * 2 + 1] : (float4)0;
sqsrc_t[1] = i + lid < rows ? srcsqsum[(lid+i) * src1_step + gid * 2 + 1] : (TYPE4)0;
sum_t[0] = (i == 0 ? (float4)0 : lm_sum[0][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sqsum_t[0] = (i == 0 ? (float4)0 : lm_sqsum[0][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sqsum_t[0] = (i == 0 ? (TYPE4)0 : lm_sqsum[0][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sum_t[1] = (i == 0 ? (float4)0 : lm_sum[1][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sqsum_t[1] = (i == 0 ? (float4)0 : lm_sqsum[1][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
sqsum_t[1] = (i == 0 ? (TYPE4)0 : lm_sqsum[1][LSIZE_2 + LOG_LSIZE]);
int bf_loc = lid + GET_CONFLICT_OFFSET(lid);
@ -455,16 +464,16 @@ kernel void integral_rows_D5(__global float4 *srcsum,__global float4 * srcsqsum,
if(i + lid == 0)
int loc0 = gid * 2 * sum_step;
int loc1 = gid * 2 * sqsum_step;
int loc1 = gid * 2 * CONVERT(sqsum_step);
for(int k = 1; k <= 8; k++)
if(gid * 8 + k > cols) break;
sum[sum_offset + loc0 + k * sum_step / 4] = 0;
sqsum[sqsum_offset + loc1 + k * sqsum_step / 4] = 0;
sqsum[sqsum_offset + loc1 + k * sqsum_step / sizeof(TYPE)] = 0;
int loc_s0 = sum_offset + gid * 2 * sum_step + sum_step / 4 + i + lid, loc_s1 = loc_s0 + sum_step ;
int loc_sq0 = sqsum_offset + gid * 2 * sqsum_step + sqsum_step / 4 + i + lid, loc_sq1 = loc_sq0 + sqsum_step ;
int loc_sq0 = sqsum_offset + gid * 2 * CONVERT(sqsum_step) + sqsum_step / sizeof(TYPE) + i + lid, loc_sq1 = loc_sq0 + CONVERT(sqsum_step) ;
if(lid > 0 && (i+lid) <= rows)
lm_sum[0][bf_loc] += sum_t[0];
@ -472,20 +481,20 @@ kernel void integral_rows_D5(__global float4 *srcsum,__global float4 * srcsqsum,
lm_sqsum[0][bf_loc] += sqsum_t[0];
lm_sqsum[1][bf_loc] += sqsum_t[1];
sum_p = (__local float*)(&(lm_sum[0][bf_loc]));
sqsum_p = (__local float*)(&(lm_sqsum[0][bf_loc]));
sqsum_p = (__local TYPE*)(&(lm_sqsum[0][bf_loc]));
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
if(gid * 8 + k >= cols) break;
sum[loc_s0 + k * sum_step / 4] = sum_p[k];
sqsum[loc_sq0 + k * sqsum_step / 4] = sqsum_p[k];
sqsum[loc_sq0 + k * sqsum_step / sizeof(TYPE)] = sqsum_p[k];
sum_p = (__local float*)(&(lm_sum[1][bf_loc]));
sqsum_p = (__local float*)(&(lm_sqsum[1][bf_loc]));
sqsum_p = (__local TYPE*)(&(lm_sqsum[1][bf_loc]));
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
if(gid * 8 + 4 + k >= cols) break;
sum[loc_s1 + k * sum_step / 4] = sum_p[k];
sqsum[loc_sq1 + k * sqsum_step / 4] = sqsum_p[k];
sqsum[loc_sq1 + k * sqsum_step / sizeof(TYPE)] = sqsum_p[k];

View File

@ -275,23 +275,33 @@ OCL_TEST_P(CornerHarris, Mat)
typedef ImgprocTestBase Integral;
struct Integral :
public ImgprocTestBase
int sdepth;
virtual void SetUp()
type = GET_PARAM(0);
blockSize = GET_PARAM(1);
sdepth = GET_PARAM(2);
useRoi = GET_PARAM(3);
OCL_TEST_P(Integral, Mat1)
for (int j = 0; j < LOOP_TIMES; j++)
ocl::integral(gsrc_roi, gdst_roi);
integral(src_roi, dst_roi);
ocl::integral(gsrc_roi, gdst_roi, sdepth);
integral(src_roi, dst_roi, sdepth);
// TODO wrong output type
OCL_TEST_P(Integral, Mat2)
Mat dst1;
ocl::oclMat gdst1;
@ -300,10 +310,12 @@ OCL_TEST_P(Integral, DISABLED_Mat2)
integral(src_roi, dst1, dst_roi);
ocl::integral(gsrc_roi, gdst1, gdst_roi);
integral(src_roi, dst_roi, dst1, sdepth);
ocl::integral(gsrc_roi, gdst_roi, gdst1, sdepth);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(dst1, Mat(gdst1), 0.);
@ -543,7 +555,7 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Imgproc, CornerHarris, Combine(
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Imgproc, Integral, Combine(
Values((MatType)CV_8UC1), // TODO does not work with CV_32F, CV_64F
Values(0), // not used
Values(0), // not used
Values((MatType)CV_32SC1, (MatType)CV_32FC1),
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Imgproc, Threshold, Combine(