shortened and extended
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
% The OpenCV cheatsheet structure:
% opencv data structures
% point, rect
% matrix
% creating matrices
% from scratch
% from previously allocated data: plain arrays, vectors
@ -8,7 +12,7 @@
% element access, iteration through matrix elements
% copying & shuffling data
% copying & shuffling matrix data
% copying & converting the whole matrices
% extracting matrix parts & copying them
% split, merge & mixchannels
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\Large{\textbf{OpenCV 2.1+ Cheat Sheet}} \\
\Large{\textbf{OpenCV 2.1 Cheat Sheet (C++)}} \\
\settowidth{\MyLen}{\texttt{letterpaper}/\texttt{a4paper} \ }
@ -145,6 +148,24 @@
%\texttt{\href{ Manifest}{stack manifest}} & Description of a ROS stack.
\emph{The OpenCV C++ reference manual is here: \url{}. Use \textbf{Quick Search} to find descriptions of the particular functions and classes}
\section{Key OpenCV Classes}
\texttt{\href{\#Point}{Point\_}} & Template 2D point class \\
\texttt{\href{\#Point3}{Point3\_}} & Template 3D point class \\
\texttt{\href{\#Size}{Size\_}} & Template size (width, height) class \\
\texttt{\href{\#Vec}{Vec}} & Template short vector class \\
\texttt{\href{\#Scalar}{Scalar}} & 4-element vector \\
\texttt{\href{\#Rect}{Rect}} & Rectangle \\
\texttt{\href{\#Range}{Range}} & Integer value range \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat}{Mat}} & 2D dense array (used as both a matrix or an image)\\
\texttt{\href{\#MatND}{MatND}} & Multi-dimensional dense array \\
\texttt{\href{\#SparseMat}{SparseMat}} & Multi-dimensional sparse array \\
\texttt{\href{\#Ptr}{Ptr}} & Template smart pointer class
\section{Matrix Basics}
@ -172,7 +193,7 @@
\> \texttt{\href{\#cv-randn}{randn}(image, Scalar(128), Scalar(10)); }\textit{// Gaussian dist}\\
\textbf{Convert matrix to/from other structures}\\
\>(without copying the data)\\
\>\textbf{(without copying the data)}\\
\> \texttt{Mat image\_alias = image;}\\
\> \texttt{float* Idata=new float[480*640*3];}\\
\> \texttt{Mat I(480, 640, CV\_32FC3, Idata);}\\
@ -210,30 +231,32 @@
\section{Matrix Manipulations: Copying, Shuffling, Part Access}
\texttt{\href{\#Mat::copyTo}{Mat::copyTo()}} & Copy matrix to another one \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat::convertTo}{Mat::convertTo()}} & Scale and convert matrix to the specified data type \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat::clone}{Mat::clone()}} & Make deep copy of a matrix \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat::reshape}{Mat::reshape()}} & Change matrix dimensions and/or number of channels without copying data \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat::copyTo}{src.copyTo(dst)}} & Copy matrix to another one \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat::convertTo}{src.convertTo(dst,type,scale,shift)}} & \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Scale and convert to another datatype \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat::clone}{m.clone()}} & Make deep copy of a matrix \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat::reshape}{m.reshape(nch,nrows)}} & Change matrix dimensions and/or number of channels without copying data \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat::row}{Mat::row()}}, \texttt{\href{\#Mat::rowRange}{Mat::rowRange()}} & Take a matrix row (row span) \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat::col}{m.col(i)}} & Take a matrix row/column \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat::col}{Mat::col()}}, \texttt{\href{\#Mat::colRange}{Mat::colRange()}} & Take a matrix column (column span) \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat::colRange}{m.colRange(Range(j1,j2))}} & \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Take a matrix row/column span \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat::diag}{Mat::diag()}} & Take a matrix diagonal/create a diagonal matrix \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat::diag}{m.diag(i)}} & Take a matrix diagonal \\
\texttt{\href{\#index-1245}{Mat::operator ()()}} & Take a submatrix \\
\texttt{\href{\#index-1245}{m(Range(i1,i2),Range(j1,j2)), m(roi)}} & \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Take a submatrix \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat::repeat}{Mat::repeat()}} & Make a bigger matrix by repeating a smaller one \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat::repeat}{m.repeat(ny,nx)}} & Make a bigger matrix from a smaller one \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-flip}{flip()}} & Reverse the order of matrix rows and/or columns \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-flip}{flip(src,dst,dir)}} & Reverse the order of matrix rows and/or columns \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-split}{split()}} & Split multi-channel matrix into separate channels \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-split}{split(...)}} & Split multi-channel matrix into separate channels \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-merge}{merge()}} & Make a multi-channel matrix out of the separate channels \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-merge}{merge(...)}} & Make a multi-channel matrix out of the separate channels \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-mixchannels}{mixChannels()}} & Generalized form of split() and merge() \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-mixchannels}{mixChannels(...)}} & Generalized form of split() and merge() \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-randshuffle}{randShuffle()}} & Randomly shuffle matrix elements \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-randshuffle}{randShuffle(...)}} & Randomly shuffle matrix elements \\
@ -300,7 +323,7 @@ Exa\=mple. \href{}{Alpha compositi
-- the classical math functions + conversion of Cartesian to polar coordinates and back.
-- the classical math functions.
@ -325,15 +348,13 @@ Exa\=mple. \href{}{Alpha compositi
For many of the basic operations the alternative algebraic notation can be used, for example:
For some operations a more convenient \href{}{algebraic notation} can be used, for example:
\texttt{Mat}\={} \texttt{delta = (J.t()*J + lambda*}\\
\>\texttt{Mat::eye(J.cols, J.cols, J.type())}\\
implements the core of Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm.
Please, see the \href{}{Matrix Expressions Reference} for details.
\section{Image Processsing}
@ -341,17 +362,18 @@ Please, see the \href{
\texttt{\href{\#cv-filter2d}{filter2D()}} & Apply a non-separable linear filter to the image \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-filter2d}{filter2D()}} & Non-separable linear filter \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-sepfilter2d}{sepFilter2D()}} & Apply a separable linear filter to the image \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-sepfilter2d}{sepFilter2D()}} & Separable linear filter \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-blur}{boxFilter()}}, \texttt{\href{\#cv-gaussianblur}{GaussianBlur()}},
& Smooth the image with one of the linear or non-linear filters \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-sobel}{Sobel()}}, \texttt{\href{\#cv-scharr}{Scharr()}},
& Compute the first, second, third or mixed spatial image derivatives. \texttt{Laplacian()} computes $\Delta I = \frac{\partial ^ 2 I}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial ^ 2 I}{\partial y^2}$ \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-sobel}{Sobel()}}, \texttt{\href{\#cv-scharr}{Scharr()}}
& Compute the spatial image derivatives \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-laplacian}{Laplacian()}} & compute Laplacian: $\Delta I = \frac{\partial ^ 2 I}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial ^ 2 I}{\partial y^2}$ \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-erode}{erode()}}, \texttt{\href{\#cv-dilate}{dilate()}} & Erode or dilate the image \\
@ -370,13 +392,13 @@ Exa\=mple. Filter image in-place with a 3x3 high-pass filter\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-resize}{resize()}} & Resize image \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-getrectsubpix}{getRectSubPix()}} & Extract an image patch with bilinear interpolation \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-getrectsubpix}{getRectSubPix()}} & Extract an image patch \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-warpaffine}{warpAffine()}} & Warp image using an affine transformation (rotation, scaling, shearing, reflection)\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-warpaffine}{warpAffine()}} & Warp image affinely\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-warpperspective}{warpPerspective()}} & Warp image using a perspective transformation\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-warpperspective}{warpPerspective()}} & Warp image perspectively\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-remap}{remap()}} & Generic image warping using the pre-computed maps\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-remap}{remap()}} & Generic image warping\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-convertmaps}{convertMaps()}} & Optimize maps for a faster remap() execution\\
@ -394,20 +416,19 @@ Example. Decimate image by factor of $\sqrt{2}$:\\
\texttt{\href{\#cvtColor}{cvtColor()}} & Convert image from one color space to another \\
\texttt{\href{\#threshold}{threshold()}}, \texttt{\href{\#adaptivethreshold}{adaptivethreshold()}} & Convert grayscale image to binary image using a fixed or a variable (location-dependent) threshold \\
\texttt{\href{\#threshold}{threshold()}}, \texttt{\href{\#adaptivethreshold}{adaptivethreshold()}} & Convert grayscale image to binary image using a fixed or a variable threshold \\
\texttt{\href{\#floodfill}{floodFill()}} & Find a connected component starting from the specified seed point by region growing technique \\
\texttt{\href{\#floodfill}{floodFill()}} & Find a connected component using region growing algorithm\\
\texttt{\href{\#floodfill}{integral()}} & Compute integral image, used further for to compute cumulative characteristics over rectangular regions in O(1) time \\
\texttt{\href{\#floodfill}{integral()}} & Compute integral image \\
& build a distance map or a discrete Voronoi diagram from binary image. \\
& build distance map or discrete Voronoi diagram for a binary image. \\
& marker-based image segmentation algorithms. See
See \texttt{\href{}{watershed.cpp}} and \texttt{\href{}{grabcut.cpp}}
& marker-based image segmentation algorithms.
See the samples \texttt{\href{}{watershed.cpp}} and \texttt{\href{}{grabcut.cpp}}.
@ -416,11 +437,11 @@ Example. Decimate image by factor of $\sqrt{2}$:\\
\texttt{\href{\#calchist}{calcHist()}} & Compute a histogram from one or more images \\
\texttt{\href{\#calchist}{calcHist()}} & Compute image(s) histogram \\
\texttt{\href{\#calcbackproject}{calcBackProject()}} & Compute histogram back-projection (the posterior probability map) for the images \\
\texttt{\href{\#calcbackproject}{calcBackProject()}} & Back-project the histogram \\
\texttt{\href{\#equalizehist}{equalizeHist()}} & Normalize image brightness and contrast by equalizing the image histogram\\
\texttt{\href{\#equalizehist}{equalizeHist()}} & Normalize image brightness and contrast\\
\texttt{\href{\#comparehist}{compareHist()}} & Compare two histograms\\
@ -441,7 +462,7 @@ samples on what are the contours and how to use them.
\section{Data I/O}
XML/YAML storages are collections (possibly nested) of scalar values, structures and heterogeneous lists.
\href{\#filestorage}{XML/YAML storages} are collections (possibly nested) of scalar values, structures and heterogeneous lists.
\textbf{Wr}\=\textbf{iting data to YAML (or XML)}\\
@ -498,7 +519,7 @@ XML/YAML storages are collections (possibly nested) of scalar values, structures
\texttt{Mat image\_grayscale\_copy = imread("myimage.jpg", 0);}\\
\emph{The following formats are supported: \textbf{BMP (.bmp), JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg), TIFF (.tif, .tiff), PNG (.png), PBM/PGM/PPM (.p?m), Sun Raster (.sr), JPEG 2000 (.jp2)}. Every format supports 8-bit, 1- or 3-channel images. Some formats (PNG, JPEG 2000) support 16 bits per channel.}
\emph{The functions can read/write images in the following formats: \textbf{BMP (.bmp), JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg), TIFF (.tif, .tiff), PNG (.png), PBM/PGM/PPM (.p?m), Sun Raster (.sr), JPEG 2000 (.jp2)}. Every format supports 8-bit, 1- or 3-channel images. Some formats (PNG, JPEG 2000) support 16 bits per channel.}
\textbf{Re}\=\textbf{ading video from a file or from a camera}\\
@ -516,17 +537,17 @@ XML/YAML storages are collections (possibly nested) of scalar values, structures
\texttt{\href{\#cv-namedwindow}{namedWindow()}} & Create window with the specified name \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-namedwindow}{namedWindow(winname,flags)}} & \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Create named highgui window \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-destroywindow}{destroyWindow()}} & Destroy the specified window \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-destroywindow}{destroyWindow(winname)}} & \ \ \ Destroy the specified window \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-imshow}{imshow()}} & Show image in the window \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-imshow}{imshow(winname, mtx)}} & Show image in the window \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-waitKey}{waitKey()}} & Wait for a key press during the specified time interval (or forever). Process events while waiting. \emph{Do not forget to call this function several times a second in your code.} \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-waitKey}{waitKey(delay)}} & Wait for a key press during the specified time interval (or forever). Process events while waiting. \emph{Do not forget to call this function several times a second in your code.} \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-createTrackbar}{createTrackbar()}} & Add trackbar (slider) to the specified window \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-createTrackbar}{createTrackbar(...)}} & Add trackbar (slider) to the specified window \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-setmousecallback}{setMouseCallback()}} & Set the callback on mouse clicks and movements in the specified window \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-setmousecallback}{setMouseCallback(...)}} & \ \ Set the callback on mouse clicks and movements in the specified window \\
@ -537,38 +558,40 @@ See \texttt{\href{
\texttt{\href{\#cv-calibratecamera}{calibrateCamera()}} & Calibrate monocular camera from multiple known projections of a calibration pattern feature points collected from several views. \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-calibratecamera}{calibrateCamera()}} & Calibrate camera from several views of a calibration pattern. \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-findchessboardcorners}{findChessboardCorners()}} & \ \ \ \ \ \ Find feature points on the checkerboard calibration pattern with known geometry. \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-findchessboardcorners}{findChessboardCorners()}} & \ \ \ \ \ \ Find feature points on the checkerboard calibration pattern. \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-solvepnp}{solvePnP()}} & Find the object pose from the known projections of its feature points. \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-stereocalibrate}{stereoCalibrate()}} & Calibrate stereo camera using several stereo views of a calibration pattern. \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-stereocalibrate}{stereoCalibrate()}} & Calibrate stereo camera. \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-stereorectify}{stereoRectify()}} & Compute the rectification transforms for a stereo camera and the visible area on the rectified images. Camera must be calibrated first using stereoCalibrate().\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-stereorectify}{stereoRectify()}} & Compute the rectification transforms for a calibrated stereo camera.\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-initundistortrectifymap}{initUndistortRectifyMap()}} & \ \ \ \ \ \ Compute rectification map (for \texttt{remap()}) for each head of a stereo camera. Must be called twice, for each head, after \texttt{stereoRectify()}.\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-initundistortrectifymap}{initUndistortRectifyMap()}} & \ \ \ \ \ \ Compute rectification map (for \texttt{remap()}) for each stereo camera head.\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-StereoBM}{StereoBM}}, \texttt{\href{\#cv-StereoSGBM}{StereoSGBM}} & The two primary stereo correspondence algorithms in OpenCV. They work on the rectified images.\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-StereoBM}{StereoBM}}, \texttt{\href{\#cv-StereoSGBM}{StereoSGBM}} & The stereo correspondence engines to be run on rectified stereo pairs.\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-reprojectimageto3d}{reprojectImageTo3D()}} & Convert the disparity map, computed by \texttt{StereoBM::operator ()} or \texttt{StereoSGBM::operator ()} to the 3D point cloud.\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-reprojectimageto3d}{reprojectImageTo3D()}} & Convert disparity map to 3D point cloud.\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-findhomography}{findHomography()}} & Find best-fit perspective transformation between two 2D point sets. \\
To calibrate a camera, you can use \texttt{\href{}{calibration.cpp}} or
\texttt{\href{\_calib.cpp}{stereo\_calib.cpp}} samples.
To run stereo correspondence and optionally get the point clouds, you can use
To get the disparity maps and the point clouds, use
\texttt{\href{\_match.cpp}{stereo\_match.cpp}} sample.
\section{Object Detection}
\texttt{\href{\#matchTemplate}{matchTemplate}} & Primitive Viola's Cascade of Boosted classifiers using Haar or LBP features. Detects objects by sliding a window and running the cascade on them. Suits for detecting faces, facial features and some other objects without diverse textures.\\
\texttt{\href{\#matchTemplate}{matchTemplate}} & Compute proximity map for given template.\\
\texttt{\href{\#CascadeClassifier}{CascadeClassifier}} & Viola's Cascade of Boosted classifiers using Haar or LBP features. Detects objects by sliding a window and running the cascade on them. Suits for detecting faces, facial features and some other objects without diverse textures. See \texttt{\href{}{facedetect.cpp}}\\
\texttt{\href{\#CascadeClassifier}{CascadeClassifier}} & Viola's Cascade of Boosted classifiers using Haar or LBP features. Suits for detecting faces, facial features and some other objects without diverse textures. See \texttt{\href{}{facedetect.cpp}}\\
\texttt{\href{\#HOGDescriptor}{HOGDescriptor}} & N. Dalal's object detector using Histogram-of-Oriented-Gradients (HOG) features. Detects objects by sliding a window and running SVM classifier on them. Suits for detecting people, cars and other objects with well-defined silhouettes. See \texttt{\href{}{peopledetect.cpp}}\\
\texttt{\href{\#HOGDescriptor}{HOGDescriptor}} & N. Dalal's object detector using Histogram-of-Oriented-Gradients (HOG) features. Suits for detecting people, cars and other objects with well-defined silhouettes. See \texttt{\href{}{peopledetect.cpp}}\\
Reference in New Issue
Block a user