diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes index cd4359ba3..35df6ca2f 100644 --- a/.gitattributes +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -1,42 +1,58 @@ -.git* export-ignore - * text=auto whitespace=trailing-space,space-before-tab,-indent-with-non-tab,tab-in-indent,tabwidth=4 -*.py text -*.cpp text -*.hpp text -*.cxx text -*.hxx text -*.mm text -*.c text -*.h text -*.i text -*.js text -*.java text -*.scala text -*.cu text -*.cl text -*.css_t text -*.qrc text -*.qss text -*.S text -*.rst text -*.tex text -*.sty text +.git* text export-ignore -*.aidl text -*.mk text +*.aidl text +*.appxmanifest text +*.bib text +*.c text +*.cl text +*.conf text +*.cpp text +*.css_t text +*.cu text +*.cxx text +*.def text +*.filelist text +*.h text +*.hpp text +*.htm text +*.html text +*.hxx text +*.i text +*.idl text +*.java text +*.js text +*.mk text +*.mm text +*.plist text +*.properties text +*.py text +*.qrc text +*.qss text +*.S text +*.sbt text +*.scala text +*.sty text +*.tex text +*.txt text +*.xaml text + +# reST underlines/overlines can look like conflict markers +*.rst text conflict-marker-size=80 *.cmake text whitespace=tabwidth=2 *.cmakein text whitespace=tabwidth=2 *.in text whitespace=tabwidth=2 CMakeLists.txt text whitespace=tabwidth=2 -*.png binary -*.jpeg binary -*.jpg binary +*.avi binary +*.bmp binary *.exr binary *.ico binary +*.jpeg binary +*.jpg binary +*.png binary *.a binary *.so binary @@ -47,6 +63,7 @@ CMakeLists.txt text whitespace=tabwidth=2 *.pbxproj binary *.vec binary *.doc binary +*.dia binary *.xml -text whitespace=cr-at-eol *.yml -text whitespace=cr-at-eol @@ -55,9 +72,12 @@ CMakeLists.txt text whitespace=tabwidth=2 .cproject -text whitespace=cr-at-eol merge=union org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs -text whitespace=cr-at-eol merge=union -*.vcproj text eol=crlf merge=union *.bat text eol=crlf *.cmd text eol=crlf *.cmd.tmpl text eol=crlf +*.dsp text eol=crlf -whitespace +*.sln text eol=crlf -whitespace +*.vcproj text eol=crlf -whitespace merge=union +*.vcxproj text eol=crlf -whitespace merge=union -*.sh text eol=lf \ No newline at end of file +*.sh text eol=lf diff --git a/3rdparty/.gitattributes b/3rdparty/.gitattributes new file mode 100644 index 000000000..562b12e16 --- /dev/null +++ b/3rdparty/.gitattributes @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +* -whitespace diff --git a/3rdparty/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_version.cmake b/3rdparty/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_version.cmake index e35e8c7a6..7fc3d6530 100644 --- a/3rdparty/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_version.cmake +++ b/3rdparty/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_version.cmake @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ set(HAVE_GENTOO_FFMPEG 1) set(ALIASOF_libavcodec_VERSION 53.61.100) set(ALIASOF_libavformat_VERSION 53.32.100) set(ALIASOF_libavutil_VERSION 51.35.100) -set(ALIASOF_libswscale_VERSION 2.1.100) \ No newline at end of file +set(ALIASOF_libswscale_VERSION 2.1.100) diff --git a/3rdparty/ffmpeg/make.bat b/3rdparty/ffmpeg/make.bat index 9f11b52d6..2323af9ab 100644 --- a/3rdparty/ffmpeg/make.bat +++ b/3rdparty/ffmpeg/make.bat @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ set path=c:\dev\msys32\bin;%path% & gcc -Wall -shared -o opencv_ffmpeg.dll -O2 -x c++ -I../include -I../include/ffmpeg_ -I../../modules/highgui/src ffopencv.c -L../lib -lavformat -lavcodec -lavdevice -lswscale -lavutil -lwsock32 -set path=c:\dev\msys64\bin;%path% & gcc -m64 -Wall -shared -o opencv_ffmpeg_64.dll -O2 -x c++ -I../include -I../include/ffmpeg_ -I../../modules/highgui/src ffopencv.c -L../lib -lavformat64 -lavcodec64 -lavdevice64 -lswscale64 -lavutil64 -lavcore64 -lwsock32 -lws2_32 \ No newline at end of file +set path=c:\dev\msys64\bin;%path% & gcc -m64 -Wall -shared -o opencv_ffmpeg_64.dll -O2 -x c++ -I../include -I../include/ffmpeg_ -I../../modules/highgui/src ffopencv.c -L../lib -lavformat64 -lavcodec64 -lavdevice64 -lswscale64 -lavutil64 -lavcore64 -lwsock32 -lws2_32 diff --git a/3rdparty/ffmpeg/readme.txt b/3rdparty/ffmpeg/readme.txt index 1089ee2a7..e98b28520 100644 --- a/3rdparty/ffmpeg/readme.txt +++ b/3rdparty/ffmpeg/readme.txt @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ How to update opencv_ffmpeg.dll and opencv_ffmpeg_64.dll when a new version of F 2. Install 64-bit MinGW. http://mingw-w64.sourceforge.net/ Let's assume, it's installed in C:\MSYS64 3. Copy C:\MSYS32\msys to C:\MSYS64\msys. Edit C:\MSYS64\msys\etc\fstab, change C:\MSYS32 to C:\MSYS64. - + 4. Now you have working MSYS32 and MSYS64 environments. Launch, one by one, C:\MSYS32\msys\msys.bat and C:\MSYS64\msys\msys.bat to create your home directories. @@ -40,5 +40,3 @@ How to update opencv_ffmpeg.dll and opencv_ffmpeg_64.dll when a new version of F 8. Then, go to \3rdparty\ffmpeg, edit make.bat (change paths to the actual paths to your msys32 and msys64 distributions) and then run make.bat - - diff --git a/3rdparty/libjasper/CMakeLists.txt b/3rdparty/libjasper/CMakeLists.txt index 97919bee4..8430ca165 100644 --- a/3rdparty/libjasper/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/3rdparty/libjasper/CMakeLists.txt @@ -48,4 +48,3 @@ endif() if(NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) install(TARGETS ${JASPER_LIBRARY} ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${OPENCV_3P_LIB_INSTALL_PATH} COMPONENT main) endif() - diff --git a/3rdparty/libtiff/tif_config.h.cmakein b/3rdparty/libtiff/tif_config.h.cmakein index 1e6bc0454..182f2833d 100644 --- a/3rdparty/libtiff/tif_config.h.cmakein +++ b/3rdparty/libtiff/tif_config.h.cmakein @@ -168,4 +168,3 @@ /* Support Deflate compression */ #define ZIP_SUPPORT 1 - diff --git a/3rdparty/readme.txt b/3rdparty/readme.txt index 6d2aeeca9..ca46fbd57 100644 --- a/3rdparty/readme.txt +++ b/3rdparty/readme.txt @@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ jasper-1.900.1 - JasPer is a collection of software and manipulation of images. This software can handle image data in a variety of formats. One such format supported by JasPer is the JPEG-2000 format defined in ISO/IEC 15444-1. - + Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Image Power, Inc. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The University of British Columbia Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Michael David Adams The JasPer license can be found in src/libjasper. - + OpenCV on Windows uses pre-built libjasper library (lib/libjasper*). To get the latest source code, please, visit the project homepage: diff --git a/3rdparty/tbb/.gitignore b/3rdparty/tbb/.gitignore index 601e1b265..69ce9ceb9 100644 --- a/3rdparty/tbb/.gitignore +++ b/3rdparty/tbb/.gitignore @@ -1 +1 @@ -tbb*.tgz \ No newline at end of file +tbb*.tgz diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 0e745e7f9..4c38b5b71 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -891,4 +891,3 @@ ocv_finalize_status() if("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") message(WARNING "The source directory is the same as binary directory. \"make clean\" may damage the source tree") endif() - diff --git a/apps/haartraining/CMakeLists.txt b/apps/haartraining/CMakeLists.txt index 953be3b7e..92c4473b1 100644 --- a/apps/haartraining/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/apps/haartraining/CMakeLists.txt @@ -79,4 +79,3 @@ if(ENABLE_SOLUTION_FOLDERS) set_target_properties(opencv_haartraining PROPERTIES FOLDER "applications") set_target_properties(opencv_haartraining_engine PROPERTIES FOLDER "applications") endif() - diff --git a/apps/haartraining/_cvcommon.h b/apps/haartraining/_cvcommon.h index e4f108164..136fd6808 100644 --- a/apps/haartraining/_cvcommon.h +++ b/apps/haartraining/_cvcommon.h @@ -100,4 +100,3 @@ int icvGetIdxAt( CvMat* idx, int pos ) void icvSave( const CvArr* ptr, const char* filename, int line ); #endif /* __CVCOMMON_H_ */ - diff --git a/apps/haartraining/performance.cpp b/apps/haartraining/performance.cpp index 2fe98f821..fd9c857a8 100644 --- a/apps/haartraining/performance.cpp +++ b/apps/haartraining/performance.cpp @@ -376,4 +376,3 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) return 0; } - diff --git a/apps/traincascade/CMakeLists.txt b/apps/traincascade/CMakeLists.txt index be60137a9..f4f547893 100644 --- a/apps/traincascade/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/apps/traincascade/CMakeLists.txt @@ -34,4 +34,3 @@ if(ENABLE_SOLUTION_FOLDERS) endif() install(TARGETS ${the_target} RUNTIME DESTINATION bin COMPONENT main) - diff --git a/cmake/OpenCVCRTLinkage.cmake b/cmake/OpenCVCRTLinkage.cmake index 62d89af4a..26437669d 100644 --- a/cmake/OpenCVCRTLinkage.cmake +++ b/cmake/OpenCVCRTLinkage.cmake @@ -98,4 +98,3 @@ if(NOT BUILD_WITH_DEBUG_INFO AND NOT MSVC) string(REPLACE "/Zi" "" CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG}") string(REPLACE "/Zi" "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG}") endif() - diff --git a/cmake/OpenCVCompilerOptions.cmake b/cmake/OpenCVCompilerOptions.cmake index 7a91b188a..4ba646997 100644 --- a/cmake/OpenCVCompilerOptions.cmake +++ b/cmake/OpenCVCompilerOptions.cmake @@ -294,4 +294,4 @@ if(MSVC) if(NOT ENABLE_NOISY_WARNINGS) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /wd4251") #class 'std::XXX' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of YYY endif() -endif() \ No newline at end of file +endif() diff --git a/cmake/OpenCVConfig.cmake b/cmake/OpenCVConfig.cmake index 300fcd419..ef920e94f 100644 --- a/cmake/OpenCVConfig.cmake +++ b/cmake/OpenCVConfig.cmake @@ -156,4 +156,3 @@ else() set(OpenCV_FOUND FALSE CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set(OPENCV_FOUND FALSE CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) endif() - diff --git a/cmake/OpenCVFindIPP.cmake b/cmake/OpenCVFindIPP.cmake index 9f74d941f..772cae886 100644 --- a/cmake/OpenCVFindIPP.cmake +++ b/cmake/OpenCVFindIPP.cmake @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ endfunction() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function(set_ipp_new_libraries _LATEST_VERSION) set(IPP_PREFIX "ipp") - + if(${_LATEST_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "8.0") set(IPP_SUFFIX "_l") # static not threaded libs suffix IPP 7.x else() @@ -346,4 +346,4 @@ if(WIN32 AND MINGW AND NOT IPP_LATEST_VERSION_MAJOR LESS 7) # See http://code.opencv.org/issues/1906 for additional details set(MSV_NTDLL "ntdll") set(IPP_LIBRARIES ${IPP_LIBRARIES} ${MSV_NTDLL}${IPP_LIB_SUFFIX}) -endif() \ No newline at end of file +endif() diff --git a/cmake/OpenCVFindXimea.cmake b/cmake/OpenCVFindXimea.cmake index 27e2a78ad..6b86b609e 100644 --- a/cmake/OpenCVFindXimea.cmake +++ b/cmake/OpenCVFindXimea.cmake @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ set(XIMEA_LIBRARY_DIR) if(WIN32) # Try to find the XIMEA API path in registry. GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(XIMEA_PATH "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\XIMEA\\CamSupport\\API;Path]" ABSOLUTE) - + if(EXISTS ${XIMEA_PATH}) set(XIMEA_FOUND 1) # set LIB folders @@ -43,4 +43,4 @@ endif() mark_as_advanced(FORCE XIMEA_FOUND) mark_as_advanced(FORCE XIMEA_PATH) -mark_as_advanced(FORCE XIMEA_LIBRARY_DIR) \ No newline at end of file +mark_as_advanced(FORCE XIMEA_LIBRARY_DIR) diff --git a/cmake/OpenCVLegacyOptions.cmake b/cmake/OpenCVLegacyOptions.cmake index e05ad4c48..d74bd6ed8 100644 --- a/cmake/OpenCVLegacyOptions.cmake +++ b/cmake/OpenCVLegacyOptions.cmake @@ -22,4 +22,3 @@ if(DEFINED OPENCV_BUILD_3RDPARTY_LIBS) set(BUILD_PNG ${OPENCV_BUILD_3RDPARTY_LIBS} CACHE BOOL "Set via depricated OPENCV_BUILD_3RDPARTY_LIBS" FORCE) unset(OPENCV_BUILD_3RDPARTY_LIBS CACHE) endif() - diff --git a/cmake/OpenCVUtils.cmake b/cmake/OpenCVUtils.cmake index 59366eb03..cefe3d812 100644 --- a/cmake/OpenCVUtils.cmake +++ b/cmake/OpenCVUtils.cmake @@ -515,4 +515,4 @@ function(ocv_source_group group) cmake_parse_arguments(OCV_SOURCE_GROUP "" "" "GLOB" ${ARGN}) file(GLOB srcs ${OCV_SOURCE_GROUP_GLOB}) source_group(${group} FILES ${srcs}) -endfunction() \ No newline at end of file +endfunction() diff --git a/cmake/checks/OpenCVDetectCudaArch.cu b/cmake/checks/OpenCVDetectCudaArch.cu index 008f8ba8d..9d7086cf2 100644 --- a/cmake/checks/OpenCVDetectCudaArch.cu +++ b/cmake/checks/OpenCVDetectCudaArch.cu @@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ int main() printf("%d.%d ", prop.major, prop.minor); } return 0; -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/cmake/checks/vfwtest.cpp b/cmake/checks/vfwtest.cpp index 63d545788..8d8ecb271 100644 --- a/cmake/checks/vfwtest.cpp +++ b/cmake/checks/vfwtest.cpp @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ int main() AVIFileInit(); AVIFileExit(); return 0; -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/cmake/checks/win32uitest.cpp b/cmake/checks/win32uitest.cpp index 6f13a09cc..f475e1c96 100644 --- a/cmake/checks/win32uitest.cpp +++ b/cmake/checks/win32uitest.cpp @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { - CreateWindow(NULL /*lpClassName*/, NULL /*lpWindowName*/, 0 /*dwStyle*/, 0 /*x*/, - 0 /*y*/, 0 /*nWidth*/, 0 /*nHeight*/, NULL /*hWndParent*/, NULL /*hMenu*/, - NULL /*hInstance*/, NULL /*lpParam*/); - DeleteDC(NULL); + CreateWindow(NULL /*lpClassName*/, NULL /*lpWindowName*/, 0 /*dwStyle*/, 0 /*x*/, + 0 /*y*/, 0 /*nWidth*/, 0 /*nHeight*/, NULL /*hWndParent*/, NULL /*hMenu*/, + NULL /*hInstance*/, NULL /*lpParam*/); + DeleteDC(NULL); - return 0; + return 0; } diff --git a/cmake/checks/winrttest.cpp b/cmake/checks/winrttest.cpp index 4172afe55..9ec0c9ac1 100644 --- a/cmake/checks/winrttest.cpp +++ b/cmake/checks/winrttest.cpp @@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ int main(int, char**) { - return 0; -} \ No newline at end of file + return 0; +} diff --git a/cmake/cl2cpp.cmake b/cmake/cl2cpp.cmake index 4f18e9e64..1e932eabd 100644 --- a/cmake/cl2cpp.cmake +++ b/cmake/cl2cpp.cmake @@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ foreach(cl ${cl_list}) file(APPEND ${OUTPUT} "const char* ${cl_filename}=\"${lines};\n") endforeach() -file(APPEND ${OUTPUT} "}\n}\n") \ No newline at end of file +file(APPEND ${OUTPUT} "}\n}\n") diff --git a/cmake/templates/cmake_uninstall.cmake.in b/cmake/templates/cmake_uninstall.cmake.in index 14e601019..0e63d705c 100644 --- a/cmake/templates/cmake_uninstall.cmake.in +++ b/cmake/templates/cmake_uninstall.cmake.in @@ -23,5 +23,3 @@ FOREACH(file ${files}) MESSAGE(STATUS "File \"$ENV{DESTDIR}${file}\" does not exist.") ENDIF(EXISTS "$ENV{DESTDIR}${file}") ENDFOREACH(file) - - diff --git a/cmake/templates/cvconfig.h.cmake b/cmake/templates/cvconfig.h.cmake index 833d1eb3d..bce8eafca 100644 --- a/cmake/templates/cvconfig.h.cmake +++ b/cmake/templates/cvconfig.h.cmake @@ -163,4 +163,3 @@ /* Define to 1 if your processor stores words with the most significant byte first (like Motorola and SPARC, unlike Intel and VAX). */ #cmakedefine WORDS_BIGENDIAN - diff --git a/cmake/templates/opencv_modules.hpp.in b/cmake/templates/opencv_modules.hpp.in index 5d58e40e4..149871502 100644 --- a/cmake/templates/opencv_modules.hpp.in +++ b/cmake/templates/opencv_modules.hpp.in @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ * */ -@OPENCV_MODULE_DEFINITIONS_CONFIGMAKE@ \ No newline at end of file +@OPENCV_MODULE_DEFINITIONS_CONFIGMAKE@ diff --git a/doc/CMakeLists.txt b/doc/CMakeLists.txt index 63f3a451b..8f6955c4b 100644 --- a/doc/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/doc/CMakeLists.txt @@ -122,4 +122,4 @@ if(BUILD_DOCS AND HAVE_SPHINX) install(FILES "${f}" DESTINATION "${OPENCV_DOC_INSTALL_PATH}" OPTIONAL) endforeach() -endif() \ No newline at end of file +endif() diff --git a/doc/_static/insertIframe.js b/doc/_static/insertIframe.js index 904ff361d..0a3099a8c 100644 --- a/doc/_static/insertIframe.js +++ b/doc/_static/insertIframe.js @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -function insertIframe (elementId, iframeSrc) +function insertIframe (elementId, iframeSrc) { var iframe; if (document.createElement && (iframe = document.createElement('iframe'))) @@ -10,4 +10,3 @@ function insertIframe (elementId, iframeSrc) element.parentNode.replaceChild(iframe, element); } } - diff --git a/doc/_themes/blue/static/default.css_t b/doc/_themes/blue/static/default.css_t index e2127db1d..f2084902b 100644 --- a/doc/_themes/blue/static/default.css_t +++ b/doc/_themes/blue/static/default.css_t @@ -402,4 +402,4 @@ div.sphinxsidebar #searchbox input[type="text"] { div.sphinxsidebar #searchbox input[type="submit"] { width:auto; -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/doc/_themes/blue/theme.conf b/doc/_themes/blue/theme.conf index 206193f6f..bc0b99b2a 100644 --- a/doc/_themes/blue/theme.conf +++ b/doc/_themes/blue/theme.conf @@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ feedbacklinkcolor = #ffffff bodyfont = sans-serif headfont = 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif guifont = "Lucida Sans","Lucida Sans Unicode","Lucida Grande",Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif -lang = none \ No newline at end of file +lang = none diff --git a/doc/check_docs.py b/doc/check_docs.py index 8ab5fced4..13d9f763e 100755 --- a/doc/check_docs.py +++ b/doc/check_docs.py @@ -184,5 +184,3 @@ p = RSTParser() for m in opencv_module_list: print "\n\n*************************** " + m + " *************************\n" p.check_module_docs(m) - - diff --git a/doc/mymath.sty b/doc/mymath.sty index 491c160cc..4da828212 100644 --- a/doc/mymath.sty +++ b/doc/mymath.sty @@ -39,4 +39,3 @@ #7 & #8 & #9 \end{bmatrix} } - diff --git a/doc/opencv_cheatsheet.tex b/doc/opencv_cheatsheet.tex index e76bd016e..fc0c0fa41 100644 --- a/doc/opencv_cheatsheet.tex +++ b/doc/opencv_cheatsheet.tex @@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ % if using A4 paper. (This probably isn't strictly necessary.) % If using another size paper, use default 1cm margins. \ifthenelse{\lengthtest { \paperwidth = 11in}} - { \geometry{top=.5in,left=.5in,right=.5in,bottom=.5in} } - {\ifthenelse{ \lengthtest{ \paperwidth = 297mm}} - {\geometry{top=1cm,left=1cm,right=1cm,bottom=1cm} } - {\geometry{top=1cm,left=1cm,right=1cm,bottom=1cm} } - } + { \geometry{top=.5in,left=.5in,right=.5in,bottom=.5in} } + {\ifthenelse{ \lengthtest{ \paperwidth = 297mm}} + {\geometry{top=1cm,left=1cm,right=1cm,bottom=1cm} } + {\geometry{top=1cm,left=1cm,right=1cm,bottom=1cm} } + } % Turn off header and footer % \pagestyle{empty} diff --git a/doc/packaging.txt b/doc/packaging.txt index a4d3dc283..e8dd7699b 100644 --- a/doc/packaging.txt +++ b/doc/packaging.txt @@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ INSTRUCTIONS TO BUILD WIN32 PACKAGES WITH CMAKE+CPACK - Install NSIS. - Generate OpenCV solutions for MSVC using CMake as usual. -- In cmake-gui: +- In cmake-gui: - Mark BUILD_PACKAGE - Mark BUILD_EXAMPLES (If examples are desired to be shipped as binaries...) - Unmark ENABLE_OPENMP, since this feature seems to have some issues yet... - Mark INSTALL_*_EXAMPLES - Open the OpenCV solution and build ALL in Debug and Release. -- Build PACKAGE, from the Release configuration. An NSIS installer package will be +- Build PACKAGE, from the Release configuration. An NSIS installer package will be created with both release and debug LIBs and DLLs. - + Jose Luis Blanco, 2009/JUL/29 diff --git a/doc/pattern_tools/svgfig.py b/doc/pattern_tools/svgfig.py index 86afa5913..c690c9ff0 100755 --- a/doc/pattern_tools/svgfig.py +++ b/doc/pattern_tools/svgfig.py @@ -3667,4 +3667,3 @@ class YErrorBars: output.append(LineAxis(x, start, x, end, start, end, bars, False, False, **self.attr).SVG(trans)) return output - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/calib3d/camera_calibration/camera_calibration.rst b/doc/tutorials/calib3d/camera_calibration/camera_calibration.rst index 0e2c76493..2cf00f42a 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/calib3d/camera_calibration/camera_calibration.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/calib3d/camera_calibration/camera_calibration.rst @@ -3,30 +3,30 @@ Camera calibration With OpenCV ****************************** -Cameras have been around for a long-long time. However, with the introduction of the cheap *pinhole* cameras in the late 20th century, they became a common occurrence in our everyday life. Unfortunately, this cheapness comes with its price: significant distortion. Luckily, these are constants and with a calibration and some remapping we can correct this. Furthermore, with calibration you may also determine the relation between the camera's natural units (pixels) and the real world units (for example millimeters). +Cameras have been around for a long-long time. However, with the introduction of the cheap *pinhole* cameras in the late 20th century, they became a common occurrence in our everyday life. Unfortunately, this cheapness comes with its price: significant distortion. Luckily, these are constants and with a calibration and some remapping we can correct this. Furthermore, with calibration you may also determine the relation between the camera's natural units (pixels) and the real world units (for example millimeters). Theory ====== -For the distortion OpenCV takes into account the radial and tangential factors. For the radial factor one uses the following formula: +For the distortion OpenCV takes into account the radial and tangential factors. For the radial factor one uses the following formula: -.. math:: +.. math:: x_{corrected} = x( 1 + k_1 r^2 + k_2 r^4 + k_3 r^6) \\ y_{corrected} = y( 1 + k_1 r^2 + k_2 r^4 + k_3 r^6) -So for an old pixel point at :math:`(x,y)` coordinates in the input image, its position on the corrected output image will be :math:`(x_{corrected} y_{corrected})`. The presence of the radial distortion manifests in form of the "barrel" or "fish-eye" effect. +So for an old pixel point at :math:`(x,y)` coordinates in the input image, its position on the corrected output image will be :math:`(x_{corrected} y_{corrected})`. The presence of the radial distortion manifests in form of the "barrel" or "fish-eye" effect. -Tangential distortion occurs because the image taking lenses are not perfectly parallel to the imaging plane. It can be corrected via the formulas: +Tangential distortion occurs because the image taking lenses are not perfectly parallel to the imaging plane. It can be corrected via the formulas: -.. math:: +.. math:: x_{corrected} = x + [ 2p_1xy + p_2(r^2+2x^2)] \\ y_{corrected} = y + [ p_1(r^2+ 2y^2)+ 2p_2xy] -So we have five distortion parameters which in OpenCV are presented as one row matrix with 5 columns: +So we have five distortion parameters which in OpenCV are presented as one row matrix with 5 columns: -.. math:: +.. math:: Distortion_{coefficients}=(k_1 \hspace{10pt} k_2 \hspace{10pt} p_1 \hspace{10pt} p_2 \hspace{10pt} k_3) @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Now for the unit conversion we use the following formula: Here the presence of :math:`w` is explained by the use of homography coordinate system (and :math:`w=Z`). The unknown parameters are :math:`f_x` and :math:`f_y` (camera focal lengths) and :math:`(c_x, c_y)` which are the optical centers expressed in pixels coordinates. If for both axes a common focal length is used with a given :math:`a` aspect ratio (usually 1), then :math:`f_y=f_x*a` and in the upper formula we will have a single focal length :math:`f`. The matrix containing these four parameters is referred to as the *camera matrix*. While the distortion coefficients are the same regardless of the camera resolutions used, these should be scaled along with the current resolution from the calibrated resolution. -The process of determining these two matrices is the calibration. Calculation of these parameters is done through basic geometrical equations. The equations used depend on the chosen calibrating objects. Currently OpenCV supports three types of objects for calibration: +The process of determining these two matrices is the calibration. Calculation of these parameters is done through basic geometrical equations. The equations used depend on the chosen calibrating objects. Currently OpenCV supports three types of objects for calibration: .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Basically, you need to take snapshots of these patterns with your camera and let Goal ==== -The sample application will: +The sample application will: .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Source code You may also find the source code in the :file:`samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/camera_calibration/` folder of the OpenCV source library or :download:`download it from here <../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/camera_calibration/camera_calibration.cpp>`. The program has a single argument: the name of its configuration file. If none is given then it will try to open the one named "default.xml". :download:`Here's a sample configuration file <../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/camera_calibration/in_VID5.xml>` in XML format. In the configuration file you may choose to use camera as an input, a video file or an image list. If you opt for the last one, you will need to create a configuration file where you enumerate the images to use. Here's :download:`an example of this <../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/camera_calibration/VID5.xml>`. The important part to remember is that the images need to be specified using the absolute path or the relative one from your application's working directory. You may find all this in the samples directory mentioned above. -The application starts up with reading the settings from the configuration file. Although, this is an important part of it, it has nothing to do with the subject of this tutorial: *camera calibration*. Therefore, I've chosen not to post the code for that part here. Technical background on how to do this you can find in the :ref:`fileInputOutputXMLYAML` tutorial. +The application starts up with reading the settings from the configuration file. Although, this is an important part of it, it has nothing to do with the subject of this tutorial: *camera calibration*. Therefore, I've chosen not to post the code for that part here. Technical background on how to do this you can find in the :ref:`fileInputOutputXMLYAML` tutorial. Explanation =========== @@ -76,15 +76,15 @@ Explanation .. code-block:: cpp - Settings s; + Settings s; const string inputSettingsFile = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "default.xml"; FileStorage fs(inputSettingsFile, FileStorage::READ); // Read the settings if (!fs.isOpened()) { - cout << "Could not open the configuration file: \"" << inputSettingsFile << "\"" << endl; + cout << "Could not open the configuration file: \"" << inputSettingsFile << "\"" << endl; return -1; } - fs["Settings"] >> s; + fs["Settings"] >> s; fs.release(); // close Settings file if (!s.goodInput) @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Explanation For this I've used simple OpenCV class input operation. After reading the file I've an additional post-processing function that checks validity of the input. Only if all inputs are good then *goodInput* variable will be true. -#. **Get next input, if it fails or we have enough of them - calibrate**. After this we have a big loop where we do the following operations: get the next image from the image list, camera or video file. If this fails or we have enough images then we run the calibration process. In case of image we step out of the loop and otherwise the remaining frames will be undistorted (if the option is set) via changing from *DETECTION* mode to the *CALIBRATED* one. +#. **Get next input, if it fails or we have enough of them - calibrate**. After this we have a big loop where we do the following operations: get the next image from the image list, camera or video file. If this fails or we have enough images then we run the calibration process. In case of image we step out of the loop and otherwise the remaining frames will be undistorted (if the option is set) via changing from *DETECTION* mode to the *CALIBRATED* one. .. code-block:: cpp @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Explanation if( s.flipVertical ) flip( view, view, 0 ); } - For some cameras we may need to flip the input image. Here we do this too. + For some cameras we may need to flip the input image. Here we do this too. #. **Find the pattern in the current input**. The formation of the equations I mentioned above aims to finding major patterns in the input: in case of the chessboard this are corners of the squares and for the circles, well, the circles themselves. The position of these will form the result which will be written into the *pointBuf* vector. @@ -146,19 +146,19 @@ Explanation break; } - Depending on the type of the input pattern you use either the :calib3d:`findChessboardCorners ` or the :calib3d:`findCirclesGrid ` function. For both of them you pass the current image and the size of the board and you'll get the positions of the patterns. Furthermore, they return a boolean variable which states if the pattern was found in the input (we only need to take into account those images where this is true!). + Depending on the type of the input pattern you use either the :calib3d:`findChessboardCorners ` or the :calib3d:`findCirclesGrid ` function. For both of them you pass the current image and the size of the board and you'll get the positions of the patterns. Furthermore, they return a boolean variable which states if the pattern was found in the input (we only need to take into account those images where this is true!). - Then again in case of cameras we only take camera images when an input delay time is passed. This is done in order to allow user moving the chessboard around and getting different images. Similar images result in similar equations, and similar equations at the calibration step will form an ill-posed problem, so the calibration will fail. For square images the positions of the corners are only approximate. We may improve this by calling the :feature2d:`cornerSubPix ` function. It will produce better calibration result. After this we add a valid inputs result to the *imagePoints* vector to collect all of the equations into a single container. Finally, for visualization feedback purposes we will draw the found points on the input image using :calib3d:`findChessboardCorners ` function. + Then again in case of cameras we only take camera images when an input delay time is passed. This is done in order to allow user moving the chessboard around and getting different images. Similar images result in similar equations, and similar equations at the calibration step will form an ill-posed problem, so the calibration will fail. For square images the positions of the corners are only approximate. We may improve this by calling the :feature2d:`cornerSubPix ` function. It will produce better calibration result. After this we add a valid inputs result to the *imagePoints* vector to collect all of the equations into a single container. Finally, for visualization feedback purposes we will draw the found points on the input image using :calib3d:`findChessboardCorners ` function. .. code-block:: cpp - if ( found) // If done with success, + if ( found) // If done with success, { // improve the found corners' coordinate accuracy for chessboard - if( s.calibrationPattern == Settings::CHESSBOARD) + if( s.calibrationPattern == Settings::CHESSBOARD) { Mat viewGray; - cvtColor(view, viewGray, CV_BGR2GRAY); + cvtColor(view, viewGray, CV_BGR2GRAY); cornerSubPix( viewGray, pointBuf, Size(11,11), Size(-1,-1), TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 30, 0.1 )); } @@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ Explanation blinkOutput = s.inputCapture.isOpened(); } - // Draw the corners. + // Draw the corners. drawChessboardCorners( view, s.boardSize, Mat(pointBuf), found ); } -#. **Show state and result to the user, plus command line control of the application**. This part shows text output on the image. +#. **Show state and result to the user, plus command line control of the application**. This part shows text output on the image. .. code-block:: cpp @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ Explanation string msg = (mode == CAPTURING) ? "100/100" : mode == CALIBRATED ? "Calibrated" : "Press 'g' to start"; int baseLine = 0; - Size textSize = getTextSize(msg, 1, 1, 1, &baseLine); + Size textSize = getTextSize(msg, 1, 1, 1, &baseLine); Point textOrigin(view.cols - 2*textSize.width - 10, view.rows - 2*baseLine - 10); if( mode == CAPTURING ) @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Explanation if( blinkOutput ) bitwise_not(view, view); - If we ran calibration and got camera's matrix with the distortion coefficients we may want to correct the image using :imgproc_geometric:`undistort ` function: + If we ran calibration and got camera's matrix with the distortion coefficients we may want to correct the image using :imgproc_geometric:`undistort ` function: .. code-block:: cpp @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ Explanation imagePoints.clear(); } -#. **Show the distortion removal for the images too**. When you work with an image list it is not possible to remove the distortion inside the loop. Therefore, you must do this after the loop. Taking advantage of this now I'll expand the :imgproc_geometric:`undistort ` function, which is in fact first calls :imgproc_geometric:`initUndistortRectifyMap ` to find transformation matrices and then performs transformation using :imgproc_geometric:`remap ` function. Because, after successful calibration map calculation needs to be done only once, by using this expanded form you may speed up your application: +#. **Show the distortion removal for the images too**. When you work with an image list it is not possible to remove the distortion inside the loop. Therefore, you must do this after the loop. Taking advantage of this now I'll expand the :imgproc_geometric:`undistort ` function, which is in fact first calls :imgproc_geometric:`initUndistortRectifyMap ` to find transformation matrices and then performs transformation using :imgproc_geometric:`remap ` function. Because, after successful calibration map calculation needs to be done only once, by using this expanded form you may speed up your application: .. code-block:: cpp @@ -256,9 +256,9 @@ Explanation The calibration and save ======================== -Because the calibration needs to be done only once per camera, it makes sense to save it after a successful calibration. This way later on you can just load these values into your program. Due to this we first make the calibration, and if it succeeds we save the result into an OpenCV style XML or YAML file, depending on the extension you give in the configuration file. +Because the calibration needs to be done only once per camera, it makes sense to save it after a successful calibration. This way later on you can just load these values into your program. Due to this we first make the calibration, and if it succeeds we save the result into an OpenCV style XML or YAML file, depending on the extension you give in the configuration file. -Therefore in the first function we just split up these two processes. Because we want to save many of the calibration variables we'll create these variables here and pass on both of them to the calibration and saving function. Again, I'll not show the saving part as that has little in common with the calibration. Explore the source file in order to find out how and what: +Therefore in the first function we just split up these two processes. Because we want to save many of the calibration variables we'll create these variables here and pass on both of them to the calibration and saving function. Again, I'll not show the saving part as that has little in common with the calibration. Explore the source file in order to find out how and what: .. code-block:: cpp @@ -269,10 +269,10 @@ Therefore in the first function we just split up these two processes. Because we vector reprojErrs; double totalAvgErr = 0; - bool ok = runCalibration(s,imageSize, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, imagePoints, rvecs, tvecs, + bool ok = runCalibration(s,imageSize, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, imagePoints, rvecs, tvecs, reprojErrs, totalAvgErr); cout << (ok ? "Calibration succeeded" : "Calibration failed") - << ". avg re projection error = " << totalAvgErr ; + << ". avg re projection error = " << totalAvgErr ; if( ok ) // save only if the calibration was done with success saveCameraParams( s, imageSize, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvecs ,tvecs, reprojErrs, @@ -280,15 +280,15 @@ Therefore in the first function we just split up these two processes. Because we return ok; } -We do the calibration with the help of the :calib3d:`calibrateCamera ` function. It has the following parameters: +We do the calibration with the help of the :calib3d:`calibrateCamera ` function. It has the following parameters: .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare - + The object points. This is a vector of *Point3f* vector that for each input image describes how should the pattern look. If we have a planar pattern (like a chessboard) then we can simply set all Z coordinates to zero. This is a collection of the points where these important points are present. Because, we use a single pattern for all the input images we can calculate this just once and multiply it for all the other input views. We calculate the corner points with the *calcBoardCornerPositions* function as: + + The object points. This is a vector of *Point3f* vector that for each input image describes how should the pattern look. If we have a planar pattern (like a chessboard) then we can simply set all Z coordinates to zero. This is a collection of the points where these important points are present. Because, we use a single pattern for all the input images we can calculate this just once and multiply it for all the other input views. We calculate the corner points with the *calcBoardCornerPositions* function as: .. code-block:: cpp - void calcBoardCornerPositions(Size boardSize, float squareSize, vector& corners, + void calcBoardCornerPositions(Size boardSize, float squareSize, vector& corners, Settings::Pattern patternType /*= Settings::CHESSBOARD*/) { corners.clear(); @@ -310,19 +310,19 @@ We do the calibration with the help of the :calib3d:`calibrateCamera > objectPoints(1); calcBoardCornerPositions(s.boardSize, s.squareSize, objectPoints[0], s.calibrationPattern); - objectPoints.resize(imagePoints.size(),objectPoints[0]); + objectPoints.resize(imagePoints.size(),objectPoints[0]); - + The image points. This is a vector of *Point2f* vector which for each input image contains coordinates of the important points (corners for chessboard and centers of the circles for the circle pattern). We have already collected this from :calib3d:`findChessboardCorners ` or :calib3d:`findCirclesGrid ` function. We just need to pass it on. + + The image points. This is a vector of *Point2f* vector which for each input image contains coordinates of the important points (corners for chessboard and centers of the circles for the circle pattern). We have already collected this from :calib3d:`findChessboardCorners ` or :calib3d:`findCirclesGrid ` function. We just need to pass it on. - + The size of the image acquired from the camera, video file or the images. + + The size of the image acquired from the camera, video file or the images. - + The camera matrix. If we used the fixed aspect ratio option we need to set the :math:`f_x` to zero: + + The camera matrix. If we used the fixed aspect ratio option we need to set the :math:`f_x` to zero: .. code-block:: cpp @@ -330,24 +330,24 @@ We do the calibration with the help of the :calib3d:`calibrateCamera (0,0) = 1.0; - + The distortion coefficient matrix. Initialize with zero. + + The distortion coefficient matrix. Initialize with zero. .. code-block:: cpp distCoeffs = Mat::zeros(8, 1, CV_64F); - + For all the views the function will calculate rotation and translation vectors which transform the object points (given in the model coordinate space) to the image points (given in the world coordinate space). The 7-th and 8-th parameters are the output vector of matrices containing in the i-th position the rotation and translation vector for the i-th object point to the i-th image point. + + For all the views the function will calculate rotation and translation vectors which transform the object points (given in the model coordinate space) to the image points (given in the world coordinate space). The 7-th and 8-th parameters are the output vector of matrices containing in the i-th position the rotation and translation vector for the i-th object point to the i-th image point. - + The final argument is the flag. You need to specify here options like fix the aspect ratio for the focal length, assume zero tangential distortion or to fix the principal point. + + The final argument is the flag. You need to specify here options like fix the aspect ratio for the focal length, assume zero tangential distortion or to fix the principal point. .. code-block:: cpp double rms = calibrateCamera(objectPoints, imagePoints, imageSize, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvecs, tvecs, s.flag|CV_CALIB_FIX_K4|CV_CALIB_FIX_K5); - + The function returns the average re-projection error. This number gives a good estimation of precision of the found parameters. This should be as close to zero as possible. Given the intrinsic, distortion, rotation and translation matrices we may calculate the error for one view by using the :calib3d:`projectPoints ` to first transform the object point to image point. Then we calculate the absolute norm between what we got with our transformation and the corner/circle finding algorithm. To find the average error we calculate the arithmetical mean of the errors calculated for all the calibration images. + + The function returns the average re-projection error. This number gives a good estimation of precision of the found parameters. This should be as close to zero as possible. Given the intrinsic, distortion, rotation and translation matrices we may calculate the error for one view by using the :calib3d:`projectPoints ` to first transform the object point to image point. Then we calculate the absolute norm between what we got with our transformation and the corner/circle finding algorithm. To find the average error we calculate the arithmetical mean of the errors calculated for all the calibration images. - .. code-block:: cpp + .. code-block:: cpp double computeReprojectionErrors( const vector >& objectPoints, const vector >& imagePoints, @@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ We do the calibration with the help of the :calib3d:`calibrateCamera ` which has a size of 9 X 6. I've used an AXIS IP camera to create a couple of snapshots of the board and saved it into VID5 directory. I've put this inside the :file:`images/CameraCalibration` folder of my working directory and created the following :file:`VID5.XML` file that describes which images to use: +Let there be :download:`this input chessboard pattern <../../../pattern.png>` which has a size of 9 X 6. I've used an AXIS IP camera to create a couple of snapshots of the board and saved it into VID5 directory. I've put this inside the :file:`images/CameraCalibration` folder of my working directory and created the following :file:`VID5.XML` file that describes which images to use: .. code-block:: xml @@ -396,25 +396,25 @@ Let there be :download:`this input chessboard pattern <../../../pattern.png>` wh -Then passed :file:`images/CameraCalibration/VID5/VID5.XML` as an input in the configuration file. Here's a chessboard pattern found during the runtime of the application: +Then passed :file:`images/CameraCalibration/VID5/VID5.XML` as an input in the configuration file. Here's a chessboard pattern found during the runtime of the application: -.. image:: images/fileListImage.jpg +.. image:: images/fileListImage.jpg :alt: A found chessboard :align: center -After applying the distortion removal we get: +After applying the distortion removal we get: -.. image:: images/fileListImageUnDist.jpg +.. image:: images/fileListImageUnDist.jpg :alt: Distortion removal for File List :align: center -The same works for :download:`this asymmetrical circle pattern <../../../acircles_pattern.png>` by setting the input width to 4 and height to 11. This time I've used a live camera feed by specifying its ID ("1") for the input. Here's, how a detected pattern should look: +The same works for :download:`this asymmetrical circle pattern <../../../acircles_pattern.png>` by setting the input width to 4 and height to 11. This time I've used a live camera feed by specifying its ID ("1") for the input. Here's, how a detected pattern should look: -.. image:: images/asymetricalPattern.jpg +.. image:: images/asymetricalPattern.jpg :alt: Asymmetrical circle detection :align: center -In both cases in the specified output XML/YAML file you'll find the camera and distortion coefficients matrices: +In both cases in the specified output XML/YAML file you'll find the camera and distortion coefficients matrices: .. code-block:: cpp @@ -433,9 +433,9 @@ In both cases in the specified output XML/YAML file you'll find the camera and d -4.1802327176423804e-001 5.0715244063187526e-001 0. 0. -5.7843597214487474e-001 -Add these values as constants to your program, call the :imgproc_geometric:`initUndistortRectifyMap ` and the :imgproc_geometric:`remap ` function to remove distortion and enjoy distortion free inputs for cheap and low quality cameras. +Add these values as constants to your program, call the :imgproc_geometric:`initUndistortRectifyMap ` and the :imgproc_geometric:`remap ` function to remove distortion and enjoy distortion free inputs for cheap and low quality cameras. -You may observe a runtime instance of this on the `YouTube here `_. +You may observe a runtime instance of this on the `YouTube here `_. .. raw:: html diff --git a/doc/tutorials/calib3d/camera_calibration_square_chess/camera_calibration_square_chess.rst b/doc/tutorials/calib3d/camera_calibration_square_chess/camera_calibration_square_chess.rst index ec7354be2..e08550750 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/calib3d/camera_calibration_square_chess/camera_calibration_square_chess.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/calib3d/camera_calibration_square_chess/camera_calibration_square_chess.rst @@ -7,16 +7,16 @@ Camera calibration with square chessboard The goal of this tutorial is to learn how to calibrate a camera given a set of chessboard images. -*Test data*: use images in your data/chess folder. +*Test data*: use images in your data/chess folder. #. - Compile opencv with samples by setting ``BUILD_EXAMPLES`` to ``ON`` in cmake configuration. + Compile opencv with samples by setting ``BUILD_EXAMPLES`` to ``ON`` in cmake configuration. #. Go to ``bin`` folder and use ``imagelist_creator`` to create an ``XML/YAML`` list of your images. - + #. - Then, run ``calibration`` sample to get camera parameters. Use square size equal to 3cm. + Then, run ``calibration`` sample to get camera parameters. Use square size equal to 3cm. Pose estimation =============== @@ -57,6 +57,6 @@ Now, let us write a code that detects a chessboard in a new image and finds its distCoeffs, rvec, tvec, false); #. - Calculate reprojection error like it is done in ``calibration`` sample (see ``opencv/samples/cpp/calibration.cpp``, function ``computeReprojectionErrors``). + Calculate reprojection error like it is done in ``calibration`` sample (see ``opencv/samples/cpp/calibration.cpp``, function ``computeReprojectionErrors``). -Question: how to calculate the distance from the camera origin to any of the corners? \ No newline at end of file +Question: how to calculate the distance from the camera origin to any of the corners? diff --git a/doc/tutorials/calib3d/table_of_content_calib3d/table_of_content_calib3d.rst b/doc/tutorials/calib3d/table_of_content_calib3d/table_of_content_calib3d.rst index 3d4566462..91f80b70b 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/calib3d/table_of_content_calib3d/table_of_content_calib3d.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/calib3d/table_of_content_calib3d/table_of_content_calib3d.rst @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ *calib3d* module. Camera calibration and 3D reconstruction ----------------------------------------------------------- -Although we got most of our images in a 2D format they do come from a 3D world. Here you will learn how to find out from the 2D images information about the 3D world. +Although we got most of our images in a 2D format they do come from a 3D world. Here you will learn how to find out from the 2D images information about the 3D world. -.. include:: ../../definitions/tocDefinitions.rst +.. include:: ../../definitions/tocDefinitions.rst -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Although we got most of our images in a 2D format they do come from a 3D world. :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv diff --git a/doc/tutorials/core/adding_images/adding_images.rst b/doc/tutorials/core/adding_images/adding_images.rst index 13e4063aa..e3135693d 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/core/adding_images/adding_images.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/core/adding_images/adding_images.rst @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Theory .. note:: - The explanation below belongs to the book `Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications `_ by Richard Szeliski + The explanation below belongs to the book `Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications `_ by Richard Szeliski From our previous tutorial, we know already a bit of *Pixel operators*. An interesting dyadic (two-input) operator is the *linear blend operator*: @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ As usual, after the not-so-lengthy explanation, let's go to the code: int main( int argc, char** argv ) { - double alpha = 0.5; double beta; double input; + double alpha = 0.5; double beta; double input; Mat src1, src2, dst; @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ As usual, after the not-so-lengthy explanation, let's go to the code: beta = ( 1.0 - alpha ); addWeighted( src1, alpha, src2, beta, 0.0, dst); - + imshow( "Linear Blend", dst ); waitKey(0); @@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ Explanation #. Now we need to generate the :math:`g(x)` image. For this, the function :add_weighted:`addWeighted <>` comes quite handy: .. code-block:: cpp - + beta = ( 1.0 - alpha ); addWeighted( src1, alpha, src2, beta, 0.0, dst); - + since :add_weighted:`addWeighted <>` produces: .. math:: @@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ Explanation dst = \alpha \cdot src1 + \beta \cdot src2 + \gamma In this case, :math:`\gamma` is the argument :math:`0.0` in the code above. - -#. Create windows, show the images and wait for the user to end the program. + +#. Create windows, show the images and wait for the user to end the program. Result ======= .. image:: images/Adding_Images_Tutorial_Result_0.jpg :alt: Blending Images Tutorial - Final Result - :align: center + :align: center diff --git a/doc/tutorials/core/basic_geometric_drawing/basic_geometric_drawing.rst b/doc/tutorials/core/basic_geometric_drawing/basic_geometric_drawing.rst index 3bd3237b7..d9c681ed4 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/core/basic_geometric_drawing/basic_geometric_drawing.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/core/basic_geometric_drawing/basic_geometric_drawing.rst @@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ Explanation /// 2.b. Creating rectangles rectangle( rook_image, - Point( 0, 7*w/8.0 ), - Point( w, w), - Scalar( 0, 255, 255 ), - -1, - 8 ); + Point( 0, 7*w/8.0 ), + Point( w, w), + Scalar( 0, 255, 255 ), + -1, + 8 ); /// 2.c. Create a few lines MyLine( rook_image, Point( 0, 15*w/16 ), Point( w, 15*w/16 ) ); @@ -118,16 +118,16 @@ Explanation .. code-block:: cpp void MyLine( Mat img, Point start, Point end ) - { - int thickness = 2; - int lineType = 8; - line( img, - start, - end, - Scalar( 0, 0, 0 ), - thickness, - lineType ); - } + { + int thickness = 2; + int lineType = 8; + line( img, + start, + end, + Scalar( 0, 0, 0 ), + thickness, + lineType ); + } As we can see, *MyLine* just call the function :line:`line <>`, which does the following: @@ -145,18 +145,18 @@ Explanation void MyEllipse( Mat img, double angle ) { - int thickness = 2; - int lineType = 8; + int thickness = 2; + int lineType = 8; - ellipse( img, - Point( w/2.0, w/2.0 ), - Size( w/4.0, w/16.0 ), - angle, - 0, - 360, - Scalar( 255, 0, 0 ), - thickness, - lineType ); + ellipse( img, + Point( w/2.0, w/2.0 ), + Size( w/4.0, w/16.0 ), + angle, + 0, + 360, + Scalar( 255, 0, 0 ), + thickness, + lineType ); } From the code above, we can observe that the function :ellipse:`ellipse <>` draws an ellipse such that: @@ -176,17 +176,17 @@ Explanation .. code-block:: cpp void MyFilledCircle( Mat img, Point center ) - { - int thickness = -1; - int lineType = 8; + { + int thickness = -1; + int lineType = 8; - circle( img, - center, - w/32.0, - Scalar( 0, 0, 255 ), - thickness, - lineType ); - } + circle( img, + center, + w/32.0, + Scalar( 0, 0, 255 ), + thickness, + lineType ); + } Similar to the ellipse function, we can observe that *circle* receives as arguments: @@ -203,41 +203,41 @@ Explanation .. code-block:: cpp void MyPolygon( Mat img ) - { - int lineType = 8; + { + int lineType = 8; - /** Create some points */ - Point rook_points[1][20]; - rook_points[0][0] = Point( w/4.0, 7*w/8.0 ); - rook_points[0][1] = Point( 3*w/4.0, 7*w/8.0 ); - rook_points[0][2] = Point( 3*w/4.0, 13*w/16.0 ); - rook_points[0][3] = Point( 11*w/16.0, 13*w/16.0 ); - rook_points[0][4] = Point( 19*w/32.0, 3*w/8.0 ); - rook_points[0][5] = Point( 3*w/4.0, 3*w/8.0 ); - rook_points[0][6] = Point( 3*w/4.0, w/8.0 ); - rook_points[0][7] = Point( 26*w/40.0, w/8.0 ); - rook_points[0][8] = Point( 26*w/40.0, w/4.0 ); - rook_points[0][9] = Point( 22*w/40.0, w/4.0 ); - rook_points[0][10] = Point( 22*w/40.0, w/8.0 ); - rook_points[0][11] = Point( 18*w/40.0, w/8.0 ); - rook_points[0][12] = Point( 18*w/40.0, w/4.0 ); - rook_points[0][13] = Point( 14*w/40.0, w/4.0 ); - rook_points[0][14] = Point( 14*w/40.0, w/8.0 ); - rook_points[0][15] = Point( w/4.0, w/8.0 ); - rook_points[0][16] = Point( w/4.0, 3*w/8.0 ); - rook_points[0][17] = Point( 13*w/32.0, 3*w/8.0 ); - rook_points[0][18] = Point( 5*w/16.0, 13*w/16.0 ); - rook_points[0][19] = Point( w/4.0, 13*w/16.0) ; + /** Create some points */ + Point rook_points[1][20]; + rook_points[0][0] = Point( w/4.0, 7*w/8.0 ); + rook_points[0][1] = Point( 3*w/4.0, 7*w/8.0 ); + rook_points[0][2] = Point( 3*w/4.0, 13*w/16.0 ); + rook_points[0][3] = Point( 11*w/16.0, 13*w/16.0 ); + rook_points[0][4] = Point( 19*w/32.0, 3*w/8.0 ); + rook_points[0][5] = Point( 3*w/4.0, 3*w/8.0 ); + rook_points[0][6] = Point( 3*w/4.0, w/8.0 ); + rook_points[0][7] = Point( 26*w/40.0, w/8.0 ); + rook_points[0][8] = Point( 26*w/40.0, w/4.0 ); + rook_points[0][9] = Point( 22*w/40.0, w/4.0 ); + rook_points[0][10] = Point( 22*w/40.0, w/8.0 ); + rook_points[0][11] = Point( 18*w/40.0, w/8.0 ); + rook_points[0][12] = Point( 18*w/40.0, w/4.0 ); + rook_points[0][13] = Point( 14*w/40.0, w/4.0 ); + rook_points[0][14] = Point( 14*w/40.0, w/8.0 ); + rook_points[0][15] = Point( w/4.0, w/8.0 ); + rook_points[0][16] = Point( w/4.0, 3*w/8.0 ); + rook_points[0][17] = Point( 13*w/32.0, 3*w/8.0 ); + rook_points[0][18] = Point( 5*w/16.0, 13*w/16.0 ); + rook_points[0][19] = Point( w/4.0, 13*w/16.0) ; - const Point* ppt[1] = { rook_points[0] }; - int npt[] = { 20 }; + const Point* ppt[1] = { rook_points[0] }; + int npt[] = { 20 }; - fillPoly( img, - ppt, - npt, - 1, - Scalar( 255, 255, 255 ), - lineType ); + fillPoly( img, + ppt, + npt, + 1, + Scalar( 255, 255, 255 ), + lineType ); } To draw a filled polygon we use the function :fill_poly:`fillPoly <>`. We note that: @@ -255,11 +255,11 @@ Explanation .. code-block:: cpp rectangle( rook_image, - Point( 0, 7*w/8.0 ), - Point( w, w), - Scalar( 0, 255, 255 ), - -1, - 8 ); + Point( 0, 7*w/8.0 ), + Point( w, w), + Scalar( 0, 255, 255 ), + -1, + 8 ); Finally we have the :rectangle:`rectangle <>` function (we did not create a special function for this guy). We note that: diff --git a/doc/tutorials/core/basic_linear_transform/basic_linear_transform.rst b/doc/tutorials/core/basic_linear_transform/basic_linear_transform.rst index 097e79e00..613f4e100 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/core/basic_linear_transform/basic_linear_transform.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/core/basic_linear_transform/basic_linear_transform.rst @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ In this tutorial you will learn how to: .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare - + Access pixel values + + Access pixel values + Initialize a matrix with zeros @@ -20,16 +20,16 @@ In this tutorial you will learn how to: Theory ======= - + .. note:: - The explanation below belongs to the book `Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications `_ by Richard Szeliski + The explanation below belongs to the book `Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications `_ by Richard Szeliski Image Processing -------------------- .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare - * A general image processing operator is a function that takes one or more input images and produces an output image. + * A general image processing operator is a function that takes one or more input images and produces an output image. * Image transforms can be seen as: @@ -54,18 +54,18 @@ Brightness and contrast adjustments * Two commonly used point processes are *multiplication* and *addition* with a constant: .. math:: - + g(x) = \alpha f(x) + \beta - + * The parameters :math:`\alpha > 0` and :math:`\beta` are often called the *gain* and *bias* parameters; sometimes these parameters are said to control *contrast* and *brightness* respectively. * You can think of :math:`f(x)` as the source image pixels and :math:`g(x)` as the output image pixels. Then, more conveniently we can write the expression as: .. math:: - + g(i,j) = \alpha \cdot f(i,j) + \beta - - where :math:`i` and :math:`j` indicates that the pixel is located in the *i-th* row and *j-th* column. + + where :math:`i` and :math:`j` indicates that the pixel is located in the *i-th* row and *j-th* column. Code ===== @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Code Mat image = imread( argv[1] ); Mat new_image = Mat::zeros( image.size(), image.type() ); - /// Initialize values + /// Initialize values std::cout<<" Basic Linear Transforms "<>alpha; @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Code { for( int x = 0; x < image.cols; x++ ) { for( int c = 0; c < 3; c++ ) { - new_image.at(y,x)[c] = + new_image.at(y,x)[c] = saturate_cast( alpha*( image.at(y,x)[c] ) + beta ); } } @@ -133,41 +133,41 @@ Explanation #. We load an image using :imread:`imread <>` and save it in a Mat object: - + .. code-block:: cpp Mat image = imread( argv[1] ); #. Now, since we will make some transformations to this image, we need a new Mat object to store it. Also, we want this to have the following features: - + .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare * Initial pixel values equal to zero * Same size and type as the original image - + .. code-block:: cpp - Mat new_image = Mat::zeros( image.size(), image.type() ); - - We observe that :mat_zeros:`Mat::zeros <>` returns a Matlab-style zero initializer based on *image.size()* and *image.type()* + Mat new_image = Mat::zeros( image.size(), image.type() ); + + We observe that :mat_zeros:`Mat::zeros <>` returns a Matlab-style zero initializer based on *image.size()* and *image.type()* #. Now, to perform the operation :math:`g(i,j) = \alpha \cdot f(i,j) + \beta` we will access to each pixel in image. Since we are operating with RGB images, we will have three values per pixel (R, G and B), so we will also access them separately. Here is the piece of code: .. code-block:: cpp - + for( int y = 0; y < image.rows; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x < image.cols; x++ ) { for( int c = 0; c < 3; c++ ) - { new_image.at(y,x)[c] = + { new_image.at(y,x)[c] = saturate_cast( alpha*( image.at(y,x)[c] ) + beta ); } } } - + Notice the following: .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare - * To access each pixel in the images we are using this syntax: *image.at(y,x)[c]* where *y* is the row, *x* is the column and *c* is R, G or B (0, 1 or 2). + * To access each pixel in the images we are using this syntax: *image.at(y,x)[c]* where *y* is the row, *x* is the column and *c* is R, G or B (0, 1 or 2). * Since the operation :math:`\alpha \cdot p(i,j) + \beta` can give values out of range or not integers (if :math:`\alpha` is float), we use :saturate_cast:`saturate_cast <>` to make sure the values are valid. @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Explanation #. Finally, we create windows and show the images, the usual way. .. code-block:: cpp - + namedWindow("Original Image", 1); namedWindow("New Image", 1); @@ -185,9 +185,9 @@ Explanation waitKey(0); .. note:: - + Instead of using the **for** loops to access each pixel, we could have simply used this command: - + .. code-block:: cpp image.convertTo(new_image, -1, alpha, beta); @@ -211,4 +211,4 @@ Result .. image:: images/Basic_Linear_Transform_Tutorial_Result_0.jpg :alt: Basic Linear Transform - Final Result - :align: center + :align: center diff --git a/doc/tutorials/core/discrete_fourier_transform/discrete_fourier_transform.rst b/doc/tutorials/core/discrete_fourier_transform/discrete_fourier_transform.rst index b5f8e77c8..b7cf44668 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/core/discrete_fourier_transform/discrete_fourier_transform.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/core/discrete_fourier_transform/discrete_fourier_transform.rst @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ Discrete Fourier Transform ************************** Goal -==== +==== -We'll seek answers for the following questions: +We'll seek answers for the following questions: .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare - + What is a Fourier transform and why use it? - + How to do it in OpenCV? + + What is a Fourier transform and why use it? + + How to do it in OpenCV? + Usage of functions such as: :imgprocfilter:`copyMakeBorder() `, :operationsonarrays:`merge() `, :operationsonarrays:`dft() `, :operationsonarrays:`getOptimalDFTSize() `, :operationsonarrays:`log() ` and :operationsonarrays:`normalize() ` . Source code =========== -You can :download:`download this from here <../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/discrete_fourier_transform/discrete_fourier_transform.cpp>` or find it in the :file:`samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/discrete_fourier_transform/discrete_fourier_transform.cpp` of the OpenCV source code library. +You can :download:`download this from here <../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/discrete_fourier_transform/discrete_fourier_transform.cpp>` or find it in the :file:`samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/discrete_fourier_transform/discrete_fourier_transform.cpp` of the OpenCV source code library. -Here's a sample usage of :operationsonarrays:`dft() ` : +Here's a sample usage of :operationsonarrays:`dft() ` : .. literalinclude:: ../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/discrete_fourier_transform/discrete_fourier_transform.cpp :language: cpp @@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ Here's a sample usage of :operationsonarrays:`dft() ` : Explanation =========== -The Fourier Transform will decompose an image into its sinus and cosines components. In other words, it will transform an image from its spatial domain to its frequency domain. The idea is that any function may be approximated exactly with the sum of infinite sinus and cosines functions. The Fourier Transform is a way how to do this. Mathematically a two dimensional images Fourier transform is: +The Fourier Transform will decompose an image into its sinus and cosines components. In other words, it will transform an image from its spatial domain to its frequency domain. The idea is that any function may be approximated exactly with the sum of infinite sinus and cosines functions. The Fourier Transform is a way how to do this. Mathematically a two dimensional images Fourier transform is: .. math:: - F(k,l) = \displaystyle\sum\limits_{i=0}^{N-1}\sum\limits_{j=0}^{N-1} f(i,j)e^{-i2\pi(\frac{ki}{N}+\frac{lj}{N})} + F(k,l) = \displaystyle\sum\limits_{i=0}^{N-1}\sum\limits_{j=0}^{N-1} f(i,j)e^{-i2\pi(\frac{ki}{N}+\frac{lj}{N})} e^{ix} = \cos{x} + i\sin {x} @@ -44,65 +44,65 @@ In this sample I'll show how to calculate and show the *magnitude* image of a Fo 1. **Expand the image to an optimal size**. The performance of a DFT is dependent of the image size. It tends to be the fastest for image sizes that are multiple of the numbers two, three and five. Therefore, to achieve maximal performance it is generally a good idea to pad border values to the image to get a size with such traits. The :operationsonarrays:`getOptimalDFTSize() ` returns this optimal size and we can use the :imgprocfilter:`copyMakeBorder() ` function to expand the borders of an image: - .. code-block:: cpp + .. code-block:: cpp Mat padded; //expand input image to optimal size int m = getOptimalDFTSize( I.rows ); int n = getOptimalDFTSize( I.cols ); // on the border add zero pixels copyMakeBorder(I, padded, 0, m - I.rows, 0, n - I.cols, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0)); - The appended pixels are initialized with zero. + The appended pixels are initialized with zero. 2. **Make place for both the complex and the real values**. The result of a Fourier Transform is complex. This implies that for each image value the result is two image values (one per component). Moreover, the frequency domains range is much larger than its spatial counterpart. Therefore, we store these usually at least in a *float* format. Therefore we'll convert our input image to this type and expand it with another channel to hold the complex values: - .. code-block:: cpp + .. code-block:: cpp Mat planes[] = {Mat_(padded), Mat::zeros(padded.size(), CV_32F)}; Mat complexI; merge(planes, 2, complexI); // Add to the expanded another plane with zeros -3. **Make the Discrete Fourier Transform**. It's possible an in-place calculation (same input as output): +3. **Make the Discrete Fourier Transform**. It's possible an in-place calculation (same input as output): - .. code-block:: cpp + .. code-block:: cpp dft(complexI, complexI); // this way the result may fit in the source matrix -4. **Transform the real and complex values to magnitude**. A complex number has a real (*Re*) and a complex (imaginary - *Im*) part. The results of a DFT are complex numbers. The magnitude of a DFT is: +4. **Transform the real and complex values to magnitude**. A complex number has a real (*Re*) and a complex (imaginary - *Im*) part. The results of a DFT are complex numbers. The magnitude of a DFT is: .. math:: M = \sqrt[2]{ {Re(DFT(I))}^2 + {Im(DFT(I))}^2} - Translated to OpenCV code: + Translated to OpenCV code: - .. code-block:: cpp + .. code-block:: cpp split(complexI, planes); // planes[0] = Re(DFT(I), planes[1] = Im(DFT(I)) - magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], planes[0]);// planes[0] = magnitude + magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], planes[0]);// planes[0] = magnitude Mat magI = planes[0]; -5. **Switch to a logarithmic scale**. It turns out that the dynamic range of the Fourier coefficients is too large to be displayed on the screen. We have some small and some high changing values that we can't observe like this. Therefore the high values will all turn out as white points, while the small ones as black. To use the gray scale values to for visualization we can transform our linear scale to a logarithmic one: +5. **Switch to a logarithmic scale**. It turns out that the dynamic range of the Fourier coefficients is too large to be displayed on the screen. We have some small and some high changing values that we can't observe like this. Therefore the high values will all turn out as white points, while the small ones as black. To use the gray scale values to for visualization we can transform our linear scale to a logarithmic one: .. math:: M_1 = \log{(1 + M)} - Translated to OpenCV code: + Translated to OpenCV code: - .. code-block:: cpp + .. code-block:: cpp magI += Scalar::all(1); // switch to logarithmic scale log(magI, magI); -6. **Crop and rearrange**. Remember, that at the first step, we expanded the image? Well, it's time to throw away the newly introduced values. For visualization purposes we may also rearrange the quadrants of the result, so that the origin (zero, zero) corresponds with the image center. +6. **Crop and rearrange**. Remember, that at the first step, we expanded the image? Well, it's time to throw away the newly introduced values. For visualization purposes we may also rearrange the quadrants of the result, so that the origin (zero, zero) corresponds with the image center. - .. code-block:: cpp + .. code-block:: cpp magI = magI(Rect(0, 0, magI.cols & -2, magI.rows & -2)); int cx = magI.cols/2; int cy = magI.rows/2; - Mat q0(magI, Rect(0, 0, cx, cy)); // Top-Left - Create a ROI per quadrant + Mat q0(magI, Rect(0, 0, cx, cy)); // Top-Left - Create a ROI per quadrant Mat q1(magI, Rect(cx, 0, cx, cy)); // Top-Right Mat q2(magI, Rect(0, cy, cx, cy)); // Bottom-Left Mat q3(magI, Rect(cx, cy, cx, cy)); // Bottom-Right @@ -116,25 +116,25 @@ In this sample I'll show how to calculate and show the *magnitude* image of a Fo q2.copyTo(q1); tmp.copyTo(q2); -7. **Normalize**. This is done again for visualization purposes. We now have the magnitudes, however this are still out of our image display range of zero to one. We normalize our values to this range using the :operationsonarrays:`normalize() ` function. +7. **Normalize**. This is done again for visualization purposes. We now have the magnitudes, however this are still out of our image display range of zero to one. We normalize our values to this range using the :operationsonarrays:`normalize() ` function. - .. code-block:: cpp + .. code-block:: cpp - normalize(magI, magI, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX); // Transform the matrix with float values into a + normalize(magI, magI, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX); // Transform the matrix with float values into a // viewable image form (float between values 0 and 1). Result ====== -An application idea would be to determine the geometrical orientation present in the image. For example, let us find out if a text is horizontal or not? Looking at some text you'll notice that the text lines sort of form also horizontal lines and the letters form sort of vertical lines. These two main components of a text snippet may be also seen in case of the Fourier transform. Let us use :download:`this horizontal <../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/images/imageTextN.png>` and :download:`this rotated<../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/images/imageTextR.png>` image about a text. +An application idea would be to determine the geometrical orientation present in the image. For example, let us find out if a text is horizontal or not? Looking at some text you'll notice that the text lines sort of form also horizontal lines and the letters form sort of vertical lines. These two main components of a text snippet may be also seen in case of the Fourier transform. Let us use :download:`this horizontal <../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/images/imageTextN.png>` and :download:`this rotated<../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/images/imageTextR.png>` image about a text. -In case of the horizontal text: +In case of the horizontal text: .. image:: images/result_normal.jpg :alt: In case of normal text :align: center -In case of a rotated text: +In case of a rotated text: .. image:: images/result_rotated.jpg :alt: In case of rotated text diff --git a/doc/tutorials/core/file_input_output_with_xml_yml/file_input_output_with_xml_yml.rst b/doc/tutorials/core/file_input_output_with_xml_yml/file_input_output_with_xml_yml.rst index 44eed2eca..42f6a6091 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/core/file_input_output_with_xml_yml/file_input_output_with_xml_yml.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/core/file_input_output_with_xml_yml/file_input_output_with_xml_yml.rst @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ File Input and Output using XML and YAML files ********************************************** Goal -==== +==== -You'll find answers for the following questions: +You'll find answers for the following questions: .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ You'll find answers for the following questions: Source code =========== -You can :download:`download this from here <../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/file_input_output/file_input_output.cpp>` or find it in the :file:`samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/file_input_output/file_input_output.cpp` of the OpenCV source code library. +You can :download:`download this from here <../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/file_input_output/file_input_output.cpp>` or find it in the :file:`samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/file_input_output/file_input_output.cpp` of the OpenCV source code library. Here's a sample code of how to achieve all the stuff enumerated at the goal list. @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ Here's a sample code of how to achieve all the stuff enumerated at the goal list Explanation =========== -Here we talk only about XML and YAML file inputs. Your output (and its respective input) file may have only one of these extensions and the structure coming from this. They are two kinds of data structures you may serialize: *mappings* (like the STL map) and *element sequence* (like the STL vector>. The difference between these is that in a map every element has a unique name through what you may access it. For sequences you need to go through them to query a specific item. +Here we talk only about XML and YAML file inputs. Your output (and its respective input) file may have only one of these extensions and the structure coming from this. They are two kinds of data structures you may serialize: *mappings* (like the STL map) and *element sequence* (like the STL vector>. The difference between these is that in a map every element has a unique name through what you may access it. For sequences you need to go through them to query a specific item. -1. **XML\\YAML File Open and Close.** Before you write any content to such file you need to open it and at the end to close it. The XML\YAML data structure in OpenCV is :xmlymlpers:`FileStorage `. To specify that this structure to which file binds on your hard drive you can use either its constructor or the *open()* function of this: +1. **XML\\YAML File Open and Close.** Before you write any content to such file you need to open it and at the end to close it. The XML\YAML data structure in OpenCV is :xmlymlpers:`FileStorage `. To specify that this structure to which file binds on your hard drive you can use either its constructor or the *open()* function of this: .. code-block:: cpp @@ -42,29 +42,29 @@ Here we talk only about XML and YAML file inputs. Your output (and its respectiv \\... fs.open(filename, FileStorage::READ); - Either one of this you use the second argument is a constant specifying the type of operations you'll be able to on them: WRITE, READ or APPEND. The extension specified in the file name also determinates the output format that will be used. The output may be even compressed if you specify an extension such as *.xml.gz*. + Either one of this you use the second argument is a constant specifying the type of operations you'll be able to on them: WRITE, READ or APPEND. The extension specified in the file name also determinates the output format that will be used. The output may be even compressed if you specify an extension such as *.xml.gz*. + + The file automatically closes when the :xmlymlpers:`FileStorage ` objects is destroyed. However, you may explicitly call for this by using the *release* function: - The file automatically closes when the :xmlymlpers:`FileStorage ` objects is destroyed. However, you may explicitly call for this by using the *release* function: - .. code-block:: cpp fs.release(); // explicit close -#. **Input and Output of text and numbers.** The data structure uses the same << output operator that the STL library. For outputting any type of data structure we need first to specify its name. We do this by just simply printing out the name of this. For basic types you may follow this with the print of the value : +#. **Input and Output of text and numbers.** The data structure uses the same << output operator that the STL library. For outputting any type of data structure we need first to specify its name. We do this by just simply printing out the name of this. For basic types you may follow this with the print of the value : .. code-block:: cpp fs << "iterationNr" << 100; - Reading in is a simple addressing (via the [] operator) and casting operation or a read via the >> operator : + Reading in is a simple addressing (via the [] operator) and casting operation or a read via the >> operator : .. code-block:: cpp - int itNr; + int itNr; fs["iterationNr"] >> itNr; itNr = (int) fs["iterationNr"]; -#. **Input\\Output of OpenCV Data structures.** Well these behave exactly just as the basic C++ types: +#. **Input\\Output of OpenCV Data structures.** Well these behave exactly just as the basic C++ types: .. code-block:: cpp @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Here we talk only about XML and YAML file inputs. Your output (and its respectiv fs["R"] >> R; // Read cv::Mat fs["T"] >> T; -#. **Input\\Output of vectors (arrays) and associative maps.** As I mentioned beforehand we can output maps and sequences (array, vector) too. Again we first print the name of the variable and then we have to specify if our output is either a sequence or map. +#. **Input\\Output of vectors (arrays) and associative maps.** As I mentioned beforehand we can output maps and sequences (array, vector) too. Again we first print the name of the variable and then we have to specify if our output is either a sequence or map. For sequence before the first element print the "[" character and after the last one the "]" character: @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Here we talk only about XML and YAML file inputs. Your output (and its respectiv fs << "{" << "One" << 1; fs << "Two" << 2 << "}"; - To read from these we use the :xmlymlpers:`FileNode ` and the :xmlymlpers:`FileNodeIterator ` data structures. The [] operator of the :xmlymlpers:`FileStorage ` class returns a :xmlymlpers:`FileNode ` data type. If the node is sequential we can use the :xmlymlpers:`FileNodeIterator ` to iterate through the items: + To read from these we use the :xmlymlpers:`FileNode ` and the :xmlymlpers:`FileNodeIterator ` data structures. The [] operator of the :xmlymlpers:`FileStorage ` class returns a :xmlymlpers:`FileNode ` data type. If the node is sequential we can use the :xmlymlpers:`FileNodeIterator ` to iterate through the items: .. code-block:: cpp @@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ Here we talk only about XML and YAML file inputs. Your output (and its respectiv .. code-block:: cpp n = fs["Mapping"]; // Read mappings from a sequence - cout << "Two " << (int)(n["Two"]) << "; "; - cout << "One " << (int)(n["One"]) << endl << endl; + cout << "Two " << (int)(n["Two"]) << "; "; + cout << "One " << (int)(n["One"]) << endl << endl; #. **Read and write your own data structures.** Suppose you have a data structure such as: @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ Here we talk only about XML and YAML file inputs. Your output (and its respectiv id = (string)node["id"]; } - Then you need to add the following functions definitions outside the class: + Then you need to add the following functions definitions outside the class: .. code-block:: cpp @@ -175,17 +175,17 @@ Here we talk only about XML and YAML file inputs. Your output (and its respectiv fs << "MyData" << m; // your own data structures fs["MyData"] >> m; // Read your own structure_ - Or to try out reading a non-existing read: + Or to try out reading a non-existing read: .. code-block:: cpp - fs["NonExisting"] >> m; // Do not add a fs << "NonExisting" << m command for this to work + fs["NonExisting"] >> m; // Do not add a fs << "NonExisting" << m command for this to work cout << endl << "NonExisting = " << endl << m << endl; Result ====== -Well mostly we just print out the defined numbers. On the screen of your console you could see: +Well mostly we just print out the defined numbers. On the screen of your console you could see: .. code-block:: bash @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ Well mostly we just print out the defined numbers. On the screen of your console Tip: Open up output.xml with a text editor to see the serialized data. -Nevertheless, it's much more interesting what you may see in the output xml file: +Nevertheless, it's much more interesting what you may see in the output xml file: .. code-block:: xml @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ Nevertheless, it's much more interesting what you may see in the output xml file mydata1234 -Or the YAML file: +Or the YAML file: .. code-block:: yaml @@ -277,4 +277,3 @@ You may observe a runtime instance of this on the `YouTube here - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/core/how_to_scan_images/how_to_scan_images.rst b/doc/tutorials/core/how_to_scan_images/how_to_scan_images.rst index eba0cae7c..ef0f8640c 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/core/how_to_scan_images/how_to_scan_images.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/core/how_to_scan_images/how_to_scan_images.rst @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ How to scan images, lookup tables and time measurement with OpenCV ******************************************************************* Goal -==== +==== -We'll seek answers for the following questions: +We'll seek answers for the following questions: .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare @@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ We'll seek answers for the following questions: Our test case ============= -Let us consider a simple color reduction method. Using the unsigned char C and C++ type for matrix item storing a channel of pixel may have up to 256 different values. For a three channel image this can allow the formation of way too many colors (16 million to be exact). Working with so many color shades may give a heavy blow to our algorithm performance. However, sometimes it is enough to work with a lot less of them to get the same final result. +Let us consider a simple color reduction method. Using the unsigned char C and C++ type for matrix item storing a channel of pixel may have up to 256 different values. For a three channel image this can allow the formation of way too many colors (16 million to be exact). Working with so many color shades may give a heavy blow to our algorithm performance. However, sometimes it is enough to work with a lot less of them to get the same final result. -In this cases it's common that we make a *color space reduction*. This means that we divide the color space current value with a new input value to end up with fewer colors. For instance every value between zero and nine takes the new value zero, every value between ten and nineteen the value ten and so on. +In this cases it's common that we make a *color space reduction*. This means that we divide the color space current value with a new input value to end up with fewer colors. For instance every value between zero and nine takes the new value zero, every value between ten and nineteen the value ten and so on. -When you divide an *uchar* (unsigned char - aka values between zero and 255) value with an *int* value the result will be also *char*. These values may only be char values. Therefore, any fraction will be rounded down. Taking advantage of this fact the upper operation in the *uchar* domain may be expressed as: +When you divide an *uchar* (unsigned char - aka values between zero and 255) value with an *int* value the result will be also *char*. These values may only be char values. Therefore, any fraction will be rounded down. Taking advantage of this fact the upper operation in the *uchar* domain may be expressed as: .. math:: @@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ When you divide an *uchar* (unsigned char - aka values between zero and 255) val A simple color space reduction algorithm would consist of just passing through every pixel of an image matrix and applying this formula. It's worth noting that we do a divide and a multiplication operation. These operations are bloody expensive for a system. If possible it's worth avoiding them by using cheaper operations such as a few subtractions, addition or in best case a simple assignment. Furthermore, note that we only have a limited number of input values for the upper operation. In case of the *uchar* system this is 256 to be exact. -Therefore, for larger images it would be wise to calculate all possible values beforehand and during the assignment just make the assignment, by using a lookup table. Lookup tables are simple arrays (having one or more dimensions) that for a given input value variation holds the final output value. Its strength lies that we do not need to make the calculation, we just need to read the result. +Therefore, for larger images it would be wise to calculate all possible values beforehand and during the assignment just make the assignment, by using a lookup table. Lookup tables are simple arrays (having one or more dimensions) that for a given input value variation holds the final output value. Its strength lies that we do not need to make the calculation, we just need to read the result. -Our test case program (and the sample presented here) will do the following: read in a console line argument image (that may be either color or gray scale - console line argument too) and apply the reduction with the given console line argument integer value. In OpenCV, at the moment they are three major ways of going through an image pixel by pixel. To make things a little more interesting will make the scanning for each image using all of these methods, and print out how long it took. +Our test case program (and the sample presented here) will do the following: read in a console line argument image (that may be either color or gray scale - console line argument too) and apply the reduction with the given console line argument integer value. In OpenCV, at the moment they are three major ways of going through an image pixel by pixel. To make things a little more interesting will make the scanning for each image using all of these methods, and print out how long it took. -You can download the full source code :download:`here <../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/how_to_scan_images/how_to_scan_images.cpp>` or look it up in the samples directory of OpenCV at the cpp tutorial code for the core section. Its basic usage is: +You can download the full source code :download:`here <../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/how_to_scan_images/how_to_scan_images.cpp>` or look it up in the samples directory of OpenCV at the cpp tutorial code for the core section. Its basic usage is: .. code-block:: bash @@ -45,25 +45,25 @@ The final argument is optional. If given the image will be loaded in gray scale .. literalinclude:: ../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/how_to_scan_images/how_to_scan_images.cpp :language: cpp :tab-width: 4 - :lines: 48-60 + :lines: 48-60 Here we first use the C++ *stringstream* class to convert the third command line argument from text to an integer format. Then we use a simple look and the upper formula to calculate the lookup table. No OpenCV specific stuff here. -Another issue is how do we measure time? Well OpenCV offers two simple functions to achieve this :UtilitySystemFunctions:`getTickCount() ` and :UtilitySystemFunctions:`getTickFrequency() `. The first returns the number of ticks of your systems CPU from a certain event (like since you booted your system). The second returns how many times your CPU emits a tick during a second. So to measure in seconds the number of time elapsed between two operations is easy as: +Another issue is how do we measure time? Well OpenCV offers two simple functions to achieve this :UtilitySystemFunctions:`getTickCount() ` and :UtilitySystemFunctions:`getTickFrequency() `. The first returns the number of ticks of your systems CPU from a certain event (like since you booted your system). The second returns how many times your CPU emits a tick during a second. So to measure in seconds the number of time elapsed between two operations is easy as: .. code-block:: cpp double t = (double)getTickCount(); // do something ... - t = ((double)getTickCount() - t)/getTickFrequency(); + t = ((double)getTickCount() - t)/getTickFrequency(); cout << "Times passed in seconds: " << t << endl; -.. _How_Image_Stored_Memory: +.. _How_Image_Stored_Memory: How the image matrix is stored in the memory? ============================================= -As you could already read in my :ref:`matTheBasicImageContainer` tutorial the size of the matrix depends of the color system used. More accurately, it depends from the number of channels used. In case of a gray scale image we have something like: +As you could already read in my :ref:`matTheBasicImageContainer` tutorial the size of the matrix depends of the color system used. More accurately, it depends from the number of channels used. In case of a gray scale image we have something like: .. math:: @@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ Note that the order of the channels is inverse: BGR instead of RGB. Because in m The efficient way ================= -When it comes to performance you cannot beat the classic C style operator[] (pointer) access. Therefore, the most efficient method we can recommend for making the assignment is: +When it comes to performance you cannot beat the classic C style operator[] (pointer) access. Therefore, the most efficient method we can recommend for making the assignment is: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/how_to_scan_images/how_to_scan_images.cpp :language: cpp :tab-width: 4 :lines: 125-152 -Here we basically just acquire a pointer to the start of each row and go through it until it ends. In the special case that the matrix is stored in a continues manner we only need to request the pointer a single time and go all the way to the end. We need to look out for color images: we have three channels so we need to pass through three times more items in each row. +Here we basically just acquire a pointer to the start of each row and go through it until it ends. In the special case that the matrix is stored in a continues manner we only need to request the pointer a single time and go all the way to the end. We need to look out for color images: we have three channels so we need to pass through three times more items in each row. There's another way of this. The *data* data member of a *Mat* object returns the pointer to the first row, first column. If this pointer is null you have no valid input in that object. Checking this is the simplest method to check if your image loading was a success. In case the storage is continues we can use this to go through the whole data pointer. In case of a gray scale image this would look like: @@ -114,17 +114,17 @@ There's another way of this. The *data* data member of a *Mat* object returns th You would get the same result. However, this code is a lot harder to read later on. It gets even harder if you have some more advanced technique there. Moreover, in practice I've observed you'll get the same performance result (as most of the modern compilers will probably make this small optimization trick automatically for you). -The iterator (safe) method +The iterator (safe) method ========================== -In case of the efficient way making sure that you pass through the right amount of *uchar* fields and to skip the gaps that may occur between the rows was your responsibility. The iterator method is considered a safer way as it takes over these tasks from the user. All you need to do is ask the begin and the end of the image matrix and then just increase the begin iterator until you reach the end. To acquire the value *pointed* by the iterator use the * operator (add it before it). +In case of the efficient way making sure that you pass through the right amount of *uchar* fields and to skip the gaps that may occur between the rows was your responsibility. The iterator method is considered a safer way as it takes over these tasks from the user. All you need to do is ask the begin and the end of the image matrix and then just increase the begin iterator until you reach the end. To acquire the value *pointed* by the iterator use the * operator (add it before it). .. literalinclude:: ../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/how_to_scan_images/how_to_scan_images.cpp :language: cpp :tab-width: 4 :lines: 154-182 -In case of color images we have three uchar items per column. This may be considered a short vector of uchar items, that has been baptized in OpenCV with the *Vec3b* name. To access the n-th sub column we use simple operator[] access. It's important to remember that OpenCV iterators go through the columns and automatically skip to the next row. Therefore in case of color images if you use a simple *uchar* iterator you'll be able to access only the blue channel values. +In case of color images we have three uchar items per column. This may be considered a short vector of uchar items, that has been baptized in OpenCV with the *Vec3b* name. To access the n-th sub column we use simple operator[] access. It's important to remember that OpenCV iterators go through the columns and automatically skip to the next row. Therefore in case of color images if you use a simple *uchar* iterator you'll be able to access only the blue channel values. On-the-fly address calculation with reference returning ======================================================= @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ The final method isn't recommended for scanning. It was made to acquire or modif :tab-width: 4 :lines: 184-216 -The functions takes your input type and coordinates and calculates on the fly the address of the queried item. Then returns a reference to that. This may be a constant when you *get* the value and non-constant when you *set* the value. As a safety step in **debug mode only*** there is performed a check that your input coordinates are valid and does exist. If this isn't the case you'll get a nice output message of this on the standard error output stream. Compared to the efficient way in release mode the only difference in using this is that for every element of the image you'll get a new row pointer for what we use the C operator[] to acquire the column element. +The functions takes your input type and coordinates and calculates on the fly the address of the queried item. Then returns a reference to that. This may be a constant when you *get* the value and non-constant when you *set* the value. As a safety step in **debug mode only*** there is performed a check that your input coordinates are valid and does exist. If this isn't the case you'll get a nice output message of this on the standard error output stream. Compared to the efficient way in release mode the only difference in using this is that for every element of the image you'll get a new row pointer for what we use the C operator[] to acquire the column element. If you need to multiple lookups using this method for an image it may be troublesome and time consuming to enter the type and the at keyword for each of the accesses. To solve this problem OpenCV has a :basicstructures:`Mat_ ` data type. It's the same as Mat with the extra need that at definition you need to specify the data type through what to look at the data matrix, however in return you can use the operator() for fast access of items. To make things even better this is easily convertible from and to the usual :basicstructures:`Mat ` data type. A sample usage of this you can see in case of the color images of the upper function. Nevertheless, it's important to note that the same operation (with the same runtime speed) could have been done with the :basicstructures:`at() ` function. It's just a less to write for the lazy programmer trick. diff --git a/doc/tutorials/core/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1.rst b/doc/tutorials/core/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1.rst index 938e504eb..62afaed49 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/core/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/core/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1.rst @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Interoperability with OpenCV 1 Goal ==== -For the OpenCV developer team it's important to constantly improve the library. We are constantly thinking about methods that will ease your work process, while still maintain the libraries flexibility. The new C++ interface is a development of us that serves this goal. Nevertheless, backward compatibility remains important. We do not want to break your code written for earlier version of the OpenCV library. Therefore, we made sure that we add some functions that deal with this. In the following you'll learn: +For the OpenCV developer team it's important to constantly improve the library. We are constantly thinking about methods that will ease your work process, while still maintain the libraries flexibility. The new C++ interface is a development of us that serves this goal. Nevertheless, backward compatibility remains important. We do not want to break your code written for earlier version of the OpenCV library. Therefore, we made sure that we add some functions that deal with this. In the following you'll learn: .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ For the OpenCV developer team it's important to constantly improve the library. General ======= -When making the switch you first need to learn some about the new data structure for images: :ref:`matTheBasicImageContainer`, this replaces the old *CvMat* and *IplImage* ones. Switching to the new functions is easier. You just need to remember a couple of new things. +When making the switch you first need to learn some about the new data structure for images: :ref:`matTheBasicImageContainer`, this replaces the old *CvMat* and *IplImage* ones. Switching to the new functions is easier. You just need to remember a couple of new things. -OpenCV 2 received reorganization. No longer are all the functions crammed into a single library. We have many modules, each of them containing data structures and functions relevant to certain tasks. This way you do not need to ship a large library if you use just a subset of OpenCV. This means that you should also include only those headers you will use. For example: +OpenCV 2 received reorganization. No longer are all the functions crammed into a single library. We have many modules, each of them containing data structures and functions relevant to certain tasks. This way you do not need to ship a large library if you use just a subset of OpenCV. This means that you should also include only those headers you will use. For example: .. code-block:: cpp @@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ OpenCV 2 received reorganization. No longer are all the functions crammed into a #include -All the OpenCV related stuff is put into the *cv* namespace to avoid name conflicts with other libraries data structures and functions. Therefore, either you need to prepend the *cv::* keyword before everything that comes from OpenCV or after the includes, you just add a directive to use this: +All the OpenCV related stuff is put into the *cv* namespace to avoid name conflicts with other libraries data structures and functions. Therefore, either you need to prepend the *cv::* keyword before everything that comes from OpenCV or after the includes, you just add a directive to use this: .. code-block:: cpp using namespace cv; // The new C++ interface API is inside this namespace. Import it. -Because the functions are already in a namespace there is no need for them to contain the *cv* prefix in their name. As such all the new C++ compatible functions don't have this and they follow the camel case naming rule. This means the first letter is small (unless it's a name, like Canny) and the subsequent words start with a capital letter (like *copyMakeBorder*). +Because the functions are already in a namespace there is no need for them to contain the *cv* prefix in their name. As such all the new C++ compatible functions don't have this and they follow the camel case naming rule. This means the first letter is small (unless it's a name, like Canny) and the subsequent words start with a capital letter (like *copyMakeBorder*). Now, remember that you need to link to your application all the modules you use, and in case you are on Windows using the *DLL* system you will need to add, again, to the path all the binaries. For more in-depth information if you're on Windows read :ref:`Windows_Visual_Studio_How_To` and for Linux an example usage is explained in :ref:`Linux_Eclipse_Usage`. @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Now for converting the *Mat* object you can use either the *IplImage* or the *Cv .. code-block:: cpp - Mat I; + Mat I; IplImage pI = I; CvMat mI = I; @@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ Now if you want pointers the conversion gets just a little more complicated. The .. code-block:: cpp - Mat I; - IplImage* pI = &I.operator IplImage(); - CvMat* mI = &I.operator CvMat(); + Mat I; + IplImage* pI = &I.operator IplImage(); + CvMat* mI = &I.operator CvMat(); One of the biggest complaints of the C interface is that it leaves all the memory management to you. You need to figure out when it is safe to release your unused objects and make sure you do so before the program finishes or you could have troublesome memory leeks. To work around this issue in OpenCV there is introduced a sort of smart pointer. This will automatically release the object when it's no longer in use. To use this declare the pointers as a specialization of the *Ptr* : @@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ One of the biggest complaints of the C interface is that it leaves all the memor Ptr piI = &I.operator IplImage(); -Converting from the C data structures to the *Mat* is done by passing these inside its constructor. For example: +Converting from the C data structures to the *Mat* is done by passing these inside its constructor. For example: .. code-block:: cpp - Mat K(piL), L; + Mat K(piL), L; L = Mat(pI); A case study @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Now that you have the basics done :download:`here's <../../../../samples/cpp/tut :tab-width: 4 :lines: 1-9, 22-25, 27-44 -Here you can observe that with the new structure we have no pointer problems, although it is possible to use the old functions and in the end just transform the result to a *Mat* object. +Here you can observe that with the new structure we have no pointer problems, although it is possible to use the old functions and in the end just transform the result to a *Mat* object. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1.cpp :language: cpp @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Here you can observe that with the new structure we have no pointer problems, al :tab-width: 4 :lines: 46-51 -Because, we want to mess around with the images luma component we first convert from the default RGB to the YUV color space and then split the result up into separate planes. Here the program splits: in the first example it processes each plane using one of the three major image scanning algorithms in OpenCV (C [] operator, iterator, individual element access). In a second variant we add to the image some Gaussian noise and then mix together the channels according to some formula. +Because, we want to mess around with the images luma component we first convert from the default RGB to the YUV color space and then split the result up into separate planes. Here the program splits: in the first example it processes each plane using one of the three major image scanning algorithms in OpenCV (C [] operator, iterator, individual element access). In a second variant we add to the image some Gaussian noise and then mix together the channels according to some formula. The scanning version looks like: @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ The scanning version looks like: :tab-width: 4 :lines: 55-75 -Here you can observe that we may go through all the pixels of an image in three fashions: an iterator, a C pointer and an individual element access style. You can read a more in-depth description of these in the :ref:`howToScanImagesOpenCV` tutorial. Converting from the old function names is easy. Just remove the cv prefix and use the new *Mat* data structure. Here's an example of this by using the weighted addition function: +Here you can observe that we may go through all the pixels of an image in three fashions: an iterator, a C pointer and an individual element access style. You can read a more in-depth description of these in the :ref:`howToScanImagesOpenCV` tutorial. Converting from the old function names is easy. Just remove the cv prefix and use the new *Mat* data structure. Here's an example of this by using the weighted addition function: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1.cpp :language: cpp @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Here you can observe that we may go through all the pixels of an image in three :tab-width: 4 :lines: 79-112 -As you may observe the *planes* variable is of type *Mat*. However, converting from *Mat* to *IplImage* is easy and made automatically with a simple assignment operator. +As you may observe the *planes* variable is of type *Mat*. However, converting from *Mat* to *IplImage* is easy and made automatically with a simple assignment operator. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1.cpp :language: cpp @@ -113,20 +113,17 @@ As you may observe the *planes* variable is of type *Mat*. However, converting f :tab-width: 4 :lines: 115-127 -The new *imshow* highgui function accepts both the *Mat* and *IplImage* data structures. Compile and run the program and if the first image below is your input you may get either the first or second as output: +The new *imshow* highgui function accepts both the *Mat* and *IplImage* data structures. Compile and run the program and if the first image below is your input you may get either the first or second as output: .. image:: images/outputInteropOpenCV1.jpg :alt: The output of the sample :align: center -You may observe a runtime instance of this on the `YouTube here `_ and you can :download:`download the source code from here <../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1.cpp>` or find it in the :file:`samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1.cpp` of the OpenCV source code library. +You may observe a runtime instance of this on the `YouTube here `_ and you can :download:`download the source code from here <../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1.cpp>` or find it in the :file:`samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1.cpp` of the OpenCV source code library. .. raw:: html
- - - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/core/mat-mask-operations/mat-mask-operations.rst b/doc/tutorials/core/mat-mask-operations/mat-mask-operations.rst index f5bacbf79..0549a9c12 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/core/mat-mask-operations/mat-mask-operations.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/core/mat-mask-operations/mat-mask-operations.rst @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ Mask operations on matrices are quite simple. The idea is that we recalculate ea Our test case ============= -Let us consider the issue of an image contrast enhancement method. Basically we want to apply for every pixel of the image the following formula: +Let us consider the issue of an image contrast enhancement method. Basically we want to apply for every pixel of the image the following formula: .. math:: - I(i,j) = 5*I(i,j) - [ I(i-1,j) + I(i+1,j) + I(i,j-1) + I(i,j+1)] + I(i,j) = 5*I(i,j) - [ I(i-1,j) + I(i+1,j) + I(i,j-1) + I(i,j+1)] \iff I(i,j)*M, \text{where } M = \bordermatrix{ _i\backslash ^j & -1 & 0 & +1 \cr @@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ Let us consider the issue of an image contrast enhancement method. Basically we The first notation is by using a formula, while the second is a compacted version of the first by using a mask. You use the mask by putting the center of the mask matrix (in the upper case noted by the zero-zero index) on the pixel you want to calculate and sum up the pixel values multiplied with the overlapped matrix values. It's the same thing, however in case of large matrices the latter notation is a lot easier to look over. -Now let us see how we can make this happen by using the basic pixel access method or by using the :filtering:`filter2D ` function. +Now let us see how we can make this happen by using the basic pixel access method or by using the :filtering:`filter2D ` function. The Basic Method ================ -Here's a function that will do this: +Here's a function that will do this: .. code-block:: cpp @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Here's a function that will do this: for(int i= nChannels;i < nChannels*(myImage.cols-1); ++i) { - *output++ = saturate_cast(5*current[i] + *output++ = saturate_cast(5*current[i] -current[i-nChannels] - current[i+nChannels] - previous[i] - next[i]); } } @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ We'll use the plain C [] operator to access pixels. Because we need to access mu for(int i= nChannels;i < nChannels*(myImage.cols-1); ++i) { - *output++ = saturate_cast(5*current[i] + *output++ = saturate_cast(5*current[i] -current[i-nChannels] - current[i+nChannels] - previous[i] - next[i]); } } @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ On the borders of the image the upper notation results inexistent pixel location .. code-block:: cpp - Result.row(0).setTo(Scalar(0)); // The top row + Result.row(0).setTo(Scalar(0)); // The top row Result.row(Result.rows-1).setTo(Scalar(0)); // The bottom row Result.col(0).setTo(Scalar(0)); // The left column Result.col(Result.cols-1).setTo(Scalar(0)); // The right column @@ -108,19 +108,19 @@ Applying such filters are so common in image processing that in OpenCV there exi .. code-block:: cpp - Mat kern = (Mat_(3,3) << 0, -1, 0, + Mat kern = (Mat_(3,3) << 0, -1, 0, -1, 5, -1, 0, -1, 0); -Then call the :filtering:`filter2D ` function specifying the input, the output image and the kernell to use: +Then call the :filtering:`filter2D ` function specifying the input, the output image and the kernell to use: .. code-block:: cpp - filter2D(I, K, I.depth(), kern ); + filter2D(I, K, I.depth(), kern ); The function even has a fifth optional argument to specify the center of the kernel, and a sixth one for determining what to do in the regions where the operation is undefined (borders). Using this function has the advantage that it's shorter, less verbose and because there are some optimization techniques implemented it is usually faster than the *hand-coded method*. For example in my test while the second one took only 13 milliseconds the first took around 31 milliseconds. Quite some difference. -For example: +For example: .. image:: images/resultMatMaskFilter2D.png :alt: A sample output of the program @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ For example: You can download this source code from :download:`here <../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/mat_mask_operations/mat_mask_operations.cpp>` or look in the OpenCV source code libraries sample directory at :file:`samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/mat_mask_operations/mat_mask_operations.cpp`. -Check out an instance of running the program on our `YouTube channel `_ . +Check out an instance of running the program on our `YouTube channel `_ . .. raw:: html diff --git a/doc/tutorials/core/mat_the_basic_image_container/mat_the_basic_image_container.rst b/doc/tutorials/core/mat_the_basic_image_container/mat_the_basic_image_container.rst index 7b3f8603f..03d82bbd4 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/core/mat_the_basic_image_container/mat_the_basic_image_container.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/core/mat_the_basic_image_container/mat_the_basic_image_container.rst @@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ For example in the above image you can see that the mirror of the car is nothing OpenCV has been around since 2001. In those days the library was built around a *C* interface and to store the image in the memory they used a C structure called *IplImage*. This is the one you'll see in most of the older tutorials and educational materials. The problem with this is that it brings to the table all the minuses of the C language. The biggest issue is the manual memory management. It builds on the assumption that the user is responsible for taking care of memory allocation and deallocation. While this is not a problem with smaller programs, once your code base grows it will be more of a struggle to handle all this rather than focusing on solving your development goal. -Luckily C++ came around and introduced the concept of classes making easier for the user through automatic memory management (more or less). The good news is that C++ is fully compatible with C so no compatibility issues can arise from making the change. Therefore, OpenCV 2.0 introduced a new C++ interface which offered a new way of doing things which means you do not need to fiddle with memory management, making your code concise (less to write, to achieve more). The main downside of the C++ interface is that many embedded development systems at the moment support only C. Therefore, unless you are targeting embedded platforms, there's no point to using the *old* methods (unless you're a masochist programmer and you're asking for trouble). +Luckily C++ came around and introduced the concept of classes making easier for the user through automatic memory management (more or less). The good news is that C++ is fully compatible with C so no compatibility issues can arise from making the change. Therefore, OpenCV 2.0 introduced a new C++ interface which offered a new way of doing things which means you do not need to fiddle with memory management, making your code concise (less to write, to achieve more). The main downside of the C++ interface is that many embedded development systems at the moment support only C. Therefore, unless you are targeting embedded platforms, there's no point to using the *old* methods (unless you're a masochist programmer and you're asking for trouble). The first thing you need to know about *Mat* is that you no longer need to manually allocate its memory and release it as soon as you do not need it. While doing this is still a possibility, most of the OpenCV functions will allocate its output data manually. As a nice bonus if you pass on an already existing *Mat* object, which has already allocated the required space for the matrix, this will be reused. In other words we use at all times only as much memory as we need to perform the task. -*Mat* is basically a class with two data parts: the matrix header (containing information such as the size of the matrix, the method used for storing, at which address is the matrix stored, and so on) and a pointer to the matrix containing the pixel values (taking any dimensionality depending on the method chosen for storing) . The matrix header size is constant, however the size of the matrix itself may vary from image to image and usually is larger by orders of magnitude. +*Mat* is basically a class with two data parts: the matrix header (containing information such as the size of the matrix, the method used for storing, at which address is the matrix stored, and so on) and a pointer to the matrix containing the pixel values (taking any dimensionality depending on the method chosen for storing) . The matrix header size is constant, however the size of the matrix itself may vary from image to image and usually is larger by orders of magnitude. OpenCV is an image processing library. It contains a large collection of image processing functions. To solve a computational challenge, most of the time you will end up using multiple functions of the library. Because of this, passing images to functions is a common practice. We should not forget that we are talking about image processing algorithms, which tend to be quite computational heavy. The last thing we want to do is further decrease the speed of your program by making unnecessary copies of potentially *large* images. -To tackle this issue OpenCV uses a reference counting system. The idea is that each *Mat* object has its own header, however the matrix may be shared between two instance of them by having their matrix pointers point to the same address. Moreover, the copy operators **will only copy the headers** and the pointer to the large matrix, not the data itself. +To tackle this issue OpenCV uses a reference counting system. The idea is that each *Mat* object has its own header, however the matrix may be shared between two instance of them by having their matrix pointers point to the same address. Moreover, the copy operators **will only copy the headers** and the pointer to the large matrix, not the data itself. .. code-block:: cpp :linenos: @@ -39,21 +39,21 @@ To tackle this issue OpenCV uses a reference counting system. The idea is that e C = A; // Assignment operator -All the above objects, in the end, point to the same single data matrix. Their headers are different, however, and making a modification using any of them will affect all the other ones as well. In practice the different objects just provide different access method to the same underlying data. Nevertheless, their header parts are different. The real interesting part is that you can create headers which refer to only a subsection of the full data. For example, to create a region of interest (*ROI*) in an image you just create a new header with the new boundaries: +All the above objects, in the end, point to the same single data matrix. Their headers are different, however, and making a modification using any of them will affect all the other ones as well. In practice the different objects just provide different access method to the same underlying data. Nevertheless, their header parts are different. The real interesting part is that you can create headers which refer to only a subsection of the full data. For example, to create a region of interest (*ROI*) in an image you just create a new header with the new boundaries: .. code-block:: cpp :linenos: Mat D (A, Rect(10, 10, 100, 100) ); // using a rectangle - Mat E = A(Range:all(), Range(1,3)); // using row and column boundaries + Mat E = A(Range:all(), Range(1,3)); // using row and column boundaries Now you may ask if the matrix itself may belong to multiple *Mat* objects who takes responsibility for cleaning it up when it's no longer needed. The short answer is: the last object that used it. This is handled by using a reference counting mechanism. Whenever somebody copies a header of a *Mat* object, a counter is increased for the matrix. Whenever a header is cleaned this counter is decreased. When the counter reaches zero the matrix too is freed. Sometimes you will want to copy the matrix itself too, so OpenCV provides the :basicstructures:`clone() ` and :basicstructures:`copyTo() ` functions. .. code-block:: cpp :linenos: - Mat F = A.clone(); - Mat G; + Mat F = A.clone(); + Mat G; A.copyTo(G); Now modifying *F* or *G* will not affect the matrix pointed by the *Mat* header. What you need to remember from all this is that: @@ -66,19 +66,19 @@ Now modifying *F* or *G* will not affect the matrix pointed by the *Mat* header. * The underlying matrix of an image may be copied using the :basicstructures:`clone()` and :basicstructures:`copyTo() ` functions. *Storing* methods -================= +================= -This is about how you store the pixel values. You can select the color space and the data type used. The color space refers to how we combine color components in order to code a given color. The simplest one is the gray scale where the colors at our disposal are black and white. The combination of these allows us to create many shades of gray. +This is about how you store the pixel values. You can select the color space and the data type used. The color space refers to how we combine color components in order to code a given color. The simplest one is the gray scale where the colors at our disposal are black and white. The combination of these allows us to create many shades of gray. -For *colorful* ways we have a lot more methods to choose from. Each of them breaks it down to three or four basic components and we can use the combination of these to create the others. The most popular one is RGB, mainly because this is also how our eye builds up colors. Its base colors are red, green and blue. To code the transparency of a color sometimes a fourth element: alpha (A) is added. +For *colorful* ways we have a lot more methods to choose from. Each of them breaks it down to three or four basic components and we can use the combination of these to create the others. The most popular one is RGB, mainly because this is also how our eye builds up colors. Its base colors are red, green and blue. To code the transparency of a color sometimes a fourth element: alpha (A) is added. There are, however, many other color systems each with their own advantages: .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare * RGB is the most common as our eyes use something similar, our display systems also compose colors using these. - * The HSV and HLS decompose colors into their hue, saturation and value/luminance components, which is a more natural way for us to describe colors. You might, for example, dismiss the last component, making your algorithm less sensible to the light conditions of the input image. - * YCrCb is used by the popular JPEG image format. + * The HSV and HLS decompose colors into their hue, saturation and value/luminance components, which is a more natural way for us to describe colors. You might, for example, dismiss the last component, making your algorithm less sensible to the light conditions of the input image. + * YCrCb is used by the popular JPEG image format. * CIE L*a*b* is a perceptually uniform color space, which comes handy if you need to measure the *distance* of a given color to another color. Each of the building components has their own valid domains. This leads to the data type used. How we store a component defines the control we have over its domain. The smallest data type possible is *char*, which means one byte or 8 bits. This may be unsigned (so can store values from 0 to 255) or signed (values from -127 to +127). Although in case of three components this already gives 16 million possible colors to represent (like in case of RGB) we may acquire an even finer control by using the float (4 byte = 32 bit) or double (8 byte = 64 bit) data types for each component. Nevertheless, remember that increasing the size of a component also increases the size of the whole picture in the memory. @@ -86,13 +86,13 @@ Each of the building components has their own valid domains. This leads to the d Creating a *Mat* object explicitly ================================== -In the :ref:`Load_Save_Image` tutorial you have already learned how to write a matrix to an image file by using the :readWriteImageVideo:` imwrite() ` function. However, for debugging purposes it's much more convenient to see the actual values. You can do this using the << operator of *Mat*. Be aware that this only works for two dimensional matrices. +In the :ref:`Load_Save_Image` tutorial you have already learned how to write a matrix to an image file by using the :readWriteImageVideo:` imwrite() ` function. However, for debugging purposes it's much more convenient to see the actual values. You can do this using the << operator of *Mat*. Be aware that this only works for two dimensional matrices. Although *Mat* works really well as an image container, it is also a general matrix class. Therefore, it is possible to create and manipulate multidimensional matrices. You can create a Mat object in multiple ways: .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare - + :basicstructures:`Mat() ` Constructor + + :basicstructures:`Mat() ` Constructor .. literalinclude:: ../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/mat_the_basic_image_container/mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp :language: cpp @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Although *Mat* works really well as an image container, it is also a general mat For two dimensional and multichannel images we first define their size: row and column count wise. - Then we need to specify the data type to use for storing the elements and the number of channels per matrix point. To do this we have multiple definitions constructed according to the following convention: + Then we need to specify the data type to use for storing the elements and the number of channels per matrix point. To do this we have multiple definitions constructed according to the following convention: .. code-block:: cpp @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ Although *Mat* works really well as an image container, it is also a general mat :alt: Demo image of the matrix output :align: center -.. note:: +.. note:: You can fill out a matrix with random values using the :operationsOnArrays:`randu() ` function. You need to give the lower and upper value for the random values: @@ -189,11 +189,11 @@ Although *Mat* works really well as an image container, it is also a general mat Output formatting ================= -In the above examples you could see the default formatting option. OpenCV, however, allows you to format your matrix output: +In the above examples you could see the default formatting option. OpenCV, however, allows you to format your matrix output: .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare - + Default + + Default .. literalinclude:: ../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/mat_the_basic_image_container/mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp :language: cpp @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ In the above examples you could see the default formatting option. OpenCV, howev :alt: Default Output :align: center - + Comma separated values (CSV) + + Comma separated values (CSV) .. literalinclude:: ../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/mat_the_basic_image_container/mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp :language: cpp @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ OpenCV offers support for output of other common OpenCV data structures too via .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare - + 2D Point + + 2D Point .. literalinclude:: ../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/mat_the_basic_image_container/mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp :language: cpp diff --git a/doc/tutorials/core/table_of_content_core/table_of_content_core.rst b/doc/tutorials/core/table_of_content_core/table_of_content_core.rst index ddd8ef201..4150265d1 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/core/table_of_content_core/table_of_content_core.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/core/table_of_content_core/table_of_content_core.rst @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Here you will learn the about the basic building blocks of the library. A must r .. |HowScanImag| image:: images/howToScanImages.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt - + + .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Here you will learn the about the basic building blocks of the library. A must r *Author:* |Author_BernatG| Did you used OpenCV before its 2.0 version? Do you wanna know what happened with your library with 2.0? Don't you know how to convert your old OpenCV programs to the new C++ interface? Look here to shed light on all this questions. - + =============== ====================================================== .. |InterOOpenCV1| image:: images/interopOpenCV1.png @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ Here you will learn the about the basic building blocks of the library. A must r .. toctree:: :hidden: - + ../mat_the_basic_image_container/mat_the_basic_image_container ../how_to_scan_images/how_to_scan_images ../mat-mask-operations/mat-mask-operations @@ -218,4 +218,4 @@ Here you will learn the about the basic building blocks of the library. A must r ../random_generator_and_text/random_generator_and_text ../discrete_fourier_transform/discrete_fourier_transform ../file_input_output_with_xml_yml/file_input_output_with_xml_yml - ../interoperability_with_OpenCV_1/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1 \ No newline at end of file + ../interoperability_with_OpenCV_1/interoperability_with_OpenCV_1 diff --git a/doc/tutorials/definitions/README.txt b/doc/tutorials/definitions/README.txt index 829e27cac..a598a95dd 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/definitions/README.txt +++ b/doc/tutorials/definitions/README.txt @@ -1 +1 @@ -Include in this directory only defintion files. None of the reST files entered here will be parsed by the Sphinx Builder. \ No newline at end of file +Include in this directory only defintion files. None of the reST files entered here will be parsed by the Sphinx Builder. diff --git a/doc/tutorials/definitions/noContent.rst b/doc/tutorials/definitions/noContent.rst index a273a9ad1..c2780c266 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/definitions/noContent.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/definitions/noContent.rst @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ .. note:: - Unfortunetly we have no tutorials into this section. And you can help us with that, since OpenCV is a community effort. If you have a tutorial suggestion or you have written a tutorial yourself (or coded a sample code) that you would like to see here, please contact follow these instructions: :ref:`howToWriteTutorial` and :how_to_contribute:`How to contribute <>`. \ No newline at end of file + Unfortunetly we have no tutorials into this section. And you can help us with that, since OpenCV is a community effort. If you have a tutorial suggestion or you have written a tutorial yourself (or coded a sample code) that you would like to see here, please contact follow these instructions: :ref:`howToWriteTutorial` and :how_to_contribute:`How to contribute <>`. diff --git a/doc/tutorials/definitions/tocDefinitions.rst b/doc/tutorials/definitions/tocDefinitions.rst index 946dbb0a4..4695623cc 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/definitions/tocDefinitions.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/definitions/tocDefinitions.rst @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ .. |Author_AndreyK| unicode:: Andrey U+0020 Kamaev .. |Author_LeonidBLB| unicode:: Leonid U+0020 Beynenson .. |Author_VsevolodG| unicode:: Vsevolod U+0020 Glumov -.. |Author_VictorE| unicode:: Victor U+0020 Eruhimov +.. |Author_VictorE| unicode:: Victor U+0020 Eruhimov .. |Author_ArtemM| unicode:: Artem U+0020 Myagkov .. |Author_FernandoI| unicode:: Fernando U+0020 Iglesias U+0020 Garc U+00ED a .. |Author_EduardF| unicode:: Eduard U+0020 Feicho diff --git a/doc/tutorials/features2d/detection_of_planar_objects/detection_of_planar_objects.rst b/doc/tutorials/features2d/detection_of_planar_objects/detection_of_planar_objects.rst index 48d93ce0f..009d537d5 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/features2d/detection_of_planar_objects/detection_of_planar_objects.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/features2d/detection_of_planar_objects/detection_of_planar_objects.rst @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ Detection of planar objects .. highlight:: cpp -The goal of this tutorial is to learn how to use *features2d* and *calib3d* modules for detecting known planar objects in scenes. +The goal of this tutorial is to learn how to use *features2d* and *calib3d* modules for detecting known planar objects in scenes. -*Test data*: use images in your data folder, for instance, ``box.png`` and ``box_in_scene.png``. +*Test data*: use images in your data folder, for instance, ``box.png`` and ``box_in_scene.png``. #. Create a new console project. Read two input images. :: @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ The goal of this tutorial is to learn how to use *features2d* and *calib3d* modu FastFeatureDetector detector(15); vector keypoints1; detector.detect(img1, keypoints1); - + ... // do the same for the second image #. @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The goal of this tutorial is to learn how to use *features2d* and *calib3d* modu SurfDescriptorExtractor extractor; Mat descriptors1; extractor.compute(img1, keypoints1, descriptors1); - + ... // process keypoints from the second image as well #. @@ -69,4 +69,4 @@ The goal of this tutorial is to learn how to use *features2d* and *calib3d* modu perspectiveTransform(Mat(points1), points1Projected, H); #. - Use ``drawMatches`` for drawing inliers. + Use ``drawMatches`` for drawing inliers. diff --git a/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_description/feature_description.rst b/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_description/feature_description.rst index 0329cc464..94b7c684e 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_description/feature_description.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_description/feature_description.rst @@ -100,6 +100,3 @@ Result .. image:: images/Feature_Description_BruteForce_Result.jpg :align: center :height: 200pt - - - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_detection/feature_detection.rst b/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_detection/feature_detection.rst index 1051fe5de..0e690404a 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_detection/feature_detection.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_detection/feature_detection.rst @@ -95,4 +95,3 @@ Result .. image:: images/Feature_Detection_Result_b.jpg :align: center :height: 200pt - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_homography/feature_homography.rst b/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_homography/feature_homography.rst index eb06083b0..e195e53f4 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_homography/feature_homography.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_homography/feature_homography.rst @@ -146,4 +146,3 @@ Result .. image:: images/Feature_Homography_Result.jpg :align: center :height: 200pt - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/features2d/table_of_content_features2d/table_of_content_features2d.rst b/doc/tutorials/features2d/table_of_content_features2d/table_of_content_features2d.rst index be0f515b5..f4107804b 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/features2d/table_of_content_features2d/table_of_content_features2d.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/features2d/table_of_content_features2d/table_of_content_features2d.rst @@ -5,166 +5,166 @@ Learn about how to use the feature points detectors, descriptors and matching framework found inside OpenCV. -.. include:: ../../definitions/tocDefinitions.rst +.. include:: ../../definitions/tocDefinitions.rst -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv ===================== ============================================== |Harris| **Title:** :ref:`harris_detector` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + Why is it a good idea to track corners? We learn to use the Harris method to detect corners - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |Harris| image:: images/trackingmotion/Harris_Detector_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt - -+ + ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv ===================== ============================================== |ShiTomasi| **Title:** :ref:`good_features_to_track` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + Where we use an improved method to detect corners more accuratelyI - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |ShiTomasi| image:: images/trackingmotion/Shi_Tomasi_Detector_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv ===================== ============================================== |GenericCorner| **Title:** :ref:`generic_corner_detector` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + Here you will learn how to use OpenCV functions to make your personalized corner detector! - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |GenericCorner| image:: images/trackingmotion/Generic_Corner_Detector_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv ===================== ============================================== |Subpixel| **Title:** :ref:`corner_subpixeles` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + Is pixel resolution enough? Here we learn a simple method to improve our accuracy. - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |Subpixel| image:: images/trackingmotion/Corner_Subpixeles_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv ===================== ============================================== |FeatureDetect| **Title:** :ref:`feature_detection` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + In this tutorial, you will use *features2d* to detect interest points. - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |FeatureDetect| image:: images/Feature_Detection_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv ===================== ============================================== |FeatureDescript| **Title:** :ref:`feature_description` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + In this tutorial, you will use *features2d* to calculate feature vectors. - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |FeatureDescript| image:: images/Feature_Description_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv ===================== ============================================== |FeatureFlann| **Title:** :ref:`feature_flann_matcher` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + In this tutorial, you will use the FLANN library to make a fast matching. - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |FeatureFlann| image:: images/Feature_Flann_Matcher_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv ===================== ============================================== |FeatureHomo| **Title:** :ref:`feature_homography` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + In this tutorial, you will use *features2d* and *calib3d* to detect an object in a scene. - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |FeatureHomo| image:: images/Feature_Homography_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Learn about how to use the feature points detectors, descriptors and matching f *Author:* |Author_VictorE| - You will use *features2d* and *calib3d* modules for detecting known planar objects in scenes. + You will use *features2d* and *calib3d* modules for detecting known planar objects in scenes. ===================== ============================================== @@ -201,4 +201,3 @@ Learn about how to use the feature points detectors, descriptors and matching f ../feature_flann_matcher/feature_flann_matcher ../feature_homography/feature_homography ../detection_of_planar_objects/detection_of_planar_objects - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/features2d/trackingmotion/corner_subpixeles/corner_subpixeles.rst b/doc/tutorials/features2d/trackingmotion/corner_subpixeles/corner_subpixeles.rst index 1b405e46c..a0f184a23 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/features2d/trackingmotion/corner_subpixeles/corner_subpixeles.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/features2d/trackingmotion/corner_subpixeles/corner_subpixeles.rst @@ -87,14 +87,14 @@ This tutorial code's is shown lines below. You can also download it from `here < /// Apply corner detection goodFeaturesToTrack( src_gray, - corners, - maxCorners, - qualityLevel, - minDistance, - Mat(), - blockSize, - useHarrisDetector, - k ); + corners, + maxCorners, + qualityLevel, + minDistance, + Mat(), + blockSize, + useHarrisDetector, + k ); /// Draw corners detected @@ -135,4 +135,3 @@ Here is the result: .. image:: images/Corner_Subpixeles_Result.jpg :align: center - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/features2d/trackingmotion/generic_corner_detector/generic_corner_detector.rst b/doc/tutorials/features2d/trackingmotion/generic_corner_detector/generic_corner_detector.rst index 465ff216c..d33bf3df6 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/features2d/trackingmotion/generic_corner_detector/generic_corner_detector.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/features2d/trackingmotion/generic_corner_detector/generic_corner_detector.rst @@ -37,4 +37,3 @@ Result .. image:: images/My_Shi_Tomasi_corner_detector_Result.jpg :align: center - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/features2d/trackingmotion/good_features_to_track/good_features_to_track.rst b/doc/tutorials/features2d/trackingmotion/good_features_to_track/good_features_to_track.rst index e69937eaa..63b0d9749 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/features2d/trackingmotion/good_features_to_track/good_features_to_track.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/features2d/trackingmotion/good_features_to_track/good_features_to_track.rst @@ -118,5 +118,3 @@ Result .. image:: images/Feature_Detection_Result_a.jpg :align: center - - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/features2d/trackingmotion/harris_detector/harris_detector.rst b/doc/tutorials/features2d/trackingmotion/harris_detector/harris_detector.rst index cb9650775..8eb72ebfd 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/features2d/trackingmotion/harris_detector/harris_detector.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/features2d/trackingmotion/harris_detector/harris_detector.rst @@ -98,16 +98,16 @@ How does it work? u & v \end{bmatrix} \left ( - \displaystyle \sum_{x,y} + \displaystyle \sum_{x,y} w(x,y) \begin{bmatrix} I_x^{2} & I_{x}I_{y} \\ I_xI_{y} & I_{y}^{2} - \end{bmatrix} - \right ) - \begin{bmatrix} + \end{bmatrix} + \right ) + \begin{bmatrix} u \\ - v + v \end{bmatrix} * Let's denote: @@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ How does it work? .. math:: M = \displaystyle \sum_{x,y} - w(x,y) - \begin{bmatrix} - I_x^{2} & I_{x}I_{y} \\ - I_xI_{y} & I_{y}^{2} - \end{bmatrix} + w(x,y) + \begin{bmatrix} + I_x^{2} & I_{x}I_{y} \\ + I_xI_{y} & I_{y}^{2} + \end{bmatrix} * So, our equation now is: @@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ How does it work? E(u,v) \approx \begin{bmatrix} u & v \end{bmatrix} - M - \begin{bmatrix} + M + \begin{bmatrix} u \\ - v + v \end{bmatrix} @@ -243,5 +243,3 @@ The detected corners are surrounded by a small black circle .. image:: images/Harris_Detector_Result.jpg :align: center - - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/general/table_of_content_general/table_of_content_general.rst b/doc/tutorials/general/table_of_content_general/table_of_content_general.rst index 2a6d57ffb..6e127a98f 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/general/table_of_content_general/table_of_content_general.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/general/table_of_content_general/table_of_content_general.rst @@ -10,4 +10,3 @@ These tutorials are the bottom of the iceberg as they link together multiple of .. raw:: latex \pagebreak - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/gpu/table_of_content_gpu/table_of_content_gpu.rst b/doc/tutorials/gpu/table_of_content_gpu/table_of_content_gpu.rst index a3fef4328..91b25833b 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/gpu/table_of_content_gpu/table_of_content_gpu.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/gpu/table_of_content_gpu/table_of_content_gpu.rst @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Squeeze out every little computation power from your system by using the power o .. include:: ../../definitions/tocDefinitions.rst -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Squeeze out every little computation power from your system by using the power o *Author:* |Author_BernatG| - This will give a good grasp on how to approach coding on the GPU module, once you already know how to handle the other modules. As a test case it will port the similarity methods from the tutorial :ref:`videoInputPSNRMSSIM` to the GPU. + This will give a good grasp on how to approach coding on the GPU module, once you already know how to handle the other modules. As a test case it will port the similarity methods from the tutorial :ref:`videoInputPSNRMSSIM` to the GPU. =============== ====================================================== diff --git a/doc/tutorials/highgui/table_of_content_highgui/table_of_content_highgui.rst b/doc/tutorials/highgui/table_of_content_highgui/table_of_content_highgui.rst index 36fbc92da..ef6eacce2 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/highgui/table_of_content_highgui/table_of_content_highgui.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/highgui/table_of_content_highgui/table_of_content_highgui.rst @@ -3,30 +3,30 @@ *highgui* module. High Level GUI and Media ------------------------------------------ -This section contains valuable tutorials about how to read/save your image/video files and how to use the built-in graphical user interface of the library. +This section contains valuable tutorials about how to read/save your image/video files and how to use the built-in graphical user interface of the library. .. include:: ../../definitions/tocDefinitions.rst -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + =============== ====================================================== |Beginners_5| *Title:* :ref:`Adding_Trackbars` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + We will learn how to add a Trackbar to our applications - + =============== ====================================================== - + .. |Beginners_5| image:: images/Adding_Trackbars_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ This section contains valuable tutorials about how to read/save your image/video |hVideoInput| *Title:* :ref:`videoInputPSNRMSSIM` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_BernatG| You will learn how to read video streams, and how to calculate similarity values such as PSNR or SSIM. @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ This section contains valuable tutorials about how to read/save your image/video :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv @@ -74,4 +74,4 @@ This section contains valuable tutorials about how to read/save your image/video ../trackbar/trackbar ../video-input-psnr-ssim/video-input-psnr-ssim - ../video-write/video-write \ No newline at end of file + ../video-write/video-write diff --git a/doc/tutorials/highgui/trackbar/trackbar.rst b/doc/tutorials/highgui/trackbar/trackbar.rst index 21f8b3687..e5fbb85f5 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/highgui/trackbar/trackbar.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/highgui/trackbar/trackbar.rst @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ Adding a Trackbar to our applications! * In the previous tutorials (about *linear blending* and the *brightness and contrast adjustments*) you might have noted that we needed to give some **input** to our programs, such as :math:`\alpha` and :math:`beta`. We accomplished that by entering this data using the Terminal -* Well, it is time to use some fancy GUI tools. OpenCV provides some GUI utilities (*highgui.h*) for you. An example of this is a **Trackbar** +* Well, it is time to use some fancy GUI tools. OpenCV provides some GUI utilities (*highgui.h*) for you. An example of this is a **Trackbar** .. image:: images/Adding_Trackbars_Tutorial_Trackbar.png :alt: Trackbar example - :align: center + :align: center * In this tutorial we will just modify our two previous programs so that they get the input information from the trackbar. @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Goals In this tutorial you will learn how to: -* Add a Trackbar in an OpenCV window by using :create_trackbar:`createTrackbar <>` +* Add a Trackbar in an OpenCV window by using :create_trackbar:`createTrackbar <>` Code ===== @@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ Let's modify the program made in the tutorial :ref:`Adding_Images`. We will let using namespace cv; - /// Global Variables + /// Global Variables const int alpha_slider_max = 100; - int alpha_slider; + int alpha_slider; double alpha; - double beta; + double beta; - /// Matrices to store images + /// Matrices to store images Mat src1; Mat src2; Mat dst; @@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ Let's modify the program made in the tutorial :ref:`Adding_Images`. We will let * @brief Callback for trackbar */ void on_trackbar( int, void* ) - { + { alpha = (double) alpha_slider/alpha_slider_max ; beta = ( 1.0 - alpha ); addWeighted( src1, alpha, src2, beta, 0.0, dst); - + imshow( "Linear Blend", dst ); } @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Let's modify the program made in the tutorial :ref:`Adding_Images`. We will let if( !src1.data ) { printf("Error loading src1 \n"); return -1; } if( !src2.data ) { printf("Error loading src2 \n"); return -1; } - /// Initialize values + /// Initialize values alpha_slider = 0; /// Create Windows @@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ Let's modify the program made in the tutorial :ref:`Adding_Images`. We will let /// Create Trackbars char TrackbarName[50]; - sprintf( TrackbarName, "Alpha x %d", alpha_slider_max ); + sprintf( TrackbarName, "Alpha x %d", alpha_slider_max ); createTrackbar( TrackbarName, "Linear Blend", &alpha_slider, alpha_slider_max, on_trackbar ); /// Show some stuff on_trackbar( alpha_slider, 0 ); - + /// Wait until user press some key waitKey(0); return 0; @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ We only analyze the code that is related to Trackbar: createTrackbar( TrackbarName, "Linear Blend", &alpha_slider, alpha_slider_max, on_trackbar ); Note the following: - + * Our Trackbar has a label **TrackbarName** * The Trackbar is located in the window named **"Linear Blend"** * The Trackbar values will be in the range from :math:`0` to **alpha_slider_max** (the minimum limit is always **zero**). @@ -125,21 +125,21 @@ We only analyze the code that is related to Trackbar: .. code-block:: cpp void on_trackbar( int, void* ) - { + { alpha = (double) alpha_slider/alpha_slider_max ; beta = ( 1.0 - alpha ); addWeighted( src1, alpha, src2, beta, 0.0, dst); - + imshow( "Linear Blend", dst ); } Note that: - - * We use the value of **alpha_slider** (integer) to get a double value for **alpha**. + + * We use the value of **alpha_slider** (integer) to get a double value for **alpha**. * **alpha_slider** is updated each time the trackbar is displaced by the user. * We define *src1*, *src2*, *dist*, *alpha*, *alpha_slider* and *beta* as global variables, so they can be used everywhere. - + Result ======= @@ -147,15 +147,10 @@ Result .. image:: images/Adding_Trackbars_Tutorial_Result_0.jpg :alt: Adding Trackbars - Windows Linux - :align: center + :align: center * As a manner of practice, you can also add 02 trackbars for the program made in :ref:`Basic_Linear_Transform`. One trackbar to set :math:`\alpha` and another for :math:`\beta`. The output might look like: .. image:: images/Adding_Trackbars_Tutorial_Result_1.jpg :alt: Adding Trackbars - Lena - :align: center - - - - - + :align: center diff --git a/doc/tutorials/highgui/video-input-psnr-ssim/video-input-psnr-ssim.rst b/doc/tutorials/highgui/video-input-psnr-ssim/video-input-psnr-ssim.rst index b9c1201b8..6f5476cf0 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/highgui/video-input-psnr-ssim/video-input-psnr-ssim.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/highgui/video-input-psnr-ssim/video-input-psnr-ssim.rst @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Closing the video is automatic when the objects destructor is called. However, i captRefrnc >> frameReference; captUndTst.open(frameUnderTest); -The upper read operations will leave empty the *Mat* objects if no frame could be acquired (either cause the video stream was closed or you got to the end of the video file). We can check this with a simple if: +The upper read operations will leave empty the *Mat* objects if no frame could be acquired (either cause the video stream was closed or you got to the end of the video file). We can check this with a simple if: .. code-block:: cpp @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Then the PSNR is expressed as: PSNR = 10 \cdot \log_{10} \left( \frac{MAX_I^2}{MSE} \right) -Here the :math:`MAX_I^2` is the maximum valid value for a pixel. In case of the simple single byte image per pixel per channel this is 255. When two images are the same the MSE will give zero, resulting in an invalid divide by zero operation in the PSNR formula. In this case the PSNR is undefined and as we'll need to handle this case separately. The transition to a logarithmic scale is made because the pixel values have a very wide dynamic range. All this translated to OpenCV and a C++ function looks like: +Here the :math:`MAX_I^2` is the maximum valid value for a pixel. In case of the simple single byte image per pixel per channel this is 255. When two images are the same the MSE will give zero, resulting in an invalid divide by zero operation in the PSNR formula. In this case the PSNR is undefined and as we'll need to handle this case separately. The transition to a logarithmic scale is made because the pixel values have a very wide dynamic range. All this translated to OpenCV and a C++ function looks like: .. code-block:: cpp @@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ Here the :math:`MAX_I^2` is the maximum valid value for a pixel. In case of the } } -Typically result values are anywhere between 30 and 50 for video compression, where higher is better. If the images significantly differ you'll get much lower ones like 15 and so. This similarity check is easy and fast to calculate, however in practice it may turn out somewhat inconsistent with human eye perception. The **structural similarity** algorithm aims to correct this. +Typically result values are anywhere between 30 and 50 for video compression, where higher is better. If the images significantly differ you'll get much lower ones like 15 and so. This similarity check is easy and fast to calculate, however in practice it may turn out somewhat inconsistent with human eye perception. The **structural similarity** algorithm aims to correct this. -Describing the methods goes well beyond the purpose of this tutorial. For that I invite you to read the article introducing it. Nevertheless, you can get a good image of it by looking at the OpenCV implementation below. +Describing the methods goes well beyond the purpose of this tutorial. For that I invite you to read the article introducing it. Nevertheless, you can get a good image of it by looking at the OpenCV implementation below. .. seealso:: - SSIM is described more in-depth in the: "Z. Wang, A. C. Bovik, H. R. Sheikh and E. P. Simoncelli, "Image quality assessment: From error visibility to structural similarity," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 600-612, Apr. 2004." article. + SSIM is described more in-depth in the: "Z. Wang, A. C. Bovik, H. R. Sheikh and E. P. Simoncelli, "Image quality assessment: From error visibility to structural similarity," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 600-612, Apr. 2004." article. .. code-block:: cpp @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ Describing the methods goes well beyond the purpose of this tutorial. For that I /***********************PRELIMINARY COMPUTING ******************************/ - Mat mu1, mu2; // + Mat mu1, mu2; // GaussianBlur(I1, mu1, Size(11, 11), 1.5); GaussianBlur(I2, mu2, Size(11, 11), 1.5); @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Describing the methods goes well beyond the purpose of this tutorial. For that I return mssim; } -This will return a similarity index for each channel of the image. This value is between zero and one, where one corresponds to perfect fit. Unfortunately, the many Gaussian blurring is quite costly, so while the PSNR may work in a real time like environment (24 frame per second) this will take significantly more than to accomplish similar performance results. +This will return a similarity index for each channel of the image. This value is between zero and one, where one corresponds to perfect fit. Unfortunately, the many Gaussian blurring is quite costly, so while the PSNR may work in a real time like environment (24 frame per second) this will take significantly more than to accomplish similar performance results. Therefore, the source code presented at the start of the tutorial will perform the PSNR measurement for each frame, and the SSIM only for the frames where the PSNR falls below an input value. For visualization purpose we show both images in an OpenCV window and print the PSNR and MSSIM values to the console. Expect to see something like: @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ Therefore, the source code presented at the start of the tutorial will perform t :alt: A sample output :align: center -You may observe a runtime instance of this on the `YouTube here `_. +You may observe a runtime instance of this on the `YouTube here `_. .. raw:: html diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/erosion_dilatation/erosion_dilatation.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/erosion_dilatation/erosion_dilatation.rst index 9bd460d15..300327aba 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/erosion_dilatation/erosion_dilatation.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/erosion_dilatation/erosion_dilatation.rst @@ -112,21 +112,21 @@ This tutorial code's is shown lines below. You can also download it from `here < /// Create Erosion Trackbar createTrackbar( "Element:\n 0: Rect \n 1: Cross \n 2: Ellipse", "Erosion Demo", - &erosion_elem, max_elem, - Erosion ); + &erosion_elem, max_elem, + Erosion ); createTrackbar( "Kernel size:\n 2n +1", "Erosion Demo", - &erosion_size, max_kernel_size, - Erosion ); + &erosion_size, max_kernel_size, + Erosion ); /// Create Dilation Trackbar createTrackbar( "Element:\n 0: Rect \n 1: Cross \n 2: Ellipse", "Dilation Demo", - &dilation_elem, max_elem, - Dilation ); + &dilation_elem, max_elem, + Dilation ); createTrackbar( "Kernel size:\n 2n +1", "Dilation Demo", - &dilation_size, max_kernel_size, - Dilation ); + &dilation_size, max_kernel_size, + Dilation ); /// Default start Erosion( 0, 0 ); @@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ This tutorial code's is shown lines below. You can also download it from `here < else if( erosion_elem == 2) { erosion_type = MORPH_ELLIPSE; } Mat element = getStructuringElement( erosion_type, - Size( 2*erosion_size + 1, 2*erosion_size+1 ), - Point( erosion_size, erosion_size ) ); + Size( 2*erosion_size + 1, 2*erosion_size+1 ), + Point( erosion_size, erosion_size ) ); /// Apply the erosion operation erode( src, erosion_dst, element ); @@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ This tutorial code's is shown lines below. You can also download it from `here < else if( dilation_elem == 2) { dilation_type = MORPH_ELLIPSE; } Mat element = getStructuringElement( dilation_type, - Size( 2*dilation_size + 1, 2*dilation_size+1 ), - Point( dilation_size, dilation_size ) ); + Size( 2*dilation_size + 1, 2*dilation_size+1 ), + Point( dilation_size, dilation_size ) ); /// Apply the dilation operation dilate( src, dilation_dst, element ); imshow( "Dilation Demo", dilation_dst ); @@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ Explanation else if( erosion_elem == 2) { erosion_type = MORPH_ELLIPSE; } Mat element = getStructuringElement( erosion_type, - Size( 2*erosion_size + 1, 2*erosion_size+1 ), - Point( erosion_size, erosion_size ) ); + Size( 2*erosion_size + 1, 2*erosion_size+1 ), + Point( erosion_size, erosion_size ) ); /// Apply the erosion operation erode( src, erosion_dst, element ); imshow( "Erosion Demo", erosion_dst ); @@ -216,17 +216,17 @@ Explanation .. code-block:: cpp - Mat element = getStructuringElement( erosion_type, - Size( 2*erosion_size + 1, 2*erosion_size+1 ), - Point( erosion_size, erosion_size ) ); + Mat element = getStructuringElement( erosion_type, + Size( 2*erosion_size + 1, 2*erosion_size+1 ), + Point( erosion_size, erosion_size ) ); We can choose any of three shapes for our kernel: .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare - + Rectangular box: MORPH_RECT - + Cross: MORPH_CROSS - + Ellipse: MORPH_ELLIPSE + + Rectangular box: MORPH_RECT + + Cross: MORPH_CROSS + + Ellipse: MORPH_ELLIPSE Then, we just have to specify the size of our kernel and the *anchor point*. If not specified, it is assumed to be in the center. @@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ The code is below. As you can see, it is completely similar to the snippet of co else if( dilation_elem == 2) { dilation_type = MORPH_ELLIPSE; } Mat element = getStructuringElement( dilation_type, - Size( 2*dilation_size + 1, 2*dilation_size+1 ), - Point( dilation_size, dilation_size ) ); + Size( 2*dilation_size + 1, 2*dilation_size+1 ), + Point( dilation_size, dilation_size ) ); /// Apply the dilation operation dilate( src, dilation_dst, element ); imshow( "Dilation Demo", dilation_dst ); diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/back_projection/back_projection.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/back_projection/back_projection.rst index f8b134322..923137263 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/back_projection/back_projection.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/back_projection/back_projection.rst @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Code * Loads an image * Convert the original to HSV format and separate only *Hue* channel to be used for the Histogram (using the OpenCV function :mix_channels:`mixChannels <>`) * Let the user to enter the number of bins to be used in the calculation of the histogram. - * Calculate the histogram (and update it if the bins change) and the backprojection of the same image. + * Calculate the histogram (and update it if the bins change) and the backprojection of the same image. * Display the backprojection and the histogram in windows. * **Downloadable code**: diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/histogram_calculation/histogram_calculation.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/histogram_calculation/histogram_calculation.rst index de1567abb..f2859c1be 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/histogram_calculation/histogram_calculation.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/histogram_calculation/histogram_calculation.rst @@ -329,4 +329,3 @@ Result .. image:: images/Histogram_Calculation_Result.jpg :align: center - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/template_matching/template_matching.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/template_matching/template_matching.rst index e0c643d05..e7f0e818e 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/template_matching/template_matching.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/template_matching/template_matching.rst @@ -369,4 +369,3 @@ Results .. image:: images/Template_Matching_Image_Result.jpg :align: center - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/canny_detector/canny_detector.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/canny_detector/canny_detector.rst index 52b10468b..06257fa1b 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/canny_detector/canny_detector.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/canny_detector/canny_detector.rst @@ -282,6 +282,3 @@ Result :align: center * Notice how the image is superposed to the black background on the edge regions. - - - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/hough_lines/hough_lines.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/hough_lines/hough_lines.rst index dfb57c03c..8c759c00c 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/hough_lines/hough_lines.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/hough_lines/hough_lines.rst @@ -290,4 +290,3 @@ We get the following result by using the Probabilistic Hough Line Transform: :align: center You may observe that the number of lines detected vary while you change the *threshold*. The explanation is sort of evident: If you establish a higher threshold, fewer lines will be detected (since you will need more points to declare a line detected). - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/remap/remap.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/remap/remap.rst index 27eef0d11..c4a6671fa 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/remap/remap.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/remap/remap.rst @@ -124,34 +124,34 @@ Code for( int j = 0; j < src.rows; j++ ) { for( int i = 0; i < src.cols; i++ ) - { + { switch( ind ) - { - case 0: - if( i > src.cols*0.25 && i < src.cols*0.75 && j > src.rows*0.25 && j < src.rows*0.75 ) + { + case 0: + if( i > src.cols*0.25 && i < src.cols*0.75 && j > src.rows*0.25 && j < src.rows*0.75 ) { - map_x.at(j,i) = 2*( i - src.cols*0.25 ) + 0.5 ; - map_y.at(j,i) = 2*( j - src.rows*0.25 ) + 0.5 ; - } - else - { map_x.at(j,i) = 0 ; - map_y.at(j,i) = 0 ; + map_x.at(j,i) = 2*( i - src.cols*0.25 ) + 0.5 ; + map_y.at(j,i) = 2*( j - src.rows*0.25 ) + 0.5 ; + } + else + { map_x.at(j,i) = 0 ; + map_y.at(j,i) = 0 ; } break; - case 1: - map_x.at(j,i) = i ; - map_y.at(j,i) = src.rows - j ; - break; + case 1: + map_x.at(j,i) = i ; + map_y.at(j,i) = src.rows - j ; + break; case 2: - map_x.at(j,i) = src.cols - i ; - map_y.at(j,i) = j ; - break; + map_x.at(j,i) = src.cols - i ; + map_y.at(j,i) = j ; + break; case 3: - map_x.at(j,i) = src.cols - i ; - map_y.at(j,i) = src.rows - j ; - break; + map_x.at(j,i) = src.cols - i ; + map_y.at(j,i) = src.rows - j ; + break; } // end of switch - } + } } ind++; } @@ -241,34 +241,34 @@ Explanation for( int j = 0; j < src.rows; j++ ) { for( int i = 0; i < src.cols; i++ ) - { + { switch( ind ) - { - case 0: - if( i > src.cols*0.25 && i < src.cols*0.75 && j > src.rows*0.25 && j < src.rows*0.75 ) + { + case 0: + if( i > src.cols*0.25 && i < src.cols*0.75 && j > src.rows*0.25 && j < src.rows*0.75 ) { - map_x.at(j,i) = 2*( i - src.cols*0.25 ) + 0.5 ; - map_y.at(j,i) = 2*( j - src.rows*0.25 ) + 0.5 ; - } - else - { map_x.at(j,i) = 0 ; - map_y.at(j,i) = 0 ; + map_x.at(j,i) = 2*( i - src.cols*0.25 ) + 0.5 ; + map_y.at(j,i) = 2*( j - src.rows*0.25 ) + 0.5 ; + } + else + { map_x.at(j,i) = 0 ; + map_y.at(j,i) = 0 ; } break; - case 1: - map_x.at(j,i) = i ; - map_y.at(j,i) = src.rows - j ; - break; + case 1: + map_x.at(j,i) = i ; + map_y.at(j,i) = src.rows - j ; + break; case 2: - map_x.at(j,i) = src.cols - i ; - map_y.at(j,i) = j ; - break; + map_x.at(j,i) = src.cols - i ; + map_y.at(j,i) = j ; + break; case 3: - map_x.at(j,i) = src.cols - i ; - map_y.at(j,i) = src.rows - j ; - break; + map_x.at(j,i) = src.cols - i ; + map_y.at(j,i) = src.rows - j ; + break; } // end of switch - } + } } ind++; } @@ -311,4 +311,3 @@ Result :alt: Result 0 for remapping :width: 250pt :align: center - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/warp_affine/warp_affine.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/warp_affine/warp_affine.rst index 8c08d22e4..b2e3be908 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/warp_affine/warp_affine.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/warp_affine/warp_affine.rst @@ -306,4 +306,3 @@ Result :alt: Original image :width: 250pt :align: center - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/opening_closing_hats/opening_closing_hats.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/opening_closing_hats/opening_closing_hats.rst index db96faa2d..9cb14ab02 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/opening_closing_hats/opening_closing_hats.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/opening_closing_hats/opening_closing_hats.rst @@ -154,13 +154,13 @@ This tutorial code's is shown lines below. You can also download it from `here < /// Create Trackbar to select kernel type createTrackbar( "Element:\n 0: Rect - 1: Cross - 2: Ellipse", window_name, - &morph_elem, max_elem, - Morphology_Operations ); + &morph_elem, max_elem, + Morphology_Operations ); /// Create Trackbar to choose kernel size createTrackbar( "Kernel size:\n 2n +1", window_name, - &morph_size, max_kernel_size, - Morphology_Operations ); + &morph_size, max_kernel_size, + Morphology_Operations ); /// Default start Morphology_Operations( 0, 0 ); @@ -211,16 +211,16 @@ Explanation .. code-block:: cpp createTrackbar( "Element:\n 0: Rect - 1: Cross - 2: Ellipse", window_name, - &morph_elem, max_elem, - Morphology_Operations ); + &morph_elem, max_elem, + Morphology_Operations ); * The final trackbar **"Kernel Size"** returns the size of the kernel to be used (**morph_size**) .. code-block:: cpp createTrackbar( "Kernel size:\n 2n +1", window_name, - &morph_size, max_kernel_size, - Morphology_Operations ); + &morph_size, max_kernel_size, + Morphology_Operations ); * Every time we move any slider, the user's function **Morphology_Operations** will be called to effectuate a new morphology operation and it will update the output image based on the current trackbar values. @@ -279,4 +279,3 @@ Results .. image:: images/Morphology_2_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :alt: Morphology 2: Result sample :align: center - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/pyramids/pyramids.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/pyramids/pyramids.rst index ee40bf72e..b9d0d4e93 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/pyramids/pyramids.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/pyramids/pyramids.rst @@ -259,5 +259,3 @@ Results .. image:: images/Pyramids_Tutorial_PyrUp_Result.jpg :alt: Pyramids: PyrUp Result :align: center - - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/bounding_rects_circles/bounding_rects_circles.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/bounding_rects_circles/bounding_rects_circles.rst index d073a1b92..069ba64b0 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/bounding_rects_circles/bounding_rects_circles.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/bounding_rects_circles/bounding_rects_circles.rst @@ -121,4 +121,3 @@ Result .. |BRC_1| image:: images/Bounding_Rects_Circles_Result.jpg :align: middle - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/bounding_rotated_ellipses/bounding_rotated_ellipses.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/bounding_rotated_ellipses/bounding_rotated_ellipses.rst index 894df8605..1bbfeb3d6 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/bounding_rotated_ellipses/bounding_rotated_ellipses.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/bounding_rotated_ellipses/bounding_rotated_ellipses.rst @@ -123,4 +123,3 @@ Result .. |BRE_1| image:: images/Bounding_Rotated_Ellipses_Result.jpg :align: middle - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/find_contours/find_contours.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/find_contours/find_contours.rst index decdf31ef..f145506ce 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/find_contours/find_contours.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/find_contours/find_contours.rst @@ -104,4 +104,3 @@ Result .. |contour_1| image:: images/Find_Contours_Result.jpg :align: middle - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/hull/hull.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/hull/hull.rst index c6abdd2c8..a17c3e9f4 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/hull/hull.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/hull/hull.rst @@ -113,4 +113,3 @@ Result .. |Hull_1| image:: images/Hull_Result.jpg :align: middle - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/moments/moments.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/moments/moments.rst index 6ef2de6ee..847bf362d 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/moments/moments.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/moments/moments.rst @@ -133,4 +133,3 @@ Result .. |MU_2| image:: images/Moments_Result2.jpg :width: 250pt :align: middle - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/point_polygon_test/point_polygon_test.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/point_polygon_test/point_polygon_test.rst index a73a8e92e..c333bf5d8 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/point_polygon_test/point_polygon_test.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/shapedescriptors/point_polygon_test/point_polygon_test.rst @@ -114,4 +114,3 @@ Result .. |PPT_1| image:: images/Point_Polygon_Test_Result.jpg :align: middle - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/table_of_content_imgproc/table_of_content_imgproc.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/table_of_content_imgproc/table_of_content_imgproc.rst index 011dedd36..a371c02c8 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/table_of_content_imgproc/table_of_content_imgproc.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/table_of_content_imgproc/table_of_content_imgproc.rst @@ -7,502 +7,502 @@ In this section you will learn about the image processing (manipulation) functio .. include:: ../../definitions/tocDefinitions.rst - -+ + ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv ===================== ============================================== |ImageProcessing_1| **Title:** :ref:`Smoothing` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + Let's take a look at some basic linear filters! - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |ImageProcessing_1| image:: images/Smoothing_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt - -+ + ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv ===================== ============================================== |ImageProcessing_2| **Title:** :ref:`Morphology_1` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + Author: |Author_AnaH| - + Let's *change* the shape of objects! - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |ImageProcessing_2| image:: images/Morphology_1_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt - -+ + ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv ================= ================================================== |Morphology_2| **Title:** :ref:`Morphology_2` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + Here we investigate different morphology operators - + ================= ================================================== - + .. |Morphology_2| image:: images/Morphology_2_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt - -+ + ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |Pyramids| **Title:** :ref:`Pyramids` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + What if I need a bigger/smaller image? - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |Pyramids| image:: images/Pyramids_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt - -+ + ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |Threshold| **Title:** :ref:`Basic_Threshold` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + After so much processing, it is time to decide which pixels stay! - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |Threshold| image:: images/Threshold_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt - + .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - -+ + ++ ===================== ============================================== |Filter_2D| **Title:** :ref:`filter_2d` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + Where we learn to design our own filters by using OpenCV functions - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |Filter_2D| image:: images/imgtrans/Filter_2D_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt - + .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - -+ + ++ ===================== ============================================== |CopyMakeBorder| **Title:** :ref:`copyMakeBorderTutorial` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + Where we learn how to pad our images! - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |CopyMakeBorder| image:: images/imgtrans/CopyMakeBorder_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt - -+ + ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |SobelDerivatives| **Title:** :ref:`sobel_derivatives` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + Where we learn how to calculate gradients and use them to detect edges! - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |SobelDerivatives| image:: images/imgtrans/Sobel_Derivatives_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt - -+ + ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |LaplaceOperator| **Title:** :ref:`laplace_operator` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + Where we learn about the *Laplace* operator and how to detect edges with it. - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |LaplaceOperator| image:: images/imgtrans/Laplace_Operator_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt - -+ + ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |CannyDetector| **Title:** :ref:`canny_detector` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + Where we learn a sophisticated alternative to detect edges. - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |CannyDetector| image:: images/imgtrans/Canny_Detector_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt - -+ + ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |HoughLines| **Title:** :ref:`hough_lines` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + Where we learn how to detect lines - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |HoughLines| image:: images/imgtrans/Hough_Lines_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt - -+ + ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |HoughCircle| **Title:** :ref:`hough_circle` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + Where we learn how to detect circles - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |HoughCircle| image:: images/imgtrans/Hough_Circle_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt - -+ + ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |Remap| **Title:** :ref:`remap` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + Where we learn how to manipulate pixels locations - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |Remap| image:: images/imgtrans/Remap_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt - -+ + ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |WarpAffine| **Title:** :ref:`warp_affine` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + Where we learn how to rotate, translate and scale our images - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |WarpAffine| image:: images/imgtrans/Warp_Affine_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |HistEqualization| **Title:** :ref:`histogram_equalization` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| Where we learn how to improve the contrast in our images ===================== ============================================== - + .. |HistEqualization| image:: images/histograms/Histogram_Equalization_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |HistCalculation| **Title:** :ref:`histogram_calculation` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| Where we learn how to create and generate histograms ===================== ============================================== - + .. |HistCalculation| image:: images/histograms/Histogram_Calculation_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |HistComparison| **Title:** :ref:`histogram_comparison` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| Where we learn to calculate metrics between histograms ===================== ============================================== - + .. |HistComparison| image:: images/histograms/Histogram_Comparison_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |BackProjection| **Title:** :ref:`back_projection` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| Where we learn how to use histograms to find similar objects in images ===================== ============================================== - + .. |BackProjection| image:: images/histograms/Back_Projection_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |TemplateMatching| **Title:** :ref:`template_matching` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| Where we learn how to match templates in an image ===================== ============================================== - + .. |TemplateMatching| image:: images/histograms/Template_Matching_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |FindContours| **Title:** :ref:`find_contours` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| Where we learn how to find contours of objects in our image ===================== ============================================== - + .. |FindContours| image:: images/shapedescriptors/Find_Contours_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |Hull| **Title:** :ref:`hull` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| Where we learn how to get hull contours and draw them! ===================== ============================================== - + .. |Hull| image:: images/shapedescriptors/Hull_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - + ===================== ============================================== |BRC| **Title:** :ref:`bounding_rects_circles` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| Where we learn how to obtain bounding boxes and circles for our contours. ===================== ============================================== - + .. |BRC| image:: images/shapedescriptors/Bounding_Rects_Circles_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - - + + ===================== ============================================== |BRE| **Title:** :ref:`bounding_rotated_ellipses` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| Where we learn how to obtain rotated bounding boxes and ellipses for our contours. ===================== ============================================== - + .. |BRE| image:: images/shapedescriptors/Bounding_Rotated_Ellipses_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - - + + ===================== ============================================== |MU| **Title:** :ref:`moments` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| Where we learn to calculate the moments of an image ===================== ============================================== - + .. |MU| image:: images/shapedescriptors/Moments_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv - - + + ===================== ============================================== |PPT| **Title:** :ref:`point_polygon_test` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| Where we learn how to calculate distances from the image to contours ===================== ============================================== - + .. |PPT| image:: images/shapedescriptors/Point_Polygon_Test_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt @@ -539,6 +539,3 @@ In this section you will learn about the image processing (manipulation) functio ../shapedescriptors/bounding_rotated_ellipses/bounding_rotated_ellipses ../shapedescriptors/moments/moments ../shapedescriptors/point_polygon_test/point_polygon_test - - - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/threshold/threshold.rst b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/threshold/threshold.rst index 7788e6c51..889ec1154 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/imgproc/threshold/threshold.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/imgproc/threshold/threshold.rst @@ -174,12 +174,12 @@ The tutorial code's is shown lines below. You can also download it from `here `_ discussion group or OpenCV +If you encounter any error after thoroughly following these steps, feel free to contact us via +`OpenCV4Android `_ discussion group or OpenCV `Q&A forum `_ . We'll do our best to help you out. Using OpenCV Library Within Your Android Project ================================================ -In this section we will explain how to make some existing project to use OpenCV. -Starting with 2.4.2 release for Android, *OpenCV Manager* is used to provide apps with the best -available version of OpenCV. -You can get more information here: :ref:`Android_OpenCV_Manager` and in these +In this section we will explain how to make some existing project to use OpenCV. +Starting with 2.4.2 release for Android, *OpenCV Manager* is used to provide apps with the best +available version of OpenCV. +You can get more information here: :ref:`Android_OpenCV_Manager` and in these `slides `_. @@ -48,31 +48,31 @@ Java Application Development with Async Initialization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Using async initialization is a **recommended** way for application development. It uses the OpenCV +Using async initialization is a **recommended** way for application development. It uses the OpenCV Manager to access OpenCV libraries externally installed in the target system. -#. Add OpenCV library project to your workspace. Use menu +#. Add OpenCV library project to your workspace. Use menu :guilabel:`File -> Import -> Existing project in your workspace`. - Press :guilabel:`Browse` button and locate OpenCV4Android SDK + Press :guilabel:`Browse` button and locate OpenCV4Android SDK (:file:`OpenCV-2.4.6-android-sdk/sdk`). .. image:: images/eclipse_opencv_dependency0.png :alt: Add dependency from OpenCV library :align: center -#. In application project add a reference to the OpenCV Java SDK in +#. In application project add a reference to the OpenCV Java SDK in :guilabel:`Project -> Properties -> Android -> Library -> Add` select ``OpenCV Library - 2.4.6``. .. image:: images/eclipse_opencv_dependency1.png :alt: Add dependency from OpenCV library :align: center -In most cases OpenCV Manager may be installed automatically from Google Play. For the case, when -Google Play is not available, i.e. emulator, developer board, etc, you can install it manually +In most cases OpenCV Manager may be installed automatically from Google Play. For the case, when +Google Play is not available, i.e. emulator, developer board, etc, you can install it manually using adb tool. See :ref:`manager_selection` for details. -There is a very base code snippet implementing the async initialization. It shows basic principles. +There is a very base code snippet implementing the async initialization. It shows basic principles. See the "15-puzzle" OpenCV sample for details. .. code-block:: java @@ -107,47 +107,47 @@ See the "15-puzzle" OpenCV sample for details. ... } -It this case application works with OpenCV Manager in asynchronous fashion. ``OnManagerConnected`` -callback will be called in UI thread, when initialization finishes. Please note, that it is not -allowed to use OpenCV calls or load OpenCV-dependent native libs before invoking this callback. -Load your own native libraries that depend on OpenCV after the successful OpenCV initialization. -Default ``BaseLoaderCallback`` implementation treat application context as Activity and calls -``Activity.finish()`` method to exit in case of initialization failure. To override this behavior -you need to override ``finish()`` method of ``BaseLoaderCallback`` class and implement your own +It this case application works with OpenCV Manager in asynchronous fashion. ``OnManagerConnected`` +callback will be called in UI thread, when initialization finishes. Please note, that it is not +allowed to use OpenCV calls or load OpenCV-dependent native libs before invoking this callback. +Load your own native libraries that depend on OpenCV after the successful OpenCV initialization. +Default ``BaseLoaderCallback`` implementation treat application context as Activity and calls +``Activity.finish()`` method to exit in case of initialization failure. To override this behavior +you need to override ``finish()`` method of ``BaseLoaderCallback`` class and implement your own finalization method. Application Development with Static Initialization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -According to this approach all OpenCV binaries are included into your application package. It is -designed mostly for development purposes. This approach is deprecated for the production code, -release package is recommended to communicate with OpenCV Manager via the async initialization +According to this approach all OpenCV binaries are included into your application package. It is +designed mostly for development purposes. This approach is deprecated for the production code, +release package is recommended to communicate with OpenCV Manager via the async initialization described above. -#. Add the OpenCV library project to your workspace the same way as for the async initialization - above. Use menu :guilabel:`File -> Import -> Existing project in your workspace`, - press :guilabel:`Browse` button and select OpenCV SDK path +#. Add the OpenCV library project to your workspace the same way as for the async initialization + above. Use menu :guilabel:`File -> Import -> Existing project in your workspace`, + press :guilabel:`Browse` button and select OpenCV SDK path (:file:`OpenCV-2.4.6-android-sdk/sdk`). .. image:: images/eclipse_opencv_dependency0.png :alt: Add dependency from OpenCV library :align: center -#. In the application project add a reference to the OpenCV4Android SDK in +#. In the application project add a reference to the OpenCV4Android SDK in :guilabel:`Project -> Properties -> Android -> Library -> Add` select ``OpenCV Library - 2.4.6``; .. image:: images/eclipse_opencv_dependency1.png :alt: Add dependency from OpenCV library :align: center -#. If your application project **doesn't have a JNI part**, just copy the corresponding OpenCV +#. If your application project **doesn't have a JNI part**, just copy the corresponding OpenCV native libs from :file:`/sdk/native/libs/` to your project directory to folder :file:`libs/`. - In case of the application project **with a JNI part**, instead of manual libraries copying you + In case of the application project **with a JNI part**, instead of manual libraries copying you need to modify your ``Android.mk`` file: - add the following two code lines after the ``"include $(CLEAR_VARS)"`` and before + add the following two code lines after the ``"include $(CLEAR_VARS)"`` and before ``"include path_to_OpenCV-2.4.6-android-sdk/sdk/native/jni/OpenCV.mk"`` .. code-block:: make @@ -168,13 +168,13 @@ described above. OPENCV_INSTALL_MODULES:=on include ../../sdk/native/jni/OpenCV.mk - After that the OpenCV libraries will be copied to your application :file:`libs` folder during + After that the OpenCV libraries will be copied to your application :file:`libs` folder during the JNI build.v - Eclipse will automatically include all the libraries from the :file:`libs` folder to the - application package (APK). + Eclipse will automatically include all the libraries from the :file:`libs` folder to the + application package (APK). -#. The last step of enabling OpenCV in your application is Java initialization code before calling +#. The last step of enabling OpenCV in your application is Java initialization code before calling OpenCV API. It can be done, for example, in the static section of the ``Activity`` class: .. code-block:: java @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ described above. } } - If you application includes other OpenCV-dependent native libraries you should load them + If you application includes other OpenCV-dependent native libraries you should load them **after** OpenCV initialization: .. code-block:: java @@ -205,16 +205,16 @@ described above. Native/C++ ---------- -To build your own Android application, using OpenCV as native part, the following steps should be +To build your own Android application, using OpenCV as native part, the following steps should be taken: -#. You can use an environment variable to specify the location of OpenCV package or just hardcode +#. You can use an environment variable to specify the location of OpenCV package or just hardcode absolute or relative path in the :file:`jni/Android.mk` of your projects. -#. The file :file:`jni/Android.mk` should be written for the current application using the common +#. The file :file:`jni/Android.mk` should be written for the current application using the common rules for this file. - For detailed information see the Android NDK documentation from the Android NDK archive, in the + For detailed information see the Android NDK documentation from the Android NDK archive, in the file :file:`/docs/ANDROID-MK.html`. #. The following line: @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ taken: include $(CLEAR_VARS) -#. Several variables can be used to customize OpenCV stuff, but you **don't need** to use them when +#. Several variables can be used to customize OpenCV stuff, but you **don't need** to use them when your application uses the `async initialization` via the `OpenCV Manager` API. .. note:: These variables should be set **before** the ``"include .../OpenCV.mk"`` line: @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ taken: OPENCV_INSTALL_MODULES:=on - Copies necessary OpenCV dynamic libs to the project ``libs`` folder in order to include them + Copies necessary OpenCV dynamic libs to the project ``libs`` folder in order to include them into the APK. .. code-block:: make @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ taken: OPENCV_LIB_TYPE:=STATIC - Perform static linking with OpenCV. By default dynamic link is used and the project JNI lib + Perform static linking with OpenCV. By default dynamic link is used and the project JNI lib depends on ``libopencv_java.so``. #. The file :file:`Application.mk` should exist and should contain lines: @@ -269,8 +269,8 @@ taken: Should specify the application target platforms. - In some cases a linkage error (like ``"In function 'cv::toUtf16(std::basic_string<...>... - undefined reference to 'mbstowcs'"``) happens when building an application JNI library, + In some cases a linkage error (like ``"In function 'cv::toUtf16(std::basic_string<...>... + undefined reference to 'mbstowcs'"``) happens when building an application JNI library, depending on OpenCV. The following line in the :file:`Application.mk` usually fixes it: .. code-block:: make @@ -278,19 +278,19 @@ taken: APP_PLATFORM := android-9 -#. Either use :ref:`manual ` ``ndk-build`` invocation or - :ref:`setup Eclipse CDT Builder ` to build native JNI lib before (re)building the Java +#. Either use :ref:`manual ` ``ndk-build`` invocation or + :ref:`setup Eclipse CDT Builder ` to build native JNI lib before (re)building the Java part and creating an APK. Hello OpenCV Sample =================== -Here are basic steps to guide you trough the process of creating a simple OpenCV-centric -application. It will be capable of accessing camera output, processing it and displaying the +Here are basic steps to guide you trough the process of creating a simple OpenCV-centric +application. It will be capable of accessing camera output, processing it and displaying the result. -#. Open Eclipse IDE, create a new clean workspace, create a new Android project +#. Open Eclipse IDE, create a new clean workspace, create a new Android project :menuselection:`File --> New --> Android Project` #. Set name, target, package and ``minSDKVersion`` accordingly. The minimal SDK version for build diff --git a/doc/tutorials/introduction/how_to_write_a_tutorial/how_to_write_a_tutorial.rst b/doc/tutorials/introduction/how_to_write_a_tutorial/how_to_write_a_tutorial.rst index ee89a4e9c..30620bafc 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/introduction/how_to_write_a_tutorial/how_to_write_a_tutorial.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/introduction/how_to_write_a_tutorial/how_to_write_a_tutorial.rst @@ -384,4 +384,4 @@ upcoming issues. During this it may take a little longer to see your work online however if you submitted it, be sure that eventually it will show up. If you have any questions or advices relating to this tutorial you can contact us at --delete-admin@-delete-opencv.org (delete the -delete- parts of that email address). \ No newline at end of file +-delete-admin@-delete-opencv.org (delete the -delete- parts of that email address). diff --git a/doc/tutorials/introduction/ios_install/ios_install.rst b/doc/tutorials/introduction/ios_install/ios_install.rst index 8d117a0b4..2973b7ec2 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/introduction/ios_install/ios_install.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/introduction/ios_install/ios_install.rst @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ In MacOS it can be done using the following command in Terminal: cd ~/ git clone https://github.com/Itseez/opencv.git - + Building OpenCV from Source, using CMake and Command Line ========================================================= @@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ Building OpenCV from Source, using CMake and Command Line #. Make symbolic link for Xcode to let OpenCV build scripts find the compiler, header files etc. .. code-block:: bash - + cd / sudo ln -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer Developer - + #. Build OpenCV framework: .. code-block:: bash diff --git a/doc/tutorials/introduction/linux_eclipse/linux_eclipse.rst b/doc/tutorials/introduction/linux_eclipse/linux_eclipse.rst index 41c161ce3..6aaf7c087 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/introduction/linux_eclipse/linux_eclipse.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/introduction/linux_eclipse/linux_eclipse.rst @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Prerequisites 1. Having installed `Eclipse `_ in your workstation (only the CDT plugin for C/C++ is needed). You can follow the following steps: - * Go to the Eclipse site + * Go to the Eclipse site * Download `Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers `_ . Choose the link according to your workstation. @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Prerequisites Making a project ================= -1. Start Eclipse. Just run the executable that comes in the folder. +1. Start Eclipse. Just run the executable that comes in the folder. #. Go to **File -> New -> C/C++ Project** @@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ Making a project :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 0 :align: center -#. Choose a name for your project (i.e. DisplayImage). An **Empty Project** should be okay for this example. +#. Choose a name for your project (i.e. DisplayImage). An **Empty Project** should be okay for this example. .. image:: images/a1.png :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 1 :align: center -#. Leave everything else by default. Press **Finish**. +#. Leave everything else by default. Press **Finish**. #. Your project (in this case DisplayImage) should appear in the **Project Navigator** (usually at the left side of your window). @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Making a project #. Now, let's add a source file using OpenCV: - * Right click on **DisplayImage** (in the Navigator). **New -> Folder** . + * Right click on **DisplayImage** (in the Navigator). **New -> Folder** . .. image:: images/a4.png :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 4 @@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ Making a project image = imread( argv[1], 1 ); if( argc != 2 || !image.data ) - { + { printf( "No image data \n" ); - return -1; + return -1; } namedWindow( "Display Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Making a project :align: center .. note:: - If you do not know where your opencv files are, open the **Terminal** and type: + If you do not know where your opencv files are, open the **Terminal** and type: .. code-block:: bash @@ -112,56 +112,56 @@ Making a project .. code-block:: bash - -I/usr/local/include/opencv -I/usr/local/include + -I/usr/local/include/opencv -I/usr/local/include b. Now go to **GCC C++ Linker**,there you have to fill two spaces: First in **Library search path (-L)** you have to write the path to where the opencv libraries reside, in my case the path is: :: - + /usr/local/lib - + Then in **Libraries(-l)** add the OpenCV libraries that you may need. Usually just the 3 first on the list below are enough (for simple applications) . In my case, I am putting all of them since I plan to use the whole bunch: - opencv_core - opencv_imgproc + opencv_core + opencv_imgproc opencv_highgui - opencv_ml - opencv_video + opencv_ml + opencv_video opencv_features2d - opencv_calib3d - opencv_objdetect + opencv_calib3d + opencv_objdetect opencv_contrib - opencv_legacy + opencv_legacy opencv_flann .. image:: images/a10.png :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 10 - :align: center - + :align: center + If you don't know where your libraries are (or you are just psychotic and want to make sure the path is fine), type in **Terminal**: .. code-block:: bash - + pkg-config --libs opencv My output (in case you want to check) was: .. code-block:: bash - - -L/usr/local/lib -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_video -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_contrib -lopencv_legacy -lopencv_flann + + -L/usr/local/lib -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_video -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_contrib -lopencv_legacy -lopencv_flann Now you are done. Click **OK** - * Your project should be ready to be built. For this, go to **Project->Build all** + * Your project should be ready to be built. For this, go to **Project->Build all** - In the Console you should get something like + In the Console you should get something like .. image:: images/a12.png :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 12 - :align: center + :align: center If you check in your folder, there should be an executable there. @@ -179,21 +179,21 @@ So, now we have an executable ready to run. If we were to use the Terminal, we w Assuming that the image to use as the argument would be located in /images/HappyLittleFish.png. We can still do this, but let's do it from Eclipse: -#. Go to **Run->Run Configurations** +#. Go to **Run->Run Configurations** -#. Under C/C++ Application you will see the name of your executable + Debug (if not, click over C/C++ Application a couple of times). Select the name (in this case **DisplayImage Debug**). +#. Under C/C++ Application you will see the name of your executable + Debug (if not, click over C/C++ Application a couple of times). Select the name (in this case **DisplayImage Debug**). #. Now, in the right side of the window, choose the **Arguments** Tab. Write the path of the image file we want to open (path relative to the workspace/DisplayImage folder). Let's use **HappyLittleFish.png**: .. image:: images/a14.png :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 14 - :align: center + :align: center #. Click on the **Apply** button and then in Run. An OpenCV window should pop up with the fish image (or whatever you used). .. image:: images/a15.jpg :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 15 - :align: center + :align: center #. Congratulations! You are ready to have fun with OpenCV using Eclipse. @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ Say you have or create a new file, *helloworld.cpp* in a directory called *foo*: ADD_EXECUTABLE( helloworld helloworld.cxx ) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( helloworld ${OpenCV_LIBS} ) -#. Run: ``cmake-gui ..`` and make sure you fill in where opencv was built. +#. Run: ``cmake-gui ..`` and make sure you fill in where opencv was built. #. Then click ``configure`` and then ``generate``. If it's OK, **quit cmake-gui** @@ -253,6 +253,3 @@ Say you have or create a new file, *helloworld.cpp* in a directory called *foo*: a. You can also optionally modify the ``Build command:`` from ``make`` to something like ``make VERBOSE=1 -j4`` which tells the compiler to produce detailed symbol files for debugging and also to compile in 4 parallel threads. #. Done! - - - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/introduction/linux_gcc_cmake/linux_gcc_cmake.rst b/doc/tutorials/introduction/linux_gcc_cmake/linux_gcc_cmake.rst index e603e5c28..f582d3208 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/introduction/linux_gcc_cmake/linux_gcc_cmake.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/introduction/linux_gcc_cmake/linux_gcc_cmake.rst @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Using OpenCV with gcc and CMake * The easiest way of using OpenCV in your code is to use `CMake `_. A few advantages (taken from the Wiki): #. No need to change anything when porting between Linux and Windows - #. Can easily be combined with other tools by CMake( i.e. Qt, ITK and VTK ) + #. Can easily be combined with other tools by CMake( i.e. Qt, ITK and VTK ) * If you are not familiar with CMake, checkout the `tutorial `_ on its website. @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Steps Create a program using OpenCV ------------------------------- -Let's use a simple program such as DisplayImage.cpp shown below. +Let's use a simple program such as DisplayImage.cpp shown below. .. code-block:: cpp @@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ Let's use a simple program such as DisplayImage.cpp shown below. image = imread( argv[1], 1 ); if( argc != 2 || !image.data ) - { + { printf( "No image data \n" ); - return -1; + return -1; } namedWindow( "Display Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); diff --git a/doc/tutorials/introduction/linux_install/linux_install.rst b/doc/tutorials/introduction/linux_install/linux_install.rst index e3039ca07..1e02b64c9 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/introduction/linux_install/linux_install.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/introduction/linux_install/linux_install.rst @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ Required Packages .. code-block:: bash - sudo apt-get install build-essential - + sudo apt-get install build-essential + * CMake 2.6 or higher; * Git; * GTK+2.x or higher, including headers (libgtk2.0-dev); @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ In Linux it can be achieved with the following command in Terminal: cd ~/ git clone https://github.com/Itseez/opencv.git - + Building OpenCV from Source Using CMake, Using the Command Line =============================================================== @@ -58,26 +58,25 @@ Building OpenCV from Source Using CMake, Using the Command Line #. Enter the and type .. code-block:: bash - + cmake [] For example .. code-block:: bash - + cd ~/opencv mkdir release cd release cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local .. - + #. Enter the created temporary directory () and proceed with: .. code-block:: bash - + make sudo make install .. note:: - - If the size of the created library is a critical issue (like in case of an Android build) you can use the ``install/strip`` command to get the smallest size as possible. The *stripped* version appears to be twice as small. However, we do not recommend using this unless those extra megabytes do really matter. + If the size of the created library is a critical issue (like in case of an Android build) you can use the ``install/strip`` command to get the smallest size as possible. The *stripped* version appears to be twice as small. However, we do not recommend using this unless those extra megabytes do really matter. diff --git a/doc/tutorials/introduction/load_save_image/load_save_image.rst b/doc/tutorials/introduction/load_save_image/load_save_image.rst index 1a757cfab..50fb9ea37 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/introduction/load_save_image/load_save_image.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/introduction/load_save_image/load_save_image.rst @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ Load, Modify, and Save an Image .. note:: - We assume that by now you know how to load an image using :imread:`imread <>` and to display it in a window (using :imshow:`imshow <>`). Read the :ref:`Display_Image` tutorial otherwise. - + We assume that by now you know how to load an image using :imread:`imread <>` and to display it in a window (using :imshow:`imshow <>`). Read the :ref:`Display_Image` tutorial otherwise. + Goals ====== @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ Here it is: { char* imageName = argv[1]; - Mat image; + Mat image; image = imread( imageName, 1 ); - + if( argc != 2 || !image.data ) { printf( " No image data \n " ); @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Here it is: namedWindow( "Gray image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); imshow( imageName, image ); - imshow( "Gray image", gray_image ); + imshow( "Gray image", gray_image ); waitKey(0); @@ -67,18 +67,18 @@ Explanation * Creating a Mat object to store the image information * Load an image using :imread:`imread <>`, located in the path given by *imageName*. Fort this example, assume you are loading a RGB image. - -#. Now we are going to convert our image from BGR to Grayscale format. OpenCV has a really nice function to do this kind of transformations: + +#. Now we are going to convert our image from BGR to Grayscale format. OpenCV has a really nice function to do this kind of transformations: .. code-block:: cpp - + cvtColor( image, gray_image, CV_BGR2GRAY ); As you can see, :cvt_color:`cvtColor <>` takes as arguments: .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare - * a source image (*image*) + * a source image (*image*) * a destination image (*gray_image*), in which we will save the converted image. * an additional parameter that indicates what kind of transformation will be performed. In this case we use **CV_BGR2GRAY** (because of :imread:`imread <>` has BGR default channel order in case of color images). @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Explanation .. code-block:: cpp - imwrite( "../../images/Gray_Image.jpg", gray_image ); + imwrite( "../../images/Gray_Image.jpg", gray_image ); Which will save our *gray_image* as *Gray_Image.jpg* in the folder *images* located two levels up of my current location. diff --git a/doc/tutorials/introduction/windows_install/windows_install.rst b/doc/tutorials/introduction/windows_install/windows_install.rst index 8ed84197d..c29c13aed 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/introduction/windows_install/windows_install.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/introduction/windows_install/windows_install.rst @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Building the library #. Install |TortoiseGit|_. Choose the 32 or 64 bit version according to the type of OS you work in. While installing, locate your msysgit (if it doesn't do that automatically). Follow the wizard -- the default options are OK for the most part. -#. Choose a directory in your file system, where you will download the OpenCV libraries to. I recommend creating a new one that has short path and no special charachters in it, for example :file:`D:/OpenCV`. For this tutorial I'll suggest you do so. If you use your own path and know, what you're doing -- it's OK. +#. Choose a directory in your file system, where you will download the OpenCV libraries to. I recommend creating a new one that has short path and no special charachters in it, for example :file:`D:/OpenCV`. For this tutorial I'll suggest you do so. If you use your own path and know, what you're doing -- it's OK. a) Clone the repository to the selected directory. After clicking *Clone* button, a window will appear where you can select from what repository you want to download source files (https://github.com/Itseez/opencv.git) and to what directory (:file:`D:/OpenCV`). @@ -314,10 +314,10 @@ First we set an enviroment variable to make easier our work. This will hold the setx -m OPENCV_DIR D:\OpenCV\Build\x86\vc10 (suggested for Visual Studio 2010 - 32 bit Windows) setx -m OPENCV_DIR D:\OpenCV\Build\x64\vc10 (suggested for Visual Studio 2010 - 64 bit Windows) - + setx -m OPENCV_DIR D:\OpenCV\Build\x86\vc11 (suggested for Visual Studio 2012 - 32 bit Windows) setx -m OPENCV_DIR D:\OpenCV\Build\x64\vc11 (suggested for Visual Studio 2012 - 64 bit Windows) - + Here the directory is where you have your OpenCV binaries (*extracted* or *built*). You can have different platform (e.g. x64 instead of x86) or compiler type, so substitute appropriate value. Inside this you should have two folders called *lib* and *bin*. The -m should be added if you wish to make the settings computer wise, instead of user wise. If you built static libraries then you are done. Otherwise, you need to add the *bin* folders path to the systems path. This is cause you will use the OpenCV library in form of *\"Dynamic-link libraries\"* (also known as **DLL**). Inside these are stored all the algorithms and information the OpenCV library contains. The operating system will load them only on demand, during runtime. However, to do this he needs to know where they are. The systems **PATH** contains a list of folders where DLLs can be found. Add the OpenCV library path to this and the OS will know where to look if he ever needs the OpenCV binaries. Otherwise, you will need to copy the used DLLs right beside the applications executable file (*exe*) for the OS to find it, which is highly unpleasent if you work on many projects. To do this start up again the |PathEditor|_ and add the following new entry (right click in the application to bring up the menu): diff --git a/doc/tutorials/introduction/windows_visual_studio_Opencv/windows_visual_studio_Opencv.rst b/doc/tutorials/introduction/windows_visual_studio_Opencv/windows_visual_studio_Opencv.rst index ccf35eb05..f3058a74d 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/introduction/windows_visual_studio_Opencv/windows_visual_studio_Opencv.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/introduction/windows_visual_studio_Opencv/windows_visual_studio_Opencv.rst @@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ I start out from the assumption that you have read and completed with success th :alt: You should have a folder looking like this. :align: center -The OpenCV libraries, distributed by us, on the Microsoft Windows operating system are in a **D**\ ynamic **L**\ inked **L**\ ibraries (*DLL*). These have the advantage that all the content of the library are loaded only at runtime, on demand, and that countless programs may use the same library file. This means that if you have ten applications using the OpenCV library, no need to have around a version for each one of them. Of course you need to have the *dll* of the OpenCV on all systems where you want to run your application. +The OpenCV libraries, distributed by us, on the Microsoft Windows operating system are in a **D**\ ynamic **L**\ inked **L**\ ibraries (*DLL*). These have the advantage that all the content of the library are loaded only at runtime, on demand, and that countless programs may use the same library file. This means that if you have ten applications using the OpenCV library, no need to have around a version for each one of them. Of course you need to have the *dll* of the OpenCV on all systems where you want to run your application. Another approach is to use static libraries that have *lib* extensions. You may build these by using our source files as described in the :ref:`Windows_Installation` tutorial. When you use this the library will be built-in inside your *exe* file. So there is no chance that the user deletes them, for some reason. As a drawback your application will be larger one and as, it will take more time to load it during its startup. -To build an application with OpenCV you need to do two things: +To build an application with OpenCV you need to do two things: .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare - + *Tell* to the compiler how the OpenCV library *looks*. You do this by *showing* it the header files. - + *Tell* to the linker from where to get the functions or data structures of OpenCV, when they are needed. + + *Tell* to the compiler how the OpenCV library *looks*. You do this by *showing* it the header files. + + *Tell* to the linker from where to get the functions or data structures of OpenCV, when they are needed. If you use the *lib* system you must set the path where the library files are and specify in which one of them to look. During the build the linker will look into these libraries and add the definitions and implementation of all *used* functions and data structures to the executable file. @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ To build an application with OpenCV you need to do two things: To pass on all this information to the Visual Studio IDE you can either do it globally (so all your future projects will get these information) or locally (so only for you current project). The advantage of the global one is that you only need to do it once; however, it may be undesirable to clump all your projects all the time with all these information. In case of the global one how you do it depends on the Microsoft Visual Studio you use. There is a **2008 and previous versions** and a **2010 way** of doing it. Inside the global section of this tutorial I'll show what the main differences are. -The base item of a project in Visual Studio is a solution. A solution may contain multiple projects. Projects are the building blocks of an application. Every project will realize something and you will have a main project in which you can put together this project puzzle. In case of the many simple applications (like many of the tutorials will be) you do not need to break down the application into modules. In these cases your main project will be the only existing one. Now go create a new solution inside Visual studio by going through the :menuselection:`File --> New --> Project` menu selection. Choose *Win32 Console Application* as type. Enter its name and select the path where to create it. Then in the upcoming dialog make sure you create an empty project. +The base item of a project in Visual Studio is a solution. A solution may contain multiple projects. Projects are the building blocks of an application. Every project will realize something and you will have a main project in which you can put together this project puzzle. In case of the many simple applications (like many of the tutorials will be) you do not need to break down the application into modules. In these cases your main project will be the only existing one. Now go create a new solution inside Visual studio by going through the :menuselection:`File --> New --> Project` menu selection. Choose *Win32 Console Application* as type. Enter its name and select the path where to create it. Then in the upcoming dialog make sure you create an empty project. .. image:: images/NewProjectVisualStudio.jpg :alt: Which options to select @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ The base item of a project in Visual Studio is a solution. A solution may contai The *local* method ================== -Every project is built separately from the others. Due to this every project has its own rule package. Inside this rule packages are stored all the information the *IDE* needs to know to build your project. For any application there are at least two build modes: a *Release* and a *Debug* one. The *Debug* has many features that exist so you can find and resolve easier bugs inside your application. In contrast the *Release* is an optimized version, where the goal is to make the application run as fast as possible or to be as small as possible. You may figure that these modes also require different rules to use during build. Therefore, there exist different rule packages for each of your build modes. These rule packages are called inside the IDE as *project properties* and you can view and modify them by using the *Property Manger*. You can bring up this with :menuselection:`View --> Property Pages`. Expand it and you can see the existing rule packages (called *Proporty Sheets*). +Every project is built separately from the others. Due to this every project has its own rule package. Inside this rule packages are stored all the information the *IDE* needs to know to build your project. For any application there are at least two build modes: a *Release* and a *Debug* one. The *Debug* has many features that exist so you can find and resolve easier bugs inside your application. In contrast the *Release* is an optimized version, where the goal is to make the application run as fast as possible or to be as small as possible. You may figure that these modes also require different rules to use during build. Therefore, there exist different rule packages for each of your build modes. These rule packages are called inside the IDE as *project properties* and you can view and modify them by using the *Property Manger*. You can bring up this with :menuselection:`View --> Property Pages`. Expand it and you can see the existing rule packages (called *Proporty Sheets*). .. image:: images/PropertyPageExample.jpg :alt: An example of Property Sheet @@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ Use for example the *OpenCV_Debug* name. Then by selecting the sheet :menuselect $(OPENCV_DIR)\..\..\include .. image:: images/PropertySheetOpenCVInclude.jpg - :alt: Add the include dir like this. + :alt: Add the include dir like this. :align: center -When adding third party libraries settings it is generally a good idea to use the power behind the environment variables. The full location of the OpenCV library may change on each system. Moreover, you may even end up yourself with moving the install directory for some reason. If you would give explicit paths inside your property sheet your project will end up not working when you pass it further to someone else who has a different OpenCV install path. Moreover, fixing this would require to manually modifying every explicit path. A more elegant solution is to use the environment variables. Anything that you put inside a parenthesis started with a dollar sign will be replaced at runtime with the current environment variables value. Here comes in play the environment variable setting we already made in our :ref:`previous tutorial `. +When adding third party libraries settings it is generally a good idea to use the power behind the environment variables. The full location of the OpenCV library may change on each system. Moreover, you may even end up yourself with moving the install directory for some reason. If you would give explicit paths inside your property sheet your project will end up not working when you pass it further to someone else who has a different OpenCV install path. Moreover, fixing this would require to manually modifying every explicit path. A more elegant solution is to use the environment variables. Anything that you put inside a parenthesis started with a dollar sign will be replaced at runtime with the current environment variables value. Here comes in play the environment variable setting we already made in our :ref:`previous tutorial `. Next go to the :menuselection:`Linker --> General` and under the *"Additional Library Directories"* add the libs directory: @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Next go to the :menuselection:`Linker --> General` and under the *"Additional Li $(OPENCV_DIR)\lib .. image:: images/PropertySheetOpenCVLib.jpg - :alt: Add the library folder like this. + :alt: Add the library folder like this. :align: center Then you need to specify the libraries in which the linker should look into. To do this go to the :menuselection:`Linker --> Input` and under the *"Additional Dependencies"* entry add the name of all modules which you want to use: @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Then you need to specify the libraries in which the linker should look into. To :align: center .. image:: images/PropertySheetOpenCVLibrariesDebug.jpg - :alt: Like this. + :alt: Like this. :align: center The names of the libraries are as follow: @@ -105,33 +105,33 @@ A full list, for the latest version would contain: The letter *d* at the end just indicates that these are the libraries required for the debug. Now click ok to save and do the same with a new property inside the Release rule section. Make sure to omit the *d* letters from the library names and to save the property sheets with the save icon above them. .. image:: images/PropertySheetOpenCVLibrariesRelease.jpg - :alt: And the release ones. + :alt: And the release ones. :align: center -You can find your property sheets inside your projects directory. At this point it is a wise decision to back them up into some special directory, to always have them at hand in the future, whenever you create an OpenCV project. Note that for Visual Studio 2010 the file extension is *props*, while for 2008 this is *vsprops*. +You can find your property sheets inside your projects directory. At this point it is a wise decision to back them up into some special directory, to always have them at hand in the future, whenever you create an OpenCV project. Note that for Visual Studio 2010 the file extension is *props*, while for 2008 this is *vsprops*. .. image:: images/PropertySheetInsideFolder.jpg - :alt: And the release ones. + :alt: And the release ones. :align: center -Next time when you make a new OpenCV project just use the "Add Existing Property Sheet..." menu entry inside the Property Manager to easily add the OpenCV build rules. +Next time when you make a new OpenCV project just use the "Add Existing Property Sheet..." menu entry inside the Property Manager to easily add the OpenCV build rules. .. image:: images/PropertyPageAddExisting.jpg - :alt: Use this option. + :alt: Use this option. :align: center The *global* method =================== -In case you find to troublesome to add the property pages to each and every one of your projects you can also add this rules to a *"global property page"*. However, this applies only to the additional include and library directories. The name of the libraries to use you still need to specify manually by using for instance: a Property page. +In case you find to troublesome to add the property pages to each and every one of your projects you can also add this rules to a *"global property page"*. However, this applies only to the additional include and library directories. The name of the libraries to use you still need to specify manually by using for instance: a Property page. -In Visual Studio 2008 you can find this under the: :menuselection:`Tools --> Options --> Projects and Solutions --> VC++ Directories`. +In Visual Studio 2008 you can find this under the: :menuselection:`Tools --> Options --> Projects and Solutions --> VC++ Directories`. .. image:: images/VCDirectories2008.jpg :alt: VC++ Directories in VS 2008. :align: center -In Visual Studio 2010 this has been moved to a global property sheet which is automatically added to every project you create: +In Visual Studio 2010 this has been moved to a global property sheet which is automatically added to every project you create: .. image:: images/VCDirectories2010.jpg :alt: VC++ Directories in VS 2010. @@ -153,10 +153,10 @@ You can start a Visual Studio build from two places. Either inside from the *IDE .. |voila| unicode:: voil U+00E1 -This is important to remember when you code inside the code open and save commands. You're resources will be saved ( and queried for at opening!!!) relatively to your working directory. This is unless you give a full, explicit path as parameter for the I/O functions. In the code above we open :download:`this OpenCV logo<../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/images/opencv-logo.png>`. Before starting up the application make sure you place the image file in your current working directory. Modify the image file name inside the code to try it out on other images too. Run it and |voila|: +This is important to remember when you code inside the code open and save commands. You're resources will be saved ( and queried for at opening!!!) relatively to your working directory. This is unless you give a full, explicit path as parameter for the I/O functions. In the code above we open :download:`this OpenCV logo<../../../../samples/cpp/tutorial_code/images/opencv-logo.png>`. Before starting up the application make sure you place the image file in your current working directory. Modify the image file name inside the code to try it out on other images too. Run it and |voila|: .. image:: images/SuccessVisualStudioWindows.jpg - :alt: You should have this. + :alt: You should have this. :align: center Command line arguments with Visual Studio @@ -167,11 +167,11 @@ Throughout some of our future tutorials you'll see that the programs main input .. code-block:: bash :linenos: - D: + D: CD OpenCV\MySolutionName\Release MySolutionName.exe exampleImage.jpg -Here I first changed my drive (if your project isn't on the OS local drive), navigated to my project and start it with an example image argument. While under Linux system it is common to fiddle around with the console window on the Microsoft Windows many people come to use it almost never. Besides, adding the same argument again and again while you are testing your application is, somewhat, a cumbersome task. Luckily, in the Visual Studio there is a menu to automate all this: +Here I first changed my drive (if your project isn't on the OS local drive), navigated to my project and start it with an example image argument. While under Linux system it is common to fiddle around with the console window on the Microsoft Windows many people come to use it almost never. Besides, adding the same argument again and again while you are testing your application is, somewhat, a cumbersome task. Luckily, in the Visual Studio there is a menu to automate all this: .. image:: images/VisualStudioCommandLineArguments.jpg :alt: Visual Studio Command Line Arguments diff --git a/doc/tutorials/introduction/windows_visual_studio_image_watch/windows_visual_studio_image_watch.rst b/doc/tutorials/introduction/windows_visual_studio_image_watch/windows_visual_studio_image_watch.rst index 7b201b977..1337ff3a1 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/introduction/windows_visual_studio_image_watch/windows_visual_studio_image_watch.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/introduction/windows_visual_studio_image_watch/windows_visual_studio_image_watch.rst @@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ Now you can inspect the state of you program. For example, you can bring up the Note that the built-in *Locals* window will display text only. This is where the Image Watch plug-in comes in. Image Watch is like another *Locals* window, but with an image viewer built into it. To bring up Image Watch, select :menuselection:`View --> Other Windows --> Image Watch`. Like Visual Studio's *Locals* window, Image Watch can dock to the Visual Studio IDE. Also, Visual Studio will remember whether you had Image Watch open, and where it was located between debugging sessions. This means you only have to do this once--the next time you start debugging, Image Watch will be back where you left it. Here's what the docked Image Watch window looks like at our breakpoint: .. image:: images/toolwindow.jpg - :height: 320pt + :height: 320pt The radio button at the top left (*Locals/Watch*) selects what is shown in the *Image List* below: *Locals* lists all OpenCV image objects in the current scope (this list is automatically populated). *Watch* shows image expressions that have been pinned for continuous inspection (not described here, see `Image Watch documentation `_ for details). The image list shows basic information such as width, height, number of channels, and, if available, a thumbnail. In our example, the image list contains our two local image variables, *input* and *edges*. If an image has a thumbnail, left-clicking on that image will select it for detailed viewing in the *Image Viewer* on the right. The viewer lets you pan (drag mouse) and zoom (mouse wheel). It also displays the pixel coordinate and value at the current mouse position. .. image:: images/viewer.jpg - :height: 160pt + :height: 160pt Note that the second image in the list, *edges*, is shown as "invalid". This indicates that some data members of this image object have corrupt or invalid values (for example, a negative image width). This is expected at this point in the program, since the C++ constructor for *edges* has not run yet, and so its members have undefined values (in debug mode they are usually filled with "0xCD" bytes). @@ -113,18 +113,18 @@ From here you can single-step through your code (:menuselection:`Debug->Step Ove Now assume you want to do a visual sanity check of the *cv::Canny()* implementation. Bring the *edges* image into the viewer by selecting it in the *Image List* and zoom into a region with a clearly defined edge: .. image:: images/edges_zoom.png - :height: 160pt - + :height: 160pt + Right-click on the *Image Viewer* to bring up the view context menu and enable :menuselection:`Link Views` (a check box next to the menu item indicates whether the option is enabled). .. image:: images/viewer_context_menu.png - :height: 120pt + :height: 120pt The :menuselection:`Link Views` feature keeps the view region fixed when flipping between images of the same size. To see how this works, select the input image from the image list--you should now see the corresponding zoomed-in region in the input image: .. image:: images/input_zoom.png - :height: 160pt - + :height: 160pt + You may also switch back and forth between viewing input and edges with your up/down cursor keys. That way you can easily verify that the detected edges line up nicely with the data in the input image. More ... @@ -141,4 +141,4 @@ Image watch has a number of more advanced features, such as Please refer to the online `Image Watch Documentation `_ for details--you also can get to the documentation page by clicking on the *Help* link in the Image Watch window: .. image:: images/help_button.jpg - :height: 80pt + :height: 80pt diff --git a/doc/tutorials/ios/hello/hello.rst b/doc/tutorials/ios/hello/hello.rst index 8e6ddb88a..a7ca1f6f0 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/ios/hello/hello.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/ios/hello/hello.rst @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Follow this step by step guide to link OpenCV to iOS. 1. Create a new XCode project. -2. Now we need to link *opencv2.framework* with Xcode. Select the project Navigator in the left hand panel and click on project name. +2. Now we need to link *opencv2.framework* with Xcode. Select the project Navigator in the left hand panel and click on project name. 3. Under the TARGETS click on Build Phases. Expand Link Binary With Libraries option. @@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ Follow this step by step guide to link OpenCV to iOS. .. image:: images/linking_opencv_ios.png :alt: OpenCV iOS in Xcode - :align: center + :align: center *Hello OpenCV iOS Application* -=============================== +=============================== Now we will learn how to write a simple Hello World Application in Xcode using OpenCV. @@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ Now we will learn how to write a simple Hello World Application in Xcode using O .. code-block:: cpp - #ifdef __cplusplus - #import - #endif + #ifdef __cplusplus + #import + #endif .. image:: images/header_directive.png :alt: header - :align: center + :align: center .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Now we will learn how to write a simple Hello World Application in Xcode using O .. image:: images/view_did_load.png :alt: view did load - :align: center + :align: center .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare @@ -73,4 +73,3 @@ Now we will learn how to write a simple Hello World Application in Xcode using O .. image:: images/output.png :alt: output :align: center - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/ios/image_manipulation/image_manipulation.rst b/doc/tutorials/ios/image_manipulation/image_manipulation.rst index e8d4aad5b..c4cde1990 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/ios/image_manipulation/image_manipulation.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/ios/image_manipulation/image_manipulation.rst @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ In *OpenCV* all the image processing operations are done on *Mat*. iOS uses UIIm CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGImageGetColorSpace(image.CGImage); CGFloat cols = image.size.width; CGFloat rows = image.size.height; - + cv::Mat cvMat(rows, cols, CV_8UC4); // 8 bits per component, 4 channels - + CGContextRef contextRef = CGBitmapContextCreate(cvMat.data, // Pointer to data cols, // Width of bitmap rows, // Height of bitmap @@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ In *OpenCV* all the image processing operations are done on *Mat*. iOS uses UIIm colorSpace, // Colorspace kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast | kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault); // Bitmap info flags - + CGContextDrawImage(contextRef, CGRectMake(0, 0, cols, rows), image.CGImage); CGContextRelease(contextRef); CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace); - + return cvMat; } @@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ In *OpenCV* all the image processing operations are done on *Mat*. iOS uses UIIm CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGImageGetColorSpace(image.CGImage); CGFloat cols = image.size.width; CGFloat rows = image.size.height; - + cv::Mat cvMat(rows, cols, CV_8UC1); // 8 bits per component, 1 channels - + CGContextRef contextRef = CGBitmapContextCreate(cvMat.data, // Pointer to data cols, // Width of bitmap rows, // Height of bitmap @@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ In *OpenCV* all the image processing operations are done on *Mat*. iOS uses UIIm colorSpace, // Colorspace kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast | kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault); // Bitmap info flags - + CGContextDrawImage(contextRef, CGRectMake(0, 0, cols, rows), image.CGImage); CGContextRelease(contextRef); CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace); - + return cvMat; } @@ -81,15 +81,15 @@ After the processing we need to convert it back to UIImage. { NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:cvMat.data length:cvMat.elemSize()*cvMat.total()]; CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace; - + if (cvMat.elemSize() == 1) { colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray(); } else { colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); } - + CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData((__bridge CFDataRef)data); - + // Creating CGImage from cv::Mat CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageCreate(cvMat.cols, //width cvMat.rows, //height @@ -103,15 +103,15 @@ After the processing we need to convert it back to UIImage. false, //should interpolate kCGRenderingIntentDefault //intent ); - - + + // Getting UIImage from CGImage UIImage *finalImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageRef]; CGImageRelease(imageRef); CGDataProviderRelease(provider); CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace); - - return finalImage; + + return finalImage; } *Output* @@ -119,12 +119,12 @@ After the processing we need to convert it back to UIImage. .. image:: images/output.jpg :alt: header - :align: center + :align: center -Check out an instance of running code with more Image Effects on `YouTube `_ . +Check out an instance of running code with more Image Effects on `YouTube `_ . .. raw:: html
\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/doc/tutorials/ios/table_of_content_ios/table_of_content_ios.rst b/doc/tutorials/ios/table_of_content_ios/table_of_content_ios.rst index 5ecda41c2..377446dee 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/ios/table_of_content_ios/table_of_content_ios.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/ios/table_of_content_ios/table_of_content_ios.rst @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ .. toctree:: :hidden: - + ../hello/hello ../image_manipulation/image_manipulation ../video_processing/video_processing diff --git a/doc/tutorials/ios/video_processing/video_processing.rst b/doc/tutorials/ios/video_processing/video_processing.rst index 6143f7717..bd83ace75 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/ios/video_processing/video_processing.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/ios/video_processing/video_processing.rst @@ -17,35 +17,35 @@ Including OpenCV library in your iOS project The OpenCV library comes as a so-called framework, which you can directly drag-and-drop into your XCode project. Download the latest binary from . Alternatively follow this guide :ref:`iOS-Installation` to compile the framework manually. Once you have the framework, just drag-and-drop into XCode: - .. image:: images/xcode_hello_ios_framework_drag_and_drop.png - - + .. image:: images/xcode_hello_ios_framework_drag_and_drop.png + + Also you have to locate the prefix header that is used for all header files in the project. The file is typically located at "ProjectName/Supporting Files/ProjectName-Prefix.pch". There, you have add an include statement to import the opencv library. However, make sure you include opencv before you include UIKit and Foundation, because else you will get some weird compile errors that some macros like min and max are defined multiple times. For example the prefix header could look like the following: .. code-block:: objc - :linenos: - - // - // Prefix header for all source files of the 'VideoFilters' target in the 'VideoFilters' project - // - - #import - - #ifndef __IPHONE_4_0 - #warning "This project uses features only available in iOS SDK 4.0 and later." - #endif - - #ifdef __cplusplus - #import - #endif - - #ifdef __OBJC__ - #import - #import - #endif - - - + :linenos: + + // + // Prefix header for all source files of the 'VideoFilters' target in the 'VideoFilters' project + // + + #import + + #ifndef __IPHONE_4_0 + #warning "This project uses features only available in iOS SDK 4.0 and later." + #endif + + #ifdef __cplusplus + #import + #endif + + #ifdef __OBJC__ + #import + #import + #endif + + + Example video frame processing project -------------------------------------- User Interface @@ -53,63 +53,63 @@ User Interface First, we create a simple iOS project, for example Single View Application. Then, we create and add an UIImageView and UIButton to start the camera and display the video frames. The storyboard could look like that: - .. image:: images/xcode_hello_ios_viewcontroller_layout.png + .. image:: images/xcode_hello_ios_viewcontroller_layout.png Make sure to add and connect the IBOutlets and IBActions to the corresponding ViewController: .. code-block:: objc - :linenos: - - @interface ViewController : UIViewController - { - IBOutlet UIImageView* imageView; - IBOutlet UIButton* button; - } - - - (IBAction)actionStart:(id)sender; - - @end - - + :linenos: + + @interface ViewController : UIViewController + { + IBOutlet UIImageView* imageView; + IBOutlet UIButton* button; + } + + - (IBAction)actionStart:(id)sender; + + @end + + Adding the Camera ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We add a camera controller to the view controller and initialize it when the view has loaded: .. code-block:: objc - :linenos: - - #import - using namespace cv; - - - @interface ViewController : UIViewController - { - ... - CvVideoCamera* videoCamera; - } - ... - @property (nonatomic, retain) CvVideoCamera* videoCamera; - - @end - -.. code-block:: objc - :linenos: + :linenos: + + #import + using namespace cv; + + + @interface ViewController : UIViewController + { + ... + CvVideoCamera* videoCamera; + } + ... + @property (nonatomic, retain) CvVideoCamera* videoCamera; + + @end + +.. code-block:: objc + :linenos: + + - (void)viewDidLoad + { + [super viewDidLoad]; + // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. + + self.videoCamera = [[CvVideoCamera alloc] initWithParentView:imageView]; + self.videoCamera.defaultAVCaptureDevicePosition = AVCaptureDevicePositionFront; + self.videoCamera.defaultAVCaptureSessionPreset = AVCaptureSessionPreset352x288; + self.videoCamera.defaultAVCaptureVideoOrientation = AVCaptureVideoOrientationPortrait; + self.videoCamera.defaultFPS = 30; + self.videoCamera.grayscale = NO; + } - - (void)viewDidLoad - { - [super viewDidLoad]; - // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. - - self.videoCamera = [[CvVideoCamera alloc] initWithParentView:imageView]; - self.videoCamera.defaultAVCaptureDevicePosition = AVCaptureDevicePositionFront; - self.videoCamera.defaultAVCaptureSessionPreset = AVCaptureSessionPreset352x288; - self.videoCamera.defaultAVCaptureVideoOrientation = AVCaptureVideoOrientationPortrait; - self.videoCamera.defaultFPS = 30; - self.videoCamera.grayscale = NO; - } - In this case, we initialize the camera and provide the imageView as a target for rendering each frame. CvVideoCamera is basically a wrapper around AVFoundation, so we provie as properties some of the AVFoundation camera options. For example we want to use the front camera, set the video size to 352x288 and a video orientation (the video camera normally outputs in landscape mode, which results in transposed data when you design a portrait application). The property defaultFPS sets the FPS of the camera. If the processing is less fast than the desired FPS, frames are automatically dropped. @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Additionally, we have to manually add framework dependencies of the opencv frame * Foundation - .. image:: images/xcode_hello_ios_frameworks_add_dependencies.png + .. image:: images/xcode_hello_ios_frameworks_add_dependencies.png Processing frames @@ -152,35 +152,35 @@ Processing frames We follow the delegation pattern, which is very common in iOS, to provide access to each camera frame. Basically, the View Controller has to implement the CvVideoCameraDelegate protocol and has to be set as delegate to the video camera: .. code-block:: objc - :linenos: - - @interface ViewController : UIViewController - + :linenos: + + @interface ViewController : UIViewController + .. code-block:: objc - :linenos: - - - (void)viewDidLoad - { - ... - self.videoCamera = [[CvVideoCamera alloc] initWithParentView:imageView]; - self.videoCamera.delegate = self; - ... - } + :linenos: + + - (void)viewDidLoad + { + ... + self.videoCamera = [[CvVideoCamera alloc] initWithParentView:imageView]; + self.videoCamera.delegate = self; + ... + } .. code-block:: objc - :linenos: + :linenos: - #pragma mark - Protocol CvVideoCameraDelegate + #pragma mark - Protocol CvVideoCameraDelegate - #ifdef __cplusplus - - (void)processImage:(Mat&)image; - { - // Do some OpenCV stuff with the image - } - #endif + #ifdef __cplusplus + - (void)processImage:(Mat&)image; + { + // Do some OpenCV stuff with the image + } + #endif Note that we are using C++ here (cv::Mat). Important: You have to rename the view controller's extension .m into .mm, so that the compiler compiles it under the assumption of Objective-C++ (Objective-C and C++ mixed). Then, __cplusplus is defined when the compiler is processing the file for C++ code. Therefore, we put our code within a block where __cplusplus is defined. @@ -193,18 +193,18 @@ From here you can start processing video frames. For example the following snipp .. code-block:: objc - :linenos: - - - (void)processImage:(Mat&)image; - { - // Do some OpenCV stuff with the image - Mat image_copy; - cvtColor(image, image_copy, CV_BGRA2BGR); - - // invert image - bitwise_not(image_copy, image_copy); - cvtColor(image_copy, image, CV_BGR2BGRA); - } + :linenos: + + - (void)processImage:(Mat&)image; + { + // Do some OpenCV stuff with the image + Mat image_copy; + cvtColor(image, image_copy, CV_BGRA2BGR); + + // invert image + bitwise_not(image_copy, image_copy); + cvtColor(image_copy, image, CV_BGR2BGRA); + } Start! @@ -213,14 +213,14 @@ Start! Finally, we have to tell the camera to actually start/stop working. The following code will start the camera when you press the button, assuming you connected the UI properly: .. code-block:: objc - :linenos: - - #pragma mark - UI Actions - - - (IBAction)actionStart:(id)sender; - { - [self.videoCamera start]; - } + :linenos: + + #pragma mark - UI Actions + + - (IBAction)actionStart:(id)sender; + { + [self.videoCamera start]; + } diff --git a/doc/tutorials/ml/introduction_to_svm/introduction_to_svm.rst b/doc/tutorials/ml/introduction_to_svm/introduction_to_svm.rst index 6cd66e52b..50f734803 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/ml/introduction_to_svm/introduction_to_svm.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/ml/introduction_to_svm/introduction_to_svm.rst @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ In this tutorial you will learn how to: .. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare - + Use the OpenCV functions :svms:`CvSVM::train ` to build a classifier based on SVMs and :svms:`CvSVM::predict ` to test its performance. + + Use the OpenCV functions :svms:`CvSVM::train ` to build a classifier based on SVMs and :svms:`CvSVM::predict ` to test its performance. What is a SVM? ============== @@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ Then, the operation of the SVM algorithm is based on finding the hyperplane that .. image:: images/optimal-hyperplane.png :alt: The Optimal hyperplane - :align: center + :align: center How is the optimal hyperplane computed? ======================================= Let's introduce the notation used to define formally a hyperplane: -.. math:: +.. math:: f(x) = \beta_{0} + \beta^{T} x, where :math:`\beta` is known as the *weight vector* and :math:`\beta_{0}` as the *bias*. @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Explanation .. code-block:: cpp Mat trainingDataMat(3, 2, CV_32FC1, trainingData); - Mat labelsMat (3, 1, CV_32FC1, labels); + Mat labelsMat (3, 1, CV_32FC1, labels); 2. **Set up SVM's parameters** @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Explanation .. code-block:: cpp Vec3b green(0,255,0), blue (255,0,0); - + for (int i = 0; i < image.rows; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < image.cols; ++j) { @@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ Explanation if (response == 1) image.at(j, i) = green; - else - if (response == -1) + else + if (response == -1) image.at(j, i) = blue; } @@ -184,5 +184,4 @@ Results .. image:: images/result.png :alt: The seperated planes - :align: center - + :align: center diff --git a/doc/tutorials/ml/non_linear_svms/non_linear_svms.rst b/doc/tutorials/ml/non_linear_svms/non_linear_svms.rst index c09a8e3f8..5e46bb003 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/ml/non_linear_svms/non_linear_svms.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/ml/non_linear_svms/non_linear_svms.rst @@ -216,4 +216,4 @@ You may observe a runtime instance of this on the `YouTube here - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/doc/tutorials/ml/table_of_content_ml/table_of_content_ml.rst b/doc/tutorials/ml/table_of_content_ml/table_of_content_ml.rst index 452b89636..4691756a9 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/ml/table_of_content_ml/table_of_content_ml.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/ml/table_of_content_ml/table_of_content_ml.rst @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ Use the powerfull machine learning classes for statistical classification, regression and clustering of data. -.. include:: ../../definitions/tocDefinitions.rst +.. include:: ../../definitions/tocDefinitions.rst -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Use the powerfull machine learning classes for statistical classification, regre *Author:* |Author_FernandoI| - Learn what a Suport Vector Machine is. + Learn what a Suport Vector Machine is. ============ ============================================== @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Use the powerfull machine learning classes for statistical classification, regre :height: 90pt :width: 90pt -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv @@ -51,6 +51,6 @@ Use the powerfull machine learning classes for statistical classification, regre .. toctree:: :hidden: - + ../introduction_to_svm/introduction_to_svm ../non_linear_svms/non_linear_svms diff --git a/doc/tutorials/objdetect/cascade_classifier/cascade_classifier.rst b/doc/tutorials/objdetect/cascade_classifier/cascade_classifier.rst index cabb81c01..03080fec5 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/objdetect/cascade_classifier/cascade_classifier.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/objdetect/cascade_classifier/cascade_classifier.rst @@ -131,4 +131,3 @@ Result .. image:: images/Cascade_Classifier_Tutorial_Result_LBP.jpg :align: center :height: 300pt - diff --git a/doc/tutorials/objdetect/table_of_content_objdetect/table_of_content_objdetect.rst b/doc/tutorials/objdetect/table_of_content_objdetect/table_of_content_objdetect.rst index 64ed10945..c9df3eb1d 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/objdetect/table_of_content_objdetect/table_of_content_objdetect.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/objdetect/table_of_content_objdetect/table_of_content_objdetect.rst @@ -5,23 +5,23 @@ Ever wondered how your digital camera detects peoples and faces? Look here to find out! -.. include:: ../../definitions/tocDefinitions.rst +.. include:: ../../definitions/tocDefinitions.rst -+ ++ .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv ===================== ============================================== |CascadeClassif| **Title:** :ref:`cascade_classifier` - + *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 - + *Author:* |Author_AnaH| - + Here we learn how to use *objdetect* to find objects in our images or videos - + ===================== ============================================== - + .. |CascadeClassif| image:: images/Cascade_Classifier_Tutorial_Cover.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt diff --git a/doc/tutorials/video/table_of_content_video/table_of_content_video.rst b/doc/tutorials/video/table_of_content_video/table_of_content_video.rst index 778bc5cdb..a2521d695 100644 --- a/doc/tutorials/video/table_of_content_video/table_of_content_video.rst +++ b/doc/tutorials/video/table_of_content_video/table_of_content_video.rst @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ *video* module. Video analysis ----------------------------------------------------------- -Look here in order to find use on your video stream algoritms like: motion extraction, feature tracking and foreground extractions. +Look here in order to find use on your video stream algoritms like: motion extraction, feature tracking and foreground extractions. .. include:: ../../definitions/noContent.rst diff --git a/doc/user_guide/ug_features2d.rst b/doc/user_guide/ug_features2d.rst index ac5633671..e3ef302dc 100644 --- a/doc/user_guide/ug_features2d.rst +++ b/doc/user_guide/ug_features2d.rst @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ First, we create an instance of a keypoint detector. All detectors inherit the a extractor.compute(img1, keypoints1, descriptors1); extractor.compute(img2, keypoints2, descriptors2); -We create an instance of descriptor extractor. The most of OpenCV descriptors inherit ``DescriptorExtractor`` abstract interface. Then we compute descriptors for each of the keypoints. The output ``Mat`` of the ``DescriptorExtractor::compute`` method contains a descriptor in a row *i* for each *i*-th keypoint. Note that the method can modify the keypoints vector by removing the keypoints such that a descriptor for them is not defined (usually these are the keypoints near image border). The method makes sure that the ouptut keypoints and descriptors are consistent with each other (so that the number of keypoints is equal to the descriptors row count). :: +We create an instance of descriptor extractor. The most of OpenCV descriptors inherit ``DescriptorExtractor`` abstract interface. Then we compute descriptors for each of the keypoints. The output ``Mat`` of the ``DescriptorExtractor::compute`` method contains a descriptor in a row *i* for each *i*-th keypoint. Note that the method can modify the keypoints vector by removing the keypoints such that a descriptor for them is not defined (usually these are the keypoints near image border). The method makes sure that the ouptut keypoints and descriptors are consistent with each other (so that the number of keypoints is equal to the descriptors row count). :: // matching descriptors BruteForceMatcher > matcher; diff --git a/doc/user_guide/ug_mat.rst b/doc/user_guide/ug_mat.rst index 5fd163053..d4cef8f23 100644 --- a/doc/user_guide/ug_mat.rst +++ b/doc/user_guide/ug_mat.rst @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Images Load an image from a file: :: Mat img = imread(filename) - + If you read a jpg file, a 3 channel image is created by default. If you need a grayscale image, use: :: Mat img = imread(filename, 0); @@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ If you read a jpg file, a 3 channel image is created by default. If you need a g Save an image to a file: :: imwrite(filename, img); - + .. note:: format of the file is determined by its extension. .. note:: use ``imdecode`` and ``imencode`` to read and write image from/to memory rather than a file. XML/YAML -------- - + TBD Basic operations with images @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ There are functions in OpenCV, especially from calib3d module, such as ``project //... fill the array Mat pointsMat = Mat(points); -One can access a point in this matrix using the same method ``Mat::at`` : +One can access a point in this matrix using the same method ``Mat::at`` : :: @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Memory management and reference counting // .. fill the array Mat pointsMat = Mat(points).reshape(1); -As a result we get a 32FC1 matrix with 3 columns instead of 32FC3 matrix with 1 column. ``pointsMat`` uses data from ``points`` and will not deallocate the memory when destroyed. In this particular instance, however, developer has to make sure that lifetime of ``points`` is longer than of ``pointsMat``. +As a result we get a 32FC1 matrix with 3 columns instead of 32FC3 matrix with 1 column. ``pointsMat`` uses data from ``points`` and will not deallocate the memory when destroyed. In this particular instance, however, developer has to make sure that lifetime of ``points`` is longer than of ``pointsMat``. If we need to copy the data, this is done using, for example, ``Mat::copyTo`` or ``Mat::clone``: :: Mat img = imread("image.jpg"); @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ A convertion from ``Mat`` to C API data structures: :: IplImage img1 = img; CvMat m = img; -Note that there is no data copying here. +Note that there is no data copying here. Conversion from color to grey scale: :: diff --git a/doc/user_guide/ug_traincascade.rst b/doc/user_guide/ug_traincascade.rst index cb5190bc4..601f50438 100644 --- a/doc/user_guide/ug_traincascade.rst +++ b/doc/user_guide/ug_traincascade.rst @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Cascade Classifier Training Introduction ============ -The work with a cascade classifier inlcudes two major stages: training and detection. +The work with a cascade classifier inlcudes two major stages: training and detection. Detection stage is described in a documentation of ``objdetect`` module of general OpenCV documentation. Documentation gives some basic information about cascade classifier. Current guide is describing how to train a cascade classifier: preparation of a training data and running the training application. @@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ There are two applications in OpenCV to train cascade classifier: ``opencv_haart Note that ``opencv_traincascade`` application can use TBB for multi-threading. To use it in multicore mode OpenCV must be built with TBB. -Also there are some auxilary utilities related to the training. +Also there are some auxilary utilities related to the training. * ``opencv_createsamples`` is used to prepare a training dataset of positive and test samples. ``opencv_createsamples`` produces dataset of positive samples in a format that is supported by both ``opencv_haartraining`` and ``opencv_traincascade`` applications. The output is a file with \*.vec extension, it is a binary format which contains images. - + * ``opencv_performance`` may be used to evaluate the quality of classifiers, but for trained by ``opencv_haartraining`` only. It takes a collection of marked up images, runs the classifier and reports the performance, i.e. number of found objects, number of missed objects, number of false alarms and other information. Since ``opencv_haartraining`` is an obsolete application, only ``opencv_traincascade`` will be described futher. ``opencv_createsamples`` utility is needed to prepare a training data for ``opencv_traincascade``, so it will be described too. @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Negative Samples Negative samples are taken from arbitrary images. These images must not contain detected objects. Negative samples are enumerated in a special file. It is a text file in which each line contains an image filename (relative to the directory of the description file) of negative sample image. This file must be created manually. Note that negative samples and sample images are also called background samples or background samples images, and are used interchangeably in this document. Described images may be of different sizes. But each image should be (but not nessesarily) larger then a training window size, because these images are used to subsample negative image to the training size. An example of description file: - + Directory structure: .. code-block:: text @@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ Directory structure: img1.jpg img2.jpg bg.txt - + File bg.txt: .. code-block:: text img/img1.jpg img/img2.jpg - + Positive Samples ---------------- Positive samples are created by ``opencv_createsamples`` utility. They may be created from a single image with object or from a collection of previously marked up images. @@ -66,37 +66,37 @@ Command line arguments: * ``-vec `` Name of the output file containing the positive samples for training. - + * ``-img `` Source object image (e.g., a company logo). - + * ``-bg `` Background description file; contains a list of images which are used as a background for randomly distorted versions of the object. * ``-num `` - + Number of positive samples to generate. - + * ``-bgcolor `` Background color (currently grayscale images are assumed); the background color denotes the transparent color. Since there might be compression artifacts, the amount of color tolerance can be specified by ``-bgthresh``. All pixels withing ``bgcolor-bgthresh`` and ``bgcolor+bgthresh`` range are interpreted as transparent. - + * ``-bgthresh `` * ``-inv`` - + If specified, colors will be inverted. - + * ``-randinv`` If specified, colors will be inverted randomly. - + * ``-maxidev `` - + Maximal intensity deviation of pixels in foreground samples. - + * ``-maxxangle `` * ``-maxyangle `` @@ -104,15 +104,15 @@ Command line arguments: * ``-maxzangle `` Maximum rotation angles must be given in radians. - + * ``-show`` Useful debugging option. If specified, each sample will be shown. Pressing ``Esc`` will continue the samples creation process without. - + * ``-w `` Width (in pixels) of the output samples. - + * ``-h `` Height (in pixels) of the output samples. @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ The source image is rotated randomly around all three axes. The chosen angle is Positive samples also may be obtained from a collection of previously marked up images. This collection is described by a text file similar to background description file. Each line of this file corresponds to an image. The first element of the line is the filename. It is followed by the number of object instances. The following numbers are the coordinates of objects bounding rectangles (x, y, width, height). An example of description file: - + Directory structure: .. code-block:: text @@ -132,27 +132,27 @@ Directory structure: img1.jpg img2.jpg info.dat - + File info.dat: .. code-block:: text - + img/img1.jpg 1 140 100 45 45 img/img2.jpg 2 100 200 50 50 50 30 25 25 - + Image img1.jpg contains single object instance with the following coordinates of bounding rectangle: (140, 100, 45, 45). Image img2.jpg contains two object instances. - + In order to create positive samples from such collection, ``-info`` argument should be specified instead of ``-img``: * ``-info `` Description file of marked up images collection. - + The scheme of samples creation in this case is as follows. The object instances are taken from images. Then they are resized to target samples size and stored in output vec-file. No distortion is applied, so the only affecting arguments are ``-w``, ``-h``, ``-show`` and ``-num``. - + ``opencv_createsamples`` utility may be used for examining samples stored in positive samples file. In order to do this only ``-vec``, ``-w`` and ``-h`` parameters should be specified. - -Note that for training, it does not matter how vec-files with positive samples are generated. But ``opencv_createsamples`` utility is the only one way to collect/create a vector file of positive samples, provided by OpenCV. + +Note that for training, it does not matter how vec-files with positive samples are generated. But ``opencv_createsamples`` utility is the only one way to collect/create a vector file of positive samples, provided by OpenCV. Example of vec-file is available here ``opencv/data/vec_files/trainingfaces_24-24.vec``. It can be used to train a face detector with the following window size: ``-w 24 -h 24``. @@ -165,99 +165,99 @@ Command line arguments of ``opencv_traincascade`` application grouped by purpose #. Common arguments: - + * ``-data `` - + Where the trained classifier should be stored. - + * ``-vec `` - + vec-file with positive samples (created by ``opencv_createsamples`` utility). - + * ``-bg `` - + Background description file. - + * ``-numPos `` - + * ``-numNeg `` - + Number of positive/negative samples used in training for every classifier stage. - + * ``-numStages `` - + Number of cascade stages to be trained. - + * ``-precalcValBufSize `` - + Size of buffer for precalculated feature values (in Mb). - + * ``-precalcIdxBufSize `` - + Size of buffer for precalculated feature indices (in Mb). The more memory you have the faster the training process. - + * ``-baseFormatSave`` - + This argument is actual in case of Haar-like features. If it is specified, the cascade will be saved in the old format. - + #. Cascade parameters: * ``-stageType `` - + Type of stages. Only boosted classifier are supported as a stage type at the moment. - + * ``-featureType<{HAAR(default), LBP}>`` - + Type of features: ``HAAR`` - Haar-like features, ``LBP`` - local binary patterns. - + * ``-w `` - + * ``-h `` - + Size of training samples (in pixels). Must have exactly the same values as used during training samples creation (``opencv_createsamples`` utility). - + #. Boosted classifer parameters: - + * ``-bt <{DAB, RAB, LB, GAB(default)}>`` - + Type of boosted classifiers: ``DAB`` - Discrete AdaBoost, ``RAB`` - Real AdaBoost, ``LB`` - LogitBoost, ``GAB`` - Gentle AdaBoost. - + * ``-minHitRate `` - + Minimal desired hit rate for each stage of the classifier. Overall hit rate may be estimated as (min_hit_rate^number_of_stages). - + * ``-maxFalseAlarmRate `` - + Maximal desired false alarm rate for each stage of the classifier. Overall false alarm rate may be estimated as (max_false_alarm_rate^number_of_stages). - + * ``-weightTrimRate `` - + Specifies whether trimming should be used and its weight. A decent choice is 0.95. - + * ``-maxDepth `` - + Maximal depth of a weak tree. A decent choice is 1, that is case of stumps. - + * ``-maxWeakCount `` - + Maximal count of weak trees for every cascade stage. The boosted classifier (stage) will have so many weak trees (``<=maxWeakCount``), as needed to achieve the given ``-maxFalseAlarmRate``. - + #. Haar-like feature parameters: - + * ``-mode `` - + Selects the type of Haar features set used in training. ``BASIC`` use only upright features, while ``ALL`` uses the full set of upright and 45 degree rotated feature set. See [Rainer2002]_ for more details. - -#. + +#. Local Binary Patterns parameters: - + Local Binary Patterns don't have parameters. After the ``opencv_traincascade`` application has finished its work, the trained cascade will be saved in cascade.xml file in the folder, which was passed as ``-data`` parameter. Other files in this folder are created for the case of interrupted training, so you may delete them after completion of training. diff --git a/include/CMakeLists.txt b/include/CMakeLists.txt index 1d5909616..ed3b85a8f 100644 --- a/include/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/include/CMakeLists.txt @@ -5,5 +5,3 @@ install(FILES ${old_hdrs} install(FILES "opencv2/opencv.hpp" DESTINATION ${OPENCV_INCLUDE_INSTALL_PATH}/opencv2 COMPONENT main) - - diff --git a/include/opencv/cv.h b/include/opencv/cv.h index f9831cf5c..77d0971a2 100644 --- a/include/opencv/cv.h +++ b/include/opencv/cv.h @@ -80,4 +80,3 @@ #endif //__cplusplus #endif // __OPENCV_OLD_CV_H_ - diff --git a/include/opencv/cxeigen.hpp b/include/opencv/cxeigen.hpp index c503f713d..1f04d1a3a 100644 --- a/include/opencv/cxeigen.hpp +++ b/include/opencv/cxeigen.hpp @@ -46,4 +46,3 @@ #include "opencv2/core/eigen.hpp" #endif - diff --git a/modules/androidcamera/camera_wrapper/camera_wrapper.h b/modules/androidcamera/camera_wrapper/camera_wrapper.h index 88c9c4100..430dea2dd 100644 --- a/modules/androidcamera/camera_wrapper/camera_wrapper.h +++ b/modules/androidcamera/camera_wrapper/camera_wrapper.h @@ -14,4 +14,3 @@ double getCameraPropertyC(void* camera, int propIdx); void setCameraPropertyC(void* camera, int propIdx, double value); void applyCameraPropertiesC(void** camera); } - diff --git a/modules/androidcamera/include/camera_activity.hpp b/modules/androidcamera/include/camera_activity.hpp index 76a63b06e..a6a62e767 100644 --- a/modules/androidcamera/include/camera_activity.hpp +++ b/modules/androidcamera/include/camera_activity.hpp @@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ private: int frameHeight; }; -#endif \ No newline at end of file +#endif diff --git a/modules/calib3d/doc/calib3d.rst b/modules/calib3d/doc/calib3d.rst index 0ac8d5196..0c056843d 100644 --- a/modules/calib3d/doc/calib3d.rst +++ b/modules/calib3d/doc/calib3d.rst @@ -6,4 +6,3 @@ calib3d. Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction :maxdepth: 2 camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction - diff --git a/modules/calib3d/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.rst b/modules/calib3d/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.rst index 11a0802d0..37159b016 100644 --- a/modules/calib3d/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.rst +++ b/modules/calib3d/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.rst @@ -1481,7 +1481,7 @@ Reconstructs points by triangulation. :param points4D: 4xN array of reconstructed points in homogeneous coordinates. -The function reconstructs 3-dimensional points (in homogeneous coordinates) by using their observations with a stereo camera. Projections matrices can be obtained from :ocv:func:`stereoRectify`. +The function reconstructs 3-dimensional points (in homogeneous coordinates) by using their observations with a stereo camera. Projections matrices can be obtained from :ocv:func:`stereoRectify`. .. seealso:: diff --git a/modules/calib3d/src/_modelest.h b/modules/calib3d/src/_modelest.h index 2488a934b..4aef46edf 100644 --- a/modules/calib3d/src/_modelest.h +++ b/modules/calib3d/src/_modelest.h @@ -78,4 +78,3 @@ protected: }; #endif // _CV_MODEL_EST_H_ - diff --git a/modules/calib3d/src/epnp.cpp b/modules/calib3d/src/epnp.cpp index 7f4782ce0..30786f946 100644 --- a/modules/calib3d/src/epnp.cpp +++ b/modules/calib3d/src/epnp.cpp @@ -622,4 +622,3 @@ void epnp::qr_solve(CvMat * A, CvMat * b, CvMat * X) pX[i] = (pb[i] - sum) / A2[i]; } } - diff --git a/modules/calib3d/src/p3p.cpp b/modules/calib3d/src/p3p.cpp index a02da3ecb..674df2c8a 100644 --- a/modules/calib3d/src/p3p.cpp +++ b/modules/calib3d/src/p3p.cpp @@ -413,4 +413,3 @@ bool p3p::jacobi_4x4(double * A, double * D, double * U) return false; } - diff --git a/modules/calib3d/src/p3p.h b/modules/calib3d/src/p3p.h index a58b0fa14..57f8d7df8 100644 --- a/modules/calib3d/src/p3p.h +++ b/modules/calib3d/src/p3p.h @@ -59,4 +59,3 @@ class p3p }; #endif // P3P_H - diff --git a/modules/calib3d/src/solvepnp.cpp b/modules/calib3d/src/solvepnp.cpp index 3d2c0c2c4..b0ef1d983 100644 --- a/modules/calib3d/src/solvepnp.cpp +++ b/modules/calib3d/src/solvepnp.cpp @@ -346,4 +346,3 @@ void cv::solvePnPRansac(InputArray _opoints, InputArray _ipoints, } return; } - diff --git a/modules/calib3d/test/test_affine3d_estimator.cpp b/modules/calib3d/test/test_affine3d_estimator.cpp index eedfa687c..732400b91 100644 --- a/modules/calib3d/test/test_affine3d_estimator.cpp +++ b/modules/calib3d/test/test_affine3d_estimator.cpp @@ -193,4 +193,3 @@ void CV_Affine3D_EstTest::run( int /* start_from */) } TEST(Calib3d_EstimateAffineTransform, accuracy) { CV_Affine3D_EstTest test; test.safe_run(); } - diff --git a/modules/calib3d/test/test_cameracalibration_badarg.cpp b/modules/calib3d/test/test_cameracalibration_badarg.cpp index b805e71a4..b5ce3fca6 100644 --- a/modules/calib3d/test/test_cameracalibration_badarg.cpp +++ b/modules/calib3d/test/test_cameracalibration_badarg.cpp @@ -734,5 +734,3 @@ protected: TEST(Calib3d_CalibrateCamera_C, badarg) { CV_CameraCalibrationBadArgTest test; test.safe_run(); } TEST(Calib3d_Rodrigues_C, badarg) { CV_Rodrigues2BadArgTest test; test.safe_run(); } TEST(Calib3d_ProjectPoints_C, badarg) { CV_ProjectPoints2BadArgTest test; test.safe_run(); } - - diff --git a/modules/calib3d/test/test_chessboardgenerator.cpp b/modules/calib3d/test/test_chessboardgenerator.cpp index d8ec943a4..01a4c019c 100644 --- a/modules/calib3d/test/test_chessboardgenerator.cpp +++ b/modules/calib3d/test/test_chessboardgenerator.cpp @@ -329,4 +329,3 @@ Mat cv::ChessBoardGenerator::operator ()(const Mat& bg, const Mat& camMat, const return generateChessBoard(bg, camMat, distCoeffs, zero, pb1, pb2, squareSize.width, squareSize.height, pts3d, corners); } - diff --git a/modules/calib3d/test/test_compose_rt.cpp b/modules/calib3d/test/test_compose_rt.cpp index b71288e6d..577cc0627 100644 --- a/modules/calib3d/test/test_compose_rt.cpp +++ b/modules/calib3d/test/test_compose_rt.cpp @@ -212,4 +212,3 @@ protected: }; TEST(Calib3d_ComposeRT, accuracy) { CV_composeRT_Test test; test.safe_run(); } - diff --git a/modules/calib3d/test/test_precomp.hpp b/modules/calib3d/test/test_precomp.hpp index e0fcd486d..76381b825 100644 --- a/modules/calib3d/test/test_precomp.hpp +++ b/modules/calib3d/test/test_precomp.hpp @@ -22,4 +22,3 @@ namespace cvtest } #endif - diff --git a/modules/calib3d/test/test_reproject_image_to_3d.cpp b/modules/calib3d/test/test_reproject_image_to_3d.cpp index a93804f74..0c03831c9 100644 --- a/modules/calib3d/test/test_reproject_image_to_3d.cpp +++ b/modules/calib3d/test/test_reproject_image_to_3d.cpp @@ -172,4 +172,3 @@ protected: }; TEST(Calib3d_ReprojectImageTo3D, accuracy) { CV_ReprojectImageTo3DTest test; test.safe_run(); } - diff --git a/modules/calib3d/test/test_solvepnp_ransac.cpp b/modules/calib3d/test/test_solvepnp_ransac.cpp index 3377a57c6..6c924a580 100644 --- a/modules/calib3d/test/test_solvepnp_ransac.cpp +++ b/modules/calib3d/test/test_solvepnp_ransac.cpp @@ -303,4 +303,4 @@ TEST(DISABLED_Calib3d_SolvePnPRansac, concurrency) EXPECT_LT(tnorm, 1e-6); } -#endif \ No newline at end of file +#endif diff --git a/modules/calib3d/test/test_undistort_points.cpp b/modules/calib3d/test/test_undistort_points.cpp index c1ace3d4d..5dabd213d 100644 --- a/modules/calib3d/test/test_undistort_points.cpp +++ b/modules/calib3d/test/test_undistort_points.cpp @@ -94,4 +94,4 @@ void CV_UndistortTest::run(int /* start_from */) } } -TEST(Calib3d_Undistort, accuracy) { CV_UndistortTest test; test.safe_run(); } \ No newline at end of file +TEST(Calib3d_Undistort, accuracy) { CV_UndistortTest test; test.safe_run(); } diff --git a/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/facerec_changelog.rst b/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/facerec_changelog.rst index fc8b1aded..107135818 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/facerec_changelog.rst +++ b/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/facerec_changelog.rst @@ -4,19 +4,19 @@ Changelog Release 0.05 ------------ -This library is now included in the official OpenCV distribution (from 2.4 on). +This library is now included in the official OpenCV distribution (from 2.4 on). The :ocv:class`FaceRecognizer` is now an :ocv:class:`Algorithm`, which better fits into the overall -OpenCV API. +OpenCV API. -To reduce the confusion on user side and minimize my work, libfacerec and OpenCV -have been synchronized and are now based on the same interfaces and implementation. +To reduce the confusion on user side and minimize my work, libfacerec and OpenCV +have been synchronized and are now based on the same interfaces and implementation. The library now has an extensive documentation: * The API is explained in detail and with a lot of code examples. -* The face recognition guide I had written for Python and GNU Octave/MATLAB has been adapted to the new OpenCV C++ ``cv::FaceRecognizer``. +* The face recognition guide I had written for Python and GNU Octave/MATLAB has been adapted to the new OpenCV C++ ``cv::FaceRecognizer``. * A tutorial for gender classification with Fisherfaces. -* A tutorial for face recognition in videos (e.g. webcam). +* A tutorial for face recognition in videos (e.g. webcam). Release highlights @@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ Release highlights Release 0.04 ------------ -This version is fully Windows-compatible and works with OpenCV 2.3.1. Several -bugfixes, but none influenced the recognition rate. +This version is fully Windows-compatible and works with OpenCV 2.3.1. Several +bugfixes, but none influenced the recognition rate. Release highlights ++++++++++++++++++ @@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ Release highlights Release 0.03 ------------ -Reworked the library to provide separate implementations in cpp files, because -it's the preferred way of contributing OpenCV libraries. This means the library -is not header-only anymore. Slight API changes were done, please see the +Reworked the library to provide separate implementations in cpp files, because +it's the preferred way of contributing OpenCV libraries. This means the library +is not header-only anymore. Slight API changes were done, please see the documentation for details. Release highlights @@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ Release highlights Release 0.02 ------------ -Reworked the library to provide separate implementations in cpp files, because -it's the preferred way of contributing OpenCV libraries. This means the library -is not header-only anymore. Slight API changes were done, please see the +Reworked the library to provide separate implementations in cpp files, because +it's the preferred way of contributing OpenCV libraries. This means the library +is not header-only anymore. Slight API changes were done, please see the documentation for details. Release highlights @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Release highlights * Eigenfaces [TP91]_ * Fisherfaces [BHK97]_ * Local Binary Patterns Histograms [AHP04]_ - + * Added persistence facilities to store the models with a common API. * Unit Tests (using `gtest `_). * Providing a CMakeLists.txt to enable easy cross-platform building. diff --git a/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/facerec_tutorial.rst b/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/facerec_tutorial.rst index 61cd882da..cbfb41797 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/facerec_tutorial.rst +++ b/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/facerec_tutorial.rst @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ For the first source code example, I'll go through it with you. I am first givin .. literalinclude:: src/facerec_eigenfaces.cpp :language: cpp :linenos: - + The source code for this demo application is also available in the ``src`` folder coming with this documentation: * :download:`src/facerec_eigenfaces.cpp ` @@ -626,5 +626,3 @@ CSV for the AT&T Facedatabase .. literalinclude:: etc/at.txt :language: none :linenos: - - diff --git a/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/index.rst b/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/index.rst index ce8a15e67..b871448c5 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/index.rst +++ b/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/index.rst @@ -30,4 +30,3 @@ Indices and tables * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` - diff --git a/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/src/CMakeLists.txt b/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/src/CMakeLists.txt index e56762ea4..94aa36fbe 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/src/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/src/CMakeLists.txt @@ -23,4 +23,3 @@ target_link_libraries(facerec_fisherfaces opencv_contrib opencv_core opencv_imgp add_executable(facerec_lbph facerec_lbph.cpp) target_link_libraries(facerec_lbph opencv_contrib opencv_core opencv_imgproc opencv_highgui) - diff --git a/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/tutorial/facerec_gender_classification.rst b/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/tutorial/facerec_gender_classification.rst index 0c7398d2f..770083170 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/tutorial/facerec_gender_classification.rst +++ b/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/tutorial/facerec_gender_classification.rst @@ -231,5 +231,3 @@ Here are some examples: +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0.2 (20%), 0.2 (20%), (70,70) | .. image:: ../img/tutorial/gender_classification/arnie_20_20_70_70.jpg | +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - diff --git a/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/tutorial/facerec_save_load.rst b/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/tutorial/facerec_save_load.rst index faa77df7c..2d0b65dff 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/tutorial/facerec_save_load.rst +++ b/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/tutorial/facerec_save_load.rst @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Introduction Saving and loading a :ocv:class:`FaceRecognizer` is very important. Training a FaceRecognizer can be a very time-intense task, plus it's often impossible to ship the whole face database to the user of your product. The task of saving and loading a FaceRecognizer is easy with :ocv:class:`FaceRecognizer`. You only have to call :ocv:func:`FaceRecognizer::load` for loading and :ocv:func:`FaceRecognizer::save` for saving a :ocv:class:`FaceRecognizer`. -I'll adapt the Eigenfaces example from the :doc:`../facerec_tutorial`: Imagine we want to learn the Eigenfaces of the `AT&T Facedatabase `_, store the model to a YAML file and then load it again. +I'll adapt the Eigenfaces example from the :doc:`../facerec_tutorial`: Imagine we want to learn the Eigenfaces of the `AT&T Facedatabase `_, store the model to a YAML file and then load it again. From the loaded model, we'll get a prediction, show the mean, Eigenfaces and the image reconstruction. @@ -44,4 +44,3 @@ And here is the Reconstruction, which is the same as the original: .. image:: ../img/eigenface_reconstruction_opencv.png :align: center - diff --git a/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/tutorial/facerec_video_recognition.rst b/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/tutorial/facerec_video_recognition.rst index ecb979d1a..76e76eebe 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/tutorial/facerec_video_recognition.rst +++ b/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/tutorial/facerec_video_recognition.rst @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ An example. If the haar-cascade is at ``C:/opencv/data/haarcascades/haarcascade_ facerec_video.exe C:/opencv/data/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml C:/facerec/data/celebrities.txt 1 -That's it. +That's it. Results ------- @@ -205,5 +205,3 @@ Here are some examples: +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0.2 (20%), 0.2 (20%), (70,70) | .. image:: ../img/tutorial/gender_classification/arnie_20_20_70_70.jpg | +---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - diff --git a/modules/contrib/doc/stereo.rst b/modules/contrib/doc/stereo.rst index d5f2d0080..103bd0f3f 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/doc/stereo.rst +++ b/modules/contrib/doc/stereo.rst @@ -113,5 +113,3 @@ The method executes the variational algorithm on a rectified stereo pair. See `` **Note**: The method is not constant, so you should not use the same ``StereoVar`` instance from different threads simultaneously. - - diff --git a/modules/contrib/include/opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp b/modules/contrib/include/opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp index f18a5f93c..7d881c359 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/include/opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp +++ b/modules/contrib/include/opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp @@ -983,4 +983,3 @@ namespace cv #endif #endif - diff --git a/modules/contrib/include/opencv2/contrib/retina.hpp b/modules/contrib/include/opencv2/contrib/retina.hpp index 6f660efca..3d7c847be 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/include/opencv2/contrib/retina.hpp +++ b/modules/contrib/include/opencv2/contrib/retina.hpp @@ -353,4 +353,3 @@ protected: } #endif /* __OPENCV_CONTRIB_RETINA_HPP__ */ - diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/adaptiveskindetector.cpp b/modules/contrib/src/adaptiveskindetector.cpp index a44c42077..0865ad70b 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/adaptiveskindetector.cpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/adaptiveskindetector.cpp @@ -284,5 +284,3 @@ void CvAdaptiveSkinDetector::Histogram::mergeWith(CvAdaptiveSkinDetector::Histog } } }; - - diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/basicretinafilter.hpp b/modules/contrib/src/basicretinafilter.hpp index 439f0d15f..8bd136d68 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/basicretinafilter.hpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/basicretinafilter.hpp @@ -653,5 +653,3 @@ namespace cv } #endif - - diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/bowmsctrainer.cpp b/modules/contrib/src/bowmsctrainer.cpp index 448505c5b..12d9781b2 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/bowmsctrainer.cpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/bowmsctrainer.cpp @@ -136,4 +136,3 @@ Mat BOWMSCTrainer::cluster(const Mat& _descriptors) const { } } - diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/chowliutree.cpp b/modules/contrib/src/chowliutree.cpp index ba1ef6561..64417d1d9 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/chowliutree.cpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/chowliutree.cpp @@ -287,4 +287,3 @@ bool ChowLiuTree::reduceEdgesToMinSpan(std::list& edges) { } } - diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/colortracker.cpp b/modules/contrib/src/colortracker.cpp index 03cdf07ae..dfa3ed5d0 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/colortracker.cpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/colortracker.cpp @@ -133,5 +133,3 @@ Point2f CvMeanShiftTracker::getTrackingCenter() { return prev_center; } - - diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/contrib_init.cpp b/modules/contrib/src/contrib_init.cpp index a80f6f5e1..317867a59 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/contrib_init.cpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/contrib_init.cpp @@ -41,4 +41,3 @@ //M*/ #include "precomp.hpp" - diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/detection_based_tracker.cpp b/modules/contrib/src/detection_based_tracker.cpp index a1e5dea4d..0b3fcce65 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/detection_based_tracker.cpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/detection_based_tracker.cpp @@ -853,4 +853,3 @@ const DetectionBasedTracker::Parameters& DetectionBasedTracker::getParameters() } #endif - diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/facerec.cpp b/modules/contrib/src/facerec.cpp index fbf124a48..bc41a86a0 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/facerec.cpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/facerec.cpp @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ void FaceRecognizer::update(InputArrayOfArrays src, InputArray labels ) { dynamic_cast(this)->update( src, labels ); return; } - + string error_msg = format("This FaceRecognizer (%s) does not support updating, you have to use FaceRecognizer::train to update it.", this->name().c_str()); CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, error_msg); } diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/featuretracker.cpp b/modules/contrib/src/featuretracker.cpp index 87cccf4b7..b8d40deb0 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/featuretracker.cpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/featuretracker.cpp @@ -221,4 +221,3 @@ Point2f CvFeatureTracker::getTrackingCenter() center.y = (float)(prev_center.y + prev_trackwindow.height/2.0); return center; } - diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/fuzzymeanshifttracker.cpp b/modules/contrib/src/fuzzymeanshifttracker.cpp index c83f915b0..d221d49c0 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/fuzzymeanshifttracker.cpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/fuzzymeanshifttracker.cpp @@ -720,4 +720,3 @@ void CvFuzzyMeanShiftTracker::track(IplImage *maskImage, IplImage *depthMap, int searchMode = tsTracking; } }; - diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/hybridtracker.cpp b/modules/contrib/src/hybridtracker.cpp index 362de7c04..0fd31f8f7 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/hybridtracker.cpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/hybridtracker.cpp @@ -234,4 +234,3 @@ void CvHybridTracker::updateTrackerWithLowPassFilter(Mat) { Rect CvHybridTracker::getTrackingWindow() { return prev_window; } - diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/lda.cpp b/modules/contrib/src/lda.cpp index 5ff94ce6e..98c696612 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/lda.cpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/lda.cpp @@ -1111,4 +1111,3 @@ Mat LDA::reconstruct(InputArray src) { } } - diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/logpolar_bsm.cpp b/modules/contrib/src/logpolar_bsm.cpp index 3de6a6182..b96eea803 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/logpolar_bsm.cpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/logpolar_bsm.cpp @@ -649,4 +649,3 @@ LogPolar_Adjacent::~LogPolar_Adjacent() } } - diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/magnoretinafilter.cpp b/modules/contrib/src/magnoretinafilter.cpp index 6f72c5bbe..57a4466a3 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/magnoretinafilter.cpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/magnoretinafilter.cpp @@ -207,5 +207,3 @@ const std::valarray &MagnoRetinaFilter::runFilter(const std::valarrayactivateContoursProcessing(activate);} } // end of namespace cv - diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/retinacolor.hpp b/modules/contrib/src/retinacolor.hpp index 056d006e4..7b7294442 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/retinacolor.hpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/retinacolor.hpp @@ -338,5 +338,3 @@ namespace cv } #endif /*RETINACOLOR_HPP_*/ - - diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/retinafilter.hpp b/modules/contrib/src/retinafilter.hpp index 7fa2a078c..572ae4c25 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/retinafilter.hpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/retinafilter.hpp @@ -543,7 +543,3 @@ private: } #endif /*RETINACLASSES_H_*/ - - - - diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/stereovar.cpp b/modules/contrib/src/stereovar.cpp index 1b542bbf5..e08d6328b 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/stereovar.cpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/stereovar.cpp @@ -408,4 +408,4 @@ void StereoVar::operator ()( const Mat& left, const Mat& right, Mat& disp ) u.release(); } -} // namespace \ No newline at end of file +} // namespace diff --git a/modules/contrib/src/templatebuffer.hpp b/modules/contrib/src/templatebuffer.hpp index c49e49358..e50cd442c 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/src/templatebuffer.hpp +++ b/modules/contrib/src/templatebuffer.hpp @@ -550,6 +550,3 @@ namespace cv } #endif - - - diff --git a/modules/contrib/test/test_precomp.hpp b/modules/contrib/test/test_precomp.hpp index d477eddbb..ea73ce932 100644 --- a/modules/contrib/test/test_precomp.hpp +++ b/modules/contrib/test/test_precomp.hpp @@ -14,4 +14,3 @@ #include #endif - diff --git a/modules/core/doc/basic_structures.rst b/modules/core/doc/basic_structures.rst index 66ea59b6b..a3f7f92b6 100644 --- a/modules/core/doc/basic_structures.rst +++ b/modules/core/doc/basic_structures.rst @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ Range ----- .. ocv:class:: Range -Template class specifying a continuous subsequence (slice) of a sequence. +Template class specifying a continuous subsequence (slice) of a sequence. :: @@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ Mat --- .. ocv:class:: Mat -OpenCV C++ n-dimensional dense array class +OpenCV C++ n-dimensional dense array class :: class CV_EXPORTS Mat @@ -2892,4 +2892,3 @@ The above methods are usually enough for users. If you want to make your own alg * Add public virtual method ``AlgorithmInfo* info() const;`` to your class. * Add constructor function, ``AlgorithmInfo`` instance and implement the ``info()`` method. The simplest way is to take http://code.opencv.org/projects/opencv/repository/revisions/master/entry/modules/ml/src/ml_init.cpp as the reference and modify it according to the list of your parameters. * Add some public function (e.g. ``initModule_()``) that calls info() of your algorithm and put it into the same source file as ``info()`` implementation. This is to force C++ linker to include this object file into the target application. See ``Algorithm::create()`` for details. - diff --git a/modules/core/doc/clustering.rst b/modules/core/doc/clustering.rst index 090a75d31..0f9fa6cf8 100644 --- a/modules/core/doc/clustering.rst +++ b/modules/core/doc/clustering.rst @@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ Splits an element set into equivalency classes. :param vec: Set of elements stored as a vector. - :param labels: Output vector of labels. It contains as many elements as ``vec``. Each label ``labels[i]`` is a 0-based cluster index of ``vec[i]`` . - + :param labels: Output vector of labels. It contains as many elements as ``vec``. Each label ``labels[i]`` is a 0-based cluster index of ``vec[i]`` . + :param predicate: Equivalence predicate (pointer to a boolean function of two arguments or an instance of the class that has the method ``bool operator()(const _Tp& a, const _Tp& b)`` ). The predicate returns ``true`` when the elements are certainly in the same class, and returns ``false`` if they may or may not be in the same class. The generic function ``partition`` implements an diff --git a/modules/core/doc/core.rst b/modules/core/doc/core.rst index fc1afa644..c4fb195b0 100644 --- a/modules/core/doc/core.rst +++ b/modules/core/doc/core.rst @@ -15,4 +15,3 @@ core. The Core Functionality clustering utility_and_system_functions_and_macros opengl_interop - diff --git a/modules/core/doc/drawing_functions.rst b/modules/core/doc/drawing_functions.rst index 472ebfd51..b277e01d2 100644 --- a/modules/core/doc/drawing_functions.rst +++ b/modules/core/doc/drawing_functions.rst @@ -416,8 +416,8 @@ The number of pixels along the line is stored in ``LineIterator::count`` . The m for(int i = 0; i < it.count; i++, ++it) buf[i] = *(const Vec3b)*it; - - // alternative way of iterating through the line + + // alternative way of iterating through the line for(int i = 0; i < it2.count; i++, ++it2) { Vec3b val = img.at(it2.pos()); @@ -531,4 +531,3 @@ The function ``putText`` renders the specified text string in the image. Symbols that cannot be rendered using the specified font are replaced by question marks. See :ocv:func:`getTextSize` for a text rendering code example. - diff --git a/modules/core/doc/dynamic_structures.rst b/modules/core/doc/dynamic_structures.rst index e333971c0..d56ee494e 100644 --- a/modules/core/doc/dynamic_structures.rst +++ b/modules/core/doc/dynamic_structures.rst @@ -1584,4 +1584,3 @@ Gathers all node pointers to a single sequence. :param storage: Container for the sequence The function puts pointers of all nodes reachable from ``first`` into a single sequence. The pointers are written sequentially in the depth-first order. - diff --git a/modules/core/doc/intro.rst b/modules/core/doc/intro.rst index 0f8a3b0d5..ae95b57ad 100644 --- a/modules/core/doc/intro.rst +++ b/modules/core/doc/intro.rst @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ you can use:: Ptr ptr = new T(...); -That is, ``Ptr ptr`` encapsulates a pointer to a ``T`` instance and a reference counter associated with the pointer. See the -:ocv:class:`Ptr` +That is, ``Ptr ptr`` encapsulates a pointer to a ``T`` instance and a reference counter associated with the pointer. See the +:ocv:class:`Ptr` description for details. .. _AutomaticAllocation: diff --git a/modules/core/doc/old_basic_structures.rst b/modules/core/doc/old_basic_structures.rst index 0596e04bf..c8de17ada 100644 --- a/modules/core/doc/old_basic_structures.rst +++ b/modules/core/doc/old_basic_structures.rst @@ -1751,4 +1751,3 @@ For example, `NumPy `_ arrays support the array interfa (480, 640, 3) 1 .. note:: In the new Python wrappers (**cv2** module) the function is not needed, since cv2 can process Numpy arrays (and this is the only supported array type). - diff --git a/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/eigen.hpp b/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/eigen.hpp index 751734eb5..a7b237f96 100644 --- a/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/eigen.hpp +++ b/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/eigen.hpp @@ -278,4 +278,3 @@ void cv2eigen( const Matx<_Tp, 1, _cols>& src, #endif #endif - diff --git a/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/operations.hpp b/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/operations.hpp index 7b2c94007..d3b80a004 100644 --- a/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/operations.hpp +++ b/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/operations.hpp @@ -3002,55 +3002,55 @@ static inline void read(const FileNode& node, string& value, const string& defau } template static inline void read(const FileNode& node, Point_<_Tp>& value, const Point_<_Tp>& default_value) -{ +{ vector<_Tp> temp; FileNodeIterator it = node.begin(); it >> temp; value = temp.size() != 2 ? default_value : Point_<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[0]), saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[1])); } template static inline void read(const FileNode& node, Point3_<_Tp>& value, const Point3_<_Tp>& default_value) -{ +{ vector<_Tp> temp; FileNodeIterator it = node.begin(); it >> temp; value = temp.size() != 3 ? default_value : Point3_<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[0]), saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[1]), saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[2])); } template static inline void read(const FileNode& node, Size_<_Tp>& value, const Size_<_Tp>& default_value) -{ +{ vector<_Tp> temp; FileNodeIterator it = node.begin(); it >> temp; value = temp.size() != 2 ? default_value : Size_<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[0]), saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[1])); } template static inline void read(const FileNode& node, Complex<_Tp>& value, const Complex<_Tp>& default_value) -{ +{ vector<_Tp> temp; FileNodeIterator it = node.begin(); it >> temp; value = temp.size() != 2 ? default_value : Complex<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[0]), saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[1])); } template static inline void read(const FileNode& node, Rect_<_Tp>& value, const Rect_<_Tp>& default_value) -{ +{ vector<_Tp> temp; FileNodeIterator it = node.begin(); it >> temp; - value = temp.size() != 4 ? default_value : Rect_<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[0]), saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[1]), + value = temp.size() != 4 ? default_value : Rect_<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[0]), saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[1]), saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[2]), saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[3])); } template static inline void read(const FileNode& node, Vec<_Tp, cn>& value, const Vec<_Tp, cn>& default_value) -{ +{ vector<_Tp> temp; FileNodeIterator it = node.begin(); it >> temp; value = temp.size() != cn ? default_value : Vec<_Tp, cn>(&temp[0]); } template static inline void read(const FileNode& node, Scalar_<_Tp>& value, const Scalar_<_Tp>& default_value) -{ +{ vector<_Tp> temp; FileNodeIterator it = node.begin(); it >> temp; value = temp.size() != 4 ? default_value : Scalar_<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[0]), saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[1]), saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[2]), saturate_cast<_Tp>(temp[3])); } static inline void read(const FileNode& node, Range& value, const Range& default_value) -{ - Point2i temp(value.start, value.end); const Point2i default_temp = Point2i(default_value.start, default_value.end); +{ + Point2i temp(value.start, value.end); const Point2i default_temp = Point2i(default_value.start, default_value.end); read(node, temp, default_temp); - value.start = temp.x; value.end = temp.y; + value.start = temp.x; value.end = temp.y; } CV_EXPORTS_W void read(const FileNode& node, Mat& mat, const Mat& default_mat=Mat() ); diff --git a/modules/core/perf/perf_abs.cpp b/modules/core/perf/perf_abs.cpp index 691c6f7c4..63cb06b63 100644 --- a/modules/core/perf/perf_abs.cpp +++ b/modules/core/perf/perf_abs.cpp @@ -24,4 +24,3 @@ PERF_TEST_P(Size_MatType, abs, TYPICAL_MATS_ABS) SANITY_CHECK(c); } - diff --git a/modules/core/perf/perf_bitwise.cpp b/modules/core/perf/perf_bitwise.cpp index 64a8dd8bd..1308b7bf3 100644 --- a/modules/core/perf/perf_bitwise.cpp +++ b/modules/core/perf/perf_bitwise.cpp @@ -73,4 +73,3 @@ PERF_TEST_P(Size_MatType, bitwise_xor, TYPICAL_MATS_BITW_ARITHM) SANITY_CHECK(c); } - diff --git a/modules/core/perf/perf_merge.cpp b/modules/core/perf/perf_merge.cpp index d82941a92..e7e8d2fe3 100644 --- a/modules/core/perf/perf_merge.cpp +++ b/modules/core/perf/perf_merge.cpp @@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ PERF_TEST_P( Size_SrcDepth_DstChannels, merge, TEST_CYCLE_MULTIRUN(runs) merge( (vector &)mv, dst ); SANITY_CHECK(dst, 1e-12); -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/modules/core/src/arithm.cpp b/modules/core/src/arithm.cpp index 99390402e..0db4c62bf 100644 --- a/modules/core/src/arithm.cpp +++ b/modules/core/src/arithm.cpp @@ -1252,14 +1252,14 @@ static void arithm_op(InputArray _src1, InputArray _src2, OutputArray _dst, Mat src1 = _src1.getMat(), src2 = _src2.getMat(); bool haveMask = !_mask.empty(); bool reallocate = false; - - bool src1Scalar = checkScalar(src1, src2.type(), kind1, kind2); - bool src2Scalar = checkScalar(src2, src1.type(), kind2, kind1); + + bool src1Scalar = checkScalar(src1, src2.type(), kind1, kind2); + bool src2Scalar = checkScalar(src2, src1.type(), kind2, kind1); if( (kind1 == kind2 || src1.channels() == 1) && src1.dims <= 2 && src2.dims <= 2 && src1.size() == src2.size() && src1.type() == src2.type() && !haveMask && ((!_dst.fixedType() && (dtype < 0 || CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype) == src1.depth())) || - (_dst.fixedType() && _dst.type() == _src1.type())) && + (_dst.fixedType() && _dst.type() == _src1.type())) && ((src1Scalar && src2Scalar) || (!src1Scalar && !src2Scalar)) ) { _dst.create(src1.size(), src1.type()); diff --git a/modules/core/src/convert.cpp b/modules/core/src/convert.cpp index 288eb1dfa..3de9f83d1 100644 --- a/modules/core/src/convert.cpp +++ b/modules/core/src/convert.cpp @@ -1391,4 +1391,4 @@ CV_IMPL void cvNormalize( const CvArr* srcarr, CvArr* dstarr, cv::normalize( src, dst, a, b, norm_type, dst.type(), mask ); } -/* End of file. */ \ No newline at end of file +/* End of file. */ diff --git a/modules/core/src/lapack.cpp b/modules/core/src/lapack.cpp index f5fe53ae9..7ee84a6d4 100644 --- a/modules/core/src/lapack.cpp +++ b/modules/core/src/lapack.cpp @@ -1832,4 +1832,4 @@ cvSVBkSb( const CvArr* warr, const CvArr* uarr, cv::SVD::backSubst(w, u, v, rhs, dst); CV_Assert( dst.data == dst0.data ); -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/modules/core/src/out.cpp b/modules/core/src/out.cpp index 6817fca61..65190c50e 100644 --- a/modules/core/src/out.cpp +++ b/modules/core/src/out.cpp @@ -304,4 +304,3 @@ Formatted::Formatted(const Mat& _m, const Formatter* _fmt, const int* _params) } } - diff --git a/modules/core/src/stat.cpp b/modules/core/src/stat.cpp index 1509c9218..447141c5d 100644 --- a/modules/core/src/stat.cpp +++ b/modules/core/src/stat.cpp @@ -453,45 +453,45 @@ cv::Scalar cv::sum( InputArray _src ) { Mat src = _src.getMat(); int k, cn = src.channels(), depth = src.depth(); - + #if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7) - size_t total_size = src.total(); - int rows = src.size[0], cols = (int)(total_size/rows); - if( src.dims == 2 || (src.isContinuous() && cols > 0 && (size_t)rows*cols == total_size) ) - { - IppiSize sz = { cols, rows }; - int type = src.type(); - typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL* ippiSumFunc)(const void*, int, IppiSize, double *, int); - ippiSumFunc ippFunc = - type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_8u_C1R : - type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_8u_C3R : - type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_8u_C4R : - type == CV_16UC1 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_16u_C1R : - type == CV_16UC3 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_16u_C3R : - type == CV_16UC4 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_16u_C4R : - type == CV_16SC1 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_16s_C1R : - type == CV_16SC3 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_16s_C3R : - type == CV_16SC4 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_16s_C4R : - type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_32f_C1R : - type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_32f_C3R : - type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_32f_C4R : - 0; - if( ippFunc ) - { - Ipp64f res[4]; - if( ippFunc(src.data, src.step[0], sz, res, ippAlgHintAccurate) >= 0 ) - { - Scalar sc; - for( int i = 0; i < cn; i++ ) - { - sc[i] = res[i]; - } - return sc; - } - } - } -#endif - + size_t total_size = src.total(); + int rows = src.size[0], cols = (int)(total_size/rows); + if( src.dims == 2 || (src.isContinuous() && cols > 0 && (size_t)rows*cols == total_size) ) + { + IppiSize sz = { cols, rows }; + int type = src.type(); + typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL* ippiSumFunc)(const void*, int, IppiSize, double *, int); + ippiSumFunc ippFunc = + type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_8u_C1R : + type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_8u_C3R : + type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_8u_C4R : + type == CV_16UC1 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_16u_C1R : + type == CV_16UC3 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_16u_C3R : + type == CV_16UC4 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_16u_C4R : + type == CV_16SC1 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_16s_C1R : + type == CV_16SC3 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_16s_C3R : + type == CV_16SC4 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_16s_C4R : + type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_32f_C1R : + type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_32f_C3R : + type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiSumFunc)ippiSum_32f_C4R : + 0; + if( ippFunc ) + { + Ipp64f res[4]; + if( ippFunc(src.data, src.step[0], sz, res, ippAlgHintAccurate) >= 0 ) + { + Scalar sc; + for( int i = 0; i < cn; i++ ) + { + sc[i] = res[i]; + } + return sc; + } + } + } +#endif + SumFunc func = getSumFunc(depth); CV_Assert( cn <= 4 && func != 0 ); @@ -565,81 +565,81 @@ cv::Scalar cv::mean( InputArray _src, InputArray _mask ) CV_Assert( mask.empty() || mask.type() == CV_8U ); int k, cn = src.channels(), depth = src.depth(); - + #if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7) - size_t total_size = src.total(); - int rows = src.size[0], cols = (int)(total_size/rows); - if( src.dims == 2 || (src.isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous() && cols > 0 && (size_t)rows*cols == total_size) ) - { - IppiSize sz = { cols, rows }; - int type = src.type(); - if( !mask.empty() ) - { - typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL* ippiMaskMeanFuncC1)(const void *, int, void *, int, IppiSize, Ipp64f *); - ippiMaskMeanFuncC1 ippFuncC1 = - type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiMaskMeanFuncC1)ippiMean_8u_C1MR : - type == CV_16UC1 ? (ippiMaskMeanFuncC1)ippiMean_16u_C1MR : - type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiMaskMeanFuncC1)ippiMean_32f_C1MR : - 0; - if( ippFuncC1 ) - { - Ipp64f res; - if( ippFuncC1(src.data, src.step[0], mask.data, mask.step[0], sz, &res) >= 0 ) - { - return Scalar(res); - } - } - typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL* ippiMaskMeanFuncC3)(const void *, int, void *, int, IppiSize, int, Ipp64f *); - ippiMaskMeanFuncC3 ippFuncC3 = - type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiMaskMeanFuncC3)ippiMean_8u_C3CMR : - type == CV_16UC3 ? (ippiMaskMeanFuncC3)ippiMean_16u_C3CMR : - type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiMaskMeanFuncC3)ippiMean_32f_C3CMR : - 0; - if( ippFuncC3 ) - { - Ipp64f res1, res2, res3; - if( ippFuncC3(src.data, src.step[0], mask.data, mask.step[0], sz, 1, &res1) >= 0 && - ippFuncC3(src.data, src.step[0], mask.data, mask.step[0], sz, 2, &res2) >= 0 && - ippFuncC3(src.data, src.step[0], mask.data, mask.step[0], sz, 3, &res3) >= 0 ) - { - return Scalar(res1, res2, res3); - } - } - } - else - { - typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL* ippiMeanFunc)(const void*, int, IppiSize, double *, int); - ippiMeanFunc ippFunc = - type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_8u_C1R : - type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_8u_C3R : - type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_8u_C4R : - type == CV_16UC1 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_16u_C1R : - type == CV_16UC3 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_16u_C3R : - type == CV_16UC4 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_16u_C4R : - type == CV_16SC1 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_16s_C1R : - type == CV_16SC3 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_16s_C3R : - type == CV_16SC4 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_16s_C4R : - type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_32f_C1R : - type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_32f_C3R : - type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_32f_C4R : - 0; - if( ippFunc ) - { - Ipp64f res[4]; - if( ippFunc(src.data, src.step[0], sz, res, ippAlgHintAccurate) >= 0 ) - { - Scalar sc; - for( int i = 0; i < cn; i++ ) - { - sc[i] = res[i]; - } - return sc; - } - } - } - } + size_t total_size = src.total(); + int rows = src.size[0], cols = (int)(total_size/rows); + if( src.dims == 2 || (src.isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous() && cols > 0 && (size_t)rows*cols == total_size) ) + { + IppiSize sz = { cols, rows }; + int type = src.type(); + if( !mask.empty() ) + { + typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL* ippiMaskMeanFuncC1)(const void *, int, void *, int, IppiSize, Ipp64f *); + ippiMaskMeanFuncC1 ippFuncC1 = + type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiMaskMeanFuncC1)ippiMean_8u_C1MR : + type == CV_16UC1 ? (ippiMaskMeanFuncC1)ippiMean_16u_C1MR : + type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiMaskMeanFuncC1)ippiMean_32f_C1MR : + 0; + if( ippFuncC1 ) + { + Ipp64f res; + if( ippFuncC1(src.data, src.step[0], mask.data, mask.step[0], sz, &res) >= 0 ) + { + return Scalar(res); + } + } + typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL* ippiMaskMeanFuncC3)(const void *, int, void *, int, IppiSize, int, Ipp64f *); + ippiMaskMeanFuncC3 ippFuncC3 = + type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiMaskMeanFuncC3)ippiMean_8u_C3CMR : + type == CV_16UC3 ? (ippiMaskMeanFuncC3)ippiMean_16u_C3CMR : + type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiMaskMeanFuncC3)ippiMean_32f_C3CMR : + 0; + if( ippFuncC3 ) + { + Ipp64f res1, res2, res3; + if( ippFuncC3(src.data, src.step[0], mask.data, mask.step[0], sz, 1, &res1) >= 0 && + ippFuncC3(src.data, src.step[0], mask.data, mask.step[0], sz, 2, &res2) >= 0 && + ippFuncC3(src.data, src.step[0], mask.data, mask.step[0], sz, 3, &res3) >= 0 ) + { + return Scalar(res1, res2, res3); + } + } + } + else + { + typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL* ippiMeanFunc)(const void*, int, IppiSize, double *, int); + ippiMeanFunc ippFunc = + type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_8u_C1R : + type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_8u_C3R : + type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_8u_C4R : + type == CV_16UC1 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_16u_C1R : + type == CV_16UC3 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_16u_C3R : + type == CV_16UC4 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_16u_C4R : + type == CV_16SC1 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_16s_C1R : + type == CV_16SC3 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_16s_C3R : + type == CV_16SC4 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_16s_C4R : + type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_32f_C1R : + type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_32f_C3R : + type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiMeanFunc)ippiMean_32f_C4R : + 0; + if( ippFunc ) + { + Ipp64f res[4]; + if( ippFunc(src.data, src.step[0], sz, res, ippAlgHintAccurate) >= 0 ) + { + Scalar sc; + for( int i = 0; i < cn; i++ ) + { + sc[i] = res[i]; + } + return sc; + } + } + } + } #endif - + SumFunc func = getSumFunc(depth); CV_Assert( cn <= 4 && func != 0 ); diff --git a/modules/core/test/test_arithm.cpp b/modules/core/test/test_arithm.cpp index 0bb185d2d..664fa0204 100644 --- a/modules/core/test/test_arithm.cpp +++ b/modules/core/test/test_arithm.cpp @@ -1563,4 +1563,4 @@ TEST(Core_round, CvRound) ASSERT_EQ(4, cvRound(3.5)); ASSERT_EQ(-2, cvRound(-2.5)); ASSERT_EQ(-4, cvRound(-3.5)); -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp b/modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp index d79786054..cd76ca2fe 100644 --- a/modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp +++ b/modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp @@ -2118,5 +2118,3 @@ TEST(Core_DS_Seq, sort_invert) { Core_SeqSortInvTest test; test.safe_run(); } TEST(Core_DS_Set, basic_operations) { Core_SetTest test; test.safe_run(); } TEST(Core_DS_Graph, basic_operations) { Core_GraphTest test; test.safe_run(); } TEST(Core_DS_Graph, scan) { Core_GraphScanTest test; test.safe_run(); } - - diff --git a/modules/core/test/test_dxt.cpp b/modules/core/test/test_dxt.cpp index 16025fa8f..1c0c7b00b 100644 --- a/modules/core/test/test_dxt.cpp +++ b/modules/core/test/test_dxt.cpp @@ -866,5 +866,3 @@ protected: }; TEST(Core_DFT, complex_output) { Core_DFTComplexOutputTest test; test.safe_run(); } - - diff --git a/modules/core/test/test_io.cpp b/modules/core/test/test_io.cpp index 58c8817a4..09a45fd6a 100644 --- a/modules/core/test/test_io.cpp +++ b/modules/core/test/test_io.cpp @@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ protected: Vec v1(15, 16, 17, 18, 19), ov1; Scalar sc1(20.0, 21.1, 22.2, 23.3), osc1; Range g1(7, 8), og1; - + FileStorage fs(fname, FileStorage::WRITE); fs << "mi" << mi; fs << "mv" << mv; diff --git a/modules/core/test/test_math.cpp b/modules/core/test/test_math.cpp index c3d88bda6..3847afce6 100644 --- a/modules/core/test/test_math.cpp +++ b/modules/core/test/test_math.cpp @@ -2457,7 +2457,7 @@ TEST(Core_Invert, small) { cv::Mat a = (cv::Mat_(3,3) << 2.42104644730331, 1.81444796521479, -3.98072565304758, 0, 7.08389214348967e-3, 5.55326770986007e-3, 0,0, 7.44556154284261e-3); //cv::randu(a, -1, 1); - + cv::Mat b = a.t()*a; cv::Mat c, i = Mat_::eye(3, 3); cv::invert(b, c, cv::DECOMP_LU); //std::cout << b*c << std::endl; @@ -2643,4 +2643,3 @@ TEST(CovariationMatrixVectorOfMatWithMean, accuracy) } /* End of file. */ - diff --git a/modules/features2d/CMakeLists.txt b/modules/features2d/CMakeLists.txt index 7d36a58ac..0b080cfb9 100644 --- a/modules/features2d/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/modules/features2d/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ set(the_description "2D Features Framework") ocv_define_module(features2d opencv_imgproc opencv_flann OPTIONAL opencv_highgui) - diff --git a/modules/features2d/doc/common_interfaces_of_descriptor_matchers.rst b/modules/features2d/doc/common_interfaces_of_descriptor_matchers.rst index 264d3a1bb..91c4110d2 100644 --- a/modules/features2d/doc/common_interfaces_of_descriptor_matchers.rst +++ b/modules/features2d/doc/common_interfaces_of_descriptor_matchers.rst @@ -305,4 +305,3 @@ Flann-based descriptor matcher. This matcher trains :ocv:class:`flann::Index_` o }; .. - diff --git a/modules/features2d/doc/common_interfaces_of_generic_descriptor_matchers.rst b/modules/features2d/doc/common_interfaces_of_generic_descriptor_matchers.rst index fcdc8b9b0..5a7f952bc 100644 --- a/modules/features2d/doc/common_interfaces_of_generic_descriptor_matchers.rst +++ b/modules/features2d/doc/common_interfaces_of_generic_descriptor_matchers.rst @@ -274,5 +274,3 @@ Example: :: VectorDescriptorMatcher matcher( new SurfDescriptorExtractor, new BruteForceMatcher > ); - - diff --git a/modules/features2d/doc/drawing_function_of_keypoints_and_matches.rst b/modules/features2d/doc/drawing_function_of_keypoints_and_matches.rst index 2669ab9f2..e8ef4e0b3 100644 --- a/modules/features2d/doc/drawing_function_of_keypoints_and_matches.rst +++ b/modules/features2d/doc/drawing_function_of_keypoints_and_matches.rst @@ -76,4 +76,3 @@ Draws keypoints. :param color: Color of keypoints. :param flags: Flags setting drawing features. Possible ``flags`` bit values are defined by ``DrawMatchesFlags``. See details above in :ocv:func:`drawMatches` . - diff --git a/modules/features2d/doc/object_categorization.rst b/modules/features2d/doc/object_categorization.rst index cf10460f6..644634fd0 100644 --- a/modules/features2d/doc/object_categorization.rst +++ b/modules/features2d/doc/object_categorization.rst @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Lixin Fan, Jutta Willamowski, Cedric Bray, 2004. :: BOWTrainer::add ------------------- -Adds descriptors to a training set. +Adds descriptors to a training set. .. ocv:function:: void BOWTrainer::add( const Mat& descriptors ) @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Returns the count of all descriptors stored in the training set. BOWTrainer::cluster ----------------------- -Clusters train descriptors. +Clusters train descriptors. .. ocv:function:: Mat BOWTrainer::cluster() const @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ Class to compute an image descriptor using the *bag of visual words*. Such a com #. Compute descriptors for a given image and its keypoints set. #. Find the nearest visual words from the vocabulary for each keypoint descriptor. #. Compute the bag-of-words image descriptor as is a normalized histogram of vocabulary words encountered in the image. The ``i``-th bin of the histogram is a frequency of ``i``-th word of the vocabulary in the given image. - + The class declaration is the following: :: class BOWImgDescriptorExtractor @@ -204,4 +204,3 @@ BOWImgDescriptorExtractor::descriptorType Returns an image descriptor type. .. ocv:function:: int BOWImgDescriptorExtractor::descriptorType() const - diff --git a/modules/features2d/perf/perf_fast.cpp b/modules/features2d/perf/perf_fast.cpp index f6a47fe0f..abd3d8733 100644 --- a/modules/features2d/perf/perf_fast.cpp +++ b/modules/features2d/perf/perf_fast.cpp @@ -41,4 +41,3 @@ PERF_TEST_P(fast, detect, testing::Combine( SANITY_CHECK_KEYPOINTS(points); } - diff --git a/modules/features2d/src/bagofwords.cpp b/modules/features2d/src/bagofwords.cpp index 898c6342d..83d9df7b3 100644 --- a/modules/features2d/src/bagofwords.cpp +++ b/modules/features2d/src/bagofwords.cpp @@ -178,10 +178,10 @@ void BOWImgDescriptorExtractor::compute( const Mat& image, vector& key // Normalize image descriptor. imgDescriptor /= descriptors.rows; - + // Add the descriptors of image keypoints if (_descriptors) { - *_descriptors = descriptors.clone(); + *_descriptors = descriptors.clone(); } } diff --git a/modules/features2d/src/evaluation.cpp b/modules/features2d/src/evaluation.cpp index 1724b0176..44151c03c 100644 --- a/modules/features2d/src/evaluation.cpp +++ b/modules/features2d/src/evaluation.cpp @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ struct IntersectAreaCounter { CV_Assert( miny < maxy ); CV_Assert( dr > FLT_EPSILON ); - + int temp_bua = bua, temp_bna = bna; for( int i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); i++ ) { diff --git a/modules/features2d/src/fast_score.cpp b/modules/features2d/src/fast_score.cpp index 423b1f950..de697b7c9 100644 --- a/modules/features2d/src/fast_score.cpp +++ b/modules/features2d/src/fast_score.cpp @@ -357,4 +357,3 @@ int cornerScore<8>(const uchar* ptr, const int pixel[], int threshold) } } // namespace cv - diff --git a/modules/features2d/test/test_brisk.cpp b/modules/features2d/test/test_brisk.cpp index 49d149834..a254992b4 100644 --- a/modules/features2d/test/test_brisk.cpp +++ b/modules/features2d/test/test_brisk.cpp @@ -92,4 +92,3 @@ void CV_BRISKTest::run( int ) } TEST(Features2d_BRISK, regression) { CV_BRISKTest test; test.safe_run(); } - diff --git a/modules/features2d/test/test_fast.cpp b/modules/features2d/test/test_fast.cpp index 4161be1ab..40cc7f02a 100644 --- a/modules/features2d/test/test_fast.cpp +++ b/modules/features2d/test/test_fast.cpp @@ -134,4 +134,3 @@ void CV_FastTest::run( int ) } TEST(Features2d_FAST, regression) { CV_FastTest test; test.safe_run(); } - diff --git a/modules/features2d/test/test_keypoints.cpp b/modules/features2d/test/test_keypoints.cpp index b5d01a737..009ded5db 100644 --- a/modules/features2d/test/test_keypoints.cpp +++ b/modules/features2d/test/test_keypoints.cpp @@ -166,5 +166,3 @@ TEST(Features2d_Detector_Keypoints_Dense, validation) CV_FeatureDetectorKeypointsTest test(Algorithm::create("Feature2D.Dense")); test.safe_run(); } - - diff --git a/modules/features2d/test/test_mser.cpp b/modules/features2d/test/test_mser.cpp index b30400a50..0170bad91 100644 --- a/modules/features2d/test/test_mser.cpp +++ b/modules/features2d/test/test_mser.cpp @@ -204,4 +204,3 @@ void CV_MserTest::run(int) } TEST(Features2d_MSER, DISABLED_regression) { CV_MserTest test; test.safe_run(); } - diff --git a/modules/flann/CMakeLists.txt b/modules/flann/CMakeLists.txt index 645e8ce85..a6326c40a 100644 --- a/modules/flann/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/modules/flann/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ set(the_description "Clustering and Search in Multi-Dimensional Spaces") ocv_define_module(flann opencv_core) - diff --git a/modules/flann/doc/flann_fast_approximate_nearest_neighbor_search.rst b/modules/flann/doc/flann_fast_approximate_nearest_neighbor_search.rst index ee44b301e..07b0b2a46 100644 --- a/modules/flann/doc/flann_fast_approximate_nearest_neighbor_search.rst +++ b/modules/flann/doc/flann_fast_approximate_nearest_neighbor_search.rst @@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ The method constructs a fast search structure from a set of features using the s * **branching** The branching factor to use for the hierarchical k-means tree - * **iterations** The maximum number of iterations to use in the k-means clustering stage when building the k-means tree. A value of -1 used here means that the k-means clustering should be iterated until convergence + * **iterations** The maximum number of iterations to use in the k-means clustering stage when building the k-means tree. A value of -1 used here means that the k-means clustering should be iterated until convergence - * **centers_init** The algorithm to use for selecting the initial centers when performing a k-means clustering step. The possible values are ``CENTERS_RANDOM`` (picks the initial cluster centers randomly), ``CENTERS_GONZALES`` (picks the initial centers using Gonzales' algorithm) and ``CENTERS_KMEANSPP`` (picks the initial centers using the algorithm suggested in arthur_kmeanspp_2007 ) + * **centers_init** The algorithm to use for selecting the initial centers when performing a k-means clustering step. The possible values are ``CENTERS_RANDOM`` (picks the initial cluster centers randomly), ``CENTERS_GONZALES`` (picks the initial centers using Gonzales' algorithm) and ``CENTERS_KMEANSPP`` (picks the initial centers using the algorithm suggested in arthur_kmeanspp_2007 ) - * **cb_index** This parameter (cluster boundary index) influences the way exploration is performed in the hierarchical kmeans tree. When ``cb_index`` is zero the next kmeans domain to be explored is chosen to be the one with the closest center. A value greater then zero also takes into account the size of the domain. + * **cb_index** This parameter (cluster boundary index) influences the way exploration is performed in the hierarchical kmeans tree. When ``cb_index`` is zero the next kmeans domain to be explored is chosen to be the one with the closest center. A value greater then zero also takes into account the size of the domain. * **CompositeIndexParams** When using a parameters object of this type the index created combines the randomized kd-trees and the hierarchical k-means tree. :: @@ -122,16 +122,16 @@ The method constructs a fast search structure from a set of features using the s .. - * **target_precision** Is a number between 0 and 1 specifying the percentage of the approximate nearest-neighbor searches that return the exact nearest-neighbor. Using a higher value for this parameter gives more accurate results, but the search takes longer. The optimum value usually depends on the application. + * **target_precision** Is a number between 0 and 1 specifying the percentage of the approximate nearest-neighbor searches that return the exact nearest-neighbor. Using a higher value for this parameter gives more accurate results, but the search takes longer. The optimum value usually depends on the application. - * **build_weight** Specifies the importance of the index build time raported to the nearest-neighbor search time. In some applications it's acceptable for the index build step to take a long time if the subsequent searches in the index can be performed very fast. In other applications it's required that the index be build as fast as possible even if that leads to slightly longer search times. + * **build_weight** Specifies the importance of the index build time raported to the nearest-neighbor search time. In some applications it's acceptable for the index build step to take a long time if the subsequent searches in the index can be performed very fast. In other applications it's required that the index be build as fast as possible even if that leads to slightly longer search times. * **memory_weight** Is used to specify the tradeoff between time (index build time and search time) and memory used by the index. A value less than 1 gives more importance to the time spent and a value greater than 1 gives more importance to the memory usage. - * **sample_fraction** Is a number between 0 and 1 indicating what fraction of the dataset to use in the automatic parameter configuration algorithm. Running the algorithm on the full dataset gives the most accurate results, but for very large datasets can take longer than desired. In such case using just a fraction of the data helps speeding up this algorithm while still giving good approximations of the optimum parameters. + * **sample_fraction** Is a number between 0 and 1 indicating what fraction of the dataset to use in the automatic parameter configuration algorithm. Running the algorithm on the full dataset gives the most accurate results, but for very large datasets can take longer than desired. In such case using just a fraction of the data helps speeding up this algorithm while still giving good approximations of the optimum parameters. * **SavedIndexParams** This object type is used for loading a previously saved index from the disk. :: diff --git a/modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/random.h b/modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/random.h index 2a67352da..a3cf5ec53 100644 --- a/modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/random.h +++ b/modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/random.h @@ -131,5 +131,3 @@ public: } #endif //OPENCV_FLANN_RANDOM_H - - diff --git a/modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/result_set.h b/modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/result_set.h index 7bb709b76..3adad4659 100644 --- a/modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/result_set.h +++ b/modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/result_set.h @@ -540,4 +540,3 @@ private: } #endif //OPENCV_FLANN_RESULTSET_H - diff --git a/modules/flann/src/flann.cpp b/modules/flann/src/flann.cpp index fa1fdaf41..67fff88a4 100644 --- a/modules/flann/src/flann.cpp +++ b/modules/flann/src/flann.cpp @@ -54,4 +54,4 @@ namespace cvflann } void dummyfunc() {} -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/modules/flann/src/precomp.hpp b/modules/flann/src/precomp.hpp index 76d83992e..988c01f2a 100644 --- a/modules/flann/src/precomp.hpp +++ b/modules/flann/src/precomp.hpp @@ -22,4 +22,3 @@ #include "opencv2/flann/flann_base.hpp" #endif - diff --git a/modules/gpu/CMakeLists.txt b/modules/gpu/CMakeLists.txt index 44b507268..8650b3f09 100644 --- a/modules/gpu/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/modules/gpu/CMakeLists.txt @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ if(HAVE_CUDA) ocv_cuda_compile(cuda_objs ${lib_cuda} ${ncv_cuda}) set(cuda_link_libs ${CUDA_LIBRARIES} ${CUDA_npp_LIBRARY}) - + if(HAVE_CUFFT) set(cuda_link_libs ${cuda_link_libs} ${CUDA_cufft_LIBRARY}) endif() diff --git a/modules/gpu/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.rst b/modules/gpu/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.rst index d99def207..aafbf7458 100644 --- a/modules/gpu/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.rst +++ b/modules/gpu/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.rst @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ This means that the input left image is low textured. * A basic stereo matching example can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/gpu/stereo_match.cpp * A stereo matching example using several GPU's can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/gpu/stereo_multi.cpp * A stereo matching example using several GPU's and driver API can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/gpu/driver_api_stereo_multi.cpp - + gpu::StereoBM_GPU::StereoBM_GPU ----------------------------------- Enables :ocv:class:`gpu::StereoBM_GPU` constructors. diff --git a/modules/gpu/doc/data_structures.rst b/modules/gpu/doc/data_structures.rst index 569972320..0c75a5ccc 100644 --- a/modules/gpu/doc/data_structures.rst +++ b/modules/gpu/doc/data_structures.rst @@ -386,4 +386,3 @@ Class that enables getting ``cudaStream_t`` from :ocv:class:`gpu::Stream` and is { CV_EXPORTS static cudaStream_t getStream(const Stream& stream); }; - diff --git a/modules/gpu/doc/introduction.rst b/modules/gpu/doc/introduction.rst index ef34c369b..a1237629c 100644 --- a/modules/gpu/doc/introduction.rst +++ b/modules/gpu/doc/introduction.rst @@ -60,4 +60,3 @@ With this algorithm, a dual GPU gave a 180 % performance increase comparing to the single Fermi GPU. For a source code example, see http://code.opencv.org/projects/opencv/repository/revisions/master/entry/samples/gpu/. - diff --git a/modules/gpu/doc/video.rst b/modules/gpu/doc/video.rst index 7b8dde601..ea15a062a 100644 --- a/modules/gpu/doc/video.rst +++ b/modules/gpu/doc/video.rst @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Video Analysis * A general optical flow example can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/gpu/optical_flow.cpp * A general optical flow example using the Nvidia API can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/gpu/opticalflow_nvidia_api.cpp - + gpu::BroxOpticalFlow -------------------- .. ocv:class:: gpu::BroxOpticalFlow diff --git a/modules/gpu/include/opencv2/gpu/device/block.hpp b/modules/gpu/include/opencv2/gpu/device/block.hpp index 86ce205bc..6cc00aed4 100644 --- a/modules/gpu/include/opencv2/gpu/device/block.hpp +++ b/modules/gpu/include/opencv2/gpu/device/block.hpp @@ -201,5 +201,3 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device }}} #endif /* __OPENCV_GPU_DEVICE_BLOCK_HPP__ */ - - diff --git a/modules/gpu/misc/mark_nvidia.py b/modules/gpu/misc/mark_nvidia.py index 08743fb13..80dc7f9ce 100755 --- a/modules/gpu/misc/mark_nvidia.py +++ b/modules/gpu/misc/mark_nvidia.py @@ -257,4 +257,3 @@ if __name__ == "__main__": outputFile = open(sys.argv[2], 'w') outputFile.writelines(lines) outputFile.close() - diff --git a/modules/gpu/perf4au/CMakeLists.txt b/modules/gpu/perf4au/CMakeLists.txt index 745220382..376e7b270 100644 --- a/modules/gpu/perf4au/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/modules/gpu/perf4au/CMakeLists.txt @@ -25,4 +25,3 @@ if(WIN32) set_target_properties(${the_target} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "/NODEFAULTLIB:atlthunk.lib /NODEFAULTLIB:atlsd.lib /DEBUG") endif() endif() - diff --git a/modules/gpu/src/calib3d.cpp b/modules/gpu/src/calib3d.cpp index b84f09d0a..ee0004bcf 100644 --- a/modules/gpu/src/calib3d.cpp +++ b/modules/gpu/src/calib3d.cpp @@ -291,5 +291,3 @@ void cv::gpu::solvePnPRansac(const Mat& object, const Mat& image, const Mat& cam } #endif - - diff --git a/modules/gpu/src/denoising.cpp b/modules/gpu/src/denoising.cpp index 995b809d3..50fab0cc2 100644 --- a/modules/gpu/src/denoising.cpp +++ b/modules/gpu/src/denoising.cpp @@ -194,5 +194,3 @@ void cv::gpu::FastNonLocalMeansDenoising::labMethod( const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& #endif - - diff --git a/modules/gpu/src/precomp.cpp b/modules/gpu/src/precomp.cpp index c955cfceb..10511bc54 100644 --- a/modules/gpu/src/precomp.cpp +++ b/modules/gpu/src/precomp.cpp @@ -73,4 +73,3 @@ bool cv::gpu::tryConvertToGpuBorderType(int cpuBorderType, int& gpuBorderType) } /* End of file. */ - diff --git a/modules/gpu/src/speckle_filtering.cpp b/modules/gpu/src/speckle_filtering.cpp index 0b97a20f5..f7424483e 100644 --- a/modules/gpu/src/speckle_filtering.cpp +++ b/modules/gpu/src/speckle_filtering.cpp @@ -165,4 +165,3 @@ void cv::filterSpeckles( Mat& img, uchar newVal, int maxSpeckleSize, uchar maxDi } } } - diff --git a/modules/highgui/doc/qt_new_functions.rst b/modules/highgui/doc/qt_new_functions.rst index bd889db8a..9f2d70e6c 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/doc/qt_new_functions.rst +++ b/modules/highgui/doc/qt_new_functions.rst @@ -334,5 +334,3 @@ See below various examples of the ``createButton`` function call: :: createButton("button6",callbackButton2,NULL,CV_PUSH_BUTTON,1); .. - - diff --git a/modules/highgui/doc/reading_and_writing_images_and_video.rst b/modules/highgui/doc/reading_and_writing_images_and_video.rst index 811f3da06..335b5ae74 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/doc/reading_and_writing_images_and_video.rst +++ b/modules/highgui/doc/reading_and_writing_images_and_video.rst @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Reads an image from a buffer in memory. :param buf: Input array or vector of bytes. :param flags: The same flags as in :ocv:func:`imread` . - + :param dst: The optional output placeholder for the decoded matrix. It can save the image reallocations when the function is called repeatedly for images of the same size. The function reads an image from the specified buffer in the memory. @@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ Loads an image from a file. :param filename: Name of file to be loaded. :param flags: Flags specifying the color type of a loaded image: - + * CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH - If set, return 16-bit/32-bit image when the input has the corresponding depth, otherwise convert it to 8-bit. - + * CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR - If set, always convert image to the color one * CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE - If set, always convert image to the grayscale one @@ -555,4 +555,3 @@ Writes the next video frame :param image: The written frame The functions/methods write the specified image to video file. It must have the same size as has been specified when opening the video writer. - diff --git a/modules/highgui/include/opencv2/highgui/ios.h b/modules/highgui/include/opencv2/highgui/ios.h index a78fbf72c..a7f0395d7 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/include/opencv2/highgui/ios.h +++ b/modules/highgui/include/opencv2/highgui/ios.h @@ -46,4 +46,4 @@ UIImage* MatToUIImage(const cv::Mat& image); void UIImageToMat(const UIImage* image, - cv::Mat& m, bool alphaExist = false); \ No newline at end of file + cv::Mat& m, bool alphaExist = false); diff --git a/modules/highgui/perf/perf_input.cpp b/modules/highgui/perf/perf_input.cpp index 414c85365..528bba6b3 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/perf/perf_input.cpp +++ b/modules/highgui/perf/perf_input.cpp @@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ PERF_TEST_P(VideoCapture_Reading, ReadFile, testing::Values( "highgui/video/big_ SANITY_CHECK(dummy); } -#endif // BUILD_WITH_VIDEO_INPUT_SUPPORT \ No newline at end of file +#endif // BUILD_WITH_VIDEO_INPUT_SUPPORT diff --git a/modules/highgui/perf/perf_output.cpp b/modules/highgui/perf/perf_output.cpp index 2adfe8965..88e00b0eb 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/perf/perf_output.cpp +++ b/modules/highgui/perf/perf_output.cpp @@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ PERF_TEST_P(VideoWriter_Writing, WriteFrame, SANITY_CHECK(dummy); } -#endif // BUILD_WITH_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SUPPORT \ No newline at end of file +#endif // BUILD_WITH_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SUPPORT diff --git a/modules/highgui/src/cap_avfoundation.mm b/modules/highgui/src/cap_avfoundation.mm index dfbb2a0cd..35b52f08c 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/src/cap_avfoundation.mm +++ b/modules/highgui/src/cap_avfoundation.mm @@ -1329,4 +1329,3 @@ bool CvVideoWriter_AVFoundation::writeFrame(const IplImage* iplimage) { } } - diff --git a/modules/highgui/src/cap_ffmpeg.cpp b/modules/highgui/src/cap_ffmpeg.cpp index 00f0494d8..74c3e18cf 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/src/cap_ffmpeg.cpp +++ b/modules/highgui/src/cap_ffmpeg.cpp @@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ private: }; -class CvCapture_FFMPEG_proxy : - public CvCapture +class CvCapture_FFMPEG_proxy : + public CvCapture { public: CvCapture_FFMPEG_proxy() { ffmpegCapture = 0; } @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ public: if (!ffmpegCapture || !icvRetrieveFrame_FFMPEG_p(ffmpegCapture, &data, &step, &width, &height, &cn)) - return 0; + return 0; cvInitImageHeader(&frame, cvSize(width, height), 8, cn); cvSetData(&frame, data, step); return &frame; @@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ CvCapture* cvCreateFileCapture_FFMPEG_proxy(const char * filename) return 0; } -class CvVideoWriter_FFMPEG_proxy : - public CvVideoWriter +class CvVideoWriter_FFMPEG_proxy : + public CvVideoWriter { public: CvVideoWriter_FFMPEG_proxy() { ffmpegWriter = 0; } diff --git a/modules/highgui/src/cap_ffmpeg_api.hpp b/modules/highgui/src/cap_ffmpeg_api.hpp index 1fe488c04..2242bd4d9 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/src/cap_ffmpeg_api.hpp +++ b/modules/highgui/src/cap_ffmpeg_api.hpp @@ -94,4 +94,3 @@ typedef int (*Read_InputMediaStream_FFMPEG_Plugin)(struct InputMediaStream_FFMPE #endif #endif - diff --git a/modules/highgui/src/cap_ffmpeg_impl.hpp b/modules/highgui/src/cap_ffmpeg_impl.hpp index 21acc54c3..2d8ad2223 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/src/cap_ffmpeg_impl.hpp +++ b/modules/highgui/src/cap_ffmpeg_impl.hpp @@ -343,9 +343,9 @@ void CvCapture_FFMPEG::close() class ImplMutex { public: - ImplMutex() { init(); } - ~ImplMutex() { destroy(); } - + ImplMutex() { init(); } + ~ImplMutex() { destroy(); } + void init(); void destroy(); @@ -447,14 +447,14 @@ struct ImplMutex::Impl void ImplMutex::init() { - impl = (Impl*)malloc(sizeof(Impl)); - impl->init(); + impl = (Impl*)malloc(sizeof(Impl)); + impl->init(); } -void ImplMutex::destroy() +void ImplMutex::destroy() { - impl->destroy(); - free(impl); - impl = NULL; + impl->destroy(); + free(impl); + impl = NULL; } void ImplMutex::lock() { impl->lock(); } void ImplMutex::unlock() { impl->unlock(); } diff --git a/modules/highgui/src/cap_ios_abstract_camera.mm b/modules/highgui/src/cap_ios_abstract_camera.mm index 38e1c12e6..a77e200a8 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/src/cap_ios_abstract_camera.mm +++ b/modules/highgui/src/cap_ios_abstract_camera.mm @@ -491,4 +491,3 @@ } @end - diff --git a/modules/highgui/src/cap_ios_video_camera.mm b/modules/highgui/src/cap_ios_video_camera.mm index ac85f79ee..99f8a75ae 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/src/cap_ios_video_camera.mm +++ b/modules/highgui/src/cap_ios_video_camera.mm @@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ static CGFloat DegreesToRadians(CGFloat degrees) {return degrees * M_PI / 180;}; - (CVPixelBufferRef) pixelBufferFromCGImage: (CGImageRef) image { - + CGSize frameSize = CGSizeMake(CGImageGetWidth(image), CGImageGetHeight(image)); NSDictionary *options = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], kCVPixelBufferCGImageCompatibilityKey, @@ -399,23 +399,23 @@ static CGFloat DegreesToRadians(CGFloat degrees) {return degrees * M_PI / 180;}; frameSize.height, kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB, (CFDictionaryRef) CFBridgingRetain(options), &pxbuffer); NSParameterAssert(status == kCVReturnSuccess && pxbuffer != NULL); - + CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(pxbuffer, 0); void *pxdata = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(pxbuffer); - - + + CGColorSpaceRef rgbColorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(pxdata, frameSize.width, frameSize.height, 8, 4*frameSize.width, rgbColorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst); - + CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, CGImageGetWidth(image), CGImageGetHeight(image)), image); CGColorSpaceRelease(rgbColorSpace); CGContextRelease(context); - + CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(pxbuffer, 0); - + return pxbuffer; } @@ -616,4 +616,3 @@ static CGFloat DegreesToRadians(CGFloat degrees) {return degrees * M_PI / 180;}; } @end - diff --git a/modules/highgui/src/cap_libv4l.cpp b/modules/highgui/src/cap_libv4l.cpp index 6027caec2..3fd6dd59a 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/src/cap_libv4l.cpp +++ b/modules/highgui/src/cap_libv4l.cpp @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ It has been tested with the motempl sample program First Patch: August 24, 2004 Travis Wood TravisOCV@tkwood.com For Release: OpenCV-Linux Beta4 opencv-0.9.6 Tested On: LMLBT44 with 8 video inputs -Problems? Post your questions at answers.opencv.org, +Problems? Post your questions at answers.opencv.org, Report bugs at code.opencv.org, Submit your fixes at https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/ Patched Comments: diff --git a/modules/highgui/src/cap_msmf.cpp b/modules/highgui/src/cap_msmf.cpp index 76b9a215c..df52f04bd 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/src/cap_msmf.cpp +++ b/modules/highgui/src/cap_msmf.cpp @@ -3026,7 +3026,7 @@ double CvCaptureFile_MSMF::getProperty(int property_id) return ((double)captureFormats[captureFormatIndex].MF_MT_FRAME_RATE_NUMERATOR) / ((double)captureFormats[captureFormatIndex].MF_MT_FRAME_RATE_DENOMINATOR); } - + return -1; } @@ -3062,7 +3062,7 @@ IplImage* CvCaptureFile_MSMF::retrieveFrame(int) if(RIOut && size == RIOut->getSize()) { - videoInput::processPixels(RIOut->getpPixels(), (unsigned char*)frame->imageData, width, + videoInput::processPixels(RIOut->getpPixels(), (unsigned char*)frame->imageData, width, height, bytes, false, verticalFlip); } @@ -3532,4 +3532,4 @@ CvVideoWriter* cvCreateVideoWriter_MSMF( const char* filename, int fourcc, return NULL; } -#endif \ No newline at end of file +#endif diff --git a/modules/highgui/src/cap_qtkit.mm b/modules/highgui/src/cap_qtkit.mm index 258d63777..570a03fc8 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/src/cap_qtkit.mm +++ b/modules/highgui/src/cap_qtkit.mm @@ -413,9 +413,9 @@ int CvCaptureCAM::startCaptureDevice(int cameraNum) { void CvCaptureCAM::setWidthHeight() { NSAutoreleasePool* localpool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; - + [mCaptureSession stopRunning]; - + NSDictionary* pixelBufferOptions = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithDouble:1.0*width], (id)kCVPixelBufferWidthKey, [NSNumber numberWithDouble:1.0*height], (id)kCVPixelBufferHeightKey, @@ -424,9 +424,9 @@ void CvCaptureCAM::setWidthHeight() { nil]; [mCaptureDecompressedVideoOutput setPixelBufferAttributes:pixelBufferOptions]; - + [mCaptureSession startRunning]; - + grabFrame(60); [localpool drain]; } @@ -1046,4 +1046,3 @@ bool CvVideoWriter_QT::writeFrame(const IplImage* image) { return 1; } - diff --git a/modules/highgui/src/cap_v4l.cpp b/modules/highgui/src/cap_v4l.cpp index 23497a595..045c6f889 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/src/cap_v4l.cpp +++ b/modules/highgui/src/cap_v4l.cpp @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ It has been tested with the motempl sample program First Patch: August 24, 2004 Travis Wood TravisOCV@tkwood.com For Release: OpenCV-Linux Beta4 opencv-0.9.6 Tested On: LMLBT44 with 8 video inputs -Problems? Post your questions at answers.opencv.org, +Problems? Post your questions at answers.opencv.org, Report bugs at code.opencv.org, Submit your fixes at https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/ Patched Comments: @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ the symptoms were damaged image and 'Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data se prevents bad images in the first place 11th patch: April 2, 2013, Forrest Reiling forrest.reiling@gmail.com -Added v4l2 support for getting capture property CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC. +Added v4l2 support for getting capture property CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC. Returns the millisecond timestamp of the last frame grabbed or 0 if no frames have been grabbed Used to successfully synchonize 2 Logitech C310 USB webcams to within 16 ms of one another @@ -1233,8 +1233,8 @@ static int read_frame_v4l2(CvCaptureCAM_V4L* capture) { if (-1 == ioctl (capture->deviceHandle, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buf)) perror ("VIDIOC_QBUF"); - //set timestamp in capture struct to be timestamp of most recent frame - capture->timestamp = buf.timestamp; + //set timestamp in capture struct to be timestamp of most recent frame + capture->timestamp = buf.timestamp; return 1; } @@ -2327,7 +2327,7 @@ static double icvGetPropertyCAM_V4L (CvCaptureCAM_V4L* capture, if (capture->FirstCapture) { return 0; } else { - return 1000 * capture->timestamp.tv_sec + ((double) capture->timestamp.tv_usec) / 1000; + return 1000 * capture->timestamp.tv_sec + ((double) capture->timestamp.tv_usec) / 1000; } break; case CV_CAP_PROP_BRIGHTNESS: diff --git a/modules/highgui/src/cap_ximea.cpp b/modules/highgui/src/cap_ximea.cpp index 98279e05b..7292727b7 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/src/cap_ximea.cpp +++ b/modules/highgui/src/cap_ximea.cpp @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ void CvCaptureCAM_XIMEA::close() { if(frame) cvReleaseImage(&frame); - + if(hmv) { xiStopAcquisition(hmv); @@ -176,11 +176,11 @@ IplImage* CvCaptureCAM_XIMEA::retrieveFrame(int) { // update cvImage after format has changed resetCvImage(); - + // copy pixel data switch( image.frm) { - case XI_MONO8 : + case XI_MONO8 : case XI_RAW8 : memcpy( frame->imageData, image.bp, image.width*image.height); break; case XI_MONO16 : case XI_RAW16 : memcpy( frame->imageData, image.bp, image.width*image.height*sizeof(WORD)); break; @@ -210,15 +210,15 @@ void CvCaptureCAM_XIMEA::resetCvImage() { case XI_MONO8 : case XI_RAW8 : frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize( image.width, image.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); break; - case XI_MONO16 : + case XI_MONO16 : case XI_RAW16 : frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize( image.width, image.height), IPL_DEPTH_16U, 1); break; - case XI_RGB24 : + case XI_RGB24 : case XI_RGB_PLANAR : frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize( image.width, image.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); break; case XI_RGB32 : frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize( image.width, image.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4); break; default : return; } - } + } cvZero(frame); } /**********************************************************************************/ @@ -338,9 +338,9 @@ int CvCaptureCAM_XIMEA::getBpp() { case XI_MONO8 : case XI_RAW8 : return 1; - case XI_MONO16 : + case XI_MONO16 : case XI_RAW16 : return 2; - case XI_RGB24 : + case XI_RGB24 : case XI_RGB_PLANAR : return 3; case XI_RGB32 : return 4; default : @@ -348,4 +348,4 @@ int CvCaptureCAM_XIMEA::getBpp() } } -/**********************************************************************************/ \ No newline at end of file +/**********************************************************************************/ diff --git a/modules/highgui/src/files_Qt/Milky/README.txt b/modules/highgui/src/files_Qt/Milky/README.txt index a257e5a2c..01ab43145 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/src/files_Qt/Milky/README.txt +++ b/modules/highgui/src/files_Qt/Milky/README.txt @@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ The license does not permit the following uses: You may not use, or allow anyone else to use the icons to create pornographic, libelous, obscene, or defamatory material. -All icon files are provided "as is". You agree not to hold IconEden.com liable for any damages that may occur due to use, or inability to use, icons or image data from IconEden.com. \ No newline at end of file +All icon files are provided "as is". You agree not to hold IconEden.com liable for any damages that may occur due to use, or inability to use, icons or image data from IconEden.com. diff --git a/modules/highgui/src/grfmt_bmp.cpp b/modules/highgui/src/grfmt_bmp.cpp index 3da9bc311..c8f8218cd 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/src/grfmt_bmp.cpp +++ b/modules/highgui/src/grfmt_bmp.cpp @@ -563,4 +563,3 @@ bool BmpEncoder::write( const Mat& img, const vector& ) } } - diff --git a/modules/highgui/src/ios_conversions.mm b/modules/highgui/src/ios_conversions.mm index 7295743c5..fa6208a17 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/src/ios_conversions.mm +++ b/modules/highgui/src/ios_conversions.mm @@ -44,21 +44,21 @@ #include "precomp.hpp" UIImage* MatToUIImage(const cv::Mat& image) { - + NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:image.data length:image.elemSize()*image.total()]; - + CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace; - + if (image.elemSize() == 1) { colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray(); } else { colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); } - + CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData((__bridge CFDataRef)data); - + // Creating CGImage from cv::Mat CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageCreate(image.cols, image.rows, @@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ UIImage* MatToUIImage(const cv::Mat& image) { false, kCGRenderingIntentDefault ); - - + + // Getting UIImage from CGImage UIImage *finalImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageRef]; CGImageRelease(imageRef); CGDataProviderRelease(provider); CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace); - + return finalImage; } @@ -114,4 +114,4 @@ void UIImageToMat(const UIImage* image, image.CGImage); CGContextRelease(contextRef); CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace); -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/modules/highgui/src/window_QT.cpp b/modules/highgui/src/window_QT.cpp index 64d57ab26..eb9cfe37d 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/src/window_QT.cpp +++ b/modules/highgui/src/window_QT.cpp @@ -2474,7 +2474,7 @@ void DefaultViewPort::saveView() if (!fileName.isEmpty()) //save the picture { QString extension = fileName.right(3); - + // Create a new pixmap to render the viewport into QPixmap viewportPixmap(viewport()->size()); viewport()->render(&viewportPixmap); diff --git a/modules/highgui/test/test_fourcc.cpp b/modules/highgui/test/test_fourcc.cpp index 4a2757c10..13cac25a2 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/test/test_fourcc.cpp +++ b/modules/highgui/test/test_fourcc.cpp @@ -112,4 +112,4 @@ TEST(Highgui_dshow, fourcc_conversion) EXPECT_EQ(fourcc, (unsigned long)(unsigned)fourccFromParam); } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/modules/highgui/test/test_main.cpp b/modules/highgui/test/test_main.cpp index 363b54161..4727b9565 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/test/test_main.cpp +++ b/modules/highgui/test/test_main.cpp @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ #include "test_precomp.hpp" CV_TEST_MAIN("highgui") - diff --git a/modules/highgui/test/test_positioning.cpp b/modules/highgui/test/test_positioning.cpp index 9f022ca9f..22818b1a3 100644 --- a/modules/highgui/test/test_positioning.cpp +++ b/modules/highgui/test/test_positioning.cpp @@ -220,4 +220,4 @@ void CV_VideoRandomPositioningTest::run(int) #if BUILD_WITH_VIDEO_INPUT_SUPPORT && defined HAVE_FFMPEG TEST (Highgui_Video, seek_progressive) { CV_VideoProgressivePositioningTest test; test.safe_run(); } TEST (Highgui_Video, seek_random) { CV_VideoRandomPositioningTest test; test.safe_run(); } -#endif \ No newline at end of file +#endif diff --git a/modules/imgproc/doc/filtering.rst b/modules/imgproc/doc/filtering.rst index 73df71e6b..3d230d1ca 100755 --- a/modules/imgproc/doc/filtering.rst +++ b/modules/imgproc/doc/filtering.rst @@ -1642,4 +1642,3 @@ is equivalent to .. seealso:: :ocv:func:`cartToPolar` - diff --git a/modules/imgproc/doc/geometric_transformations.rst b/modules/imgproc/doc/geometric_transformations.rst index c3abdb7c4..229183e5f 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/doc/geometric_transformations.rst +++ b/modules/imgproc/doc/geometric_transformations.rst @@ -705,5 +705,3 @@ The function is similar to where ``undistort()`` is an approximate iterative algorithm that estimates the normalized original point coordinates out of the normalized distorted point coordinates ("normalized" means that the coordinates do not depend on the camera matrix). The function can be used for both a stereo camera head or a monocular camera (when R is empty). - - diff --git a/modules/imgproc/doc/histograms.rst b/modules/imgproc/doc/histograms.rst index bf6c98fd6..e36ce2d53 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/doc/histograms.rst +++ b/modules/imgproc/doc/histograms.rst @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ Compares two histograms. * **CV_COMP_INTERSECT** Intersection * **CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA** Bhattacharyya distance - + * **CV_COMP_HELLINGER** Synonym for ``CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA`` The functions ``compareHist`` compare two dense or two sparse histograms using the specified method: diff --git a/modules/imgproc/doc/miscellaneous_transformations.rst b/modules/imgproc/doc/miscellaneous_transformations.rst index ae728c28c..e3c459d68 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/doc/miscellaneous_transformations.rst +++ b/modules/imgproc/doc/miscellaneous_transformations.rst @@ -815,4 +815,4 @@ See the sample ``grabcut.cpp`` to learn how to use the function. * An example using the GrabCut algorithm can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/grabcut.cpp - * (Python) An example using the GrabCut algorithm can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/grabcut.py \ No newline at end of file + * (Python) An example using the GrabCut algorithm can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/grabcut.py diff --git a/modules/imgproc/doc/object_detection.rst b/modules/imgproc/doc/object_detection.rst index ab4db330e..16304a6a0 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/doc/object_detection.rst +++ b/modules/imgproc/doc/object_detection.rst @@ -76,4 +76,4 @@ After the function finishes the comparison, the best matches can be found as glo .. note:: - * (Python) An example on how to match mouse selected regions in an image can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/mouse_and_match.py \ No newline at end of file + * (Python) An example on how to match mouse selected regions in an image can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/mouse_and_match.py diff --git a/modules/imgproc/include/opencv2/imgproc/types_c.h b/modules/imgproc/include/opencv2/imgproc/types_c.h index ba25af9f9..4aba0a874 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/include/opencv2/imgproc/types_c.h +++ b/modules/imgproc/include/opencv2/imgproc/types_c.h @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ enum // alpha premultiplication CV_RGBA2mRGBA = 125, CV_mRGBA2RGBA = 126, - + CV_RGB2YUV_I420 = 127, CV_BGR2YUV_I420 = 128, CV_RGB2YUV_IYUV = CV_RGB2YUV_I420, diff --git a/modules/imgproc/perf/perf_cornerEigenValsAndVecs.cpp b/modules/imgproc/perf/perf_cornerEigenValsAndVecs.cpp index 1b176ed7a..0c89d39d5 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/perf/perf_cornerEigenValsAndVecs.cpp +++ b/modules/imgproc/perf/perf_cornerEigenValsAndVecs.cpp @@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ PERF_TEST_P(Img_BlockSize_ApertureSize_BorderType, cornerEigenValsAndVecs, extractChannel(dst, l1, 0); SANITY_CHECK(l1, 2e-5); -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/modules/imgproc/perf/perf_cornerHarris.cpp b/modules/imgproc/perf/perf_cornerHarris.cpp index 10ed8de27..bb5464437 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/perf/perf_cornerHarris.cpp +++ b/modules/imgproc/perf/perf_cornerHarris.cpp @@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ PERF_TEST_P(Img_BlockSize_ApertureSize_k_BorderType, cornerHarris, TEST_CYCLE() cornerHarris(src, dst, blockSize, apertureSize, k, borderType); SANITY_CHECK(dst, 2e-5); -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/modules/imgproc/perf/perf_filter2d.cpp b/modules/imgproc/perf/perf_filter2d.cpp index 1498ffdb1..b897d6ac0 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/perf/perf_filter2d.cpp +++ b/modules/imgproc/perf/perf_filter2d.cpp @@ -72,5 +72,3 @@ PERF_TEST_P( Image_KernelSize, GaborFilter2d, SANITY_CHECK(filteredImage, 1e-3); } - - diff --git a/modules/imgproc/perf/perf_warp.cpp b/modules/imgproc/perf/perf_warp.cpp index e958a7e96..146528b6b 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/perf/perf_warp.cpp +++ b/modules/imgproc/perf/perf_warp.cpp @@ -221,4 +221,3 @@ PERF_TEST(Transform, getPerspectiveTransform) SANITY_CHECK(transformCoefficient, 1e-5); } - diff --git a/modules/imgproc/src/color.cpp b/modules/imgproc/src/color.cpp index fed7b7313..2e130e042 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/src/color.cpp +++ b/modules/imgproc/src/color.cpp @@ -3896,7 +3896,7 @@ void cv::cvtColor( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int code, int dcn ) CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Unsupported image depth" ); } } - break; + break; default: CV_Error( CV_StsBadFlag, "Unknown/unsupported color conversion code" ); } diff --git a/modules/imgproc/src/morph.cpp b/modules/imgproc/src/morph.cpp index fb901b726..55bb0c064 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/src/morph.cpp +++ b/modules/imgproc/src/morph.cpp @@ -1139,134 +1139,134 @@ private: #if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7) static bool IPPMorphReplicate(int op, const Mat &src, Mat &dst, const Mat &kernel, const Point &anchor) { - int type = src.type(); - const Mat* _src = &src; - Mat temp; - if( src.data == dst.data ) - { - src.copyTo(temp); - _src = &temp; - } - //DEPRECATED. Allocates and initializes morphology state structure for erosion or dilation operation. - typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL* ippiMorphologyInitAllocFunc)(int, const void*, IppiSize, IppiPoint, IppiMorphState **); - ippiMorphologyInitAllocFunc ippInitAllocFunc = - type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiMorphologyInitAllocFunc)ippiMorphologyInitAlloc_8u_C1R : - type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiMorphologyInitAllocFunc)ippiMorphologyInitAlloc_8u_C3R : - type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiMorphologyInitAllocFunc)ippiMorphologyInitAlloc_8u_C4R : - type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiMorphologyInitAllocFunc)ippiMorphologyInitAlloc_32f_C1R : - type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiMorphologyInitAllocFunc)ippiMorphologyInitAlloc_32f_C3R : - type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiMorphologyInitAllocFunc)ippiMorphologyInitAlloc_32f_C4R : - 0; - typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL* ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)(const void*, int, void *, int, IppiSize, IppiBorderType, IppiMorphState *); - ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc ippFunc = 0; - switch( op ) - { - case MORPH_DILATE: - { - ippFunc = - type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiDilateBorderReplicate_8u_C1R : - type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiDilateBorderReplicate_8u_C3R : - type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiDilateBorderReplicate_8u_C4R : - type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiDilateBorderReplicate_32f_C1R : - type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiDilateBorderReplicate_32f_C3R : - type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiDilateBorderReplicate_32f_C4R : - 0; - break; - } - case MORPH_ERODE: - { - ippFunc = - type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiErodeBorderReplicate_8u_C1R : - type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiErodeBorderReplicate_8u_C3R : - type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiErodeBorderReplicate_8u_C4R : - type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiErodeBorderReplicate_32f_C1R : - type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiErodeBorderReplicate_32f_C3R : - type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiErodeBorderReplicate_32f_C4R : - 0; - break; - } - } - if( ippFunc && ippInitAllocFunc) - { - IppiMorphState* pState; - IppiSize roiSize = {src.cols, src.rows}; - IppiSize kernelSize = {kernel.cols, kernel.rows}; - IppiPoint point = {anchor.x, anchor.y}; - if( ippInitAllocFunc( roiSize.width, kernel.data, kernelSize, point, &pState ) < 0 ) - return false; - bool is_ok = ippFunc( _src->data, _src->step[0], dst.data, dst.step[0], roiSize, ippBorderRepl, pState ) >= 0; - ippiMorphologyFree(pState); - return is_ok; - } - return false; + int type = src.type(); + const Mat* _src = &src; + Mat temp; + if( src.data == dst.data ) + { + src.copyTo(temp); + _src = &temp; + } + //DEPRECATED. Allocates and initializes morphology state structure for erosion or dilation operation. + typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL* ippiMorphologyInitAllocFunc)(int, const void*, IppiSize, IppiPoint, IppiMorphState **); + ippiMorphologyInitAllocFunc ippInitAllocFunc = + type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiMorphologyInitAllocFunc)ippiMorphologyInitAlloc_8u_C1R : + type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiMorphologyInitAllocFunc)ippiMorphologyInitAlloc_8u_C3R : + type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiMorphologyInitAllocFunc)ippiMorphologyInitAlloc_8u_C4R : + type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiMorphologyInitAllocFunc)ippiMorphologyInitAlloc_32f_C1R : + type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiMorphologyInitAllocFunc)ippiMorphologyInitAlloc_32f_C3R : + type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiMorphologyInitAllocFunc)ippiMorphologyInitAlloc_32f_C4R : + 0; + typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL* ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)(const void*, int, void *, int, IppiSize, IppiBorderType, IppiMorphState *); + ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc ippFunc = 0; + switch( op ) + { + case MORPH_DILATE: + { + ippFunc = + type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiDilateBorderReplicate_8u_C1R : + type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiDilateBorderReplicate_8u_C3R : + type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiDilateBorderReplicate_8u_C4R : + type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiDilateBorderReplicate_32f_C1R : + type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiDilateBorderReplicate_32f_C3R : + type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiDilateBorderReplicate_32f_C4R : + 0; + break; + } + case MORPH_ERODE: + { + ippFunc = + type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiErodeBorderReplicate_8u_C1R : + type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiErodeBorderReplicate_8u_C3R : + type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiErodeBorderReplicate_8u_C4R : + type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiErodeBorderReplicate_32f_C1R : + type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiErodeBorderReplicate_32f_C3R : + type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiMorphologyBorderReplicateFunc)ippiErodeBorderReplicate_32f_C4R : + 0; + break; + } + } + if( ippFunc && ippInitAllocFunc) + { + IppiMorphState* pState; + IppiSize roiSize = {src.cols, src.rows}; + IppiSize kernelSize = {kernel.cols, kernel.rows}; + IppiPoint point = {anchor.x, anchor.y}; + if( ippInitAllocFunc( roiSize.width, kernel.data, kernelSize, point, &pState ) < 0 ) + return false; + bool is_ok = ippFunc( _src->data, _src->step[0], dst.data, dst.step[0], roiSize, ippBorderRepl, pState ) >= 0; + ippiMorphologyFree(pState); + return is_ok; + } + return false; } static bool IPPMorphOp(int op, InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, - InputArray _kernel, - const Point &anchor, int iterations, - int borderType, const Scalar &borderValue) + InputArray _kernel, + const Point &anchor, int iterations, + int borderType, const Scalar &borderValue) { - Mat src = _src.getMat(), kernel = _kernel.getMat(); - if( !( src.depth() == CV_8U || src.depth() == CV_32F ) || ( iterations > 1 ) || - !( borderType == cv::BORDER_REPLICATE || (borderType == cv::BORDER_CONSTANT && borderValue == morphologyDefaultBorderValue()) ) - || !( op == MORPH_DILATE || op == MORPH_ERODE) ) - return false; - if( borderType == cv::BORDER_CONSTANT ) - { - int x, y; - for( y = 0; y < kernel.rows; y++ ) - { - if( kernel.at(y, anchor.x) != 0 ) - continue; - for( x = 0; x < kernel.cols; x++ ) - { - if( kernel.at(y,x) != 0 ) - return false; - } - } - for( x = 0; y < kernel.cols; x++ ) - { - if( kernel.at(anchor.y, x) != 0 ) - continue; - for( y = 0; y < kernel.rows; y++ ) - { - if( kernel.at(y,x) != 0 ) - return false; - } - } + Mat src = _src.getMat(), kernel = _kernel.getMat(); + if( !( src.depth() == CV_8U || src.depth() == CV_32F ) || ( iterations > 1 ) || + !( borderType == cv::BORDER_REPLICATE || (borderType == cv::BORDER_CONSTANT && borderValue == morphologyDefaultBorderValue()) ) + || !( op == MORPH_DILATE || op == MORPH_ERODE) ) + return false; + if( borderType == cv::BORDER_CONSTANT ) + { + int x, y; + for( y = 0; y < kernel.rows; y++ ) + { + if( kernel.at(y, anchor.x) != 0 ) + continue; + for( x = 0; x < kernel.cols; x++ ) + { + if( kernel.at(y,x) != 0 ) + return false; + } + } + for( x = 0; y < kernel.cols; x++ ) + { + if( kernel.at(anchor.y, x) != 0 ) + continue; + for( y = 0; y < kernel.rows; y++ ) + { + if( kernel.at(y,x) != 0 ) + return false; + } + } - } - Size ksize = kernel.data ? kernel.size() : Size(3,3); - Point normanchor = normalizeAnchor(anchor, ksize); + } + Size ksize = kernel.data ? kernel.size() : Size(3,3); + Point normanchor = normalizeAnchor(anchor, ksize); - CV_Assert( normanchor.inside(Rect(0, 0, ksize.width, ksize.height)) ); + CV_Assert( normanchor.inside(Rect(0, 0, ksize.width, ksize.height)) ); - _dst.create( src.size(), src.type() ); - Mat dst = _dst.getMat(); + _dst.create( src.size(), src.type() ); + Mat dst = _dst.getMat(); - if( iterations == 0 || kernel.rows*kernel.cols == 1 ) - { - src.copyTo(dst); - return true; - } + if( iterations == 0 || kernel.rows*kernel.cols == 1 ) + { + src.copyTo(dst); + return true; + } - if( !kernel.data ) - { - kernel = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(1+iterations*2,1+iterations*2)); - normanchor = Point(iterations, iterations); - iterations = 1; - } - else if( iterations > 1 && countNonZero(kernel) == kernel.rows*kernel.cols ) - { - normanchor = Point(normanchor.x*iterations, normanchor.y*iterations); - kernel = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, - Size(ksize.width + (iterations-1)*(ksize.width-1), - ksize.height + (iterations-1)*(ksize.height-1)), - normanchor); - iterations = 1; - } + if( !kernel.data ) + { + kernel = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(1+iterations*2,1+iterations*2)); + normanchor = Point(iterations, iterations); + iterations = 1; + } + else if( iterations > 1 && countNonZero(kernel) == kernel.rows*kernel.cols ) + { + normanchor = Point(normanchor.x*iterations, normanchor.y*iterations); + kernel = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, + Size(ksize.width + (iterations-1)*(ksize.width-1), + ksize.height + (iterations-1)*(ksize.height-1)), + normanchor); + iterations = 1; + } - return IPPMorphReplicate( op, src, dst, kernel, normanchor ); + return IPPMorphReplicate( op, src, dst, kernel, normanchor ); } #endif @@ -1277,8 +1277,8 @@ static void morphOp( int op, InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, { #if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7) - if( IPPMorphOp(op, _src, _dst, _kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue) ) - return; + if( IPPMorphOp(op, _src, _dst, _kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue) ) + return; #endif Mat src = _src.getMat(), kernel = _kernel.getMat(); diff --git a/modules/imgproc/src/rotcalipers.cpp b/modules/imgproc/src/rotcalipers.cpp index 2171ec13e..3795f7a4d 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/src/rotcalipers.cpp +++ b/modules/imgproc/src/rotcalipers.cpp @@ -438,4 +438,3 @@ cvMinAreaRect2( const CvArr* array, CvMemStorage* storage ) box.angle = (float)(box.angle*180/CV_PI); return box; } - diff --git a/modules/imgproc/src/sumpixels.cpp b/modules/imgproc/src/sumpixels.cpp index 4ee941762..229bbcb8c 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/src/sumpixels.cpp +++ b/modules/imgproc/src/sumpixels.cpp @@ -239,49 +239,49 @@ void cv::integral( InputArray _src, OutputArray _sum, OutputArray _sqsum, Output sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(sdepth); #if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7) - if( ( depth == CV_8U ) && ( !_tilted.needed() ) ) - { - if( sdepth == CV_32F ) - { - if( cn == 1 ) - { - IppiSize srcRoiSize = ippiSize( src.cols, src.rows ); - _sum.create( isize, CV_MAKETYPE( sdepth, cn ) ); - sum = _sum.getMat(); - if( _sqsum.needed() ) - { - _sqsum.create( isize, CV_MAKETYPE( CV_64F, cn ) ); - sqsum = _sqsum.getMat(); - ippiSqrIntegral_8u32f64f_C1R( (const Ipp8u*)src.data, src.step, (Ipp32f*)sum.data, sum.step, (Ipp64f*)sqsum.data, sqsum.step, srcRoiSize, 0, 0 ); - } - else - { - ippiIntegral_8u32f_C1R( (const Ipp8u*)src.data, src.step, (Ipp32f*)sum.data, sum.step, srcRoiSize, 0 ); - } - return; - } - } - if( sdepth == CV_32S ) - { - if( cn == 1 ) - { - IppiSize srcRoiSize = ippiSize( src.cols, src.rows ); - _sum.create( isize, CV_MAKETYPE( sdepth, cn ) ); - sum = _sum.getMat(); - if( _sqsum.needed() ) - { - _sqsum.create( isize, CV_MAKETYPE( CV_64F, cn ) ); - sqsum = _sqsum.getMat(); - ippiSqrIntegral_8u32s64f_C1R( (const Ipp8u*)src.data, src.step, (Ipp32s*)sum.data, sum.step, (Ipp64f*)sqsum.data, sqsum.step, srcRoiSize, 0, 0 ); - } - else - { - ippiIntegral_8u32s_C1R( (const Ipp8u*)src.data, src.step, (Ipp32s*)sum.data, sum.step, srcRoiSize, 0 ); - } - return; - } - } - } + if( ( depth == CV_8U ) && ( !_tilted.needed() ) ) + { + if( sdepth == CV_32F ) + { + if( cn == 1 ) + { + IppiSize srcRoiSize = ippiSize( src.cols, src.rows ); + _sum.create( isize, CV_MAKETYPE( sdepth, cn ) ); + sum = _sum.getMat(); + if( _sqsum.needed() ) + { + _sqsum.create( isize, CV_MAKETYPE( CV_64F, cn ) ); + sqsum = _sqsum.getMat(); + ippiSqrIntegral_8u32f64f_C1R( (const Ipp8u*)src.data, src.step, (Ipp32f*)sum.data, sum.step, (Ipp64f*)sqsum.data, sqsum.step, srcRoiSize, 0, 0 ); + } + else + { + ippiIntegral_8u32f_C1R( (const Ipp8u*)src.data, src.step, (Ipp32f*)sum.data, sum.step, srcRoiSize, 0 ); + } + return; + } + } + if( sdepth == CV_32S ) + { + if( cn == 1 ) + { + IppiSize srcRoiSize = ippiSize( src.cols, src.rows ); + _sum.create( isize, CV_MAKETYPE( sdepth, cn ) ); + sum = _sum.getMat(); + if( _sqsum.needed() ) + { + _sqsum.create( isize, CV_MAKETYPE( CV_64F, cn ) ); + sqsum = _sqsum.getMat(); + ippiSqrIntegral_8u32s64f_C1R( (const Ipp8u*)src.data, src.step, (Ipp32s*)sum.data, sum.step, (Ipp64f*)sqsum.data, sqsum.step, srcRoiSize, 0, 0 ); + } + else + { + ippiIntegral_8u32s_C1R( (const Ipp8u*)src.data, src.step, (Ipp32s*)sum.data, sum.step, srcRoiSize, 0 ); + } + return; + } + } + } #endif _sum.create( isize, CV_MAKETYPE(sdepth, cn) ); diff --git a/modules/imgproc/test/test_approxpoly.cpp b/modules/imgproc/test/test_approxpoly.cpp index d087d541e..c4973c31e 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/test/test_approxpoly.cpp +++ b/modules/imgproc/test/test_approxpoly.cpp @@ -356,4 +356,3 @@ _exit_: } TEST(Imgproc_ApproxPoly, accuracy) { CV_ApproxPolyTest test; test.safe_run(); } - diff --git a/modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp b/modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp index 19f536a94..cae75d0cb 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp +++ b/modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp @@ -1700,4 +1700,3 @@ TEST(Imgproc_ContourPerimeterSlice, accuracy) { CV_PerimeterAreaSliceTest test; TEST(Imgproc_FitEllipse, small) { CV_FitEllipseSmallTest test; test.safe_run(); } /* End of file. */ - diff --git a/modules/imgproc/test/test_cvtyuv.cpp b/modules/imgproc/test/test_cvtyuv.cpp index 61bc9bd8d..bd8d95dc7 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/test/test_cvtyuv.cpp +++ b/modules/imgproc/test/test_cvtyuv.cpp @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ public: int r = rgb[0]; int g = rgb[1]; int b = rgb[2]; - + uchar y = saturate_cast((int)( 0.257f*r + 0.504f*g + 0.098f*b + 0.5f) + 16); uchar u = saturate_cast((int)(-0.148f*r - 0.291f*g + 0.439f*b + 0.5f) + 128); uchar v = saturate_cast((int)( 0.439f*r - 0.368f*g - 0.071f*b + 0.5f) + 128); diff --git a/modules/imgproc/test/test_distancetransform.cpp b/modules/imgproc/test/test_distancetransform.cpp index da7e33449..bbbb3479e 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/test/test_distancetransform.cpp +++ b/modules/imgproc/test/test_distancetransform.cpp @@ -293,5 +293,3 @@ void CV_DisTransTest::prepare_to_validation( int /*test_case_idx*/ ) TEST(Imgproc_DistanceTransform, accuracy) { CV_DisTransTest test; test.safe_run(); } - - diff --git a/modules/imgproc/test/test_filter.cpp b/modules/imgproc/test/test_filter.cpp index 6bf529b0e..efbad9974 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/test/test_filter.cpp +++ b/modules/imgproc/test/test_filter.cpp @@ -1886,4 +1886,3 @@ protected: }; TEST(Imgproc_Filtering, supportedFormats) { CV_FilterSupportedFormatsTest test; test.safe_run(); } - diff --git a/modules/imgproc/test/test_houghLines.cpp b/modules/imgproc/test/test_houghLines.cpp index 9f2d27fc9..d2a45cba6 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/test/test_houghLines.cpp +++ b/modules/imgproc/test/test_houghLines.cpp @@ -146,4 +146,3 @@ void CV_HoughLinesTest::run_test(int type) TEST(Imgproc_HoughLines, regression) { CV_StandartHoughLinesTest test; test.safe_run(); } TEST(Imgproc_HoughLinesP, regression) { CV_ProbabilisticHoughLinesTest test; test.safe_run(); } - diff --git a/modules/imgproc/test/test_thresh.cpp b/modules/imgproc/test/test_thresh.cpp index 30a760da5..f59fec19e 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/test/test_thresh.cpp +++ b/modules/imgproc/test/test_thresh.cpp @@ -318,4 +318,3 @@ void CV_ThreshTest::prepare_to_validation( int /*test_case_idx*/ ) } TEST(Imgproc_Threshold, accuracy) { CV_ThreshTest test; test.safe_run(); } - diff --git a/modules/imgproc/test/test_watershed.cpp b/modules/imgproc/test/test_watershed.cpp index 52cb37a4f..0edb18e02 100644 --- a/modules/imgproc/test/test_watershed.cpp +++ b/modules/imgproc/test/test_watershed.cpp @@ -130,4 +130,3 @@ void CV_WatershedTest::run( int /* start_from */) } TEST(Imgproc_Watershed, regression) { CV_WatershedTest test; test.safe_run(); } - diff --git a/modules/java/android_test/.gitignore b/modules/java/android_test/.gitignore index 2d406cbbc..a21956836 100644 --- a/modules/java/android_test/.gitignore +++ b/modules/java/android_test/.gitignore @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ build.xml local.properties proguard-project.txt project.properties -default.properties \ No newline at end of file +default.properties diff --git a/modules/java/android_test/AndroidManifest.xml b/modules/java/android_test/AndroidManifest.xml index e261e2d70..dfe25fff0 100644 --- a/modules/java/android_test/AndroidManifest.xml +++ b/modules/java/android_test/AndroidManifest.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0"> - + - diff --git a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MainPage.xaml b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MainPage.xaml index e0ed0d79c..66ce5715f 100644 --- a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MainPage.xaml +++ b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MainPage.xaml @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ //********************************************************* --> - - diff --git a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaCapture.vcxproj b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaCapture.vcxproj index b8b8990e2..a0f8c84f9 100644 --- a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaCapture.vcxproj +++ b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaCapture.vcxproj @@ -307,4 +307,4 @@ - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/AsyncCB.h b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/AsyncCB.h index 04ff69ed8..3321b47c9 100644 --- a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/AsyncCB.h +++ b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/AsyncCB.h @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AsyncCallback [template] // -// Description: +// Description: // Helper class that routes IMFAsyncCallback::Invoke calls to a class // method on the parent class. // @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ template class AsyncCallback : public IMFAsyncCallback { -public: +public: typedef HRESULT (T::*InvokeFn)(IMFAsyncResult *pAsyncResult); AsyncCallback(T *pParent, InvokeFn fn) : m_pParent(pParent), m_pInvokeFn(fn) @@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ public: } // IUnknown - STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef() { + STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef() { // Delegate to parent class. - return m_pParent->AddRef(); + return m_pParent->AddRef(); } - STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release() { + STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release() { // Delegate to parent class. - return m_pParent->Release(); + return m_pParent->Release(); } STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppv) { diff --git a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/BufferLock.h b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/BufferLock.h index 92de15eac..1c47deabd 100644 --- a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/BufferLock.h +++ b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/BufferLock.h @@ -99,4 +99,3 @@ private: IMFMediaBuffer *m_pBuffer; IMF2DBuffer *m_p2DBuffer; }; - diff --git a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/CritSec.h b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/CritSec.h index d5ea05bfd..88851f9f0 100644 --- a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/CritSec.h +++ b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/CritSec.h @@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ public: DeleteCriticalSection(&m_criticalSection); } - _Acquires_lock_(m_criticalSection) + _Acquires_lock_(m_criticalSection) void Lock() { EnterCriticalSection(&m_criticalSection); } - _Releases_lock_(m_criticalSection) + _Releases_lock_(m_criticalSection) void Unlock() { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_criticalSection); @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AutoLock -// Description: Provides automatic locking and unlocking of a +// Description: Provides automatic locking and unlocking of a // of a critical section. // // Note: The AutoLock object must go out of scope before the CritSec. @@ -47,16 +47,16 @@ class AutoLock private: CritSec *m_pCriticalSection; public: - _Acquires_lock_(m_pCriticalSection) + _Acquires_lock_(m_pCriticalSection) AutoLock(CritSec& crit) { m_pCriticalSection = &crit; m_pCriticalSection->Lock(); } - _Releases_lock_(m_pCriticalSection) + _Releases_lock_(m_pCriticalSection) ~AutoLock() { - m_pCriticalSection->Unlock(); + m_pCriticalSection->Unlock(); } }; diff --git a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/LinkList.h b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/LinkList.h index c67c0f2ca..3657b3d7c 100644 --- a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/LinkList.h +++ b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/LinkList.h @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ #pragma once // Notes: -// -// The List class template implements a simple double-linked list. -// It uses STL's copy semantics. +// +// The List class template implements a simple double-linked list. +// It uses STL's copy semantics. // There are two versions of the Clear() method: // Clear(void) clears the list w/out cleaning up the object. @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public: private: const Node *pNode; - POSITION(Node *p) : pNode(p) + POSITION(Node *p) : pNode(p) { } }; @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ protected: } Node *pAfter = pBefore->next; - + pBefore->next = pNode; pAfter->prev = pNode; @@ -336,12 +336,12 @@ public: } HRESULT GetItemPos(POSITION pos, T *ppItem) - { + { if (pos.pNode) { return GetItem(pos.pNode, ppItem); } - else + else { return E_FAIL; } @@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ public: } } - // Remove an item at a position. + // Remove an item at a position. // The item is returns in ppItem, unless ppItem is nullptr. // NOTE: This method invalidates the POSITION object. HRESULT Remove(POSITION& pos, T *ppItem) @@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ public: class ComAutoRelease { -public: +public: void operator()(IUnknown *p) { if (p) @@ -399,10 +399,10 @@ public: } } }; - + class MemDelete { -public: +public: void operator()(void *p) { if (p) @@ -416,9 +416,9 @@ public: // ComPtrList class // Derived class that makes it safer to store COM pointers in the List<> class. // It automatically AddRef's the pointers that are inserted onto the list -// (unless the insertion method fails). +// (unless the insertion method fails). // -// T must be a COM interface type. +// T must be a COM interface type. // example: ComPtrList // // NULLABLE: If true, client can insert nullptr pointers. This means GetItem can @@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ protected: HRESULT RemoveItem(Node *pNode, Ptr *ppItem) { // ppItem can be nullptr, but we need to get the - // item so that we can release it. + // item so that we can release it. // If ppItem is not nullptr, we will AddRef it on the way out. diff --git a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/OpQueue.h b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/OpQueue.h index dd0813be3..73f3042ce 100644 --- a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/OpQueue.h +++ b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/Common/OpQueue.h @@ -219,4 +219,4 @@ HRESULT OpQueue::ProcessQueueAsync(IMFAsyncResult *pResult) return hr; } -#pragma warning( pop ) \ No newline at end of file +#pragma warning( pop ) diff --git a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvImageManipulations.idl b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvImageManipulations.idl index 120ef7dbb..37235a092 100644 --- a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvImageManipulations.idl +++ b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvImageManipulations.idl @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import "Windows.Media.idl"; namespace OcvTransform { - [version(NTDDI_WIN8)] - runtimeclass OcvImageManipulations + [version(NTDDI_WIN8)] + runtimeclass OcvImageManipulations { - } -} \ No newline at end of file + } +} diff --git a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.cpp b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.cpp index bf9812815..538f353f5 100644 --- a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.cpp +++ b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.cpp @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ HRESULT OcvImageManipulations::SetProperties(ABI::Windows::Foundation::Collectio } } - return hr; + return hr; } // IMFTransform methods. Refer to the Media Foundation SDK documentation for details. @@ -1333,16 +1333,16 @@ HRESULT OcvImageManipulations::OnProcessOutput(IMFMediaBuffer *pIn, IMFMediaBuff const int mHistSize[] = {25}; const float baseRabge[] = {0.f,256.f}; const float* ranges[] = {baseRabge}; - - const cv::Scalar mColorsY[] = { cv::Scalar(76), cv::Scalar(149), cv::Scalar(29) }; - const cv::Scalar mColorsUV[] = { cv::Scalar(84, 255), cv::Scalar(43, 21), cv::Scalar(255, 107) }; - cv::Mat OutputY(m_imageHeightInPixels, m_imageWidthInPixels, CV_8UC1, pDest, lDestStride); - cv::Mat OutputUV(m_imageHeightInPixels/2, m_imageWidthInPixels/2, - CV_8UC2, pDest+m_imageHeightInPixels*lDestStride, lDestStride); + const cv::Scalar mColorsY[] = { cv::Scalar(76), cv::Scalar(149), cv::Scalar(29) }; + const cv::Scalar mColorsUV[] = { cv::Scalar(84, 255), cv::Scalar(43, 21), cv::Scalar(255, 107) }; + + cv::Mat OutputY(m_imageHeightInPixels, m_imageWidthInPixels, CV_8UC1, pDest, lDestStride); + cv::Mat OutputUV(m_imageHeightInPixels/2, m_imageWidthInPixels/2, + CV_8UC2, pDest+m_imageHeightInPixels*lDestStride, lDestStride); cv::Mat BgrFrame; - InputFrame.copyTo(OutputFrame); + InputFrame.copyTo(OutputFrame); cv::cvtColor(InputFrame, BgrFrame, cv::COLOR_YUV420sp2BGR); int thikness = (int) (BgrFrame.cols / (mHistSizeNum + 10) / 5); @@ -1357,20 +1357,20 @@ HRESULT OcvImageManipulations::OnProcessOutput(IMFMediaBuffer *pIn, IMFMediaBuff cv::normalize(hist, hist, BgrFrame.rows/2, 0, cv::NORM_INF); for(int h=0; h(h); - cv::line(OutputY, mP1, mP2, mColorsY[c], thikness); + cv::line(OutputY, mP1, mP2, mColorsY[c], thikness); - // Draw on UV planes + // Draw on UV planes mP1.x /= 2; mP1.y /= 2; - mP2.x /= 2; + mP2.x /= 2; mP2.y /= 2; - cv::line(OutputUV, mP1, mP2, mColorsUV[c], thikness/2); + cv::line(OutputUV, mP1, mP2, mColorsUV[c], thikness/2); } - } + } } break; default: break; @@ -1426,7 +1426,7 @@ HRESULT OcvImageManipulations::UpdateFormatInfo() } // Calculate the image size for YUV NV12 image(not including padding) - m_cbImageSize = (m_imageHeightInPixels + m_imageHeightInPixels/2)*m_imageWidthInPixels; + m_cbImageSize = (m_imageHeightInPixels + m_imageHeightInPixels/2)*m_imageWidthInPixels; } done: @@ -1483,4 +1483,3 @@ HRESULT GetDefaultStride(IMFMediaType *pType, LONG *plStride) } return hr; } - diff --git a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.def b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.def index 0b801908c..453349adf 100644 --- a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.def +++ b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.def @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ EXPORTS DllCanUnloadNow PRIVATE DllGetActivationFactory PRIVATE - DllGetClassObject PRIVATE \ No newline at end of file + DllGetClassObject PRIVATE diff --git a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.h b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.h index 118f6e432..9162593fc 100644 --- a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.h +++ b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.h @@ -244,4 +244,4 @@ private: IMFAttributes *m_pAttributes; }; -#endif \ No newline at end of file +#endif diff --git a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.vcxproj b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.vcxproj index fbe768cc9..54c0ce40a 100644 --- a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.vcxproj +++ b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.vcxproj @@ -316,4 +316,4 @@ - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/dllmain.cpp b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/dllmain.cpp index d11bceaf0..701e7d416 100644 --- a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/dllmain.cpp +++ b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/dllmain.cpp @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ using namespace Microsoft::WRL; namespace Microsoft { namespace Samples { - ActivatableClass(OcvImageManipulations); + ActivatableClass(OcvImageManipulations); }} BOOL WINAPI DllMain( _In_ HINSTANCE hInstance, _In_ DWORD dwReason, _In_opt_ LPVOID lpReserved ) @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ HRESULT WINAPI DllGetActivationFactory( _In_ HSTRING activatibleClassId, _Outptr HRESULT WINAPI DllCanUnloadNow() { - auto &module = Microsoft::WRL::Module::GetModule(); + auto &module = Microsoft::WRL::Module::GetModule(); return (module.Terminate()) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; } diff --git a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/Package.appxmanifest b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/Package.appxmanifest index 9d63dea7c..b66e01465 100644 --- a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/Package.appxmanifest +++ b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/Package.appxmanifest @@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/common/LayoutAwarePage.cpp b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/common/LayoutAwarePage.cpp index 9449fbead..07092bb74 100644 --- a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/common/LayoutAwarePage.cpp +++ b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/common/LayoutAwarePage.cpp @@ -85,21 +85,21 @@ void LayoutAwarePage::DefaultViewModel::set(IObservableMap^ va /// Event data describing the conditions that led to the event. void LayoutAwarePage::OnLoaded(Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e) { - this->StartLayoutUpdates(sender, e); + this->StartLayoutUpdates(sender, e); - // Keyboard and mouse navigation only apply when occupying the entire window - if (this->ActualHeight == Window::Current->Bounds.Height && - this->ActualWidth == Window::Current->Bounds.Width) - { - // Listen to the window directly so focus isn't required - _acceleratorKeyEventToken = Window::Current->CoreWindow->Dispatcher->AcceleratorKeyActivated += - ref new TypedEventHandler(this, - &LayoutAwarePage::CoreDispatcher_AcceleratorKeyActivated); - _pointerPressedEventToken = Window::Current->CoreWindow->PointerPressed += - ref new TypedEventHandler(this, - &LayoutAwarePage::CoreWindow_PointerPressed); - _navigationShortcutsRegistered = true; - } + // Keyboard and mouse navigation only apply when occupying the entire window + if (this->ActualHeight == Window::Current->Bounds.Height && + this->ActualWidth == Window::Current->Bounds.Width) + { + // Listen to the window directly so focus isn't required + _acceleratorKeyEventToken = Window::Current->CoreWindow->Dispatcher->AcceleratorKeyActivated += + ref new TypedEventHandler(this, + &LayoutAwarePage::CoreDispatcher_AcceleratorKeyActivated); + _pointerPressedEventToken = Window::Current->CoreWindow->PointerPressed += + ref new TypedEventHandler(this, + &LayoutAwarePage::CoreWindow_PointerPressed); + _navigationShortcutsRegistered = true; + } } /// @@ -109,13 +109,13 @@ void LayoutAwarePage::OnLoaded(Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArg /// Event data describing the conditions that led to the event. void LayoutAwarePage::OnUnloaded(Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e) { - if (_navigationShortcutsRegistered) - { - Window::Current->CoreWindow->Dispatcher->AcceleratorKeyActivated -= _acceleratorKeyEventToken; - Window::Current->CoreWindow->PointerPressed -= _pointerPressedEventToken; - _navigationShortcutsRegistered = false; - } - StopLayoutUpdates(sender, e); + if (_navigationShortcutsRegistered) + { + Window::Current->CoreWindow->Dispatcher->AcceleratorKeyActivated -= _acceleratorKeyEventToken; + Window::Current->CoreWindow->PointerPressed -= _pointerPressedEventToken; + _navigationShortcutsRegistered = false; + } + StopLayoutUpdates(sender, e); } #pragma region Navigation support diff --git a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/common/StandardStyles.xaml b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/common/StandardStyles.xaml index 7c3d23877..b4edc81f4 100644 --- a/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/common/StandardStyles.xaml +++ b/samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/common/StandardStyles.xaml @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"> - + @@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ - +