LBP classifer moved to ptr from DevMem2D

This commit is contained in:
Marina Kolpakova 2012-07-10 11:58:06 +00:00
parent c474e27c1d
commit 436d2ff1fc
2 changed files with 46 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -48,8 +48,9 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
namespace lbp
__global__ void lbp_classify_stump(Stage* stages, int nstages, ClNode* nodes, const float* leaves, const int* subsets, const uchar4* features,
const DevMem2Di integral, int workWidth, int workHeight, int clWidth, int clHeight, float scale, int step, int subsetSize, DevMem2D_<int4> objects, unsigned int* n)
__global__ void lbp_classify_stump(const Stage* stages, const int nstages, const ClNode* nodes, const float* leaves, const int* subsets, const uchar4* features,
const int* integral, const int istep, const int workWidth,const int workHeight, const int clWidth, const int clHeight, const float scale, const int step,
const int subsetSize, DevMem2D_<int4> objects, unsigned int* n)
int x = threadIdx.x * step;
int y = blockIdx.x * step;
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
ClNode node = nodes[current_node];
uchar4 feature = features[node.featureIdx];
int c = evaluator(y, x, feature, integral);
int c = evaluator( (y + feature.y) * istep + x + feature.x , feature, integral, istep);
const int* subsetIdx = subsets + (current_node * subsetSize);
int idx = (subsetIdx[c >> 5] & ( 1 << (c & 31))) ? current_leave : current_leave + 1;
@ -189,8 +190,10 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
const float* leaves = mleaves.ptr();
const int* subsets = msubsets.ptr();
const uchar4* features = (uchar4*)(mfeatures.ptr());
const int* integ = integral.ptr();
int istep = integral.step / sizeof(int);
lbp_classify_stump<<<blocks, threads>>>(stages, nstages, nodes, leaves, subsets, features, integral,
lbp_classify_stump<<<blocks, threads>>>(stages, nstages, nodes, leaves, subsets, features, integ, istep,
workWidth, workHeight, clWidth, clHeight, scale, step, subsetSize, objects, classified);

View File

@ -160,68 +160,76 @@ __device__ __forceinline__ T __atomicMin(T* address, T val)
__device__ __forceinline__ LBP() {}
//feature as uchar x, y - left top, z,w - right bottom
__device__ __forceinline__ int operator() (unsigned int y, unsigned int x, uchar4 feature, const DevMem2Di integral) const
__device__ __forceinline__ int operator() (unsigned int y, uchar4 feature, const int* integral, int step) const
int x_off = 2 * feature.z;
int anchors[9];// = {0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0};
int anchors[9];
x +=feature.x;
y +=feature.y;
anchors[0] = integral(y, x);
anchors[1] = integral(y, x + feature.z);
anchors[0] = integral[y];
anchors[1] = integral[y + feature.z];
anchors[0] -= anchors[1];
anchors[2] = integral(y, x + x_off);
anchors[2] = integral[y + x_off];
anchors[1] -= anchors[2];
anchors[2] -= integral(y, x + feature.z + x_off);
anchors[2] -= integral[y + feature.z + x_off];
y+=feature.w * step;
anchors[3] = integral(y, x);
anchors[4] = integral(y, x + feature.z);
anchors[3] = integral[y];
anchors[4] = integral[y + feature.z];
anchors[3] -= anchors[4];
anchors[5] = integral(y, x + x_off);
anchors[5] = integral[y + x_off];
anchors[4] -= anchors[5];
anchors[5] -= integral(y, x + feature.z + x_off);
anchors[5] -= integral[y + feature.z + x_off];
anchors[0] -= anchors[3];
anchors[1] -= anchors[4];
anchors[2] -= anchors[5];
// 0 - 2 contains s0 - s2
anchors[6] = integral(y, x);
anchors[7] = integral(y, x + feature.z);
y+=feature.w * step;
anchors[6] = integral[y];
anchors[7] = integral[y + feature.z];
anchors[6] -= anchors[7];
anchors[8] = integral(y, x + x_off);
anchors[8] = integral[y + x_off];
anchors[7] -= anchors[8];
anchors[8] -= integral(y, x + x_off + feature.z);
anchors[8] -= integral[y + x_off + feature.z];
anchors[3] -= anchors[6];
anchors[4] -= anchors[7];
anchors[5] -= anchors[8];
// 3 - 5 contains s3 - s5
int response = ((1 - ((unsigned int)(anchors[0] - anchors[4]) >> 31)) << 7);
response |= ((1 - ((unsigned int)(anchors[1] - anchors[4]) >> 31)) << 6);
response |= ((1 - ((unsigned int)(anchors[2] - anchors[4]) >> 31)) << 5);
response |= ((1 - ((unsigned int)(anchors[5] - anchors[4]) >> 31)) << 4);
response |= ((1 - ((unsigned int)(anchors[3] - anchors[4]) >> 31)) << 0);
anchors[0] -= anchors[4];
anchors[1] -= anchors[4];
anchors[2] -= anchors[4];
anchors[3] -= anchors[4];
anchors[5] -= anchors[4];
anchors[0] = integral(y, x);
anchors[1] = integral(y, x + feature.z);
int response = (~(anchors[0] >> 31)) & 128;
response |= (~(anchors[1] >> 31)) & 64;;
response |= (~(anchors[2] >> 31)) & 32;
response |= (~(anchors[5] >> 31)) & 16;
response |= (~(anchors[3] >> 31)) & 1;
y+=feature.w * step;
anchors[0] = integral[y];
anchors[1] = integral[y + feature.z];
anchors[0] -= anchors[1];
anchors[2] = integral(y, x + x_off);
anchors[2] = integral[y + x_off];
anchors[1] -= anchors[2];
anchors[2] -= integral(y, x + x_off + feature.z);
anchors[2] -= integral[y + x_off + feature.z];
anchors[6] -= anchors[0];
anchors[7] -= anchors[1];
anchors[8] -= anchors[2];
// 0 -2 contains s6 - s8
response |= ((1 - ((unsigned int)(anchors[6] - anchors[4]) >> 31)) << 1);
response |= ((1 - ((unsigned int)(anchors[7] - anchors[4]) >> 31)) << 2);
response |= ((1 - ((unsigned int)(anchors[8] - anchors[4]) >> 31)) << 3);
anchors[6] -= anchors[4];
anchors[7] -= anchors[4];
anchors[8] -= anchors[4];
response |= (~(anchors[6] >> 31)) & 2;
response |= (~(anchors[7] >> 31)) & 4;
response |= (~(anchors[8] >> 31)) & 8;
return response;