new optimized version of BackgroundSubtractorGMG

This commit is contained in:
Vladislav Vinogradov 2012-08-08 18:15:06 +04:00
parent 1995b1a06c
commit 42c1d4f4b1
4 changed files with 337 additions and 593 deletions

View File

@ -199,111 +199,20 @@ protected:
class CV_EXPORTS BackgroundSubtractorGMG: public cv::BackgroundSubtractor
* Used internally to represent a single feature in a histogram.
* Feature is a color and an associated likelihood (weight in the histogram).
struct CV_EXPORTS HistogramFeatureGMG
* Default constructor.
* Initializes likelihood of feature to 0, color remains uninitialized.
HistogramFeatureGMG(){likelihood = 0.0;}
* Copy constructor.
* Required to use HistogramFeatureGMG in a std::vector
* @see operator =()
HistogramFeatureGMG(const HistogramFeatureGMG& orig){
color = orig.color; likelihood = orig.likelihood;
* Assignment operator.
* Required to use HistogramFeatureGMG in a std::vector
HistogramFeatureGMG& operator =(const HistogramFeatureGMG& orig){
color = orig.color; likelihood = orig.likelihood; return *this;
* Tests equality of histogram features.
* Equality is tested only by matching the color (feature), not the likelihood.
* This operator is used to look up an observed feature in a histogram.
bool operator ==(HistogramFeatureGMG &rhs);
//! Regardless of the image datatype, it is quantized and mapped to an integer and represented as a vector.
vector<size_t> color;
//! Represents the weight of feature in the histogram.
float likelihood;
friend class PixelModelGMG;
* Representation of the statistical model of a single pixel for use in the background subtraction
* algorithm.
class CV_EXPORTS PixelModelGMG
* Incorporate the last observed feature into the statistical model.
* @param learningRate The adaptation parameter for the histogram. -1.0 to use default. Value
* should be between 0.0 and 1.0, the higher the value, the faster the
* adaptation. 1.0 is limiting case where fast adaptation means no memory.
void insertFeature(double learningRate = -1.0);
* Set the feature last observed, to save before incorporating it into the statistical
* model with insertFeature().
* @param feature The feature (color) just observed.
void setLastObservedFeature(BackgroundSubtractorGMG::HistogramFeatureGMG feature);
* Set the upper limit for the number of features to store in the histogram. Use to adjust
* memory requirements.
* @param max size_t representing the max number of features.
void setMaxFeatures(size_t max) {
maxFeatures = max; histogram.resize(max); histogram.clear();
* Normalize the histogram, so sum of weights of all features = 1.0
void normalizeHistogram();
* Return the weight of a feature in the histogram. If the feature is not represented in the
* histogram, the weight returned is 0.0.
double getLikelihood(HistogramFeatureGMG f);
PixelModelGMG& operator *=(const float &rhs);
//friend class BackgroundSubtractorGMG;
//friend class HistogramFeatureGMG;
size_t numFeatures; //!< number of features in histogram
size_t maxFeatures; //!< max allowable features in histogram
std::list<HistogramFeatureGMG> histogram; //!< represents the histogram as a list of features
HistogramFeatureGMG lastObservedFeature;
//!< store last observed feature in case we need to add it to histogram
virtual ~BackgroundSubtractorGMG();
virtual AlgorithmInfo* info() const;
* Validate parameters and set up data structures for appropriate image size.
* Must call before running on data.
* @param frameSize input frame size
* @param min minimum value taken on by pixels in image sequence. Usually 0
* @param max maximum value taken on by pixels in image sequence. e.g. 1.0 or 255
void initialize(cv::Size frameSize, double min, double max);
* Performs single-frame background subtraction and builds up a statistical background image
* model.
@ -312,28 +221,6 @@ public:
virtual void operator()(InputArray image, OutputArray fgmask, double learningRate=-1.0);
* Validate parameters and set up data structures for appropriate image type. Must call before
* running on data.
* @param image One sample image from dataset
* @param min minimum value taken on by pixels in image sequence. Usually 0
* @param max maximum value taken on by pixels in image sequence. e.g. 1.0 or 255
void initializeType(InputArray image, double min, double max);
* Selectively update the background model. Only update background model for pixels identified
* as background.
* @param mask Mask image same size as images in sequence. Must be 8UC1 matrix, 255 for foreground
* and 0 for background.
void updateBackgroundModel(InputArray mask);
* Retrieve the greyscale image representing the probability that each pixel is foreground given
* the current estimated background model. Values are 0.0 (black) to 1.0 (white).
* @param img The 32FC1 image representing per-pixel probabilities that the pixel is foreground.
void getPosteriorImage(OutputArray img);
//! Total number of distinct colors to maintain in histogram.
int maxFeatures;
@ -345,31 +232,23 @@ protected:
int quantizationLevels;
//! Prior probability that any given pixel is a background pixel. A sensitivity parameter.
double backgroundPrior;
//! value above which pixel is determined to be FG.
double decisionThreshold;
//! smoothing radius, in pixels, for cleaning up FG image.
int smoothingRadius;
double decisionThreshold; //!< value above which pixel is determined to be FG.
int smoothingRadius; //!< smoothing radius, in pixels, for cleaning up FG image.
double maxVal_;
double minVal_;
double maxVal, minVal;
cv::Size frameSize_;
size_t frameNum_;
* General Parameters
int imWidth; //!< width of image.
int imHeight; //!< height of image.
size_t numPixels;
cv::Mat_<int> nfeatures_;
cv::Mat_<int> colors_;
cv::Mat_<float> weights_;
unsigned int numChannels; //!< Number of channels in image.
bool isDataInitialized;
//!< After general parameters are set, data structures must be initialized.
* Data Structures
vector<PixelModelGMG> pixels; //!< Probabilistic background models for each pixel in image.
int frameNum; //!< Frame number counter, used to count frames in training mode.
Mat posteriorImage; //!< Posterior probability image.
Mat fgMaskImage; //!< Foreground mask image.
cv::Mat buf_;

View File

@ -48,12 +48,7 @@
#include "precomp.hpp"
using namespace std;
namespace cv
* Default Parameter Values. Override with algorithm "set" method.
@ -67,389 +62,275 @@ BackgroundSubtractorGMG::BackgroundSubtractorGMG()
smoothingRadius = 7;
void BackgroundSubtractorGMG::initializeType(InputArray _image, double min, double max)
minVal = min;
maxVal = max;
if (minVal == maxVal)
CV_Error_(CV_StsBadArg,("minVal and maxVal cannot be the same."));
* Parameter validation
if (maxFeatures <= 0)
("maxFeatures parameter must be 1 or greater. Instead, it is %d.",maxFeatures));
if (learningRate < 0.0 || learningRate > 1.0)
("learningRate parameter must be in the range [0.0,1.0]. Instead, it is %f.",
if (numInitializationFrames < 1)
("numInitializationFrames must be at least 1. Instead, it is %d.",
if (quantizationLevels < 1)
("quantizationLevels must be at least 1 (preferably more). Instead it is %d.",
if (backgroundPrior < 0.0 || backgroundPrior > 1.0)
("backgroundPrior must be a probability, between 0.0 and 1.0. Instead it is %f.",
* Detect and accommodate the image depth
Mat image = _image.getMat();
numChannels = image.channels();
* Color quantization [0 | | | | max] --> [0 | | max]
* (0) Use double as intermediary to convert all types to int.
* (i) Shift min to 0,
* (ii) max/(num intervals) = factor. x/factor * factor = quantized result, after integer operation.
* Data Structure Initialization
imWidth = image.cols;
imHeight = image.rows;
numPixels =;
frameNum = 0;
// used to iterate through matrix of type unknown at compile time
//elemSize = image.elemSize();
//elemSize1 = image.elemSize1();
vector<PixelModelGMG>::iterator pixel;
vector<PixelModelGMG>::iterator pixel_end = pixels.end();
for (pixel = pixels.begin(); pixel != pixel_end; ++pixel)
fgMaskImage = Mat::zeros(imHeight, imWidth, CV_8UC1); // 8-bit unsigned mask. 255 for FG, 0 for BG
posteriorImage = Mat::zeros(imHeight, imWidth, CV_32FC1); // float for storing probabilities. Can be viewed directly with imshow.
isDataInitialized = true;
void BackgroundSubtractorGMG::operator()(InputArray _image, OutputArray _fgmask, double newLearningRate)
void cv::BackgroundSubtractorGMG::initialize(cv::Size frameSize, double min, double max)
if (!isDataInitialized)
CV_Assert(min < max);
CV_Assert(maxFeatures > 0);
CV_Assert(learningRate >= 0.0 && learningRate <= 1.0);
CV_Assert(numInitializationFrames >= 1);
CV_Assert(quantizationLevels >= 1 && quantizationLevels <= 255);
CV_Assert(backgroundPrior >= 0.0 && backgroundPrior <= 1.0);
minVal_ = min;
maxVal_ = max;
frameSize_ = frameSize;
frameNum_ = 0;
colors_.create(frameSize_.area(), maxFeatures);
weights_.create(frameSize_.area(), maxFeatures);
float findFeature(int color, const int* colors, const float* weights, int nfeatures)
CV_Error(CV_StsError,"BackgroundSubstractorGMG has not been initialized. Call initialize() first.\n");
for (int i = 0; i < nfeatures; ++i)
if (color == colors[i])
return weights[i];
// not in histogram, so return 0.
return 0.0f;
* Update learning rate parameter, if desired
void normalizeHistogram(float* weights, int nfeatures)
float total = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < nfeatures; ++i)
total += weights[i];
if (total != 0.0f)
for (int i = 0; i < nfeatures; ++i)
weights[i] /= total;
bool insertFeature(int color, float weight, int* colors, float* weights, int& nfeatures, int maxFeatures)
int idx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < nfeatures; ++i)
if (color == colors[i])
// feature in histogram
weight += weights[i];
idx = i;
if (idx >= 0)
// move feature to beginning of list
::memmove(colors + 1, colors, idx * sizeof(int));
::memmove(weights + 1, weights, idx * sizeof(float));
colors[0] = color;
weights[0] = weight;
else if (nfeatures == maxFeatures)
// discard oldest feature
::memmove(colors + 1, colors, (nfeatures - 1) * sizeof(int));
::memmove(weights + 1, weights, (nfeatures - 1) * sizeof(float));
colors[0] = color;
weights[0] = weight;
colors[nfeatures] = color;
weights[nfeatures] = weight;
return true;
return false;
template <int cn> struct Quantization_
template <typename T>
static inline int apply(T val, double minVal, double maxVal, int quantizationLevels)
int res = 0;
res |= static_cast<int>((val[0] - minVal) * quantizationLevels / (maxVal - minVal));
res |= static_cast<int>((val[1] - minVal) * quantizationLevels / (maxVal - minVal)) << 8;
res |= static_cast<int>((val[2] - minVal) * quantizationLevels / (maxVal - minVal)) << 16;
return res;
template <> struct Quantization_<1>
template <typename T>
static inline int apply(T val, double minVal, double maxVal, int quantizationLevels)
return static_cast<int>((val - minVal) * quantizationLevels / (maxVal - minVal));
template <typename T> struct Quantization
static int apply(const void* src_, int x, double minVal, double maxVal, int quantizationLevels)
const T* src = static_cast<const T*>(src_);
return Quantization_<cv::DataType<T>::channels>::apply(src[x], minVal, maxVal, quantizationLevels);
class GMG_LoopBody : public cv::ParallelLoopBody
GMG_LoopBody(const cv::Mat& frame, const cv::Mat& fgmask, const cv::Mat_<int>& nfeatures, const cv::Mat_<int>& colors, const cv::Mat_<float>& weights,
int maxFeatures, double learningRate, int numInitializationFrames, int quantizationLevels, double backgroundPrior, double decisionThreshold,
double maxVal, double minVal, size_t frameNum) :
frame_(frame), fgmask_(fgmask), nfeatures_(nfeatures), colors_(colors), weights_(weights),
maxFeatures_(maxFeatures), learningRate_(learningRate), numInitializationFrames_(numInitializationFrames),
quantizationLevels_(quantizationLevels), backgroundPrior_(backgroundPrior), decisionThreshold_(decisionThreshold),
maxVal_(maxVal), minVal_(minVal), frameNum_(frameNum)
void operator() (const cv::Range& range) const;
const cv::Mat frame_;
mutable cv::Mat_<uchar> fgmask_;
mutable cv::Mat_<int> nfeatures_;
mutable cv::Mat_<int> colors_;
mutable cv::Mat_<float> weights_;
int maxFeatures_;
double learningRate_;
int numInitializationFrames_;
int quantizationLevels_;
double backgroundPrior_;
double decisionThreshold_;
double maxVal_;
double minVal_;
size_t frameNum_;
void GMG_LoopBody::operator() (const cv::Range& range) const
typedef int (*func_t)(const void* src_, int x, double minVal, double maxVal, int quantizationLevels);
static const func_t funcs[6][4] =
{Quantization<uchar>::apply, 0, Quantization<cv::Vec3b>::apply, Quantization<cv::Vec4b>::apply},
{Quantization<ushort>::apply, 0, Quantization<cv::Vec3w>::apply, Quantization<cv::Vec4w>::apply},
{Quantization<float>::apply, 0, Quantization<cv::Vec3f>::apply, Quantization<cv::Vec4f>::apply},
const func_t func = funcs[frame_.depth()][frame_.channels() - 1];
CV_Assert(func != 0);
for (int y = range.start, featureIdx = y * frame_.cols; y < range.end; ++y)
const uchar* frame_row = frame_.ptr(y);
int* nfeatures_row = nfeatures_[y];
uchar* fgmask_row = fgmask_[y];
for (int x = 0; x < frame_.cols; ++x, ++featureIdx)
int nfeatures = nfeatures_row[x];
int* colors = colors_[featureIdx];
float* weights = weights_[featureIdx];
int newFeatureColor = func(frame_row, x, minVal_, maxVal_, quantizationLevels_);
bool isForeground = false;
if (frameNum_ > numInitializationFrames_)
// typical operation
const double weight = findFeature(newFeatureColor, colors, weights, nfeatures);
// see Godbehere, Matsukawa, Goldberg (2012) for reasoning behind this implementation of Bayes rule
const double posterior = (weight * backgroundPrior_) / (weight * backgroundPrior_ + (1.0 - weight) * (1.0 - backgroundPrior_));
isForeground = ((1.0 - posterior) > decisionThreshold_);
fgmask_row[x] = (uchar)(-isForeground);
if (frameNum_ <= numInitializationFrames_ + 1)
// training-mode update
insertFeature(newFeatureColor, 1.0f, colors, weights, nfeatures, maxFeatures_);
if (frameNum_ == numInitializationFrames_ + 1)
normalizeHistogram(weights, nfeatures);
// update histogram.
for (int i = 0; i < nfeatures; ++i)
weights[i] *= 1.0f - learningRate_;
bool inserted = insertFeature(newFeatureColor, learningRate_, colors, weights, nfeatures, maxFeatures_);
if (inserted)
normalizeHistogram(weights, nfeatures);
nfeatures_row[x] = nfeatures;
void cv::BackgroundSubtractorGMG::operator ()(InputArray _frame, OutputArray _fgmask, double newLearningRate)
cv::Mat frame = _frame.getMat();
CV_Assert(frame.depth() == CV_8U || frame.depth() == CV_16U || frame.depth() == CV_32F);
CV_Assert(frame.channels() == 1 || frame.channels() == 3 || frame.channels() == 4);
if (newLearningRate != -1.0)
if (newLearningRate < 0.0 || newLearningRate > 1.0)
CV_Error(CV_StsOutOfRange,"Learning rate for Operator () must be between 0.0 and 1.0.\n");
this->learningRate = newLearningRate;
CV_Assert(newLearningRate >= 0.0 && newLearningRate <= 1.0);
learningRate = newLearningRate;
Mat image = _image.getMat();
if (frame.size() != frameSize_)
initialize(frame.size(), 0.0, frame.depth() == CV_8U ? 255.0 : frame.depth() == CV_16U ? std::numeric_limits<ushort>::max() : 1.0);
fgMaskImage = _fgmask.getMat(); // 8-bit unsigned mask. 255 for FG, 0 for BG
_fgmask.create(frameSize_, CV_8UC1);
cv::Mat fgmask = _fgmask.getMat();
* Iterate over pixels in image
// grab data at each pixel (1,2,3 channels, int, float, etc.)
// grab data as an array of bytes. Then, send that array to a function that reads data into vector of appropriate types... and quantizing... before saving as a feature, which is a vector of flexitypes, so code can be portable.
// multiple channels do have sequential storage, use mat::elemSize() and mat::elemSize1()
vector<PixelModelGMG>::iterator pixel;
vector<PixelModelGMG>::iterator pixel_end = pixels.end();
size_t i;
//#pragma omp parallel
for (i = 0, pixel=pixels.begin(); pixel != pixel_end; ++i,++pixel)
HistogramFeatureGMG newFeature;
int irow = int(i / imWidth);
int icol = i % imWidth;
for (size_t c = 0; c < numChannels; ++c)
* Perform quantization. in each channel. (color-min)*(levels)/(max-min).
* Shifts min to 0 and scales, finally casting to an int.
double color;
case CV_8U: color = image.ptr<uchar>(irow)[icol * numChannels + c]; break;
case CV_8S: color = image.ptr<schar>(irow)[icol * numChannels + c]; break;
case CV_16U: color = image.ptr<ushort>(irow)[icol * numChannels + c]; break;
case CV_16S: color = image.ptr<short>(irow)[icol * numChannels + c]; break;
case CV_32S: color = image.ptr<int>(irow)[icol * numChannels + c]; break;
case CV_32F: color = image.ptr<float>(irow)[icol * numChannels + c]; break;
case CV_64F: color = image.ptr<double>(irow)[icol * numChannels + c]; break;
default: color = 0; break;
size_t quantizedColor = (size_t)((color-minVal)*quantizationLevels/(maxVal-minVal));
// now that the feature is ready for use, put it in the histogram
GMG_LoopBody body(frame, fgmask, nfeatures_, colors_, weights_,
maxFeatures, learningRate, numInitializationFrames, quantizationLevels, backgroundPrior, decisionThreshold,
maxVal_, minVal_, frameNum_);
cv::parallel_for_(cv::Range(0, frame.rows), body);
if (frameNum > numInitializationFrames) // typical operation
newFeature.likelihood = float(learningRate);
* (1) Query histogram to find posterior probability of feature under model.
float likelihood = (float)pixel->getLikelihood(newFeature);
cv::medianBlur(fgmask, buf_, smoothingRadius);
cv::swap(fgmask, buf_);
// see Godbehere, Matsukawa, Goldberg (2012) for reasoning behind this implementation of Bayes rule
float posterior = float((likelihood*backgroundPrior)/(likelihood*backgroundPrior+(1-likelihood)*(1-backgroundPrior)));
* (2) feed posterior probability into the posterior image
int row,col;
col = i%imWidth;
row = int(i-col)/imWidth;<float>(row,col) = (1.0f-posterior);
* (3) Perform filtering and threshold operations to yield final mask image.
* 2 options. First is morphological open/close as before. Second is "median filtering" which Jon Barron says is good to remove noise
Mat thresholdedPosterior;
thresholdedPosterior.convertTo(fgMaskImage,CV_8U,255); // convert image to integer space for further filtering and mask creation
++frameNum; // keep track of how many frames we have processed
// keep track of how many frames we have processed
void BackgroundSubtractorGMG::getPosteriorImage(OutputArray _img)
Mat img = _img.getMat();
void BackgroundSubtractorGMG::updateBackgroundModel(InputArray _mask)
CV_Assert(_mask.size() == Size(imWidth,imHeight)); // mask should be same size as image
Mat maskImg = _mask.getMat();
//#pragma omp parallel
for (int i = 0; i < imHeight; ++i)
//#pragma omp parallel
for (int j = 0; j < imWidth; ++j)
if (frameNum <= numInitializationFrames + 1)
// insert previously observed feature into the histogram. -1.0 parameter indicates training.
if (frameNum >= numInitializationFrames+1) // training is done, normalize
// if mask is 0, pixel is identified as a background pixel, so update histogram.
else if (<uchar>(i,j) == 0)
pixels[i*imWidth+j].insertFeature(learningRate); // updates the histogram for the next iteration.
numFeatures = 0;
maxFeatures = 0;
void BackgroundSubtractorGMG::PixelModelGMG::setLastObservedFeature(HistogramFeatureGMG f)
this->lastObservedFeature = f;
double BackgroundSubtractorGMG::PixelModelGMG::getLikelihood(BackgroundSubtractorGMG::HistogramFeatureGMG f)
std::list<HistogramFeatureGMG>::iterator feature = histogram.begin();
std::list<HistogramFeatureGMG>::iterator feature_end = histogram.end();
for (feature = histogram.begin(); feature != feature_end; ++feature)
// comparing only feature color, not likelihood. See equality operator for HistogramFeatureGMG
if (f == *feature)
return feature->likelihood;
return 0.0; // not in histogram, so return 0.
void BackgroundSubtractorGMG::PixelModelGMG::insertFeature(double learningRate)
std::list<HistogramFeatureGMG>::iterator feature;
std::list<HistogramFeatureGMG>::iterator swap_end;
std::list<HistogramFeatureGMG>::iterator last_feature = histogram.end();
* If feature is in histogram already, add the weights, and move feature to front.
* If there are too many features, remove the end feature and push new feature to beginning
if (learningRate == -1.0) // then, this is a training-mode update.
* (1) Check if feature already represented in histogram
lastObservedFeature.likelihood = 1.0;
for (feature = histogram.begin(); feature != last_feature; ++feature)
if (lastObservedFeature == *feature) // feature in histogram
feature->likelihood += lastObservedFeature.likelihood;
// now, move feature to beginning of list and break the loop
HistogramFeatureGMG tomove = *feature;
if (numFeatures == maxFeatures)
histogram.pop_back(); // discard oldest feature
* (1) Scale entire histogram by scaling factor
* (2) Scale input feature.
* (3) Check if feature already represented. If so, simply add.
* (4) If feature is not represented, remove old feature, distribute weight evenly among existing features, add in new feature.
*this *= float(1.0-learningRate);
lastObservedFeature.likelihood = float(learningRate);
for (feature = histogram.begin(); feature != last_feature; ++feature)
if (lastObservedFeature == *feature) // feature in histogram
lastObservedFeature.likelihood += feature->likelihood;
return; // done with the update.
if (numFeatures == maxFeatures)
histogram.pop_back(); // discard oldest feature
BackgroundSubtractorGMG::PixelModelGMG& BackgroundSubtractorGMG::PixelModelGMG::operator *=(const float &rhs)
* Used to scale histogram by a constant factor
list<HistogramFeatureGMG>::iterator feature;
list<HistogramFeatureGMG>::iterator last_feature = histogram.end();
for (feature = histogram.begin(); feature != last_feature; ++feature)
feature->likelihood *= rhs;
return *this;
void BackgroundSubtractorGMG::PixelModelGMG::normalizeHistogram()
* First, calculate the total weight in the histogram
list<HistogramFeatureGMG>::iterator feature;
list<HistogramFeatureGMG>::iterator last_feature = histogram.end();
double total = 0.0;
for (feature = histogram.begin(); feature != last_feature; ++feature)
total += feature->likelihood;
* Then, if weight is not 0, divide every feature by the total likelihood to re-normalize.
for (feature = histogram.begin(); feature != last_feature; ++feature)
if (total != 0.0)
feature->likelihood = float(feature->likelihood / total);
bool BackgroundSubtractorGMG::HistogramFeatureGMG::operator ==(HistogramFeatureGMG &rhs)
CV_Assert(color.size() == rhs.color.size());
std::vector<size_t>::iterator color_a;
std::vector<size_t>::iterator color_b;
std::vector<size_t>::iterator color_a_end = this->color.end();
for (color_a = color.begin(), color_b = rhs.color.begin(); color_a != color_a_end; ++color_a, ++color_b)
if (*color_a != *color_b)
return false;
return true;

View File

@ -115,43 +115,43 @@ void CV_BackgroundSubtractorTest::run(int)
rng.fill(simImage,RNG::UNIFORM,(unsigned char)(minuc/2+maxuc/2),maxuc);
if (i == 0)
else if (type == CV_8S)
if (i==0)
else if (type == CV_16U)
rng.fill(simImage,RNG::UNIFORM,(unsigned int)(minui/2+maxui/2),maxui);
if (i==0)
else if (type == CV_16S)
if (i==0)
else if (type == CV_32F)
if (i==0)
else if (type == CV_32S)
rng.fill(simImage,RNG::UNIFORM,(long int)(minli/2+maxli/2),maxli);
if (i==0)
else if (type == CV_64F)
if (i==0)
@ -159,7 +159,6 @@ void CV_BackgroundSubtractorTest::run(int)
Mat fullbg = Mat::zeros(simImage.rows, simImage.cols, CV_8U);
//! fgmask should be entirely background during training
code = cvtest::cmpEps2( ts, fgmask, fullbg, 0, false, "The training foreground mask" );

View File

@ -7,91 +7,76 @@
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace cv;
static void help()
std::cout <<
"\nA program demonstrating the use and capabilities of a particular BackgroundSubtraction\n"
"algorithm described in A. Godbehere, A. Matsukawa, K. Goldberg, \n"
"\"Visual Tracking of Human Visitors under Variable-Lighting Conditions for a Responsive\n"
"Audio Art Installation\", American Control Conference, 2012, used in an interactive\n"
"installation at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco, CA from March 31 through\n"
"July 31, 2011.\n"
"Using OpenCV version " << CV_VERSION << "\n"<<std::endl;
std::cout <<
"\nA program demonstrating the use and capabilities of a particular BackgroundSubtraction\n"
"algorithm described in A. Godbehere, A. Matsukawa, K. Goldberg, \n"
"\"Visual Tracking of Human Visitors under Variable-Lighting Conditions for a Responsive\n"
"Audio Art Installation\", American Control Conference, 2012, used in an interactive\n"
"installation at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco, CA from March 31 through\n"
"July 31, 2011.\n"
"Using OpenCV version " << CV_VERSION << "\n"<<std::endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Ptr<BackgroundSubtractorGMG> fgbg = Algorithm::create<BackgroundSubtractorGMG>("BackgroundSubtractor.GMG");
if (fgbg == NULL)
CV_Error(CV_StsError,"Failed to create Algorithm\n");
VideoCapture cap;
if( argc > 1 )
Ptr<BackgroundSubtractorGMG> fgbg = Algorithm::create<BackgroundSubtractorGMG>("BackgroundSubtractor.GMG");
if (fgbg.empty())
std::cerr << "Failed to create BackgroundSubtractor.GMG Algorithm." << std::endl;
return -1;
fgbg->set("initializationFrames", 20);
fgbg->set("decisionThreshold", 0.7);
VideoCapture cap;
if (argc > 1)[1]);
if (!cap.isOpened())
std::cout << "error: cannot read video. Try moving video file to sample directory.\n";
return -1;
Mat img, downimg, downimg2, fgmask, upfgmask, posterior, upposterior;
if (!cap.isOpened())
std::cerr << "Cannot read video. Try moving video file to sample directory." << std::endl;
return -1;
bool first = true;
namedWindow("FG Segmentation");
int i = 0;
for (;;)
std::stringstream txt;
txt << "frame: ";
txt << i++;
Mat frame, fgmask, segm;
cap >> img;
namedWindow("FG Segmentation", WINDOW_NORMAL);
resize(img,downimg,Size(160,120),0,0,INTER_NEAREST); // Size(cols, rows) or Size(width,height)
if (first)
first = false;
if (img.empty())
return 0;
Mat coloredFG = Mat::zeros(480,640,CV_8UC3);
for (;;)
cap >> frame;
if (frame.empty())
(*fgbg)(frame, fgmask);
add(frame, Scalar(100, 100, 0), segm, fgmask);
imshow("FG Segmentation", segm);
resize(img, downimg2, Size(640, 480),0,0,INTER_LINEAR);
imshow("FG Segmentation",downimg2 + coloredFG);
int c = waitKey(30);
if( c == 'q' || c == 'Q' || (c & 255) == 27 )
if (c == 'q' || c == 'Q' || (c & 255) == 27)
return 0;