use IntegralChannels class
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,21 +50,6 @@
#include <cstdio>
#include <stdarg.h>
// use previous stored integrals for regression testing
namespace {
char *itoa(long i, char* s, int /*dummy_radix*/)
sprintf(s, "%ld", i);
return s;
// used for noisy printfs
// #define WITH_DEBUG_OUT
@ -235,47 +220,10 @@ struct Level
float sarea = (scaledRect.width - scaledRect.x) * (scaledRect.height - scaledRect.y);
// compensation areas rounding
return (threshold * scaling[idx] * sarea);
return (sarea == 0.0f)? threshold : (threshold * scaling[idx] * sarea);
template< typename T>
struct Decimate {
int shrinkage;
Decimate(const int sr) : shrinkage(sr) {}
void operator()(const cv::Mat& in, cv::Mat& out) const
int cols = in.cols / shrinkage;
int rows = in.rows / shrinkage;
out.create(rows, cols, in.type());
CV_Assert(cols * shrinkage == in.cols);
CV_Assert(rows * shrinkage == in.rows);
for (int outIdx_y = 0; outIdx_y < rows; ++outIdx_y)
T* outPtr = out.ptr<T>(outIdx_y);
for (int outIdx_x = 0; outIdx_x < cols; ++outIdx_x)
// do desimate
int inIdx_y = outIdx_y * shrinkage;
int inIdx_x = outIdx_x * shrinkage;
int sum = 0;
for (int y = inIdx_y; y < inIdx_y + shrinkage; ++y)
for (int x = inIdx_x; x < inIdx_x + shrinkage; ++x)
sum +=<T>(y, x);
sum /= shrinkage * shrinkage;
outPtr[outIdx_x] = cv::saturate_cast<T>(sum);
struct ChannelStorage
std::vector<cv::Mat> hog;
@ -289,111 +237,16 @@ struct ChannelStorage
ChannelStorage(const cv::Mat& colored, int shr) : shrinkage(shr)
Decimate<uchar> decimate(shr);
char buff[33];
cv::FileStorage imgs("/home/kellan/testInts.xml", cv::FileStorage::READ);
for(int i = 0; i < HOG_LUV_BINS; ++i)
cv::Mat channel;
imgs[std::string("channel") + itoa(i, buff, 10)] >> channel;
// add gauss
cv::Mat gauss;
cv::GaussianBlur(colored, gauss, cv::Size(3,3), 0 ,0);
// convert to luv
cv::Mat luv;
cv::cvtColor(colored, luv, CV_BGR2Luv);
// split to 3 one channel matrix
std::vector<cv::Mat> splited, luvs;
split(luv, splited);
// shrink and integrate
for (int i = 0; i < (int)splited.size(); i++)
cv::Mat shrunk, sum;
decimate(splited[i], shrunk);
cv::integral(shrunk, sum, cv::noArray(), CV_32S);
cv::IntegralChannels ints(shr);
// convert to grey
cv::Mat grey;
cv::cvtColor(colored, grey, CV_BGR2GRAY);
// get derivative
cv::Mat df_dx, df_dy, mag, angle;
cv::Sobel(grey, df_dx, CV_32F, 1, 0);
cv::Sobel(grey, df_dy, CV_32F, 0, 1);
// normalize
df_dx /= 4;
df_dy /= 4;
// calculate magnitude
cv::cartToPolar(df_dx, df_dy, mag, angle, true);
// normalize to avoid uchar overflow
static const float magnitudeScaling = 1.f / sqrt(2);
mag *= magnitudeScaling;
// convert to uchar
cv::Mat saturatedMag(grey.rows, grey.cols, CV_8UC1), shrMag;
for (int y = 0; y < grey.rows; ++y)
float* rm = mag.ptr<float>(y);
uchar* mg = saturatedMag.ptr<uchar>(y);
for (int x = 0; x < grey.cols; ++x)
mg[x] = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>(rm[x]);
// srink and integrate
decimate(saturatedMag, shrMag);
cv::integral(shrMag, mag, cv::noArray(), CV_32S);
// create hog channels
angle /= 60.f;
std::vector<cv::Mat> hist;
for (int bin = 0; bin < HOG_BINS; ++bin)
hist.push_back(cv::Mat::zeros(saturatedMag.rows, saturatedMag.cols, CV_8UC1));
for (int y = 0; y < saturatedMag.rows; ++y)
uchar* magnitude = saturatedMag.ptr<uchar>(y);
float* ang = angle.ptr<float>(y);
for (int x = 0; x < saturatedMag.cols; ++x)
hist[ (int)ang[x] ].ptr<uchar>(y)[x] = magnitude[x];
for(int i = 0; i < HOG_BINS; ++i)
cv::Mat shrunk, sum;
decimate(hist[i], shrunk);
cv::integral(shrunk, sum, cv::noArray(), CV_32S);
hog.insert(hog.end(), luvs.begin(), luvs.end());
ints.createHogBins(grey, hog, 6);
ints.createLuvBins(colored, hog);
step = hog[0].cols;
// CV_Assert(hog.size() == 10);
float get(const int channel, const cv::Rect& area) const
@ -441,7 +294,7 @@ struct cv::SoftCascade::Filds
float detectionScore = 0.f;
const Octave& octave = *(level.octave);
int stBegin = octave.index * octave.stages, stEnd = stBegin + octave.stages;
int stBegin = octave.index * octave.stages, stEnd = stBegin + 1024;//octave.stages;
dprintf(" octave stages: %d to %d index %d %f level %f\n",
stBegin, stEnd, octave.index, octave.scale, level.origScale);
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ TEST(SoftCascade, detect)
cascade.detectMultiScale(colored, rois, objects);
std::cout << "detected: " << (int)objects.size() << std::endl;
cv::Mat out = colored.clone();
int level = 0, total = 0;
@ -78,7 +77,6 @@ TEST(SoftCascade, detect)
std::cout << "Level: " << level << " total " << total << std::endl;
cv::imshow("out", out);
out = colored.clone();
levelWidth = objects[i].rect.width;
total = 0;
@ -91,4 +89,5 @@ TEST(SoftCascade, detect)
<< " " << objects[i].rect.height << std::endl;
std::cout << "detected: " << (int)objects.size() << std::endl;
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