added 16-bit support to Bayer2RGB & Bayer2Gray (ticket #686); fixed bug in cv.CreateHist() when no ranges are passed (ticket #990)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1725,65 +1725,40 @@ struct Luv2RGB_b
//////////////////////////// Bayer Pattern -> RGB conversion /////////////////////////////
static void Bayer2Gray_8u( const Mat& srcmat, Mat& dstmat, int code )
template<typename T>
class SIMDBayerStubInterpolator_
const int R2Y = 4899;
const int G2Y = 9617;
const int B2Y = 1868;
const int SHIFT = 14;
const uchar* bayer0 =;
int bayer_step = (int)srcmat.step;
uchar* dst0 =;
int dst_step = (int)dstmat.step;
Size size = srcmat.size();
int bcoeff = B2Y, rcoeff = R2Y;
int start_with_green = code == CV_BayerGB2GRAY || code == CV_BayerGR2GRAY;
bool brow = true;
#if CV_SSE2
bool haveSSE2 = checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_SSE2);
if( code != CV_BayerBG2GRAY && code != CV_BayerGB2GRAY )
int bayer2Gray(const T*, int, T*, int, int, int, int) const
brow = false;
std::swap(bcoeff, rcoeff);
return 0;
dst0 += dst_step + 1;
size.height -= 2;
size.width -= 2;
for( ; size.height-- > 0; bayer0 += bayer_step, dst0 += dst_step )
int bayer2RGB(const T*, int, T*, int, int) const
int t0, t1, t2;
const uchar* bayer = bayer0;
uchar* dst = dst0;
const uchar* bayer_end = bayer + size.width;
if( size.width <= 0 )
dst[-1] = dst[size.width] = 0;
if( start_with_green )
t0 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1])*rcoeff;
t1 = (bayer[bayer_step] + bayer[bayer_step+2])*bcoeff;
t2 = bayer[bayer_step+1]*(2*G2Y);
dst[0] = (uchar)CV_DESCALE(t0 + t1 + t2, SHIFT+1);
return 0;
#if CV_SSE2
if( haveSSE2 )
class SIMDBayerInterpolator_8u
use_simd = checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_SSE2);
int bayer2Gray(const uchar* bayer, int bayer_step, uchar* dst,
int width, int bcoeff, int gcoeff, int rcoeff) const
if( !use_simd )
return 0;
__m128i _b2y = _mm_set1_epi16((short)(rcoeff*2));
__m128i _g2y = _mm_set1_epi16((short)(G2Y*2));
__m128i _g2y = _mm_set1_epi16((short)(gcoeff*2));
__m128i _r2y = _mm_set1_epi16((short)(bcoeff*2));
const uchar* bayer_end = bayer + width;
for( ; bayer <= bayer_end - 18; bayer += 14, dst += 14 )
@ -1816,101 +1791,14 @@ static void Bayer2Gray_8u( const Mat& srcmat, Mat& dstmat, int code )
g0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(g0, g1);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)dst, g0);
for( ; bayer <= bayer_end - 2; bayer += 2, dst += 2 )
t0 = (bayer[0] + bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+2])*rcoeff;
t1 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step] + bayer[bayer_step+2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1])*G2Y;
t2 = bayer[bayer_step+1]*(4*bcoeff);
dst[0] = (uchar)CV_DESCALE(t0 + t1 + t2, SHIFT+2);
t0 = (bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+2])*rcoeff;
t1 = (bayer[bayer_step+1] + bayer[bayer_step+3])*bcoeff;
t2 = bayer[bayer_step+2]*(2*G2Y);
dst[1] = (uchar)CV_DESCALE(t0 + t1 + t2, SHIFT+1);
return (int)(bayer - (bayer_end - width));
if( bayer < bayer_end )
t0 = (bayer[0] + bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+2])*rcoeff;
t1 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step] + bayer[bayer_step+2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1])*G2Y;
t2 = bayer[bayer_step+1]*(4*bcoeff);
dst[0] = (uchar)CV_DESCALE(t0 + t1 + t2, SHIFT+2);
dst0[-1] = dst0[0];
dst0[size.width] = dst0[size.width-1];
brow = !brow;
std::swap(bcoeff, rcoeff);
start_with_green = !start_with_green;
size = dstmat.size();
dst0 =;
if( size.height > 2 )
for( int i = 0; i < size.width; i++ )
dst0[i] = dst0[i + dst_step];
dst0[i + (size.height-1)*dst_step] = dst0[i + (size.height-2)*dst_step];
for( int i = 0; i < size.width; i++ )
dst0[i] = dst0[i + (size.height-1)*dst_step] = 0;
static void Bayer2RGB_8u( const Mat& srcmat, Mat& dstmat, int code )
const uchar* bayer0 =;
int bayer_step = (int)srcmat.step;
uchar* dst0 =;
int dst_step = (int)dstmat.step;
Size size = srcmat.size();
int blue = code == CV_BayerBG2BGR || code == CV_BayerGB2BGR ? -1 : 1;
int start_with_green = code == CV_BayerGB2BGR || code == CV_BayerGR2BGR;
#if CV_SSE2
bool haveSSE2 = checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_SSE2);
dst0 += dst_step + 3 + 1;
size.height -= 2;
size.width -= 2;
for( ; size.height-- > 0; bayer0 += bayer_step, dst0 += dst_step )
int t0, t1;
const uchar* bayer = bayer0;
uchar* dst = dst0;
const uchar* bayer_end = bayer + size.width;
if( size.width <= 0 )
dst[-4] = dst[-3] = dst[-2] = dst[size.width*3-1] =
dst[size.width*3] = dst[size.width*3+1] = 0;
if( start_with_green )
t0 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1] + 1) >> 1;
t1 = (bayer[bayer_step] + bayer[bayer_step+2] + 1) >> 1;
dst[-blue] = (uchar)t0;
dst[0] = bayer[bayer_step+1];
dst[blue] = (uchar)t1;
dst += 3;
#if CV_SSE2
if( haveSSE2 )
int bayer2RGB(const uchar* bayer, int bayer_step, uchar* dst, int width, int blue) const
if( !use_simd )
return 0;
B G B G | B G B G | B G B G | B G B G
G R G R | G R G R | G R G R | G R G R
@ -1919,6 +1807,7 @@ static void Bayer2RGB_8u( const Mat& srcmat, Mat& dstmat, int code )
__m128i delta1 = _mm_set1_epi16(1), delta2 = _mm_set1_epi16(2);
__m128i mask = _mm_set1_epi16(blue < 0 ? -1 : 0), z = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i masklo = _mm_set1_epi16(0x00ff);
const uchar* bayer_end = bayer + width;
for( ; bayer <= bayer_end - 18; bayer += 14, dst += 42 )
@ -1985,9 +1874,163 @@ static void Bayer2RGB_8u( const Mat& srcmat, Mat& dstmat, int code )
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(dst-1+6*6), g1);
return (int)(bayer - (bayer_end - width));
bool use_simd;
typedef SIMDBayerStubInterpolator_<uchar> SIMDBayerInterpolator_8u;
template<typename T, class SIMDInterpolator>
static void Bayer2Gray_( const Mat& srcmat, Mat& dstmat, int code )
SIMDInterpolator vecOp;
const int R2Y = 4899;
const int G2Y = 9617;
const int B2Y = 1868;
const int SHIFT = 14;
const T* bayer0 = (const T*);
int bayer_step = (int)(srcmat.step/sizeof(T));
T* dst0 = (T*);
int dst_step = (int)(dstmat.step/sizeof(T));
Size size = srcmat.size();
int bcoeff = B2Y, rcoeff = R2Y;
int start_with_green = code == CV_BayerGB2GRAY || code == CV_BayerGR2GRAY;
bool brow = true;
if( code != CV_BayerBG2GRAY && code != CV_BayerGB2GRAY )
brow = false;
std::swap(bcoeff, rcoeff);
dst0 += dst_step + 1;
size.height -= 2;
size.width -= 2;
for( ; size.height-- > 0; bayer0 += bayer_step, dst0 += dst_step )
unsigned t0, t1, t2;
const T* bayer = bayer0;
T* dst = dst0;
const T* bayer_end = bayer + size.width;
if( size.width <= 0 )
dst[-1] = dst[size.width] = 0;
if( start_with_green )
t0 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1])*rcoeff;
t1 = (bayer[bayer_step] + bayer[bayer_step+2])*bcoeff;
t2 = bayer[bayer_step+1]*(2*G2Y);
dst[0] = (T)CV_DESCALE(t0 + t1 + t2, SHIFT+1);
int delta = vecOp.bayer2Gray(bayer, bayer_step, dst, size.width, bcoeff, G2Y, rcoeff);
bayer += delta;
dst += delta;
for( ; bayer <= bayer_end - 2; bayer += 2, dst += 2 )
t0 = (bayer[0] + bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+2])*rcoeff;
t1 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step] + bayer[bayer_step+2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1])*G2Y;
t2 = bayer[bayer_step+1]*(4*bcoeff);
dst[0] = (T)CV_DESCALE(t0 + t1 + t2, SHIFT+2);
t0 = (bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+2])*rcoeff;
t1 = (bayer[bayer_step+1] + bayer[bayer_step+3])*bcoeff;
t2 = bayer[bayer_step+2]*(2*G2Y);
dst[1] = (T)CV_DESCALE(t0 + t1 + t2, SHIFT+1);
if( bayer < bayer_end )
t0 = (bayer[0] + bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+2])*rcoeff;
t1 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step] + bayer[bayer_step+2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1])*G2Y;
t2 = bayer[bayer_step+1]*(4*bcoeff);
dst[0] = (T)CV_DESCALE(t0 + t1 + t2, SHIFT+2);
dst0[-1] = dst0[0];
dst0[size.width] = dst0[size.width-1];
brow = !brow;
std::swap(bcoeff, rcoeff);
start_with_green = !start_with_green;
size = dstmat.size();
dst0 = (T*);
if( size.height > 2 )
for( int i = 0; i < size.width; i++ )
dst0[i] = dst0[i + dst_step];
dst0[i + (size.height-1)*dst_step] = dst0[i + (size.height-2)*dst_step];
for( int i = 0; i < size.width; i++ )
dst0[i] = dst0[i + (size.height-1)*dst_step] = 0;
template<typename T, class SIMDInterpolator>
static void Bayer2RGB_( const Mat& srcmat, Mat& dstmat, int code )
SIMDInterpolator vecOp;
const T* bayer0 = (const T*);
int bayer_step = (int)(srcmat.step/sizeof(T));
T* dst0 = (T*);
int dst_step = (int)(dstmat.step/sizeof(T));
Size size = srcmat.size();
int blue = code == CV_BayerBG2BGR || code == CV_BayerGB2BGR ? -1 : 1;
int start_with_green = code == CV_BayerGB2BGR || code == CV_BayerGR2BGR;
dst0 += dst_step + 3 + 1;
size.height -= 2;
size.width -= 2;
for( ; size.height-- > 0; bayer0 += bayer_step, dst0 += dst_step )
int t0, t1;
const T* bayer = bayer0;
T* dst = dst0;
const T* bayer_end = bayer + size.width;
if( size.width <= 0 )
dst[-4] = dst[-3] = dst[-2] = dst[size.width*3-1] =
dst[size.width*3] = dst[size.width*3+1] = 0;
if( start_with_green )
t0 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1] + 1) >> 1;
t1 = (bayer[bayer_step] + bayer[bayer_step+2] + 1) >> 1;
dst[-blue] = (T)t0;
dst[0] = bayer[bayer_step+1];
dst[blue] = (T)t1;
dst += 3;
int delta = vecOp.bayer2RGB(bayer, bayer_step, dst, size.width, blue);
bayer += delta;
dst += delta*3;
if( blue > 0 )
for( ; bayer <= bayer_end - 2; bayer += 2, dst += 6 )
@ -1996,15 +2039,15 @@ static void Bayer2RGB_8u( const Mat& srcmat, Mat& dstmat, int code )
bayer[bayer_step*2+2] + 2) >> 2;
t1 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step] +
bayer[bayer_step+2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1]+2) >> 2;
dst[-1] = (uchar)t0;
dst[0] = (uchar)t1;
dst[-1] = (T)t0;
dst[0] = (T)t1;
dst[1] = bayer[bayer_step+1];
t0 = (bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+2] + 1) >> 1;
t1 = (bayer[bayer_step+1] + bayer[bayer_step+3] + 1) >> 1;
dst[2] = (uchar)t0;
dst[2] = (T)t0;
dst[3] = bayer[bayer_step+2];
dst[4] = (uchar)t1;
dst[4] = (T)t1;
@ -2015,15 +2058,15 @@ static void Bayer2RGB_8u( const Mat& srcmat, Mat& dstmat, int code )
bayer[bayer_step*2+2] + 2) >> 2;
t1 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step] +
bayer[bayer_step+2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1]+2) >> 2;
dst[1] = (uchar)t0;
dst[0] = (uchar)t1;
dst[1] = (T)t0;
dst[0] = (T)t1;
dst[-1] = bayer[bayer_step+1];
t0 = (bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+2] + 1) >> 1;
t1 = (bayer[bayer_step+1] + bayer[bayer_step+3] + 1) >> 1;
dst[4] = (uchar)t0;
dst[4] = (T)t0;
dst[3] = bayer[bayer_step+2];
dst[2] = (uchar)t1;
dst[2] = (T)t1;
@ -2033,8 +2076,8 @@ static void Bayer2RGB_8u( const Mat& srcmat, Mat& dstmat, int code )
bayer[bayer_step*2+2] + 2) >> 2;
t1 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step] +
bayer[bayer_step+2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1]+2) >> 2;
dst[-blue] = (uchar)t0;
dst[0] = (uchar)t1;
dst[-blue] = (T)t0;
dst[0] = (T)t1;
dst[blue] = bayer[bayer_step+1];
dst += 3;
@ -2052,7 +2095,7 @@ static void Bayer2RGB_8u( const Mat& srcmat, Mat& dstmat, int code )
size = dstmat.size();
dst0 =;
dst0 = (T*);
if( size.height > 2 )
for( int i = 0; i < size.width*3; i++ )
@ -2083,7 +2126,7 @@ static void Bayer2RGB_VNG_8u( const Mat& srcmat, Mat& dstmat, int code )
// for too small images use the simple interpolation algorithm
if( MIN(size.width, size.height) < 8 )
Bayer2RGB_8u( srcmat, dstmat, code );
Bayer2RGB_<uchar, SIMDBayerInterpolator_8u>( srcmat, dstmat, code );
@ -2912,27 +2955,42 @@ void cv::cvtColor( const InputArray& _src, OutputArray _dst, int code, int dcn )
case CV_BayerBG2GRAY: case CV_BayerGB2GRAY: case CV_BayerRG2GRAY: case CV_BayerGR2GRAY:
if(dcn <= 0) dcn = 1;
CV_Assert( scn == 1 && dcn == 1 && depth == CV_8U );
CV_Assert( scn == 1 && dcn == 1 );
_dst.create(sz, depth);
dst = _dst.getMat();
Bayer2Gray_8u(src, dst, code);
if( depth == CV_8U )
Bayer2Gray_<uchar, SIMDBayerInterpolator_8u>(src, dst, code);
else if( depth == CV_16U )
Bayer2Gray_<ushort, SIMDBayerStubInterpolator_<ushort> >(src, dst, code);
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Bayer->Gray demosaicing only supports 8u and 16u types");
case CV_BayerBG2BGR: case CV_BayerGB2BGR: case CV_BayerRG2BGR: case CV_BayerGR2BGR:
case CV_BayerBG2BGR_VNG: case CV_BayerGB2BGR_VNG: case CV_BayerRG2BGR_VNG: case CV_BayerGR2BGR_VNG:
if(dcn <= 0) dcn = 3;
CV_Assert( scn == 1 && dcn == 3 && depth == CV_8U );
CV_Assert( scn == 1 && dcn == 3 );
_dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, dcn));
dst = _dst.getMat();
if( code == CV_BayerBG2BGR || code == CV_BayerGB2BGR ||
code == CV_BayerRG2BGR || code == CV_BayerGR2BGR )
Bayer2RGB_8u(src, dst, code);
if( depth == CV_8U )
Bayer2RGB_<uchar, SIMDBayerInterpolator_8u>(src, dst, code);
else if( depth == CV_16U )
Bayer2RGB_<ushort, SIMDBayerStubInterpolator_<ushort> >(src, dst, code);
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Bayer->RGB demosaicing only supports 8u and 16u types");
CV_Assert( depth == CV_8U );
Bayer2RGB_VNG_8u(src, dst, code);
CV_Error( CV_StsBadFlag, "Unknown/unsupported color conversion code" );
@ -1,38 +1,3 @@
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
#if 0
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main(int, char**)
#if 0
Mat src = imread("/Users/vp/Downloads/resize/original.png"), dst;
//resize(src, dst, Size(), 0.25, 0.25, INTER_NEAREST);
//imwrite("/Users/vp/Downloads/resize/xnview_nn_opencv.png", dst);
//resize(src, dst, Size(), 0.25, 0.25, INTER_AREA);
//int nsteps = 4;
//double rate = pow(0.25,1./nsteps);
//for( int i = 0; i < nsteps; i++ )
// resize(src, src, Size(), rate, rate, INTER_LINEAR );
//GaussianBlur(src, src, Size(5, 5), 2, 2);
resize(src, src, Size(), 0.25, 0.25, INTER_NEAREST);
imwrite("/Users/vp/Downloads/resize/xnview_bilinear_opencv.png", src);
//resize(src, dst, Size(), 0.25, 0.25, INTER_LANCZOS4);
//imwrite("/Users/vp/Downloads/resize/xnview_lanczos3_opencv.png", dst);
float data[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24};
Mat src(5,5,CV_32FC1, data);
Mat dst;
resize(src, dst, Size(), 3, 3, INTER_NEAREST);
cout << src << endl;
cout << dst << endl;
return 0;
@ -2965,16 +2965,20 @@ static PyObject *pycvCreateHist(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
cvhistogram_t *h = PyObject_NEW(cvhistogram_t, &cvhistogram_Type);
args = Py_BuildValue("Oi", dims, CV_32FC1);
memset(&h->h, 0, sizeof(h->h));
h->bins = pycvCreateMatND(self, args);
if (h->bins == NULL) {
return NULL;
h->h.type = CV_HIST_MAGIC_VAL;
if (!convert_to_CvArr(h->bins, &(h->h.bins), "bins"))
return NULL;
ERRWRAP(cvSetHistBinRanges(&(h->h), r.rr, uniform));
return (PyObject*)h;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user