diff --git a/doc/tutorials/introduction/android_binary_package/O4A_SDK.rst b/doc/tutorials/introduction/android_binary_package/O4A_SDK.rst
index afd7b77e6..b46e417d5 100644
--- a/doc/tutorials/introduction/android_binary_package/O4A_SDK.rst
+++ b/doc/tutorials/introduction/android_binary_package/O4A_SDK.rst
@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ OpenCV4Android SDK
This tutorial was designed to help you with installation and configuration of OpenCV4Android SDK.
-This guide was written with MS Windows 7 in mind, though it should work with GNU Linux and Apple MacOS as well.
+This guide was written with MS Windows 7 in mind, though it should work with GNU Linux and Apple
+Mac OS as well.
-This tutorial assumes you have the following installed and configured:
+This tutorial assumes you have the following software installed and configured:
@@ -23,7 +24,20 @@ This tutorial assumes you have the following installed and configured:
If you need help with anything of the above, you may refer to our :ref:`android_dev_intro` guide.
-If you encounter any error after thoroughly following these steps, feel free to contact us via `OpenCV4Android `_ discussion group or OpenCV `Q&A forum `_. We'll do our best to help you out.
+If you encounter any error after thoroughly following these steps, feel free to contact us via
+`OpenCV4Android `_ discussion group or
+OpenCV `Q&A forum `_. We'll do our best to help you out.
+Tegra Android Development Pack users
+You may have used `Tegra Android Development Pack `_
+(**TADP**) released by **NVIDIA** for Android development environment setup.
+Beside Android development tools the TADP 2.0 includes OpenCV4Android SDK, so it can be already
+installed in your system and you can skip to :ref:`Running_OpenCV_Samples` section of this tutorial.
+More details regarding TADP can be found in the :ref:`android_dev_intro` guide.
General info
@@ -57,32 +71,44 @@ The structure of package contents looks as follows:
* :file:`sdk` folder contains OpenCV API and libraries for Android:
-* :file:`sdk/java` folder contains an Android library Eclipse project providing OpenCV Java API that can be imported into developer's workspace;
+* :file:`sdk/java` folder contains an Android library Eclipse project providing OpenCV Java API that
+ can be imported into developer's workspace;
-* :file:`sdk/native` folder contains OpenCV C++ headers (for JNI code) and native Android libraries (\*\.so and \*\.a) for ARM-v5, ARM-v7a and x86 architectures;
+* :file:`sdk/native` folder contains OpenCV C++ headers (for JNI code) and native Android libraries
+ (\*\.so and \*\.a) for ARM-v5, ARM-v7a and x86 architectures;
* :file:`sdk/etc` folder contains Haar and LBP cascades distributed with OpenCV.
-* :file:`apk` folder contains Android packages that should be installed on the target Android device to enable OpenCV library access via OpenCV Manager API (see details below).
+* :file:`apk` folder contains Android packages that should be installed on the target Android device
+ to enable OpenCV library access via OpenCV Manager API (see details below).
- On production devices that have access to Google Play Market (and internet) these packages will be installed from Market on the first start of an application using OpenCV Manager API.
- But dev kits without Market or internet require this packages to be installed manually.
- (Install the `Manager.apk` and the corresponding `binary_pack.apk` depending on the device CPU, the Manager GUI provides this info).
+ On production devices that have access to Google Play Market (and Internet) these packages will be
+ installed from Market on the first start of an application using OpenCV Manager API.
+ But devkits without Market or Internet connection require this packages to be installed manually.
+ Install the `Manager.apk` and the corresponding `binary_pack.apk` depending on the device CPU,
+ the Manager GUI provides this info. Below you'll see exact commands on how to do this.
- **Note**: installation from internet is the preferable way since we may publish updated versions of this packages on the Market.
+ .. note:: Installation from Internet is the preferable way since OpenCV team may publish updated
+ versions of this packages on the Market.
* :file:`samples` folder contains sample applications projects and their prebuilt packages (APK).
- Import them into Eclipse workspace (like described below) and browse the code to learn possible ways of OpenCV use on Android.
+ Import them into Eclipse workspace (like described below) and browse the code to learn possible
+ ways of OpenCV use on Android.
* :file:`doc` folder contains various OpenCV documentation in PDF format.
It's also available online at http://docs.opencv.org.
- **Note**: the most recent docs (nightly build) are at http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/.
- Generally, it's more up-to-date, but can refer to not-yet-released functionality.
+ .. note:: The most recent docs (nightly build) are at http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/.
+ Generally, it's more up-to-date, but can refer to not-yet-released functionality.
-Starting version 2.4.3 `OpenCV4Android SDK` uses `OpenCV Manager` API for library initialization. `OpenCV Manager` is an Android service based solution providing the following benefits for OpenCV applications developers:
+.. TODO: I'm not sure that this is the best place to talk about OpenCV Manager
-* Compact apk-size, since all applications use the same binaries from Manager and do not store native libs within themselves;
+Starting from version 2.4.3 `OpenCV4Android SDK` uses `OpenCV Manager` API for library
+initialization. `OpenCV Manager` is an Android service based solution providing the following
+benefits for OpenCV applications developers:
+* Compact apk-size, since all applications use the same binaries from Manager and do not store
+ native libs within themselves;
* Hardware specific optimizations are automatically enabled on all supported platforms;
@@ -92,7 +118,6 @@ Starting version 2.4.3 `OpenCV4Android SDK` uses `OpenCV Manager` API for librar
For additional information on OpenCV Manager see the:
* |OpenCV4Android_Slides|_
@@ -106,29 +131,21 @@ For additional information on OpenCV Manager see the:
.. |OpenCV4Android_Reference| replace:: Reference Manual
.. _OpenCV4Android_Reference: http://docs.opencv.org/android/refman.html
-Tegra Android Development Pack users
-You may have used `Tegra Android Development Pack `_
-(**TADP**) released by **NVIDIA** for Android development environment setup.
-Beside Android development tools the TADP 2.0 includes OpenCV4Android SDK 2.4.2, so it can be already installed in your system and you can skip to running the ``face-detection`` sample.
-More details regarding TADP can be found in the :ref:`android_dev_intro` guide.
Manual OpenCV4Android SDK setup
Get the OpenCV4Android SDK
-#. Go to the `OpenCV dowload page on SourceForge `_ and download the latest available version. Currently it's |opencv_android_bin_pack_url|_
+#. Go to the `OpenCV download page on SourceForge `_
+ and download the latest available version. Currently it's |opencv_android_bin_pack_url|_.
-#. Create a new folder for Android with OpenCV development. For this tutorial I have unpacked OpenCV to the :file:`C:\\Work\\OpenCV4Android\\` directory.
+#. Create a new folder for Android with OpenCV development. For this tutorial we have unpacked
+ OpenCV SDK to the :file:`C:\\Work\\OpenCV4Android\\` directory.
- .. note:: Better to use a path without spaces in it. Otherwise you may have problems with :command:`ndk-build`.
+ .. note:: Better to use a path without spaces in it. Otherwise you may have problems with :command:`ndk-build`.
-#. Unpack the OpenCV package into the chosen directory.
+#. Unpack the SDK archive into the chosen directory.
You can unpack it using any popular archiver (e.g with |seven_zip|_):
@@ -148,12 +165,13 @@ Get the OpenCV4Android SDK
.. |seven_zip| replace:: 7-Zip
.. _seven_zip: http://www.7-zip.org/
-Open OpenCV library and samples in Eclipse
+Import OpenCV library and samples to the Eclipse
-#. Start *Eclipse* and choose your workspace location.
+#. Start Eclipse and choose your workspace location.
- We recommend to start working with OpenCV for Android from a new clean workspace. A new Eclipse workspace can for example be created in the folder where you have unpacked OpenCV4Android SDK package:
+ We recommend to start working with OpenCV for Android from a new clean workspace. A new Eclipse
+ workspace can for example be created in the folder where you have unpacked OpenCV4Android SDK package:
.. image:: images/eclipse_1_choose_workspace.png
:alt: Choosing C:\Work\android-opencv\ as workspace location
@@ -162,24 +180,28 @@ Open OpenCV library and samples in Eclipse
#. Import OpenCV library and samples into workspace.
OpenCV library is packed as a ready-for-use `Android Library Project
- `_. You can simply reference it in your projects.
+ `_.
+ You can simply reference it in your projects.
- Each sample included into the |opencv_android_bin_pack| is a regular Android project that already references OpenCV library.
- Follow the steps below to import OpenCV and samples into the workspace:
+ Each sample included into the |opencv_android_bin_pack| is a regular Android project that already
+ references OpenCV library.Follow the steps below to import OpenCV and samples into the workspace:
- * Right click on the :guilabel:`Package Explorer` window and choose :guilabel:`Import...` option from the context menu:
+ * Right click on the :guilabel:`Package Explorer` window and choose :guilabel:`Import...` option
+ from the context menu:
.. image:: images/eclipse_5_import_command.png
:alt: Select Import... from context menu
:align: center
- * In the main panel select :menuselection:`General --> Existing Projects into Workspace` and press :guilabel:`Next` button:
+ * In the main panel select :menuselection:`General --> Existing Projects into Workspace` and
+ press :guilabel:`Next` button:
.. image:: images/eclipse_6_import_existing_projects.png
:alt: General > Existing Projects into Workspace
:align: center
- * In the :guilabel:`Select root directory` field locate your OpenCV package folder. Eclipse should automatically locate OpenCV library and samples:
+ * In the :guilabel:`Select root directory` field locate your OpenCV package folder. Eclipse
+ should automatically locate OpenCV library and samples:
.. image:: images/eclipse_7_select_projects.png
:alt: Locate OpenCV library and samples
@@ -187,34 +209,20 @@ Open OpenCV library and samples in Eclipse
* Click :guilabel:`Finish` button to complete the import operation.
- After clicking :guilabel:`Finish` button Eclipse will load all selected projects into workspace. Numerous errors will be indicated:
+ After clicking :guilabel:`Finish` button Eclipse will load all selected projects into workspace,
+ and you have to wait some time while it is building OpenCV samples. Just give a minute to
+ Eclipse to complete initialization.
- .. image:: images/eclipse_8_false_alarm.png
- :alt: Confusing Eclipse screen with numerous errors
- :align: center
+ .. note :: After the initial import, on a non-Windows (Linux and Mac OS) operating system Eclipse
+ will still show build errors for applications with native C++ code. To resolve the
+ issues, please do the following:
- However, **all these errors are only false-alarms**!
+ Open :guilabel:`Project Properties -> C/C++ Build`, and replace "Build command" text
+ to ``"${NDKROOT}/ndk-build"`` (remove .cmd at the end).
- Just give a minute to Eclipse to complete initialization.
- In some cases these errors disappear after :menuselection:`Project --> Clean... --> Clean all --> OK`
- or after pressing :kbd:`F5` (for Refresh action) when selecting error-label-marked projects in :guilabel:`Package Explorer`.
- Sometimes more advanced manipulations are required:
- The provided projects are configured for ``API 11`` target (and ``API 9`` for the library) that can be missing platform in your Android SDK.
- After right click on any project select :guilabel:`Properties` and then :guilabel:`Android` on the left pane.
- Click some target with `API Level` 11 or higher:
- .. image:: images/eclipse_8a_target.png
- :alt: Updating target
- :align: center
- Eclipse will rebuild your workspace and error icons will disappear one by one:
- .. image:: images/eclipse_9_errors_dissapearing.png
- :alt: After small help Eclipse removes error icons!
- :align: center
+ .. image:: images/eclipse_cdt_cfg4.png
+ :alt: Configure CDT
+ :align: center
Once Eclipse completes build you will have the clean workspace without any build errors:
@@ -227,13 +235,17 @@ Open OpenCV library and samples in Eclipse
Running OpenCV Samples
-At this point you should be able to build and run the samples. Keep in mind, that ``face-detection``, ``Tutorial 3`` and ``Tutorial 4`` include some native code and require Android NDK and CDT plugin for Eclipse to build working applications.
-If you haven't installed these tools see the corresponding section of :ref:`Android_Dev_Intro`.
+At this point you should be able to build and run the samples. Keep in mind, that ``face-detection``,
+``Tutorial 3`` and ``Tutorial 4`` include some native code and require Android NDK and CDT plugin
+for Eclipse to build working applications. If you haven't installed these tools see the corresponding
+section of :ref:`Android_Dev_Intro`.
-Also, please consider that ``Tutorial 0`` and ``Tutorial 1`` samples use Java Camera API that definitelly accessible on emulator from the Android SDK.
+Also, please consider that ``Tutorial 0`` and ``Tutorial 1`` samples use Java Camera API that
+definitelly accessible on emulator from the Android SDK.
Other samples use OpenCV Native Camera which may not work with emulator.
-.. note:: Recent *Android SDK tools, revision 19+* can run ARM v7a OS images but they available not for all Android versions.
+.. note:: Recent *Android SDK tools, revision 19+* can run ARM v7a OS images but they available not
+ for all Android versions.
Well, running samples from Eclipse is very simple:
@@ -245,7 +257,8 @@ Well, running samples from Eclipse is very simple:
`_ for help with real devices (not emulators).
-* Select project you want to start in :guilabel:`Package Explorer` and just press :kbd:`Ctrl + F11` or select option :menuselection:`Run --> Run` from the main menu, or click :guilabel:`Run` button on the toolbar.
+* Select project you want to start in :guilabel:`Package Explorer` and just press :kbd:`Ctrl + F11`
+ or select option :menuselection:`Run --> Run` from the main menu, or click :guilabel:`Run` button on the toolbar.
.. note:: Android Emulator can take several minutes to start. So, please, be patient.
diff --git a/doc/tutorials/introduction/android_binary_package/android_dev_intro.rst b/doc/tutorials/introduction/android_binary_package/android_dev_intro.rst
index 7fcf5b45e..91ffda695 100644
--- a/doc/tutorials/introduction/android_binary_package/android_dev_intro.rst
+++ b/doc/tutorials/introduction/android_binary_package/android_dev_intro.rst
@@ -210,6 +210,10 @@ You need the following software to be installed in order to develop for Android
#. **CDT plugin for Eclipse**
+ There are several possible ways to integrate compilation of C++ code by Android NDK into Eclipse
+ compilation process. We recommend the approach based on Eclipse
+ :abbr:`CDT(C/C++ Development Tooling)` Builder.
.. note:: If you're using the latest ADT plugin for Eclipse (version 20 and above), most likely
that you already have the CDT plugin. If it is so, just skip this section.
@@ -220,18 +224,6 @@ You need the following software to be installed in order to develop for Android
:alt: Eclipse About
:align: center
- There are several possible ways to integrate compilation of C++ code by Android NDK into Eclipse
- compilation process.
- We recommend the approach based on Eclipse :abbr:`CDT(C/C++ Development Tooling)` Builder.
- .. important:: Make sure your Eclipse IDE has the :abbr:`CDT(C/C++ Development Tooling)` plugin
- installed. Menu :guilabel:`Help -> About Eclipse SDK` and push
- :guilabel:`Installation Details` button.
- .. image:: images/eclipse_inst_details.png
- :alt: Configure builders
- :align: center
To install the `CDT plugin `_ use menu
:guilabel:`Help -> Install New Software...`, then paste the CDT 8.0 repository URL
http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/indigo as shown in the picture below and click
diff --git a/doc/tutorials/introduction/android_binary_package/images/eclipse_cdt_cfg4.png b/doc/tutorials/introduction/android_binary_package/images/eclipse_cdt_cfg4.png
index a9958dad8..633e3d294 100644
Binary files a/doc/tutorials/introduction/android_binary_package/images/eclipse_cdt_cfg4.png and b/doc/tutorials/introduction/android_binary_package/images/eclipse_cdt_cfg4.png differ