Move C structures wrappers from core.hpp to core_c.h
Also move RTTIImpl class to the only usage
This commit is contained in:
@ -4097,139 +4097,6 @@ public:
size_t remaining;
size_t remaining;
////////////// convenient wrappers for operating old-style dynamic structures //////////////
template<typename _Tp> class SeqIterator;
typedef Ptr<CvMemStorage> MemStorage;
Template Sequence Class derived from CvSeq
The class provides more convenient access to sequence elements,
STL-style operations and iterators.
\note The class is targeted for simple data types,
i.e. no constructors or destructors
are called for the sequence elements.
template<typename _Tp> class CV_EXPORTS Seq
typedef SeqIterator<_Tp> iterator;
typedef SeqIterator<_Tp> const_iterator;
//! the default constructor
//! the constructor for wrapping CvSeq structure. The real element type in CvSeq should match _Tp.
Seq(const CvSeq* seq);
//! creates the empty sequence that resides in the specified storage
Seq(MemStorage& storage, int headerSize = sizeof(CvSeq));
//! returns read-write reference to the specified element
_Tp& operator [](int idx);
//! returns read-only reference to the specified element
const _Tp& operator[](int idx) const;
//! returns iterator pointing to the beginning of the sequence
SeqIterator<_Tp> begin() const;
//! returns iterator pointing to the element following the last sequence element
SeqIterator<_Tp> end() const;
//! returns the number of elements in the sequence
size_t size() const;
//! returns the type of sequence elements (CV_8UC1 ... CV_64FC(CV_CN_MAX) ...)
int type() const;
//! returns the depth of sequence elements (CV_8U ... CV_64F)
int depth() const;
//! returns the number of channels in each sequence element
int channels() const;
//! returns the size of each sequence element
size_t elemSize() const;
//! returns index of the specified sequence element
size_t index(const _Tp& elem) const;
//! appends the specified element to the end of the sequence
void push_back(const _Tp& elem);
//! appends the specified element to the front of the sequence
void push_front(const _Tp& elem);
//! appends zero or more elements to the end of the sequence
void push_back(const _Tp* elems, size_t count);
//! appends zero or more elements to the front of the sequence
void push_front(const _Tp* elems, size_t count);
//! inserts the specified element to the specified position
void insert(int idx, const _Tp& elem);
//! inserts zero or more elements to the specified position
void insert(int idx, const _Tp* elems, size_t count);
//! removes element at the specified position
void remove(int idx);
//! removes the specified subsequence
void remove(const Range& r);
//! returns reference to the first sequence element
_Tp& front();
//! returns read-only reference to the first sequence element
const _Tp& front() const;
//! returns reference to the last sequence element
_Tp& back();
//! returns read-only reference to the last sequence element
const _Tp& back() const;
//! returns true iff the sequence contains no elements
bool empty() const;
//! removes all the elements from the sequence
void clear();
//! removes the first element from the sequence
void pop_front();
//! removes the last element from the sequence
void pop_back();
//! removes zero or more elements from the beginning of the sequence
void pop_front(_Tp* elems, size_t count);
//! removes zero or more elements from the end of the sequence
void pop_back(_Tp* elems, size_t count);
//! copies the whole sequence or the sequence slice to the specified vector
void copyTo(std::vector<_Tp>& vec, const Range& range=Range::all()) const;
//! returns the vector containing all the sequence elements
operator std::vector<_Tp>() const;
CvSeq* seq;
STL-style Sequence Iterator inherited from the CvSeqReader structure
template<typename _Tp> class CV_EXPORTS SeqIterator : public CvSeqReader
//! the default constructor
//! the constructor setting the iterator to the beginning or to the end of the sequence
SeqIterator(const Seq<_Tp>& seq, bool seekEnd=false);
//! positions the iterator within the sequence
void seek(size_t pos);
//! reports the current iterator position
size_t tell() const;
//! returns reference to the current sequence element
_Tp& operator *();
//! returns read-only reference to the current sequence element
const _Tp& operator *() const;
//! moves iterator to the next sequence element
SeqIterator& operator ++();
//! moves iterator to the next sequence element
SeqIterator operator ++(int) const;
//! moves iterator to the previous sequence element
SeqIterator& operator --();
//! moves iterator to the previous sequence element
SeqIterator operator --(int) const;
//! moves iterator forward by the specified offset (possibly negative)
SeqIterator& operator +=(int);
//! moves iterator backward by the specified offset (possibly negative)
SeqIterator& operator -=(int);
// this is index of the current element module seq->total*2
// (to distinguish between 0 and seq->total)
int index;
class CV_EXPORTS Algorithm;
class CV_EXPORTS Algorithm;
class CV_EXPORTS AlgorithmInfo;
class CV_EXPORTS AlgorithmInfo;
struct CV_EXPORTS AlgorithmInfoData;
struct CV_EXPORTS AlgorithmInfoData;
@ -1842,6 +1842,377 @@ struct CV_EXPORTS CvType
static CvTypeInfo* last;
static CvTypeInfo* last;
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
namespace cv
//// specializied implementations of Ptr::delete_obj() for classic OpenCV types
template<> CV_EXPORTS void Ptr<CvMat>::delete_obj();
template<> CV_EXPORTS void Ptr<IplImage>::delete_obj();
template<> CV_EXPORTS void Ptr<CvMatND>::delete_obj();
template<> CV_EXPORTS void Ptr<CvSparseMat>::delete_obj();
template<> CV_EXPORTS void Ptr<CvMemStorage>::delete_obj();
template<> CV_EXPORTS void Ptr<CvFileStorage>::delete_obj();
////////////// convenient wrappers for operating old-style dynamic structures //////////////
template<typename _Tp> class SeqIterator;
typedef Ptr<CvMemStorage> MemStorage;
Template Sequence Class derived from CvSeq
The class provides more convenient access to sequence elements,
STL-style operations and iterators.
\note The class is targeted for simple data types,
i.e. no constructors or destructors
are called for the sequence elements.
template<typename _Tp> class CV_EXPORTS Seq
typedef SeqIterator<_Tp> iterator;
typedef SeqIterator<_Tp> const_iterator;
//! the default constructor
//! the constructor for wrapping CvSeq structure. The real element type in CvSeq should match _Tp.
Seq(const CvSeq* seq);
//! creates the empty sequence that resides in the specified storage
Seq(MemStorage& storage, int headerSize = sizeof(CvSeq));
//! returns read-write reference to the specified element
_Tp& operator [](int idx);
//! returns read-only reference to the specified element
const _Tp& operator[](int idx) const;
//! returns iterator pointing to the beginning of the sequence
SeqIterator<_Tp> begin() const;
//! returns iterator pointing to the element following the last sequence element
SeqIterator<_Tp> end() const;
//! returns the number of elements in the sequence
size_t size() const;
//! returns the type of sequence elements (CV_8UC1 ... CV_64FC(CV_CN_MAX) ...)
int type() const;
//! returns the depth of sequence elements (CV_8U ... CV_64F)
int depth() const;
//! returns the number of channels in each sequence element
int channels() const;
//! returns the size of each sequence element
size_t elemSize() const;
//! returns index of the specified sequence element
size_t index(const _Tp& elem) const;
//! appends the specified element to the end of the sequence
void push_back(const _Tp& elem);
//! appends the specified element to the front of the sequence
void push_front(const _Tp& elem);
//! appends zero or more elements to the end of the sequence
void push_back(const _Tp* elems, size_t count);
//! appends zero or more elements to the front of the sequence
void push_front(const _Tp* elems, size_t count);
//! inserts the specified element to the specified position
void insert(int idx, const _Tp& elem);
//! inserts zero or more elements to the specified position
void insert(int idx, const _Tp* elems, size_t count);
//! removes element at the specified position
void remove(int idx);
//! removes the specified subsequence
void remove(const Range& r);
//! returns reference to the first sequence element
_Tp& front();
//! returns read-only reference to the first sequence element
const _Tp& front() const;
//! returns reference to the last sequence element
_Tp& back();
//! returns read-only reference to the last sequence element
const _Tp& back() const;
//! returns true iff the sequence contains no elements
bool empty() const;
//! removes all the elements from the sequence
void clear();
//! removes the first element from the sequence
void pop_front();
//! removes the last element from the sequence
void pop_back();
//! removes zero or more elements from the beginning of the sequence
void pop_front(_Tp* elems, size_t count);
//! removes zero or more elements from the end of the sequence
void pop_back(_Tp* elems, size_t count);
//! copies the whole sequence or the sequence slice to the specified vector
void copyTo(std::vector<_Tp>& vec, const Range& range=Range::all()) const;
//! returns the vector containing all the sequence elements
operator std::vector<_Tp>() const;
CvSeq* seq;
STL-style Sequence Iterator inherited from the CvSeqReader structure
template<typename _Tp> class CV_EXPORTS SeqIterator : public CvSeqReader
//! the default constructor
//! the constructor setting the iterator to the beginning or to the end of the sequence
SeqIterator(const Seq<_Tp>& seq, bool seekEnd=false);
//! positions the iterator within the sequence
void seek(size_t pos);
//! reports the current iterator position
size_t tell() const;
//! returns reference to the current sequence element
_Tp& operator *();
//! returns read-only reference to the current sequence element
const _Tp& operator *() const;
//! moves iterator to the next sequence element
SeqIterator& operator ++();
//! moves iterator to the next sequence element
SeqIterator operator ++(int) const;
//! moves iterator to the previous sequence element
SeqIterator& operator --();
//! moves iterator to the previous sequence element
SeqIterator operator --(int) const;
//! moves iterator forward by the specified offset (possibly negative)
SeqIterator& operator +=(int);
//! moves iterator backward by the specified offset (possibly negative)
SeqIterator& operator -=(int);
// this is index of the current element module seq->total*2
// (to distinguish between 0 and seq->total)
int index;
// bridge C++ => C Seq API
CV_EXPORTS schar* seqPush( CvSeq* seq, const void* element=0);
CV_EXPORTS schar* seqPushFront( CvSeq* seq, const void* element=0);
CV_EXPORTS void seqPop( CvSeq* seq, void* element=0);
CV_EXPORTS void seqPopFront( CvSeq* seq, void* element=0);
CV_EXPORTS void seqPopMulti( CvSeq* seq, void* elements,
int count, int in_front=0 );
CV_EXPORTS void seqRemove( CvSeq* seq, int index );
CV_EXPORTS void clearSeq( CvSeq* seq );
CV_EXPORTS schar* getSeqElem( const CvSeq* seq, int index );
CV_EXPORTS void seqRemoveSlice( CvSeq* seq, CvSlice slice );
CV_EXPORTS void seqInsertSlice( CvSeq* seq, int before_index, const CvArr* from_arr );
template<typename _Tp> inline Seq<_Tp>::Seq() : seq(0) {}
template<typename _Tp> inline Seq<_Tp>::Seq( const CvSeq* _seq ) : seq((CvSeq*)_seq)
CV_Assert(!_seq || _seq->elem_size == sizeof(_Tp));
template<typename _Tp> inline Seq<_Tp>::Seq( MemStorage& storage,
int headerSize )
CV_Assert(headerSize >= (int)sizeof(CvSeq));
seq = cvCreateSeq(DataType<_Tp>::type, headerSize, sizeof(_Tp), storage);
template<typename _Tp> inline _Tp& Seq<_Tp>::operator [](int idx)
{ return *(_Tp*)getSeqElem(seq, idx); }
template<typename _Tp> inline const _Tp& Seq<_Tp>::operator [](int idx) const
{ return *(_Tp*)getSeqElem(seq, idx); }
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp> Seq<_Tp>::begin() const
{ return SeqIterator<_Tp>(*this); }
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp> Seq<_Tp>::end() const
{ return SeqIterator<_Tp>(*this, true); }
template<typename _Tp> inline size_t Seq<_Tp>::size() const
{ return seq ? seq->total : 0; }
template<typename _Tp> inline int Seq<_Tp>::type() const
{ return seq ? CV_MAT_TYPE(seq->flags) : 0; }
template<typename _Tp> inline int Seq<_Tp>::depth() const
{ return seq ? CV_MAT_DEPTH(seq->flags) : 0; }
template<typename _Tp> inline int Seq<_Tp>::channels() const
{ return seq ? CV_MAT_CN(seq->flags) : 0; }
template<typename _Tp> inline size_t Seq<_Tp>::elemSize() const
{ return seq ? seq->elem_size : 0; }
template<typename _Tp> inline size_t Seq<_Tp>::index(const _Tp& elem) const
{ return cvSeqElemIdx(seq, &elem); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::push_back(const _Tp& elem)
{ cvSeqPush(seq, &elem); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::push_front(const _Tp& elem)
{ cvSeqPushFront(seq, &elem); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::push_back(const _Tp* elem, size_t count)
{ cvSeqPushMulti(seq, elem, (int)count, 0); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::push_front(const _Tp* elem, size_t count)
{ cvSeqPushMulti(seq, elem, (int)count, 1); }
template<typename _Tp> inline _Tp& Seq<_Tp>::back()
{ return *(_Tp*)getSeqElem(seq, -1); }
template<typename _Tp> inline const _Tp& Seq<_Tp>::back() const
{ return *(const _Tp*)getSeqElem(seq, -1); }
template<typename _Tp> inline _Tp& Seq<_Tp>::front()
{ return *(_Tp*)getSeqElem(seq, 0); }
template<typename _Tp> inline const _Tp& Seq<_Tp>::front() const
{ return *(const _Tp*)getSeqElem(seq, 0); }
template<typename _Tp> inline bool Seq<_Tp>::empty() const
{ return !seq || seq->total == 0; }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::clear()
{ if(seq) clearSeq(seq); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::pop_back()
{ seqPop(seq); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::pop_front()
{ seqPopFront(seq); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::pop_back(_Tp* elem, size_t count)
{ seqPopMulti(seq, elem, (int)count, 0); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::pop_front(_Tp* elem, size_t count)
{ seqPopMulti(seq, elem, (int)count, 1); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::insert(int idx, const _Tp& elem)
{ seqInsert(seq, idx, &elem); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::insert(int idx, const _Tp* elems, size_t count)
CvMat m = cvMat(1, count, DataType<_Tp>::type, elems);
seqInsertSlice(seq, idx, &m);
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::remove(int idx)
{ seqRemove(seq, idx); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::remove(const Range& r)
{ seqRemoveSlice(seq, r); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::copyTo(std::vector<_Tp>& vec, const Range& range) const
size_t len = !seq ? 0 : range == Range::all() ? seq->total : range.end - range.start;
if( seq && len )
cvCvtSeqToArray(seq, &vec[0], range);
template<typename _Tp> inline Seq<_Tp>::operator std::vector<_Tp>() const
std::vector<_Tp> vec;
return vec;
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp>::SeqIterator()
{ memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp>::SeqIterator(const Seq<_Tp>& _seq, bool seekEnd)
cvStartReadSeq(_seq.seq, this);
index = seekEnd ? _seq.seq->total : 0;
template<typename _Tp> inline void SeqIterator<_Tp>::seek(size_t pos)
cvSetSeqReaderPos(this, (int)pos, false);
index = pos;
template<typename _Tp> inline size_t SeqIterator<_Tp>::tell() const
{ return index; }
template<typename _Tp> inline _Tp& SeqIterator<_Tp>::operator *()
{ return *(_Tp*)ptr; }
template<typename _Tp> inline const _Tp& SeqIterator<_Tp>::operator *() const
{ return *(const _Tp*)ptr; }
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp>& SeqIterator<_Tp>::operator ++()
CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM(sizeof(_Tp), *this);
if( ++index >= seq->total*2 )
index = 0;
return *this;
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp> SeqIterator<_Tp>::operator ++(int) const
SeqIterator<_Tp> it = *this;
return it;
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp>& SeqIterator<_Tp>::operator --()
CV_PREV_SEQ_ELEM(sizeof(_Tp), *this);
if( --index < 0 )
index = seq->total*2-1;
return *this;
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp> SeqIterator<_Tp>::operator --(int) const
SeqIterator<_Tp> it = *this;
return it;
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp>& SeqIterator<_Tp>::operator +=(int delta)
cvSetSeqReaderPos(this, delta, 1);
index += delta;
int n = seq->total*2;
if( index < 0 )
index += n;
if( index >= n )
index -= n;
return *this;
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp>& SeqIterator<_Tp>::operator -=(int delta)
return (*this += -delta);
template<typename _Tp> inline ptrdiff_t operator - (const SeqIterator<_Tp>& a,
const SeqIterator<_Tp>& b)
ptrdiff_t delta = a.index - b.index, n = a.seq->total;
if( std::abs(static_cast<long>(delta)) > n )
delta += delta < 0 ? n : -n;
return delta;
template<typename _Tp> inline bool operator == (const SeqIterator<_Tp>& a,
const SeqIterator<_Tp>& b)
return a.seq == b.seq && a.index == b.index;
template<typename _Tp> inline bool operator != (const SeqIterator<_Tp>& a,
const SeqIterator<_Tp>& b)
return !(a == b);
} // cv
@ -2635,17 +2635,6 @@ template<class _Tp, class _Tp2> inline bool operator==(const Ptr<_Tp>& a, const
template<class _Tp, class _Tp2> inline bool operator!=(const Ptr<_Tp>& a, const Ptr<_Tp2>& b) { return a.refcount != b.refcount; }
template<class _Tp, class _Tp2> inline bool operator!=(const Ptr<_Tp>& a, const Ptr<_Tp2>& b) { return a.refcount != b.refcount; }
//// specializied implementations of Ptr::delete_obj() for classic OpenCV types
template<> CV_EXPORTS void Ptr<CvMat>::delete_obj();
template<> CV_EXPORTS void Ptr<IplImage>::delete_obj();
template<> CV_EXPORTS void Ptr<CvMatND>::delete_obj();
template<> CV_EXPORTS void Ptr<CvSparseMat>::delete_obj();
template<> CV_EXPORTS void Ptr<CvMemStorage>::delete_obj();
template<> CV_EXPORTS void Ptr<CvFileStorage>::delete_obj();
//////////////////////////////////////// XML & YAML I/O ////////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////////////// XML & YAML I/O ////////////////////////////////////
CV_EXPORTS_W void write( FileStorage& fs, const String& name, int value );
CV_EXPORTS_W void write( FileStorage& fs, const String& name, int value );
@ -3213,280 +3202,6 @@ partition( const std::vector<_Tp>& _vec, std::vector<int>& labels,
// bridge C++ => C Seq API
CV_EXPORTS schar* seqPush( CvSeq* seq, const void* element=0);
CV_EXPORTS schar* seqPushFront( CvSeq* seq, const void* element=0);
CV_EXPORTS void seqPop( CvSeq* seq, void* element=0);
CV_EXPORTS void seqPopFront( CvSeq* seq, void* element=0);
CV_EXPORTS void seqPopMulti( CvSeq* seq, void* elements,
int count, int in_front=0 );
CV_EXPORTS void seqRemove( CvSeq* seq, int index );
CV_EXPORTS void clearSeq( CvSeq* seq );
CV_EXPORTS schar* getSeqElem( const CvSeq* seq, int index );
CV_EXPORTS void seqRemoveSlice( CvSeq* seq, CvSlice slice );
CV_EXPORTS void seqInsertSlice( CvSeq* seq, int before_index, const CvArr* from_arr );
template<typename _Tp> inline Seq<_Tp>::Seq() : seq(0) {}
template<typename _Tp> inline Seq<_Tp>::Seq( const CvSeq* _seq ) : seq((CvSeq*)_seq)
CV_Assert(!_seq || _seq->elem_size == sizeof(_Tp));
template<typename _Tp> inline Seq<_Tp>::Seq( MemStorage& storage,
int headerSize )
CV_Assert(headerSize >= (int)sizeof(CvSeq));
seq = cvCreateSeq(DataType<_Tp>::type, headerSize, sizeof(_Tp), storage);
template<typename _Tp> inline _Tp& Seq<_Tp>::operator [](int idx)
{ return *(_Tp*)getSeqElem(seq, idx); }
template<typename _Tp> inline const _Tp& Seq<_Tp>::operator [](int idx) const
{ return *(_Tp*)getSeqElem(seq, idx); }
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp> Seq<_Tp>::begin() const
{ return SeqIterator<_Tp>(*this); }
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp> Seq<_Tp>::end() const
{ return SeqIterator<_Tp>(*this, true); }
template<typename _Tp> inline size_t Seq<_Tp>::size() const
{ return seq ? seq->total : 0; }
template<typename _Tp> inline int Seq<_Tp>::type() const
{ return seq ? CV_MAT_TYPE(seq->flags) : 0; }
template<typename _Tp> inline int Seq<_Tp>::depth() const
{ return seq ? CV_MAT_DEPTH(seq->flags) : 0; }
template<typename _Tp> inline int Seq<_Tp>::channels() const
{ return seq ? CV_MAT_CN(seq->flags) : 0; }
template<typename _Tp> inline size_t Seq<_Tp>::elemSize() const
{ return seq ? seq->elem_size : 0; }
template<typename _Tp> inline size_t Seq<_Tp>::index(const _Tp& elem) const
{ return cvSeqElemIdx(seq, &elem); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::push_back(const _Tp& elem)
{ cvSeqPush(seq, &elem); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::push_front(const _Tp& elem)
{ cvSeqPushFront(seq, &elem); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::push_back(const _Tp* elem, size_t count)
{ cvSeqPushMulti(seq, elem, (int)count, 0); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::push_front(const _Tp* elem, size_t count)
{ cvSeqPushMulti(seq, elem, (int)count, 1); }
template<typename _Tp> inline _Tp& Seq<_Tp>::back()
{ return *(_Tp*)getSeqElem(seq, -1); }
template<typename _Tp> inline const _Tp& Seq<_Tp>::back() const
{ return *(const _Tp*)getSeqElem(seq, -1); }
template<typename _Tp> inline _Tp& Seq<_Tp>::front()
{ return *(_Tp*)getSeqElem(seq, 0); }
template<typename _Tp> inline const _Tp& Seq<_Tp>::front() const
{ return *(const _Tp*)getSeqElem(seq, 0); }
template<typename _Tp> inline bool Seq<_Tp>::empty() const
{ return !seq || seq->total == 0; }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::clear()
{ if(seq) clearSeq(seq); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::pop_back()
{ seqPop(seq); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::pop_front()
{ seqPopFront(seq); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::pop_back(_Tp* elem, size_t count)
{ seqPopMulti(seq, elem, (int)count, 0); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::pop_front(_Tp* elem, size_t count)
{ seqPopMulti(seq, elem, (int)count, 1); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::insert(int idx, const _Tp& elem)
{ seqInsert(seq, idx, &elem); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::insert(int idx, const _Tp* elems, size_t count)
CvMat m = cvMat(1, count, DataType<_Tp>::type, elems);
seqInsertSlice(seq, idx, &m);
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::remove(int idx)
{ seqRemove(seq, idx); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::remove(const Range& r)
{ seqRemoveSlice(seq, r); }
template<typename _Tp> inline void Seq<_Tp>::copyTo(std::vector<_Tp>& vec, const Range& range) const
size_t len = !seq ? 0 : range == Range::all() ? seq->total : range.end - range.start;
if( seq && len )
cvCvtSeqToArray(seq, &vec[0], range);
template<typename _Tp> inline Seq<_Tp>::operator std::vector<_Tp>() const
std::vector<_Tp> vec;
return vec;
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp>::SeqIterator()
{ memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp>::SeqIterator(const Seq<_Tp>& _seq, bool seekEnd)
cvStartReadSeq(_seq.seq, this);
index = seekEnd ? _seq.seq->total : 0;
template<typename _Tp> inline void SeqIterator<_Tp>::seek(size_t pos)
cvSetSeqReaderPos(this, (int)pos, false);
index = pos;
template<typename _Tp> inline size_t SeqIterator<_Tp>::tell() const
{ return index; }
template<typename _Tp> inline _Tp& SeqIterator<_Tp>::operator *()
{ return *(_Tp*)ptr; }
template<typename _Tp> inline const _Tp& SeqIterator<_Tp>::operator *() const
{ return *(const _Tp*)ptr; }
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp>& SeqIterator<_Tp>::operator ++()
CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM(sizeof(_Tp), *this);
if( ++index >= seq->total*2 )
index = 0;
return *this;
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp> SeqIterator<_Tp>::operator ++(int) const
SeqIterator<_Tp> it = *this;
return it;
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp>& SeqIterator<_Tp>::operator --()
CV_PREV_SEQ_ELEM(sizeof(_Tp), *this);
if( --index < 0 )
index = seq->total*2-1;
return *this;
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp> SeqIterator<_Tp>::operator --(int) const
SeqIterator<_Tp> it = *this;
return it;
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp>& SeqIterator<_Tp>::operator +=(int delta)
cvSetSeqReaderPos(this, delta, 1);
index += delta;
int n = seq->total*2;
if( index < 0 )
index += n;
if( index >= n )
index -= n;
return *this;
template<typename _Tp> inline SeqIterator<_Tp>& SeqIterator<_Tp>::operator -=(int delta)
return (*this += -delta);
template<typename _Tp> inline ptrdiff_t operator - (const SeqIterator<_Tp>& a,
const SeqIterator<_Tp>& b)
ptrdiff_t delta = a.index - b.index, n = a.seq->total;
if( std::abs(static_cast<long>(delta)) > n )
delta += delta < 0 ? n : -n;
return delta;
template<typename _Tp> inline bool operator == (const SeqIterator<_Tp>& a,
const SeqIterator<_Tp>& b)
return a.seq == b.seq && a.index == b.index;
template<typename _Tp> inline bool operator != (const SeqIterator<_Tp>& a,
const SeqIterator<_Tp>& b)
return !(a == b);
template<typename _ClsName> struct CV_EXPORTS RTTIImpl
static int isInstance(const void* ptr)
static _ClsName dummy;
static void* dummyp = &dummy;
const void* p;
const void** pp;
} a, b;
a.p = dummyp;
b.p = ptr;
return *a.pp == *b.pp;
static void release(void** dbptr)
if(dbptr && *dbptr)
delete (_ClsName*)*dbptr;
*dbptr = 0;
static void* read(CvFileStorage* fs, CvFileNode* n)
FileNode fn(fs, n);
_ClsName* obj = new _ClsName;
return obj;
delete obj;
return 0;
static void write(CvFileStorage* _fs, const char* name, const void* ptr, CvAttrList)
if(ptr && _fs)
FileStorage fs(_fs);
((const _ClsName*)ptr)->write(fs, String(name));
static void* clone(const void* ptr)
return 0;
return new _ClsName(*(const _ClsName*)ptr);
class CV_EXPORTS Formatter
class CV_EXPORTS Formatter
@ -1301,6 +1301,58 @@ void HOGDescriptor::detectMultiScale(const Mat& img, std::vector<Rect>& foundLoc
padding, scale0, finalThreshold, useMeanshiftGrouping);
padding, scale0, finalThreshold, useMeanshiftGrouping);
template<typename _ClsName> struct RTTIImpl
static int isInstance(const void* ptr)
static _ClsName dummy;
static void* dummyp = &dummy;
const void* p;
const void** pp;
} a, b;
a.p = dummyp;
b.p = ptr;
return *a.pp == *b.pp;
static void release(void** dbptr)
if(dbptr && *dbptr)
delete (_ClsName*)*dbptr;
*dbptr = 0;
static void* read(CvFileStorage* fs, CvFileNode* n)
FileNode fn(fs, n);
_ClsName* obj = new _ClsName;
return obj;
delete obj;
return 0;
static void write(CvFileStorage* _fs, const char* name, const void* ptr, CvAttrList)
if(ptr && _fs)
FileStorage fs(_fs);
((const _ClsName*)ptr)->write(fs, String(name));
static void* clone(const void* ptr)
return 0;
return new _ClsName(*(const _ClsName*)ptr);
typedef RTTIImpl<HOGDescriptor> HOGRTTI;
typedef RTTIImpl<HOGDescriptor> HOGRTTI;
CvType hog_type( CV_TYPE_NAME_HOG_DESCRIPTOR, HOGRTTI::isInstance,
CvType hog_type( CV_TYPE_NAME_HOG_DESCRIPTOR, HOGRTTI::isInstance,
Reference in New Issue
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