problem with the supported data matrices types is fixed
minor fixes in CvGBTrees, its test and sample
This commit is contained in:
@ -1832,6 +1832,7 @@ protected:
virtual void read_params( CvFileStorage* fs, CvFileNode* fnode );
int get_len(const CvMat* mat) const;
CvDTreeTrainData* data;
@ -20,23 +20,18 @@ string ToString(int i)
return tmp.str();
int get_len(const CvMat* mat)
return (mat->cols > mat->rows) ? mat->cols : mat->rows;
//----------------------------- CvGBTreesParams -----------------------------
: CvDTreeParams( 3, 10, 0, true, 10, 0, false, false, 0 )
: CvDTreeParams( 3, 10, 0, false, 10, 0, false, false, 0 )
weak_count = 50;
weak_count = 200;
loss_function_type = CvGBTrees::SQUARED_LOSS;
subsample_portion = 1.0f;
shrinkage = 1.0f;
subsample_portion = 0.8f;
shrinkage = 0.01f;
@ -44,7 +39,7 @@ CvGBTreesParams::CvGBTreesParams()
CvGBTreesParams::CvGBTreesParams( int _loss_function_type, int _weak_count,
float _shrinkage, float _subsample_portion,
int _max_depth, bool _use_surrogates )
: CvDTreeParams( 3, 10, 0, true, 10, 0, false, false, 0 )
: CvDTreeParams( 3, 10, 0, false, 10, 0, false, false, 0 )
loss_function_type = _loss_function_type;
weak_count = _weak_count;
@ -75,18 +70,25 @@ CvGBTrees::CvGBTrees()
int CvGBTrees::get_len(const CvMat* mat) const
return (mat->cols > mat->rows) ? mat->cols : mat->rows;
void CvGBTrees::clear()
if( weak )
CvSeqReader reader;
CvSlice slice = CV_WHOLE_SEQ;
int weak_count = cvSliceLength( slice, weak[class_count-1] );
CvDTree* tree;
//data->shared = false;
for (int i=0; i<class_count; ++i)
int weak_count = cvSliceLength( slice, weak[i] );
if ((weak[i]) && (weak_count))
cvStartReadSeq( weak[i], &reader );
@ -192,9 +194,19 @@ CvGBTrees::train( const CvMat* _train_data, int _tflag,
bool is_regression = problem_type();
int len = get_len(_responses);
n - count of samples
m - count of variables
int n = _train_data->rows;
int m = _train_data->cols;
if (_tflag != CV_ROW_SAMPLE)
int tmp;
CvMat* new_responses = cvCreateMat( len, 1, CV_32F);
CvMat* new_responses = cvCreateMat( n, 1, CV_32F);
data = new CvDTreeTrainData( _train_data, _tflag, new_responses, _var_idx,
@ -204,88 +216,118 @@ CvGBTrees::train( const CvMat* _train_data, int _tflag,
missing = cvCreateMat(_missing_mask->rows, _missing_mask->cols,
cvCopy( _missing_mask, missing);
orig_response = cvCreateMat( _responses->rows, _responses->cols,
_responses->type );
cvCopy( _responses, orig_response);
orig_response->step = CV_ELEM_SIZE(_responses->type);
orig_response = cvCreateMat( 1, n, CV_32F );
int step = (_responses->cols > _responses->rows) ? 1 : _responses->step / CV_ELEM_SIZE(_responses->type);
switch (CV_MAT_TYPE(_responses->type))
case CV_32FC1:
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
orig_response->data.fl[i] = _responses->data.fl[i*step];
}; break;
case CV_32SC1:
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
orig_response->data.fl[i] = (float) _responses->data.i[i*step];
}; break;
CV_Error(CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "Response should be a 32fC1 or 32sC1 vector.");
if (!is_regression)
int max_label = -1;
for (int i=0; i<get_len(orig_response); ++i)
if (max_label < orig_response->data.fl[i])
max_label = int(orig_response->data.fl[i]);
class_labels = cvCreateMat(1, max_label, CV_32S);
for (int i=0; i<get_len(orig_response); ++i)
class_labels->data.i[int(orig_response->data.fl[i])] = 1;
class_count = 0;
for (int i=0; i<max_label; ++i)
if (class_labels->data.i[i])
class_labels->data.i[i] = ++class_count;
unsigned char * mask = new unsigned char[n];
memset(mask, 0, n);
// compute the count of different output classes
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
if (!mask[i])
for (int j=i; j<n; ++j)
if (int(orig_response->data.fl[j]) == int(orig_response->data.fl[i]))
mask[j] = 1;
delete[] mask;
class_labels = cvCreateMat(1, class_count, CV_32S);
class_labels->data.i[0] = int(orig_response->data.fl[0]);
int j = 1;
for (int i=1; i<n; ++i)
int k = 0;
while ((int(orig_response->data.fl[i]) - class_labels->data.i[k]) && (k<j))
if (k == j)
class_labels->data.i[k] = int(orig_response->data.fl[i]);
if (!is_regression)
class_count = 0;
unsigned char * mask = new unsigned char[get_len(orig_response)];
for (int i=0; i<get_len(orig_response); ++i)
mask[i] = 0;
for (int i=0; i<get_len(orig_response); ++i)
if (!mask[i])
for (int j=i; j<get_len(orig_response); ++j)
if (int(orig_response->data.fl[j]) == int(orig_response->data.fl[i]))
mask[j] = 1;
delete[] mask;
class_labels = cvCreateMat(1, class_count, CV_32S);
class_labels->data.i[0] = int(orig_response->data.fl[0]);
int j = 1;
for (int i=1; i<get_len(orig_response); ++i)
int k = 0;
while ((int(orig_response->data.fl[i]) - class_labels->data.i[k]) && (k<j))
if (k == j)
class_labels->data.i[k] = int(orig_response->data.fl[i]);
// inside gbt learning proccess only regression decision trees are built
data->is_classifier = false;
// preproccessing sample indices
if (_sample_idx)
sample_idx = cvCreateMat( _sample_idx->rows, _sample_idx->cols,
_sample_idx->type );
cvCopy( _sample_idx, sample_idx);
icvSortFloat(sample_idx->data.fl, get_len(sample_idx), 0);
int sample_idx_len = get_len(_sample_idx);
switch (CV_ELEM_SIZE(_sample_idx->type))
case CV_32SC1:
sample_idx = cvCreateMat( 1, sample_idx_len, CV_32S );
for (int i=0; i<sample_idx_len; ++i)
sample_idx->data.i[i] = _sample_idx->data.i[i];
} break;
case CV_8S:
case CV_8U:
int active_samples_count = 0;
for (int i=0; i<sample_idx_len; ++i)
active_samples_count += int( _sample_idx->data.ptr[i] );
sample_idx = cvCreateMat( 1, active_samples_count, CV_32S );
active_samples_count = 0;
for (int i=0; i<sample_idx_len; ++i)
if (int( _sample_idx->data.ptr[i] ))
sample_idx->data.i[active_samples_count++] = i;
} break;
default: CV_Error(CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "_sample_idx should be a 32sC1, 8sC1 or 8uC1 vector.");
icvSortFloat(sample_idx->data.fl, sample_idx_len, 0);
int n = (_tflag == CV_ROW_SAMPLE) ? _train_data->rows
: _train_data->cols;
sample_idx = cvCreateMat( 1, n, CV_32S );
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
sample_idx->data.i[i] = i;
sum_response = cvCreateMat(class_count, len, CV_32F);
sum_response_tmp = cvCreateMat(class_count, len, CV_32F);
sum_response = cvCreateMat(class_count, n, CV_32F);
sum_response_tmp = cvCreateMat(class_count, n, CV_32F);
delta = 0.0f;
in the case of a regression problem the initial guess (the zero term
in the sum) is set to the mean of all the training responses, that is
the best constant model
if (is_regression) base_value = find_optimal_value(sample_idx);
in the case of a classification problem the initial guess (the zero term
in the sum) is set to zero for all the trees sequences
else base_value = 0.0f;
current predicition on all training samples is set to be
equal to the base_value
cvSet( sum_response, cvScalar(base_value) );
weak = new pCvSeq[class_count];
@ -299,10 +341,8 @@ CvGBTrees::train( const CvMat* _train_data, int _tflag,
// subsample params and data
rng = &cv::theRNG();
int samples_count = get_len(sample_idx);
int samples_count = get_len(sample_idx);
//if ( params.subsample_portion > 1) params.subsample_portion = 1;
//if ( params.subsample_portion < 0) params.subsample_portion = 1;
params.subsample_portion = params.subsample_portion <= FLT_EPSILON ||
1 - params.subsample_portion <= FLT_EPSILON
? 1 : params.subsample_portion;
@ -319,19 +359,18 @@ CvGBTrees::train( const CvMat* _train_data, int _tflag,
*subsample_test = cvMat( 1, test_sample_count, CV_32SC1,
idx_data + train_sample_count );
// training procedure
for ( int i=0; i < params.weak_count; ++i )
for ( int m=0; m < class_count; ++m )
for ( int k=0; k < class_count; ++k )
CvDTree* tree = new CvDTree;
tree->train( data, subsample_train );
change_values(tree, m);
change_values(tree, k);
if (subsample_test)
@ -343,30 +382,35 @@ CvGBTrees::train( const CvMat* _train_data, int _tflag,
: sample_idx->step/CV_ELEM_SIZE(sample_idx->type);
for (int j=0; j<get_len(subsample_test); ++j)
for (int k=0; k<class_count; ++k)
int idx = *(sample_data + subsample_data[j]*s_step);
float res = 0.0f;
int idx = *(sample_data + subsample_data[j]*s_step);
float res = 0.0f;
if (_tflag == CV_ROW_SAMPLE)
cvGetRow( data->train_data, &x, idx);
if (missing)
cvGetCol( data->train_data, &x, idx);
if (missing)
if (_tflag == CV_ROW_SAMPLE)
cvGetRow( missing, &x_miss, idx);
res = (float)tree->predict(&x, &x_miss)->value;
res = (float)tree->predict(&x)->value;
sum_response_tmp->data.fl[idx + k*len] =
sum_response->data.fl[idx + k*len] +
params.shrinkage * res;
cvGetCol( missing, &x_miss, idx);
res = (float)tree->predict(&x, &x_miss)->value;
res = (float)tree->predict(&x)->value;
sum_response_tmp->data.fl[idx + k*n] =
sum_response->data.fl[idx + k*n] +
params.shrinkage * res;
cvSeqPush( weak[m], &tree );
cvSeqPush( weak[k], &tree );
tree = 0;
} // m=0..class_count
} // k=0..class_count
CvMat* tmp;
tmp = sum_response_tmp;
sum_response_tmp = sum_response;
@ -377,7 +421,8 @@ CvGBTrees::train( const CvMat* _train_data, int _tflag,
delete[] idx_data;
return true;
return true;
} // CvGBTrees::train(...)
@ -506,17 +551,26 @@ void CvGBTrees::change_values(CvDTree* tree, const int _k)
for (int i=0; i<get_len(subsample_train); ++i)
int idx = *(sample_data + subsample_data[i]*s_step);
cvGetRow( data->train_data, &x, idx);
int idx = *(sample_data + subsample_data[i]*s_step);
if (data->tflag == CV_ROW_SAMPLE)
cvGetRow( data->train_data, &x, idx);
cvGetCol( data->train_data, &x, idx);
if (missing)
cvGetRow( missing, &miss_x, idx);
if (data->tflag == CV_ROW_SAMPLE)
cvGetRow( missing, &miss_x, idx);
cvGetCol( missing, &miss_x, idx);
predictions[i] = tree->predict(&x, &miss_x);
predictions[i] = tree->predict(&x);
CvDTreeNode** leaves;
int leaves_count = 0;
leaves = GetLeaves( tree, leaves_count);
@ -574,6 +628,7 @@ void CvGBTrees::change_values(CvDTree* tree, const int _k)
leaves[i] = 0;
delete[] leaves;
@ -583,6 +638,9 @@ void CvGBTrees::change_values(CvDTree* tree, const int _k)
CvDTreeNode** leaves;
int leaves_count = 0;
int offset = _k*sum_response_tmp->cols;
CvMat leaf_idx;
leaf_idx.rows = 1;
leaves = GetLeaves( tree, leaves_count);
@ -591,21 +649,26 @@ void CvGBTrees::change_values(CvDTree* tree, const int _k)
int n = leaves[i]->sample_count;
int* leaf_idx_data = new int[n];
data->get_sample_indices(leaves[i], leaf_idx_data);
CvMat* leaf_idx = 0;
cvInitMatHeader(leaf_idx, n, 1, CV_32S, leaf_idx_data);
//CvMat* leaf_idx = new CvMat();
//cvInitMatHeader(leaf_idx, n, 1, CV_32S, leaf_idx_data);
leaf_idx.cols = n;
|||| = leaf_idx_data;
float value = find_optimal_value(leaf_idx);
float value = find_optimal_value(&leaf_idx);
leaves[i]->value = value;
float val = params.shrinkage * value;
int len = sum_response_tmp->cols;
for (int j=0; j<n; ++j)
int idx = leaf_idx_data[j] + _k*len;
sum_response_tmp->data.fl[idx] = sum_response->data.fl[idx] +
params.shrinkage * value;
int idx = leaf_idx_data[j] + offset;
sum_response_tmp->data.fl[idx] = sum_response->data.fl[idx] + val;
leaf_idx_data = 0;
//leaf_idx_data = 0;
|||| = 0;
//delete leaf_idx;
delete[] leaf_idx_data;
// releasing the memory
@ -614,6 +677,7 @@ void CvGBTrees::change_values(CvDTree* tree, const int _k)
leaves[i] = 0;
delete[] leaves;
} //change_values(...);
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ protected:
string model_file_name1;
string model_file_name2;
string* datasets;
string data_path;
@ -33,6 +34,8 @@ protected:
vector<float> test_resps1;
vector<float> test_resps2;
int64 initSeed;
@ -44,6 +47,18 @@ int _get_len(const CvMat* mat)
int64 seeds[] = { CV_BIG_INT(0x00009fff4f9c8d52),
int seedCount = sizeof(seeds)/sizeof(seeds[0]);
cv::RNG& rng = cv::theRNG();
initSeed = rng.state;
rng.state = seeds[rng(seedCount)];
datasets = 0;
data = 0;
gtb = 0;
@ -54,6 +69,7 @@ CV_GBTreesTest::~CV_GBTreesTest()
if (data)
delete data;
delete[] datasets;
cv::theRNG().state = initSeed;
@ -65,7 +81,7 @@ int CV_GBTreesTest::TestTrainPredict(int test_num)
float shrinkage = 0.1f;
float subsample_portion = 0.5f;
int max_depth = 5;
bool use_surrogates = true;
bool use_surrogates = false;
int loss_function_type = 0;
switch (test_num)
@ -137,8 +153,10 @@ int CV_GBTreesTest::checkPredictError(int test_num)
if (!gtb)
return cvtest::TS::FAIL_GENERIC;
float mean[] = {5.430247f, 13.5654f, 12.6569f, 13.1661f};
float sigma[] = {0.4162694f, 3.21161f, 3.43297f, 3.00624f};
//float mean[] = {5.430247f, 13.5654f, 12.6569f, 13.1661f};
//float sigma[] = {0.4162694f, 3.21161f, 3.43297f, 3.00624f};
float mean[] = {5.80226f, 12.68689f, 13.49095f, 13.19628f};
float sigma[] = {0.4764534f, 3.166919f, 3.022405f, 2.868722f};
float current_error = gtb->calc_error(data, CV_TEST_ERROR);
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ vector<Scalar> classColors;
#define NBC 0 // normal Bayessian classifier
#define KNN 0 // k nearest neighbors classifier
#define SVM 0 // support vectors machine
#define DT 1 // decision tree
#define DT 0 // decision tree
#define BT 0 // ADA Boost
#define GBT 0 // gradient boosted trees
#define GBT 1 // gradient boosted trees
#define RF 0 // random forest
#define ERT 0 // extremely randomized trees
#define ANN 0 // artificial neural networks
@ -272,7 +272,6 @@ void find_decision_boundary_GBT()
Mat trainSamples, trainClasses;
prepare_train_data( trainSamples, trainClasses );
trainClasses.convertTo( trainClasses, CV_32FC1 );
// learn classifier
CvGBTrees gbtrees;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user