removed DOT implementation
This commit is contained in:
@ -576,120 +576,6 @@ protected:
FernClassifier fernClassifier;
* Dominant Orientation Templates *
class CV_EXPORTS DOTDetector
struct CV_EXPORTS TrainParams
enum { BIN_COUNT = 7 };
static double BIN_RANGE() { return 180.0 / BIN_COUNT; }
TrainParams( const Size& winSize, int regionSize=7, int minMagnitude=60,
int maxStrongestCount=7, int maxNonzeroBits=6,
float minRatio=0.85f );
void read( FileNode& fn );
void write( FileStorage& fs ) const;
void isConsistent() const;
Size winSize;
int regionSize;
int minMagnitude;
int maxStrongestCount;
int maxNonzeroBits;
float minRatio;
struct CV_EXPORTS DetectParams
DetectParams( float minRatio, int minRegionSize, int maxRegionSize, int regionSizeStep,
bool isGroup, int groupThreshold=3, double groupEps=0.2f );
void isConsistent( float minTrainRatio=1.f ) const;
float minRatio;
int minRegionSize;
int maxRegionSize;
int regionSizeStep;
bool isGroup;
int groupThreshold;
double groupEps;
struct CV_EXPORTS DOTTemplate
struct CV_EXPORTS TrainData
TrainData( const Mat& maskedImage, const cv::Mat& strongestGradientsMask );
cv::Mat maskedImage;
cv::Mat strongestGradientsMask;
DOTTemplate( const cv::Mat& quantizedImage, int objectClassID,
const cv::Mat& maskedImage=cv::Mat(), const cv::Mat& strongestGradientsMask=cv::Mat() );
void addObjectClassID( int objectClassID, const cv::Mat& maskedImage=cv::Mat(), const cv::Mat& strongestGradientsMask=cv::Mat() );
const TrainData* getTrainData( int objectClassID ) const;
static float computeTexturelessRatio( const cv::Mat& quantizedImage );
void read( FileNode& fn );
void write( FileStorage& fs ) const;
cv::Mat quantizedImage;
float texturelessRatio;
int area;
std::vector<int> objectClassIDs;
std::vector<TrainData> trainData;
DOTDetector( const std::string& filename ); // load from xml-file
virtual ~DOTDetector();
void clear();
void read( FileNode& fn );
void write( FileStorage& fs ) const;
void load( const std::string& filename );
void save( const std::string& filename ) const;
void train( const string& baseDirName, const TrainParams& trainParams=TrainParams(), bool isAddImageAndGradientMask=false );
void detectMultiScale( const Mat& image, vector<vector<Rect> >& rects, const DetectParams& detectParams=DetectParams(),
vector<vector<float> >* ratios=0, vector<vector<int> >* dotTemplateIndices=0 ) const;
const vector<DOTTemplate>& getDOTTemplates() const;
const vector<string>& getObjectClassNames() const;
static void groupRectanglesList( std::vector<std::vector<cv::Rect> >& rectList, int groupThreshold, double eps );
void detectQuantized( const Mat& queryQuantizedImage, float minRatio,
vector<vector<Rect> >& rects,
vector<vector<float> >* ratios,
vector<vector<int> >* dotTemplateIndices ) const;
TrainParams trainParams;
std::vector<std::string> objectClassNames;
std::vector<DOTTemplate> dotTemplates;
struct CV_EXPORTS DataMatrixCode {
char msg[4]; //TODO std::string
Mat original;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
static void fillColors( vector<Scalar>& colors )
cv::RNG rng = theRNG();
for( size_t ci = 0; ci < colors.size(); ci++ )
colors[ci] = Scalar( rng(256), rng(256), rng(256) );
static void readTestImageNames( const string& descrFilename, vector<string>& names )
ifstream file( descrFilename.c_str() );
if ( !file.is_open() )
while( !file.eof() )
string str; getline( file, str );
if( str.empty() ) break;
if( str[0] == '#' ) continue; // comment
// find -name "image_*.png" | grep -v mask | sed 's/.\///' >> images.txt
int main( int argc, char **argv )
if( argc != 1 && argc != 3 )
cout << "Format: train_data test_data; " << endl << "or without arguments to use default data" << endl;
return -1;
string baseDirName, testDirName;
if( argc == 1 )
baseDirName = "../../opencv/samples/cpp/dot_data/train/";
testDirName = "../../opencv/samples/cpp/dot_data/test/";
baseDirName = argv[1];
testDirName = argv[2];
baseDirName += (*(baseDirName.end()-1) == '/' ? "" : "/");
testDirName += (*(testDirName.end()-1) == '/' ? "" : "/");
DOTDetector::TrainParams trainParams;
trainParams.winSize = Size(84, 84);
trainParams.regionSize = 7;
trainParams.minMagnitude = 60; // we ignore pixels with magnitude less then minMagnitude
trainParams.maxStrongestCount = 7; // we find such count of strongest gradients for each region
trainParams.maxNonzeroBits = 6; // we filter very textured regions (that have more then maxUnzeroBits count of 1s (ones) in the template)
trainParams.minRatio = 0.85f;
// 1. Train detector
DOTDetector dotDetector;
dotDetector.train( baseDirName, trainParams, true );
// "../../dot.xml.gz" );
// dotDetector.load( "../../dot.xml.gz" );
const vector<string>& objectClassNames = dotDetector.getObjectClassNames();
const vector<DOTDetector::DOTTemplate>& dotTemplates = dotDetector.getDOTTemplates();
vector<Scalar> colors( objectClassNames.size() );
fillColors( colors );
cout << "Templates count " << dotTemplates.size() << endl;
vector<string> testFilenames;
readTestImageNames( testDirName + "images.txt", testFilenames );
if( testFilenames.empty() )
cout << "Can not read no one test images" << endl;
return -1;
// 2. Detect objects
DOTDetector::DetectParams detectParams;
detectParams.minRatio = 0.8f;
detectParams.minRegionSize = 5;
detectParams.maxRegionSize = 11;
detectParams.isGroup = false;
for( size_t imgIdx = 0; imgIdx < testFilenames.size(); imgIdx++ )
string curFilename = testDirName + testFilenames[imgIdx];
cout << curFilename << endl;
Mat queryImage = imread( curFilename, 0 );
if( queryImage.empty() )
cout << "Detection start ..." << endl;
vector<vector<Rect> > rects;
vector<vector<float> > ratios;
vector<vector<int> > dotTemlateIndices;
dotDetector.detectMultiScale( queryImage, rects, detectParams, &ratios, &dotTemlateIndices );
const vector<DOTDetector::DOTTemplate>& dotTemplates = dotDetector.getDOTTemplates();
dotDetector.detectMultiScale( queryImage, rects, detectParams );
cout << "end" << endl;
Mat draw;
cvtColor( queryImage, draw, CV_GRAY2BGR );
const int textStep = 25;
for( size_t ci = 0; ci < objectClassNames.size(); ci++ )
putText( draw, objectClassNames[ci], Point(textStep, textStep*(1+ci)), 1, 2, colors[ci], 3 );
for( size_t ri = 0; ri < rects[ci].size(); ri++ )
rectangle( draw, rects[ci][ri], colors[ci], 3 );
int dotTemplateIndex = dotTemlateIndices[ci][ri];
const DOTDetector::DOTTemplate::TrainData* trainData = dotTemplates[dotTemplateIndex].getTrainData(ci);
imshow( "maskedImage", trainData->maskedImage );
imshow( "strongestGradientsMask", trainData->strongestGradientsMask );
Mat scaledDraw;
cv::resize( draw, scaledDraw, Size(640, 480) );
imshow( "detection result", scaledDraw );
Mat scaledDraw;
cv::resize( draw, scaledDraw, Size(640, 480) );
imshow( "detection result", scaledDraw );
Reference in New Issue
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