very first version of the documentation checking script
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
import sys, glob
import hdr_parser as hp
opencv_hdr_list = [
opencv_module_list = [
class RSTParser(object):
def process_rst(self, docname):
df = open(docname, "rt")
fdecl = ""
balance = 0
lineno = 0
for l in df.readlines():
lineno += 1
ll = l.strip()
if balance == 0:
if not ll.startswith(".. c:function::") and not ll.startswith(".. cpp:function::"):
fdecl = ll[ll.find("::") + 3:]
elif balance > 0:
fdecl += ll
balance = fdecl.count("(") - fdecl.count(")")
assert balance >= 0
if balance > 0:
rst_decl = self.parser.parse_func_decl_no_wrap(fdecl)
hdr_decls = self.fmap.get(rst_decl[0], [])
if not hdr_decls:
print "Documented function %s (%s) in %s:%d is not in the headers" % (fdecl, rst_decl[0], docname, lineno)
decl_idx = 0
for hd in hdr_decls:
if len(hd[3]) != len(rst_decl[3]):
idx = 0
for a in hd[3]:
if a[0] != rst_decl[3][idx][0]:
idx += 1
if idx == len(hd[3]):
decl_idx += 1
if decl_idx < len(hdr_decls):
self.fmap[rst_decl[0]] = hdr_decls[:decl_idx] + hdr_decls[decl_idx+1:]
print "Documented function %s in %s:%d does not have a match" % (fdecl, docname, lineno)
def check_module_docs(self, name):
self.parser = hp.CppHeaderParser()
decls = []
self.fmap = {}
for hname in opencv_hdr_list:
if hname.startswith("../modules/" + name):
decls += self.parser.parse(hname, wmode=False)
for d in decls:
fname = d[0]
if not fname.startswith("struct") and not fname.startswith("class") and not fname.startswith("const"):
dlist = self.fmap.get(fname, [])
self.fmap[fname] = dlist
self.missing_docfunc_list = []
doclist = glob.glob("../modules/" + name + "/doc/*.rst")
for d in doclist:
print "\n\n########## The list of undocumented functions: ###########\n\n"
fkeys = sorted(self.fmap.keys())
for f in fkeys:
decls = self.fmap[f]
for d in decls:
print "%s %s(%s)" % (d[1], d[0], ", ".join([a[0] + " " + a[1] for a in d[3]]))
p = RSTParser()
for m in opencv_module_list:
print "\n\n*************************** " + m + " *************************\n"
@ -242,6 +242,41 @@ class CppHeaderParser(object):
bases = ll[2:]
return classname, bases, modlist
def parse_func_decl_no_wrap(self, decl_str):
fdecl = decl_str.replace("CV_OUT", "").replace("CV_IN_OUT", "")
fdecl = fdecl.strip().replace("\t", " ")
while " " in fdecl:
fdecl = fdecl.replace(" ", " ")
fname = fdecl[:fdecl.find("(")].strip()
fnpos = fname.rfind(" ")
if fnpos < 0:
fnpos = 0
fname = fname[fnpos:].strip()
rettype = fdecl[:fnpos].strip()
args0 = fdecl[fdecl.find("(")+1:fdecl.rfind(")")].strip().split(",")
args = []
narg = ""
for arg in args0:
narg += arg.strip()
balance_paren = narg.count("(") - narg.count(")")
balance_angle = narg.count("<") - narg.count(">")
if balance_paren == 0 and balance_angle == 0:
narg = ""
fname = "cv." + fname.replace("::", ".")
decl = [fname, rettype, [], []]
for arg in args:
dfpos = arg.find("=")
defval = ""
if dfpos >= 0:
defval = arg[dfpos+1:].strip()
arg = arg[:dfpos].strip()
pos = arg.rfind(" ")
aname = arg[pos+1:]
atype = arg[:pos]
decl[3].append([atype, aname, defval, []])
return decl
def parse_func_decl(self, decl_str):
Parses the function or method declaration in the form:
@ -254,9 +289,10 @@ class CppHeaderParser(object):
[<func name>, <return value C-type>, <list of modifiers>, <list of arguments>] (see above)
if not (("CV_EXPORTS_AS" in decl_str) or ("CV_EXPORTS_W" in decl_str) or \
("CV_WRAP" in decl_str) or ("CV_WRAP_AS" in decl_str)):
return []
if self.wrap_mode:
if not (("CV_EXPORTS_AS" in decl_str) or ("CV_EXPORTS_W" in decl_str) or \
("CV_WRAP" in decl_str) or ("CV_WRAP_AS" in decl_str)):
return []
top = self.block_stack[-1]
func_modlist = []
@ -276,7 +312,7 @@ class CppHeaderParser(object):
# note that we do not strip "static" prefix, which does matter;
# it means class methods, not instance methods
decl_str = self.batch_replace(decl_str, [("virtual", ""), ("static inline", ""), ("inline", ""),\
("CV_EXPORTS_W", ""), ("CV_EXPORTS", ""), ("CV_WRAP ", " "), ("static CV_INLINE", ""), ("CV_INLINE", "")]).strip()
("CV_EXPORTS_W", ""), ("CV_EXPORTS", ""), ("CV_CDECL", ""), ("CV_WRAP ", " "), ("static CV_INLINE", ""), ("CV_INLINE", "")]).strip()
static_method = False
context = top[0]
@ -315,7 +351,7 @@ class CppHeaderParser(object):
print "Error at %d. the function/method name is missing: '%s'" % (self.lineno, decl_start)
if ("::" in funcname) or funcname.startswith("~"):
if self.wrap_mode and (("::" in funcname) or funcname.startswith("~")):
# if there is :: in function name (and this is in the header file),
# it means, this is inline implementation of a class method.
# Thus the function has been already declared within the class and we skip this repeated
@ -325,6 +361,11 @@ class CppHeaderParser(object):
funcname = self.get_dotted_name(funcname)
if not self.wrap_mode:
decl = self.parse_func_decl_no_wrap(decl_str)
decl[0] = funcname
return decl
arg_start = args_begin+1
npos = arg_start-1
balance = 1
@ -375,22 +416,23 @@ class CppHeaderParser(object):
if eqpos >= 0:
a = a[:eqpos].strip()
arg_type, arg_name, modlist, argno = self.parse_arg(a, argno)
if arg_type == "InputArray" or arg_type == "InputOutputArray":
arg_type = "Mat"
elif arg_type == "OutputArray":
arg_type = "Mat"
elif arg_type == "InputArrayOfArrays" or arg_type == "InputOutputArrayOfArrays":
arg_type = "vector_Mat"
elif arg_type == "OutputArrayOfArrays":
arg_type = "vector_Mat"
defval = self.batch_replace(defval, [("InputArrayOfArrays", "vector<Mat>"),
("InputOutputArrayOfArrays", "vector<Mat>"),
("OutputArrayOfArrays", "vector<Mat>"),
("InputArray", "Mat"),
("InputOutputArray", "Mat"),
("OutputArray", "Mat")]).strip()
if self.wrap_mode:
if arg_type == "InputArray" or arg_type == "InputOutputArray":
arg_type = "Mat"
elif arg_type == "OutputArray":
arg_type = "Mat"
elif arg_type == "InputArrayOfArrays" or arg_type == "InputOutputArrayOfArrays":
arg_type = "vector_Mat"
elif arg_type == "OutputArrayOfArrays":
arg_type = "vector_Mat"
defval = self.batch_replace(defval, [("InputArrayOfArrays", "vector<Mat>"),
("InputOutputArrayOfArrays", "vector<Mat>"),
("OutputArrayOfArrays", "vector<Mat>"),
("InputArray", "Mat"),
("InputOutputArray", "Mat"),
("OutputArray", "Mat")]).strip()
args.append([arg_type, arg_name, defval, modlist])
npos = arg_start-1
@ -473,7 +515,7 @@ class CppHeaderParser(object):
stmt_type = stmt.split()[0]
classname, bases, modlist = self.parse_class_decl(stmt)
decl = []
if ("CV_EXPORTS_W" in stmt) or ("CV_EXPORTS_AS" in stmt):
if ("CV_EXPORTS_W" in stmt) or ("CV_EXPORTS_AS" in stmt) or (not self.wrap_mode and ("CV_EXPORTS" in stmt)):
decl = [stmt_type + " " + self.get_dotted_name(classname), "", modlist, []]
if bases:
decl[1] = ": " + " ".join(bases)
@ -542,7 +584,7 @@ class CppHeaderParser(object):
token = t
return token, tpos
def parse(self, hname):
def parse(self, hname, wmode=True):
The main method. Parses the input file.
Returns the list of declarations (that can be print using print_decls)
@ -562,6 +604,7 @@ class CppHeaderParser(object):
self.block_stack = [["file", hname, True, True, None]]
block_head = ""
self.lineno = 0
self.wrap_mode = wmode
for l0 in linelist:
self.lineno += 1
Reference in New Issue
Block a user