Added knearest neighbor of OpenCL version.

It includes the accuracy/performance test and the implementation of KNN.
This commit is contained in:
Jin Ma 2013-09-22 10:22:09 +08:00
parent 94966b38c0
commit 06c33df307
4 changed files with 34 additions and 1 deletions

@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ if(NOT HAVE_OPENCL)
set(the_description "OpenCL-accelerated Computer Vision")
ocv_define_module(ocl opencv_core opencv_imgproc opencv_features2d opencv_objdetect opencv_video opencv_calib3d)
ocv_define_module(ocl opencv_core opencv_imgproc opencv_features2d opencv_objdetect opencv_video opencv_calib3d opencv_ml)
ocv_warnings_disable(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -Wshadow)

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp"
#include "opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp"
#include "opencv2/ml/ml.hpp"
namespace cv
@ -1892,6 +1893,29 @@ namespace cv
return (total + grain - 1) / grain;
/*!***************K Nearest Neighbour*************!*/
class CV_EXPORTS KNearestNeighbour: public CvKNearest
KNearestNeighbour(const Mat& trainData, const Mat& labels,
const Mat& sampleIdx = Mat().setTo(Scalar::all(0)), bool isRegression = false, int max_k = 32);
bool train(const Mat& trainData, Mat& labels, Mat& sampleIdx = Mat().setTo(Scalar::all(0)),
bool isRegression = false, int max_k = 32, bool updateBase = false);
void clear();
void find_nearest(const oclMat& samples, int k, oclMat& lables);
int max_k, var_count;
int total;
bool regression;
oclMat samples_ocl;
#if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER >= 1200

@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ namespace cv
bool CV_EXPORTS queryDeviceInfo<IS_CPU_DEVICE, bool>(cl_kernel kernel);
unsigned long CV_EXPORTS queryLocalMemInfo();
}//namespace ocl
}//namespace cv

@ -1033,6 +1033,14 @@ namespace cv
return impl->maxComputeUnits;
unsigned long queryLocalMemInfo()
Info::Impl* impl = Context::getContext()->impl;
cl_ulong local_memory_size = 0;
clGetDeviceInfo(impl->devices[impl->devnum], CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof(cl_ulong), (void*)&local_memory_size, 0);
return local_memory_size;
void* Context::oclContext()
return impl->oclcontext;