432 lines
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432 lines
15 KiB
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// Intel License Agreement
// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2000, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
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#include "cvtest.h"
#if 0
/* Testing parameters */
static char FuncName[] = "cvCalcOpticalFlowHS";
static char TestName[] = "Optical flow (Horn & Schunck)";
static char TestClass[] = "Algorithm";
static long lImageWidth;
static long lImageHeight;
static float lambda;
#define EPSILON 0.0001f
static int fmaCalcOpticalFlowHS( void )
/* Some Variables */
int i,j,k;
uchar* roiA;
uchar* roiB;
float* VelocityX;
float* VelocityY;
float* auxVelocityX;
float* auxVelocityY;
float* DerX;
float* DerY;
float* DerT;
long lErrors = 0;
CvTermCriteria criteria;
int usePrevious;
int Stop = 0;
int iteration = 0;
float epsilon = 0;
static int read_param = 0;
/* Initialization global parameters */
if( !read_param )
read_param = 1;
/* Reading test-parameters */
trslRead( &lImageHeight, "300", "Image height" );
trslRead( &lImageWidth, "300", "Image width" );
trssRead( &lambda, "20", "lambda" );
/* initialization - for warning disable */
criteria.epsilon = 0;
criteria.max_iter = 0;
criteria.type = 1;
/* Allocating memory for all frames */
IplImage* imgA = cvCreateImage( cvSize(lImageWidth,lImageHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
IplImage* imgB = cvCreateImage( cvSize(lImageWidth,lImageHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
IplImage* testVelocityX = cvCreateImage( cvSize(lImageWidth,lImageHeight), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
IplImage* testVelocityY = cvCreateImage( cvSize(lImageWidth,lImageHeight), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
VelocityX = (float*)cvAlloc( lImageWidth*lImageHeight * sizeof(float) );
VelocityY = (float*)cvAlloc( lImageWidth*lImageHeight * sizeof(float) );
auxVelocityX = (float*)cvAlloc( lImageWidth*lImageHeight * sizeof(float) );
auxVelocityY = (float*)cvAlloc( lImageWidth*lImageHeight * sizeof(float) );
DerX = (float*)cvAlloc( lImageWidth*lImageHeight * sizeof(float) );
DerY = (float*)cvAlloc( lImageWidth*lImageHeight * sizeof(float) );
DerT = (float*)cvAlloc( lImageWidth*lImageHeight * sizeof(float) );
/* Filling images */
ats1bInitRandom( 0, 255, (uchar*)imgA->imageData, lImageWidth * lImageHeight );
ats1bInitRandom( 0, 255, (uchar*)imgB->imageData, lImageWidth * lImageHeight );
/* set ROI of images */
roiA = (uchar*)imgA->imageData;
roiB = (uchar*)imgB->imageData;
/* example of 3*3 ROI*/
/*roiA[0] = 0;
roiA[1] = 1;
roiA[2] = 2;
roiA[lImageWidth] = 0;
roiA[lImageWidth+1] = 1;
roiA[lImageWidth+2] = 2;
roiA[2*lImageWidth] = 0;
roiA[2*lImageWidth+1] = 1;
roiA[2*lImageWidth+2] = 2;
roiB[0] = 1;
roiB[1] = 2;
roiB[2] = 3;
roiB[lImageWidth] = 1;
roiB[lImageWidth+1] = 2;
roiB[lImageWidth+2] = 3;
roiB[2*lImageWidth] = 1;
roiB[2*lImageWidth+1] = 2;
roiB[2*lImageWidth+2] = 3;*/
* Calculate derivatives *
for (i=0; i<lImageHeight; i++)
for(j=0; j<lImageWidth; j++)
int jr,jl,it,ib;
if ( j==lImageWidth-1 )
jr = lImageWidth-1;
else jr = j + 1;
if ( j==0 )
jl = 0;
else jl = j - 1;
if ( i==(lImageHeight - 1) )
ib = lImageHeight - 1;
else ib = i + 1;
if ( i==0 )
it = 0;
else it = i - 1;
DerX[ i*lImageWidth + j ] = (float)
(roiA[ (it)*imgA->widthStep + jr ]
- roiA[ (it)*imgA->widthStep + jl ]
+ 2*roiA[ (i)*imgA->widthStep + jr ]
- 2*roiA[ (i)*imgA->widthStep + jl ]
+ roiA[ (ib)*imgA->widthStep + jr ]
- roiA[ (ib)*imgA->widthStep + jl ])/8 ;
DerY[ i*lImageWidth + j ] = (float)
( roiA[ (ib)*imgA->widthStep + jl ]
+ 2*roiA[ (ib)*imgA->widthStep + j ]
+ roiA[ (ib)*imgA->widthStep + jr ]
- roiA[ (it)*imgA->widthStep + jl ]
- 2*roiA[ (it)*imgA->widthStep + j ]
- roiA[ (it)*imgA->widthStep + jr ])/8 ;
DerT[ i*lImageWidth + j ] = (float)
(roiB[i*imgB->widthStep + j] - roiA[i*imgA->widthStep + j]);
for( usePrevious = 0; usePrevious < 2; usePrevious++ )
* Cases *
for ( k = 0; k < 4; k++ )
switch (k)
case 0:
criteria.type = CV_TERMCRIT_ITER;
criteria.max_iter = 3;
trsWrite( ATS_LST|ATS_CON,
"usePrevious = %d, criteria = ITER, max_iter = %d\n",
usePrevious, criteria.max_iter);
case 1:
criteria.type = CV_TERMCRIT_EPS;
criteria.epsilon = 0.001f;
trsWrite( ATS_LST|ATS_CON,
"usePrevious = %d, criteria = EPS, epsilon = %f\n",
usePrevious, criteria.epsilon);
case 2:
criteria.epsilon = 0.0001f;
criteria.max_iter = 3;
trsWrite( ATS_LST|ATS_CON,
"usePrevious = %d,"
"criteria = EPS|ITER,"
"epsilon = %f, max_iter = %d\n",
usePrevious, criteria.epsilon, criteria.max_iter);
case 3:
criteria.epsilon = 0.00001f;
criteria.max_iter = 100;
trsWrite( ATS_LST|ATS_CON,
"usePrevious = %d,"
"criteria = EPS|ITER,"
"epsilon = %f, max_iter = %d\n",
usePrevious, criteria.epsilon, criteria.max_iter);
Stop = 0;
/* Run CVL function */
cvCalcOpticalFlowHS( imgA , imgB, usePrevious,
testVelocityX, testVelocityY,
lambda, criteria );
/* Calc by other way */
if (!usePrevious)
/* Filling initial velocity with zero */
for (i = 0; i < lImageWidth * lImageHeight; i++ )
VelocityX[i] = 0 ;
VelocityY[i] = 0 ;
iteration = 0;
while ( !Stop )
float* oldX;
float* oldY;
float* newX;
float* newY;
if ( iteration & 1 )
oldX = VelocityX;
oldY = VelocityY;
newX = auxVelocityX;
newY = auxVelocityY;
oldX = auxVelocityX;
oldY = auxVelocityY;
newX = VelocityX;
newY = VelocityY;
for( i = 0; i < lImageHeight; i++)
for(j = 0; j< lImageWidth; j++)
float aveX = 0;
float aveY = 0;
float dx,dy,dt;
aveX +=(j==0) ? oldX[ i*lImageWidth + j ] : oldX[ i*lImageWidth + j-1 ];
aveX +=(j==lImageWidth-1) ? oldX[ i*lImageWidth + j ] :
oldX[ i*lImageWidth + j+1 ];
aveX +=(i==0) ? oldX[ i*lImageWidth + j ] : oldX[ (i-1)*lImageWidth + j ];
aveX +=(i==lImageHeight-1) ? oldX[ i*lImageWidth + j ] :
oldX[ (i+1)*lImageWidth + j ];
aveX /=4;
aveY +=(j==0) ? oldY[ i*lImageWidth + j ] : oldY[ i*lImageWidth + j-1 ];
aveY +=(j==lImageWidth-1) ? oldY[ i*lImageWidth + j ] :
oldY[ i*lImageWidth + j+1 ];
aveY +=(i==0) ? oldY[ i*lImageWidth + j ] : oldY[ (i-1)*lImageWidth + j ];
aveY +=(i==lImageHeight-1) ? oldY[ i*lImageWidth + j ] :
oldY[ (i+1)*lImageWidth + j ];
aveY /=4;
dx = DerX[ i*lImageWidth + j ];
dy = DerY[ i*lImageWidth + j ];
dt = DerT[ i*lImageWidth + j ];
/* Horn & Schunck pure formulas */
newX[ i*lImageWidth + j ] = aveX - ( dx * aveX +
dy * aveY + dt ) * lambda * dx /
(1 + lambda * ( dx*dx + dy*dy ));
newY[ i*lImageWidth + j ] = aveY - ( dx * aveX +
dy * aveY + dt ) * lambda * dy /
(1 + lambda * ( dx*dx + dy*dy ));
/* evaluate epsilon */
epsilon = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < lImageHeight; i++)
for ( j = 0; j < lImageWidth; j++)
epsilon = MAX((float)fabs(newX[i*lImageWidth + j]
- oldX[i*lImageWidth + j]), epsilon );
epsilon = MAX((float)fabs(newY[i*lImageWidth + j]
- oldY[i*lImageWidth + j]), epsilon );
switch (criteria.type)
Stop = (criteria.max_iter == iteration );break;
Stop = (criteria.epsilon > epsilon );break;
Stop = ( ( criteria.epsilon > epsilon ) ||
( criteria.max_iter == iteration ));
if (Stop)
if ( (newX != VelocityX) && (newY != VelocityY) )
memcpy( VelocityX, newX, lImageWidth * lImageHeight * sizeof(float) );
memcpy( VelocityY, newY, lImageWidth * lImageHeight * sizeof(float) );
trsWrite( ATS_LST|ATS_CON,
"%d iterations are made\n", iteration );
for( i = 0; i < lImageHeight; i++)
for(j = 0; j< lImageWidth; j++)
float tvx = ((float*)(testVelocityX->imageData + i*testVelocityX->widthStep))[j];
float tvy = ((float*)(testVelocityY->imageData + i*testVelocityY->widthStep))[j];
if (( fabs( tvx - VelocityX[i*lImageWidth + j])>EPSILON )||
( fabs( tvy - VelocityY[i*lImageWidth + j])>EPSILON ) )
//trsWrite( ATS_LST | ATS_CON, " ValueX %f \n",
// testVelocityX[i*lROIWidth + j] );
//trsWrite( ATS_LST | ATS_CON, " mustX %f \n",
// VelocityX[i*lROIWidth + j] );
//trsWrite( ATS_LST | ATS_CON, " ValueY %f \n",
// testVelocityY[i*lROIWidth + j] );
//trsWrite( ATS_LST | ATS_CON, " mustY %f \n",
// VelocityY[i*lROIWidth + j] );
//trsWrite( ATS_LST | ATS_CON, " Coordinates %d %d\n", i, j );
}/* for */
/* Filling initial velocity with zero */
cvZero( testVelocityX );
cvZero( testVelocityY );
for (i = 0; i < lImageWidth * lImageHeight; i++ )
VelocityX[i] = 0 ;
VelocityY[i] = 0 ;
/* Free memory */
cvFree( &VelocityX );
cvFree( &VelocityY );
cvFree( &auxVelocityX );
cvFree( &auxVelocityY );
cvFree( &DerX );
cvFree( &DerY );
cvFree( &DerT );
cvReleaseImage( &imgA );
cvReleaseImage( &imgB );
cvReleaseImage( &testVelocityX );
cvReleaseImage( &testVelocityY );
if( lErrors == 0 ) return trsResult( TRS_OK, "No errors fixed for this text" );
else return trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Total fixed %d errors", lErrors );
} /*fmaCalcOpticalFlowHS*/
void InitACalcOpticalFlowHS( void )
/* Registering test function */
trsReg( FuncName, TestName, TestClass, fmaCalcOpticalFlowHS );
} /* InitACalcOpticalFlowHS */
/* End of file. */