362 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
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// License Agreement
// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
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// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
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#ifndef __cplusplus
# error cudafeatures2d.hpp header must be compiled as C++
#include "opencv2/core/cuda.hpp"
2013-07-23 16:24:55 +04:00
#include "opencv2/cudafilters.hpp"
2013-08-28 15:45:13 +04:00
namespace cv { namespace cuda {
2013-07-24 13:55:18 +04:00
2013-07-24 13:55:18 +04:00
explicit BFMatcher_CUDA(int norm = cv::NORM_L2);
// Add descriptors to train descriptor collection
void add(const std::vector<GpuMat>& descCollection);
// Get train descriptors collection
const std::vector<GpuMat>& getTrainDescriptors() const;
// Clear train descriptors collection
void clear();
// Return true if there are not train descriptors in collection
bool empty() const;
// Return true if the matcher supports mask in match methods
bool isMaskSupported() const;
// Find one best match for each query descriptor
void matchSingle(const GpuMat& query, const GpuMat& train,
GpuMat& trainIdx, GpuMat& distance,
const GpuMat& mask = GpuMat(), Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
// Download trainIdx and distance and convert it to CPU vector with DMatch
static void matchDownload(const GpuMat& trainIdx, const GpuMat& distance, std::vector<DMatch>& matches);
// Convert trainIdx and distance to vector with DMatch
static void matchConvert(const Mat& trainIdx, const Mat& distance, std::vector<DMatch>& matches);
// Find one best match for each query descriptor
void match(const GpuMat& query, const GpuMat& train, std::vector<DMatch>& matches, const GpuMat& mask = GpuMat());
// Make gpu collection of trains and masks in suitable format for matchCollection function
void makeGpuCollection(GpuMat& trainCollection, GpuMat& maskCollection, const std::vector<GpuMat>& masks = std::vector<GpuMat>());
// Find one best match from train collection for each query descriptor
void matchCollection(const GpuMat& query, const GpuMat& trainCollection,
GpuMat& trainIdx, GpuMat& imgIdx, GpuMat& distance,
const GpuMat& masks = GpuMat(), Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
// Download trainIdx, imgIdx and distance and convert it to vector with DMatch
static void matchDownload(const GpuMat& trainIdx, const GpuMat& imgIdx, const GpuMat& distance, std::vector<DMatch>& matches);
// Convert trainIdx, imgIdx and distance to vector with DMatch
static void matchConvert(const Mat& trainIdx, const Mat& imgIdx, const Mat& distance, std::vector<DMatch>& matches);
// Find one best match from train collection for each query descriptor.
void match(const GpuMat& query, std::vector<DMatch>& matches, const std::vector<GpuMat>& masks = std::vector<GpuMat>());
// Find k best matches for each query descriptor (in increasing order of distances)
void knnMatchSingle(const GpuMat& query, const GpuMat& train,
GpuMat& trainIdx, GpuMat& distance, GpuMat& allDist, int k,
const GpuMat& mask = GpuMat(), Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
// Download trainIdx and distance and convert it to vector with DMatch
// compactResult is used when mask is not empty. If compactResult is false matches
// vector will have the same size as queryDescriptors rows. If compactResult is true
// matches vector will not contain matches for fully masked out query descriptors.
static void knnMatchDownload(const GpuMat& trainIdx, const GpuMat& distance,
std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >& matches, bool compactResult = false);
// Convert trainIdx and distance to vector with DMatch
static void knnMatchConvert(const Mat& trainIdx, const Mat& distance,
std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >& matches, bool compactResult = false);
// Find k best matches for each query descriptor (in increasing order of distances).
// compactResult is used when mask is not empty. If compactResult is false matches
// vector will have the same size as queryDescriptors rows. If compactResult is true
// matches vector will not contain matches for fully masked out query descriptors.
void knnMatch(const GpuMat& query, const GpuMat& train,
std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >& matches, int k, const GpuMat& mask = GpuMat(),
bool compactResult = false);
// Find k best matches from train collection for each query descriptor (in increasing order of distances)
void knnMatch2Collection(const GpuMat& query, const GpuMat& trainCollection,
GpuMat& trainIdx, GpuMat& imgIdx, GpuMat& distance,
const GpuMat& maskCollection = GpuMat(), Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
// Download trainIdx and distance and convert it to vector with DMatch
// compactResult is used when mask is not empty. If compactResult is false matches
// vector will have the same size as queryDescriptors rows. If compactResult is true
// matches vector will not contain matches for fully masked out query descriptors.
static void knnMatch2Download(const GpuMat& trainIdx, const GpuMat& imgIdx, const GpuMat& distance,
std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >& matches, bool compactResult = false);
// Convert trainIdx and distance to vector with DMatch
static void knnMatch2Convert(const Mat& trainIdx, const Mat& imgIdx, const Mat& distance,
std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >& matches, bool compactResult = false);
// Find k best matches for each query descriptor (in increasing order of distances).
// compactResult is used when mask is not empty. If compactResult is false matches
// vector will have the same size as queryDescriptors rows. If compactResult is true
// matches vector will not contain matches for fully masked out query descriptors.
void knnMatch(const GpuMat& query, std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >& matches, int k,
const std::vector<GpuMat>& masks = std::vector<GpuMat>(), bool compactResult = false);
// Find best matches for each query descriptor which have distance less than maxDistance.
// nMatches.at<int>(0, queryIdx) will contain matches count for queryIdx.
// carefully nMatches can be greater than trainIdx.cols - it means that matcher didn't find all matches,
// because it didn't have enough memory.
// If trainIdx is empty, then trainIdx and distance will be created with size nQuery x max((nTrain / 100), 10),
// otherwize user can pass own allocated trainIdx and distance with size nQuery x nMaxMatches
// Matches doesn't sorted.
void radiusMatchSingle(const GpuMat& query, const GpuMat& train,
GpuMat& trainIdx, GpuMat& distance, GpuMat& nMatches, float maxDistance,
const GpuMat& mask = GpuMat(), Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
// Download trainIdx, nMatches and distance and convert it to vector with DMatch.
// matches will be sorted in increasing order of distances.
// compactResult is used when mask is not empty. If compactResult is false matches
// vector will have the same size as queryDescriptors rows. If compactResult is true
// matches vector will not contain matches for fully masked out query descriptors.
static void radiusMatchDownload(const GpuMat& trainIdx, const GpuMat& distance, const GpuMat& nMatches,
std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >& matches, bool compactResult = false);
// Convert trainIdx, nMatches and distance to vector with DMatch.
static void radiusMatchConvert(const Mat& trainIdx, const Mat& distance, const Mat& nMatches,
std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >& matches, bool compactResult = false);
// Find best matches for each query descriptor which have distance less than maxDistance
// in increasing order of distances).
void radiusMatch(const GpuMat& query, const GpuMat& train,
std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >& matches, float maxDistance,
const GpuMat& mask = GpuMat(), bool compactResult = false);
// Find best matches for each query descriptor which have distance less than maxDistance.
// If trainIdx is empty, then trainIdx and distance will be created with size nQuery x max((nQuery / 100), 10),
// otherwize user can pass own allocated trainIdx and distance with size nQuery x nMaxMatches
// Matches doesn't sorted.
void radiusMatchCollection(const GpuMat& query, GpuMat& trainIdx, GpuMat& imgIdx, GpuMat& distance, GpuMat& nMatches, float maxDistance,
const std::vector<GpuMat>& masks = std::vector<GpuMat>(), Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
// Download trainIdx, imgIdx, nMatches and distance and convert it to vector with DMatch.
// matches will be sorted in increasing order of distances.
// compactResult is used when mask is not empty. If compactResult is false matches
// vector will have the same size as queryDescriptors rows. If compactResult is true
// matches vector will not contain matches for fully masked out query descriptors.
static void radiusMatchDownload(const GpuMat& trainIdx, const GpuMat& imgIdx, const GpuMat& distance, const GpuMat& nMatches,
std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >& matches, bool compactResult = false);
// Convert trainIdx, nMatches and distance to vector with DMatch.
static void radiusMatchConvert(const Mat& trainIdx, const Mat& imgIdx, const Mat& distance, const Mat& nMatches,
std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >& matches, bool compactResult = false);
// Find best matches from train collection for each query descriptor which have distance less than
// maxDistance (in increasing order of distances).
void radiusMatch(const GpuMat& query, std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >& matches, float maxDistance,
const std::vector<GpuMat>& masks = std::vector<GpuMat>(), bool compactResult = false);
int norm;
std::vector<GpuMat> trainDescCollection;
2013-07-24 13:55:18 +04:00
// all features have same size
static const int FEATURE_SIZE = 7;
2013-07-24 13:55:18 +04:00
explicit FAST_CUDA(int threshold, bool nonmaxSupression = true, double keypointsRatio = 0.05);
//! finds the keypoints using FAST detector
//! supports only CV_8UC1 images
void operator ()(const GpuMat& image, const GpuMat& mask, GpuMat& keypoints);
void operator ()(const GpuMat& image, const GpuMat& mask, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints);
//! download keypoints from device to host memory
static void downloadKeypoints(const GpuMat& d_keypoints, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints);
//! convert keypoints to KeyPoint vector
static void convertKeypoints(const Mat& h_keypoints, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints);
//! release temporary buffer's memory
void release();
bool nonmaxSupression;
int threshold;
//! max keypoints = keypointsRatio * img.size().area()
double keypointsRatio;
//! find keypoints and compute it's response if nonmaxSupression is true
//! return count of detected keypoints
int calcKeyPointsLocation(const GpuMat& image, const GpuMat& mask);
//! get final array of keypoints
//! performs nonmax supression if needed
//! return final count of keypoints
int getKeyPoints(GpuMat& keypoints);
GpuMat kpLoc_;
int count_;
GpuMat score_;
GpuMat d_keypoints_;
2013-07-24 13:55:18 +04:00
X_ROW = 0,
//! Constructor
2013-07-24 13:55:18 +04:00
explicit ORB_CUDA(int nFeatures = 500, float scaleFactor = 1.2f, int nLevels = 8, int edgeThreshold = 31,
int firstLevel = 0, int WTA_K = 2, int scoreType = 0, int patchSize = 31);
//! Compute the ORB features on an image
//! image - the image to compute the features (supports only CV_8UC1 images)
//! mask - the mask to apply
//! keypoints - the resulting keypoints
void operator()(const GpuMat& image, const GpuMat& mask, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints);
void operator()(const GpuMat& image, const GpuMat& mask, GpuMat& keypoints);
//! Compute the ORB features and descriptors on an image
//! image - the image to compute the features (supports only CV_8UC1 images)
//! mask - the mask to apply
//! keypoints - the resulting keypoints
//! descriptors - descriptors array
void operator()(const GpuMat& image, const GpuMat& mask, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, GpuMat& descriptors);
void operator()(const GpuMat& image, const GpuMat& mask, GpuMat& keypoints, GpuMat& descriptors);
//! download keypoints from device to host memory
static void downloadKeyPoints(const GpuMat& d_keypoints, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints);
//! convert keypoints to KeyPoint vector
static void convertKeyPoints(const Mat& d_keypoints, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints);
//! returns the descriptor size in bytes
inline int descriptorSize() const { return kBytes; }
inline void setFastParams(int threshold, bool nonmaxSupression = true)
fastDetector_.threshold = threshold;
fastDetector_.nonmaxSupression = nonmaxSupression;
//! release temporary buffer's memory
void release();
//! if true, image will be blurred before descriptors calculation
bool blurForDescriptor;
enum { kBytes = 32 };
void buildScalePyramids(const GpuMat& image, const GpuMat& mask);
void computeKeyPointsPyramid();
void computeDescriptors(GpuMat& descriptors);
void mergeKeyPoints(GpuMat& keypoints);
int nFeatures_;
float scaleFactor_;
int nLevels_;
int edgeThreshold_;
int firstLevel_;
int WTA_K_;
int scoreType_;
int patchSize_;
// The number of desired features per scale
std::vector<size_t> n_features_per_level_;
// Points to compute BRIEF descriptors from
GpuMat pattern_;
std::vector<GpuMat> imagePyr_;
std::vector<GpuMat> maskPyr_;
GpuMat buf_;
std::vector<GpuMat> keyPointsPyr_;
std::vector<int> keyPointsCount_;
2013-07-24 13:55:18 +04:00
FAST_CUDA fastDetector_;
2013-08-28 15:45:13 +04:00
Ptr<cuda::Filter> blurFilter;
GpuMat d_keypoints_;
2013-08-28 15:45:13 +04:00
}} // namespace cv { namespace cuda {