:param singlePointColor:Color of single keypoints (circles), i.e. keypoints not having the matches. If ``singlePointColor==Scalar::all(-1)`` color will be generated randomly.
:param flags:Each bit of ``flags`` sets some feature of drawing. Possible ``flags`` bit values is defined by ``DrawMatchesFlags``.
This function draws matches of keypints from two images on output image. Match is a line connecting two keypoints (circles). The structure ``DrawMatchesFlags`` is defined as follows:
..code-block:: cpp
struct DrawMatchesFlags
DEFAULT = 0, // Output image matrix will be created (Mat::create),
// i.e. existing memory of output image may be reused.
// Two source image, matches and single keypoints
// will be drawn.
// For each keypoint only the center point will be
// drawn (without the circle around keypoint with
// keypoint size and orientation).
DRAW_OVER_OUTIMG = 1, // Output image matrix will not be
// created (using Mat::create). Matches will be drawn
// on existing content of output image.
NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS = 2, // Single keypoints will not be drawn.
DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS = 4 // For each keypoint the circle around
// keypoint with keypoint size and orientation will
:param flags:Each bit of ``flags`` sets some feature of drawing. Possible ``flags`` bit values is defined by ``DrawMatchesFlags``, see above in :func:`drawMatches` .