[DEV] try to build in isolated mode

This commit is contained in:
Edouard DUPIN 2016-08-09 22:16:46 +02:00
parent bd4d665963
commit 7120f32709
4 changed files with 246 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
// This file is auto-generated. Do not edit!
#include "opencv2/core/ocl.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/ocl_genbase.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/opencl/ocl_defs.hpp"
namespace cv
namespace ocl
namespace core
extern const struct ProgramEntry arithm;
extern ProgramSource arithm_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry convert;
extern ProgramSource convert_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry copymakeborder;
extern ProgramSource copymakeborder_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry copyset;
extern ProgramSource copyset_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry cvtclr_dx;
extern ProgramSource cvtclr_dx_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry fft;
extern ProgramSource fft_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry flip;
extern ProgramSource flip_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry gemm;
extern ProgramSource gemm_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry inrange;
extern ProgramSource inrange_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry lut;
extern ProgramSource lut_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry meanstddev;
extern ProgramSource meanstddev_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry minmaxloc;
extern ProgramSource minmaxloc_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry mixchannels;
extern ProgramSource mixchannels_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry mulspectrums;
extern ProgramSource mulspectrums_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry normalize;
extern ProgramSource normalize_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry reduce;
extern ProgramSource reduce_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry reduce2;
extern ProgramSource reduce2_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry repeat;
extern ProgramSource repeat_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry set_identity;
extern ProgramSource set_identity_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry split_merge;
extern ProgramSource split_merge_oclsrc;
extern const struct ProgramEntry transpose;
extern ProgramSource transpose_oclsrc;

View File

@ -106,21 +106,198 @@ def create(target, module_name):
if target.config["mode"] == "release":
my_module.compile_flags('c++', "-DNDEBUG")
my_module.compile_flags('c++', "-DDEBUG")
my_module.add_path(os.path.join(tools.get_current_path(__file__), "opencv", "modules", "core", "src"))
my_module.add_path(os.path.join(tools.get_current_path(__file__), "opencv", "modules", "core"))
my_module.add_path(os.path.join(tools.get_current_path(__file__), "opencv"))
my_module.compile_version("C++", 2003)
my_module.add_path(os.path.join(tools.get_current_path(__file__), "generated"))
# generate dynamic file
return my_module
def generate_config_file(my_module):
file_data = "/* Auto generate file with lutin */\n"
file_data+= "#pragma once\n"
file_data+= "\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCV_CALIB3D\n"
file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCV_CORE\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCV_FEATURES2D\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCV_FLANN\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCV_HIGHGUI\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCV_IMGCODECS\n"
file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCV_IMGPROC\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCV_ML\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCV_OBJDETECT\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCV_PHOTO\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCV_SHAPE\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCV_STITCHING\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCV_SUPERRES\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCV_VIDEO\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCV_VIDEOIO\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCV_VIDEOSTAB\n"
file_data+= "\n"
my_module.add_generated_header_file(file_data, "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp")
file_data = "/* Auto generate file with lutin */\n"
file_data+= "#pragma once\n"
file_data+= "// OpenCV compiled as static or dynamic libs\n"
file_data+= "#define BUILD_SHARED_LIBS\n"
#file_data+= "// Compile for 'real' NVIDIA GPU architectures\n"
#file_data+= "#define CUDA_ARCH_BIN ""\n"
#file_data+= "// Create PTX or BIN for 1.0 compute capability\n"
#file_data+= "#define CUDA_ARCH_BIN_OR_PTX_10\n"
#file_data+= "// NVIDIA GPU features are used\n"
#file_data+= "#define CUDA_ARCH_FEATURES ""\n"
#file_data+= "// Compile for 'virtual' NVIDIA PTX architectures\n"
#file_data+= "#define CUDA_ARCH_PTX ""\n"
#file_data+= "// AVFoundation video libraries\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_AVFOUNDATION\n"
#file_data+= "// V4L capturing support\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_CAMV4L\n"
#file_data+= "// V4L2 capturing support\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_CAMV4L2\n"
#file_data+= "// Carbon windowing environment\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_CARBON\n"
#file_data+= "// AMD's Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms Library*/\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_CLAMDBLAS\n"
#file_data+= "// AMD's OpenCL Fast Fourier Transform Library*/\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_CLAMDFFT\n"
#file_data+= "// Clp support\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_CLP\n"
#file_data+= "// Cocoa API\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_COCOA\n"
#file_data+= "// C=\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_CSTRIPES\n"
#file_data+= "// NVidia Cuda Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) API*/\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_CUBLAS\n"
#file_data+= "// NVidia Cuda Runtime API*/\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_CUDA\n"
#file_data+= "// NVidia Cuda Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) API*/\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_CUFFT\n"
#file_data+= "// IEEE1394 capturing support\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_DC1394\n"
#file_data+= "// IEEE1394 capturing support - libdc1394 v2.x\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_DC1394_2\n"
#file_data+= "// DirectX\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_DIRECTX\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_DIRECTX_NV12\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_D3D11\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_D3D10\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_D3D9\n"
#file_data+= "// DirectShow Video Capture library\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_DSHOW\n"
#file_data+= "// Eigen Matrix & Linear Algebra Library\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_EIGEN\n"
#file_data+= "// FFMpeg video library\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_FFMPEG\n"
#file_data+= "// ffmpeg's libswscale\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_FFMPEG_SWSCALE\n"
#file_data+= "// ffmpeg in Gentoo\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_GENTOO_FFMPEG\n"
#file_data+= "// Geospatial Data Abstraction Library\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_GDAL\n"
#file_data+= "// GStreamer multimedia framework\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_GSTREAMER\n"
#file_data+= "// GTK+ 2.0 Thread support\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_GTHREAD\n"
#file_data+= "// GTK+ 2.x toolkit\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_GTK\n"
#file_data+= "// Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file.\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H\n"
#file_data+= "// Intel Perceptual Computing SDK library\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_INTELPERC\n"
#file_data+= "// Intel Integrated Performance Primitives\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_IPP\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY\n"
#file_data+= "// Intel IPP Async\n"
#file_data+= "// #define HAVE_IPP_A\n"
#file_data+= "// JPEG-2000 codec\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_JASPER\n"
#file_data+= "// IJG JPEG codec\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_JPEG\n"
#file_data+= "// libpng/png.h needs to be included\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_LIBPNG_PNG_H\n"
#file_data+= "// GDCM DICOM codec\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_GDCM\n"
#file_data+= "// V4L/V4L2 capturing support via libv4l\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_LIBV4L\n"
#file_data+= "// Microsoft Media Foundation Capture library\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_MSMF\n"
#file_data+= "// NVidia Video Decoding API*/\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_NVCUVID\n"
#file_data+= "// NVidia Video Encoding API*/\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_NVCUVENC\n"
#file_data+= "// OpenCL Support\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCL\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCL_STATIC\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENCL_SVM\n"
#file_data+= "// OpenEXR codec\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENEXR\n"
#file_data+= "// OpenGL support*/\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENGL\n"
#file_data+= "// OpenNI library\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENNI\n"
#file_data+= "// OpenNI library\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_OPENNI2\n"
#file_data+= "// PNG codec\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_PNG\n"
file_data+= "// Posix threads (pthreads)\n"
file_data+= "#define HAVE_PTHREADS\n"
file_data+= "// parallel_for with pthreads\n"
file_data+= "#define HAVE_PTHREADS_PF\n"
#file_data+= "// Qt support\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_QT\n"
#file_data+= "// Qt OpenGL support\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_QT_OPENGL\n"
#file_data+= "// QuickTime video libraries\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_QUICKTIME\n"
#file_data+= "// QTKit video libraries\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_QTKIT\n"
#file_data+= "// Intel Threading Building Blocks\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_TBB\n"
#file_data+= "// TIFF codec\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_TIFF\n"
#file_data+= "// Unicap video capture library\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_UNICAP\n"
#file_data+= "// Video for Windows support\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_VFW\n"
#file_data+= "// V4L2 capturing support in videoio.h\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_VIDEOIO\n"
#file_data+= "// Win32 UI\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_WIN32UI\n"
#file_data+= "// XIMEA camera support\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_XIMEA\n"
#file_data+= "// Xine video library\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_XINE\n"
#file_data+= "// Define if your processor stores words with the most significant byte\n"
#file_data+= "// first (like Motorola and SPARC, unlike Intel and VAX).\n"
#file_data+= "#define WORDS_BIGENDIAN\n"
#file_data+= "// gPhoto2 library\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_GPHOTO2\n"
#file_data+= "// VA library (libva)\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_VA\n"
#file_data+= "// Intel VA-API/OpenCL\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_VA_INTEL\n"
#file_data+= "// Lapack\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_LAPACK\n"
#file_data+= "// FP16\n"
#file_data+= "#define HAVE_FP16\n"
#my_module.add_generated_header_file(file_data, "opencv2/cvconfig.h", True)
my_module.add_generated_header_file(file_data, "cvconfig.h", True)
file_data = "/* Auto generate file with lutin */\n"
file_data+= "#pragma once\n"
my_module.add_generated_header_file(file_data, "custom_hal.hpp")
file_data = "\"generate with lutin build system ...\\n\""
my_module.add_generated_header_file(file_data, "version_string.inc")

View File

@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ def create(target, module_name):
@ -109,18 +108,10 @@ def create(target, module_name):
if target.config["mode"] == "release":
my_module.compile_flags('c++', "-DNDEBUG")
my_module.compile_flags('c++', "-DDEBUG")
my_module.add_path(os.path.join(tools.get_current_path(__file__), "opencv", "modules", "imgproc", "src"))
my_module.add_path(os.path.join(tools.get_current_path(__file__), "opencv", "modules", "imgproc"))
my_module.add_path(os.path.join(tools.get_current_path(__file__), "opencv"))
my_module.compile_version("C++", 2003)


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit b2698f24b07f6e62a2679edbc6745e7f0527d7a1
Subproject commit 92387b1ef8fad15196dd5f7fb4931444a68bc93a