MessagePack cross-language test cases


Valid serialized data are stored in "cases.mpac" and "cases_compact.mpac". These files describe same objects. And "cases.json" describes an array of the described objects.

Thus you can verify your implementations as comparing the objects.


The crosslang tool reads serialized data from stdin and writes re-serialize data to stdout.

There are C++ and Ruby implementation of crosslang tool. You can verify your implementation as comparing that implementations.

C++ version

$ cd ../cpp && ./configure && make && make install
$ port install msgpack  # MacPorts

$ g++ -Wall -lmsgpack

Usage: ./crosslang [in-file] [out-file]

This tool is for testing of MessagePack implementation.
This does following behavior:

  1. Reads objects serialized by MessagePack from <in-file> (default: stdin)
  2. Re-serializes the objects using C++ implementation of MessagePack (Note that C++ implementation is considered valid)
  3. Writes the re-serialized objects into <out-file> (default: stdout)

Ruby version

$ gem install msgpack
$ port install rb_msgpack   # MacPorts

$ ruby crosslang.rb
Usage: crosslang.rb [in-file] [out-file]

This tool is for testing of MessagePack implementation.
This does following behavior:

  1. Reads objects serialized by MessagePack from <in-file> (default: stdin)
  2. Re-serializes the objects using Ruby implementation of MessagePack (Note that Ruby implementation is considered valid)
  3. Writes the re-serialized objects into <out-file> (default: stdout)