mirror of https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-c.git synced 2025-03-26 11:46:34 +01:00
2011-04-03 17:11:53 +09:00

176 lines
4.8 KiB

open Base
open OUnit
open MsgpackCore
open Pack
open Printf
let c0 =
Ascii (false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false)
let c1 =
Ascii (true, false,false,false,false,false,false,false)
let c255 =
Ascii (true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true)
let valid = [
Nil, `Nil
], [];
Bool true , `Bool true;
Bool false, `Bool false
], [];
PFixnum c0,`PFixnum 0;
PFixnum c1,`PFixnum 1;
], [
`PFixnum 128;
`PFixnum (~-1);
NFixnum c255, `NFixnum ~-1;
NFixnum (Ascii (false,false,false,false,false,true,true,true)), `NFixnum ~-32
`NFixnum 0;
`NFixnum (~-33)
"uint8", [
Uint8 c0, `Uint8 0;
Uint8 c1, `Uint8 1;
Uint8 c255, `Uint8 255
`Uint8 ~-1;
`Uint8 256
"uint16", [
Uint16 (c0,c0), `Uint16 0;
Uint16 (c0,c1), `Uint16 1;
Uint16 (c1,c0), `Uint16 256;
Uint16 (c255,c255), `Uint16 65535;
`Uint16 ~-1;
`Uint16 65536
"uint32", [
Uint32 ((c0,c0), (c0,c0)), `Uint32 0L;
Uint32 ((c255,c255), (c255,c255)), `Uint32 0xFFFF_FFFFL
`Uint32 (-1L);
`Uint32 0x1FFFF_FFFFL
"uint64", [
Uint64 (((c0,c0), (c0,c0)),((c0,c0), (c0,c0))), `Uint64 Big_int.zero_big_int;
Uint64 (((c0,c0), (c0,c0)),((c0,c0), (c0,c1))), `Uint64 Big_int.unit_big_int;
Uint64 (((c255,c255), (c255,c255)),((c255,c255), (c255,c255))), `Uint64 (Big_int.big_int_of_string "18446744073709551615")
`Uint64 (Big_int.big_int_of_string "-1");
`Uint64 (Big_int.big_int_of_string "18446744073709551617")
"int8", [
Int8 c0, `Int8 0;
Int8 c1, `Int8 1;
Int8 c255, `Int8 (~-1)
`Int8 129
"int16", [
Int16 (c0,c0), `Int16 0;
Int16 (c0,c1), `Int16 1;
Int16 (c1,c0), `Int16 256;
Int16 (c255,c255), `Int16 ~-1;
`Int16 65536
"int32", [
Int32 ((c0,c0), (c0,c0)), `Int32 0l;
Int32 ((c255,c255), (c255,c255)), `Int32 (-1l)
"int64", [
Int64 (((c0,c0), (c0,c0)),((c0,c0), (c0,c0))), `Int64 0L;
Int64 (((c0,c0), (c0,c0)),((c0,c0), (c0,c1))), `Int64 1L;
Int64 (((c255,c255), (c255,c255)),((c255,c255), (c255,c255))), `Int64 (-1L)
"float", [
Float ((c0,c0),(c0,c0)), `Float 0.0;
(* 0.5 = 3f_00_00_00 *)
Float ((Ascii (true,true,true,true,true,true,false,false),c0),(c0,c0)), `Float 0.5;
], [];
"double", [
Double (((c0,c0),(c0,c0)),((c0,c0),(c0,c0))), `Double 0.0;
(* 0.5 = 3f_e0_00_00_00_00_00_00 *)
Double (((Ascii (true,true,true,true,true,true,false,false),
Ascii (false,false,false,false,false,true,true,true)),
((c0,c0),(c0,c0))), `Double 0.5
"fixraw", [
FixRaw [], `FixRaw [];
FixRaw [ c0 ], `FixRaw [ '\000'];
FixRaw [ c0; c1 ], `FixRaw [ '\000'; '\001'];
"raw16", [
Raw16 [], `Raw16 [];
Raw16 [ c0 ], `Raw16 [ '\000'];
Raw16 [ c0; c1 ], `Raw16 [ '\000'; '\001'];
], [];
"raw32", [
Raw32 [], `Raw32 [];
Raw32 [ c0 ], `Raw32 [ '\000'];
Raw32 [ c0; c1 ], `Raw32 [ '\000'; '\001'];
], [];
"fixarray", [
FixArray [], `FixArray [];
FixArray [ PFixnum c0 ], `FixArray [`PFixnum 0 ];
FixArray [ FixArray [ PFixnum c0 ] ], `FixArray [`FixArray [ `PFixnum 0] ];
], [];
"array16", [
Array16 [], `Array16 [];
Array16 [ PFixnum c0 ], `Array16 [`PFixnum 0 ];
Array16 [ Array16 [ PFixnum c0 ] ], `Array16 [`Array16 [ `PFixnum 0] ];
], [];
"array32", [
Array32 [], `Array32 [];
Array32 [ PFixnum c0 ], `Array32 [`PFixnum 0 ];
Array32 [ Array32 [ PFixnum c0 ] ], `Array32 [`Array32 [ `PFixnum 0] ];
], [];
"fixmap", [
FixMap [], `FixMap [];
FixMap [ PFixnum c0, PFixnum c1 ], `FixMap [`PFixnum 0, `PFixnum 1 ];
], [];
"map16", [
Map16 [], `Map16 [];
Map16 [ PFixnum c0, PFixnum c1 ], `Map16 [`PFixnum 0, `PFixnum 1 ];
], [];
"map32", [
Map32 [], `Map32 [];
Map32 [ PFixnum c0, PFixnum c1 ], `Map32 [`PFixnum 0, `PFixnum 1 ];
], [];
let _ = begin "pack.ml" >::: [
"変換のテスト" >:::
valid +> HList.concat_map begin fun (name, ok, ng) ->
let xs =
ok +> List.map begin fun (expect, actual) ->
(sprintf "%sが変換できる" name) >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal expect (pack actual));
end in
let ys =
ng +> List.map begin fun actual ->
(sprintf "%sのエラーチェック" name) >:: (fun _ -> assert_raises (Not_conversion name) (fun () -> pack actual))
end in
xs @ ys
"復元のテスト" >:::
valid +> HList.concat_map begin fun (name, ok, _) ->
ok +> List.map begin fun (actual, expect) ->
(sprintf "%sが復元できる" name) >:: begin fun _ ->
match expect, unpack actual with
`Uint64 n1, `Uint64 n2 ->
assert_equal ~cmp:Big_int.eq_big_int n1 n2
| x, y ->
assert_equal x y
] end +> run_test_tt_main