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synced 2025-03-25 10:09:11 +01:00
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207 lines
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open Base
open MsgpackCore
exception Not_conversion of string
type t =
[ `Bool of bool
| `Nil
| `PFixnum of int
| `NFixnum of int
| `Uint8 of int
| `Uint16 of int
| `Uint32 of int64
| `Uint64 of Big_int.big_int
| `Int8 of int
| `Int16 of int
| `Int32 of int32
| `Int64 of int64
| `Float of float
| `Double of float
| `FixRaw of char list
| `Raw16 of char list
| `Raw32 of char list
| `FixArray of t list
| `Array16 of t list
| `Array32 of t list
| `FixMap of (t * t) list
| `Map16 of (t * t) list
| `Map32 of (t * t) list ]
let ascii8 n =
Ascii(n land 0b0000_0001 <> 0,
n land 0b0000_0010 <> 0,
n land 0b0000_0100 <> 0,
n land 0b0000_1000 <> 0,
n land 0b0001_0000 <> 0,
n land 0b0010_0000 <> 0,
n land 0b0100_0000 <> 0,
n land 0b1000_0000 <> 0)
let ascii8_of_char c =
c +> Char.code +> ascii8
let ascii16 n =
(ascii8 (n lsr 8), ascii8 n)
let ascii32 n =
(ascii16 (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right_logical n 16)),
ascii16 (Int64.to_int (Int64.logand n 0xFFFFL)))
let ascii64 n =
let open Big_int in
let x =
shift_right_big_int n 32
+> int64_of_big_int
+> ascii32 in
let y =
and_big_int n (big_int_of_int64 0xFFFF_FFFFL)
+> int64_of_big_int
+> ascii32 in
(x, y)
let ascii32_of_int32 n =
(ascii16 (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right_logical n 16)),
ascii16 (Int32.to_int n))
let ascii64_of_int64 n =
(ascii32 (Int64.shift_right_logical n 32),
ascii32 n)
let not_conversion msg =
raise @@ Not_conversion msg
let rec pack = function
`Nil ->
| `Bool b ->
Bool b
| `PFixnum n ->
if 0 <= n && n < 128 then
PFixnum (ascii8 n)
not_conversion "pfixnum"
| `NFixnum n ->
if -32 <= n && n < 0 then
NFixnum (ascii8 n)
not_conversion "nfixnum"
| `Uint8 n ->
if 0 <= n && n <= 0xFF then
Uint8 (ascii8 n)
not_conversion "uint8"
| `Uint16 n ->
if 0 <= n && n <= 0xFF_FF then
Uint16 (ascii16 n)
not_conversion "uint16"
| `Uint32 n ->
if 0L <= n && n <= 0xFFFF_FFFFL then
Uint32 (ascii32 n)
not_conversion "uint32"
| `Uint64 n ->
let open Big_int in
let (<=%) = le_big_int in
let (<<) = shift_left_big_int in
if zero_big_int <=% n && n <=% (unit_big_int << 64) then
Uint64 (ascii64 n)
not_conversion "uint64"
| `Int8 n ->
if -127 <= n && n <= 128 then
Int8 (ascii8 n)
not_conversion "int8"
| `Int16 n ->
if -32767 <= n && n <= 32768 then
Int16 (ascii16 n)
not_conversion "int16"
| `Int32 n ->
Int32 (ascii16 (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right_logical n 16)),
ascii16 (Int32.to_int n))
| `Int64 n ->
Int64 (ascii64_of_int64 n)
| `Float n ->
Float (ascii32_of_int32 @@ Int32.bits_of_float n)
| `Double n ->
Double (ascii64_of_int64 @@ Int64.bits_of_float n)
| `FixRaw cs ->
FixRaw (List.map ascii8_of_char cs)
| `Raw16 cs ->
Raw16 (List.map ascii8_of_char cs)
| `Raw32 cs ->
Raw32 (List.map ascii8_of_char cs)
| `FixArray xs ->
FixArray (List.map pack xs)
| `Array16 xs ->
Array16 (List.map pack xs)
| `Array32 xs ->
Array32 (List.map pack xs)
| `FixMap xs ->
FixMap (List.map (fun (x,y) -> (pack x, pack y)) xs)
| `Map16 xs ->
Map16 (List.map (fun (x,y) -> (pack x, pack y)) xs)
| `Map32 xs ->
Map32 (List.map (fun (x,y) -> (pack x, pack y)) xs)
let of_ascii8 (Ascii(b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)) =
List.fold_left (fun x y -> 2 * x + (if y then 1 else 0)) 0 [ b8; b7; b6; b5; b4; b3; b2; b1 ]
let char_of_ascii8 c =
c +> of_ascii8 +> Char.chr
let of_ascii16 (c1, c2) =
of_ascii8 c1 lsl 8 + of_ascii8 c2
let of_ascii32 (c1,c2) =
let (+%) = Int64.add in
let (<<) = Int64.shift_left in
((Int64.of_int (of_ascii16 c1)) << 16) +% Int64.of_int (of_ascii16 c2)
let int32_of_ascii32 (c1,c2) =
let (+%) = Int32.add in
let (<<) = Int32.shift_left in
((Int32.of_int @@ of_ascii16 c1) << 16) +% (Int32.of_int @@ of_ascii16 c2)
let int64_of_ascii64 (c1,c2) =
let (+%) = Int64.add in
let (<<) = Int64.shift_left in
(of_ascii32 c1 << 32) +% (of_ascii32 c2)
let of_ascii64 (c1, c2) =
let open Big_int in
let (+%) = add_big_int in
let (<<) = shift_left_big_int in
((big_int_of_int64 @@ of_ascii32 c1) << 32) +% (big_int_of_int64 @@ of_ascii32 c2)
let int width n =
(n lsl (Sys.word_size-width-1)) asr (Sys.word_size-width-1);;
let rec unpack = function
| Nil -> `Nil
| Bool b -> `Bool b
| PFixnum c -> `PFixnum (of_ascii8 c)
| NFixnum c -> `NFixnum (int 8 @@ of_ascii8 c)
| Uint8 c -> `Uint8 (of_ascii8 c)
| Uint16 c -> `Uint16 (of_ascii16 c)
| Uint32 c -> `Uint32 (of_ascii32 c)
| Uint64 c -> `Uint64 (of_ascii64 c)
| Int8 c -> `Int8 (int 8 @@ of_ascii8 c)
| Int16 c -> `Int16 (int 16 @@ of_ascii16 c)
| Int32 c -> `Int32 (int32_of_ascii32 c)
| Int64 c -> `Int64 (int64_of_ascii64 c)
| Float c -> `Float (Int32.float_of_bits (int32_of_ascii32 c))
| Double c -> `Double (Int64.float_of_bits (int64_of_ascii64 c))
| FixRaw cs -> `FixRaw (List.map char_of_ascii8 cs)
| Raw16 cs -> `Raw16 (List.map char_of_ascii8 cs)
| Raw32 cs -> `Raw32 (List.map char_of_ascii8 cs)
| FixArray xs -> `FixArray (List.map unpack xs)
| Array16 xs -> `Array16 (List.map unpack xs)
| Array32 xs -> `Array32 (List.map unpack xs)
| FixMap xs -> `FixMap (List.map (fun (x,y) -> (unpack x, unpack y)) xs)
| Map16 xs -> `Map16 (List.map (fun (x,y) -> (unpack x, unpack y)) xs)
| Map32 xs -> `Map32 (List.map (fun (x,y) -> (unpack x, unpack y)) xs)