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142 lines
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val fst : ('a1 * 'a2) -> 'a1
val snd : ('a1 * 'a2) -> 'a2
val length : 'a1 list -> int
val app : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list
val plus : int -> int -> int
val mult : int -> int -> int
type positive =
| XI of positive
| XO of positive
| XH
val psucc : positive -> positive
val pplus : positive -> positive -> positive
val pplus_carry : positive -> positive -> positive
val pmult_nat : positive -> int -> int
val nat_of_P : positive -> int
val p_of_succ_nat : int -> positive
val pmult : positive -> positive -> positive
type n =
| N0
| Npos of positive
val nplus : n -> n -> n
val nmult : n -> n -> n
val nat_of_N : n -> int
val n_of_nat : int -> n
val flat_map : ('a1 -> 'a2 list) -> 'a1 list -> 'a2 list
val eucl_dev : int -> int -> (int * int)
type ascii =
| Ascii of bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool
val zero : ascii
val one : ascii
val shift : bool -> ascii -> ascii
val ascii_of_pos : positive -> ascii
val ascii_of_N : n -> ascii
val ascii_of_nat : int -> ascii
val n_of_digits : bool list -> n
val n_of_ascii : ascii -> n
val nat_of_ascii : ascii -> int
val take : int -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list
val drop : int -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list
val split_at : int -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list * 'a1 list
val pair : 'a1 list -> ('a1 * 'a1) list
val pow : int -> int
val divmod : int -> int -> (int * int)
type ascii8 = ascii
type ascii16 = ascii8 * ascii8
type ascii32 = ascii16 * ascii16
type ascii64 = ascii32 * ascii32
val nat_of_ascii8 : ascii -> int
val ascii8_of_nat : int -> ascii
val ascii16_of_nat : int -> ascii * ascii
val nat_of_ascii16 : ascii16 -> int
val ascii32_of_nat : int -> (ascii * ascii) * (ascii * ascii)
val nat_of_ascii32 : ascii32 -> int
val list_of_ascii8 : ascii8 -> ascii8 list
val list_of_ascii16 : ascii16 -> ascii8 list
val list_of_ascii32 : ascii32 -> ascii8 list
val list_of_ascii64 : ascii64 -> ascii8 list
type object0 =
| Bool of bool
| Nil
| PFixnum of ascii8
| NFixnum of ascii8
| Uint8 of ascii8
| Uint16 of ascii16
| Uint32 of ascii32
| Uint64 of ascii64
| Int8 of ascii8
| Int16 of ascii16
| Int32 of ascii32
| Int64 of ascii64
| Float of ascii32
| Double of ascii64
| FixRaw of ascii8 list
| Raw16 of ascii8 list
| Raw32 of ascii8 list
| FixArray of object0 list
| Array16 of object0 list
| Array32 of object0 list
| FixMap of (object0 * object0) list
| Map16 of (object0 * object0) list
| Map32 of (object0 * object0) list
val atat : ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 -> 'a2
val serialize : object0 -> ascii8 list
val compact : object0 list -> ascii8 list
val deserialize : int -> ascii8 list -> object0 list