%% %% MessagePack for Erlang %% %% Copyright (C) 2009 UENISHI Kota %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. -module(msgpack). -author('kuenishi+msgpack@gmail.com'). -export([pack/1, unpack/1, unpack_all/1, test/0]). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). % compile: % erl> c(msgpack). % erl> S = . % erl> {S, <<>>} = msgpack:unpack( msgpack:pack(S) ). %% tuples, atoms are not supported. lists, integers, double, and so on. %% see http://msgpack.sourceforge.jp/spec for %% supported formats. APIs are almost compatible %% for C API (http://msgpack.sourceforge.jp/c:doc) %% except buffering functions (both copying and zero-copying). -export([ pack_nil/0, pack_bool/1, pack_float/1, pack_double/1, pack_raw/1, pack_array/1, pack_map/1, pack_object/1 ]). % positive fixnum pack_uint_(N) when is_integer( N ) , N < 128 -> << 2#0:1, N:7 >>; % uint 8 pack_uint_( N ) when is_integer( N ) andalso N < 256 -> << 16#CC:8, N:8 >>; % uint 16 pack_uint_( N ) when is_integer( N ) andalso N < 65536 -> << 16#CD:8, N:16/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1 >>; % uint 32 pack_uint_( N ) when is_integer( N ) andalso N < 16#FFFFFFFF-> << 16#CE:8, N:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1 >>; % uint 64 pack_uint_( N ) when is_integer( N )-> << 16#CF:8, N:64/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1 >>. % negative fixnum pack_int_( N ) when is_integer( N ) , N >= -32-> << 2#111:3, N:5 >>; % int 8 pack_int_( N ) when is_integer( N ) , N >= -256 -> << 16#D0:8, N:8 >>; % int 16 pack_int_( N ) when is_integer( N ), N >= -65536 -> << 16#D1:8, N:16/big-signed-integer-unit:1 >>; % int 32 pack_int_( N ) when is_integer( N ), N >= -16#FFFFFFFF -> << 16#D2:8, N:32/big-signed-integer-unit:1 >>; % int 64 pack_int_( N ) when is_integer( N )-> << 16#D3:8, N:64/big-signed-integer-unit:1 >>. % nil pack_nil()-> << 16#C0:8 >>. % pack_true / pack_false pack_bool(true)-> << 16#C3:8 >>; pack_bool(false)-> << 16#C2:8 >>. % float : erlang's float is always IEEE 754 64bit format. pack_float(F) when is_float(F)-> % << 16#CA:8, F:32/big-float-unit:1 >>. pack_double(F). % double pack_double(F) when is_float(F)-> << 16#CB:8, F:64/big-float-unit:1 >>. power(N,0) when is_integer(N) -> 1; power(N,D) when is_integer(N) and is_integer(D) -> N * power(N, D-1). % raw bytes pack_raw(Bin) when is_binary(Bin)-> MaxLen = power(2,16), case byte_size(Bin) of Len when Len < 6-> << 2#101:3, Len:5, Bin/binary >>; Len when Len < MaxLen -> << 16#DA:8, Len:16/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Bin/binary >>; Len -> << 16#DB:8, Len:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Bin/binary >> end. % list / tuple pack_array(L) when is_list(L)-> MaxLen = power(2,16), case length(L) of Len when Len < 16 -> << 2#1001:4, Len:4/integer-unit:1, (pack_array_(L))/binary >>; Len when Len < MaxLen -> << 16#DC:8, Len:16/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1,(pack_array_(L))/binary >>; Len -> << 16#DD:8, Len:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1,(pack_array_(L))/binary >> end. pack_array_([])-> <<>>; pack_array_([Head|Tail])-> << (pack_object(Head))/binary, (pack_array_(Tail))/binary >>. unpack_array_(<<>>, 0)-> []; unpack_array_(Remain, 0) when is_binary(Remain)-> [Remain]; unpack_array_(Bin, RestLen) when is_binary(Bin)-> {Term, Rest} = unpack(Bin), [Term|unpack_array_(Rest, RestLen-1)]. pack_map({dict,M})-> MaxLen = power(2,16), case dict:size(M) of Len when Len < 16 -> << 2#1001:4, Len:4/integer-unit:1, (pack_map_(dict:to_list(M))) >>; Len when Len < MaxLen -> << 16#DE:8, Len:16/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, (pack_map_(dict:to_list(M))) >>; Len -> << 16#DF:8, Len:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, (pack_map_(dict:to_list(M))) >> end. pack_map_([])-> <<>>; pack_map_([{Key,Value}|Tail]) -> << (pack_object(Key)),(pack_object(Value)),(pack_map_(Tail)) >>. unpack_map_(<<>>, 0)-> []; unpack_map_(Bin, 0) when is_binary(Bin)-> [Bin]; unpack_map_(Bin, Len) when is_binary(Bin) and is_integer(Len) -> { Key, Rest } = unpack(Bin), { Value, Rest2 } = unpack(Rest), [{Key,Value}|unpack_map_(Rest2,Len-1)]. pack_object(O) when is_integer(O) andalso O < 0 -> pack_int_(O); pack_object(O) when is_integer(O) -> pack_uint_(O); pack_object(O) when is_float(O)-> pack_double(O); pack_object(nil) -> pack_nil(); pack_object(Bool) when is_atom(Bool) -> pack_bool(Bool); pack_object(Bin) when is_binary(Bin)-> pack_raw(Bin); pack_object(List) when is_list(List)-> pack_array(List); pack_object({dict, Map})-> pack_map({dict, Map}); pack_object(_) -> undefined. pack(Obj)-> pack_object(Obj). % unpacking. % if failed in decoding and not end, get more data % and feed more Bin into this function. % TODO: error case for imcomplete format when short for any type formats. -spec unpack( binary() )-> {term(), binary()}. unpack(Bin) when bit_size(Bin) >= 8 -> << Flag:8/unsigned-integer, Payload/binary >> = Bin, case Flag of 16#C0 -> {nil, Payload}; 16#C2 -> {false, Payload}; 16#C3 -> {true, Payload}; 16#CA -> % 32bit float << Return:32/float-unit:1, Rest/binary >> = Payload, {Return, Rest}; 16#CB -> % 64bit float << Return:64/float-unit:1, Rest/binary >> = Payload, {Return, Rest}; 16#CC -> % uint 8 << Int:8/unsigned-integer, Rest/binary >> = Payload, {Int, Rest}; 16#CD -> % uint 16 << Int:16/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary >> = Payload, {Int, Rest}; 16#CE -> << Int:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary >> = Payload, {Int, Rest}; 16#CF -> << Int:64/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary >> = Payload, {Int, Rest}; 16#D0 -> % int 8 << Int:8/big-signed-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary >> = Payload, {Int, Rest}; 16#D1 -> % int 16 << Int:16/big-signed-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary >> = Payload, {Int, Rest}; 16#D2 -> % int 32 << Int:32/big-signed-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary >> = Payload, {Int, Rest}; 16#D3 -> % int 64 << Int:64/big-signed-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary >> = Payload, {Int, Rest}; 16#DA -> % raw 16 << Len:16/unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary >> = Payload, << Return:Len/binary, Remain/binary >> = Rest, {Return, Remain}; 16#DB -> % raw 32 << Len:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary >> = Payload, << Return:Len/binary, Remain/binary >> = Rest, {Return, Remain}; 16#DC -> % array 16 << Len:16/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary >> = Payload, Array=unpack_array_(Rest, Len), case length(Array) of Len -> {Array, <<>>}; _ -> {Return, RemainRest} = lists:split(Len, Array), [Remain] = RemainRest, {Return, Remain} end; 16#DD -> % array 32 << Len:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary >> = Payload, Array=unpack_array_(Rest, Len), case length(Array) of Len -> {Array, <<>>}; _ -> {Return, RemainRest} = lists:split(Len, Array), [Remain] = RemainRest, {Return, Remain} end; 16#DE -> % map 16 << Len:16/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary >> = Payload, Array=unpack_map_(Rest, Len), case length(Array) of Len -> { dict:from_list(Array), <<>>}; _ -> {Return, RemainRest} = lists:split(Len, Array), [Remain] = RemainRest, {dict:from_list(Return), Remain} end; 16#DF -> % map 32 << Len:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary >> = Payload, Array=unpack_map_(Rest, Len), case length(Array) of Len -> { dict:from_list(Array), <<>>}; _ -> {Return, RemainRest} = lists:split(Len, Array), [Remain] = RemainRest, {dict:from_list(Return), Remain} end; % positive fixnum Code when Code >= 2#00000000, Code < 2#10000000-> {Code, Payload}; % negative fixnum Code when Code >= 2#11100000 -> {(Code - 16#100), Payload}; Code when Code >= 2#10100000 , Code < 2#11000000 -> % 101XXXXX for FixRaw Len = Code rem 2#10100000, << Return:Len/binary, Remain/binary >> = Payload, {Return, Remain}; Code when Code >= 2#10010000 , Code < 2#10100000 -> % 1001XXXX for FixArray Len = Code rem 2#10010000, Array=unpack_array_(Payload, Len), case length(Array) of Len -> { Array, <<>>}; _ -> {Return, RemainRest} = lists:split(Len, Array), [Remain] = RemainRest, {Return, Remain} end; Code when Code >= 2#10000000 , Code < 2#10010000 -> % 1000XXXX for FixMap Len = Code rem 2#10000000, Array=unpack_map_(Payload, Len), case length(Array) of Len -> { dict:from_list(Array), <<>>}; _ -> {Return, RemainRest} = lists:split(Len, Array), [Remain] = RemainRest, {dict:from_list(Return), Remain} end; _Other -> erlang:display(_Other), {error, no_code_matches} end. unpack_all(Data)-> case unpack(Data) of { Term, Binary } when bit_size(Binary) =:= 0 -> [Term]; { Term, Binary } when is_binary(Binary) -> [Term|unpack_all(Binary)] end. -ifdef(EUNIT). test()-> Tests = [0, 1, 2, 123, 512, 1230, 678908, 16#FFFFFFFFFF, -1, -23, -512, -1230, -567898, -16#FFFFFFFFFF, 123.123, -234.4355, 1.0e-34, 1.0e64, [23, 234, 0.23], "hogehoge", "243546rf7g68h798j", <<"hoasfdafdas][">>, [0,42,"sum", [1,2]], [1,42, nil, [3]] ], Passed = test_(Tests), Passed = length(Tests). %% Port = open_port({spawn, "./a.out"}, [stream]), %% receive {Port, {data, Data}}-> %% io:format("~p~n", [unpack_all( list_to_binary(Data) )]) %% after 1024-> timeout end, %% Passed2 = test_(Tests, Port), %% Passed2 = length(Tests), %% Port ! {self(), close}, %% receive {Port, closed}-> ok %% after 1024 -> timeout end. test_([]) -> 0; test_([S|Rest])-> Pack = msgpack:pack(S), % io:format("testing: ~p => ~p~n", [S, Pack]), {S, <<>>} = msgpack:unpack( Pack ), test_(Rest) + 1. -endif.