begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError end require 'msgpack' def run(inio, outio) pac = begin pac.each {|obj| outio.write MessagePack.pack(obj) outio.flush } rescue EOFError return 0 rescue $stderr.puts $! return 1 end return 0 end def usage puts < (default: stdin) 2. Re-serializes the objects using Ruby implementation of MessagePack (Note that Ruby implementation is considered valid) 3. Writes the re-serialized objects into (default: stdout) EOF exit 1 end inio = $stdin outio = $stdout if ARGV.length > 2 usage end ARGV.each {|str| if str.size > 1 && str[0] == ?- usage end } if fname = ARGV[0] unless fname == "-" begin inio = rescue puts "can't open output file: #{$!}" exit 1 end end end if fname = ARGV[1] unless fname == "-" begin outio =, "w") rescue puts "can't open output file: #{$!}" exit 1 end end end code = run(inio, outio) inio.close outio.close exit code