=head1 NAME

Data::MessagePack::Unpacker - messagepack streaming deserializer


    use Data::Dumper;
    my $up = Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new;

    open my $fh, $data or die $!;

    my $offset = 0;
    while( read($fh, my $buf, 1024) ) {
        $offset = $up->execute($buf, $offset);
        if($up->is_finished) {
            print Dumper($up->data);


This is a streaming deserializer for messagepack.

=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item my $up = Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new()

creates a new instance of the stream deserializer.

=item $up->utf8([$bool])

sets utf8 mode. true if I<$bool> is omitted.
returns I<$up> itself.

If utf8 mode is enabled, strings will be decoded as UTF-8.

The utf8 mode is disabled by default.

=item my $ret = $up->get_utf8()

returns the utf8 mode flag of I<$up>.

=item $offset = $up->execute($data, $offset);

=item $offset = $up->execute_limit($data, $offset, $limit)

parses unpacked I<$data> from I<$offset> to I<$limit>.
returns a new offset of I<$data>, which is for the next <execute()>.

If I<$data> is insufficient, I<$offset> does not change, saving
I<$data> in internal buffers.

=item my $bool = $up->is_finished();

is this deserializer finished?

=item my $data = $up->data();

returns the deserialized object.

=item $up->reset();

resets the stream deserializer, without memory zone.


=head1 AUTHORS

Tokuhiro Matsuno

=head1 SEE ALSO
