MessagePack cross-language test cases ===================================== ## cases Valid serialized data are stored in "cases.mpac" and "cases_compact.mpac". These files describe same objects. And "cases.json" describes an array of the described objects. Thus you can verify your implementations as comparing the objects. ## crosslang The *crosslang* tool reads serialized data from stdin and writes re-serialize data to stdout. There are C++ and Ruby implementation of crosslang tool. You can verify your implementation as comparing that implementations. ### C++ version $ cd ../cpp && ./configure && make && make install or $ port install msgpack # MacPorts $ g++ -Wall -lmsgpack -o crosslang $ ./crosslang Usage: ./crosslang [in-file] [out-file] ### Ruby version $ gem install msgpack or $ port install rb_msgpack # MacPorts $ ruby crosslang.rb Usage: crosslang.rb [in-file] [out-file]