// // Copyright 2011 Kazuki Oikawa // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; namespace MsgPack { public class MsgPackWriter { Stream _strm; Encoding _encoding = Encoding.UTF8; Encoder _encoder = Encoding.UTF8.GetEncoder (); byte[] _tmp = new byte[9]; byte[] _buf = new byte[64]; public MsgPackWriter (Stream strm) { _strm = strm; } public void Write (byte x) { if (x < 128) { _strm.WriteByte (x); } else { byte[] tmp = _tmp; tmp[0] = 0xcc; tmp[1] = x; _strm.Write (tmp, 0, 2); } } public void Write (ushort x) { if (x < 0x100) { Write ((byte)x); } else { byte[] tmp = _tmp; tmp[0] = 0xcd; tmp[1] = (byte)(x >> 8); tmp[2] = (byte)x; _strm.Write (tmp, 0, 3); } } public void Write (char x) { Write ((ushort)x); } public void Write (uint x) { if (x < 0x10000) { Write ((ushort)x); } else { byte[] tmp = _tmp; tmp[0] = 0xce; tmp[1] = (byte)(x >> 24); tmp[2] = (byte)(x >> 16); tmp[3] = (byte)(x >> 8); tmp[4] = (byte)x; _strm.Write (tmp, 0, 5); } } public void Write (ulong x) { if (x < 0x100000000) { Write ((uint)x); } else { byte[] tmp = _tmp; tmp[0] = 0xcf; tmp[1] = (byte)(x >> 56); tmp[2] = (byte)(x >> 48); tmp[3] = (byte)(x >> 40); tmp[4] = (byte)(x >> 32); tmp[5] = (byte)(x >> 24); tmp[6] = (byte)(x >> 16); tmp[7] = (byte)(x >> 8); tmp[8] = (byte)x; _strm.Write (tmp, 0, 9); } } public void Write (sbyte x) { if (x >= -32 && x <= -1) { _strm.WriteByte ((byte)(0xe0 | (byte)x)); } else if (x >= 0 && x <= 127) { _strm.WriteByte ((byte)x); } else { byte[] tmp = _tmp; tmp[0] = 0xd0; tmp[1] = (byte)x; _strm.Write (tmp, 0, 2); } } public void Write (short x) { if (x >= sbyte.MinValue && x <= sbyte.MaxValue) { Write ((sbyte)x); } else { byte[] tmp = _tmp; tmp[0] = 0xd1; tmp[1] = (byte)(x >> 8); tmp[2] = (byte)x; _strm.Write (tmp, 0, 3); } } public void Write (int x) { if (x >= short.MinValue && x <= short.MaxValue) { Write ((short)x); } else { byte[] tmp = _tmp; tmp[0] = 0xd2; tmp[1] = (byte)(x >> 24); tmp[2] = (byte)(x >> 16); tmp[3] = (byte)(x >> 8); tmp[4] = (byte)x; _strm.Write (tmp, 0, 5); } } public void Write (long x) { if (x >= int.MinValue && x <= int.MaxValue) { Write ((int)x); } else { byte[] tmp = _tmp; tmp[0] = 0xd3; tmp[1] = (byte)(x >> 56); tmp[2] = (byte)(x >> 48); tmp[3] = (byte)(x >> 40); tmp[4] = (byte)(x >> 32); tmp[5] = (byte)(x >> 24); tmp[6] = (byte)(x >> 16); tmp[7] = (byte)(x >> 8); tmp[8] = (byte)x; _strm.Write (tmp, 0, 9); } } public void WriteNil () { _strm.WriteByte (0xc0); } public void Write (bool x) { _strm.WriteByte ((byte)(x ? 0xc3 : 0xc2)); } public void Write (float x) { byte[] raw = BitConverter.GetBytes (x); // unsafeコードを使う? byte[] tmp = _tmp; tmp[0] = 0xca; if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { tmp[1] = raw[3]; tmp[2] = raw[2]; tmp[3] = raw[1]; tmp[4] = raw[0]; } else { tmp[1] = raw[0]; tmp[2] = raw[1]; tmp[3] = raw[2]; tmp[4] = raw[3]; } _strm.Write (tmp, 0, 5); } public void Write (double x) { byte[] raw = BitConverter.GetBytes (x); // unsafeコードを使う? byte[] tmp = _tmp; tmp[0] = 0xcb; if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { tmp[1] = raw[7]; tmp[2] = raw[6]; tmp[3] = raw[5]; tmp[4] = raw[4]; tmp[5] = raw[3]; tmp[6] = raw[2]; tmp[7] = raw[1]; tmp[8] = raw[0]; } else { tmp[1] = raw[0]; tmp[2] = raw[1]; tmp[3] = raw[2]; tmp[4] = raw[3]; tmp[5] = raw[4]; tmp[6] = raw[5]; tmp[7] = raw[6]; tmp[8] = raw[7]; } _strm.Write (tmp, 0, 9); } public void Write (byte[] bytes) { WriteRawHeader (bytes.Length); _strm.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length); } public void WriteRawHeader (int N) { WriteLengthHeader (N, 32, 0xa0, 0xda, 0xdb); } public void WriteArrayHeader (int N) { WriteLengthHeader (N, 16, 0x90, 0xdc, 0xdd); } public void WriteMapHeader (int N) { WriteLengthHeader (N, 16, 0x80, 0xde, 0xdf); } void WriteLengthHeader (int N, int fix_length, byte fix_prefix, byte len16bit_prefix, byte len32bit_prefix) { if (N < fix_length) { _strm.WriteByte ((byte)(fix_prefix | N)); } else { byte[] tmp = _tmp; int header_len; if (N < 0x10000) { tmp[0] = len16bit_prefix; tmp[1] = (byte)(N >> 8); tmp[2] = (byte)N; header_len = 3; } else { tmp[0] = len32bit_prefix; tmp[1] = (byte)(N >> 24); tmp[2] = (byte)(N >> 16); tmp[3] = (byte)(N >> 8); tmp[4] = (byte)N; header_len = 5; } _strm.Write (tmp, 0, header_len); } } public void Write (string x) { Write (x, false); } public void Write (string x, bool highProbAscii) { Write (x, _buf, highProbAscii); } public void Write (string x, byte[] buf) { Write (x, buf, false); } public unsafe void Write (string x, byte[] buf, bool highProbAscii) { Encoder encoder = _encoder; fixed (char *pstr = x) fixed (byte *pbuf = buf) { if (highProbAscii && x.Length <= buf.Length) { bool isAsciiFullCompatible = true; for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i ++) { int v = (int)pstr[i]; if (v > 0x7f) { isAsciiFullCompatible = false; break; } buf[i] = (byte)v; } if (isAsciiFullCompatible) { WriteRawHeader (x.Length); _strm.Write (buf, 0, x.Length); return; } } WriteRawHeader (encoder.GetByteCount (pstr, x.Length, true)); int str_len = x.Length; char *p = pstr; int convertedChars, bytesUsed; bool completed = true; while (str_len > 0 || !completed) { encoder.Convert (p, str_len, pbuf, buf.Length, false, out convertedChars, out bytesUsed, out completed); _strm.Write (buf, 0, bytesUsed); str_len -= convertedChars; p += convertedChars; } } } } }