0.35 - address issue/20 (cho45): Data::MessagePack did not finish correctly when was given devided packed data 0.34 - do not use the corrupt my_snprintf(%ll[du]) on win32(kazuho) 0.33 - fix tests (gfx) - optimize unpacking routines in Data::MessagePack::PP (gfx) 0.32 - add tests to detect Alpha problems reported via CPAN testers (gfx) 0.31 - update Module::Install::XSUtil for ccache support (gfx) - add version check at bootstrap in order to avoid load old .so (gfx) 0.30 - fix utf8 mode not to be reseted by $unpacker->reset method (gfx) 0.29 - add $unpacker->utf8 mode, decoding strings as UTF-8 (gfx) 0.28 - added more tests(gfx) - refactor the PP code(gfx) 0.27 - * 6d9a629 perl: modified trivial codes in PP::Unpacker(makamaka) - * ead8edc modified be unpack_(u)int64 in PP(makamaka) 0.26 - fixed a serious code typo in PP(makamaka) 0.25 (NO FEATURE CHANGES) - oops. I failed releng. 0.24 - Fixed a lot of streaming unpacking issues (tokuhirom, gfx) - Fixed unpacking issues for 64 bit integers on 32 bit perls (gfx) - Improved performance, esp. in unpacking (gfx) 0.23 (NO FEATURE CHANGES) - fixed english docs(hanekomu++) 0.22 - fixed issue on ithreads(broken from 0.21) 0.21 - doc enhancments - micro performance tuning. 0.20 - first production ready release with PP driver. 0.16_04 - no feature changes 0.16_02 - document enhancement(tokuhirom) - M::I::XSUtil 0.26 is broken. use 0.27. 0.16_01 - added PP version (used in cases PERL_DATA_MESSAGEPACK=pp or fail to load XS). - made Makefile.PL PP configurable. - test_pp in author's test - modified t/05_preferred_int.t for Win32 (makamaka) 0.16 - tests on 64bit machines with -Duselongdouble (reported by andk) 0.15 - better argument validation. (Dan Kogai) 0.14 - fixed segv on serializing cyclic reference (Dan Kogai) 0.13 - clearly specify requires_c99(), because msgpack C header requires C99. 0.12 - PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT makes horrible dTHXs. remove it. 0.11 - oops(no feature changes) 0.10 - added more test cases. - fixed portability issue - (reviewed by gfx++) 0.09_01 - fixed memory leak issue(reported by Maxime Soulé) 0.09 - support NVTYPE=="long double" or IVTYPE=="long long" environment (thanks to Jun Kuriyama++) 0.08 - fixed PVNV issue... 0.07 - do not use switch (SvTYPE(val)). 0.06 - use SvNOK. 0.05 - change type detection for old perl 0.04 - check SvROK first(reported by yappo++) - PreferInteger: faster string to integer conversion; support negative value (frsyuki++) - make PreferInteger variable magical and remove get_sv from _msgpack_pack_sv (frsyuki++) 0.03 - performance tuning for too long string - fixed memory leaks in stream unpacker 0.02 - added $Data::MessagePack::PreferInteger (requested by yappo++) 0.01 - initial release to CPAN