begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError end require 'msgpack' def usage puts <<EOF Usage: #{$0} [out-file] This tool is for testing of accepting MessagePack random-term. This does following behavior: 1. serializes the objects in this file, using Ruby implementation of MessagePack (Note that Ruby implementation is considered valid) 2. Writes the serialized binaries into <out-file> (default: stdout) EOF exit 1 end code = 1 outio = $stdout if ARGV.length > 2 usage end if fname = ARGV[0] unless fname == "-" begin outio =, "w") rescue puts "can't open output file: #{$!}" exit 1 end end end objs = [0, 1, 2, 123, 512, 1230, 678908, -1, -23, -512, -1230, -567898, "hogehoge", "243546rf7g68h798j", 123.123, -234.4355, 1.0e-34, 1.0e64, [23, 234, 0.23], [0,42,"sum", [1,2]], [1,42, nil, [3]], { 1 => 2, "hoge" => nil }, -234, -50000, 42 ] begin objs.each do |obj| outio.write MessagePack.pack(obj) outio.flush end rescue EOFError code=0 rescue $stderr.puts $! code=1 end outio.close exit code