erlang: added try-catch clause for easy error handling

This commit is contained in:
UENISHI Kota 2010-07-09 01:04:09 +09:00
parent 485915c27a
commit eab66a022e

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@ -19,9 +19,8 @@
-author(''). -author('').
%% tuples, atoms are not supported. lists, integers, double, and so on. %% tuples, atoms are not supported. lists, integers, double, and so on.
%% see for %% see for supported formats.
%% supported formats. APIs are almost compatible %% APIs are almost compatible with C API (
%% for C API (
%% except buffering functions (both copying and zero-copying). %% except buffering functions (both copying and zero-copying).
-export([pack/1, unpack/1, unpack_all/1]). -export([pack/1, unpack/1, unpack_all/1]).
-export([pack_map/1]). -export([pack_map/1]).
@ -30,51 +29,38 @@
% erl> c(msgpack). % erl> c(msgpack).
% erl> S = <some term>. % erl> S = <some term>.
% erl> {S, <<>>} = msgpack:unpack( msgpack:pack(S) ). % erl> {S, <<>>} = msgpack:unpack( msgpack:pack(S) ).
-type reason() :: enomem | badarg | no_code_matches. -type reason() :: enomem | badarg | no_code_matches | undefined.
-type msgpack_term() :: [msgpack_term()] -type msgpack_term() :: [msgpack_term()]
| {[{msgpack_term(),msgpack_term()}]} | {[{msgpack_term(),msgpack_term()}]}
| integer() | float() | binary(). | integer() | float() | binary().
% ===== external APIs ===== % % ===== external APIs ===== %
-spec pack(Term::msgpack_term()) -> binary(). -spec pack(Term::msgpack_term()) -> binary() | {error, reason()}.
pack(I) when is_integer(I) andalso I < 0 -> pack(Term)->
pack_int_(I); try
pack(I) when is_integer(I) -> pack_(Term)
pack_uint_(I); catch
pack(F) when is_float(F) -> error:Error when is_tuple(Error), element(1, Error) =:= error ->
pack_double(F); Error;
pack(nil) -> throw:Exception ->
<< 16#C0:8 >>; erlang:display(Exception),
pack(true) -> {error, Exception}
<< 16#C3:8 >>; end.
pack(false) ->
<< 16#C2:8 >>;
pack(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
pack(List) when is_list(List) ->
pack({Map}) when is_list(Map) ->
pack(Map) when is_tuple(Map), element(1,Map)=:=dict ->
pack(_Other) ->
{error, undefined}.
% unpacking. % unpacking.
% if failed in decoding and not end, get more data % if failed in decoding and not end, get more data
% and feed more Bin into this function. % and feed more Bin into this function.
% TODO: error case for imcomplete format when short for any type formats. % TODO: error case for imcomplete format when short for any type formats.
-spec unpack( Bin::binary() )-> {msgpack_term(), binary()} | -spec unpack( Bin::binary() )-> {msgpack_term(), binary()} | {error, reason()}.
{more, non_neg_integer()} | {more, undefined} | unpack(Bin)->
{error, reason()}. try
unpack(Bin) when not is_binary(Bin)-> unpack_(Bin)
{error, badarg}; catch
unpack(Bin) when bit_size(Bin) >= 8 -> error:Error when is_tuple(Error), element(1, Error) =:= error ->
unpack_(Bin); Error;
unpack(<<>>)-> throw:Exception ->
{more, 1}; {error, Exception}
unpack(_) -> end.
{more, undefined}.
-spec unpack_all( binary() ) -> [msgpack_term()]. -spec unpack_all( binary() ) -> [msgpack_term()].
unpack_all(Data)-> unpack_all(Data)->
@ -85,7 +71,7 @@ unpack_all(Data)->
[Term|unpack_all(Binary)] [Term|unpack_all(Binary)]
end. end.
-spec pack_map(M::[{msgpack_term(),msgpack_term()}])-> binary(). -spec pack_map(M::[{msgpack_term(),msgpack_term()}])-> binary() | {error, badarg}.
pack_map(M)-> pack_map(M)->
case length(M) of case length(M) of
Len when Len < 16 -> Len when Len < 16 ->
@ -98,6 +84,31 @@ pack_map(M)->
% ===== internal APIs ===== % % ===== internal APIs ===== %
% pack them all
-spec pack_(msgpack_term()) -> binary() | no_return().
pack_(I) when is_integer(I) andalso I < 0 ->
pack_(I) when is_integer(I) ->
pack_(F) when is_float(F) ->
pack_(nil) ->
<< 16#C0:8 >>;
pack_(true) ->
<< 16#C3:8 >>;
pack_(false) ->
<< 16#C2:8 >>;
pack_(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
pack_(List) when is_list(List) ->
pack_({Map}) when is_list(Map) ->
pack_(Map) when is_tuple(Map), element(1,Map)=:=dict ->
pack_(_Other) ->
throw({error, undefined}).
% positive fixnum % positive fixnum
pack_uint_(N) when N < 128 -> pack_uint_(N) when N < 128 ->
<< 2#0:1, N:7 >>; << 2#0:1, N:7 >>;
@ -149,7 +160,7 @@ pack_raw(Bin) ->
<< 16#DB:8, Len:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Bin/binary >> << 16#DB:8, Len:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Bin/binary >>
end. end.
% list / tuple % list
pack_array(L) -> pack_array(L) ->
case length(L) of case length(L) of
Len when Len < 16 -> Len when Len < 16 ->
@ -159,43 +170,40 @@ pack_array(L) ->
Len -> Len ->
<< 16#DD:8, Len:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1,(pack_array_(L, <<>>))/binary >> << 16#DD:8, Len:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1,(pack_array_(L, <<>>))/binary >>
end. end.
pack_array_([], Acc) -> Acc; pack_array_([], Acc) -> Acc;
pack_array_([Head|Tail], Acc) -> pack_array_([Head|Tail], Acc) ->
pack_array_(Tail, <<Acc/binary, (pack(Head))/binary>>). pack_array_(Tail, <<Acc/binary, (pack_(Head))/binary>>).
% FIXME! this should be without lists:reverse/1 % Users SHOULD NOT send too long list: this uses lists:reverse/1
unpack_array_(<<>>, 0, RetList) -> {lists:reverse(RetList), <<>>}; unpack_array_(Remain, 0, Acc) when is_binary(Remain)-> {lists:reverse(Acc), Remain};
unpack_array_(Remain, 0, RetList) when is_binary(Remain)-> {lists:reverse(RetList), Remain}; unpack_array_(<<>>, RestLen, _) when RestLen > 0 -> throw(short);
unpack_array_(<<>>, RestLen, _RetList) when RestLen > 0 -> {more, undefined}; unpack_array_(Bin, RestLen, Acc) when is_binary(Bin)->
unpack_array_(Bin, RestLen, RetList) when is_binary(Bin)-> {Term, Rest}=unpack_(Bin),
case unpack(Bin) of unpack_array_(Rest, RestLen-1, [Term|Acc]).
{more, _} -> {more, undefined};
{Term, Rest}-> unpack_array_(Rest, RestLen-1, [Term|RetList])
pack_map_([], Acc) -> Acc; pack_map_([], Acc) -> Acc;
pack_map_([{Key,Value}|Tail], Acc) -> pack_map_([{Key,Value}|Tail], Acc) ->
pack_map_(Tail, << Acc/binary, (pack(Key))/binary, (pack(Value))/binary>>). pack_map_(Tail, << Acc/binary, (pack_(Key))/binary, (pack_(Value))/binary>>).
% FIXME! this should be without lists:reverse/1 % Users SHOULD NOT send too long list: this uses lists:reverse/1
-spec unpack_map_(binary(), non_neg_integer(), [{term(), msgpack_term()}])-> -spec unpack_map_(binary(), non_neg_integer(), [{msgpack_term(), msgpack_term()}])->
{more, non_neg_integer()} | { any(), binary()}. {[{msgpack_term(), msgpack_term()}], binary()} | no_return().
unpack_map_(Bin, 0, Acc) -> {{lists:reverse(Acc)}, Bin}; unpack_map_(Bin, 0, Acc) -> {{lists:reverse(Acc)}, Bin};
unpack_map_(<<>>, _, _ ) -> throw(short);
unpack_map_(Bin, Len, Acc) -> unpack_map_(Bin, Len, Acc) ->
case unpack(Bin) of {Key, Rest} = unpack_(Bin),
{more, _} -> {more, undefined}; {Value, Rest2} = unpack_(Rest),
{Key, Rest} -> unpack_map_(Rest2,Len-1,[{Key,Value}|Acc]).
case unpack(Rest) of
{more, _} -> {more, undefined};
{Value, Rest2} ->
-spec unpack_(Payload::binary()) -> % unpack then all
{more, pos_integer()} | {msgpack_term(), binary()} | {error, reason()}. -spec unpack_(Bin::binary()) -> {msgpack_term(), binary()} | {error, reason()} | no_return().
unpack_(Binary)-> unpack_(Bin) when not is_binary(Bin)->
case Binary of throw(badarg);
unpack_(Bin) when bit_size(Bin) >= 8 ->
case Bin of
<<16#C0, Rest/binary>> -> {nil, Rest}; <<16#C0, Rest/binary>> -> {nil, Rest};
<<16#C2, Rest/binary>> -> {false, Rest}; <<16#C2, Rest/binary>> -> {false, Rest};
@ -231,35 +239,36 @@ unpack_(Binary)->
<<2#1000:4, L:4, Rest/binary>> -> unpack_map_(Rest, L, []); % map <<2#1000:4, L:4, Rest/binary>> -> unpack_map_(Rest, L, []); % map
% Incomplete / invalid data % Incomplete / invalid data
<<16#CA, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 4-byte_size(Rest)}; % <<_:16/integer, _/binary>>
<<16#CB, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 8-byte_size(Rest)}; _ -> throw(short)
<<16#CC>> -> {more, 1}; %% <<16#CA, _/binary>> -> {more, 4-byte_size(Rest)};
<<16#CD, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 2-byte_size(Rest)}; %% <<16#CB, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 8-byte_size(Rest)};
<<16#CE, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 4-byte_size(Rest)}; %% <<16#CC>> -> {more, 1};
<<16#CF, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 8-byte_size(Rest)}; %% <<16#CD, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 2-byte_size(Rest)};
<<16#D0>> -> {more, 1}; %% <<16#CE, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 4-byte_size(Rest)};
<<16#D1, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 2-byte_size(Rest)}; %% <<16#CF, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 8-byte_size(Rest)};
<<16#D2, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 4-byte_size(Rest)}; %% <<16#D0>> -> {more, 1};
<<16#D3, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 8-byte_size(Rest)}; %% <<16#D1, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 2-byte_size(Rest)};
<<16#DA, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 16-byte_size(Rest)}; %% <<16#D2, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 4-byte_size(Rest)};
<<16#DB, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 32-byte_size(Rest)}; %% <<16#D3, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 8-byte_size(Rest)};
<<16#DC, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 2-byte_size(Rest)}; %% <<16#DA, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 16-byte_size(Rest)};
<<16#DD, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 4-byte_size(Rest)}; %% <<16#DB, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 32-byte_size(Rest)};
<<16#DE, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 2-byte_size(Rest)}; %% <<16#DC, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 2-byte_size(Rest)};
<<16#DF, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 4-byte_size(Rest)}; %% <<16#DD, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 4-byte_size(Rest)};
<<2#101:3, L:5, Rest/binary>> -> {more, L-byte_size(Rest)}; %% <<16#DE, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 2-byte_size(Rest)};
%% <<16#DF, Rest/binary>> -> {more, 4-byte_size(Rest)};
%% <<2#101:3, L:5, Rest/binary>> -> throw(short); % {more, L-byte_size(Rest)};
<<>> -> {more, 1}; %% <<>> -> throw(short); % {more, 1};
<<2#101:3, _/binary>> -> {more, undefined}; %% <<2#101:3, _/binary>> -> {more, undefined};
<<F:8, Rest/binary>> when F==16#C1; %% <<F:8, Rest/binary>> when F==16#C1;
F==16#C7; F==16#C8; F==16#C9; F==16#D5; %% F==16#C7; F==16#C8; F==16#C9; F==16#D5;
F==16#D6; F==16#D7; F==16#D8; F==16#D9-> %% F==16#D6; F==16#D7; F==16#D8; F==16#D9->
{error, {badarg, <<F, Rest/binary>>}}; %% throw({badarg, <<F, Rest/binary>>});
Other -> % Other ->
{error, {badarg, Other}} % throw({unknown, Other})
end. end.
% ===== test codes ===== % % ===== test codes ===== %
-include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").
-ifdef(EUNIT). -ifdef(EUNIT).
@ -268,9 +277,15 @@ compare_all([], [])-> ok;
compare_all([], R)-> {toomuchrhs, R}; compare_all([], R)-> {toomuchrhs, R};
compare_all(L, [])-> {toomuchlhs, L}; compare_all(L, [])-> {toomuchlhs, L};
compare_all([LH|LTL], [RH|RTL]) -> compare_all([LH|LTL], [RH|RTL]) ->
LH=RH, ?assertEqual(LH, RH),
compare_all(LTL, RTL). compare_all(LTL, RTL).
test_([]) -> 0;
Pack = msgpack:pack(Term),
?assertEqual({Term, <<>>}, msgpack:unpack( Pack )),
test_data()-> test_data()->
[true, false, nil, [true, false, nil,
0, 1, 2, 123, 512, 1230, 678908, 16#FFFFFFFFFF, 0, 1, 2, 123, 512, 1230, 678908, 16#FFFFFFFFFF,
@ -303,12 +318,7 @@ test_p(Len,Term,OrigBin,Len) ->
{Term, <<>>}=msgpack:unpack(OrigBin); {Term, <<>>}=msgpack:unpack(OrigBin);
test_p(I,_,OrigBin,Len) when I < Len-> test_p(I,_,OrigBin,Len) when I < Len->
<<Bin:I/binary, _/binary>> = OrigBin, <<Bin:I/binary, _/binary>> = OrigBin,
case msgpack:unpack(Bin) of ?assertEqual({error,short}, msgpack:unpack(Bin)).
{more, N} when not is_integer(N) ->
?assertEqual(undefined, N);
{more, N} ->
?assert( N < Len )
partial_test()-> % error handling test. partial_test()-> % error handling test.
Term = lists:seq(0, 45), Term = lists:seq(0, 45),
@ -343,21 +353,15 @@ unknown_test()->
42 42
], ],
Port = open_port({spawn, "ruby testcase_generator.rb"}, [binary]), Port = open_port({spawn, "ruby testcase_generator.rb"}, [binary]),
receive receive
{Port, {data, Data}}-> {Port, {data, Data}}->
compare_all(Tests, msgpack:unpack_all(Data)) compare_all(Tests, msgpack:unpack_all(Data))
after 1024-> ?assert(false) end, after 1024-> ?assert(false) end,
port_close(Port). port_close(Port).
test_([]) -> 0;
Pack = msgpack:pack(Before),
{After, <<>>} = msgpack:unpack( Pack ),
?assertEqual(Before, After),
other_test()-> other_test()->
{more,1}=msgpack:unpack(<<>>). ?assertEqual({error,short},msgpack:unpack(<<>>)).
benchmark_test()-> benchmark_test()->
Data=[test_data() || _ <- lists:seq(0, 10000)], Data=[test_data() || _ <- lists:seq(0, 10000)],