erlang: msgpack:unpack_all/1 doc.

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UENISHI Kota 2010-07-18 23:55:07 +09:00
parent 8a3ac6d9bd
commit dcbcf5842f

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@ -80,6 +80,11 @@ unpack(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
unpack(Other) ->
{error, {badarg, Other}}.
% @doc Decode an msgpack binary into an erlang terms.
% It only decodes ALL msgpack packets contained in the binary. No packets should not remain.
% Returns {error, {badarg, term()}} if the input is corrupted.
% Returns {error, incomplete} if the input is not a full msgpack packet (caller should gather more data and try again).
% @spec unpack_all(binary()) -> [msgpack_term()] | {error, incomplete} | {error, {badarg, term()}}
-spec unpack_all(binary()) -> [msgpack_term()] | {error, incomplete} | {error, {badarg, term()}}.