made Makefile.PL XS/PP configurable

This commit is contained in:
makamaka 2010-09-02 14:37:22 +09:00
parent 8fc86ce7fa
commit 918dbd1926
2 changed files with 62 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -5,15 +5,29 @@ name 'Data-MessagePack';
all_from 'lib/Data/'; all_from 'lib/Data/';
readme_from('lib/Data/'); readme_from('lib/Data/');
perl_version '5.008005'; perl_version '5.008000';
license 'perl'; license 'perl';
can_cc or die "This module requires a C compiler";
tests 't/*.t'; tests 't/*.t';
recursive_author_tests('xt'); recursive_author_tests('xt');
use_ppport 3.19;
requires_c99(); # msgpack C library requires C99. my $use_xs = want_xs();
if ( $] >= 5.008005 and $use_xs ) {
can_cc or die "This module requires a C compiler";
use_ppport 3.19;
requires_c99(); # msgpack C library requires C99.
if ($ENV{DEBUG}) {
cc_append_to_ccflags '-g';
# for author's test_pp
requires 'Data::Float' => 0 if ( $Module::Install::AUTHOR and $] < 5.010 );
else { # for Data::MessagePack::PP
print "configure PP version\n";
requires 'Data::Float' => 0 if ( $] < 5.010 );
clean_files qw{ clean_files qw{
*.stackdump *.stackdump
@ -23,10 +37,6 @@ clean_files qw{
cover_db cover_db
}; };
if ($ENV{DEBUG}) {
cc_append_to_ccflags '-g';
# copy modules # copy modules
if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR && -d File::Spec->catfile('..', 'msgpack')) { if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR && -d File::Spec->catfile('..', 'msgpack')) {
mkdir 'msgpack' unless -d 'msgpack'; mkdir 'msgpack' unless -d 'msgpack';
@ -39,7 +49,50 @@ if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR && -d File::Spec->catfile('..', 'msgpack')) {
requires 'Test::More' => 0.94; # done_testing requires 'Test::More' => 0.94; # done_testing
test_requires('Test::Requires'); test_requires('Test::Requires');
test_with_env( test_pp => PERL_DATA_MESSAGEPACK => 'pp' );
if($Module::Install::AUTHOR) {
postamble qq{test :: test_pp\n\n};
auto_set_repository(); auto_set_repository();
auto_include; auto_include;
WriteAll; WriteAll;
# copied from Makefile.PL in Text::Xslate.
sub test_with_env {
my($name, %env) = @_;
my $dir = '.testenv';
if(not -e $dir) {
mkdir $dir or die "Cannot mkdir '.testenv': $!";
open my $out, '>', "$dir/$"
or die "Cannot open '$dir/$' for writing: $!";
print $out "# This file sets the env for 'make $name', \n";
print $out "# generated by $0 at ", scalar(localtime), ".\n";
print $out "\n";
while(my($name, $value) = each %env) {
printf $out '$ENV{q{%s}} = q{%s};'."\n", $name, $value;
# repeat testing for pure Perl mode
# see also ExtUtils::MM_Any::test_via_harness()
my $t = q{$(FULLPERLRUN) -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e}
.q{ "do q[%s]; test_harness($(TEST_VERBOSE), '$(INST_LIB)', '$(INST_ARCHLIB)')"}
.q{ $(TEST_FILES)};
postamble qq{$name :: pure_all\n}
. qq{\t} . q{$(NOECHO) $(ECHO) TESTING: } . $name . qq{\n}
. qq{\t} . sprintf($t, "$dir/$") . qq{\n\n}
. qq{testall :: $name\n\n};

View File

@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 1; use Test::More tests => 1;
use_ok 'Data::MessagePack'; use_ok 'Data::MessagePack';
diag ( $INC{'Data/MessagePack/'} ? 'PP' : 'XS' );