mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 01:55:39 +01:00
erlang: more suitable variable name and removing unnecessary guards.
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,20 +31,24 @@
% erl> S = <some term>.
% erl> {S, <<>>} = msgpack:unpack( msgpack:pack(S) ).
-type reason() :: enomem | badarg | no_code_matches.
-type msgpack_term() :: [msgpack_term()] | {[{msgpack_term(),msgpack_term()}]} | integer() | float().
-type msgpack_term() :: [msgpack_term()]
| {[{msgpack_term(),msgpack_term()}]}
| integer() | float() | binary().
% ===== external APIs ===== %
-spec pack(Term::msgpack_term()) -> binary().
pack(O) when is_integer(O) andalso O < 0 ->
pack(O) when is_integer(O) ->
pack(O) when is_float(O) ->
pack(I) when is_integer(I) andalso I < 0 ->
pack(I) when is_integer(I) ->
pack(F) when is_float(F) ->
pack(nil) ->
pack(Bool) when is_atom(Bool) ->
<< 16#C0:8 >>;
pack(true) ->
<< 16#C3:8 >>;
pack(false) ->
<< 16#C2:8 >>;
pack(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
pack(List) when is_list(List) ->
@ -53,7 +57,7 @@ pack({Map}) when is_list(Map) ->
pack(Map) when is_tuple(Map), element(1,Map)=:=dict ->
pack(_O) ->
pack(_Other) ->
{error, undefined}.
% unpacking.
@ -92,53 +96,47 @@ pack_map(M)->
% ===== internal APIs ===== %
% positive fixnum
pack_uint_(N) when is_integer( N ) , N < 128 ->
pack_uint_(N) when N < 128 ->
<< 2#0:1, N:7 >>;
% uint 8
pack_uint_( N ) when is_integer( N ) andalso N < 256 ->
pack_uint_(N) when N < 256 ->
<< 16#CC:8, N:8 >>;
% uint 16
pack_uint_( N ) when is_integer( N ) andalso N < 65536 ->
pack_uint_(N) when N < 65536 ->
<< 16#CD:8, N:16/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1 >>;
% uint 32
pack_uint_( N ) when is_integer( N ) andalso N < 16#FFFFFFFF->
pack_uint_(N) when N < 16#FFFFFFFF->
<< 16#CE:8, N:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1 >>;
% uint 64
pack_uint_( N ) when is_integer( N )->
pack_uint_(N) ->
<< 16#CF:8, N:64/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1 >>.
% negative fixnum
pack_int_( N ) when is_integer( N ) , N >= -32->
pack_int_(N) when is_integer(N) , N >= -32->
<< 2#111:3, N:5 >>;
% int 8
pack_int_( N ) when is_integer( N ) , N > -128 ->
pack_int_(N) when N > -128 ->
<< 16#D0:8, N:8/big-signed-integer-unit:1 >>;
% int 16
pack_int_( N ) when is_integer( N ), N > -32768 ->
pack_int_(N) when N > -32768 ->
<< 16#D1:8, N:16/big-signed-integer-unit:1 >>;
% int 32
pack_int_( N ) when is_integer( N ), N > -16#FFFFFFFF ->
pack_int_(N) when N > -16#FFFFFFFF ->
<< 16#D2:8, N:32/big-signed-integer-unit:1 >>;
% int 64
pack_int_( N ) when is_integer( N )->
pack_int_(N) ->
<< 16#D3:8, N:64/big-signed-integer-unit:1 >>.
% nil
pack_nil()-> << 16#C0:8 >>.
% pack_true / pack_false
pack_bool(true)-> << 16#C3:8 >>;
pack_bool(false)-> << 16#C2:8 >>.
% float : erlang's float is always IEEE 754 64bit format.
%pack_float(F) when is_float(F)->
% << 16#CA:8, F:32/big-float-unit:1 >>.
% pack_double(F).
% double
pack_double(F) when is_float(F)->
pack_double(F) ->
<< 16#CB:8, F:64/big-float-unit:1 >>.
% raw bytes
pack_raw(Bin) when is_binary(Bin)->
pack_raw(Bin) ->
case byte_size(Bin) of
Len when Len < 6->
<< 2#101:3, Len:5, Bin/binary >>;
@ -149,7 +147,7 @@ pack_raw(Bin) when is_binary(Bin)->
% list / tuple
pack_array(L) when is_list(L)->
pack_array(L) ->
case length(L) of
Len when Len < 16 ->
<< 2#1001:4, Len:4/integer-unit:1, (pack_array_(L, <<>>))/binary >>;
@ -165,10 +163,10 @@ pack_array_([Head|Tail], Acc) ->
% FIXME! this should be tail-recursive and without lists:reverse/1
unpack_array_(<<>>, 0, RetList) -> {lists:reverse(RetList), <<>>};
unpack_array_(Remain, 0, RetList) when is_binary(Remain)-> {lists:reverse(RetList), Remain};
unpack_array_(<<>>, RestLen, _RetList) when RestLen > 0 -> {more, RestLen};
unpack_array_(<<>>, RestLen, _RetList) when RestLen > 0 -> {more, undefined};
unpack_array_(Bin, RestLen, RetList) when is_binary(Bin)->
case unpack(Bin) of
{more, Len} -> {more, Len+RestLen-1};
{more, Len} -> {more, undefined};
{Term, Rest}-> unpack_array_(Rest, RestLen-1, [Term|RetList])
@ -179,8 +177,8 @@ pack_map_([{Key,Value}|Tail], Acc) ->
% FIXME: write test for unpack_map/1
-spec unpack_map_(binary(), non_neg_integer(), [{term(), msgpack_term()}])->
{more, non_neg_integer()} | { any(), binary()}.
unpack_map_(Bin, 0, Acc) when is_binary(Bin) -> {{lists:reverse(Acc)}, Bin};
unpack_map_(Bin, Len, Acc) when is_binary(Bin) and is_integer(Len) ->
unpack_map_(Bin, 0, Acc) -> {{lists:reverse(Acc)}, Bin};
unpack_map_(Bin, Len, Acc) ->
case unpack(Bin) of
{ more, MoreLen } -> { more, MoreLen+Len-1 };
{ Key, Rest } ->
@ -371,9 +369,12 @@ test_p(Len,Term,OrigBin,Len) ->
{Term, <<>>}=msgpack:unpack(OrigBin);
test_p(I,_,OrigBin,Len) when I < Len->
<<Bin:I/binary, _/binary>> = OrigBin,
{more, N}=msgpack:unpack(Bin),
?assert(0 < N),
?assert(N < Len).
case msgpack:unpack(Bin) of
{more, N} when not is_integer(N) ->
?assertEqual(undefined, N);
{more, N} ->
?assert( N < Len )
partial_test()-> % error handling test.
Term = lists:seq(0, 45),
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