import MessagePack for Java implementation plan 1

This commit is contained in:
frsyuki 2009-10-25 01:27:09 +09:00
parent c6a2569af8
commit 5393a0df16
5 changed files with 712 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
public class MessagePack {
static public Object unpack(InputStream source)
// FIXME not implemented yet
return null;
static public Object unpack(byte[] source, int len) throws IOException
// FIXME not implemented yet
return null;
static public Object unpack(ByteBuffer source) throws IOException
// FIXME not implemented yet
return null;
static public Object unpack(ByteBuffer[] source) throws IOException
// FIXME not implemented yet
return null;

java-plan1/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class Packer {
protected byte[] castBytes = new byte[9];
protected ByteBuffer castBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(castBytes);
protected OutputStream out;
public Packer(OutputStream out)
this.out = out;
public Packer packByte(byte d) throws IOException
if(d < -(1<<5)) {
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xd1;
castBytes[1] = d;
out.write(castBytes, 0, 2);
} else {
return this;
public Packer packShort(short d) throws IOException
if(d < -(1<<5)) {
if(d < -(1<<7)) {
// signed 16
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xd1;
castBuffer.putShort(1, d);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 3);
} else {
// signed 8
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xd0;
castBytes[1] = (byte)d;
out.write(castBytes, 0, 2);
} else if(d < (1<<7)) {
// fixnum
} else {
if(d < (1<<8)) {
// unsigned 8
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xcc;
castBytes[1] = (byte)d;
out.write(castBytes, 0, 2);
} else {
// unsigned 16
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xcd;
castBuffer.putShort(1, d);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 3);
return this;
public Packer packInt(int d) throws IOException
if(d < -(1<<5)) {
if(d < -(1<<15)) {
// signed 32
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xd2;
castBuffer.putInt(1, d);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 5);
} else if(d < -(1<<7)) {
// signed 16
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xd1;
castBuffer.putShort(1, (short)d);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 3);
} else {
// signed 8
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xd0;
castBytes[1] = (byte)d;
out.write(castBytes, 0, 2);
} else if(d < (1<<7)) {
// fixnum
} else {
if(d < (1<<8)) {
// unsigned 8
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xcc;
castBytes[1] = (byte)d;
out.write(castBytes, 0, 2);
} else if(d < (1<<16)) {
// unsigned 16
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xcd;
castBuffer.putShort(1, (short)d);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 3);
} else {
// unsigned 32
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xce;
castBuffer.putInt(1, d);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 5);
return this;
public Packer packLong(long d) throws IOException
if(d < -(1L<<5)) {
if(d < -(1L<<15)) {
if(d < -(1L<<31)) {
// signed 64
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xd3;
castBuffer.putLong(1, d);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 9);
} else {
// signed 32
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xd2;
castBuffer.putInt(1, (int)d);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 5);
} else {
if(d < -(1<<7)) {
// signed 16
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xd1;
castBuffer.putShort(1, (short)d);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 3);
} else {
// signed 8
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xd0;
castBytes[1] = (byte)d;
out.write(castBytes, 0, 2);
} else if(d < (1<<7)) {
// fixnum
} else {
if(d < (1L<<16)) {
if(d < (1<<8)) {
// unsigned 8
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xcc;
castBytes[1] = (byte)d;
out.write(castBytes, 0, 2);
} else {
// unsigned 16
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xcd;
castBuffer.putShort(1, (short)d);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 3);
//System.out.println("pack uint 16 "+(short)d);
} else {
if(d < (1L<<32)) {
// unsigned 32
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xce;
castBuffer.putInt(1, (int)d);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 5);
} else {
// unsigned 64
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xcf;
castBuffer.putLong(1, d);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 9);
return this;
public Packer packFloat(float d) throws IOException
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xca;
castBuffer.putFloat(1, d);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 5);
return this;
public Packer packDouble(double d) throws IOException
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xcb;
castBuffer.putDouble(1, d);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 9);
return this;
public Packer packNil() throws IOException
return this;
public Packer packTrue() throws IOException
return this;
public Packer packFalse() throws IOException
return this;
public Packer packArray(int n) throws IOException
if(n < 16) {
final int d = 0x90 | n;
} else if(n < 65536) {
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xdc;
castBuffer.putShort(1, (short)n);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 3);
} else {
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xdd;
castBuffer.putInt(1, n);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 5);
return this;
public Packer packMap(int n) throws IOException
if(n < 16) {
final int d = 0x80 | n;
} else if(n < 65536) {
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xde;
castBuffer.putShort(1, (short)n);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 3);
} else {
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xdf;
castBuffer.putInt(1, n);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 5);
return this;
public Packer packRaw(int n) throws IOException
if(n < 32) {
final int d = 0xa0 | n;
} else if(n < 65536) {
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xda;
castBuffer.putShort(1, (short)n);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 3);
} else {
castBytes[0] = (byte)0xdb;
castBuffer.putInt(1, n);
out.write(castBytes, 0, 5);
return this;
public Packer packRawBody(byte[] b) throws IOException
return this;
public Packer packRawBody(byte[] b, int off, int length) throws IOException
out.write(b, off, length);
return this;
//public Packer pack(Object o) throws IOException

java-plan1/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class Unpacker {
protected static final int CS_HEADER = 0x00;
protected static final int CS_FLOAT = 0x0a;
protected static final int CS_DOUBLE = 0x0b;
protected static final int CS_UINT_8 = 0x0c;
protected static final int CS_UINT_16 = 0x0d;
protected static final int CS_UINT_32 = 0x0e;
protected static final int CS_UINT_64 = 0x0f;
protected static final int CS_INT_8 = 0x10;
protected static final int CS_INT_16 = 0x11;
protected static final int CS_INT_32 = 0x12;
protected static final int CS_INT_64 = 0x13;
protected static final int CS_RAW_16 = 0x1a;
protected static final int CS_RAW_32 = 0x1b;
protected static final int CS_ARRAY_16 = 0x1c;
protected static final int CS_ARRAY_32 = 0x1d;
protected static final int CS_MAP_16 = 0x1e;
protected static final int CS_MAP_32 = 0x1f;
protected static final int ACS_RAW_VALUE = 0x20;
protected static final int CT_ARRAY_ITEM = 0x00;
protected static final int CT_MAP_KEY = 0x01;
protected static final int CT_MAP_VALUE = 0x02;
protected static final int MAX_STACK_SIZE = 16;
protected int cs = CS_HEADER;
protected int trail = 0;
protected int top = -1;
protected boolean finished = false;
protected int[] stack_ct = new int[MAX_STACK_SIZE];
protected int[] stack_count = new int[MAX_STACK_SIZE];
protected Object[] stack_obj = new Object[MAX_STACK_SIZE];
protected Object[] stack_map_key = new Object[MAX_STACK_SIZE];
//protected Object user;
protected ByteBuffer castBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8);
public Object getData()
return stack_obj[0];
public boolean isFinished()
return finished;
public int execute(byte[] src, int off, int length) throws IOException
if(off >= length) { return off; }
int limit = off + length;
int i = off;
int count;
Object obj = null;
_out: do {
_header_again: {
//System.out.println("while i:"+i);
int b = src[i];
_push: {
if(cs == CS_HEADER) {
if((b & 0x80) == 0) { // Positive Fixnum
//System.out.println("positive fixnum "+b);
obj = b;
break _push;
if((b & 0xe0) == 0xe0) { // Negative Fixnum
//System.out.println("negative fixnum "+b);
obj = b;
break _push;
if((b & 0xe0) == 0xa0) { // FixRaw
trail = b & 0x1f;
if(trail == 0) {
obj = new byte[0];
break _push;
break _fixed_trail_again;
if((b & 0xf0) == 0x90) { // FixArray
if(top >= MAX_STACK_SIZE) {
throw new IOException("parse error");
count = b & 0x0f;
stack_obj[top] = new ArrayList(count);
stack_ct[top] = CT_ARRAY_ITEM;
stack_count[top] = count;
//System.out.println("fixarray count:"+count);
break _header_again;
if((b & 0xf0) == 0x80) { // FixMap
if(top >= MAX_STACK_SIZE) {
throw new IOException("parse error");
count = b & 0x0f;
stack_obj[top] = new HashMap(count);
stack_ct[top] = CT_MAP_KEY;
stack_count[top] = count;
//System.out.println("fixmap count:"+count);
break _header_again;
switch(b & 0xff) { // FIXME
case 0xc0: // nil
obj = null;
break _push;
case 0xc2: // false
obj = false;
break _push;
case 0xc3: // true
obj = true;
break _push;
case 0xca: // float
case 0xcb: // double
case 0xcc: // unsigned int 8
case 0xcd: // unsigned int 16
case 0xce: // unsigned int 32
case 0xcf: // unsigned int 64
case 0xd0: // signed int 8
case 0xd1: // signed int 16
case 0xd2: // signed int 32
case 0xd3: // signed int 64
trail = 1 << (b & 0x03);
cs = b & 0x1f;
//System.out.println("a trail "+trail+" cs:"+cs);
break _fixed_trail_again;
case 0xda: // raw 16
case 0xdb: // raw 32
case 0xdc: // array 16
case 0xdd: // array 32
case 0xde: // map 16
case 0xdf: // map 32
trail = 2 << (b & 0x01);
cs = b & 0x1f;
//System.out.println("b trail "+trail+" cs:"+cs);
break _fixed_trail_again;
//System.out.println("unknown b "+(b&0xff));
throw new IOException("parse error");
} // _fixed_trail_again
do {
_fixed_trail_again: {
if(limit - i <= trail) { break _out; }
int n = i + 1;
i += trail;
switch(cs) {
case CS_FLOAT:
castBuffer.put(src, n, 4);
obj = castBuffer.getFloat(0);
//System.out.println("float "+obj);
break _push;
castBuffer.put(src, n, 8);
obj = castBuffer.getDouble(0);
//System.out.println("double "+obj);
break _push;
case CS_UINT_8:
obj = ((int)src[n]) & 0xff;
//System.out.println("uint8 "+obj);
break _push;
case CS_UINT_16:
castBuffer.put(src, n, 2);
obj = ((int)castBuffer.getShort(0)) & 0xffff;
//System.out.println("uint 16 "+obj);
break _push;
case CS_UINT_32:
castBuffer.put(src, n, 4);
// FIXME always long?
int o = castBuffer.getInt(0);
if(o < 0) {
obj = ((long)o) & 0xffffffffL;
} else {
obj = o;
//System.out.println("uint 32 "+obj);
break _push;
case CS_UINT_64:
castBuffer.put(src, n, 8);
// FIXME always BigInteger?
long o = castBuffer.getLong(0);
if(o < 0) {
obj = BigInteger.valueOf(o & 0x7fffffffL).setBit(31);
} else {
obj = o;
throw new IOException("uint 64 is not supported");
case CS_INT_8:
obj = (int)src[n];
break _push;
case CS_INT_16:
castBuffer.put(src, n, 2);
obj = (int)castBuffer.getShort(0);
break _push;
case CS_INT_32:
castBuffer.put(src, n, 4);
obj = (int)castBuffer.getInt(0);
break _push;
case CS_INT_64:
castBuffer.put(src, n, 8);
// FIXME always long?
long o = castBuffer.getLong(0);
if(o <= 0x7fffffffL && o > -0x80000000L) {
obj = (int)o;
} else {
obj = o;
//System.out.println("long "+obj);
break _push;
case CS_RAW_16:
castBuffer.put(src, n, 2);
trail = ((int)castBuffer.getShort(0)) & 0xffff;
if(trail == 0) {
obj = new byte[0];
break _push;
break _fixed_trail_again;
case CS_RAW_32:
castBuffer.put(src, n, 4);
// FIXME overflow check
trail = castBuffer.getInt(0) & 0x7fffffff;
if(trail == 0) {
obj = new byte[0];
break _push;
obj = ByteBuffer.wrap(src, n, trail); // FIXME プール? コピー
break _push;
case CS_ARRAY_16:
if(top >= MAX_STACK_SIZE) {
throw new IOException("parse error");
castBuffer.put(src, n, 2);
count = ((int)castBuffer.getShort(0)) & 0xffff;
stack_obj[top] = new ArrayList(count);
stack_ct[top] = CT_ARRAY_ITEM;
stack_count[top] = count;
break _header_again;
case CS_ARRAY_32:
if(top >= MAX_STACK_SIZE) {
throw new IOException("parse error");
castBuffer.put(src, n, 4);
// FIXME overflow check
count = castBuffer.getInt(0) & 0x7fffffff;
stack_obj[top] = new ArrayList(count);
stack_ct[top] = CT_ARRAY_ITEM;
stack_count[top] = count;
break _header_again;
case CS_MAP_16:
if(top >= MAX_STACK_SIZE) {
throw new IOException("parse error");
castBuffer.put(src, n, 2);
count = ((int)castBuffer.getShort(0)) & 0xffff;
stack_obj[top] = new HashMap(count);
stack_ct[top] = CT_MAP_KEY;
stack_count[top] = count;
//System.out.println("fixmap count:"+count);
break _header_again;
case CS_MAP_32:
if(top >= MAX_STACK_SIZE) {
throw new IOException("parse error");
castBuffer.put(src, n, 4);
// FIXME overflow check
count = castBuffer.getInt(0) & 0x7fffffff;
stack_obj[top] = new HashMap(count);
stack_ct[top] = CT_MAP_KEY;
stack_count[top] = count;
//System.out.println("fixmap count:"+count);
break _header_again;
throw new IOException("parse error");
} // _fixed_trail_again
} while(true);
} // _push
do {
_push: {
//System.out.println("push top:"+top);
if(top == -1) {
stack_obj[0] = obj;
finished = true;
break _out;
switch(stack_ct[top]) {
//System.out.println("array item "+obj);
if(--stack_count[top] == 0) {
obj = stack_obj[top];
break _push;
break _header_again;
case CT_MAP_KEY:
//System.out.println("map key:"+top+" "+obj);
stack_map_key[top] = obj;
stack_ct[top] = CT_MAP_VALUE;
break _header_again;
//System.out.println("map value:"+top+" "+obj);
((HashMap)(stack_obj[top])).put(stack_map_key[top], obj);
if(--stack_count[top] == 0) {
obj = stack_obj[top];
break _push;
stack_ct[top] = CT_MAP_KEY;
break _header_again;
throw new IOException("parse error");
} // _push
} while(true);
} // _header_again
} while(i < limit); // _out
return i - off;

java-plan1/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
java test

java-plan1/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import java.util.*;
class OpenByteArrayOutputStream extends ByteArrayOutputStream {
int getCount() { return count; }
byte[] getBuffer() { return buf; }
public class test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
OpenByteArrayOutputStream out = new OpenByteArrayOutputStream();
Packer pk = new Packer(out);
Unpacker pac = new Unpacker();
int nlen = pac.execute(out.getBuffer(), 0, out.getCount());
if(pac.isFinished()) {