mirror of https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-c.git synced 2025-03-22 00:19:19 +01:00

* Return {more,undefined} instead of {more,integer()}, as we can only know the "minimum bytes needed to continue" instead of the actually usefull "total packet size".

* Merge all {more,...} clauses of unpack_/1 into one.
* Reformat unpack_/1 for readability.
* Fix some specs, error values, and documentation.
This commit is contained in:
Vincent de Phily 2010-06-29 11:59:56 +02:00
parent 8f7f23a0e5
commit 33a7d56042

@ -29,11 +29,13 @@
% erl> c(msgpack). % erl> c(msgpack).
% erl> S = <some term>. % erl> S = <some term>.
% erl> {S, <<>>} = msgpack:unpack( msgpack:pack(S) ). % erl> {S, <<>>} = msgpack:unpack( msgpack:pack(S) ).
-type reason() :: enomem | badarg | no_code_matches. -type reason() :: enomem | {badarg, term()}.
-type msgpack_term() :: [msgpack_term()] | {[{msgpack_term(),msgpack_term()}]} | integer() | float(). -type msgpack_term() :: [msgpack_term()] | {[{msgpack_term(),msgpack_term()}]} | integer() | float() | binary().
% ===== external APIs ===== % % ===== external APIs ===== %
-spec pack(Term::msgpack_term()) -> binary().
% @doc Pack one erlang term into an msgpack message.
-spec pack(Term::msgpack_term()) -> binary() | reason().
pack(O) when is_integer(O) andalso O < 0 -> pack(O) when is_integer(O) andalso O < 0 ->
pack_int_(O); pack_int_(O);
pack(O) when is_integer(O) -> pack(O) when is_integer(O) ->
@ -54,17 +56,17 @@ pack({Map}) when is_list(Map) ->
pack_map(Map); pack_map(Map);
pack(Map) when is_tuple(Map), element(1,Map)=:=dict -> pack(Map) when is_tuple(Map), element(1,Map)=:=dict ->
pack_map(dict:from_list(Map)); pack_map(dict:from_list(Map));
pack(_O) -> pack(Other) ->
{error, undefined}. {error, {badarg, Other}}.
% unpacking. % @doc Unpack one (possibly deeply nested) msgpack message into an erlang term.
% if failed in decoding and not end, get more data % If failed in decoding and not end, get more data
% and feed more Bin into this function. % and feed more Bin into this function.
% TODO: error case for imcomplete format when short for any type formats. -spec unpack( binary() ) -> {Decoded::msgpack_term(), Rest::binary()} | {more, undefined} | {error, reason()}.
-spec unpack( binary() )-> unpack(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
{msgpack_term(), binary()} | {more, non_neg_integer()} | {error, reason()}. unpack_(Bin);
unpack(Bin) -> unpack(Other) ->
unpack_(Bin). {error, {badarg, Other}}.
-spec unpack_all( binary() ) -> [msgpack_term()]. -spec unpack_all( binary() ) -> [msgpack_term()].
unpack_all(Data)-> unpack_all(Data)->
@ -134,7 +136,7 @@ pack_raw(Bin) ->
<< 16#DB:8, Len:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Bin/binary >> << 16#DB:8, Len:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Bin/binary >>
end. end.
% list / tuple % list
pack_array(L) -> pack_array(L) ->
case length(L) of case length(L) of
Len when Len < 16 -> Len when Len < 16 ->
@ -152,7 +154,7 @@ pack_array_([Head|Tail], Acc) ->
unpack_array_(Remain, 0, RetList) -> {lists:reverse(RetList), Remain}; unpack_array_(Remain, 0, RetList) -> {lists:reverse(RetList), Remain};
unpack_array_(Bin, RestLen, RetList) -> unpack_array_(Bin, RestLen, RetList) ->
case unpack(Bin) of case unpack(Bin) of
{more, Len} -> {more, Len+RestLen-1}; {more, undefined} -> {more, undefined};
{Term, Rest}-> unpack_array_(Rest, RestLen-1, [Term|RetList]) {Term, Rest}-> unpack_array_(Rest, RestLen-1, [Term|RetList])
end. end.
@ -172,120 +174,66 @@ pack_map_([{Key,Value}|Tail], Acc) ->
pack_map_(Tail, << Acc/binary, (pack(Key))/binary, (pack(Value))/binary>>). pack_map_(Tail, << Acc/binary, (pack(Key))/binary, (pack(Value))/binary>>).
% FIXME: write test for unpack_map/1 % FIXME: write test for unpack_map/1
-spec unpack_map_(binary(), non_neg_integer(), [{term(), msgpack_term()}]) -> -spec unpack_map_(binary(), non_neg_integer(), [{msgpack_term(), msgpack_term()}]) -> {more, undefined} | {any(), binary()} | {error, reason()}.
{more, non_neg_integer()} | {any(), binary()}.
unpack_map_(Bin, 0, Acc) -> {{lists:reverse(Acc)}, Bin}; unpack_map_(Bin, 0, Acc) -> {{lists:reverse(Acc)}, Bin};
unpack_map_(Bin, Len, Acc) -> unpack_map_(Bin, Len, Acc) ->
case unpack(Bin) of case unpack(Bin) of
{ more, MoreLen } -> { more, MoreLen+Len-1 }; {more, undefined} -> {more, undefined};
{Key, Rest} -> {Key, Rest} ->
case unpack(Rest) of case unpack(Rest) of
{more, MoreLen} -> { more, MoreLen+Len-1 }; {more, undefined} -> {more, undefined};
{Value, Rest2} -> {Value, Rest2} ->
unpack_map_(Rest2,Len-1,[{Key,Value}|Acc]) unpack_map_(Rest2,Len-1,[{Key,Value}|Acc])
end end
end. end.
-spec unpack_(Payload::binary()) -> {more, pos_integer()} | {msgpack_term(), binary()} | {error, reason()}. -spec unpack_(Payload::binary()) -> {more, undefined} | {msgpack_term(), binary()} | {error, reason()}.
unpack_(<<16#C0, Rest/binary>>) -> % Atoms
{nil, Rest}; unpack_(<<16#C0, Rest/binary>>) -> {nil, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#C2, Rest/binary>>) -> unpack_(<<16#C2, Rest/binary>>) -> {false, Rest};
{false, Rest}; unpack_(<<16#C3, Rest/binary>>) -> {true, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#C3, Rest/binary>>) ->
{true, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#CA, Return:32/float-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> % 32bit float % Floats
{Return, Rest}; unpack_(<<16#CA, Val:32/float-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> {Val, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#CA, Rest/binary>>) -> unpack_(<<16#CB, Val:64/float-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> {Val, Rest};
{more, 4-byte_size(Rest)};
unpack_(<<16#CB, Return:64/float-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> % 64bit float
{Return, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#CB, Rest/binary>>) ->
{more, 8-byte_size(Rest)};
unpack_(<<16#CC, Int:8/unsigned-integer, Rest/binary>>) -> % uint 8 % Unsigned integers
{Int, Rest}; unpack_(<<16#CC, Val:8/unsigned-integer, Rest/binary>>) -> {Val, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#CC>>) -> unpack_(<<16#CD, Val:16/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> {Val, Rest};
{more, 1}; unpack_(<<16#CE, Val:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> {Val, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#CD, Int:16/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> % uint 16 unpack_(<<16#CF, Val:64/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> {Val, Rest};
{Int, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#CD, Rest/binary>>) ->
{more, 2-byte_size(Rest)};
unpack_(<<16#CE, Int:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> % uint 32
{Int, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#CE, Rest/binary>>) ->
{more, 4-byte_size(Rest)};
unpack_(<<16#CF, Int:64/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> % uint 64
{Int, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#CF, Rest/binary>>) ->
{more, 8-byte_size(Rest)};
unpack_(<<16#D0, Int:8/signed-integer, Rest/binary>>) -> % int 8 % Signed integers
{Int, Rest}; unpack_(<<16#D0, Val:8/signed-integer, Rest/binary>>) -> {Val, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#D0>>) -> unpack_(<<16#D1, Val:16/big-signed-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> {Val, Rest};
{more, 1}; unpack_(<<16#D2, Val:32/big-signed-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> {Val, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#D1, Int:16/big-signed-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> % int 16 unpack_(<<16#D3, Val:64/big-signed-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> {Val, Rest};
{Int, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#D1, Rest/binary>>) ->
{more, 2-byte_size(Rest)};
unpack_(<<16#D2, Int:32/big-signed-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> % int 32
{Int, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#D2, Rest/binary>>) ->
{more, 4-byte_size(Rest)};
unpack_(<<16#D3, Int:64/big-signed-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> % int 64
{Int, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#D3, Rest/binary>>) ->
{more, 8-byte_size(Rest)};
unpack_(<<16#DA, Len:16/unsigned-integer-unit:1, Val:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>) -> % raw 16 % Raw bytes
{Val, Rest}; unpack_(<<16#DA, Len:16/unsigned-integer-unit:1, Val:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>) -> {Val, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#DA, Rest/binary>>) -> unpack_(<<16#DB, Len:32/unsigned-integer-unit:1, Val:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>) -> {Val, Rest};
{more, 16-byte_size(Rest)};
unpack_(<<16#DB, Len:32/unsigned-integer-unit:1, Val:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>) -> % raw 32
{Val, Rest};
unpack_(<<16#DB, Rest/binary>>) ->
{more, 32-byte_size(Rest)};
unpack_(<<16#DC, Len:16/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> % array 16 % Arrays
unpack_array_(Rest, Len, []); unpack_(<<16#DC, Len:16/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> unpack_array_(Rest, Len, []);
unpack_(<<16#DC, Rest/binary>>) -> unpack_(<<16#DD, Len:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> unpack_array_(Rest, Len, []);
{more, 2-byte_size(Rest)};
unpack_(<<16#DD, Len:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> % array 32
unpack_array_(Rest, Len, []);
unpack_(<<16#DD, Rest/binary>>) ->
{more, 4-byte_size(Rest)};
unpack_(<<16#DE, Len:16/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> % map 16 % Maps
unpack_map_(Rest, Len, []); unpack_(<<16#DE, Len:16/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> unpack_map_(Rest, Len, []);
unpack_(<<16#DE, Rest/binary>>) -> unpack_(<<16#DF, Len:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> unpack_map_(Rest, Len, []);
{more, 2-byte_size(Rest)};
unpack_(<<16#DF, Len:32/big-unsigned-integer-unit:1, Rest/binary>>) -> % map 32
unpack_map_(Rest, Len, []);
unpack_(<<16#DF, Rest/binary>>) ->
{more, 4-byte_size(Rest)};
unpack_(<<0:1, Value:7, Rest/binary>>) -> % positive fixnum % Tag-encoded lengths (kept last, for speed)
{Value, Rest}; unpack_(<<0:1, Val:7, Rest/binary>>) -> {Val, Rest}; % pos fixnum
unpack_(<<2#111:3, Value:5, Rest/binary>>) -> % negative fixnum unpack_(<<2#111:3, Val:5, Rest/binary>>) -> {Val - 2#100000, Rest}; % neg fixnum
{Value - 2#100000, Rest}; unpack_(<<2#101:3, Len:5, Val:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>) -> {Val, Rest}; % fixraw
unpack_(<<2#101:3, Len:5, Value:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>) -> % fixraw unpack_(<<2#1001:4, Len:4, Rest/binary>>) -> unpack_array_(Rest, Len, []); % fixarray
{Value, Rest}; unpack_(<<2#1000:4, Len:4, Rest/binary>>) -> unpack_map_(Rest, Len, []); % fixmap
unpack_(<<2#101:3, Len:5, Rest/binary>>) ->
{more, Len-byte_size(Rest)};
unpack_(<<2#1001:4, Len:4, Rest/binary>>) -> % fixarray
unpack_array_(Rest, Len, []);
unpack_(<<2#1000:4, Len:4, Rest/binary>>) -> % fixmap
unpack_map_(Rest, Len, []);
%unpack_(<<F:8, Rest/binary>>) when F==16#C1; F==16#C4; F==16#C5; F==16#C6; F==16#C7; F==16#C8; F==16#C9; F==16#D5; F==16#D6; F==16#D7; F==16#D8; F==16#D9-> % Incomplete / invalid data
% {error, {badarg, <<F, Rest/binary>>}}. unpack_(<<F:8, Rest/binary>>) when F==16#C1; F==16#C4; F==16#C5; F==16#C6; F==16#C7; F==16#C8; F==16#C9; F==16#D5; F==16#D6; F==16#D7; F==16#D8; F==16#D9->
%unpack_(Other) when is_binary(Bin) -> {error, {badarg, <<F, Rest/binary>>}};
% {more, 1}. unpack_(_Bin) ->
unpack_(<<>>) -> {more, undefined}.
{more, 1}.
unpack_(Other) ->
{error, {badarg, Other}}.
% ===== test codes ===== % % ===== test codes ===== %
@ -330,9 +278,7 @@ test_p(Len,Term,OrigBin,Len) ->
{Term, <<>>}=msgpack:unpack(OrigBin); {Term, <<>>}=msgpack:unpack(OrigBin);
test_p(I,_,OrigBin,Len) when I < Len-> test_p(I,_,OrigBin,Len) when I < Len->
<<Bin:I/binary, _/binary>> = OrigBin, <<Bin:I/binary, _/binary>> = OrigBin,
{more, N}=msgpack:unpack(Bin), ?assertEqual({more, undefined}, msgpack:unpack(Bin)).
?assert(0 < N),
?assert(N < Len).
partial_test()-> % error handling test. partial_test()-> % error handling test.
Term = lists:seq(0, 45), Term = lists:seq(0, 45),
@ -379,6 +325,6 @@ test_([S|Rest])->
1+test_(Rest). 1+test_(Rest).
other_test()-> other_test()->
{more,1}=msgpack:unpack(<<>>). ?assertEqual({more,undefined}, msgpack:unpack(<<>>)).
-endif. -endif.