From 320510506b7b6ce30c6e4a35fb0dfc3b8cf615dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: FURUHASHI Sadayuki <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2012 17:40:11 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] MessagePack for OCaml moved to

 ocaml/.gitignore                   |   11 -
 ocaml/OMakefile                    |    8 -
 ocaml/OMakeroot                    |   45 -
 ocaml/README                       |    1 +
 ocaml/README.markdown              |   22 -
 ocaml/bleis-hooks/commit-msg       |   14 -
 ocaml/bleis-hooks/        |   60 -
 ocaml/bleis-hooks/pre-commit       |   22 -
 ocaml/ocaml/.gitignore             |    2 -
 ocaml/ocaml/META                   |    6 -
 ocaml/ocaml/OMakefile              |   80 -
 ocaml/ocaml/                |  142 --
 ocaml/ocaml/              |    1 -
 ocaml/ocaml/               |  191 --
 ocaml/ocaml/                |    2 -
 ocaml/ocaml/msgpack.mli            |   46 -
 ocaml/ocaml/         | 2581 ----------------------------
 ocaml/ocaml/msgpackCore.mli        |  141 --
 ocaml/ocaml/                |  206 ---
 ocaml/ocaml/pack.mli               |   32 -
 ocaml/ocaml/            |  175 --
 ocaml/ocaml/           |   20 -
 ocaml/ocaml/serialize.mli          |    4 -
 ocaml/ocaml/       |   16 -
 ocaml/proof/.gitignore             |    2 -
 ocaml/proof/CoqBuildRule           |   14 -
 ocaml/proof/DeserializeImplement.v |  630 -------
 ocaml/proof/ExtractUtil.v          |   95 -
 ocaml/proof/ListUtil.v             |  259 ---
 ocaml/proof/Main.v                 |    3 -
 ocaml/proof/MultiByte.v            |  334 ----
 ocaml/proof/OCamlBase.v            |    8 -
 ocaml/proof/OMakefile              |   26 -
 ocaml/proof/Object.v               |  122 --
 ocaml/proof/Pow.v                  |  162 --
 ocaml/proof/Prefix.v               |  674 --------
 ocaml/proof/ProofUtil.v            |    5 -
 ocaml/proof/SerializeImplement.v   |  465 -----
 ocaml/proof/SerializeSpec.v        |   99 --
 ocaml/proof/SerializedList.v       |  521 ------
 ocaml/proof/Soundness.v            |  623 -------
 ocaml/proof/Util.v                 |   39 -
 42 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 7908 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/.gitignore
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/OMakefile
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/OMakeroot
 create mode 100644 ocaml/README
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/README.markdown
 delete mode 100755 ocaml/bleis-hooks/commit-msg
 delete mode 100755 ocaml/bleis-hooks/
 delete mode 100755 ocaml/bleis-hooks/pre-commit
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/ocaml/.gitignore
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/ocaml/META
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/ocaml/OMakefile
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/ocaml/
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/ocaml/
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/ocaml/
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/ocaml/
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/ocaml/msgpack.mli
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/ocaml/
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/ocaml/msgpackCore.mli
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/ocaml/
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/ocaml/pack.mli
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/ocaml/
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/ocaml/
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/ocaml/serialize.mli
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/ocaml/
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/.gitignore
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/CoqBuildRule
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/DeserializeImplement.v
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/ExtractUtil.v
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/ListUtil.v
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/Main.v
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/MultiByte.v
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/OCamlBase.v
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/OMakefile
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/Object.v
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/Pow.v
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/Prefix.v
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/ProofUtil.v
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/SerializeImplement.v
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/SerializeSpec.v
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/SerializedList.v
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/Soundness.v
 delete mode 100644 ocaml/proof/Util.v

diff --git a/ocaml/.gitignore b/ocaml/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index fbfb0c56..00000000
--- a/ocaml/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ocaml/OMakefile b/ocaml/OMakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 496727d5..00000000
--- a/ocaml/OMakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-.PHONY: clean
-.SUBDIRS: ocaml proof
-	rm -rf *.vo *.glob *~ *.omc .omakedb .omakedb.lock
diff --git a/ocaml/OMakeroot b/ocaml/OMakeroot
deleted file mode 100644
index 35c219da..00000000
--- a/ocaml/OMakeroot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
-# obtaining a copy of this file, to deal in the File without
-# restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
-# copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
-# sell copies of the File, and to permit persons to whom the
-# File is furnished to do so, subject to the following condition:
-# The standard OMakeroot file.
-# You will not normally need to modify this file.
-# By default, your changes should be placed in the
-# OMakefile in this directory.
-# If you decide to modify this file, note that it uses exactly
-# the same syntax as the OMakefile.
-# Include the standard installed configuration files.
-# Any of these can be deleted if you are not using them,
-# but you probably want to keep the Common file.
-open build/C
-open build/OCaml
-open build/LaTeX
-# The command-line variables are defined *after* the
-# standard configuration has been loaded.
-# Include the OMakefile in this directory.
diff --git a/ocaml/README b/ocaml/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6f4984e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocaml/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MessagePack for OCaml moved to
diff --git a/ocaml/README.markdown b/ocaml/README.markdown
deleted file mode 100644
index c62c25e5..00000000
--- a/ocaml/README.markdown
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-MsgPack for OCaml
diff --git a/ocaml/bleis-hooks/commit-msg b/ocaml/bleis-hooks/commit-msg
deleted file mode 100755
index 38d4baf7..00000000
--- a/ocaml/bleis-hooks/commit-msg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-if [ -n "${GIT_DIR}" ]; then
-    hooksdir="./${GIT_DIR}/hooks/"
-    hooksdir="./"
-. "${hooksdir}"
-if [ -n "${ticket}" ]; then
-    appendMsgTo1stLine "$1" "${ticket}"
diff --git a/ocaml/bleis-hooks/ b/ocaml/bleis-hooks/
deleted file mode 100755
index 556e74eb..00000000
--- a/ocaml/bleis-hooks/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-    branch="$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)" ||
-            "$(git describe --contains --all HEAD)"
-    echo ${branch##refs/heads/}
-    if [ "$(getGitBranchName)" = "master" ]; then
-        return 0
-    fi
-    return 1
-    mv $1 $1.$$
-    if [ -s "$1.$$" ]; then
-    if head -1 "$1.$$" | grep "$2" > /dev/null; then
-        cp "$1.$$" "$1"
-    else
-            sed '1s/$/ '"$2"'/' "$1.$$" > $1
-    fi
-    else
-        echo "$2" > "$1"
-    fi
-    rm -f $1.$$
-    echo "$(getGitBranchName)" \
-    | awk 'BEGIN{ FS="[/]"}
-           $1 == "id" { printf "refs #%s", $2 }
-           $2 == "id" { printf "refs #%s", $3 }'
-    first="$(git cat-file -p $1 \
-    | sed '1,/^$/d' | head -1 \
-    | sed '/.*refs #[0-9][0-9]*.*/!d')"
-    if [ -n "${first}" ]; then
-        echo "true"
-    else
-        echo "false"
-    fi
-    parents="$(git cat-file -p $1 \
-    | grep '^parent [0-9a-f]\{40\}$')"
-    echo "${parents##parent }"
diff --git a/ocaml/bleis-hooks/pre-commit b/ocaml/bleis-hooks/pre-commit
deleted file mode 100755
index 9b7766bc..00000000
--- a/ocaml/bleis-hooks/pre-commit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-if [ -z "$(git branch)" ]; then
-    exit 0
-if [ -n "${GIT_DIR}" ]; then
-    hooksdir="./${GIT_DIR}/hooks/"
-    hooksdir="./"
-. "${hooksdir}"
-if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-    echo "can't commit on master branch."
-    echo "please commit on topic branch."
-    exit 1
-exit 0
diff --git a/ocaml/ocaml/.gitignore b/ocaml/ocaml/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index e60d7ce4..00000000
--- a/ocaml/ocaml/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/ocaml/ocaml/META b/ocaml/ocaml/META
deleted file mode 100644
index 1170b98f..00000000
--- a/ocaml/ocaml/META
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-description="a library for MessagePack."
-requires="extlib, num"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ocaml/ocaml/OMakefile b/ocaml/ocaml/OMakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index a438b483..00000000
--- a/ocaml/ocaml/OMakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-.PHONY: all clean check doc install
-# ------------------------------
-# camlp4
-# ------------------------------
-public.UseCamlp4(files) =
-	protected.CAMLP4CMO = $(addprefix $(ROOT)/camlp4/,$(addsuffix .cmo,$(files)))
-	OCAMLPPFLAGS+=-pp 'camlp4o $(CAMLP4CMO)'
-	OCAMLDEPFLAGS+=-pp 'camlp4o $(CAMLP4CMO)'
-	export
-# ------------------------------
-# findlib
-# ------------------------------
-if $(not $(OCAMLFIND_EXISTS))
-    eprintln('This project requires ocamlfind, but is was not found.')
-    eprintln('You need to install ocamlfind and run "omake --configure".')
-    exit 1
-	oUnit
-	extlib
-	num
-OCAML_WARN_FLAGS=$`(if $(equal $<,,-annot,-w A -warn-error A ) #`
-# ------------------------------
-# library
-# ------------------------------
-FILES[] =
-	pack
-	base
-	hList
-	msgpackCore
-	serialize
-	config
- : ../proof/
-	cp $^ $@
-msgpackCore.mli : ../proof/msgpackCore.mli
-	cp $^ $@
-# ------------------------------
-# test code
-# ------------------------------
-	packTest
-	serializeTest
-TEST_PROGRAM = runner
-# ------------------------------
-# build rule
-# ------------------------------
-PROGRAM = msgpack
-OCAMLC   += -for-pack $(capitalize $(PROGRAM))
-OCAMLOPT += -for-pack $(capitalize $(PROGRAM))
-.DEFAULT: all
-all : $(OCamlPackage $(PROGRAM), $(FILES))
-check : $(OCamlProgram $(TEST_PROGRAM), $(TEST_FILES) $(FILES))
-	mkdir -p doc
-	ocamldoc -d doc -html msgpack.mli
-install: all
-	ocamlfind install msgpack META *.cmo *.cmx *.cmi
-	rm -rf *.cm[iox] *.o *~ *.omc .omakedb .omakedb.lock *.cmxa *.a *.opt *.run *.annot runner msgpackCore.*
diff --git a/ocaml/ocaml/ b/ocaml/ocaml/
deleted file mode 100644
index e1ccdde5..00000000
--- a/ocaml/ocaml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-let (@@) f g = f g
-let (+>) f g = g f
-let ($) f g x = f (g x)
-let (!$) = Lazy.force
-external id : 'a -> 'a = "%identity"
-let uncurry f a b = f (a,b)
-let curry f (a,b) = f a b
-let flip f a b = f b a
-let const a _ = a
-let sure f =
-  function
-      Some x ->
-	Some (f x)
-    | None ->
-	None
-let option f x = try Some (f x) with Not_found -> None
-let maybe  f x = try `Val (f x) with e -> `Error e
-let tee f x = try ignore @@ f x; x with _ -> x
-type ('a,'b) either = Left of 'a | Right of 'b
-let left x = Left x
-let right x = Right x
-let failwithf fmt = Printf.kprintf (fun s () -> failwith s) fmt
-let lookup x xs = (option @@ List.assoc x) xs
-let string_of_list xs =
-  Printf.sprintf "[%s]"
-    @@ String.concat ";" xs
-let rec unfold f init =
-     match f init with
-	 Some (a, b) -> a :: unfold f b
-       | None        -> []
-let rec range a b =
-  if a >= b then
-    []
-  else
-    a::range (a+1) b
-let rec interperse delim =
-  function
-      []  -> []
-    | [x] -> [x]
-    | x::xs -> x::delim::interperse delim xs
-let map_accum_left f init xs =
-  let f (accum,ys) x =
-    let accum',y =
-      f accum x in
-      (accum',y::ys) in
-  let accum,ys =
-    List.fold_left f (init,[]) xs in
-    accum,List.rev ys
-let rec map_accum_right f init =
-  function
-      [] ->
-	init,[]
-    | x::xs ->
-	let (accum,ys) =
-	  map_accum_right f init xs in
-	let (accum,y) =
-	  f accum x in
-	  accum,y::ys
-let rec filter_map f =
-  function
-      x::xs ->
-	begin match f x with
-	    Some y -> y::filter_map f xs
-	  | None   -> filter_map f xs
-	end
-    | [] ->
-	[]
-let rec group_by f =
-  function
-      [] ->
-	[]
-    | x1::x2::xs when f x1 x2 ->
-	begin match group_by f @@ x2::xs with
-	    y::ys ->
-	      (x1::y)::ys
-	  | _ ->
-	      failwith "must not happen"
-	end
-    | x::xs ->
-	[x]::group_by f xs
-let index x xs =
-  let rec loop i = function
-      [] ->
-	raise Not_found
-    | y::ys ->
-	if x = y then
-	  i
-	else
-	  loop (i+1) ys in
-    loop 0 xs
-let string_of_char =
-  String.make 1
-let hex =
-  Printf.sprintf "0x%x"
-let open_out_with path f =
-  let ch =
-    open_out_bin path in
-    maybe f ch
-    +> tee (fun _ -> close_out ch)
-    +> function
-	`Val v ->  v
-      | `Error e -> raise e
-let open_in_with path f =
-  let ch =
-    open_in_bin path in
-    maybe f ch
-    +> tee (fun _ -> close_in ch)
-    +> function
-	`Val v ->  v
-      | `Error e -> raise e
-let forever f () =
-  while true do
-    f ()
-  done
-let undefined =  Obj.magic 42
-let undef     = undefined
-let p fmt = Printf.kprintf (fun s () -> print_endline s; flush stdout) fmt
-let ret x _ =
-  x
diff --git a/ocaml/ocaml/ b/ocaml/ocaml/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a6723a5..00000000
--- a/ocaml/ocaml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-let version = (1,0,0)
diff --git a/ocaml/ocaml/ b/ocaml/ocaml/
deleted file mode 100644
index 732a6f10..00000000
--- a/ocaml/ocaml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-open Base
-let rec last =
-  function
-      [] ->
-	invalid_arg "HList.last"
-    | [x] ->
-	x
-    | _::xs ->
-	last xs
-let init xs =
-  let rec init' ys =
-    function
-	[]  ->
-	  invalid_arg "HList.init"
-      |	[_] ->
-	  List.rev ys
-      | x::xs ->
-	  init' (x::ys) xs in
-    init' [] xs
-let null =
-  function
-      [] ->
-	true
-    | _ ->
-	false
-let fold_left1 f =
-  function
-      [] ->
-	invalid_arg "HList.fold_left1"
-    | x::xs ->
-	List.fold_left f x xs
-let rec fold_right1 f =
-  function
-      []    ->
-	invalid_arg "HList.fold_right1"
-    | [x]   ->
-	x
-    | x::xs ->
-	f x (fold_right1 f xs)
-let conj =
-  List.fold_left (&&) true
-let disj =
-  List.fold_left (||) false
-let sum =
-  List.fold_left (+) 0
-let product =
-  List.fold_left ( * ) 1
-let concat_map f xs =
-  List.fold_right ((@) $ f) xs []
-let maximum xs =
-  fold_left1 max xs
-let minimum xs =
-  fold_left1 min xs
-let rec scanl f y =
-  function
-      [] ->
-	[y]
-    | x::xs ->
-	y::scanl f (f y x) xs
-let scanl1 f =
-  function
-      [] ->
-	[]
-    | x::xs ->
-	scanl f x xs
-let rec scanr f z =
-  function
-      [] ->
-	[z]
-    | x::xs ->
-	match scanr f z xs with
-	    y::_ as yss ->
-	      (f x y) :: yss
-	  | _ ->
-	      failwith "must not happen"
-let scanr1 f =
-  function
-    [] ->
-      []
-  | x::xs ->
-      scanr f x xs
-let replicate n x =
-  let rec loop i ys =
-    if i = 0 then
-      ys
-    else
-      loop (i-1) (x::ys) in
-    loop n []
-let rec take n =
-  function
-      [] ->
-	[]
-    | x::xs ->
-	if n <= 0 then
-	  []
-	else
-	  x :: take (n - 1) xs
-let rec drop n =
-  function
-      [] ->
-	[]
-    | xs when n <= 0 ->
-	xs
-    | _::xs ->
-      drop (n-1) xs
-let rec splitAt n xs =
-  match n,xs with
-      0,_  | _,[] ->
-	[],xs
-    | _,y::ys ->
-	let p,q =
-	  splitAt (n-1) ys in
-	  y::p,q
-let rec takeWhile f =
-  function
-      x::xs when f x ->
-	x :: takeWhile f xs
-    | _ ->
-	[]
-let rec dropWhile f =
-  function
-      x::xs when f x ->
-	dropWhile f xs
-    | xs ->
-	xs
-let rec span f =
-  function
-      x::xs when f x ->
-	let ys,zs =
-	  span f xs in
-	  x::ys,zs
-    | xs ->
-	[],xs
-let break f =
-  span (not $ f)
-let rec zip_with f xs ys =
-  match xs,ys with
-      [],_ | _,[] ->
-	[]
-    | x::xs',y::ys' ->
-	(f x y)::zip_with f xs' ys'
-let rec zip_with3 f xs ys zs =
-  match xs,ys,zs with
-      [],_,_ | _,[],_ | _,_,[] ->
-	[]
-    | x::xs',y::ys',z::zs' ->
-	(f x y z)::zip_with3 f xs' ys' zs'
-let zip xs ys =
-  zip_with (fun x y -> (x,y)) xs ys
-let zip3 xs ys zs =
-  zip_with3 (fun x y z -> (x,y,z)) xs ys zs
-let unzip xs =
-  List.fold_right (fun (x,y) (xs,ys) -> (x::xs,y::ys)) xs ([],[])
-let unzip3 xs =
-  List.fold_right (fun (x,y,z) (xs,ys,zs) -> (x::xs,y::ys,z::zs)) xs ([],[],[])
-let lookup x xs =
-  try
-    Some (List.assoc x xs)
-  with Not_found ->
-    None
diff --git a/ocaml/ocaml/ b/ocaml/ocaml/
deleted file mode 100644
index f7c81958..00000000
--- a/ocaml/ocaml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-let _ =
-  print_endline "hello"
diff --git a/ocaml/ocaml/msgpack.mli b/ocaml/ocaml/msgpack.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index cd227da5..00000000
--- a/ocaml/ocaml/msgpack.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-(** MessagePack for OCaml *)
-(** Conversion MessagePack object between OCaml and Coq. *)
-module Pack : sig
-  (** exception when MesagePack object is invalid form *)
-  exception Not_conversion of string
-(** MessagePack Serializer *)
-module Serialize : sig
-  (** MesagePack object. See also {{:}MessagePack specification}. *)
-  type t =
-      [ `Bool of bool
-      | `Nil
-      | `PFixnum of int
-      | `NFixnum of int
-      | `Uint8 of int
-      | `Uint16 of int
-      | `Uint32 of int64
-      | `Uint64 of Big_int.big_int
-      | `Int8 of int
-      | `Int16 of int
-      | `Int32 of int32
-      | `Int64 of int64
-      | `Float of float
-      | `Double of float
-      | `FixRaw of char list
-      | `Raw16 of char list
-      | `Raw32 of char list
-      | `FixArray of t list
-      | `Array16 of t list
-      | `Array32 of t list
-      | `FixMap of (t * t) list
-      | `Map16 of (t * t) list
-      | `Map32 of (t * t) list ]
-  (**  [MessagePack.Serialize.deserialize_string str] deserialize MessagePack string [str] to MessagePack object. *)
-  val deserialize_string : string -> t
-  (**  [MessagePack.Serialize.serialize_string obj] serialize MessagePack object [obj] to MessagePack string. *)
-  val serialize_string   : t -> string
-module Config : sig
-  val version : int * int * int
diff --git a/ocaml/ocaml/ b/ocaml/ocaml/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f9303b7..00000000
--- a/ocaml/ocaml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2581 +0,0 @@
-let __ = let rec f _ = Obj.repr f in Obj.repr f
-(** val fst : ('a1 * 'a2) -> 'a1 **)
-let fst = function
-  | (x, y) -> x
-(** val snd : ('a1 * 'a2) -> 'a2 **)
-let snd = function
-  | (x, y) -> y
-(** val length : 'a1 list -> int **)
-let rec length = function
-  | [] -> 0
-  | y::l' -> succ (length l')
-(** val app : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list **)
-let rec app l m =
-  match l with
-    | [] -> m
-    | a::l1 -> a::(app l1 m)
-(** val plus : int -> int -> int **)
-let rec plus = (+)
-(** val mult : int -> int -> int **)
-let rec mult = ( * )
-type positive =
-  | XI of positive
-  | XO of positive
-  | XH
-(** val psucc : positive -> positive **)
-let rec psucc = function
-  | XI p -> XO (psucc p)
-  | XO p -> XI p
-  | XH -> XO XH
-(** val pplus : positive -> positive -> positive **)
-let rec pplus x y =
-  match x with
-    | XI p ->
-        (match y with
-           | XI q -> XO (pplus_carry p q)
-           | XO q -> XI (pplus p q)
-           | XH -> XO (psucc p))
-    | XO p ->
-        (match y with
-           | XI q -> XI (pplus p q)
-           | XO q -> XO (pplus p q)
-           | XH -> XI p)
-    | XH ->
-        (match y with
-           | XI q -> XO (psucc q)
-           | XO q -> XI q
-           | XH -> XO XH)
-(** val pplus_carry : positive -> positive -> positive **)
-and pplus_carry x y =
-  match x with
-    | XI p ->
-        (match y with
-           | XI q -> XI (pplus_carry p q)
-           | XO q -> XO (pplus_carry p q)
-           | XH -> XI (psucc p))
-    | XO p ->
-        (match y with
-           | XI q -> XO (pplus_carry p q)
-           | XO q -> XI (pplus p q)
-           | XH -> XO (psucc p))
-    | XH ->
-        (match y with
-           | XI q -> XI (psucc q)
-           | XO q -> XO (psucc q)
-           | XH -> XI XH)
-(** val pmult_nat : positive -> int -> int **)
-let rec pmult_nat x pow2 =
-  match x with
-    | XI p -> plus pow2 (pmult_nat p (plus pow2 pow2))
-    | XO p -> pmult_nat p (plus pow2 pow2)
-    | XH -> pow2
-(** val nat_of_P : positive -> int **)
-let nat_of_P x =
-  pmult_nat x (succ 0)
-(** val p_of_succ_nat : int -> positive **)
-let rec p_of_succ_nat n0 =
-  (fun fO fS n -> if n=0 then fO () else fS (n-1))
-    (fun _ -> XH)
-    (fun x -> psucc (p_of_succ_nat x))
-    n0
-(** val pmult : positive -> positive -> positive **)
-let rec pmult x y =
-  match x with
-    | XI p -> pplus y (XO (pmult p y))
-    | XO p -> XO (pmult p y)
-    | XH -> y
-type n =
-  | N0
-  | Npos of positive
-(** val nplus : n -> n -> n **)
-let nplus n0 m =
-  match n0 with
-    | N0 -> m
-    | Npos p -> (match m with
-                   | N0 -> n0
-                   | Npos q -> Npos (pplus p q))
-(** val nmult : n -> n -> n **)
-let nmult n0 m =
-  match n0 with
-    | N0 -> N0
-    | Npos p -> (match m with
-                   | N0 -> N0
-                   | Npos q -> Npos (pmult p q))
-(** val nat_of_N : n -> int **)
-let nat_of_N = function
-  | N0 -> 0
-  | Npos p -> nat_of_P p
-(** val n_of_nat : int -> n **)
-let n_of_nat n0 =
-  (fun fO fS n -> if n=0 then fO () else fS (n-1))
-    (fun _ -> N0)
-    (fun n' -> Npos (p_of_succ_nat n'))
-    n0
-(** val flat_map : ('a1 -> 'a2 list) -> 'a1 list -> 'a2 list **)
-let rec flat_map f = function
-  | [] -> []
-  | x::t -> app (f x) (flat_map f t)
-(** val eucl_dev : int -> int -> (int * int) **)
-let eucl_dev = fun n m -> (m/n, m mod n)
-type ascii =
-  | Ascii of bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool
-(** val zero : ascii **)
-let zero =
-  Ascii (false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false)
-(** val one : ascii **)
-let one =
-  Ascii (true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false)
-(** val shift : bool -> ascii -> ascii **)
-let shift c = function
-  | Ascii (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) -> Ascii (c, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5,
-      a6, a7)
-(** val ascii_of_pos : positive -> ascii **)
-let ascii_of_pos =
-  let rec loop n0 p =
-    (fun fO fS n -> if n=0 then fO () else fS (n-1))
-      (fun _ -> zero)
-      (fun n' ->
-      match p with
-        | XI p' -> shift true (loop n' p')
-        | XO p' -> shift false (loop n' p')
-        | XH -> one)
-      n0
-  in loop (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ 0))))))))
-(** val ascii_of_N : n -> ascii **)
-let ascii_of_N = function
-  | N0 -> zero
-  | Npos p -> ascii_of_pos p
-(** val ascii_of_nat : int -> ascii **)
-let ascii_of_nat a =
-  ascii_of_N (n_of_nat a)
-(** val n_of_digits : bool list -> n **)
-let rec n_of_digits = function
-  | [] -> N0
-  | b::l' ->
-      nplus (if b then Npos XH else N0)
-        (nmult (Npos (XO XH)) (n_of_digits l'))
-(** val n_of_ascii : ascii -> n **)
-let n_of_ascii = function
-  | Ascii (a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) ->
-      n_of_digits (a0::(a1::(a2::(a3::(a4::(a5::(a6::(a7::[]))))))))
-(** val nat_of_ascii : ascii -> int **)
-let nat_of_ascii a =
-  nat_of_N (n_of_ascii a)
-(** val take : int -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list **)
-let rec take n0 xs =
-  (fun fO fS n -> if n=0 then fO () else fS (n-1))
-    (fun _ -> [])
-    (fun m -> match xs with
-                | [] -> []
-                | x::xs0 -> x::(take m xs0))
-    n0
-(** val drop : int -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list **)
-let rec drop n0 xs =
-  (fun fO fS n -> if n=0 then fO () else fS (n-1))
-    (fun _ -> xs)
-    (fun m -> match xs with
-                | [] -> []
-                | x::xs0 -> drop m xs0)
-    n0
-(** val split_at : int -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list * 'a1 list **)
-let split_at n0 xs =
-  ((take n0 xs), (drop n0 xs))
-(** val pair : 'a1 list -> ('a1 * 'a1) list **)
-let rec pair = function
-  | [] -> []
-  | k::l -> (match l with
-               | [] -> []
-               | v::ys -> (k, v)::(pair ys))
-(** val pow : int -> int **)
-let rec pow n0 =
-  (fun fO fS n -> if n=0 then fO () else fS (n-1))
-    (fun _ -> succ 0)
-    (fun n' -> mult (succ (succ 0)) (pow n'))
-    n0
-(** val divmod : int -> int -> (int * int) **)
-let divmod n0 m =
-  eucl_dev m n0
-type ascii8 = ascii
-type ascii16 = ascii8 * ascii8
-type ascii32 = ascii16 * ascii16
-type ascii64 = ascii32 * ascii32
-(** val nat_of_ascii8 : ascii -> int **)
-let nat_of_ascii8 =
-  nat_of_ascii
-(** val ascii8_of_nat : int -> ascii **)
-let ascii8_of_nat =
-  ascii_of_nat
-(** val ascii16_of_nat : int -> ascii * ascii **)
-let ascii16_of_nat a =
-  let (q, r) =
-    divmod a (pow (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ 0)))))))))
-  in
-  ((ascii8_of_nat q), (ascii8_of_nat r))
-(** val nat_of_ascii16 : ascii16 -> int **)
-let nat_of_ascii16 = function
-  | (a1, a2) ->
-      plus
-        (mult (nat_of_ascii8 a1)
-          (pow (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ 0))))))))))
-        (nat_of_ascii8 a2)
-(** val ascii32_of_nat : int -> (ascii * ascii) * (ascii * ascii) **)
-let ascii32_of_nat a =
-  let (q, r) =
-    divmod a
-      (pow (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ
-        (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ 0)))))))))))))))))
-  in
-  ((ascii16_of_nat q), (ascii16_of_nat r))
-(** val nat_of_ascii32 : ascii32 -> int **)
-let nat_of_ascii32 = function
-  | (a1, a2) ->
-      plus
-        (mult (nat_of_ascii16 a1)
-          (pow (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ
-            (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ 0))))))))))))))))))
-        (nat_of_ascii16 a2)
-(** val list_of_ascii8 : ascii8 -> ascii8 list **)
-let list_of_ascii8 x =
-  x::[]
-(** val list_of_ascii16 : ascii16 -> ascii8 list **)
-let list_of_ascii16 = function
-  | (x1, x2) -> app (list_of_ascii8 x1) (list_of_ascii8 x2)
-(** val list_of_ascii32 : ascii32 -> ascii8 list **)
-let list_of_ascii32 = function
-  | (x1, x2) -> app (list_of_ascii16 x1) (list_of_ascii16 x2)
-(** val list_of_ascii64 : ascii64 -> ascii8 list **)
-let list_of_ascii64 = function
-  | (x1, x2) -> app (list_of_ascii32 x1) (list_of_ascii32 x2)
-type object0 =
-  | Bool of bool
-  | Nil
-  | PFixnum of ascii8
-  | NFixnum of ascii8
-  | Uint8 of ascii8
-  | Uint16 of ascii16
-  | Uint32 of ascii32
-  | Uint64 of ascii64
-  | Int8 of ascii8
-  | Int16 of ascii16
-  | Int32 of ascii32
-  | Int64 of ascii64
-  | Float of ascii32
-  | Double of ascii64
-  | FixRaw of ascii8 list
-  | Raw16 of ascii8 list
-  | Raw32 of ascii8 list
-  | FixArray of object0 list
-  | Array16 of object0 list
-  | Array32 of object0 list
-  | FixMap of (object0 * object0) list
-  | Map16 of (object0 * object0) list
-  | Map32 of (object0 * object0) list
-(** val atat : ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 **)
-let atat f x =
-  f x
-(** val serialize : object0 -> ascii8 list **)
-let rec serialize = function
-  | Bool b ->
-      if b
-      then (Ascii (true, true, false, false, false, false, true, true))::[]
-      else (Ascii (false, true, false, false, false, false, true, true))::[]
-  | Nil -> (Ascii (false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true))::[]
-  | PFixnum a ->
-      let Ascii (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b) = a in
-      (Ascii (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, false))::[]
-  | NFixnum a ->
-      let Ascii (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b, b0, b6) = a in
-      (Ascii (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, true, true, true))::[]
-  | Uint8 c -> (Ascii (false, false, true, true, false, false, true,
-      true))::(list_of_ascii8 c)
-  | Uint16 c -> (Ascii (true, false, true, true, false, false, true,
-      true))::(list_of_ascii16 c)
-  | Uint32 c -> (Ascii (false, true, true, true, false, false, true,
-      true))::(list_of_ascii32 c)
-  | Uint64 c -> (Ascii (true, true, true, true, false, false, true,
-      true))::(list_of_ascii64 c)
-  | Int8 c -> (Ascii (false, false, false, false, true, false, true,
-      true))::(list_of_ascii8 c)
-  | Int16 c -> (Ascii (true, false, false, false, true, false, true,
-      true))::(list_of_ascii16 c)
-  | Int32 c -> (Ascii (false, true, false, false, true, false, true,
-      true))::(list_of_ascii32 c)
-  | Int64 c -> (Ascii (true, true, false, false, true, false, true,
-      true))::(list_of_ascii64 c)
-  | Float c -> (Ascii (false, true, false, true, false, false, true,
-      true))::(list_of_ascii32 c)
-  | Double c -> (Ascii (true, true, false, true, false, false, true,
-      true))::(list_of_ascii64 c)
-  | FixRaw xs ->
-      let Ascii (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b, b0, b6) =
-        atat ascii8_of_nat (length xs)
-      in
-      (Ascii (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, true, false, true))::xs
-  | Raw16 xs ->
-      let (s1, s2) = atat ascii16_of_nat (length xs) in
-      (Ascii (false, true, false, true, true, false, true,
-      true))::(s1::(s2::xs))
-  | Raw32 xs ->
-      let (p, p0) = atat ascii32_of_nat (length xs) in
-      let (s1, s2) = p in
-      let (s3, s4) = p0 in
-      (Ascii (true, true, false, true, true, false, true,
-      true))::(s1::(s2::(s3::(s4::xs))))
-  | FixArray xs ->
-      let ys = flat_map serialize xs in
-      let Ascii (b1, b2, b3, b4, b, b0, b5, b6) =
-        atat ascii8_of_nat (length xs)
-      in
-      (Ascii (b1, b2, b3, b4, true, false, false, true))::ys
-  | Array16 xs ->
-      let ys = flat_map serialize xs in
-      let (s1, s2) = ascii16_of_nat (length xs) in
-      (Ascii (false, false, true, true, true, false, true,
-      true))::(s1::(s2::ys))
-  | Array32 xs ->
-      let ys = flat_map serialize xs in
-      let (p, p0) = atat ascii32_of_nat (length xs) in
-      let (s1, s2) = p in
-      let (s3, s4) = p0 in
-      (Ascii (true, false, true, true, true, false, true,
-      true))::(s1::(s2::(s3::(s4::ys))))
-  | FixMap xs ->
-      let ys =
-        flat_map (fun p -> app (serialize (fst p)) (serialize (snd p))) xs
-      in
-      let Ascii (b1, b2, b3, b4, b, b0, b5, b6) =
-        atat ascii8_of_nat (length xs)
-      in
-      (Ascii (b1, b2, b3, b4, false, false, false, true))::ys
-  | Map16 xs ->
-      let ys =
-        flat_map (fun p -> app (serialize (fst p)) (serialize (snd p))) xs
-      in
-      let (s1, s2) = ascii16_of_nat (length xs) in
-      (Ascii (false, true, true, true, true, false, true,
-      true))::(s1::(s2::ys))
-  | Map32 xs ->
-      let ys =
-        flat_map (fun p -> app (serialize (fst p)) (serialize (snd p))) xs
-      in
-      let (p, p0) = atat ascii32_of_nat (length xs) in
-      let (s1, s2) = p in
-      let (s3, s4) = p0 in
-      (Ascii (true, true, true, true, true, false, true,
-      true))::(s1::(s2::(s3::(s4::ys))))
-(** val compact : object0 list -> ascii8 list **)
-let compact xs =
-  flat_map (fun x -> match x with
-                       | FixRaw xs0 -> xs0
-                       | _ -> []) xs
-(** val deserialize : int -> ascii8 list -> object0 list **)
-let rec deserialize n0 xs =
-  (fun fO fS n -> if n=0 then fO () else fS (n-1))
-    (fun _ ->
-    match xs with
-      | [] -> []
-      | a::ys ->
-          let Ascii (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b) = a in
-          if b1
-          then if b2
-               then if b3
-                    then if b4
-                         then if b5
-                              then if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (match ys with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s1::l ->
-                                                  (match l with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s2::l0 ->
-                                                  (match l0 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s3::l1 ->
-                                                  (match l1 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s4::ys0 ->
-                                                  let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii32 ((s1, s2),
-                                                  (s3, s4))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys0)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (Map32 (pair zs))::ws))))
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixArray zs)::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                              else if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (match ys with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c1::l ->
-                                                  (match l with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c2::l0 ->
-                                                  (match l0 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c3::l1 ->
-                                                  (match l1 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c4::l2 ->
-                                                  (match l2 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c5::l3 ->
-                                                  (match l3 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c6::l4 ->
-                                                  (match l4 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c7::l5 ->
-                                                  (match l5 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c8::ys0 -> (Uint64 (((c1,
-                                                  c2), (c3, c4)), ((c5, c6),
-                                                  (c7,
-                                                  c8))))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys0)))))))))
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixMap (pair zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                         else if b5
-                              then if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then []
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixArray zs)::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                              else if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then []
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixMap (pair zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                    else if b4
-                         then if b5
-                              then if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (match ys with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s1::l ->
-                                                  (match l with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s2::l0 ->
-                                                  (match l0 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s3::l1 ->
-                                                  (match l1 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s4::ys0 ->
-                                                  let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii32 ((s1, s2),
-                                                  (s3, s4))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys0)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (Raw32 (compact zs))::ws))))
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixArray zs)::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                              else if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (match ys with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c1::l ->
-                                                  (match l with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c2::l0 ->
-                                                  (match l0 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c3::l1 ->
-                                                  (match l1 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c4::l2 ->
-                                                  (match l2 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c5::l3 ->
-                                                  (match l3 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c6::l4 ->
-                                                  (match l4 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c7::l5 ->
-                                                  (match l5 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c8::ys0 -> (Double (((c1,
-                                                  c2), (c3, c4)), ((c5, c6),
-                                                  (c7,
-                                                  c8))))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys0)))))))))
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixMap (pair zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                         else if b5
-                              then if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (match ys with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c1::l ->
-                                                  (match l with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c2::l0 ->
-                                                  (match l0 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c3::l1 ->
-                                                  (match l1 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c4::l2 ->
-                                                  (match l2 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c5::l3 ->
-                                                  (match l3 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c6::l4 ->
-                                                  (match l4 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c7::l5 ->
-                                                  (match l5 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c8::ys0 -> (Int64 (((c1,
-                                                  c2), (c3, c4)), ((c5, c6),
-                                                  (c7,
-                                                  c8))))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys0)))))))))
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixArray zs)::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                              else if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (Bool
-                                                  true)::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixMap (pair zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-               else if b3
-                    then if b4
-                         then if b5
-                              then if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (match ys with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s1::l ->
-                                                  (match l with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s2::l0 ->
-                                                  (match l0 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s3::l1 ->
-                                                  (match l1 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s4::ys0 ->
-                                                  let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii32 ((s1, s2),
-                                                  (s3, s4))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys0)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (Array32 zs)::ws))))
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixArray zs)::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                              else if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (match ys with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c1::l ->
-                                                  (match l with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c2::ys0 -> (Uint16 (c1,
-                                                  c2))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys0)))
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixMap (pair zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                         else if b5
-                              then if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then []
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixArray zs)::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                              else if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then []
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixMap (pair zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                    else if b4
-                         then if b5
-                              then if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then []
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixArray zs)::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                              else if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then []
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixMap (pair zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                         else if b5
-                              then if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (match ys with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c1::l ->
-                                                  (match l with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c2::ys0 -> (Int16 (c1,
-                                                  c2))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys0)))
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixArray zs)::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                              else if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then []
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixMap (pair zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-          else if b2
-               then if b3
-                    then if b4
-                         then if b5
-                              then if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (match ys with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s1::l ->
-                                                  (match l with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s2::ys0 ->
-                                                  let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii16 (s1, s2)
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys0)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (Map16 (pair zs))::ws))
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixArray zs)::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                              else if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (match ys with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c1::l ->
-                                                  (match l with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c2::l0 ->
-                                                  (match l0 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c3::l1 ->
-                                                  (match l1 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c4::ys0 -> (Uint32 ((c1,
-                                                  c2), (c3,
-                                                  c4)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys0)))))
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixMap (pair zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                         else if b5
-                              then if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then []
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixArray zs)::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                              else if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then []
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixMap (pair zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                    else if b4
-                         then if b5
-                              then if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (match ys with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s1::l ->
-                                                  (match l with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s2::ys0 ->
-                                                  let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii16 (s1, s2)
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys0)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (Raw16 (compact zs))::ws))
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixArray zs)::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                              else if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (match ys with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c1::l ->
-                                                  (match l with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c2::l0 ->
-                                                  (match l0 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c3::l1 ->
-                                                  (match l1 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c4::ys0 -> (Float ((c1,
-                                                  c2), (c3,
-                                                  c4)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys0)))))
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixMap (pair zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                         else if b5
-                              then if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (match ys with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c1::l ->
-                                                  (match l with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c2::l0 ->
-                                                  (match l0 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c3::l1 ->
-                                                  (match l1 with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c4::ys0 -> (Int32 ((c1,
-                                                  c2), (c3,
-                                                  c4)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys0)))))
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixArray zs)::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                              else if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (Bool
-                                                  false)::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixMap (pair zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-               else if b3
-                    then if b4
-                         then if b5
-                              then if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (match ys with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s1::l ->
-                                                  (match l with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  s2::ys0 ->
-                                                  let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii16 (s1, s2)
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys0)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (Array16 zs)::ws))
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixArray zs)::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                              else if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (match ys with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c1::ys0 -> (Uint8
-                                                  c1)::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys0))
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixMap (pair zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                         else if b5
-                              then if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then []
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixArray zs)::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                              else if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then []
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixMap (pair zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                    else if b4
-                         then if b5
-                              then if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then []
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixArray zs)::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                              else if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then []
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixMap (pair zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                         else if b5
-                              then if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (match ys with
-                                                    | 
-                                                  [] -> []
-                                                    | 
-                                                  c1::ys0 -> (Int8
-                                                  c1)::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys0))
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixArray zs)::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                              else if b6
-                                   then if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then (NFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, true, true,
-                                                  true)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, b5, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat 
-                                                  (split_at n1)
-                                                  (deserialize n1 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixRaw (compact zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                   else if b7
-                                        then if b
-                                             then Nil::(deserialize 0 ys)
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                        else if b
-                                             then let n1 =
-                                                  nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii (b1,
-                                                  b2, b3, b4, false, false,
-                                                  false, false))
-                                                  in
-                                                  let (
-                                                  zs, ws) =
-                                                  atat
-                                                  (split_at
-                                                  (mult (succ (succ 0)) n1))
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys)
-                                                  in
-                                                  (FixMap (pair zs))::ws
-                                             else (PFixnum (Ascii (b1, b2,
-                                                  b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
-                                                  false)))::
-                                                  (deserialize 0 ys))
-    (fun m ->
-    match xs with
-      | [] -> []
-      | y::ys -> (FixRaw (y::[]))::(deserialize m ys))
-    n0
diff --git a/ocaml/ocaml/msgpackCore.mli b/ocaml/ocaml/msgpackCore.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 914b4d64..00000000
--- a/ocaml/ocaml/msgpackCore.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-val fst : ('a1 * 'a2) -> 'a1
-val snd : ('a1 * 'a2) -> 'a2
-val length : 'a1 list -> int
-val app : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list
-val plus : int -> int -> int
-val mult : int -> int -> int
-type positive =
-  | XI of positive
-  | XO of positive
-  | XH
-val psucc : positive -> positive
-val pplus : positive -> positive -> positive
-val pplus_carry : positive -> positive -> positive
-val pmult_nat : positive -> int -> int
-val nat_of_P : positive -> int
-val p_of_succ_nat : int -> positive
-val pmult : positive -> positive -> positive
-type n =
-  | N0
-  | Npos of positive
-val nplus : n -> n -> n
-val nmult : n -> n -> n
-val nat_of_N : n -> int
-val n_of_nat : int -> n
-val flat_map : ('a1 -> 'a2 list) -> 'a1 list -> 'a2 list
-val eucl_dev : int -> int -> (int * int)
-type ascii =
-  | Ascii of bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool
-val zero : ascii
-val one : ascii
-val shift : bool -> ascii -> ascii
-val ascii_of_pos : positive -> ascii
-val ascii_of_N : n -> ascii
-val ascii_of_nat : int -> ascii
-val n_of_digits : bool list -> n
-val n_of_ascii : ascii -> n
-val nat_of_ascii : ascii -> int
-val take : int -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list
-val drop : int -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list
-val split_at : int -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list * 'a1 list
-val pair : 'a1 list -> ('a1 * 'a1) list
-val pow : int -> int
-val divmod : int -> int -> (int * int)
-type ascii8 = ascii
-type ascii16 = ascii8 * ascii8
-type ascii32 = ascii16 * ascii16
-type ascii64 = ascii32 * ascii32
-val nat_of_ascii8 : ascii -> int
-val ascii8_of_nat : int -> ascii
-val ascii16_of_nat : int -> ascii * ascii
-val nat_of_ascii16 : ascii16 -> int
-val ascii32_of_nat : int -> (ascii * ascii) * (ascii * ascii)
-val nat_of_ascii32 : ascii32 -> int
-val list_of_ascii8 : ascii8 -> ascii8 list
-val list_of_ascii16 : ascii16 -> ascii8 list
-val list_of_ascii32 : ascii32 -> ascii8 list
-val list_of_ascii64 : ascii64 -> ascii8 list
-type object0 =
-  | Bool of bool
-  | Nil
-  | PFixnum of ascii8
-  | NFixnum of ascii8
-  | Uint8 of ascii8
-  | Uint16 of ascii16
-  | Uint32 of ascii32
-  | Uint64 of ascii64
-  | Int8 of ascii8
-  | Int16 of ascii16
-  | Int32 of ascii32
-  | Int64 of ascii64
-  | Float of ascii32
-  | Double of ascii64
-  | FixRaw of ascii8 list
-  | Raw16 of ascii8 list
-  | Raw32 of ascii8 list
-  | FixArray of object0 list
-  | Array16 of object0 list
-  | Array32 of object0 list
-  | FixMap of (object0 * object0) list
-  | Map16 of (object0 * object0) list
-  | Map32 of (object0 * object0) list
-val atat : ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 -> 'a2
-val serialize : object0 -> ascii8 list
-val compact : object0 list -> ascii8 list
-val deserialize : int -> ascii8 list -> object0 list
diff --git a/ocaml/ocaml/ b/ocaml/ocaml/
deleted file mode 100644
index e70e96ee..00000000
--- a/ocaml/ocaml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-open Base
-open MsgpackCore
-exception Not_conversion of string
-type t =
-  [ `Bool of bool
-  | `Nil
-  | `PFixnum of int
-  | `NFixnum of int
-  | `Uint8 of int
-  | `Uint16 of int
-  | `Uint32 of int64
-  | `Uint64 of Big_int.big_int
-  | `Int8 of int
-  | `Int16 of int
-  | `Int32 of int32
-  | `Int64 of int64
-  | `Float of float
-  | `Double of float
-  | `FixRaw of char list
-  | `Raw16 of char list
-  | `Raw32 of char list
-  | `FixArray of t list
-  | `Array16 of t list
-  | `Array32 of t list
-  | `FixMap of (t * t) list
-  | `Map16 of (t * t) list
-  | `Map32 of (t * t) list ]
-let ascii8 n =
-  Ascii(n land 0b0000_0001 <> 0,
-	n land 0b0000_0010 <> 0,
-	n land 0b0000_0100 <> 0,
-	n land 0b0000_1000 <> 0,
-	n land 0b0001_0000 <> 0,
-	n land 0b0010_0000 <> 0,
-	n land 0b0100_0000 <> 0,
-	n land 0b1000_0000 <> 0)
-let ascii8_of_char c =
-  c +> Char.code +> ascii8
-let ascii16 n =
-  (ascii8 (n lsr 8), ascii8 n)
-let ascii32 n =
-  (ascii16 (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right_logical n 16)),
-   ascii16 (Int64.to_int (Int64.logand n 0xFFFFL)))
-let ascii64 n =
-  let open Big_int in
-  let x =
-    shift_right_big_int n 32
-    +> int64_of_big_int
-    +> ascii32 in
-  let y =
-    and_big_int n (big_int_of_int64 0xFFFF_FFFFL)
-    +> int64_of_big_int
-    +> ascii32 in
-    (x, y)
-let ascii32_of_int32 n =
-  (ascii16 (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right_logical n 16)),
-   ascii16 (Int32.to_int n))
-let ascii64_of_int64 n =
-  (ascii32 (Int64.shift_right_logical n 32),
-   ascii32 n)
-let not_conversion msg =
-  raise @@ Not_conversion msg
-let rec pack = function
-    `Nil ->
-      Nil
-  | `Bool b ->
-      Bool b
-  | `PFixnum n ->
-      if 0 <= n && n < 128 then
-	PFixnum (ascii8 n)
-      else
-	not_conversion "pfixnum"
-  | `NFixnum n ->
-      if -32 <= n && n < 0 then
-	NFixnum (ascii8 n)
-      else
-	not_conversion "nfixnum"
-  | `Uint8 n ->
-      if 0 <= n && n <= 0xFF then
-	Uint8 (ascii8 n)
-      else
-	not_conversion "uint8"
-  | `Uint16 n ->
-      if 0 <= n && n <= 0xFF_FF then
-	Uint16 (ascii16 n)
-      else
-	not_conversion "uint16"
-  | `Uint32 n ->
-      if 0L <= n && n <= 0xFFFF_FFFFL then
-	Uint32 (ascii32 n)
-      else
-	not_conversion "uint32"
-  | `Uint64 n ->
-      let open Big_int in
-      let (<=%) = le_big_int in
-      let (<<)  = shift_left_big_int in
-      if zero_big_int <=% n && n <=%  (unit_big_int << 64) then
-	Uint64 (ascii64 n)
-      else
-	not_conversion "uint64"
-  | `Int8 n ->
-      if -127 <= n && n <= 128 then
-	Int8 (ascii8 n)
-      else
-	not_conversion "int8"
-  | `Int16 n ->
-      if -32767 <= n && n <= 32768 then
-	Int16 (ascii16 n)
-      else
-	not_conversion "int16"
-  | `Int32 n ->
-      Int32 (ascii16 (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right_logical n 16)),
-	     ascii16 (Int32.to_int n))
-  | `Int64 n ->
-      Int64 (ascii64_of_int64 n)
-  | `Float n ->
-      Float (ascii32_of_int32 @@ Int32.bits_of_float n)
-  | `Double n ->
-      Double (ascii64_of_int64 @@ Int64.bits_of_float n)
-  | `FixRaw cs ->
-      FixRaw ( ascii8_of_char cs)
-  | `Raw16 cs ->
-      Raw16 ( ascii8_of_char cs)
-  | `Raw32 cs ->
-      Raw32 ( ascii8_of_char cs)
-  | `FixArray xs ->
-      FixArray ( pack xs)
-  | `Array16 xs ->
-      Array16 ( pack xs)
-  | `Array32 xs ->
-      Array32 ( pack xs)
-  | `FixMap xs ->
-      FixMap ( (fun (x,y) -> (pack x, pack y)) xs)
-  | `Map16 xs ->
-      Map16 ( (fun (x,y) -> (pack x, pack y)) xs)
-  | `Map32 xs ->
-      Map32 ( (fun (x,y) -> (pack x, pack y)) xs)
-let of_ascii8 (Ascii(b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)) =
-  List.fold_left (fun x y -> 2 * x + (if y then 1 else 0)) 0 [ b8; b7; b6; b5; b4; b3; b2; b1 ]
-let char_of_ascii8 c =
-  c +> of_ascii8 +> Char.chr
-let of_ascii16 (c1, c2) =
-  of_ascii8 c1 lsl 8 + of_ascii8 c2
-let of_ascii32 (c1,c2) =
-  let (+%) = Int64.add in
-  let (<<) = Int64.shift_left in
-    ((Int64.of_int (of_ascii16 c1)) << 16) +% Int64.of_int (of_ascii16 c2)
-let int32_of_ascii32 (c1,c2) =
-  let (+%) = Int32.add in
-  let (<<) = Int32.shift_left in
-    ((Int32.of_int @@ of_ascii16 c1) << 16) +% (Int32.of_int @@ of_ascii16 c2)
-let int64_of_ascii64 (c1,c2) =
-  let (+%) = Int64.add in
-  let (<<) = Int64.shift_left in
-    (of_ascii32 c1 << 32) +% (of_ascii32 c2)
-let of_ascii64 (c1, c2) =
-  let open Big_int in
-  let (+%) = add_big_int in
-  let (<<) = shift_left_big_int in
-    ((big_int_of_int64 @@ of_ascii32 c1) << 32) +% (big_int_of_int64 @@ of_ascii32 c2)
-let int width n =
-  (n lsl (Sys.word_size-width-1)) asr (Sys.word_size-width-1);;
-let rec unpack  = function
-  | Nil -> `Nil
-  | Bool b -> `Bool b
-  | PFixnum c -> `PFixnum (of_ascii8 c)
-  | NFixnum c -> `NFixnum (int 8 @@ of_ascii8 c)
-  | Uint8  c -> `Uint8  (of_ascii8 c)
-  | Uint16 c -> `Uint16 (of_ascii16 c)
-  | Uint32 c -> `Uint32 (of_ascii32 c)
-  | Uint64 c -> `Uint64 (of_ascii64 c)
-  | Int8   c -> `Int8  (int  8 @@ of_ascii8 c)
-  | Int16  c -> `Int16 (int 16 @@ of_ascii16 c)
-  | Int32  c -> `Int32 (int32_of_ascii32 c)
-  | Int64  c -> `Int64 (int64_of_ascii64 c)
-  | Float  c -> `Float (Int32.float_of_bits (int32_of_ascii32 c))
-  | Double c -> `Double (Int64.float_of_bits (int64_of_ascii64 c))
-  | FixRaw cs -> `FixRaw ( char_of_ascii8 cs)
-  | Raw16  cs -> `Raw16 ( char_of_ascii8 cs)
-  | Raw32  cs -> `Raw32 ( char_of_ascii8 cs)
-  | FixArray xs -> `FixArray ( unpack xs)
-  | Array16 xs -> `Array16 ( unpack xs)
-  | Array32 xs -> `Array32 ( unpack xs)
-  | FixMap  xs -> `FixMap ( (fun (x,y) -> (unpack x, unpack y)) xs)
-  | Map16  xs -> `Map16 ( (fun (x,y) -> (unpack x, unpack y)) xs)
-  | Map32  xs -> `Map32 ( (fun (x,y) -> (unpack x, unpack y)) xs)
diff --git a/ocaml/ocaml/pack.mli b/ocaml/ocaml/pack.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 55c4c36a..00000000
--- a/ocaml/ocaml/pack.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-exception Not_conversion of string
-type t =
-  [ `Bool of bool
-  | `Nil
-  | `PFixnum of int
-  | `NFixnum of int
-  | `Uint8 of int
-  | `Uint16 of int
-  | `Uint32 of int64
-  | `Uint64 of Big_int.big_int
-  | `Int8 of int
-  | `Int16 of int
-  | `Int32 of int32
-  | `Int64 of int64
-  | `Float of float
-  | `Double of float
-  | `FixRaw of char list
-  | `Raw16 of char list
-  | `Raw32 of char list
-  | `FixArray of t list
-  | `Array16 of t list
-  | `Array32 of t list
-  | `FixMap of (t * t) list
-  | `Map16 of (t * t) list
-  | `Map32 of (t * t) list ]
-val pack : t -> MsgpackCore.object0
-val unpack : MsgpackCore.object0 -> t
-val char_of_ascii8 : MsgpackCore.ascii -> char
-val ascii8_of_char : char -> MsgpackCore.ascii
diff --git a/ocaml/ocaml/ b/ocaml/ocaml/
deleted file mode 100644
index a68a711a..00000000
--- a/ocaml/ocaml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-open Base
-open OUnit
-open MsgpackCore
-open Pack
-open Printf
-let c0 =
-  Ascii (false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false)
-let c1 =
-  Ascii (true, false,false,false,false,false,false,false)
-let c255 =
-  Ascii (true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true)
-let valid = [
-  "nil",[
-    Nil, `Nil
-  ], [];
-  "bool",[
-    Bool true , `Bool true;
-    Bool false, `Bool false
-  ], [];
-  "pfixnum",[
-    PFixnum c0,`PFixnum 0;
-    PFixnum c1,`PFixnum 1;
-  ], [
-    `PFixnum 128;
-    `PFixnum (~-1);
-  ];
-  "nfixnum",[
-    NFixnum c255, `NFixnum ~-1;
-    NFixnum (Ascii (false,false,false,false,false,true,true,true)), `NFixnum ~-32
-  ],[
-    `NFixnum 0;
-    `NFixnum (~-33)
-  ];
-  "uint8", [
-    Uint8 c0, `Uint8 0;
-    Uint8 c1, `Uint8 1;
-    Uint8 c255, `Uint8 255
-  ],[
-    `Uint8 ~-1;
-    `Uint8 256
-  ];
-  "uint16", [
-    Uint16 (c0,c0), `Uint16 0;
-    Uint16 (c0,c1), `Uint16 1;
-    Uint16 (c1,c0), `Uint16 256;
-    Uint16 (c255,c255), `Uint16 65535;
-  ],[
-    `Uint16 ~-1;
-    `Uint16 65536
-  ];
-  "uint32", [
-    Uint32 ((c0,c0), (c0,c0)), `Uint32 0L;
-    Uint32 ((c255,c255), (c255,c255)), `Uint32 0xFFFF_FFFFL
-  ],[
-    `Uint32 (-1L);
-    `Uint32 0x1FFFF_FFFFL
-  ];
-  "uint64", [
-    Uint64 (((c0,c0), (c0,c0)),((c0,c0), (c0,c0))), `Uint64 Big_int.zero_big_int;
-    Uint64 (((c0,c0), (c0,c0)),((c0,c0), (c0,c1))), `Uint64 Big_int.unit_big_int;
-    Uint64 (((c255,c255), (c255,c255)),((c255,c255), (c255,c255))), `Uint64 (Big_int.big_int_of_string "18446744073709551615")
-  ],[
-    `Uint64 (Big_int.big_int_of_string "-1");
-    `Uint64 (Big_int.big_int_of_string "18446744073709551617")
-  ];
-  "int8", [
-    Int8 c0, `Int8 0;
-    Int8 c1, `Int8 1;
-    Int8 c255, `Int8 (~-1)
-  ],[
-    `Int8 129
-  ];
-  "int16", [
-    Int16 (c0,c0), `Int16 0;
-    Int16 (c0,c1), `Int16 1;
-    Int16 (c1,c0), `Int16 256;
-    Int16 (c255,c255), `Int16 ~-1;
-  ],[
-    `Int16 65536
-  ];
-  "int32", [
-    Int32 ((c0,c0), (c0,c0)), `Int32 0l;
-    Int32 ((c255,c255), (c255,c255)), `Int32 (-1l)
-  ],[];
-  "int64", [
-    Int64 (((c0,c0), (c0,c0)),((c0,c0), (c0,c0))), `Int64 0L;
-    Int64 (((c0,c0), (c0,c0)),((c0,c0), (c0,c1))), `Int64 1L;
-    Int64 (((c255,c255), (c255,c255)),((c255,c255), (c255,c255))), `Int64 (-1L)
-  ],[];
-  "float", [
-    Float ((c0,c0),(c0,c0)), `Float 0.0;
-    (* 0.5 = 3f_00_00_00 *)
-    Float ((Ascii (true,true,true,true,true,true,false,false),c0),(c0,c0)), `Float 0.5;
-  ], [];
-  "double", [
-    Double (((c0,c0),(c0,c0)),((c0,c0),(c0,c0))), `Double 0.0;
-    (* 0.5 = 3f_e0_00_00_00_00_00_00 *)
-    Double (((Ascii (true,true,true,true,true,true,false,false),
-	     Ascii (false,false,false,false,false,true,true,true)),
-	     (c0,c0)),
-	    ((c0,c0),(c0,c0))), `Double 0.5
-  ],[];
-  "fixraw", [
-    FixRaw [], `FixRaw [];
-    FixRaw [ c0 ], `FixRaw [ '\000'];
-    FixRaw [ c0; c1 ], `FixRaw [ '\000'; '\001'];
-  ],[];
-  "raw16", [
-    Raw16 [], `Raw16 [];
-    Raw16 [ c0 ], `Raw16 [ '\000'];
-    Raw16 [ c0; c1 ], `Raw16 [ '\000'; '\001'];
-  ], [];
-  "raw32", [
-    Raw32 [], `Raw32 [];
-    Raw32 [ c0 ], `Raw32 [ '\000'];
-    Raw32 [ c0; c1 ], `Raw32 [ '\000'; '\001'];
-  ], [];
-  "fixarray", [
-    FixArray [], `FixArray [];
-    FixArray [ PFixnum c0 ], `FixArray [`PFixnum 0 ];
-    FixArray [ FixArray [ PFixnum c0 ] ], `FixArray [`FixArray [ `PFixnum 0] ];
-  ], [];
-  "array16", [
-    Array16 [], `Array16 [];
-    Array16 [ PFixnum c0 ], `Array16 [`PFixnum 0 ];
-    Array16 [ Array16 [ PFixnum c0 ] ], `Array16 [`Array16 [ `PFixnum 0] ];
-  ], [];
-  "array32", [
-    Array32 [], `Array32 [];
-    Array32 [ PFixnum c0 ], `Array32 [`PFixnum 0 ];
-    Array32 [ Array32 [ PFixnum c0 ] ], `Array32 [`Array32 [ `PFixnum 0] ];
-  ], [];
-  "fixmap", [
-    FixMap [], `FixMap [];
-    FixMap [ PFixnum c0, PFixnum c1 ], `FixMap [`PFixnum 0, `PFixnum 1 ];
-  ], [];
-  "map16", [
-    Map16 [], `Map16 [];
-    Map16 [ PFixnum c0, PFixnum c1 ], `Map16 [`PFixnum 0, `PFixnum 1 ];
-  ], [];
-  "map32", [
-    Map32 [], `Map32 [];
-    Map32 [ PFixnum c0, PFixnum c1 ], `Map32 [`PFixnum 0, `PFixnum 1 ];
-  ], [];
-let _ = begin "" >::: [
-  "変換のテスト" >:::
-    valid +> HList.concat_map begin fun (name, ok, ng) ->
-       let xs =
-	 ok +> begin fun (expect, actual) ->
-	   (sprintf "%sが変換できる" name) >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal expect (pack actual));
-	 end in
-       let ys =
-	 ng +> begin fun actual ->
-	   (sprintf "%sのエラーチェック" name) >:: (fun _ -> assert_raises (Not_conversion name) (fun () -> pack actual))
-	 end in
-	 xs @ ys
-    end;
-  "復元のテスト" >:::
-    valid +> HList.concat_map begin fun (name, ok, _) ->
-      ok +> begin fun (actual, expect) ->
-	(sprintf "%sが復元できる" name) >:: begin fun _ ->
-	  match expect, unpack actual with
-	      `Uint64 n1, `Uint64 n2 ->
-		assert_equal ~cmp:Big_int.eq_big_int n1 n2
-	    | x, y ->
-		assert_equal x y
-	end
-      end
-    end;
-] end +> run_test_tt_main
diff --git a/ocaml/ocaml/ b/ocaml/ocaml/
deleted file mode 100644
index e6e30d75..00000000
--- a/ocaml/ocaml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-open Base
-open ExtString
-type t = Pack.t
-let deserialize_string str =
-  str
-  +> String.explode
-  +> Pack.ascii8_of_char
-  +> MsgpackCore.deserialize 0
-  +> List.hd
-  +> Pack.unpack
-let serialize_string obj =
-  obj
-  +> Pack.pack
-  +> MsgpackCore.serialize
-  +> Pack.char_of_ascii8
-  +> String.implode
diff --git a/ocaml/ocaml/serialize.mli b/ocaml/ocaml/serialize.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 69719e55..00000000
--- a/ocaml/ocaml/serialize.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-type t = Pack.t
-val deserialize_string : string -> t
-val serialize_string   : t -> string
diff --git a/ocaml/ocaml/ b/ocaml/ocaml/
deleted file mode 100644
index 32c8bab4..00000000
--- a/ocaml/ocaml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-open Base
-open OUnit
-open Serialize
-let _ = begin "" >::: [
-  "Rubyのライブラリとの互換テスト(deserialize)" >:: begin fun _ ->
-    (* [1,2,3].to_msgpack *)
-    assert_equal (`FixArray [`PFixnum 1; `PFixnum 2; `PFixnum 3]) @@
-      deserialize_string "\147\001\002\003"
-  end;
-  "Rubyのライブラリとの互換テスト(serialize)" >:: begin fun _ ->
-    assert_equal "\147\001\002\003" @@
-      serialize_string @@ `FixArray [`PFixnum 1; `PFixnum 2; `PFixnum 3]
-  end
-] end +> run_test_tt_main
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/.gitignore b/ocaml/proof/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index ffb82899..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/CoqBuildRule b/ocaml/proof/CoqBuildRule
deleted file mode 100644
index 57be1c52..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/CoqBuildRule
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-public.COQC   = coqc
-public.COQC_FLAGS   =
-public.COQLIB = $(shell coqc -where)
-public.COQDEP = coqdep -w -coqlib $`(COQLIB) -I .
-public.CoqProof(files) =
-	vo=$(addsuffix .vo,$(files))
-	value $(vo)
-%.vo %.glob: %.v
-	$(COQC) $(COQC_FLAGS) $<
-.SCANNER: %.vo: %.v
-	$(COQDEP) $<
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/DeserializeImplement.v b/ocaml/proof/DeserializeImplement.v
deleted file mode 100644
index f9e1f728..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/DeserializeImplement.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Ascii List.
-Require Import ListUtil Object MultiByte Util SerializeSpec Pow SerializedList ProofUtil.
-Open Scope char_scope.
-Definition compact (xs : list object) : list ascii8 :=
-  List.flat_map (fun x => match x with
-                            FixRaw xs =>  xs
-                            | _ => []
-                          end)
-  xs.
-Fixpoint deserialize (n : nat) (xs : list ascii8) {struct xs} :=
-  match n with
-    | 0 =>
-      match xs with
-        | "192" :: ys =>
-          Nil::deserialize 0 ys
-        | "194" :: ys =>
-          Bool false :: deserialize 0 ys
-        | "195" :: ys =>
-          Bool true :: deserialize 0 ys
-        | Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 false :: ys =>
-          PFixnum (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 false) :: deserialize 0 ys
-        | (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 true true true) :: ys =>
-          NFixnum (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 true true true) :: deserialize 0 ys
-        | "204" :: c1 :: ys =>
-          Uint8 c1 :: deserialize 0 ys
-        | "205" :: c1 :: c2 :: ys =>
-          Uint16 (c1, c2) :: deserialize 0 ys
-        | "206" :: c1 :: c2 :: c3 :: c4 :: ys =>
-          Uint32 ((c1, c2), (c3, c4)) :: deserialize 0 ys
-        | "207" :: c1 :: c2 :: c3 :: c4 :: c5 :: c6 :: c7 :: c8 :: ys =>
-          Uint64 (((c1, c2), (c3, c4)), ((c5, c6), (c7, c8))) :: deserialize 0 ys
-        | "208" :: c1 :: ys =>
-          Int8 c1 :: deserialize 0 ys
-        | "209" :: c1 :: c2 :: ys =>
-          Int16 (c1, c2) :: deserialize 0 ys
-        | "210" :: c1 :: c2 :: c3 :: c4 :: ys =>
-          Int32 ((c1, c2), (c3, c4)) :: deserialize 0 ys
-        | "211" :: c1 :: c2 :: c3 :: c4 :: c5 :: c6 :: c7 :: c8 :: ys =>
-          Int64 (((c1, c2), (c3, c4)), ((c5, c6), (c7, c8))) :: deserialize 0 ys
-        | "202" :: c1 :: c2 :: c3 :: c4 :: ys =>
-          Float ((c1,c2), (c3, c4)) :: deserialize 0 ys
-        | "203" :: c1 :: c2 :: c3 :: c4 :: c5 :: c6 :: c7 :: c8 :: ys =>
-          Double (((c1, c2), (c3, c4)), ((c5, c6), (c7, c8))) :: deserialize 0 ys
-        | Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 true false true :: ys =>
-          let n :=
-            nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 false false false) in
-          let (zs, ws) :=
-            split_at n @@ deserialize n ys in
-            FixRaw (compact zs) :: ws
-        | "218" :: s1 :: s2 :: ys =>
-          let n :=
-            nat_of_ascii16 (s1,s2) in
-          let (zs, ws) :=
-            split_at n @@ deserialize n ys in
-            Raw16 (compact zs) :: ws
-        | "219" :: s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: s4 :: ys =>
-          let n :=
-            nat_of_ascii32 ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) in
-          let (zs, ws) :=
-            split_at n @@ deserialize n ys in
-            Raw32 (compact zs) :: ws
-        | Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 true false false true :: ys =>
-          let n :=
-            nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false false) in
-          let (zs, ws) :=
-            split_at n @@ deserialize 0 ys in
-            FixArray zs :: ws
-        | "220" :: s1 :: s2 :: ys =>
-          let n :=
-            nat_of_ascii16 (s1,s2) in
-            let (zs, ws) :=
-              split_at n @@ deserialize 0 ys in
-              Array16 zs :: ws
-        | "221" :: s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: s4 :: ys =>
-          let n :=
-            nat_of_ascii32 ((s1, s2), (s3, s4)) in
-            let (zs, ws) :=
-              split_at n @@ deserialize 0 ys in
-              Array32 zs :: ws
-        | Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false true :: ys =>
-          let n :=
-            nat_of_ascii8 (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false false) in
-            let (zs, ws) :=
-              split_at (2 * n) @@ deserialize 0 ys in
-              FixMap (pair zs) :: ws
-        | "222" :: s1 :: s2 :: ys =>
-          let n :=
-            nat_of_ascii16 (s1,s2) in
-            let (zs, ws) :=
-              split_at (2 * n) @@ deserialize 0 ys in
-              Map16 (pair zs) :: ws
-        | "223" :: s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: s4 :: ys =>
-          let n :=
-            nat_of_ascii32 ((s1, s2), (s3, s4)) in
-            let (zs, ws) :=
-              split_at (2 * n) @@ deserialize 0 ys in
-              Map32 (pair zs) :: ws
-        | _ =>
-          []
-      end
-    | S m =>
-      match xs with
-        | y::ys => FixRaw [ y ]::deserialize m ys
-        | _ => []
-      end
-  end.
-Definition DeserializeCorrect os bs :=
-  SerializedList os bs ->
-  deserialize 0 bs = os.
-Lemma correct_bot :
-  DeserializeCorrect [] [].
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect...
-Lemma correct_nil : forall os bs,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  DeserializeCorrect (Nil :: os) ("192"::bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-inversion H0.
-apply H in H3.
-rewrite <- H3...
-Lemma correct_false: forall os bs,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  DeserializeCorrect ((Bool false) :: os) ("194"::bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-inversion H0.
-apply H in H3.
-rewrite <- H3...
-Lemma correct_true: forall os bs,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  DeserializeCorrect ((Bool true) :: os) ("195"::bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-inversion H0.
-apply H in H3.
-rewrite <- H3...
-Lemma correct_pfixnum: forall os bs x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  DeserializeCorrect ((PFixnum (Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 false))::os)
-                     ((Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 false)::bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-inversion H0.
-apply H in H2.
-rewrite <- H2.
-destruct x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7; reflexivity.
-Lemma correct_nfixnum: forall os bs x1 x2 x3 x4 x5,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  DeserializeCorrect
-     ((NFixnum   (Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 true true true))::os)
-     ((Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 true true true)::bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-inversion H0.
-apply H in H2.
-rewrite <- H2.
-destruct x1,x2,x3,x4,x5; reflexivity.
-Lemma correct_uint8 : forall os bs c,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  DeserializeCorrect ((Uint8 c)::os) ("204"::list_of_ascii8 c ++ bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-inversion H0.
-apply H in H2.
-rewrite <- H2...
-Lemma correct_uint16 : forall os bs c,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  DeserializeCorrect ((Uint16 c)::os) ("205"::list_of_ascii16 c ++ bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-destruct c.
-inversion H0.
-apply H in H2.
-rewrite <- H2...
-Lemma correct_uint32 : forall os bs c,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  DeserializeCorrect ((Uint32 c)::os) ("206"::list_of_ascii32 c ++ bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-destruct c.
-destruct a, a0.
-inversion H0.
-apply H in H2.
-rewrite <- H2...
-Lemma correct_uint64 : forall os bs c,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  DeserializeCorrect ((Uint64 c)::os) ("207"::list_of_ascii64 c ++ bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-destruct c.
-destruct a, a0.
-destruct a, a0, a1, a2.
-inversion H0.
-apply H in H2.
-rewrite <- H2...
-Lemma correct_int8 : forall os bs c,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  DeserializeCorrect ((Int8 c)::os) ("208"::list_of_ascii8 c ++ bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-inversion H0.
-apply H in H2.
-rewrite <- H2...
-Lemma correct_int16 : forall os bs c,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  DeserializeCorrect ((Int16 c)::os) ("209"::list_of_ascii16 c ++ bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-destruct c.
-inversion H0.
-apply H in H2.
-rewrite <- H2...
-Lemma correct_int32 : forall os bs c,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  DeserializeCorrect ((Int32 c)::os) ("210"::list_of_ascii32 c ++ bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-destruct c.
-destruct a, a0.
-inversion H0.
-apply H in H2.
-rewrite <- H2...
-Lemma correct_int64 : forall os bs c,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  DeserializeCorrect ((Int64 c)::os) ("211"::list_of_ascii64 c ++ bs).
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-destruct c.
-destruct a, a0.
-destruct a, a0, a1, a2.
-inversion H0.
-apply H in H2.
-rewrite <- H2.
-Lemma correct_float : forall os bs c,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  DeserializeCorrect ((Float c)::os) ("202"::list_of_ascii32 c ++ bs).
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-destruct c.
-destruct a, a0.
-inversion H0.
-apply H in H2.
-rewrite <- H2.
-Lemma correct_double : forall os bs c,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  DeserializeCorrect ((Double c)::os) ("203"::list_of_ascii64 c ++ bs).
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-destruct c.
-destruct a, a0.
-destruct a, a0, a1, a2.
-inversion H0.
-apply H in H2.
-rewrite <- H2.
-Lemma deserialize_take_length: forall xs ys,
-  take (List.length xs) (deserialize (List.length xs) (xs ++ ys)) = (fun x => FixRaw [ x ]) xs.
-Proof with auto.
-induction xs; [ reflexivity | intros ].
-rewrite IHxs...
-Lemma deserialize_drop_length: forall xs ys,
-  drop (List.length xs) (deserialize (List.length xs) (xs ++ ys)) = deserialize 0 ys.
-Proof with auto.
-induction xs; [ reflexivity | intros ].
-rewrite IHxs...
-Lemma compact_eq : forall xs,
-  compact ( (fun x => FixRaw [ x ]) xs) = xs.
-Proof with auto.
-induction xs; [ reflexivity | intros ].
-rewrite IHxs...
-Lemma correct_fixraw: forall os bs cs b1 b2 b3 b4 b5,
- DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
- Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 false false false = ascii8_of_nat (List.length cs) ->
- List.length cs < pow 5 ->
- DeserializeCorrect (FixRaw cs :: os) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 true false true) :: cs ++ bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-inversion H2.
-assert (bs0 = bs); [| rewrite_for bs0 ].
- apply app_same in H11...
-apply H in H13.
-assert (length cs < pow 8).
- transitivity (pow 5); auto.
- apply pow_lt...
-destruct b1,b2,b3,b4,b5;
-  ((replace (deserialize 0 _ ) with
-    (let n := nat_of_ascii8 (ascii8_of_nat (length cs)) in
-     let (zs, ws) := split_at n @@ deserialize n (cs++bs) in
-     FixRaw (compact zs) :: ws));
-  [ unfold atat, split_at;
-    rewrite nat_ascii8_embedding, deserialize_take_length, deserialize_drop_length, compact_eq, <- H13
-  | rewrite <- H7])...
-Lemma correct_raw16: forall os bs cs s1 s2,
- DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
- (s1, s2) = ascii16_of_nat (List.length cs) ->
- List.length cs < pow 16 ->
- DeserializeCorrect (Raw16 cs :: os) ("218" :: s1 :: s2 :: cs ++ bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-inversion H2.
-assert (bs0 = bs); [| rewrite_for bs0 ].
- apply app_same in H8...
-apply H in H10.
-change (deserialize 0 _ ) with
-  (let (zs, ws) :=
-    split_at (nat_of_ascii16 (s1,s2)) @@ deserialize (nat_of_ascii16 (s1,s2)) (cs++bs) in
-    Raw16 (compact zs) :: ws).
-unfold atat, split_at.
-rewrite H7, nat_ascii16_embedding, deserialize_take_length, deserialize_drop_length, compact_eq, H10...
-Lemma correct_raw32: forall os bs cs s1 s2 s3 s4,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  ((s1, s2), (s3, s4)) = ascii32_of_nat (List.length cs) ->
-  List.length cs < pow 32 ->
-  DeserializeCorrect (Raw32 cs :: os) ("219" :: s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: s4 :: cs ++ bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-inversion H2.
-assert (bs0 = bs); [| rewrite_for bs0 ].
- apply app_same in H10...
-apply H in H12.
-change (deserialize 0 _ ) with
-  (let (zs, ws) :=
-    split_at (nat_of_ascii32 ((s1,s2),(s3,s4))) @@ deserialize (nat_of_ascii32 ((s1,s2),(s3,s4))) (cs++bs) in
-    Raw32 (compact zs) :: ws).
-unfold atat, split_at.
-rewrite H7, nat_ascii32_embedding, deserialize_take_length, deserialize_drop_length, compact_eq, H12...
-Lemma correct_fixarray : forall os bs n xs ys b1 b2 b3 b4,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  (xs, ys) = split_at n os ->
-  n < pow 4 ->
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat n ->
-  DeserializeCorrect (FixArray xs :: ys) (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 true false false true :: bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-inversion H3.
-assert (os = os0); [| rewrite_for os0 ].
- apply split_at_soundness in H0.
- apply split_at_soundness in H12.
- rewrite H0, H12...
-apply H in H9.
-assert (n0 < pow 8).
- transitivity (pow 4); auto.
- apply pow_lt...
-destruct b1, b2, b3, b4;
- (replace (deserialize 0 (_ :: bs)) with
-   (let (zs, ws) :=
-      split_at (nat_of_ascii8 (ascii8_of_nat n0)) @@ deserialize 0 bs
-    in
-      FixArray zs :: ws);
-   [ unfold atat; rewrite H9, nat_ascii8_embedding, <- H12 | rewrite <- H14])...
-Lemma correct_array16 : forall os bs n xs ys s1 s2 ,
- DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
- n < pow 16 ->
- (s1, s2) = ascii16_of_nat n ->
- (xs, ys) = split_at n os ->
- DeserializeCorrect (Array16 xs :: ys) ("220" :: s1 :: s2 :: bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-inversion H3.
-assert (os = os0).
- apply split_at_soundness in H2.
- apply split_at_soundness in H10.
- rewrite H2, H10...
- rewrite_for os0.
- apply H in H9.
- assert ( n = nat_of_ascii16 (s1, s2)).
-  rewrite H1.
-  rewrite nat_ascii16_embedding...
-  simpl.
-  change (nat_of_ascii8 s1 * 256 + nat_of_ascii8 s2) with (nat_of_ascii16 (s1, s2)).
-  rewrite <- H13.
-  inversion H2.
-  rewrite <- H9...
-Lemma correct_array32: forall os bs n xs ys s1 s2 s3 s4,
- DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
- (xs, ys) = split_at n os ->
- n < pow 32 ->
- ((s1, s2), (s3, s4)) = ascii32_of_nat n ->
- DeserializeCorrect (Array32 xs :: ys) ("221" :: s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: s4 :: bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-inversion H3.
-assert (os = os0).
- apply split_at_soundness in H0.
- apply split_at_soundness in H12.
- rewrite H0, H12...
- rewrite_for os0.
- apply H in H9.
- change (deserialize 0 ("221" :: s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: s4 :: bs)) with
-   (let (zs, ws) := split_at (nat_of_ascii32 (s1, s2, (s3, s4))) (deserialize 0 bs) in
-    Array32 zs :: ws).
- rewrite H9, H14, nat_ascii32_embedding, <- H12...
-Lemma correct_fixmap: forall os bs n xs ys b1 b2 b3 b4,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  (xs, ys) = split_at (2 * n) os ->
-  length xs = 2 * n ->
-  n < pow 4 ->
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat n ->
-  DeserializeCorrect (FixMap (pair xs) :: ys) (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false true :: bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-inversion H4.
-assert ( n < pow 8).
- transitivity (pow 4); auto.
- apply pow_lt...
-assert ( n0 < pow 8).
- transitivity (pow 4); auto.
- apply pow_lt...
-assert (n0 = n); [| rewrite_for n0 ].
- rewrite H3 in H16.
- apply ascii8_of_nat_eq in H16...
-assert (xs0 = xs); [| rewrite_for xs0 ].
- rewrite <- (unpair_pair _ n xs), <- (unpair_pair _ n xs0); auto.
- rewrite H5...
-assert (os0 = os); [| rewrite_for os0 ].
- apply split_at_soundness in H0.
- apply split_at_soundness in H13.
- rewrite H0, H13...
-apply H in H11.
-destruct b1, b2, b3, b4;
-  (replace (deserialize 0 (_ :: bs)) with
-    (let (zs, ws) :=
-       split_at (2 * (nat_of_ascii8 (ascii8_of_nat n))) @@ deserialize 0 bs
-     in
-       FixMap (pair zs) :: ws);
-    [ unfold atat; rewrite nat_ascii8_embedding, H11, <- H13
-    | rewrite <- H16 ])...
-Lemma correct_map16: forall os bs n xs ys s1 s2,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  (xs, ys) = split_at (2 * n) os ->
-  length xs = 2 * n ->
-  n < pow 16 ->
-  (s1, s2) = ascii16_of_nat n ->
-  DeserializeCorrect (Map16 (pair xs) :: ys) ("222" :: s1 :: s2 :: bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-inversion H4.
-assert (n0 = n).
- rewrite H3 in H14.
- apply ascii16_of_nat_eq in H14...
-rewrite_for n0.
-assert (xs0 = xs).
- rewrite <- (unpair_pair _ n xs), <- (unpair_pair _ n xs0); auto.
- rewrite H5...
-rewrite_for xs0.
-assert (os0 = os).
- apply split_at_soundness in H0.
- apply split_at_soundness in H11.
- rewrite H0, H11...
-rewrite_for os0.
-apply H in H10.
-change (deserialize 0 ("222" :: s1 :: s2 :: bs)) with
-  (let (zs, ws) := split_at (2 * nat_of_ascii16 (s1, s2)) @@ deserialize 0 bs in
-  Map16 (pair zs) :: ws).
-unfold atat.
-rewrite H10, H14, nat_ascii16_embedding, <- H11...
-Lemma correct_map32: forall os bs n xs ys s1 s2 s3 s4,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs ->
-  (xs, ys) = split_at (2 * n) os ->
-  length xs = 2 * n ->
-  n < pow 32 ->
-  ((s1, s2), (s3, s4)) = ascii32_of_nat n ->
-  DeserializeCorrect (Map32 (pair xs) :: ys) ("223" :: s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: s4 :: bs).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-inversion H4.
-assert (n0 = n); [| rewrite_for n0 ].
- rewrite H3 in H16.
- apply ascii32_of_nat_eq in H16...
-assert (xs0 = xs); [| rewrite_for xs0 ].
- rewrite <- (unpair_pair _ n xs), <- (unpair_pair _ n xs0); auto.
- rewrite H5...
-assert (os0 = os); [| rewrite_for os0 ].
- apply split_at_soundness in H0.
- apply split_at_soundness in H13.
- rewrite H0, H13...
-apply H in H11.
-change (deserialize 0 ("223" :: s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: s4 :: bs)) with
-  (let (zs, ws) := split_at (2 * nat_of_ascii32 ((s1, s2),(s3,s4))) @@ deserialize 0 bs in
-    Map32 (pair zs) :: ws).
-unfold atat.
-rewrite H16, H11, nat_ascii32_embedding, <- H13...
-Lemma correct_intro : forall os bs,
-  (SerializedList os bs -> DeserializeCorrect os bs) ->
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs.
-Proof with auto.
-unfold DeserializeCorrect.
-apply H in H0...
-Theorem deserialize_correct : forall os bs,
-  DeserializeCorrect os bs.
-Proof with auto.
-apply correct_intro.
-pattern os, bs.
-apply SerializedList_ind; intros; auto.
- apply correct_bot...
- apply correct_nil...
- apply correct_true...
- apply correct_false...
- apply correct_pfixnum...
- apply correct_nfixnum...
- apply correct_uint8...
- apply correct_uint16...
- apply correct_uint32...
- apply correct_uint64...
- apply correct_int8...
- apply correct_int16...
- apply correct_int32...
- apply correct_int64...
- apply correct_float...
- apply correct_double...
- apply correct_fixraw...
- simpl; apply correct_raw16...
- simpl; apply correct_raw32...
- apply correct_fixarray with (os:=os0) (n:=n)...
- apply correct_array16 with (os:=os0) (n:=n)...
- apply correct_array32 with (os:=os0) (n:=n)...
- apply correct_fixmap with (os:=os0) (n:=n)...
- apply correct_map16 with (os:=os0) (n:=n)...
- apply correct_map32 with (os:=os0) (n:=n)...
-Lemma app_nil: forall A (xs : list A),
-  xs ++ [] = xs.
-induction xs.
- reflexivity.
-rewrite IHxs.
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/ExtractUtil.v b/ocaml/proof/ExtractUtil.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 42fcbca4..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/ExtractUtil.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-Require Ascii.
-Require String.
-Require List.
-(* basic types for OCaml *)
-Parameter mlunit mlchar mlint mlstring : Set.
-(* unit *)
-Extract Constant mlunit => "unit".
-(* bool *)
-Extract Inductive bool => "bool" ["true" "false"].
-Extract Inductive sumbool => "bool" ["true" "false"].
-(* int *)
-Extract Constant mlint => "int".
-Parameter mlint_of_nat : nat -> mlint.
-Parameter nat_of_mlint : mlint -> nat.
-Extract Constant mlint_of_nat =>
-  "let rec iter = function O -> 0 | S p -> succ (iter p) in iter".
-Extract Constant nat_of_mlint =>
-  "let rec iter = function 0 -> O | n -> S (iter (pred n)) in iter".
-(* char *)
-Extract Constant mlchar => "char".
-Parameter mlchar_of_mlint : mlint -> mlchar.
-Parameter mlint_of_mlchar : mlchar -> mlint.
-Extract Constant mlchar_of_mlint => "char_of_int".
-Extract Constant mlint_of_mlchar => "int_of_char".
-(* list *)
-Extract Inductive list => "list" ["[]" "(::)"].
-(* option *)
-Extract Inductive option => "option" ["None" "Some"].
-(* string *)
-Extract Constant mlstring => "string".
-Extract Inductive String.string => "ascii list" ["[]" "(::)"].
-Parameter string_of_list : List.list Ascii.ascii -> String.string.
-Parameter list_of_string : String.string -> List.list Ascii.ascii.
-Extract Constant list_of_string => "(fun x -> x)".
-Extract Constant string_of_list => "(fun x -> x)".
-Parameter mlstring_of_list : forall {A:Type},
-  (A->mlchar) -> List.list A -> mlstring.
-Parameter list_of_mlstring : forall {A:Type},
-  (mlchar->A) -> mlstring -> List.list A.
-Extract Constant mlstring_of_list =>
-  "(fun f s -> String.concat """"
-     ( (fun x -> String.make 1 (f x)) s))".
-Extract Constant list_of_mlstring => "
-(fun f s ->
-  let rec explode_rec n =
-    if n >= String.length s then
-      []
-    else
-      f (String.get s n) :: explode_rec (succ n)
-  in
-  explode_rec 0)
-Parameter mlstring_of_mlint : mlint -> mlstring.
-Extract Constant mlstring_of_mlint => "string_of_int".
-(* print to stdout *)
-Parameter print_mlstring : mlstring -> mlunit.
-Parameter println_mlstring : mlstring -> mlunit.
-Parameter prerr_mlstring : mlstring -> mlunit.
-Parameter prerrln_mlstring : mlstring -> mlunit.
-Parameter semicolon_flipped : forall {A:Type}, A -> mlunit -> A.
-Extract Constant semicolon_flipped => "(fun x f -> f; x)".
-Extract Constant print_mlstring => "print_string".
-Extract Constant println_mlstring => "print_endline".
-Extract Constant prerr_mlstring => "print_string".
-Extract Constant prerrln_mlstring => "print_endline".
-CoInductive llist (A: Type) : Type :=
-  LNil | LCons (x: A) (xs: llist A).
-Implicit Arguments LNil [A].
-Implicit Arguments LCons [A].
-Parameter get_contents_mlchars : llist mlchar.
-Extract Constant get_contents_mlchars => "
- let rec iter store =
-   lazy
-     begin
-       try (LCons (input_char stdin, iter())) with
-       | End_of_file -> LNil
-     end
- in
- iter ()".
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/ListUtil.v b/ocaml/proof/ListUtil.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 22a82821..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/ListUtil.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-Require Import List Omega.
-Notation "[ ]" := nil : list_scope.
-Notation "[ a ; .. ; b ]" := (a :: .. (b :: []) ..) : list_scope.
-Lemma app_same : forall A (xs ys zs : list A),
-  xs ++  ys = xs ++ zs -> ys = zs.
-induction xs; intros; simpl in H.
- auto.
- inversion H.
- apply IHxs in H1.
- auto.
-Lemma length_lt_O: forall A (x : A) xs,
-  length (x::xs) > 0.
-Lemma length_inv: forall A (x y : A) xs ys,
-  length (x :: xs) = length (y :: ys) ->
-  length xs = length ys.
-inversion H.
-Hint Resolve length_lt_O.
-Fixpoint take {A} n (xs : list A) :=
-  match n, xs with
-    | O , _ => []
-    | _ , [] => []
-    | S m, x::xs =>
-      x::take m xs
-  end.
-Fixpoint drop {A} n (xs : list A) :=
-  match n, xs with
-    | O , _ => xs
-    | _ , [] => []
-    | S m, x::xs =>
-      drop m xs
-  end.
-Definition split_at {A} (n : nat) (xs : list A) : list A * list A :=
-  (take n xs, drop n xs).
-Lemma take_length : forall A ( xs ys : list A) n,
-  n = List.length xs ->
-  take n (xs ++ ys) = xs.
-induction xs; intros; simpl in *.
- rewrite H.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite H.
- simpl.
- rewrite IHxs; auto.
-Lemma drop_length : forall A ( xs ys : list A) n,
-  n = List.length xs ->
-  drop n (xs ++ ys) = ys.
-induction xs; intros; simpl in *.
- rewrite H.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite H.
- simpl.
- rewrite IHxs; auto.
-Lemma split_at_length : forall A (xs ys : list A),
-  (xs, ys) = split_at (length xs) (xs ++ ys).
-unfold split_at.
-rewrite take_length, drop_length; auto.
-Lemma take_length_lt : forall A (xs ys : list A) n,
-  ys = take n xs ->
-  List.length ys <= n.
-induction xs; intros.
- rewrite H.
- destruct n; simpl; omega...
- destruct n.
-  rewrite H.
-  simpl.
-  auto...
-  destruct ys; [ discriminate |].
-  inversion H.
-  rewrite <- H2.
-  apply IHxs in H2.
-  simpl.
-  omega...
-Lemma split_at_length_lt : forall A (xs ys zs : list A) n,
-  (xs, ys) = split_at n zs ->
-  List.length xs <= n.
-unfold split_at in *.
-inversion H.
-apply (take_length_lt _ zs).
-Lemma split_at_soundness : forall A (xs ys zs : list A) n,
-  (ys,zs) = split_at n xs ->
-  xs = ys ++ zs.
-induction xs; induction n; intros; simpl;
-  try (inversion H; reflexivity).
-  unfold split_at in *.
-  simpl in H.
-  destruct ys.
-   inversion H.
-   rewrite (IHxs ys zs n); auto.
-    inversion H.
-    reflexivity.
-    inversion H.
-    reflexivity.
-Lemma take_nil : forall A n,
-  take n ([] : list A) = [].
-induction n; auto.
-Lemma take_drop_length : forall A ( xs ys : list A) n,
-  take n xs = ys ->
-  drop n xs = [ ] ->
-  xs  = ys.
-induction xs; intros; simpl in *.
- rewrite take_nil in H.
- assumption.
- destruct n.
-  simpl in H0.
-  discriminate.
-  simpl in *.
-  destruct ys.
-   discriminate.
-   inversion H.
-   rewrite H3.
-   apply IHxs in H3; auto.
-   rewrite H3.
-   reflexivity.
-Fixpoint pair { A } ( xs : list A ) :=
-  match xs with
-    | [] => []
-    | [x] => []
-    | k :: v :: ys =>
-      (k, v) :: pair ys
-  end.
-Definition unpair {A} (xs : list (A * A)) :=
-  flat_map (fun x => [ fst x; snd x]) xs.
-Lemma pair_unpair : forall A ( xs : list ( A * A )),
-  pair (unpair xs) = xs.
-induction xs; intros; simpl; auto.
-rewrite IHxs.
-destruct a.
-Lemma unpair_pair : forall A n ( xs : list A),
-  List.length xs = 2 * n ->
-  unpair (pair xs) = xs.
-induction n; intros.
- destruct xs; auto.
- simpl in H.
- discriminate.
- destruct xs.
-  simpl in H.
-  discriminate...
-  destruct xs.
-   simpl in H.
-   assert (1 <> S (n + S (n + 0))); [ omega | contradiction ]...
-   replace (2 * S n) with (2 + 2 * n) in H; [| omega ].
-   simpl in *.
-   inversion H.
-   apply IHn in H1.
-   rewrite H1.
-   reflexivity.
-Lemma pair_length' : forall A n (xs : list A),
-  n = List.length (pair xs) ->
-  2 * n <= List.length xs.
-induction n; intros; simpl.
- omega...
- destruct xs; simpl in *; [ discriminate |].
- destruct xs; simpl in *; [ discriminate |].
- inversion H.
- apply IHn in H1.
- omega.
-Lemma pair_length : forall A (xs : list A),
-  2 * List.length (pair xs) <= List.length xs.
-apply pair_length'.
-Lemma unpair_length : forall A ( xs : list (A * A)),
-  List.length (unpair xs) = 2 * List.length xs.
-induction xs; simpl; auto.
-rewrite IHxs.
-Lemma unpair_split_at: forall A (x1 x2 : A) xs ys,
-  (unpair ((x1, x2) :: xs), ys) =
-  split_at (2 * length ((x1, x2) :: xs)) (x1 :: x2 :: unpair xs ++ ys).
-replace (2 * (length ((x1,x2) :: xs))) with (length (unpair ((x1,x2)::xs))).
- apply split_at_length.
- simpl.
- rewrite unpair_length.
- omega.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/Main.v b/ocaml/proof/Main.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e189c802..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/Main.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Require Import ExtrOcamlBasic ExtrOcamlIntConv ExtrOcamlNatInt.
-Require Import SerializeImplement DeserializeImplement.
-Extraction "" serialize deserialize.
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/MultiByte.v b/ocaml/proof/MultiByte.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aa33416..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/MultiByte.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-   16bits,32bits,64bitsの定義。BigEndian。
-Require Import List Ascii NArith Omega Euclid.
-Require Import Pow.
-Open Scope char_scope.
-(* * 型の定義 *)
-Definition ascii8  : Set := ascii.
-Definition ascii16 : Set := (ascii8  * ascii8)%type.
-Definition ascii32 : Set := (ascii16 * ascii16)%type.
-Definition ascii64 : Set := (ascii32 * ascii32)%type.
-(** ** natとの相互変換 *)
-Definition nat_of_ascii8 :=
-  nat_of_ascii.
-Definition ascii8_of_nat :=
-  ascii_of_nat.
-Definition ascii16_of_nat (a : nat)  :=
-  let (q,r,_,_) := divmod a (pow 8) (pow_lt_O 8) in
-    (ascii8_of_nat q, ascii8_of_nat r).
-Definition nat_of_ascii16 (a : ascii16) :=
-  let (a1, a2) := a in
-    (nat_of_ascii8 a1) * (pow 8) + (nat_of_ascii8 a2).
-Definition ascii32_of_nat (a : nat)  :=
-  let (q,r,_,_) := divmod a (pow 16) (pow_lt_O 16) in
-    (ascii16_of_nat q, ascii16_of_nat r).
-Definition nat_of_ascii32 (a : ascii32) :=
-  let (a1, a2) := a in
-    (nat_of_ascii16 a1) * (pow 16) + (nat_of_ascii16 a2).
-Definition ascii64_of_nat (a : nat)  :=
-  let (q,r,_,_) := divmod a (pow 32) (pow_lt_O 32) in
-    (ascii32_of_nat q, ascii32_of_nat r).
-Definition nat_of_ascii64 (a : ascii64) :=
-  let (a1, a2) := a in
-    (nat_of_ascii32 a1) * (pow 32) + (nat_of_ascii32 a2).
-(** ** natに戻せることの証明 *)
-Lemma nat_ascii8_embedding : forall n,
-  n < pow 8 ->
-  nat_of_ascii8 (ascii8_of_nat n) = n.
-unfold nat_of_ascii8,ascii8_of_nat.
-rewrite nat_ascii_embedding.
- reflexivity.
- simpl in H.
- assumption.
-Lemma nat_ascii16_embedding : forall n,
-  n < pow 16 ->
-  nat_of_ascii16 (ascii16_of_nat n) = n.
-unfold ascii16_of_nat, nat_of_ascii16.
-destruct divmod.
-rewrite (nat_ascii8_embedding q), (nat_ascii8_embedding r); try omega.
-apply divmod_lt_q with (t := 8) in e;
-  change (8+8) with 16; assumption.
-Lemma nat_ascii32_embedding : forall n,
-  n < pow 32 ->
-  nat_of_ascii32 (ascii32_of_nat n) = n.
-unfold ascii32_of_nat, nat_of_ascii32.
-destruct divmod.
-rewrite (nat_ascii16_embedding q), (nat_ascii16_embedding r); try omega.
-apply divmod_lt_q with (t := 16) in e;
-  change (16+16) with 32; assumption.
-Lemma nat_ascii64_embedding : forall n,
-  n < pow 64 ->
-  nat_of_ascii64 (ascii64_of_nat n) = n.
-unfold ascii64_of_nat, nat_of_ascii64.
-destruct divmod.
-rewrite (nat_ascii32_embedding q), (nat_ascii32_embedding r); try omega.
-apply divmod_lt_q with (t := 32) in e;
-  change (32+32) with 64; assumption.
-(** ** ascii8への変換 *)
-Definition list_of_ascii8  (x : ascii8) :=
-  x :: nil.
-Definition list_of_ascii16 (p : ascii16) :=
-  match p with
-    (x1,x2) => (list_of_ascii8 x1) ++ (list_of_ascii8 x2)
-  end.
-Definition list_of_ascii32 (p : ascii32) :=
-  match p with
-    (x1,x2) => (list_of_ascii16 x1) ++ (list_of_ascii16 x2)
-  end.
-Definition list_of_ascii64 (p : ascii64) :=
-  match p with
-    (x1,x2) => (list_of_ascii32 x1) ++ (list_of_ascii32 x2)
-  end.
-Lemma list_of_ascii8_eq : forall c1 c2,
-  list_of_ascii8 c1 = list_of_ascii8 c2 ->
-  c1 = c2.
-unfold list_of_ascii8 in H.
-inversion H.
-Lemma list_of_ascii16_eq : forall c1 c2,
-  list_of_ascii16 c1 = list_of_ascii16 c2 ->
-  c1 = c2.
-destruct c1; destruct c2.
-inversion H.
-Lemma list_of_ascii32_eq : forall c1 c2,
-  list_of_ascii32 c1 = list_of_ascii32 c2 ->
-  c1 = c2.
-destruct c1; destruct c2.
-destruct a; destruct a0; destruct a1; destruct a2.
-inversion H.
-Lemma list_of_ascii64_eq : forall c1 c2,
-  list_of_ascii64 c1 = list_of_ascii64 c2 ->
-  c1 = c2.
-destruct c1; destruct c2.
-destruct a; destruct a0; destruct a1; destruct a2.
-destruct a; destruct a3; destruct a0; destruct a4;
-destruct a1; destruct a5; destruct a2; destruct a6.
-inversion H.
-(** 0でないことの証明 *)
-Lemma ascii8_not_O: forall n,
-  0 < n < pow 8 ->
-  "000" <> ascii8_of_nat n.
-destruct H.
-apply nat_ascii8_embedding in H0.
-destruct (ascii8_of_nat n).
-destruct b; destruct b0; destruct b1; destruct b2; destruct b3; destruct b4; destruct b5; destruct b6; inversion H1.
-compute in H0.
-rewrite <- H0 in H.
-inversion H.
-Lemma ascii16_not_O: forall n,
-  0 < n < pow 16 ->
-  ("000","000") <> ascii16_of_nat n.
-unfold ascii16_of_nat.
-destruct divmod.
-destruct H.
-inversion H1.
-generalize e; intro.
-apply divmod_not_O in e; auto with pow.
-decompose [or] e.
- apply ascii8_not_O in H3; auto.
- apply divmod_lt_q with (t:=8) in e0; auto with pow.
- apply ascii8_not_O in H4; auto with pow.
-Lemma ascii32_not_O: forall n,
-  0 < n < pow 32 ->
-  ("000","000",("000","000")) <> ascii32_of_nat n.
-unfold ascii32_of_nat.
-destruct divmod.
-destruct H.
-inversion H1.
-generalize e; intro.
-apply divmod_not_O in e.
- decompose [or] e.
- apply divmod_lt_q with (t:=16) in e0.
-  apply ascii16_not_O in H3.
-   contradiction.
-   split; assumption.
-   assumption.
-   exact H0.
- apply ascii16_not_O in H4.
-  contradiction.
-   split; assumption.
-   assumption.
- apply pow_lt_O.
-(* ** 2^n未満なら等価性が変らないことの証明 *)
-Lemma ascii8_of_nat_eq : forall n m,
-  n < pow 8 ->
-  m < pow 8 ->
-  ascii8_of_nat n = ascii8_of_nat m ->
-  n = m.
-rewrite <- (nat_ascii8_embedding n), <- (nat_ascii8_embedding m), <- H1; auto.
-Lemma ascii16_of_nat_eq : forall n m,
-  n < pow 16 ->
-  m < pow 16 ->
-  ascii16_of_nat n = ascii16_of_nat m ->
-  n = m.
-rewrite <- (nat_ascii16_embedding n), <- (nat_ascii16_embedding m), <- H1; auto.
-Lemma ascii32_of_nat_eq : forall n m,
-  n < pow 32 ->
-  m < pow 32 ->
-  ascii32_of_nat n = ascii32_of_nat m ->
-  n = m.
-rewrite <- (nat_ascii32_embedding n), <- (nat_ascii32_embedding m), <- H1; auto.
-Lemma ascii8_of_nat_O:
-  "000" = ascii8_of_nat 0.
-Lemma ascii16_of_nat_O:
-  ("000", "000") = ascii16_of_nat 0.
-unfold ascii16_of_nat.
-destruct divmod.
-apply divmod_O_pow in e.
-decompose [and] e.
-rewrite H, H0.
-rewrite <- ascii8_of_nat_O.
-Lemma ascii32_of_nat_O:
-  (("000", "000"),("000","000")) = ascii32_of_nat 0.
-unfold ascii32_of_nat.
-destruct divmod.
-apply divmod_O_pow in e.
-decompose [and] e.
-rewrite H, H0.
-rewrite <- ascii16_of_nat_O.
-(* lengthが等しいことの証明 *)
-Lemma ascii8_length : forall c1 c2,
-  length (list_of_ascii8 c1) = length (list_of_ascii8 c2).
-Lemma ascii16_length : forall c1 c2,
-  length (list_of_ascii16 c1) = length (list_of_ascii16 c2).
-destruct c1,c2.
-Lemma ascii32_length : forall c1 c2,
-  length (list_of_ascii32 c1) = length (list_of_ascii32 c2).
-destruct c1 as [a1 a2] ,c2 as [a3 a4].
-destruct a1,a2,a3,a4.
-Lemma ascii64_length : forall c1 c2,
-  length (list_of_ascii64 c1) = length (list_of_ascii64 c2).
-destruct c1 as [a1 a2] ,c2 as [a3 a4].
-destruct a1 as [b1 b2], a2 as [b3 b4], a3 as [b5 b6], a4 as [b7 b8].
-destruct b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8.
-Lemma ascii5 : forall n b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8,
-  n < pow 5 ->
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 = ascii8_of_nat n ->
-  b6 = false /\ b7 = false /\ b8 = false.
-simpl in H.
-do 32 (destruct n; [ inversion H0; auto | idtac]).
-do 32 (apply Lt.lt_S_n in H).
-inversion H.
-Hint Resolve ascii16_length ascii32_length ascii64_length
-  list_of_ascii8_eq list_of_ascii16_eq list_of_ascii32_eq list_of_ascii64_eq
-  : ascii.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/OCamlBase.v b/ocaml/proof/OCamlBase.v
deleted file mode 100644
index f5c0be5a..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/OCamlBase.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Require Export String.
-Require Export List.
-Require Export ExtractUtil.
-Require Export Util.
-Open Scope string_scope.
-Notation "op ; x" := (semicolon_flipped x op) (at level 50).
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/OMakefile b/ocaml/proof/OMakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ce19233..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/OMakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-open CoqBuildRule
-.PHONY: all clean
-FILES[] =
-	Pow
-	MultiByte
-	ListUtil
-	Object
-	SerializeSpec
-	Prefix
-	Soundness
-	SerializeImplement
-	SerializedList
-	DeserializeImplement
-	OCamlBase
-	Util
-	ExtractUtil
-	Main
-.DEFAULT: all
-all: msgpackCore.mli msgpackCore.mli: $(CoqProof $(FILES))
-	echo "Proof complete"
-	rm -rf *.vo *.glob *~ *.omc .omakedb .omakedb.lock *.cm[iox] *.annot *.o msgpackCore.mli
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/Object.v b/ocaml/proof/Object.v
deleted file mode 100644
index a80928e7..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/Object.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-(* -*- coding:utf-8 -*- *)
-Require Import List Ascii.
-Require Import Pow MultiByte ListUtil.
-Open Scope char_scope.
-(** MsgPackで使うオブジェクトの定義 *)
-Inductive object :=
-| Bool (_ : bool)
-| Nil
-| PFixnum (_ : ascii8)
-| NFixnum (_ : ascii8)
-| Uint8  (_ : ascii8)
-| Uint16 (_ : ascii16)
-| Uint32 (_ : ascii32)
-| Uint64 (_ : ascii64)
-| Int8   (_ : ascii8)
-| Int16  (_ : ascii16)
-| Int32  (_ : ascii32)
-| Int64  (_ : ascii64)
-| Float  (_ : ascii32)
-| Double (_ : ascii64)
-| FixRaw (_ : list ascii8)
-| Raw16  (_ : list ascii8)
-| Raw32  (_ : list ascii8)
-| FixArray ( _ : list object)
-| Array16  ( _ : list object)
-| Array32  ( _ : list object)
-| FixMap   ( _ : list (object * object)%type)
-| Map16    ( _ : list (object * object)%type)
-| Map32    ( _ : list (object * object)%type).
-(** 妥当なオブジェクトの定義 *)
-Inductive Valid : object -> Prop :=
-| VBool : forall b,
-  Valid (Bool b)
-| VPFixNum : forall n,
-  nat_of_ascii8 n < 128 -> Valid (PFixnum n)
-| VNFixNum : forall n,
-  (* 負の数を導入したくないので、補数表現を使う *)
-  223 < nat_of_ascii8 n /\ nat_of_ascii8 n < 256 -> Valid (NFixnum n)
-| VUint8  : forall c, Valid (Uint8 c)
-| VUint16 : forall c, Valid (Uint16 c)
-| VUint32 : forall c, Valid (Uint32 c)
-| VUint64 : forall c, Valid (Uint64 c)
-| VInt8   : forall c, Valid (Int8 c)
-| VInt16  : forall c, Valid (Int16 c)
-| VInt32  : forall c, Valid (Int32 c)
-| VInt64  : forall c, Valid (Int64 c)
-| VFloat  : forall c, Valid (Float c)
-| VDouble : forall c, Valid (Double c)
-| VFixRaw : forall xs,
-  length xs < pow 5 -> Valid (FixRaw xs)
-| VRaw16 : forall xs,
-  length xs < pow 16 -> Valid (Raw16 xs)
-| VRaw32 : forall xs,
-  length xs < pow 32 -> Valid (Raw32 xs)
-| VFixArrayNil :
-  Valid (FixArray [])
-| VFixArrayCons : forall x xs,
-  Valid x ->
-  Valid (FixArray xs) ->
-  length (x::xs) < pow 4 ->
-  Valid (FixArray (x::xs))
-| VArray16Nil :
-  Valid (Array16 [])
-| VArray16Cons: forall x xs,
-  Valid x ->
-  Valid (Array16 xs) ->
-  length (x::xs) < pow 16 ->
-  Valid (Array16 (x::xs))
-| VArray32Nil :
-  Valid (Array32 [])
-| VArray32Cons : forall x xs,
-  Valid x ->
-  Valid (Array32 xs) ->
-  length (x::xs) < pow 32 ->
-  Valid (Array32 (x::xs))
-| VFixMapNil:
-  Valid (FixMap [])
-| VFixMapCons : forall k v xs,
-  Valid k ->
-  Valid v ->
-  Valid (FixMap xs)  ->
-  length ((k,v)::xs) < pow 4 ->
-  Valid (FixMap ((k,v)::xs))
-| VMap16Nil :
-  Valid (Map16 [])
-| VMap16Cons : forall k v xs,
-  Valid k ->
-  Valid v ->
-  Valid (Map16 xs)  ->
-  length ((k,v)::xs) < pow 16 ->
-  Valid (Map16 ((k,v)::xs))
-| VMap32Nil :
-  Valid (Map32 [])
-| VMap32Cons : forall k v xs,
-  Valid k ->
-  Valid v ->
-  Valid (Map32 xs)  ->
-  length ((k,v)::xs) < pow 32 ->
-  Valid (Map32 ((k,v)::xs)).
-Lemma varray16_inv1: forall x xs,
-  Valid (Array16 (x::xs)) ->
-  ("000", "000") <> ascii16_of_nat (length (x :: xs)).
-apply ascii16_not_O.
-split; [ apply length_lt_O | inversion H; auto ].
-Lemma varray16_inv2 : forall A (x y : A) xs ys,
-  pow 16 > length (x :: xs) ->
-  pow 16 > length (y :: ys) ->
-  ascii16_of_nat (length (x :: xs)) = ascii16_of_nat (length (y :: ys)) ->
-  ascii16_of_nat (length xs) = ascii16_of_nat (length ys).
-apply ascii16_of_nat_eq in H1; auto.
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/Pow.v b/ocaml/proof/Pow.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 23c0666e..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/Pow.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-   算術演算関連の補題
-Require Import Omega NArith Euclid.
-(** ** 算術演算 *)
-Lemma mult_S_lt_reg_l :
-  forall n m p, 0 < n -> n * m < n * p -> m < p.
-destruct n.
- inversion H.
-elim (le_or_lt m p).
- intro.
- inversion H1.
-  rewrite H2 in H0.
-   elim (lt_irrefl _ H0).
-   omega.
-   intro.
-   apply (mult_S_lt_compat_l n _ _) in H1.
-   omega.
-Lemma plus_elim: forall p a b,
-  a + p < b -> a < b.
-(** ** pow *)
-Fixpoint pow (n : nat) :=
-  match n with
-    | 0 =>
-      1
-    | S n' =>
-      2 * pow n'
-  end.
-Lemma pow_lt_O : forall n,
-  0 < pow n.
-induction n; simpl; omega.
-Hint Resolve pow_lt_O.
-Lemma pow_add: forall n m,
-  pow n * pow m = pow (n + m).
-induction n; intros.
- simpl in *.
- omega.
- simpl.
- repeat rewrite plus_0_r.
- rewrite <- IHn, mult_plus_distr_r.
- reflexivity.
-(** ** divmod *)
-Definition divmod (n m : nat) (P : 0 < m) :=
-  eucl_dev m P n.
-Lemma divmod_lt_q : forall (n m q r s t: nat),
-  n < pow (s + t) ->
-  n = q * pow s + r ->
-  q < pow t.
-rewrite H0 in H.
-apply plus_elim in H.
-rewrite <- pow_add, mult_comm in H.
-apply mult_S_lt_reg_l in H.
- assumption.
- apply pow_lt_O.
-Lemma divmod_not_O: forall n m q r,
-  0 < n ->
-  0 < m ->
-  n = q * m + r ->
-  0 < q \/ 0 < r.
-rewrite H1 in H.
-destruct q.
- simpl in H.
- right.
- assumption.
- left.
- omega.
-Lemma divmod_O: forall n q r,
-  0 = q * n + r ->
-  n <> 0 ->
-  q = 0 /\ r = 0.
-destruct q; destruct n; destruct r; try omega.
- simpl in H.
- discriminate.
- simpl in H.
- discriminate.
-Lemma divmod_O_pow: forall n q r,
-  0 = q * pow n + r ->
-  q = 0 /\ r = 0.
-apply (divmod_O (pow n) _ _); auto.
-generalize (pow_lt_O n); intros.
-Lemma plus_O : forall n,
-  n + 0 = n.
-Lemma plus_double : forall n,
-  n < n + n.
-Lemma pow_lt : forall n m,
-  n < m ->
-  pow n < pow m.
-induction n; induction m; simpl; intros.
- inversion H.
- destruct m; auto.
- transitivity (pow (S m));
-   [ apply IHm | idtac];
-  omega.
- inversion H.
- simpl in IHm.
- inversion H; simpl.
-  repeat (rewrite plus_O in *).
-  apply (Plus.plus_lt_compat_r O _).
-  transitivity (pow n); auto.
-  apply plus_double.
-  assert (S n < m); auto.
-  apply IHm in H2.
-  transitivity (pow m); auto.
-  rewrite plus_O.
-  apply plus_double.
-Hint Resolve pow_lt pow_lt_O: pow.
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/Prefix.v b/ocaml/proof/Prefix.v
deleted file mode 100644
index d9e456f3..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/Prefix.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,674 +0,0 @@
-Require Import List Ascii.
-Require Import ListUtil Object SerializeSpec MultiByte ProofUtil Pow.
-Definition Prefix obj1 x : Prop := forall obj2 y xs ys,
-  Serialized obj1 x ->
-  Serialized obj2 y ->
-  Valid obj1 ->
-  Valid obj2 ->
-  x ++ xs = y ++ ys ->
-  x = y.
-Ltac destruct_serialize obj y :=
-  match goal with
-    | [ H1 : _ ++ _ = y ++ _,
-        H2 : Serialized obj y |- _ ] =>
-    destruct y as [ | a ] ;
-      [ inversion H2 | inversion H1 ; rewrite_for a; inversion H2 ];
-      auto
-  end.
-(* 結果が1バイトになる変換 *)
-Ltac straight_forward :=
-  intros;
-  unfold Prefix;
-  intros obj2 y xs ys S1 S2 V1 V2 Happ;
-  destruct_serialize obj2 y.
-Lemma prefix_true :
-  Prefix (Bool true) ["195"].
-Lemma prefix_false :
-  Prefix (Bool false) ["194"].
-Lemma prefix_nil :
-  Prefix Nil ["192"].
-Lemma prefix_pfixnum: forall x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7,
-  Prefix (PFixnum   (Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 false))
-         [Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 false].
-Lemma prefix_nfixnum : forall  x1 x2 x3 x4 x5,
-  Prefix (NFixnum   (Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 true true true))
-         [Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 true true true].
-(* 結果が固定長多バイトになる変換 *)
-Lemma prefix_same : forall A (x y xs ys : list A),
-  x ++ xs = y ++ ys ->
-  length x = length y ->
-  x = y.
-induction x; induction y; intros; auto.
- simpl in H0.
- discriminate.
- simpl in H0.
- discriminate.
- inversion H.
- inversion H0.
- apply IHx in H3; auto.
- rewrite_for y.
- reflexivity.
-Ltac same_as_uint8 :=
-  unfold Prefix;
-  intros c obj2 y xs ys S1 S2 V1 V2 Happ;
-  destruct_serialize obj2 y;
-  rewrite_for y;
-  apply prefix_same in Happ; simpl;  auto with ascii.
-Lemma prefix_uint8 : forall c,
-  Prefix (Uint8 c) ("204"::list_of_ascii8 c).
-Lemma prefix_uint16: forall c,
-  Prefix (Uint16 c) ("205"::list_of_ascii16 c).
-Lemma prefix_uint32: forall c,
-  Prefix (Uint32 c) ("206"::list_of_ascii32 c).
-Lemma prefix_uint64 : forall c,
-  Prefix (Uint64 c) ("207"::list_of_ascii64 c).
-Lemma prefix_int8 : forall c,
-  Prefix (Int8 c) ("208"::list_of_ascii8 c).
-Lemma prefix_int16 : forall c,
-  Prefix (Int16 c) ("209"::list_of_ascii16 c).
-Lemma prefix_int32 : forall c,
-  Prefix (Int32 c) ("210"::list_of_ascii32 c).
-Lemma prefix_int64 : forall c,
-  Prefix (Int64 c) ("211"::list_of_ascii64 c).
-Lemma prefix_float : forall c,
-  Prefix (Float c) ("202"::list_of_ascii32 c).
-Lemma prefix_double : forall c,
-  Prefix (Double c) ("203"::list_of_ascii64 c).
-Lemma app_length_eq : forall A (xs ys zs ws : list A),
-  xs ++zs = ys ++ ws ->
-  length xs = length ys ->
-  xs = ys.
-induction xs; induction ys; simpl; intros; auto.
- inversion H0.
- inversion H0.
- inversion H.
- inversion H0.
- assert (xs = ys); [| rewrite_for xs; auto].
- apply (IHxs _ zs ws); auto.
-Lemma prefix_fixraw : forall cs b1 b2 b3 b4 b5,
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  Prefix (FixRaw cs) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 true false true)::cs).
-unfold Prefix.
-destruct_serialize obj2 y.
-rewrite_for obj2.
-rewrite_for y.
-inversion H2.
-inversion H3.
-assert (cs = cs0); [| rewrite_for cs; auto ].
-apply (app_length_eq _ _ _ xs ys); auto.
-rewrite <- (nat_ascii8_embedding (length cs)),
-        <- (nat_ascii8_embedding (length cs0)).
- rewrite <- H, <- H8.
- reflexivity.
- transitivity (pow 5); auto with pow.
- transitivity (pow 5); auto with pow.
-Lemma prefix_raw16 : forall cs s1 s2,
-  (s1,s2) =  ascii16_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  Prefix (Raw16 cs) ("218"::s1::s2::cs).
-unfold Prefix.
-destruct_serialize obj2 y.
-rewrite_for obj2.
-rewrite_for y.
-inversion H2.
-inversion H3.
-inversion H7.
-assert (cs = cs0); [| rewrite_for cs; auto ].
-apply (app_length_eq _ _ _ xs ys); auto.
-rewrite <- (nat_ascii16_embedding (length cs)),
-        <- (nat_ascii16_embedding (length cs0)); auto.
-rewrite <- H, <- H8, H12, H13.
-Lemma prefix_raw32 : forall cs s1 s2 s3 s4,
-  ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) =  ascii32_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  Prefix (Raw32 cs) ("219"::s1::s2::s3::s4::cs).
-unfold Prefix.
-destruct_serialize obj2 y.
-rewrite_for obj2.
-rewrite_for y.
-inversion H2.
-inversion H3.
-inversion H7.
-assert (cs = cs0); [| rewrite_for cs; auto ].
-apply (app_length_eq _ _ _ xs ys); auto.
-rewrite <- (nat_ascii32_embedding (length cs)),
-        <- (nat_ascii32_embedding (length cs0)); auto.
-rewrite <- H, <- H8, H12, H13, H14, H15.
-Lemma prefix_fixarray_nil:
-  Prefix (FixArray []) ["144"].
-apply ascii8_not_O in H7; [ contradiction |].
-rewrite_for obj2.
-inversion V2.
-split; [ simpl; omega |].
-transitivity (pow 4); [ exact H13 | apply pow_lt; auto ].
-Lemma  prefix_array16_nil:
-  Prefix (Array16 []) ["220"; "000"; "000"].
-unfold Prefix; intros.
-destruct_serialize obj2 y.
-rewrite_for obj2.
-rewrite_for y.
-inversion H3.
-rewrite <- H9, <- H11 in *.
-assert (("000", "000") <> ascii16_of_nat ((length (x::xs0)))); try contradiction.
-inversion H2.
-apply ascii16_not_O.
-split; auto.
-Lemma  prefix_array32_nil:
-  Prefix (Array32 []) ["221"; "000"; "000";"000"; "000"].
-unfold Prefix; intros.
-destruct_serialize obj2 y.
-rewrite_for obj2.
-rewrite_for y.
-inversion H3.
-rewrite <- H9, <- H11, <- H12, <- H13 in *.
-assert (("000", "000",("000","000")) <> ascii32_of_nat ((length (x::xs0)))); try contradiction.
-inversion H2.
-apply ascii32_not_O.
-split; auto.
-Lemma prefix_fixmap_nil:
-  Prefix (FixMap []) ["128"].
-unfold Prefix; intros.
-destruct_serialize obj2 y.
-rewrite_for obj2.
-apply ascii8_not_O in H12; [ contradiction |].
-inversion H2.
-split; [ simpl; omega |].
-transitivity (pow 4); [ exact H21 |].
-apply pow_lt.
-Lemma prefix_map16_nil:
-  Prefix (Map16 []) ["222"; "000"; "000"].
-unfold Prefix; intros.
-destruct_serialize obj2 y.
-rewrite_for obj2.
-rewrite_for y.
-inversion H3.
-rewrite <- H10, <- H12 in *.
-assert (("000", "000") <> ascii16_of_nat ((length ((x1, x2)::xs0)))); try contradiction.
-inversion H2.
-apply ascii16_not_O.
- simpl.
- omega.
- exact H19.
-Lemma prefix_map32_nil:
-  Prefix (Map32 []) ["223"; "000"; "000";"000"; "000"].
-unfold Prefix; intros.
-destruct_serialize obj2 y.
-rewrite_for obj2.
-rewrite_for y.
-inversion H3.
-rewrite <- H10, <- H12, <- H13, <- H14 in *.
-assert (("000", "000",("000","000")) <> ascii32_of_nat ((length ((x1, x2)::xs0)))); try contradiction.
-inversion H2.
-apply ascii32_not_O.
- simpl.
- omega.
- exact H21.
-Lemma prefix_fixarray_cons: forall x xs y ys b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8,
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length (x::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x y ->
-  Prefix x y ->
-  Serialized (FixArray xs) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 true false false true)::ys) ->
-  Prefix (FixArray xs) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 true false false true)::ys) ->
-  Prefix (FixArray (x :: xs)) ((Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 true false false true)::y ++ ys).
-unfold Prefix.
-destruct_serialize obj2 y0; rewrite_for y0; rewrite_for obj2.
- inversion H6.
- rewrite_for b5.
- rewrite_for b6.
- rewrite_for b7.
- rewrite_for b8.
- apply ascii8_not_O in H0; [contradiction |].
- split; [ simpl; omega |].
- inversion H7.
- transitivity (pow 4); [ exact H19 | apply pow_lt; auto].
- assert (y ++ ys = y1 ++ ys1); [| rewrite_for (y++ys); reflexivity ].
- generalize H12; intro Happ; clear H12.
- rewrite <- (app_assoc y ys xs0), <- (app_assoc y1 ys1 ys0) in Happ.
- inversion H7.
- inversion H8.
- apply (H2 x0 y1 (ys++xs0) (ys1++ys0))in H1; auto.
- rewrite_for y1.
- apply app_same in Happ.
- apply (H4 (FixArray xs1) (Ascii b0 b9 b10 b11 true false false true :: ys1) xs0 ys0) in H3; auto.
-  inversion H3.
-  reflexivity.
-  simpl.
-  unfold ascii8 in *.
-  rewrite <- Happ.
-  rewrite H0 in H18.
-  apply ascii8_of_nat_eq in H18; [
-    | transitivity (pow 4); [| apply pow_lt]; auto
-    | transitivity (pow 4); [| apply pow_lt]; auto ].
-  simpl in H18.
-  inversion H18.
-  rewrite <- H28 in H16.
-  rewrite <- H16 in H.
-  inversion H.
-  reflexivity.
-Lemma prefix_array16_cons: forall x xs y ys s1 s2 t1 t2,
-  (t1, t2) = ascii16_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  (s1, s2) = ascii16_of_nat (length (x :: xs)) ->
-  Serialized x y ->
-  Prefix x y ->
-  Serialized (Array16 xs) ("220" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys) ->
-  Prefix (Array16 xs) ("220" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys) ->
-  Prefix (Array16 (x::xs)) ("220"::s1::s2::y ++ ys).
-unfold Prefix.
-destruct_serialize obj2 y0.
- rewrite_for y0.
- inversion H9.
- rewrite_for s1.
- rewrite_for s2.
- apply ascii16_not_O in H0; [ contradiction |].
- inversion H7.
- split; [ simpl; omega | exact H17 ].
- rewrite_for y0.
- rewrite_for obj2.
- inversion H9.
- rewrite_for s0.
- rewrite_for s3.
- assert( y++ ys = y1 ++ ys1); [| rewrite_for (y++ys); reflexivity ].
- rewrite <- (app_assoc y ys xs0), <- (app_assoc y1 ys1 ys0) in H18.
- inversion H7.
- inversion H8.
- apply (H2 x0 y1 (ys++xs0) (ys1++ys0))in H1; auto.
- rewrite_for y1.
- apply app_same in H18.
- apply (H4 (Array16 xs1)  ("220" :: t0 :: t3 :: ys1) xs0 ys0) in H3; auto.
-  inversion H3.
-  reflexivity.
-  simpl.
-  unfold ascii8 in *.
-  rewrite <- H18.
-  rewrite H0 in H13.
-  apply ascii16_of_nat_eq in H13; auto.
-  simpl in H13.
-  inversion H13.
-  rewrite <- H26 in H11.
-  rewrite <- H11 in H.
-  inversion H.
-  reflexivity.
-Lemma prefix_array32_cons: forall x xs y ys s1 s2 s3 s4 t1 t2 t3 t4,
-  (t1, t2, (t3, t4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  (s1, s2, (s3, s4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length (x :: xs)) ->
-  Serialized x y ->
-  Prefix x y ->
-  Serialized (Array32 xs) ("221" :: t1 :: t2 :: t3 :: t4 :: ys) ->
-  Prefix (Array32 xs) ("221" :: t1 :: t2 :: t3 :: t4 :: ys) ->
-  Prefix (Array32 (x :: xs)) ("221" :: s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: s4 :: y ++ ys).
-unfold Prefix.
-destruct_serialize obj2 y0;
- rewrite_for y0; rewrite_for obj2; inversion H9.
- rewrite_for s1.
- rewrite_for s2.
- rewrite_for s3.
- rewrite_for s4.
- apply ascii32_not_O in H0; [ contradiction |].
- inversion H7.
- split; [ simpl; omega | exact H15 ].
- rewrite_for s0.
- rewrite_for s5.
- rewrite_for s6.
- rewrite_for s7.
- assert( y++ ys = y1 ++ ys1); [| rewrite_for (y++ys); reflexivity ].
- rewrite <- (app_assoc y ys xs0), <- (app_assoc y1 ys1 ys0) in H20.
- inversion H7.
- inversion H8.
- apply (H2 x0 y1 (ys++xs0) (ys1++ys0)) in H1; auto.
- rewrite_for y1.
- apply app_same in H20.
- apply (H4 (Array32 xs1)  ("221" :: t0 :: t5 :: t6 :: t7 :: ys1) xs0 ys0) in H3; auto.
-  inversion H3.
-  reflexivity.
-  simpl.
-  unfold ascii8 in *.
-  rewrite <- H20.
-  rewrite H0 in H13.
-  apply ascii32_of_nat_eq in H13; auto.
-  simpl in H13.
-  inversion H13.
-  rewrite <- H26 in H11.
-  rewrite <- H11 in H.
-  inversion H.
-  reflexivity.
-Lemma prefix_fixmap_cons: forall x1 x2 xs y1 y2 ys b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8,
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length ((x1,x2)::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x1 y1 -> Prefix x1 y1 ->
-  Serialized x2 y2 -> Prefix x2 y2 ->
-  Serialized (FixMap xs) (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false true :: ys) ->
-  Prefix (FixMap xs) (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false true :: ys) ->
-  Prefix (FixMap ((x1, x2) :: xs)) (Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 false false false true :: y1 ++ y2 ++ ys).
-unfold Prefix.
-destruct_serialize obj2 y; rewrite_for y; rewrite_for obj2.
- rewrite_for b5.
- rewrite_for b6.
- rewrite_for b7.
- rewrite_for b8.
- apply ascii8_not_O in H0; [ contradiction |].
- split; [ simpl; omega |].
- inversion H9.
- transitivity (pow 4); auto.
- apply pow_lt.
- auto.
-assert (y1 ++ y2 ++ ys = y0 ++ y3 ++ ys1); [| rewrite_for (y1 ++ y2 ++ ys); reflexivity ].
-generalize H14; intro Happ; clear H14.
-replace ((y1 ++ y2 ++ ys) ++ xs0) with (y1 ++ y2 ++ ys ++ xs0) in Happ;
-  [| repeat (rewrite app_assoc); reflexivity ].
-replace ((y0 ++ y3 ++ ys1) ++ ys0) with (y0 ++ y3 ++ ys1 ++ ys0) in Happ;
-  [| repeat (rewrite app_assoc); reflexivity ].
-inversion H9.
-inversion H10.
-apply (H2 x0 y0 (y2 ++ ys ++ xs0) (y3 ++ ys1 ++ ys0))in H1; auto.
-rewrite_for y1.
-apply app_same in Happ.
-apply (H4 x3 y3 (ys ++ xs0) (ys1 ++ ys0)) in H3; auto.
-rewrite_for y3.
-apply app_same in Happ.
-apply (H6 (FixMap xs1) (Ascii b0 b9 b10 b11 false false false true :: ys1) xs0 ys0) in H5; auto.
- inversion H5.
- reflexivity.
- simpl.
- unfold ascii8 in *.
- rewrite <- Happ.
- rewrite H0 in H20.
-  apply ascii8_of_nat_eq in H20; [
-    | transitivity (pow 4); [| apply pow_lt]; auto
-    | transitivity (pow 4); [| apply pow_lt]; auto ].
- simpl in H20.
- inversion H20.
- rewrite H3 in H.
- rewrite <- H19 in H.
- inversion H.
- reflexivity.
-Lemma prefix_map16_cons: forall x1 x2 xs y1 y2 ys s1 s2 t1 t2,
-  (t1, t2) = ascii16_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  (s1, s2) = ascii16_of_nat (length ((x1, x2) :: xs)) ->
-  Serialized x1 y1 ->
-  Prefix x1 y1 ->
-  Serialized x2 y2 ->
-  Prefix x2 y2 ->
-  Serialized (Map16 xs) ("222" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys) ->
-  Prefix (Map16 xs) ("222" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys) ->
-  Prefix (Map16 ((x1, x2) :: xs)) ("222" :: s1 :: s2 :: y1 ++ y2 ++ ys).
-unfold Prefix.
-destruct_serialize obj2 y; rewrite_for y; rewrite_for obj2.
- inversion H11.
- rewrite_for s1.
- rewrite_for s2.
- apply ascii16_not_O in H0; [ contradiction |].
- inversion H9.
- split; [ simpl; omega | exact H20 ].
- inversion H14.
- rewrite_for s1.
- rewrite_for s2.
- assert( y1 ++ y2 ++ ys = y0 ++ y3  ++ ys1); [| rewrite_for (y1 ++ y2 ++ ys); reflexivity ].
- replace ((y1 ++ y2 ++ ys) ++ xs0) with (y1 ++ y2 ++ ys ++ xs0) in H21;
-   [| repeat (rewrite app_assoc); reflexivity ].
- replace ((y0 ++ y3 ++ ys1) ++ ys0) with (y0 ++ y3 ++ ys1 ++ ys0) in H21;
-   [| repeat (rewrite app_assoc); reflexivity ].
- inversion H9.
- inversion H10.
- apply (H2 x0 y0 (y2 ++ ys ++ xs0) (y3 ++ ys1 ++ ys0))in H1; auto.
- rewrite_for y1.
- apply app_same in H21.
- apply (H4 x3 y3 (ys ++ xs0) (ys1 ++ ys0)) in H3; auto.
- rewrite_for y3.
- apply app_same in H21.
- apply (H6 (Map16 xs1) ("222" :: t0 :: t3 :: ys1) xs0 ys0) in H5; auto.
-  inversion H5.
-  reflexivity.
-  simpl.
-  unfold ascii8 in *.
-  rewrite <- H21.
-  rewrite H0 in H15.
-  apply ascii16_of_nat_eq in H15; auto.
-  simpl in H15.
-  inversion H15.
-  rewrite H3 in H.
-  rewrite <- H13 in H.
-  inversion H.
-  reflexivity.
-Lemma prefix_map32_cons : forall x1 x2 xs y1 y2 ys s1 s2 s3 s4 t1 t2 t3 t4,
-  (t1, t2, (t3, t4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  (s1, s2, (s3, s4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length ((x1, x2) :: xs)) ->
-  Serialized x1 y1 ->
-  Prefix x1 y1 ->
-  Serialized x2 y2 ->
-  Prefix x2 y2 ->
-  Serialized (Map32 xs) ("223" :: t1 :: t2 :: t3 :: t4 :: ys) ->
-  Prefix (Map32 xs) ("223" :: t1 :: t2 :: t3 :: t4 :: ys) ->
-  Prefix (Map32 ((x1, x2) :: xs)) ("223" :: s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: s4 :: y1 ++ y2 ++ ys).
-unfold Prefix.
-destruct_serialize obj2 y; rewrite_for y; rewrite_for obj2.
- inversion H11.
- rewrite_for s1.
- rewrite_for s2.
- rewrite_for s3.
- rewrite_for s4.
- apply ascii32_not_O in H0; [ contradiction |].
- inversion H9.
- split; [ simpl; omega | exact H20 ].
- inversion H14.
- rewrite_for s1.
- rewrite_for s2.
- rewrite_for s3.
- rewrite_for s4.
- generalize H23; intro Happ; clear H23.
- assert( y1 ++ y2 ++ ys = y0 ++ y3  ++ ys1); [| rewrite_for (y1 ++ y2 ++ ys); reflexivity ].
- replace ((y1 ++ y2 ++ ys) ++ xs0) with (y1 ++ y2 ++ ys ++ xs0) in Happ;
-   [| repeat (rewrite app_assoc); reflexivity ].
- replace ((y0 ++ y3 ++ ys1) ++ ys0) with (y0 ++ y3 ++ ys1 ++ ys0) in Happ;
-   [| repeat (rewrite app_assoc); reflexivity ].
- inversion H9.
- inversion H10.
- apply (H2 x0 y0 (y2 ++ ys ++ xs0) (y3 ++ ys1 ++ ys0)) in H1; auto.
- rewrite_for y1.
- apply app_same in Happ.
- apply (H4 x3 y3 (ys ++ xs0) (ys1 ++ ys0)) in H3; auto.
- rewrite_for y3.
- apply app_same in Happ.
- apply (H6 (Map32 xs1) ("223" :: t0 :: t5 :: t6 :: t7 :: ys1) xs0 ys0) in H5; auto.
-  inversion H5.
-  reflexivity.
-  simpl.
-  unfold ascii8 in *.
-  rewrite <- Happ.
-  rewrite H0 in H15.
-  apply ascii32_of_nat_eq in H15; auto.
-  simpl in H15.
-  inversion H15.
-  rewrite H3 in H.
-  rewrite <- H13 in H.
-  inversion H.
-  reflexivity.
-Hint Resolve
-  prefix_true prefix_false
-  prefix_nil prefix_pfixnum prefix_nfixnum
-  prefix_uint8 prefix_uint16 prefix_uint32 prefix_uint64
-  prefix_int8  prefix_int16  prefix_int32  prefix_int64
-  prefix_float prefix_double
-  prefix_raw16 prefix_raw32
-  prefix_fixarray_nil prefix_array16_nil prefix_array32_nil
-  prefix_fixmap_nil prefix_map16_nil prefix_map32_nil
-  : prefix.
-Lemma prefix_intro: forall obj x,
-  (Serialized obj x -> Prefix obj x)->
-  Prefix obj x.
-unfold Prefix.
-apply H with (xs:=xs) (ys:=ys) in H1; auto.
-Lemma prefix : forall obj1 x,
-  Prefix obj1 x.
-apply prefix_intro.
-pattern obj1,x.
-apply Serialized_ind; intros; auto with prefix.
- apply prefix_fixraw; auto.
- apply prefix_fixarray_cons with (b1:=b1) (b2:=b2) (b3:=b3) (b4:=b4); auto.
- apply prefix_array16_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2); auto.
- apply prefix_array32_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2) (t3:=t3) (t4:=t4); auto.
- apply prefix_fixmap_cons with (b1:=b1) (b2:=b2) (b3:=b3) (b4:=b4); auto.
- apply prefix_map16_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2); auto.
- apply prefix_map32_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2) (t3:=t3) (t4:=t4); auto.
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/ProofUtil.v b/ocaml/proof/ProofUtil.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 191544e6..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/ProofUtil.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Ltac rewrite_for x :=
-  match goal with
-    | [ H : x = _ |- _ ] => rewrite H in *; clear H
-    | [ H : _ = x |- _ ] => rewrite <- H in *; clear H
-  end.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/SerializeImplement.v b/ocaml/proof/SerializeImplement.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bfd6ddf..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/SerializeImplement.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Ascii List.
-Require Import ListUtil Object MultiByte Util SerializeSpec ProofUtil.
-Open Scope char_scope.
-Fixpoint serialize (obj : object) : list ascii8 :=
-  match obj with
-    | Nil        => [ "192" ]
-    | Bool false => [ "194" ]
-    | Bool true  => [ "195" ]
-    | PFixnum (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 _) =>
-      [ Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 false ]
-    | NFixnum (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 _ _ _) =>
-      [ Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 true true true ]
-    | Uint8  c => "204"::list_of_ascii8 c
-    | Uint16 c => "205"::list_of_ascii16 c
-    | Uint32 c => "206"::list_of_ascii32 c
-    | Uint64 c => "207"::list_of_ascii64 c
-    | Int8   c => "208"::list_of_ascii8 c
-    | Int16  c => "209"::list_of_ascii16 c
-    | Int32  c => "210"::list_of_ascii32 c
-    | Int64  c => "211"::list_of_ascii64 c
-    | Float  c => "202"::list_of_ascii32 c
-    | Double c => "203"::list_of_ascii64 c
-    | FixRaw xs =>
-      match ascii8_of_nat @@ length xs with
-        | Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 _ _ _ =>
-          (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 true false true)::xs
-      end
-    | Raw16 xs =>
-      let (s1,s2) :=
-        ascii16_of_nat @@ length xs
-      in
-        "218"::s1::s2::xs
-    | Raw32 xs =>
-      match ascii32_of_nat @@ length xs with
-        | ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) =>
-          "219"::s1::s2::s3::s4::xs
-      end
-    | FixArray xs =>
-      let ys :=
-        flat_map serialize xs
-      in
-      match ascii8_of_nat @@ length xs with
-        | Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 _ _ _ _ =>
-          (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 true false false true)::ys
-      end
-    | Array16 xs =>
-      let ys :=
-        flat_map serialize xs
-      in
-      let (s1, s2) :=
-        ascii16_of_nat (length  xs)
-      in
-        "220"::s1::s2::ys
-    | Array32 xs =>
-      let ys :=
-        flat_map serialize xs
-      in
-      match ascii32_of_nat @@ length xs with
-        | ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) =>
-         "221"::s1::s2::s3::s4::ys
-      end
-    | FixMap xs =>
-      let ys :=
-        flat_map (fun p => serialize (fst p) ++ serialize (snd p)) xs
-      in
-      match ascii8_of_nat @@ length xs with
-        | Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 _ _ _ _ =>
-          (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false true)::ys
-      end
-    | Map16 xs =>
-      let ys :=
-        flat_map (fun p => serialize (fst p) ++ serialize (snd p)) xs
-      in
-      let (s1, s2) :=
-        ascii16_of_nat (length  xs)
-      in
-        "222"::s1::s2::ys
-    | Map32 xs =>
-      let ys :=
-        flat_map (fun p => serialize (fst p) ++ serialize (snd p)) xs
-      in
-      match ascii32_of_nat @@ length xs with
-        | ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) =>
-         "223"::s1::s2::s3::s4::ys
-      end
-  end.
-Definition Correct obj xs :=
-  Serialized obj xs ->
-  serialize obj = xs.
-Ltac straitfoward :=
-  unfold Correct;
-  intros;
-  simpl;
-  reflexivity.
-Lemma correct_nil:
-  Correct Nil ["192"].
-Lemma correct_false:
-  Correct (Bool false) ["194"].
-Lemma correct_true:
-  Correct (Bool true) ["195"].
-Lemma correct_pfixnum: forall x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7,
-  Correct (PFixnum   (Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 false))
-          [Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 false].
-Lemma correct_nfixnum: forall x1 x2 x3 x4 x5,
-  Correct (NFixnum   (Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 true true true))
-          [Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 true true true].
-Lemma correct_uint8 : forall c,
-  Correct (Uint8 c) ("204"::list_of_ascii8 c).
-Lemma correct_uint16 : forall c,
-  Correct (Uint16 c) ("205"::list_of_ascii16 c).
-Lemma correct_uint32 : forall c,
-  Correct (Uint32 c) ("206"::list_of_ascii32 c).
-Lemma correct_uint64 : forall c,
-  Correct (Uint64 c) ("207"::list_of_ascii64 c).
-Lemma correct_int8 : forall c,
-  Correct (Int8 c) ("208"::list_of_ascii8 c).
-Lemma correct_int16 : forall c,
-  Correct (Int16 c) ("209"::list_of_ascii16 c).
-Lemma correct_int32 : forall c,
-  Correct (Int32 c) ("210"::list_of_ascii32 c).
-Lemma correct_int64 : forall c,
-  Correct (Int64 c) ("211"::list_of_ascii64 c).
-Lemma correct_float : forall c,
-  Correct (Float c) ("202"::list_of_ascii32 c).
-Lemma correct_double : forall c,
-  Correct (Double c) ("203"::list_of_ascii64 c).
-Lemma correct_fixraw : forall cs b1 b2 b3 b4 b5,
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  Correct (FixRaw cs) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 true false true)::cs).
-unfold Correct.
-inversion H0.
-unfold atat.
-rewrite_for (ascii8_of_nat (length cs)).
-Lemma correct_raw16: forall cs s1 s2,
-  (s1,s2) =  ascii16_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  Correct (Raw16 cs) ("218"::s1::s2::cs).
-unfold Correct.
-inversion H0.
-unfold atat.
-rewrite_for (ascii16_of_nat (length cs)).
-Lemma correct_raw32 : forall cs s1 s2 s3 s4,
-  ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) =  ascii32_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  Correct (Raw32 cs) ("219"::s1::s2::s3::s4::cs).
-unfold Correct.
-inversion H0.
-unfold atat.
-rewrite_for (ascii32_of_nat (length cs)).
-Lemma correct_fixarray_nil :
-  Correct (FixArray []) ["144"].
-Lemma correct_array16_nil :
-  Correct (Array16 []) ["220"; "000"; "000"].
-unfold Correct.
-rewrite <- ascii16_of_nat_O.
-Lemma correct_array32_nil:
-  Correct (Array32 []) ["221"; "000"; "000";"000"; "000"].
-unfold Correct.
-unfold atat.
-rewrite <- ascii32_of_nat_O.
-Lemma correct_fixmap_nil:
-  Correct (FixMap []) ["128"].
-Lemma correct_map16_nil:
-  Correct (Map16 []) ["222"; "000"; "000"].
-unfold Correct.
-rewrite <- ascii16_of_nat_O.
-Lemma correct_map32_nil:
-  Correct (Map32 []) ["223"; "000"; "000";"000"; "000"].
-unfold Correct.
-unfold atat.
-rewrite <- ascii32_of_nat_O.
-Lemma correct_fixarray_cons: forall x xs y ys b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8,
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length (x::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x y ->
-  Correct x y ->
-  Serialized (FixArray xs) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 true false false true)::ys) ->
-  Correct (FixArray xs) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 true false false true)::ys) ->
-  Correct (FixArray (x :: xs)) ((Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 true false false true)::y ++ ys).
-unfold Correct.
-simpl in *.
-unfold atat in *.
-rewrite_for (ascii8_of_nat (S (length xs))).
-apply H2 in H1.
-apply H4 in H3.
-rewrite_for (ascii8_of_nat (length xs)).
-rewrite_for y.
-inversion H3.
-Lemma correct_array16_cons: forall x xs t1 t2 s1 s2 y ys,
-  (t1, t2) = ascii16_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  (s1, s2) = ascii16_of_nat (length (x :: xs)) ->
-  Serialized x y ->
-  (Serialized x y -> Correct x y) ->
-  Serialized (Array16 xs) ("220" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys) ->
-  (Serialized (Array16 xs) ("220" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys) ->
-    Correct (Array16 xs) ("220" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys)) ->
-  Correct (Array16 (x :: xs)) ("220" :: s1 :: s2 :: y ++ ys).
-unfold Correct.
-simpl in *.
-rewrite_for (ascii16_of_nat (S (length xs))).
-apply H2 in H1; auto.
-apply H4 in H3; auto.
-rewrite_for (ascii16_of_nat (length xs)).
-rewrite_for y.
-inversion H3.
-Lemma correct_array32_cons: forall x xs y ys s1 s2 s3 s4 t1 t2 t3 t4,
-  ((t1,t2),(t3,t4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length (x::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x y ->
-  (Serialized x y -> Correct x y) ->
-  Serialized (Array32 xs) ("221"::t1::t2::t3::t4::ys) ->
-  (Serialized (Array32 xs) ("221"::t1::t2::t3::t4::ys) -> Correct (Array32 xs) ("221"::t1::t2::t3::t4::ys)) ->
-  Correct (Array32 (x::xs)) ("221"::s1::s2::s3::s4::y ++ ys).
-unfold Correct.
-simpl in *.
-unfold atat in *.
-rewrite_for (ascii32_of_nat (S (length xs))).
-apply H2 in H1; auto.
-apply H4 in H3; auto.
-rewrite_for (ascii32_of_nat (length xs)).
-rewrite_for y.
-inversion H3.
-Lemma correct_fixmap_cons: forall x1 x2 xs y1 y2 ys b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8,
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length ((x1,x2)::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x1 y1 -> Correct x1 y1 ->
-  Serialized x2 y2 -> Correct x2 y2 ->
-  Serialized (FixMap xs) (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false true :: ys) ->
-  Correct (FixMap xs) (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false true :: ys) ->
-  Correct (FixMap ((x1, x2) :: xs)) (Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 false false false true :: y1 ++ y2 ++ ys).
-unfold Correct.
-simpl in *.
-unfold atat in *.
-rewrite_for (ascii8_of_nat (S (length xs))).
-apply H2 in H1.
-apply H4 in H3.
-apply H6 in H5.
-rewrite_for (ascii8_of_nat (length xs)).
-rewrite_for y1.
-rewrite_for y2.
-inversion H5.
-rewrite <- app_assoc.
-Lemma correct_map16_cons: forall x1 x2 xs y1 y2 ys s1 s2 t1 t2,
-  (t1, t2) = ascii16_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  (s1, s2) = ascii16_of_nat (length ((x1, x2) :: xs)) ->
-  Serialized x1 y1 ->
-  Correct x1 y1 ->
-  Serialized x2 y2 ->
-  Correct x2 y2 ->
-  Serialized (Map16 xs) ("222" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys) ->
-  Correct (Map16 xs) ("222" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys) ->
-  Correct (Map16 ((x1, x2) :: xs)) ("222" :: s1 :: s2 :: y1 ++ y2 ++ ys).
-unfold Correct.
-simpl in *.
-rewrite_for (ascii16_of_nat (S (length xs))).
-apply H2 in H1.
-apply H4 in H3.
-apply H6 in H5.
-rewrite_for (ascii16_of_nat (length xs)).
-rewrite_for y1.
-rewrite_for y2.
-inversion H5.
-rewrite <- app_assoc.
-Lemma correct_map32_cons : forall x1 x2 xs y1 y2 ys s1 s2 s3 s4 t1 t2 t3 t4,
-  (t1, t2, (t3, t4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  (s1, s2, (s3, s4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length ((x1, x2) :: xs)) ->
-  Serialized x1 y1 ->
-  Correct x1 y1 ->
-  Serialized x2 y2 ->
-  Correct x2 y2 ->
-  Serialized (Map32 xs) ("223" :: t1 :: t2 :: t3 :: t4 :: ys) ->
-  Correct (Map32 xs) ("223" :: t1 :: t2 :: t3 :: t4 :: ys) ->
-  Correct (Map32 ((x1, x2) :: xs)) ("223" :: s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: s4 :: y1 ++ y2 ++ ys).
-unfold Correct.
-simpl in *.
-unfold atat in *.
-rewrite_for (ascii32_of_nat (S (length xs))).
-apply H2 in H1.
-apply H4 in H3.
-apply H6 in H5.
-rewrite_for (ascii32_of_nat (length xs)).
-rewrite_for y1.
-rewrite_for y2.
-inversion H5.
-rewrite <- app_assoc.
-Lemma correct_intro : forall obj xs,
-  (Serialized obj xs -> Correct obj xs) ->
-  Correct obj xs.
-unfold Correct.
-apply H in H0; auto.
-Hint Resolve
-  correct_true correct_false
-  correct_nil correct_pfixnum correct_nfixnum
-  correct_uint8 correct_uint16 correct_uint32 correct_uint64
-  correct_int8  correct_int16  correct_int32  correct_int64
-  correct_float correct_double
-  correct_raw16 correct_raw32
-  correct_fixarray_nil correct_array16_nil correct_array32_nil
-  correct_fixmap_nil correct_map16_nil correct_map32_nil
-  : correct.
-Theorem serialize_correct : forall obj xs,
-  Correct obj xs.
-apply correct_intro.
-pattern obj,xs.
-apply Serialized_ind; intros; auto with correct.
- apply correct_fixraw; auto.
- apply correct_fixarray_cons with (b1:=b1) (b2:=b2) (b3:=b3) (b4:=b4); auto.
- apply correct_array16_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2); auto.
- apply correct_array32_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2) (t3:=t3) (t4:=t4); auto.
- apply correct_fixmap_cons with (b1:=b1) (b2:=b2) (b3:=b3) (b4:=b4); auto.
- apply correct_map16_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2); auto.
- apply correct_map32_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2) (t3:=t3) (t4:=t4); auto.
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/SerializeSpec.v b/ocaml/proof/SerializeSpec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index a071c62a..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/SerializeSpec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-Require Import List Ascii.
-Require Import MultiByte Object ListUtil.
-Open Scope list_scope.
-Open Scope char_scope.
-Inductive Serialized : object -> list ascii8 -> Prop :=
-| SNil :
-  Serialized Nil ["192"]
-| STrue :
-  Serialized (Bool true)  ["195"]
-| SFalse :
-  Serialized (Bool false) ["194"]
-| SPFixnum : forall x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7,
-  Serialized (PFixnum   (Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 false))
-             [Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 false]
-| SNFixnum : forall  x1 x2 x3 x4 x5,
-  Serialized (NFixnum   (Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 true true true))
-             [Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 true true true]
-| SUint8 : forall c,
-  Serialized (Uint8 c) ("204"::list_of_ascii8 c)
-| SUint16 : forall c,
-  Serialized (Uint16 c) ("205"::list_of_ascii16 c)
-| SUint32 : forall c,
-  Serialized (Uint32 c) ("206"::list_of_ascii32 c)
-| SUint64 : forall c,
-  Serialized (Uint64 c) ("207"::list_of_ascii64 c)
-| SInt8 : forall c,
-  Serialized (Int8 c) ("208"::list_of_ascii8 c)
-| SInt16 : forall c,
-  Serialized (Int16 c) ("209"::list_of_ascii16 c)
-| SInt32 : forall c,
-  Serialized (Int32 c) ("210"::list_of_ascii32 c)
-| SInt64 : forall c,
-  Serialized (Int64 c) ("211"::list_of_ascii64 c)
-| SFloat : forall c,
-  Serialized (Float c) ("202"::list_of_ascii32 c)
-| SDouble : forall c,
-  Serialized (Double c) ("203"::list_of_ascii64 c)
-| SFixRaw : forall cs b1 b2 b3 b4 b5,
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  Serialized (FixRaw cs) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 true false true)::cs)
-| SRaw16 : forall cs s1 s2,
-  (s1,s2) =  ascii16_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  Serialized (Raw16 cs) ("218"::s1::s2::cs)
-| SRaw32 : forall cs s1 s2 s3 s4,
-  ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) =  ascii32_of_nat (length cs) ->
-   Serialized (Raw32 cs) ("219"::s1::s2::s3::s4::cs)
-| SFixArrayNil :
-  Serialized (FixArray []) ["144"]
-| SFixArrayCons : forall x xs y ys b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8,
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length (x::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x y ->
-  Serialized (FixArray xs) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 true false false true)::ys) ->
-  Serialized (FixArray (x::xs)) ((Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 true false false true)::y ++ ys)
-| SArray16Nil :
-  Serialized (Array16 []) ["220"; "000"; "000"]
-| SArray16Cons : forall x xs y ys s1 s2 t1 t2,
-  (t1,t2) = ascii16_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  (s1,s2) = ascii16_of_nat (length (x::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x y ->
-  Serialized (Array16 xs) ("220"::t1::t2::ys) ->
-  Serialized (Array16 (x::xs)) ("220"::s1::s2::y ++ ys)
-| SArray32Nil :
-  Serialized (Array32 []) ["221"; "000"; "000";"000"; "000"]
-| SArray32Cons : forall x xs y ys s1 s2 s3 s4 t1 t2 t3 t4,
-  ((t1,t2),(t3,t4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length (x::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x y ->
-  Serialized (Array32 xs) ("221"::t1::t2::t3::t4::ys) ->
-  Serialized (Array32 (x::xs)) ("221"::s1::s2::s3::s4::y ++ ys)
-| SFixMapNil :
-  Serialized (FixMap []) ["128"]
-| SFixMapCons : forall x1 x2 xs y1 y2 ys b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8,
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length ((x1,x2)::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x1 y1 ->
-  Serialized x2 y2 ->
-  Serialized (FixMap xs) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false true)::ys) ->
-  Serialized (FixMap ((x1,x2)::xs)) ((Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 false false false true)::y1 ++ y2  ++ ys)
-| SMap16Nil :
-  Serialized (Map16 []) ["222"; "000"; "000"]
-| SMap16Cons : forall x1 x2 xs y1 y2 ys s1 s2 t1 t2,
-  (t1,t2) = ascii16_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  (s1,s2) = ascii16_of_nat (length ((x1,x2)::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x1 y1 ->
-  Serialized x2 y2 ->
-  Serialized (Map16 xs) ("222"::t1::t2::ys) ->
-  Serialized (Map16 ((x1,x2)::xs)) ("222"::s1::s2::y1 ++ y2 ++ ys)
-| SMap32Nil :
-  Serialized (Map32 []) ["223"; "000"; "000";"000"; "000"]
-| SMap32Cons : forall x1 x2 xs y1 y2 ys s1 s2 s3 s4 t1 t2 t3 t4,
-  ((t1,t2),(t3,t4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length ((x1,x2)::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x1 y1 ->
-  Serialized x2 y2 ->
-  Serialized (Map32 xs) ("223"::t1::t2::t3::t4::ys) ->
-  Serialized (Map32 ((x1,x2)::xs)) ("223"::s1::s2::s3::s4::y1 ++ y2 ++ ys).
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/SerializedList.v b/ocaml/proof/SerializedList.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e2da9e5f..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/SerializedList.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,521 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Ascii List.
-Require Import ListUtil Object MultiByte Util SerializeSpec Pow.
-Open Scope char_scope.
-Definition lift P (o : object) (b : list ascii) := forall os bs,
-  P os bs -> P (o::os) (b ++ bs).
-Inductive SerializedList : list object -> list ascii8 -> Prop :=
-| SLbot :
-  SerializedList [] []
-| SLNil:
-  lift SerializedList Nil ["192"]
-| SLTrue :
-  lift SerializedList (Bool true)  ["195"]
-| SLFalse :
-  lift SerializedList (Bool false) ["194"]
-| SLPFixnum : forall x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7,
-  lift SerializedList (PFixnum   (Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 false))
-                      [Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 false]
-| SLNFixnum : forall  x1 x2 x3 x4 x5,
-  lift SerializedList (NFixnum   (Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 true true true))
-                      [Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 true true true]
-| SLUint8 : forall c,
-  lift SerializedList (Uint8 c) ("204" :: list_of_ascii8 c)
-| SLUint16 : forall c,
-  lift SerializedList (Uint16 c) ("205" :: list_of_ascii16 c)
-| SLUint32 : forall c,
-  lift SerializedList (Uint32 c) ("206" :: list_of_ascii32 c)
-| SLUint64 : forall c,
-  lift SerializedList (Uint64 c) ("207" :: list_of_ascii64 c)
-| SLInt8 : forall c,
-  lift SerializedList (Int8 c) ("208" :: list_of_ascii8 c)
-| SLInt16 : forall c,
-  lift SerializedList (Int16 c) ("209" :: list_of_ascii16 c)
-| SLInt32 : forall c,
-  lift SerializedList (Int32 c) ("210" :: list_of_ascii32 c)
-| SLInt64 : forall c,
-  lift SerializedList (Int64 c) ("211" :: list_of_ascii64 c)
-| SLFloat : forall c,
-  lift SerializedList (Float c) ("202" :: list_of_ascii32 c)
-| SLDouble : forall c,
-  lift SerializedList (Double c) ("203" :: list_of_ascii64 c)
-| SLFixRaw : forall cs b1 b2 b3 b4 b5,
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  List.length cs < pow 5 ->
-  lift SerializedList (FixRaw cs) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 true false true) :: cs)
-| SLRaw16 : forall cs s1 s2,
-  (s1,s2) =  ascii16_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  List.length cs < pow 16 ->
-  lift SerializedList (Raw16 cs) ("218" :: s1 :: s2 :: cs)
-| SLRaw32 : forall cs s1 s2 s3 s4,
-  ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) =  ascii32_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  List.length cs < pow 32 ->
-   lift SerializedList (Raw32 cs) ("219" :: s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: s4 :: cs)
-| SLFixArray : forall os n b1 b2 b3 b4 xs ys bs,
-  SerializedList os bs ->
-  (xs,ys) = split_at n os ->
-  n < pow 4 ->
-  (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false false) = ascii8_of_nat n ->
-  SerializedList ((FixArray xs) :: ys) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 true false false true) :: bs)
-| SLArray16 : forall os n xs ys bs s1 s2,
-  SerializedList os bs ->
-  (xs,ys) = split_at n os ->
-  n < pow 16 ->
-  (s1,s2) = ascii16_of_nat n ->
-  SerializedList ((Array16 xs)::ys) ("220" :: s1 :: s2 :: bs)
-| SLArray32 : forall os n xs ys bs s1 s2 s3 s4,
-  SerializedList os bs ->
-  (xs,ys) = split_at n os ->
-  n < pow 32 ->
-  ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) = ascii32_of_nat n ->
-  SerializedList ((Array32 xs)::ys) ("221" :: s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: s4 :: bs)
-| SLFixMap : forall os n b1 b2 b3 b4 xs ys bs,
-  SerializedList os bs ->
-  (xs,ys) = split_at (2 * n) os ->
-  List.length xs = 2 * n ->
-  n < pow 4 ->
-  (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false false) = ascii8_of_nat n ->
-  SerializedList ((FixMap (pair xs)) :: ys) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false true) :: bs)
-| SLMap16 : forall os n xs ys bs s1 s2,
-  SerializedList os bs ->
-  (xs,ys) = split_at (2 * n) os ->
-  List.length xs = 2 * n ->
-  n < pow 16 ->
-  (s1,s2) = ascii16_of_nat n ->
-  SerializedList ((Map16 (pair xs))::ys) ("222" :: s1 :: s2 :: bs)
-| SLMap32 : forall os n xs ys bs s1 s2 s3 s4,
-  SerializedList os bs ->
-  (xs,ys) = split_at (2 * n) os ->
-  List.length xs = 2 * n ->
-  n < pow 32 ->
-  ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) = ascii32_of_nat n ->
-  SerializedList ((Map32 (pair xs))::ys) ("223" :: s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: s4 :: bs).
-Lemma app_cons: forall A (xs ys zs : list A) x,
-  x :: (xs ++ ys) ++ zs = x :: (xs ++ ys ++ zs).
-induction xs; intros; simpl; auto.
-rewrite (IHxs ys zs a).
-Definition Soundness o bs := forall os bs',
-  Serialized o bs ->
-  Valid o ->
-  SerializedList os bs' ->
-  SerializedList (o :: os) (bs ++ bs').
-Ltac straitfoward P :=
- intros;
- unfold Soundness;
- intros os bs' Hs Hv Hsl;
- apply P;
- auto.
-Lemma soundness_nil:
-  Soundness Nil ["192"].
-straitfoward SLNil.
-Lemma soundness_false:
-  Soundness (Bool false) ["194"].
-straitfoward SLFalse.
-Lemma soundness_true:
-  Soundness (Bool true) ["195"].
-straitfoward SLTrue.
-Lemma soundness_pfixnum: forall x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7,
-  Soundness (PFixnum   (Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 false))
-          [Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 false].
-straitfoward SLPFixnum.
-Lemma soundness_nfixnum: forall x1 x2 x3 x4 x5,
-  Soundness (NFixnum   (Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 true true true))
-          [Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 true true true].
-straitfoward SLNFixnum.
-Lemma soundness_uint8 : forall c,
-  Soundness (Uint8 c) ("204"::list_of_ascii8 c).
-straitfoward SLUint8.
-Lemma soundness_uint16 : forall c,
-  Soundness (Uint16 c) ("205"::list_of_ascii16 c).
-straitfoward SLUint16.
-Lemma soundness_uint32 : forall c,
-  Soundness (Uint32 c) ("206"::list_of_ascii32 c).
-straitfoward SLUint32.
-Lemma soundness_uint64 : forall c,
-  Soundness (Uint64 c) ("207"::list_of_ascii64 c).
-straitfoward SLUint64.
-Lemma soundness_int8 : forall c,
-  Soundness (Int8 c) ("208"::list_of_ascii8 c).
-straitfoward SLInt8.
-Lemma soundness_int16 : forall c,
-  Soundness (Int16 c) ("209"::list_of_ascii16 c).
-straitfoward SLInt16.
-Lemma soundness_int32 : forall c,
-  Soundness (Int32 c) ("210"::list_of_ascii32 c).
-straitfoward SLInt32.
-Lemma soundness_int64 : forall c,
-  Soundness (Int64 c) ("211"::list_of_ascii64 c).
-straitfoward SLInt64.
-Lemma soundness_float : forall c,
-  Soundness (Float c) ("202"::list_of_ascii32 c).
-straitfoward SLFloat.
-Lemma soundness_double : forall c,
-  Soundness (Double c) ("203"::list_of_ascii64 c).
-straitfoward SLDouble.
-Lemma soundness_fixraw : forall cs b1 b2 b3 b4 b5,
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  Soundness (FixRaw cs) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 true false true)::cs).
-straitfoward SLFixRaw.
-inversion Hv.
-Lemma soundness_raw16: forall cs s1 s2,
-  (s1,s2) =  ascii16_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  Soundness (Raw16 cs) ("218"::s1::s2::cs).
-straitfoward SLRaw16.
-inversion Hv.
-Lemma soundness_raw32 : forall cs s1 s2 s3 s4,
-  ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) =  ascii32_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  Soundness (Raw32 cs) ("219"::s1::s2::s3::s4::cs).
-straitfoward SLRaw32.
-inversion Hv.
-Lemma soundness_fixarray_nil :
-  Soundness (FixArray []) ["144"].
-unfold Soundness.
-apply (SLFixArray os 0); auto.
-Lemma soundness_array16_nil :
-  Soundness (Array16 []) ["220"; "000"; "000"].
-unfold Soundness.
-apply (SLArray16 os 0 _ _ bs' "000" "000"); auto.
-rewrite <- ascii16_of_nat_O.
-Lemma soundness_array32_nil:
-  Soundness (Array32 []) ["221"; "000"; "000";"000"; "000"].
-unfold Soundness.
-apply (SLArray32 os 0 _ _ bs' "000" "000" "000" "000"); auto.
-rewrite <- ascii32_of_nat_O.
-Lemma soundness_fixmap_nil:
-  Soundness (FixMap []) ["128"].
-unfold Soundness.
-apply (SLFixMap os 0 _ _ _ _ [] _ bs'); auto.
-Lemma soundness_map16_nil:
-  Soundness (Map16 []) ["222"; "000"; "000"].
-unfold Soundness.
-apply (SLMap16 os 0 [] _ bs' "000" "000"); auto.
-rewrite <- ascii16_of_nat_O.
-Lemma soundness_map32_nil:
-  Soundness (Map32 []) ["223"; "000"; "000";"000"; "000"].
-unfold Soundness.
-apply (SLMap32 os 0 [] _ bs' "000" "000" "000" "000"); auto.
-rewrite <- ascii32_of_nat_O.
-Lemma soundness_fixarray_cons: forall x xs y ys b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8,
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length (x::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x y ->
-  Soundness x y ->
-  Serialized (FixArray xs) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 true false false true)::ys) ->
-  Soundness (FixArray xs) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 true false false true)::ys) ->
-  Soundness (FixArray (x :: xs)) ((Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 true false false true)::y ++ ys).
-unfold Soundness.
-rewrite app_cons.
-inversion H6.
-apply (SLFixArray (x::(xs++os)) (length (x::xs))); auto.
- apply (H2 (xs++os) (ys++bs')) in H1; auto.
- apply (H4 os bs') in H3; auto.
- inversion H3.
- apply split_at_soundness in H21.
- rewrite H21 in *.
- assumption.
- apply split_at_length.
-Lemma soundness_array16_cons: forall x xs t1 t2 s1 s2 y ys,
-  (t1, t2) = ascii16_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  (s1, s2) = ascii16_of_nat (length (x :: xs)) ->
-  Serialized x y ->
-  Soundness x y ->
-  Serialized (Array16 xs) ("220" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys) ->
-  Soundness (Array16 xs) ("220" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys) ->
-  Soundness (Array16 (x :: xs)) ("220" :: s1 :: s2 :: y ++ ys).
-unfold Soundness.
-rewrite app_cons.
-inversion H6.
-apply (SLArray16 (x::(xs++os)) (length (x::xs))); auto.
- apply (H2 (xs++os) (ys++bs')) in H1; auto.
- apply (H4 os bs') in H3; auto.
- inversion H3.
- apply split_at_soundness in H19.
- rewrite H19 in *.
- assumption.
- apply split_at_length.
-Lemma soundness_array32_cons: forall x xs y ys s1 s2 s3 s4 t1 t2 t3 t4,
-  ((t1,t2),(t3,t4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length (x::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x y ->
-  Soundness x y ->
-  Serialized (Array32 xs) ("221"::t1::t2::t3::t4::ys) ->
-  Soundness (Array32 xs) ("221"::t1::t2::t3::t4::ys) ->
-  Soundness (Array32 (x::xs)) ("221"::s1::s2::s3::s4::y ++ ys).
-unfold Soundness.
-rewrite app_cons.
-inversion H6.
-apply (SLArray32 (x::(xs++os)) (length (x::xs))); auto.
- apply (H2 (xs++os) (ys++bs')) in H1; auto.
- apply (H4 os bs') in H3; auto.
- inversion H3.
- apply split_at_soundness in H21.
- rewrite H21 in *.
- assumption.
- apply split_at_length.
-Lemma soundness_fixmap_cons: forall x1 x2 xs y1 y2 ys b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8,
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length ((x1,x2)::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x1 y1 -> Soundness x1 y1 ->
-  Serialized x2 y2 -> Soundness x2 y2 ->
-  Serialized (FixMap xs) (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false true :: ys) ->
-  Soundness (FixMap xs) (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false true :: ys) ->
-  Soundness (FixMap ((x1, x2) :: xs)) (Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 false false false true :: y1 ++ y2 ++ ys).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold Soundness.
-rewrite app_cons.
-rewrite <- app_assoc.
-rewrite <- (pair_unpair _ ( (x1, x2) :: xs )).
-inversion H8.
-apply (SLFixMap (x1::x2::unpair xs++os)  (length ((x1,x2)::xs))); auto.
- apply (H2 ( x2 :: unpair xs ++ os ) ( y2 ++ ys ++ bs' )) in H1; auto.
- apply (H4 ( unpair xs ++ os) ( ys ++ bs')) in H3; auto.
- apply (H6 os bs') in H5; auto.
- inversion H5.
- rewrite (unpair_pair _ n); auto.
- apply split_at_soundness in H25.
- rewrite <- H25...
- apply unpair_split_at.
- apply unpair_length.
-Lemma soundness_map16_cons: forall x1 x2 xs y1 y2 ys s1 s2 t1 t2,
-  (t1, t2) = ascii16_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  (s1, s2) = ascii16_of_nat (length ((x1, x2) :: xs)) ->
-  Serialized x1 y1 ->
-  Soundness x1 y1 ->
-  Serialized x2 y2 ->
-  Soundness x2 y2 ->
-  Serialized (Map16 xs) ("222" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys) ->
-  Soundness (Map16 xs) ("222" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys) ->
-  Soundness (Map16 ((x1, x2) :: xs)) ("222" :: s1 :: s2 :: y1 ++ y2 ++ ys).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold Soundness.
-rewrite app_cons.
-rewrite <- app_assoc.
-rewrite <- (pair_unpair _ ( (x1, x2) :: xs )).
-inversion H8.
-apply (SLMap16 (x1::x2::unpair xs++os)  (length ((x1,x2)::xs))); auto.
- apply (H2 ( x2 :: unpair xs ++ os ) ( y2 ++ ys ++ bs' )) in H1; auto.
- apply (H4 ( unpair xs ++ os) ( ys ++ bs')) in H3; auto.
- apply (H6 os bs') in H5; auto.
- inversion H5.
- rewrite (unpair_pair _ n); auto.
- apply split_at_soundness in H23.
- rewrite <- H23...
- apply unpair_split_at.
- apply unpair_length.
-Lemma soundness_map32_cons : forall x1 x2 xs y1 y2 ys s1 s2 s3 s4 t1 t2 t3 t4,
-  (t1, t2, (t3, t4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  (s1, s2, (s3, s4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length ((x1, x2) :: xs)) ->
-  Serialized x1 y1 ->
-  Soundness x1 y1 ->
-  Serialized x2 y2 ->
-  Soundness x2 y2 ->
-  Serialized (Map32 xs) ("223" :: t1 :: t2 :: t3 :: t4 :: ys) ->
-  Soundness (Map32 xs) ("223" :: t1 :: t2 :: t3 :: t4 :: ys) ->
-  Soundness (Map32 ((x1, x2) :: xs)) ("223" :: s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: s4 :: y1 ++ y2 ++ ys).
-Proof with auto.
-unfold Soundness.
-rewrite app_cons.
-rewrite <- app_assoc.
-rewrite <- (pair_unpair _ ( (x1, x2) :: xs )).
-inversion H8.
-apply (SLMap32 (x1::x2::unpair xs++os)  (length ((x1,x2)::xs))); auto.
- apply (H2 ( x2 :: unpair xs ++ os ) ( y2 ++ ys ++ bs' )) in H1; auto.
- apply (H4 ( unpair xs ++ os) ( ys ++ bs')) in H3; auto.
- apply (H6 os bs') in H5; auto.
- inversion H5.
- rewrite (unpair_pair _ n); auto.
- apply split_at_soundness in H25.
- rewrite <- H25...
- apply unpair_split_at.
- apply unpair_length.
-Lemma soundness_intro : forall obj xs,
-  (Serialized obj xs -> Soundness obj xs) ->
-  Soundness obj xs.
-unfold Soundness.
-eapply H in H0; auto.
-apply H0.
-Hint Resolve
-  soundness_true soundness_false
-  soundness_nil soundness_pfixnum soundness_nfixnum
-  soundness_uint8 soundness_uint16 soundness_uint32 soundness_uint64
-  soundness_int8  soundness_int16  soundness_int32  soundness_int64
-  soundness_float soundness_double
-  soundness_raw16 soundness_raw32
-  soundness_fixarray_nil soundness_array16_nil soundness_array32_nil
-  soundness_fixmap_nil soundness_map16_nil soundness_map32_nil
-  : soundness.
-Theorem serialize_soundness : forall obj xs,
-  Soundness obj xs.
-apply soundness_intro.
-pattern obj,xs.
-apply Serialized_ind; intros; auto with soundness.
- apply soundness_fixraw; auto.
- apply soundness_fixarray_cons with (b1:=b1) (b2:=b2) (b3:=b3) (b4:=b4); auto.
- apply soundness_array16_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2); auto.
- apply soundness_array32_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2) (t3:=t3) (t4:=t4); auto.
- apply soundness_fixmap_cons with (b1:=b1) (b2:=b2) (b3:=b3) (b4:=b4); auto.
- apply soundness_map16_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2); auto.
- apply soundness_map32_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2) (t3:=t3) (t4:=t4); auto.
-Lemma sl_soundness: forall o os bs bs',
-  Serialized o bs ->
-  Valid o ->
-  SerializedList os bs' ->
-  SerializedList (o :: os) (bs ++ bs').
-apply soundness_intro; auto.
-pattern o, bs.
-apply Serialized_ind; intros; auto with soundness.
- apply soundness_fixraw; auto.
- apply soundness_fixarray_cons with (b1:=b1) (b2:=b2) (b3:=b3) (b4:=b4); auto.
- apply soundness_array16_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2); auto.
- apply soundness_array32_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2) (t3:=t3) (t4:=t4); auto.
- apply soundness_fixmap_cons with (b1:=b1) (b2:=b2) (b3:=b3) (b4:=b4); auto.
- apply soundness_map16_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2); auto.
- apply soundness_map32_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2) (t3:=t3) (t4:=t4); auto.
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/Soundness.v b/ocaml/proof/Soundness.v
deleted file mode 100644
index a3072e80..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/Soundness.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,623 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Ascii.
-Require Import ListUtil Object MultiByte SerializeSpec Prefix ProofUtil Pow.
-Definition Soundness obj1 x : Prop := forall obj2,
-  Serialized obj1 x ->
-  Serialized obj2 x ->
-  Valid obj1 ->
-  Valid obj2 ->
-  obj1 = obj2.
-Ltac straightfoward :=
-  intros;
-  unfold Soundness;
-  intros obj2 Hs1 Hs2 V1 V2;
-  inversion Hs2;
-  reflexivity.
-Lemma  soundness_nil:
-  Soundness Nil ["192"].
-Lemma soundness_true :
-  Soundness (Bool true) ["195"].
-Lemma soundness_false :
-  Soundness (Bool false) ["194"].
-Lemma soundness_pfixnum: forall x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7,
-  Soundness (PFixnum   (Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 false))
-            [Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 false].
-Lemma soundness_nfixnum: forall x1 x2 x3 x4 x5,
-  Soundness (NFixnum   (Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 true true true))
-            [Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 true true true].
-Lemma soundness_uint8 : forall c,
-  Soundness (Uint8 c) ("204"::list_of_ascii8 c).
-unfold Soundness.
-intros obj2 Hs1 Hs2 V1 V2.
-inversion Hs2.
-rewrite_for obj2.
-Lemma soundness_uint16 : forall c,
-  Soundness (Uint16 c) ("205"::list_of_ascii16 c).
-unfold Soundness.
-intros obj2 Hs1 Hs2 V1 V2.
-inversion Hs2.
-assert (c = c0); [| rewrite_for c ]; auto with ascii.
-Lemma soundness_uint32 : forall c,
-  Soundness (Uint32 c) ("206"::list_of_ascii32 c).
-unfold Soundness.
-intros obj2 Hs1 Hs2 V1 V2.
-inversion Hs2.
-assert (c = c0); [| rewrite_for c ]; auto with ascii.
-Lemma soundness_uint64 : forall c,
-  Soundness (Uint64 c) ("207"::list_of_ascii64 c).
-unfold Soundness.
-intros obj2 Hs1 Hs2 V1 V2.
-inversion Hs2.
-assert (c = c0); [| rewrite_for c ]; auto with ascii.
-Lemma soundness_int8 : forall c,
-  Soundness (Int8 c) ("208"::list_of_ascii8 c).
-unfold Soundness.
-intros obj2 Hs1 Hs2 V1 V2.
-inversion Hs2.
-assert (c = c0); [| rewrite_for c ]; auto with ascii.
-Lemma soundness_int16 : forall c,
-  Soundness (Int16 c) ("209"::list_of_ascii16 c).
-unfold Soundness.
-intros obj2 Hs1 Hs2 V1 V2.
-inversion Hs2.
-assert (c = c0); [| rewrite_for c ]; auto with ascii.
-Lemma soundness_int32 : forall c,
-  Soundness (Int32 c) ("210"::list_of_ascii32 c).
-unfold Soundness.
-intros obj2 Hs1 Hs2 V1 V2.
-inversion Hs2.
-assert (c = c0); [| rewrite_for c ]; auto with ascii.
-Lemma soundness_int64 : forall c,
-  Soundness (Int64 c) ("211"::list_of_ascii64 c).
-unfold Soundness.
-intros obj2 Hs1 Hs2 V1 V2.
-inversion Hs2.
-assert (c = c0); [| rewrite_for c ]; auto with ascii.
-Lemma soundness_float : forall c,
-  Soundness (Float c) ("202"::list_of_ascii32 c).
-unfold Soundness.
-intros obj2 Hs1 Hs2 V1 V2.
-inversion Hs2.
-assert (c = c0); [| rewrite_for c ]; auto with ascii.
-Lemma soundness_double : forall c,
-  Soundness (Double c) ("203"::list_of_ascii64 c).
-unfold Soundness.
-intros obj2 Hs1 Hs2 V1 V2.
-inversion Hs2.
-assert (c = c0); [| rewrite_for c ]; auto with ascii.
-Lemma soundness_fixraw : forall cs b1 b2 b3 b4 b5,
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  Soundness (FixRaw cs) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 true false true)::cs).
-Lemma soundness_raw16: forall cs s1 s2,
-  (s1,s2) =  ascii16_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  Soundness (Raw16 cs) ("218"::s1::s2::cs).
-Lemma soundness_raw32 : forall cs s1 s2 s3 s4,
-  ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) =  ascii32_of_nat (length cs) ->
-  Soundness (Raw32 cs) ("219"::s1::s2::s3::s4::cs).
-Lemma soundness_fixarray_nil :
-  Soundness (FixArray []) ["144"].
-unfold Soundness.
-inversion H0; auto.
-apply ascii8_not_O in H10; [ contradiction |].
-split; [ simpl; omega |].
-rewrite_for obj2.
-inversion H2.
-transitivity (pow 4); [ assumption |].
-apply pow_lt.
-Lemma soundness_array16_nil :
-  Soundness (Array16 []) ["220"; "000"; "000"].
-unfold Soundness.
-inversion H0; auto.
-apply ascii16_not_O in H8; [ contradiction |].
-split; [ simpl; omega |].
-rewrite_for obj2.
-inversion H2.
-Lemma soundness_array32_nil:
-  Soundness (Array32 []) ["221"; "000"; "000";"000"; "000"].
-unfold Soundness.
-inversion H0; auto.
-apply ascii32_not_O in H10; [ contradiction |].
-split; [ simpl; omega |].
-rewrite_for obj2.
-inversion H2.
-Lemma soundness_fixmap_nil:
-  Soundness (FixMap []) ["128"].
-unfold Soundness.
-inversion H0; auto.
-apply ascii8_not_O in H10; [ contradiction |].
-split; [ simpl; omega |].
-rewrite_for obj2.
-inversion H2.
-transitivity (pow 4); [ assumption |].
-apply pow_lt.
-Lemma soundness_map16_nil:
-  Soundness (Map16 []) ["222"; "000"; "000"].
-unfold Soundness.
-inversion H0; auto.
-apply ascii16_not_O in H7; [ contradiction |].
-split; [ simpl; omega |].
-rewrite_for obj2.
-inversion H2.
-Lemma soundness_map32_nil:
-  Soundness (Map32 []) ["223"; "000"; "000";"000"; "000"].
-unfold Soundness.
-inversion H0; auto.
-apply ascii32_not_O in H10; [ contradiction |].
-split; [ simpl; omega |].
-rewrite_for obj2.
-inversion H2.
-Lemma soundness_fixarray_cons: forall x xs y ys b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8,
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length (x::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x y ->
-  Soundness x y ->
-  Serialized (FixArray xs) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 true false false true)::ys) ->
-  Soundness (FixArray xs) ((Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 true false false true)::ys) ->
-  Soundness (FixArray (x :: xs)) ((Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 true false false true)::y ++ ys).
-unfold Soundness.
-inversion H6.
- rewrite_for b5.
- rewrite_for b6.
- rewrite_for b7.
- rewrite_for b8.
- apply ascii8_not_O in H0; [ contradiction |].
- split; [ simpl; omega |].
- inversion H7.
- transitivity (pow 4); [| apply pow_lt ]; auto.
- rewrite_for obj2.
- inversion H7.
- inversion H8.
- assert (y = y0).
-  generalize prefix.
-  unfold Prefix.
-  intro Hprefix.
-  apply (Hprefix x _ x0 _ ys ys0); auto.
-  rewrite_for y0.
-  apply H2 with (obj2:=x0) in H1; auto.
-  apply app_same in H15.
-  apply H4 with (obj2:=(FixArray xs0)) in H3; auto.
-   inversion H3.
-   rewrite H1.
-   reflexivity.
-   rewrite H16 in H0.
-   apply ascii8_of_nat_eq in H0; [| transitivity (pow 4); [| apply pow_lt]; auto
-                                  | transitivity (pow 4); [| apply pow_lt]; auto].
-   simpl H0.
-   inversion H0.
-   rewrite <- H29 in H.
-   rewrite <- H14 in H.
-   inversion H.
-   rewrite_for b9.
-   rewrite_for b10.
-   rewrite_for ys.
-   assumption.
-Lemma soundness_array16_cons: forall x xs t1 t2 s1 s2 y ys,
-  (t1, t2) = ascii16_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  (s1, s2) = ascii16_of_nat (length (x :: xs)) ->
-  Serialized x y ->
-  (Serialized x y -> Soundness x y) ->
-  Serialized (Array16 xs) ("220" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys) ->
-  (Serialized (Array16 xs) ("220" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys) ->
-    Soundness (Array16 xs) ("220" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys)) ->
-  Soundness (Array16 (x :: xs)) ("220" :: s1 :: s2 :: y ++ ys).
-unfold Soundness.
-inversion H6.
- rewrite_for s1.
- rewrite_for s2.
- apply ascii16_not_O in H0; [ contradiction |].
- split; [ simpl; omega |].
- inversion H7.
- assumption.
- rewrite_for obj2.
- inversion H7.
- inversion H8.
- assert (y = y0).
-  generalize prefix.
-  unfold Prefix.
-  intro Hprefix.
-  apply (Hprefix x _ x0 _ ys ys0); auto.
-  rewrite_for y0.
-  apply H2 with (obj2:=x0) in H1; auto.
-  apply app_same in H11.
-  apply H4 with (obj2:=(Array16 xs0)) in H3; auto.
-   inversion H3.
-   rewrite H1.
-   reflexivity.
-   rewrite H14 in H0.
-   simpl in H0.
-   apply ascii16_of_nat_eq in H0; auto.
-   inversion H0.
-   rewrite <- H27 in H.
-   rewrite <- H12 in H.
-   inversion H.
-   rewrite_for t0.
-   rewrite_for t3.
-   rewrite_for ys.
-   assumption.
-Lemma soundness_array32_cons: forall x xs y ys s1 s2 s3 s4 t1 t2 t3 t4,
-  ((t1,t2),(t3,t4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  ((s1,s2),(s3,s4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length (x::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x y ->
-  (Serialized x y -> Soundness x y) ->
-  Serialized (Array32 xs) ("221"::t1::t2::t3::t4::ys) ->
-  (Serialized (Array32 xs) ("221"::t1::t2::t3::t4::ys) -> Soundness (Array32 xs) ("221"::t1::t2::t3::t4::ys)) ->
-  Soundness (Array32 (x::xs)) ("221"::s1::s2::s3::s4::y ++ ys).
-unfold Soundness.
-inversion H6.
- rewrite_for s1.
- rewrite_for s2.
- rewrite_for s3.
- rewrite_for s4.
- apply ascii32_not_O in H0; [ contradiction |].
- split; [ simpl; omega |].
- inversion H7.
- assumption.
- rewrite_for obj2.
- inversion H7.
- inversion H8.
- assert (y = y0).
-  generalize prefix.
-  unfold Prefix.
-  intro Hprefix.
-  apply (Hprefix x _ x0 _ ys ys0); auto.
-  rewrite_for y0.
-  apply H2 with (obj2:=x0) in H1; auto.
-  apply app_same in H15.
-  apply H4 with (obj2:=(Array32 xs0)) in H3; auto.
-   inversion H3.
-   rewrite H1.
-   reflexivity.
-   rewrite H16 in H0.
-   simpl in H0.
-   apply ascii32_of_nat_eq in H0; auto.
-   inversion H0.
-   rewrite <- H29 in H.
-   rewrite <- H14 in H.
-   inversion H.
-   rewrite_for t0.
-   rewrite_for t5.
-   rewrite_for t6.
-   rewrite_for t7.
-   rewrite_for ys.
-   assumption.
-Lemma soundness_fixmap_cons: forall x1 x2 xs y1 y2 ys b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8,
-  Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 false false false false = ascii8_of_nat (length ((x1,x2)::xs)) ->
-  Serialized x1 y1 -> Soundness x1 y1 ->
-  Serialized x2 y2 -> Soundness x2 y2 ->
-  Serialized (FixMap xs) (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false true :: ys) ->
-  Soundness (FixMap xs) (Ascii b1 b2 b3 b4 false false false true :: ys) ->
-  Soundness (FixMap ((x1, x2) :: xs)) (Ascii b5 b6 b7 b8 false false false true :: y1 ++ y2 ++ ys).
-unfold Soundness.
-inversion H8.
- rewrite_for b5.
- rewrite_for b6.
- rewrite_for b7.
- rewrite_for b8.
- apply ascii8_not_O in H0; [ contradiction |].
- split; [ simpl; omega |].
- inversion H9.
- transitivity (pow 4); [| apply pow_lt]; auto.
- rewrite_for obj2.
- inversion H9.
- inversion H10.
- generalize prefix.
- unfold Prefix.
- intro Hprefix.
- assert (y1 = y0).
-  apply (Hprefix x1 _ x0 _ (y2 ++ ys) (y3 ++ ys0)); auto.
-  rewrite_for y0.
-  apply app_same in H15.
-  assert (y2 = y3).
-  apply (Hprefix x2 _ x3 _ ys ys0); auto.
-  rewrite_for y3.
-  apply H2 with (obj2:=x0) in H1; auto.
-  apply H4 with (obj2:=x3) in H3; auto.
-  apply H6 with (obj2:=(FixMap xs0)) in H5; auto.
-   inversion H5.
-   rewrite H1, H3.
-   reflexivity.
-   rewrite H18 in H0.
-   simpl in H0.
-   apply ascii8_of_nat_eq in H0; [| transitivity (pow 4); [| apply pow_lt]; auto
-                                  | transitivity (pow 4); [| apply pow_lt]; auto].
-   inversion H0.
-   rewrite <- H36 in H.
-   rewrite <- H17 in H.
-   inversion H.
-   rewrite_for b0.
-   rewrite_for b9.
-   rewrite_for b10.
-   rewrite_for b11.
-   apply app_same in H15.
-   rewrite_for ys.
-   assumption.
-Lemma soundness_map16_cons: forall x1 x2 xs y1 y2 ys s1 s2 t1 t2,
-  (t1, t2) = ascii16_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  (s1, s2) = ascii16_of_nat (length ((x1, x2) :: xs)) ->
-  Serialized x1 y1 ->
-  Soundness x1 y1 ->
-  Serialized x2 y2 ->
-  Soundness x2 y2 ->
-  Serialized (Map16 xs) ("222" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys) ->
-  Soundness (Map16 xs) ("222" :: t1 :: t2 :: ys) ->
-  Soundness (Map16 ((x1, x2) :: xs)) ("222" :: s1 :: s2 :: y1 ++ y2 ++ ys).
-unfold Soundness.
-inversion H8.
- rewrite_for s1.
- rewrite_for s2.
- apply ascii16_not_O in H0; [ contradiction |].
- split; [ simpl; omega |].
- inversion H9.
- assumption.
- rewrite_for obj2.
- inversion H9.
- inversion H10.
- generalize prefix.
- unfold Prefix.
- intro Hprefix.
- assert (y1 = y0).
-  apply (Hprefix x1 _ x0 _ (y2 ++ ys) (y3 ++ ys0)); auto.
-  rewrite_for y0.
-  apply app_same in H13.
-  assert (y2 = y3).
-  apply (Hprefix x2 _ x3 _ ys ys0); auto.
-  rewrite_for y3.
-  apply H2 with (obj2:=x0) in H1; auto.
-  apply H4 with (obj2:=x3) in H3; auto.
-  apply H6 with (obj2:=(Map16 xs0)) in H5; auto.
-   inversion H5.
-   rewrite H1, H3.
-   reflexivity.
-   rewrite H15 in H0.
-   simpl in H0.
-   apply ascii16_of_nat_eq in H0; auto.
-   inversion H0.
-   rewrite <- H34 in H.
-   rewrite <- H14 in H.
-   inversion H.
-   rewrite_for t0.
-   rewrite_for t3.
-   apply app_same in H13.
-   rewrite_for ys.
-   assumption.
-Lemma soundness_map32_cons : forall x1 x2 xs y1 y2 ys s1 s2 s3 s4 t1 t2 t3 t4,
-  (t1, t2, (t3, t4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length xs) ->
-  (s1, s2, (s3, s4)) = ascii32_of_nat (length ((x1, x2) :: xs)) ->
-  Serialized x1 y1 ->
-  Soundness x1 y1 ->
-  Serialized x2 y2 ->
-  Soundness x2 y2 ->
-  Serialized (Map32 xs) ("223" :: t1 :: t2 :: t3 :: t4 :: ys) ->
-  Soundness (Map32 xs) ("223" :: t1 :: t2 :: t3 :: t4 :: ys) ->
-  Soundness (Map32 ((x1, x2) :: xs)) ("223" :: s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: s4 :: y1 ++ y2 ++ ys).
-unfold Soundness.
-inversion H8.
- rewrite_for s1.
- rewrite_for s2.
- rewrite_for s3.
- rewrite_for s4.
- apply ascii32_not_O in H0; [ contradiction |].
- split; [ simpl; omega |].
- inversion H9.
- assumption.
- rewrite_for obj2.
- inversion H9.
- inversion H10.
- generalize prefix.
- unfold Prefix.
- intro Hprefix.
- assert (y1 = y0).
-  apply (Hprefix x1 _ x0 _ (y2 ++ ys) (y3 ++ ys0)); auto.
-  rewrite_for y0.
-  apply app_same in H15.
-  assert (y2 = y3).
-  apply (Hprefix x2 _ x3 _ ys ys0); auto.
-  rewrite_for y3.
-  apply H2 with (obj2:=x0) in H1; auto.
-  apply H4 with (obj2:=x3) in H3; auto.
-  apply H6 with (obj2:=(Map32 xs0)) in H5; auto.
-   inversion H5.
-   rewrite H1, H3.
-   reflexivity.
-   rewrite H18 in H0.
-   simpl in H0.
-   apply ascii32_of_nat_eq in H0; auto.
-   inversion H0.
-   rewrite <- H36 in H.
-   rewrite <- H17 in H.
-   inversion H.
-   rewrite_for t0.
-   rewrite_for t5.
-   rewrite_for t6.
-   rewrite_for t7.
-   apply app_same in H15.
-   rewrite_for ys.
-   assumption.
-Hint Resolve
-  soundness_true soundness_false
-  soundness_nil soundness_pfixnum soundness_nfixnum
-  soundness_uint8 soundness_uint16 soundness_uint32 soundness_uint64
-  soundness_int8  soundness_int16  soundness_int32  soundness_int64
-  soundness_float soundness_double
-  soundness_raw16 soundness_raw32
-  soundness_fixarray_nil soundness_array16_nil soundness_array32_nil
-  soundness_fixmap_nil soundness_map16_nil soundness_map32_nil
-  : soundness.
-Lemma soundness_intro: forall obj x,
-  (Serialized obj x -> Soundness obj x)->
-  Soundness obj x.
-unfold Soundness.
-apply H in H1; auto.
-Theorem soundness : forall obj1 x,
-  Soundness obj1 x.
-apply soundness_intro.
-pattern obj1,x.
-apply Serialized_ind; intros; auto with soundness.
- apply soundness_fixraw; auto.
- apply soundness_fixarray_cons with (b1:=b1) (b2:=b2) (b3:=b3) (b4:=b4); auto.
- apply soundness_array16_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2); auto.
- apply soundness_array32_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2) (t3:=t3) (t4:=t4); auto.
- apply soundness_fixmap_cons with (b1:=b1) (b2:=b2) (b3:=b3) (b4:=b4); auto.
- apply soundness_map16_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2); auto.
- apply soundness_map32_cons with (t1:=t1) (t2:=t2) (t3:=t3) (t4:=t4); auto.
diff --git a/ocaml/proof/Util.v b/ocaml/proof/Util.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e104b36..00000000
--- a/ocaml/proof/Util.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Require Ascii List.
-Require Import ExtractUtil.
-Definition mlchar_of_ascii a :=
-  mlchar_of_mlint (mlint_of_nat (Ascii.nat_of_ascii a)).
-Definition mlstring_of_string s :=
-  mlstring_of_list mlchar_of_ascii (list_of_string s).
-Definition ascii_of_mlchar c :=
-  Ascii.ascii_of_nat (nat_of_mlint (mlint_of_mlchar c)).
-Definition string_of_mlstring s :=
-  string_of_list (list_of_mlstring ascii_of_mlchar s).
-Definition print s := print_mlstring (mlstring_of_string s).
-Definition println s := println_mlstring (mlstring_of_string s).
-Definition prerr s := prerr_mlstring (mlstring_of_string s).
-Definition prerrln s := prerrln_mlstring (mlstring_of_string s).
-CoFixpoint lmap {A B:Type} (f: A -> B) (xs : llist A) : llist B :=
-  match xs with
-  | LNil => LNil
-  | LCons x xs => LCons (f x) (lmap f xs)
-  end.
-Fixpoint ltake {A:Type} n (xs: llist A) :=
-  match (n, xs) with
-  | (O, _) => List.nil
-  | (_, LNil) => List.nil
-  | (S n', LCons x xs) => List.cons x (ltake n' xs)
-  end.
-Definition get_contents := lmap ascii_of_mlchar get_contents_mlchars.
-Definition id {A:Type} (x:A) := x.
-Definition atat {A B:Type} (f:A -> B) (x: A) := f x.
-Infix "@@" := atat (right associativity, at level 75).
-Definition doll {A B C:Type} (g:B->C) (f:A->B) (x:A) := g (f x).
-Infix "$" := doll (at level 75).