diff --git a/python/ChangeLog.rst b/python/ChangeLog.rst
index 77e17079..19cc6b66 100644
--- a/python/ChangeLog.rst
+++ b/python/ChangeLog.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
+:release date: NOT YET RELEASED
+New feature
+* Support ``loads`` and ``dumps`` aliases for API compatibility with
+  simplejson and pickle.
+* Add *object_hook* and *list_hook* option to unpacker. It allows you to
+  hook unpacing mapping type and array type.
+* Add *default* option to packer. It allows you to pack unsupported types.
+* unpacker accepts (old) buffer types.
+Bugs fixed
 :release date: 2010-11-02