diff --git a/haskell/msgpack.cabal b/haskell/msgpack.cabal
index 02f1ec16..8400413a 100644
--- a/haskell/msgpack.cabal
+++ b/haskell/msgpack.cabal
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Name: msgpack
Synopsis: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack
A Haskell implementation of MessagePack
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ Extra-source-files:
Build-depends: base >=4 && <5,
- transformers >= 0.2 && < 0.3,
+ mtl >= 2.0 && < 2.1,
bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.10,
text >= 0.11 && < 0.12,
- vector >= 0.7 && < 0.8,
- attoparsec >= 0.8 && < 0.9,
+ vector >= 0.7 && < 0.10,
+ attoparsec >= 0.8 && < 0.10,
binary >= 0.5.0 && < 0.5.1,
data-binary-ieee754 >= 0.4 && < 0.5,
deepseq >= 1.1 && <1.2,
diff --git a/haskell/src/Data/MessagePack/Object.hs b/haskell/src/Data/MessagePack/Object.hs
index aaad669c..bbd27e1f 100644
--- a/haskell/src/Data/MessagePack/Object.hs
+++ b/haskell/src/Data/MessagePack/Object.hs
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ module Data.MessagePack.Object(
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
-import Control.Monad.Trans.Error ()
import qualified Data.Attoparsec as A
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
diff --git a/perl/.gitignore b/perl/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index bf67c8ff..00000000
--- a/perl/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/perl/.shipit b/perl/.shipit
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a66936b..00000000
--- a/perl/.shipit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-steps = FindVersion, ChangeVersion, CheckChangeLog, DistTest, Commit, Tag, MakeDist, UploadCPAN
-git.tagpattern = perl-%v
-git.push_to = origin
diff --git a/perl/Changes b/perl/Changes
deleted file mode 100644
index d219b4a1..00000000
--- a/perl/Changes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
- - address issue/20 (cho45): Data::MessagePack did not finish correctly
- when was given devided packed data
- - do not use the corrupt my_snprintf(%ll[du]) on win32(kazuho)
- - fix tests (gfx)
- - optimize unpacking routines in Data::MessagePack::PP (gfx)
- - add tests to detect Alpha problems reported via CPAN testers (gfx)
- - update Module::Install::XSUtil for ccache support (gfx)
- - add version check at bootstrap in order to avoid load old .so (gfx)
- - fix utf8 mode not to be reseted by $unpacker->reset method (gfx)
- - add $unpacker->utf8 mode, decoding strings as UTF-8 (gfx)
- - added more tests(gfx)
- - refactor the PP code(gfx)
- - * 6d9a629 perl: modified trivial codes in PP::Unpacker(makamaka)
- - * ead8edc modified be unpack_(u)int64 in PP(makamaka)
- - fixed a serious code typo in PP(makamaka)
- - oops. I failed releng.
- - Fixed a lot of streaming unpacking issues (tokuhirom, gfx)
- - Fixed unpacking issues for 64 bit integers on 32 bit perls (gfx)
- - Improved performance, esp. in unpacking (gfx)
- - fixed english docs(hanekomu++)
- - fixed issue on ithreads(broken from 0.21)
- - doc enhancments
- - micro performance tuning.
- - first production ready release with PP driver.
- - no feature changes
- - document enhancement(tokuhirom)
- - M::I::XSUtil 0.26 is broken. use 0.27.
- - added PP version (used in cases PERL_DATA_MESSAGEPACK=pp or fail to load XS).
- - made Makefile.PL PP configurable.
- - test_pp in author's test
- - modified t/05_preferred_int.t for Win32
- (makamaka)
- - tests on 64bit machines with -Duselongdouble
- (reported by andk)
- - better argument validation.
- (Dan Kogai)
- - fixed segv on serializing cyclic reference
- (Dan Kogai)
- - clearly specify requires_c99(), because msgpack C header requires C99.
- - PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT makes horrible dTHXs. remove it.
- - oops(no feature changes)
- - added more test cases.
- - fixed portability issue
- - (reviewed by gfx++)
- - fixed memory leak issue(reported by Maxime Soulé)
- - support NVTYPE=="long double" or IVTYPE=="long long" environment
- (thanks to Jun Kuriyama++)
- - fixed PVNV issue...
- - do not use switch (SvTYPE(val)).
- - use SvNOK.
- - change type detection for old perl
- - check SvROK first(reported by yappo++)
- - PreferInteger: faster string to integer conversion; support negative value
- (frsyuki++)
- - make PreferInteger variable magical and remove get_sv from _msgpack_pack_sv
- (frsyuki++)
- - performance tuning for too long string
- - fixed memory leaks in stream unpacker
- - added $Data::MessagePack::PreferInteger
- (requested by yappo++)
- - initial release to CPAN
diff --git a/perl/MANIFEST.SKIP b/perl/MANIFEST.SKIP
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a184b51..00000000
--- a/perl/MANIFEST.SKIP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/perl/Makefile.PL b/perl/Makefile.PL
deleted file mode 100644
index 111b705c..00000000
--- a/perl/Makefile.PL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-# Usage: Makefile.PL --pp # disable XS
-# Makefile.PL -g # add -g to the compiler and disable optimization flags
-use inc::Module::Install;
-use Module::Install::XSUtil 0.36;
-name 'Data-MessagePack';
-all_from 'lib/Data/MessagePack.pm';
-perl_version '5.008000';
-license 'perl';
-tests 't/*.t';
-if ( $] >= 5.008005 and want_xs() ) {
- my $has_c99 = c99_available(); # msgpack C library requires C99.
- if ( $has_c99 ) {
- requires_c99();
- use_xshelper();
- cc_warnings;
- cc_src_paths('xs-src');
- if($Module::Install::AUTHOR) {
- postamble qq{test :: test_pp\n\n};
- }
- }
- else {
- print < 1.89; # old versions of BigInt were broken
-clean_files qw{
- *.stackdump
- *.gcov *.gcda *.gcno
- *.out
- nytprof
- cover_db
-# copy modules
-if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR && -d File::Spec->catfile('..', 'msgpack')) {
- mkdir 'msgpack' unless -d 'msgpack';
- require File::Copy;
- for my $src (<../msgpack/*.h>) {
- File::Copy::copy($src, 'msgpack/') or die "copy failed: $!";
- }
- mkdir 't/std';
- for my $data(<../test/*.{json,mpac}>) {
- File::Copy::copy($data, 't/std') or die "copy failed: $!";
- }
-requires 'Test::More' => 0.94; # done_testing
-test_with_env( test_pp => PERL_DATA_MESSAGEPACK => 'pp' );
-# copied from Makefile.PL in Text::Xslate.
-sub test_with_env {
- my($name, %env) = @_;
- my $dir = '.testenv';
- if(not -e $dir) {
- mkdir $dir or die "Cannot mkdir '.testenv': $!";
- }
- clean_files($dir);
- {
- open my $out, '>', "$dir/$name.pl"
- or die "Cannot open '$dir/$name.pl' for writing: $!";
- print $out "# This file sets the env for 'make $name', \n";
- print $out "# generated by $0 at ", scalar(localtime), ".\n";
- print $out "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY.\n";
- print $out "\n";
- while(my($name, $value) = each %env) {
- printf $out '$ENV{q{%s}} = q{%s};'."\n", $name, $value;
- }
- }
- # repeat testing for pure Perl mode
- # see also ExtUtils::MM_Any::test_via_harness()
- my $t = q{$(FULLPERLRUN) -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e}
- .q{ "do q[%s]; test_harness($(TEST_VERBOSE), '$(INST_LIB)', '$(INST_ARCHLIB)')"}
- .q{ $(TEST_FILES)};
- postamble qq{$name :: pure_all\n}
- . qq{\t} . q{$(NOECHO) $(ECHO) TESTING: } . $name . qq{\n}
- . qq{\t} . sprintf($t, "$dir/$name.pl") . qq{\n\n}
- . qq{testall :: $name\n\n};
- return;
diff --git a/perl/README b/perl/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f25f70c..00000000
--- a/perl/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
- Data::MessagePack - MessagePack serialising/deserialising
- use Data::MessagePack;
- my $packed = Data::MessagePack->pack($dat);
- my $unpacked = Data::MessagePack->unpack($dat);
- This module converts Perl data structures to MessagePack and vice versa.
- MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization format. It
- enables to exchange structured objects between many languages like JSON.
- But unlike JSON, it is very fast and small.
- The MessagePack format does not depend on language nor byte order.
- say length(JSON::XS::encode_json({a=>1, b=>2})); # => 13
- say length(Storable::nfreeze({a=>1, b=>2})); # => 21
- say length(Data::MessagePack->pack({a=>1, b=>2})); # => 7
- The MessagePack format saves memory than JSON and Storable format.
- MessagePack supports streaming deserializer. It is useful for
- networking such as RPC. See Data::MessagePack::Unpacker for details.
- If you want to get more information about the MessagePack format, please
- visit to .
- my $packed = Data::MessagePack->pack($data[, $max_depth]);
- Pack the $data to messagepack format string.
- This method throws an exception when the perl structure is nested
- more than $max_depth levels(default: 512) in order to detect
- circular references.
- Data::MessagePack->pack() throws an exception when encountering
- blessed object, because MessagePack is language-independent format.
- my $unpacked = Data::MessagePack->unpack($msgpackstr);
- unpack the $msgpackstr to a MessagePack format string.
-Configuration Variables
- $Data::MessagePack::PreferInteger
- Packs a string as an integer, when it looks like an integer.
- This is a result of benchmark/serialize.pl and benchmark/deserialize.pl
- on my SC440(Linux 2.6.32-23-server #37-Ubuntu SMP). (You should
- benchmark them with your data if the speed matters, of course.)
- -- serialize
- JSON::XS: 2.3
- Data::MessagePack: 0.24
- Storable: 2.21
- Benchmark: running json, mp, storable for at least 1 CPU seconds...
- json: 1 wallclock secs ( 1.00 usr + 0.01 sys = 1.01 CPU) @ 141939.60/s (n=143359)
- mp: 1 wallclock secs ( 1.06 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.06 CPU) @ 355500.94/s (n=376831)
- storable: 1 wallclock secs ( 1.12 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.12 CPU) @ 38399.11/s (n=43007)
- Rate storable json mp
- storable 38399/s -- -73% -89%
- json 141940/s 270% -- -60%
- mp 355501/s 826% 150% --
- -- deserialize
- JSON::XS: 2.3
- Data::MessagePack: 0.24
- Storable: 2.21
- Benchmark: running json, mp, storable for at least 1 CPU seconds...
- json: 0 wallclock secs ( 1.05 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.05 CPU) @ 179442.86/s (n=188415)
- mp: 0 wallclock secs ( 1.01 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.01 CPU) @ 212909.90/s (n=215039)
- storable: 2 wallclock secs ( 1.14 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.14 CPU) @ 114974.56/s (n=131071)
- Rate storable json mp
- storable 114975/s -- -36% -46%
- json 179443/s 56% -- -16%
- mp 212910/s 85% 19% --
- Unpacking 64 bit integers
- This module can unpack 64 bit integers even if your perl does not
- support them (i.e. where "perl -V:ivsize" is 4), but you cannot
- calculate these values unless you use "Math::BigInt".
- Error handling
- MessagePack cannot deal with complex scalars such as object
- references, filehandles, and code references. We should report the
- errors more kindly.
- Streaming deserializer
- The current implementation of the streaming deserializer does not
- have internal buffers while some other bindings (such as Ruby
- binding) does. This limitation will astonish those who try to unpack
- byte streams with an arbitrary buffer size (e.g.
- "while(read($socket, $buffer, $arbitrary_buffer_size)) { ... }"). We
- should implement the internal buffer for the unpacker.
- UTF8 mode
- Data::MessagePack::Unpacker supports utf8 mode, which decodes
- strings as UTF8-8. << Data::MessagePack->unpack >> should support
- utf8 mode in a future.
- Tokuhiro Matsuno
- Makamaka Hannyaharamitu
- gfx
- Jun Kuriyama
- Dan Kogai
- FURUHASHI Sadayuki
- hanekomu
- Kazuho Oku
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the same terms as Perl itself.
- is the official web site for the MessagePack
- format.
- Data::MessagePack::Unpacker
- AnyEvent::MPRPC
diff --git a/perl/benchmark/data.pl b/perl/benchmark/data.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 6908d1cc..00000000
--- a/perl/benchmark/data.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "method" => "handleMessage",
- "params" => [ "user1", "we were just talking", "foo\nbar\nbaz\nqux" ],
- "id" => undef,
- "array" => [ 1, 1024, 70000, -5, 1e5, 1e7, 1, 0, 3.14, sqrt(2), 1 .. 100 ],
diff --git a/perl/benchmark/deserialize.pl b/perl/benchmark/deserialize.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index faa2582f..00000000
--- a/perl/benchmark/deserialize.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-use JSON;
-use Storable;
-use Benchmark ':all';
-#$Data::MessagePack::PreferInteger = 1;
-my $a = do 'benchmark/data.pl';
-my $j = JSON::encode_json($a);
-my $m = Data::MessagePack->pack($a);
-my $s = Storable::freeze($a);
-print "-- deserialize\n";
-print "$JSON::Backend: ", $JSON::Backend->VERSION, "\n";
-print "Data::MessagePack: $Data::MessagePack::VERSION\n";
-print "Storable: $Storable::VERSION\n";
-cmpthese timethese(
- -1 => {
- json => sub { JSON::decode_json($j) },
- mp => sub { Data::MessagePack->unpack($m) },
- storable => sub { Storable::thaw($s) },
- }
diff --git a/perl/benchmark/serialize.pl b/perl/benchmark/serialize.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4982ff61..00000000
--- a/perl/benchmark/serialize.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-use JSON;
-use Storable;
-use Benchmark ':all';
-my $a = do 'benchmark/data.pl';
-print "-- serialize\n";
-print "$JSON::Backend: ", $JSON::Backend->VERSION, "\n";
-print "Data::MessagePack: $Data::MessagePack::VERSION\n";
-print "Storable: $Storable::VERSION\n";
-cmpthese timethese(
- -1 => {
- json => sub { JSON::encode_json($a) },
- storable => sub { Storable::freeze($a) },
- mp => sub { Data::MessagePack->pack($a) },
- }
diff --git a/perl/benchmark/size.pl b/perl/benchmark/size.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index cf5c1ce6..00000000
--- a/perl/benchmark/size.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-use Storable;
-use Text::SimpleTable;
-my @entries = (
- '1',
- '3.14',
- '{}',
- '[]',
- "[('a')x10]",
- "{('a')x10}",
- "+{1,+{1,+{}}}",
- "+[+[+[]]]",
-my $table = Text::SimpleTable->new([15, 'src'], [9, 'storable'], [7, 'msgpack']);
-for my $src (@entries) {
- my $e = eval $src;
- die $@ if $@;
- $table->row(
- $src,
- length(Storable::nfreeze(ref $e ? $e : \$e)),
- length(Data::MessagePack->pack($e)),
- );
-print "perl: $]\n";
-print "Storable: $Storable::VERSION\n";
-print "Data::MessagePack: $Data::MessagePack::VERSION\n";
-print "\n";
-print $table->draw;
diff --git a/perl/lib/Data/MessagePack.pm b/perl/lib/Data/MessagePack.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a1da179..00000000
--- a/perl/lib/Data/MessagePack.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-package Data::MessagePack;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use 5.008001;
-our $VERSION = '0.34';
-our $PreferInteger = 0;
-our $Canonical = 0;
-sub true () {
- require Data::MessagePack::Boolean;
- no warnings 'once';
- return $Data::MessagePack::Boolean::true;
-sub false () {
- require Data::MessagePack::Boolean;
- no warnings 'once';
- return $Data::MessagePack::Boolean::false;
-if ( !__PACKAGE__->can('pack') ) { # this idea comes from Text::Xslate
- my $backend = $ENV{PERL_DATA_MESSAGEPACK} || ($ENV{PERL_ONLY} ? 'pp' : '');
- if ( $backend !~ /\b pp \b/xms ) {
- eval {
- require XSLoader;
- XSLoader::load(__PACKAGE__, $VERSION);
- };
- die $@ if $@ && $backend =~ /\b xs \b/xms; # force XS
- }
- if ( !__PACKAGE__->can('pack') ) {
- require 'Data/MessagePack/PP.pm';
- }
-=head1 NAME
-Data::MessagePack - MessagePack serialising/deserialising
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Data::MessagePack;
- my $packed = Data::MessagePack->pack($dat);
- my $unpacked = Data::MessagePack->unpack($dat);
-This module converts Perl data structures to MessagePack and vice versa.
-MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization format.
-It enables to exchange structured objects between many languages like JSON.
-But unlike JSON, it is very fast and small.
-=over 4
-The MessagePack format does not depend on language nor byte order.
- say length(JSON::XS::encode_json({a=>1, b=>2})); # => 13
- say length(Storable::nfreeze({a=>1, b=>2})); # => 21
- say length(Data::MessagePack->pack({a=>1, b=>2})); # => 7
-The MessagePack format saves memory than JSON and Storable format.
-MessagePack supports streaming deserializer. It is useful for networking such as RPC.
-See L for details.
-If you want to get more information about the MessagePack format, please visit to L.
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item my $packed = Data::MessagePack->pack($data[, $max_depth]);
-Pack the $data to messagepack format string.
-This method throws an exception when the perl structure is nested more than $max_depth levels(default: 512) in order to detect circular references.
-Data::MessagePack->pack() throws an exception when encountering blessed object, because MessagePack is language-independent format.
-=item my $unpacked = Data::MessagePack->unpack($msgpackstr);
-unpack the $msgpackstr to a MessagePack format string.
-=head1 Configuration Variables
-=over 4
-=item $Data::MessagePack::PreferInteger
-Packs a string as an integer, when it looks like an integer.
-=head1 SPEED
-This is a result of benchmark/serialize.pl and benchmark/deserialize.pl on my SC440(Linux 2.6.32-23-server #37-Ubuntu SMP).
-(You should benchmark them with B data if the speed matters, of course.)
- -- serialize
- JSON::XS: 2.3
- Data::MessagePack: 0.24
- Storable: 2.21
- Benchmark: running json, mp, storable for at least 1 CPU seconds...
- json: 1 wallclock secs ( 1.00 usr + 0.01 sys = 1.01 CPU) @ 141939.60/s (n=143359)
- mp: 1 wallclock secs ( 1.06 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.06 CPU) @ 355500.94/s (n=376831)
- storable: 1 wallclock secs ( 1.12 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.12 CPU) @ 38399.11/s (n=43007)
- Rate storable json mp
- storable 38399/s -- -73% -89%
- json 141940/s 270% -- -60%
- mp 355501/s 826% 150% --
- -- deserialize
- JSON::XS: 2.3
- Data::MessagePack: 0.24
- Storable: 2.21
- Benchmark: running json, mp, storable for at least 1 CPU seconds...
- json: 0 wallclock secs ( 1.05 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.05 CPU) @ 179442.86/s (n=188415)
- mp: 0 wallclock secs ( 1.01 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.01 CPU) @ 212909.90/s (n=215039)
- storable: 2 wallclock secs ( 1.14 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.14 CPU) @ 114974.56/s (n=131071)
- Rate storable json mp
- storable 114975/s -- -36% -46%
- json 179443/s 56% -- -16%
- mp 212910/s 85% 19% --
-=head1 CAVEAT
-=head2 Unpacking 64 bit integers
-This module can unpack 64 bit integers even if your perl does not support them
-(i.e. where C<< perl -V:ivsize >> is 4), but you cannot calculate these values
-unless you use C.
-=head1 TODO
-=item Error handling
-MessagePack cannot deal with complex scalars such as object references,
-filehandles, and code references. We should report the errors more kindly.
-=item Streaming deserializer
-The current implementation of the streaming deserializer does not have internal
-buffers while some other bindings (such as Ruby binding) does. This limitation
-will astonish those who try to unpack byte streams with an arbitrary buffer size
-(e.g. C<< while(read($socket, $buffer, $arbitrary_buffer_size)) { ... } >>).
-We should implement the internal buffer for the unpacker.
-=item UTF8 mode
-Data::MessagePack::Unpacker supports utf8 mode, which decodes strings
-as UTF8-8. << Data::MessagePack->unpack >> should support utf8 mode in a
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Tokuhiro Matsuno
-Makamaka Hannyaharamitu
-=head1 THANKS TO
-Jun Kuriyama
-Dan Kogai
-Kazuho Oku
-=head1 LICENSE
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L is the official web site for the MessagePack format.
diff --git a/perl/lib/Data/MessagePack/Boolean.pm b/perl/lib/Data/MessagePack/Boolean.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bb3ecad..00000000
--- a/perl/lib/Data/MessagePack/Boolean.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-package Data::MessagePack::Boolean;
-use strict;
-use overload
- 'bool' => sub { ${ $_[0] } },
- '0+' => sub { ${ $_[0] } },
- '""' => sub { ${ $_[0] } ? 'true' : 'false' },
- fallback => 1,
-our $true = do { bless \(my $dummy = 1) };
-our $false = do { bless \(my $dummy = 0) };
diff --git a/perl/lib/Data/MessagePack/PP.pm b/perl/lib/Data/MessagePack/PP.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 65ce24b4..00000000
--- a/perl/lib/Data/MessagePack/PP.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,628 +0,0 @@
-package Data::MessagePack::PP;
-use 5.008001;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-no warnings 'recursion';
-use Carp ();
-use B ();
-# See also
-# http://redmine.msgpack.org/projects/msgpack/wiki/FormatSpec
-# http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/YAPPO/Data-Model-0.00006/lib/Data/Model/Driver/Memcached.pm
-# http://frox25.no-ip.org/~mtve/wiki/MessagePack.html : reference to using CORE::pack, CORE::unpack
- my $unpack_int64_slow;
- my $unpack_uint64_slow;
- if(!eval { pack 'Q', 1 }) { # don't have quad types
- # emulates quad types with Math::BigInt.
- # very slow but works well.
- $unpack_int64_slow = sub {
- require Math::BigInt;
- my $high = unpack_uint32( $_[0], $_[1] );
- my $low = unpack_uint32( $_[0], $_[1] + 4);
- if($high < 0xF0000000) { # positive
- $high = Math::BigInt->new( $high );
- $low = Math::BigInt->new( $low );
- return +($high << 32 | $low)->bstr;
- }
- else { # negative
- $high = Math::BigInt->new( ~$high );
- $low = Math::BigInt->new( ~$low );
- return +( -($high << 32 | $low + 1) )->bstr;
- }
- };
- $unpack_uint64_slow = sub {
- require Math::BigInt;
- my $high = Math::BigInt->new( unpack_uint32( $_[0], $_[1]) );
- my $low = Math::BigInt->new( unpack_uint32( $_[0], $_[1] + 4) );
- return +($high << 32 | $low)->bstr;
- };
- }
- *unpack_uint16 = sub { return unpack 'n', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 2 ) };
- *unpack_uint32 = sub { return unpack 'N', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 4 ) };
- # for pack and unpack compatibility
- if ( $] < 5.010 ) {
- # require $Config{byteorder}; my $bo_is_le = ( $Config{byteorder} =~ /^1234/ );
- # which better?
- my $bo_is_le = unpack ( 'd', "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0\x3f") == 1; # 1.0LE
- *unpack_int16 = sub {
- my $v = unpack 'n', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 2 );
- return $v ? $v - 0x10000 : 0;
- };
- *unpack_int32 = sub {
- no warnings; # avoid for warning about Hexadecimal number
- my $v = unpack 'N', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 4 );
- return $v ? $v - 0x100000000 : 0;
- };
- # In reality, since 5.9.2 '>' is introduced. but 'n!' and 'N!'?
- if($bo_is_le) {
- *pack_uint64 = sub {
- my @v = unpack( 'V2', pack( 'Q', $_[0] ) );
- return pack 'CN2', 0xcf, @v[1,0];
- };
- *pack_int64 = sub {
- my @v = unpack( 'V2', pack( 'q', $_[0] ) );
- return pack 'CN2', 0xd3, @v[1,0];
- };
- *pack_double = sub {
- my @v = unpack( 'V2', pack( 'd', $_[0] ) );
- return pack 'CN2', 0xcb, @v[1,0];
- };
- *unpack_float = sub {
- my @v = unpack( 'v2', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 4 ) );
- return unpack( 'f', pack( 'n2', @v[1,0] ) );
- };
- *unpack_double = sub {
- my @v = unpack( 'V2', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 8 ) );
- return unpack( 'd', pack( 'N2', @v[1,0] ) );
- };
- *unpack_int64 = $unpack_int64_slow || sub {
- my @v = unpack( 'V*', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 8 ) );
- return unpack( 'q', pack( 'N2', @v[1,0] ) );
- };
- *unpack_uint64 = $unpack_uint64_slow || sub {
- my @v = unpack( 'V*', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 8 ) );
- return unpack( 'Q', pack( 'N2', @v[1,0] ) );
- };
- }
- else { # big endian
- *pack_uint64 = sub { return pack 'CQ', 0xcf, $_[0]; };
- *pack_int64 = sub { return pack 'Cq', 0xd3, $_[0]; };
- *pack_double = sub { return pack 'Cd', 0xcb, $_[0]; };
- *unpack_float = sub { return unpack( 'f', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 4 ) ); };
- *unpack_double = sub { return unpack( 'd', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 8 ) ); };
- *unpack_int64 = $unpack_int64_slow || sub { unpack 'q', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 8 ); };
- *unpack_uint64 = $unpack_uint64_slow || sub { unpack 'Q', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 8 ); };
- }
- }
- else { # 5.10.0 or later
- # pack_int64/uint64 are used only when the perl support quad types
- *pack_uint64 = sub { return pack 'CQ>', 0xcf, $_[0]; };
- *pack_int64 = sub { return pack 'Cq>', 0xd3, $_[0]; };
- *pack_double = sub { return pack 'Cd>', 0xcb, $_[0]; };
- *unpack_float = sub { return unpack( 'f>', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 4 ) ); };
- *unpack_double = sub { return unpack( 'd>', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 8 ) ); };
- *unpack_int16 = sub { return unpack( 'n!', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 2 ) ); };
- *unpack_int32 = sub { return unpack( 'N!', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 4 ) ); };
- *unpack_int64 = $unpack_int64_slow || sub { return unpack( 'q>', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 8 ) ); };
- *unpack_uint64 = $unpack_uint64_slow || sub { return unpack( 'Q>', substr( $_[0], $_[1], 8 ) ); };
- }
- # fixin package symbols
- no warnings 'once';
- sub pack :method;
- sub unpack :method;
- *Data::MessagePack::pack = \&pack;
- *Data::MessagePack::unpack = \&unpack;
- @Data::MessagePack::Unpacker::ISA = qw(Data::MessagePack::PP::Unpacker);
- *true = \&Data::MessagePack::true;
- *false = \&Data::MessagePack::false;
-sub _unexpected {
- Carp::confess("Unexpected " . sprintf(shift, @_) . " found");
-our $_max_depth;
-sub pack :method {
- Carp::croak('Usage: Data::MessagePack->pack($dat [,$max_depth])') if @_ < 2;
- $_max_depth = defined $_[2] ? $_[2] : 512; # init
- return _pack( $_[1] );
-sub _pack {
- my ( $value ) = @_;
- local $_max_depth = $_max_depth - 1;
- if ( $_max_depth < 0 ) {
- Carp::croak("perl structure exceeds maximum nesting level (max_depth set too low?)");
- }
- return CORE::pack( 'C', 0xc0 ) if ( not defined $value );
- if ( ref($value) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
- my $num = @$value;
- my $header =
- $num < 16 ? CORE::pack( 'C', 0x90 + $num )
- : $num < 2 ** 16 - 1 ? CORE::pack( 'Cn', 0xdc, $num )
- : $num < 2 ** 32 - 1 ? CORE::pack( 'CN', 0xdd, $num )
- : _unexpected("number %d", $num)
- ;
- return join( '', $header, map { _pack( $_ ) } @$value );
- }
- elsif ( ref($value) eq 'HASH' ) {
- my $num = keys %$value;
- my $header =
- $num < 16 ? CORE::pack( 'C', 0x80 + $num )
- : $num < 2 ** 16 - 1 ? CORE::pack( 'Cn', 0xde, $num )
- : $num < 2 ** 32 - 1 ? CORE::pack( 'CN', 0xdf, $num )
- : _unexpected("number %d", $num)
- ;
- if ($Data::MessagePack::Canonical) {
- return join( '', $header, map { _pack( $_ ), _pack($value->{$_}) } sort { $a cmp $b } keys %$value );
- } else {
- return join( '', $header, map { _pack( $_ ) } %$value );
- }
- }
- elsif ( ref( $value ) eq 'Data::MessagePack::Boolean' ) {
- return CORE::pack( 'C', ${$value} ? 0xc3 : 0xc2 );
- }
- my $b_obj = B::svref_2object( \$value );
- my $flags = $b_obj->FLAGS;
- if ( $flags & ( B::SVf_IOK | B::SVp_IOK ) ) {
- if ($value >= 0) {
- return $value <= 127 ? CORE::pack 'C', $value
- : $value < 2 ** 8 ? CORE::pack 'CC', 0xcc, $value
- : $value < 2 ** 16 ? CORE::pack 'Cn', 0xcd, $value
- : $value < 2 ** 32 ? CORE::pack 'CN', 0xce, $value
- : pack_uint64( $value );
- }
- else {
- return -$value <= 32 ? CORE::pack 'C', ($value & 255)
- : -$value <= 2 ** 7 ? CORE::pack 'Cc', 0xd0, $value
- : -$value <= 2 ** 15 ? CORE::pack 'Cn', 0xd1, $value
- : -$value <= 2 ** 31 ? CORE::pack 'CN', 0xd2, $value
- : pack_int64( $value );
- }
- }
- elsif ( $flags & B::SVf_POK ) { # raw / check needs before dboule
- if ( $Data::MessagePack::PreferInteger ) {
- if ( $value =~ /^-?[0-9]+$/ ) { # ok?
- # checks whether $value is in (u)int32
- my $ivalue = 0 + $value;
- if (!(
- $ivalue > 0xFFFFFFFF
- or $ivalue < '-'.0x80000000 # for XS compat
- or $ivalue != B::svref_2object(\$ivalue)->int_value
- )) {
- return _pack( $ivalue );
- }
- # fallthrough
- }
- # fallthrough
- }
- utf8::encode( $value ) if utf8::is_utf8( $value );
- my $num = length $value;
- my $header =
- $num < 32 ? CORE::pack( 'C', 0xa0 + $num )
- : $num < 2 ** 16 - 1 ? CORE::pack( 'Cn', 0xda, $num )
- : $num < 2 ** 32 - 1 ? CORE::pack( 'CN', 0xdb, $num )
- : _unexpected('number %d', $num)
- ;
- return $header . $value;
- }
- elsif ( $flags & ( B::SVf_NOK | B::SVp_NOK ) ) { # double only
- return pack_double( $value );
- }
- else {
- _unexpected("data type %s", $b_obj);
- }
-our $_utf8 = 0;
-my $p; # position variables for speed.
-sub _insufficient {
- Carp::confess("Insufficient bytes (pos=$p, type=@_)");
-sub unpack :method {
- $p = 0; # init
- my $data = _unpack( $_[1] );
- if($p < length($_[1])) {
- Carp::croak("Data::MessagePack->unpack: extra bytes");
- }
- return $data;
-my $T_RAW = 0x01;
-my $T_ARRAY = 0x02;
-my $T_MAP = 0x04;
-my $T_DIRECT = 0x08; # direct mapping (e.g. 0xc0 <-> nil)
-my @typemap = ( (0x00) x 256 );
-$typemap[$_] |= $T_ARRAY for
- 0x90 .. 0x9f, # fix array
- 0xdc, # array16
- 0xdd, # array32
-$typemap[$_] |= $T_MAP for
- 0x80 .. 0x8f, # fix map
- 0xde, # map16
- 0xdf, # map32
-$typemap[$_] |= $T_RAW for
- 0xa0 .. 0xbf, # fix raw
- 0xda, # raw16
- 0xdb, # raw32
-my @byte2value;
-foreach my $pair(
- [0xc3, true],
- [0xc2, false],
- [0xc0, undef],
- (map { [ $_, $_ ] } 0x00 .. 0x7f), # positive fixnum
- (map { [ $_, $_ - 0x100 ] } 0xe0 .. 0xff), # negative fixnum
-) {
- $typemap[ $pair->[0] ] |= $T_DIRECT;
- $byte2value[ $pair->[0] ] = $pair->[1];
-sub _fetch_size {
- my($value_ref, $byte, $x16, $x32, $x_fixbits) = @_;
- if ( $byte == $x16 ) {
- $p += 2;
- $p <= length(${$value_ref}) or _insufficient('x/16');
- return unpack 'n', substr( ${$value_ref}, $p - 2, 2 );
- }
- elsif ( $byte == $x32 ) {
- $p += 4;
- $p <= length(${$value_ref}) or _insufficient('x/32');
- return unpack 'N', substr( ${$value_ref}, $p - 4, 4 );
- }
- else { # fix raw
- return $byte & ~$x_fixbits;
- }
-sub _unpack {
- my ( $value ) = @_;
- $p < length($value) or _insufficient('header byte');
- # get a header byte
- my $byte = ord( substr $value, $p, 1 );
- $p++;
- # +/- fixnum, nil, true, false
- return $byte2value[$byte] if $typemap[$byte] & $T_DIRECT;
- if ( $typemap[$byte] & $T_RAW ) {
- my $size = _fetch_size(\$value, $byte, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xa0);
- my $s = substr( $value, $p, $size );
- length($s) == $size or _insufficient('raw');
- $p += $size;
- utf8::decode($s) if $_utf8;
- return $s;
- }
- elsif ( $typemap[$byte] & $T_ARRAY ) {
- my $size = _fetch_size(\$value, $byte, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0x90);
- my @array;
- push @array, _unpack( $value ) while --$size >= 0;
- return \@array;
- }
- elsif ( $typemap[$byte] & $T_MAP ) {
- my $size = _fetch_size(\$value, $byte, 0xde, 0xdf, 0x80);
- my %map;
- while(--$size >= 0) {
- no warnings; # for undef key case
- my $key = _unpack( $value );
- my $val = _unpack( $value );
- $map{ $key } = $val;
- }
- return \%map;
- }
- elsif ( $byte == 0xcc ) { # uint8
- $p++;
- $p <= length($value) or _insufficient('uint8');
- return CORE::unpack( 'C', substr( $value, $p - 1, 1 ) );
- }
- elsif ( $byte == 0xcd ) { # uint16
- $p += 2;
- $p <= length($value) or _insufficient('uint16');
- return unpack_uint16( $value, $p - 2 );
- }
- elsif ( $byte == 0xce ) { # unit32
- $p += 4;
- $p <= length($value) or _insufficient('uint32');
- return unpack_uint32( $value, $p - 4 );
- }
- elsif ( $byte == 0xcf ) { # unit64
- $p += 8;
- $p <= length($value) or _insufficient('uint64');
- return unpack_uint64( $value, $p - 8 );
- }
- elsif ( $byte == 0xd3 ) { # int64
- $p += 8;
- $p <= length($value) or _insufficient('int64');
- return unpack_int64( $value, $p - 8 );
- }
- elsif ( $byte == 0xd2 ) { # int32
- $p += 4;
- $p <= length($value) or _insufficient('int32');
- return unpack_int32( $value, $p - 4 );
- }
- elsif ( $byte == 0xd1 ) { # int16
- $p += 2;
- $p <= length($value) or _insufficient('int16');
- return unpack_int16( $value, $p - 2 );
- }
- elsif ( $byte == 0xd0 ) { # int8
- $p++;
- $p <= length($value) or _insufficient('int8');
- return CORE::unpack 'c', substr( $value, $p - 1, 1 );
- }
- elsif ( $byte == 0xcb ) { # double
- $p += 8;
- $p <= length($value) or _insufficient('double');
- return unpack_double( $value, $p - 8 );
- }
- elsif ( $byte == 0xca ) { # float
- $p += 4;
- $p <= length($value) or _insufficient('float');
- return unpack_float( $value, $p - 4 );
- }
- else {
- _unexpected("byte 0x%02x", $byte);
- }
-# Data::MessagePack::Unpacker
- Data::MessagePack::PP::Unpacker;
-sub new {
- bless {
- pos => 0,
- utf8 => 0,
- buff => '',
- }, shift;
-sub utf8 {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{utf8} = (@_ ? shift : 1);
- return $self;
-sub get_utf8 {
- my($self) = @_;
- return $self->{utf8};
-sub execute_limit {
- execute( @_ );
-sub execute {
- my ( $self, $data, $offset, $limit ) = @_;
- $offset ||= 0;
- my $value = substr( $data, $offset, $limit ? $limit : length $data );
- my $len = length $value;
- $self->{buff} .= $value;
- local $self->{stack} = [];
- #$p = 0;
- #eval { Data::MessagePack::PP::_unpack($self->{buff}) };
- #warn "[$p][$@]";
- $p = 0;
- while ( length($self->{buff}) > $p ) {
- _count( $self, $self->{buff} ) or last;
- while ( @{ $self->{stack} } > 0 && --$self->{stack}->[-1] == 0) {
- pop @{ $self->{stack} };
- }
- if (@{$self->{stack}} == 0) {
- $self->{is_finished}++;
- last;
- }
- }
- $self->{pos} = $p;
- return $p + $offset;
-sub _count {
- my ( $self, $value ) = @_;
- no warnings; # FIXME
- my $byte = unpack( 'C', substr( $value, $p++, 1 ) ); # get header
- Carp::croak('invalid data') unless defined $byte;
- # +/- fixnum, nil, true, false
- return 1 if $typemap[$byte] & $T_DIRECT;
- if ( $typemap[$byte] & $T_RAW ) {
- my $num;
- if ( $byte == 0xda ) {
- $num = unpack 'n', substr( $value, $p, 2 );
- $p += 2;
- }
- elsif ( $byte == 0xdb ) {
- $num = unpack 'N', substr( $value, $p, 4 );
- $p += 4;
- }
- else { # fix raw
- $num = $byte & ~0xa0;
- }
- $p += $num;
- return 1;
- }
- elsif ( $typemap[$byte] & $T_ARRAY ) {
- my $num;
- if ( $byte == 0xdc ) { # array 16
- $num = unpack 'n', substr( $value, $p, 2 );
- $p += 2;
- }
- elsif ( $byte == 0xdd ) { # array 32
- $num = unpack 'N', substr( $value, $p, 4 );
- $p += 4;
- }
- else { # fix array
- $num = $byte & ~0x90;
- }
- if ( $num ) {
- push @{ $self->{stack} }, $num + 1;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- elsif ( $typemap[$byte] & $T_MAP ) {
- my $num;
- if ( $byte == 0xde ) { # map 16
- $num = unpack 'n', substr( $value, $p, 2 );
- $p += 2;
- }
- elsif ( $byte == 0xdf ) { # map 32
- $num = unpack 'N', substr( $value, $p, 4 );
- $p += 4;
- }
- else { # fix map
- $num = $byte & ~0x80;
- }
- if ( $num ) {
- push @{ $self->{stack} }, $num * 2 + 1; # a pair
- }
- return 1;
- }
- elsif ( $byte >= 0xcc and $byte <= 0xcf ) { # uint
- $p += $byte == 0xcc ? 1
- : $byte == 0xcd ? 2
- : $byte == 0xce ? 4
- : $byte == 0xcf ? 8
- : Data::MessagePack::PP::_unexpected("byte 0x%02x", $byte);
- return 1;
- }
- elsif ( $byte >= 0xd0 and $byte <= 0xd3 ) { # int
- $p += $byte == 0xd0 ? 1
- : $byte == 0xd1 ? 2
- : $byte == 0xd2 ? 4
- : $byte == 0xd3 ? 8
- : Data::MessagePack::PP::_unexpected("byte 0x%02x", $byte);
- return 1;
- }
- elsif ( $byte == 0xca or $byte == 0xcb ) { # float, double
- $p += $byte == 0xca ? 4 : 8;
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- Data::MessagePack::PP::_unexpected("byte 0x%02x", $byte);
- }
- return 0;
-sub data {
- my($self) = @_;
- local $Data::MessagePack::PP::_utf8 = $self->{utf8};
- return Data::MessagePack->unpack( substr($self->{buff}, 0, $self->{pos}) );
-sub is_finished {
- my ( $self ) = @_;
- return $self->{is_finished};
-sub reset :method {
- $_[0]->{buff} = '';
- $_[0]->{pos} = 0;
- $_[0]->{is_finished} = 0;
-=head1 NAME
-Data::MessagePack::PP - Pure Perl implementation of Data::MessagePack
-This module is used by L internally.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-=head1 AUTHOR
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/perl/lib/Data/MessagePack/Unpacker.pod b/perl/lib/Data/MessagePack/Unpacker.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 04cb0a47..00000000
--- a/perl/lib/Data/MessagePack/Unpacker.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-Data::MessagePack::Unpacker - messagepack streaming deserializer
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Data::Dumper;
- my $up = Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new;
- open my $fh, $data or die $!;
- my $offset = 0;
- while( read($fh, my $buf, 1024) ) {
- $offset = $up->execute($buf, $offset);
- if($up->is_finished) {
- print Dumper($up->data);
- }
- }
-This is a streaming deserializer for messagepack.
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item my $up = Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new()
-creates a new instance of the stream deserializer.
-=item $up->utf8([$bool])
-sets utf8 mode. true if I<$bool> is omitted.
-returns I<$up> itself.
-If utf8 mode is enabled, strings will be decoded as UTF-8.
-The utf8 mode is disabled by default.
-=item my $ret = $up->get_utf8()
-returns the utf8 mode flag of I<$up>.
-=item $offset = $up->execute($data, $offset);
-=item $offset = $up->execute_limit($data, $offset, $limit)
-parses unpacked I<$data> from I<$offset> to I<$limit>.
-returns a new offset of I<$data>, which is for the next .
-If I<$data> is insufficient, I<$offset> does not change, saving
-I<$data> in internal buffers.
-=item my $bool = $up->is_finished();
-is this deserializer finished?
-=item my $data = $up->data();
-returns the deserialized object.
-=item $up->reset();
-resets the stream deserializer, without memory zone.
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Tokuhiro Matsuno
-=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/perl/t/00_compile.t b/perl/t/00_compile.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 29c6ca05..00000000
--- a/perl/t/00_compile.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 1;
-use Config;
-use_ok 'Data::MessagePack';
-diag ( "Testing Data::MessagePack/$Data::MessagePack::VERSION (",
- $INC{'Data/MessagePack/PP.pm'} ? 'PP' : 'XS', ")" );
-diag "byteoder: $Config{byteorder}, ivsize=$Config{ivsize}";
diff --git a/perl/t/01_pack.t b/perl/t/01_pack.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c619809..00000000
--- a/perl/t/01_pack.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-use t::Util;
-use Test::More;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-sub packit {
- local $_ = unpack("H*", Data::MessagePack->pack($_[0]));
- s/(..)/$1 /g;
- s/ $//;
- $_;
-sub pis ($$) {
- is packit($_[0]), $_[1], 'dump ' . $_[1];
-my @dat = (
- 0, '00',
- (my $foo="0")+0, '00',
- {2 => undef}, '81 a1 32 c0',
- do {no warnings; my $foo = 10; "$foo"; $foo = undef; $foo} => 'c0', # PVIV but !POK && !IOK
- 1, '01',
- 127, '7f',
- 128, 'cc 80',
- 255, 'cc ff',
- 256, 'cd 01 00',
- 65535, 'cd ff ff',
- 65536, 'ce 00 01 00 00',
- -1, 'ff',
- -32, 'e0',
- -33, 'd0 df',
- -128, 'd0 80',
- -129, 'd1 ff 7f',
- -32768, 'd1 80 00',
- -32769, 'd2 ff ff 7f ff',
- 1.0, 'cb 3f f0 00 00 00 00 00 00',
- do { my $x=3.0;my $y = "$x";$x }, 'a1 33', # PVNV
- "", 'a0',
- "a", 'a1 61',
- "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 'bf 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61',
- "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 'da 00 20 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61',
- undef, 'c0',
- Data::MessagePack::true(), 'c3',
- Data::MessagePack::false(), 'c2',
- [], '90',
- [+[]], '91 90',
- [[], undef], '92 90 c0',
- {'a', 0}, '81 a1 61 00',
- 8388608, 'ce 00 80 00 00',
- [undef, false, true], '93 c0 c2 c3',
- ["", "a", "bc", "def"], '94 a0 a1 61 a2 62 63 a3 64 65 66',
- [[], [[undef]]], '92 90 91 91 c0',
- [undef, false, true], '93 c0 c2 c3',
- [[0, 64, 127], [-32, -16, -1]], '92 93 00 40 7f 93 e0 f0 ff',
- [0, -128, -1, 0, -32768, -1, 0, -2147483648, -1], '99 00 d0 80 ff 00 d1 80 00 ff 00 d2 80 00 00 00 ff',
- 2147483648, 'ce 80 00 00 00',
- -2147483648, 'd2 80 00 00 00',
- 'a' x 0x0100, 'da 01 00' . (' 61' x 0x0100),
- [(undef) x 0x0100], 'dc 01 00' . (' c0' x 0x0100),
-plan tests => 1*(scalar(@dat)/2);
-for (my $i=0; $iunpack($v);
-sub pis ($$) {
- is_deeply unpackit($_[0]), $_[1], 'dump ' . $_[0]
- or do {
- diag( 'got:', explain(unpackit($_[0])) );
- diag( 'expected:', explain($_[1]) );
- };
-my @dat = do 't/data.pl' or die $@;
-plan tests => 1*(scalar(@dat)/2);
-for (my $i=0; $inew;
-sub unpackit {
- my $v = $_[0];
- $v =~ s/ //g;
- $v = pack 'H*', $v;
- $up->reset;
- my $ret = $up->execute($v, 0);
- if ($ret != length($v)) {
- fail "extra bytes";
- }
- return $up->data;
-sub pis ($$) {
- is_deeply unpackit($_[0]), $_[1], 'dump ' . $_[0];
-my @dat = do 't/data.pl';
-plan tests => 1*(scalar(@dat)/2) + 3;
-isa_ok $up, 'Data::MessagePack::Unpacker';
-for (my $i=0; $inew();
- $up->execute("\x95", 0); # array marker
- for (1..5) {
- $up->execute("\xc0", 0); # nil
- }
- ok $up->is_finished, 'finished';
- is_deeply $up->data, [undef, undef, undef, undef, undef], 'array, is_deeply';
diff --git a/perl/t/04_invert.t b/perl/t/04_invert.t
deleted file mode 100644
index e1d565bf..00000000
--- a/perl/t/04_invert.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-use t::Util;
-no warnings 'uninitialized'; # i need this. i need this.
-sub invert {
- return Data::MessagePack->unpack(
- Data::MessagePack->pack($_[0]),
- );
-sub pis ($) {
- is_deeply invert($_[0]), $_[0], 'dump ' . $_[0];
-my @dat = do 't/data.pl';
-plan tests => 1*(scalar(@dat)/2);
-for (my $i=0; $ipack($_[0]));
- s/(..)/$1 /g;
- s/ $//;
- $_;
-sub pis ($$) {
- if (ref $_[1]) {
- like packit($_[0]), $_[1], 'dump ' . $_[1];
- } else {
- is packit($_[0]), $_[1], 'dump ' . $_[1];
- }
- # is(Dumper(Data::MessagePack->unpack(Data::MessagePack->pack($_[0]))), Dumper($_[0]));
-my $is_win = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-my @dat = (
- '', 'a0',
- '0', '00',
- '1', '01',
- '10', '0a',
- '-1', 'ff',
- '-10', 'f6',
- '-', 'a1 2d',
- ''.0xEFFF => 'cd ef ff',
- ''.0xFFFF => 'cd ff ff',
- ''.0xFFFFFF => 'ce 00 ff ff ff',
- ''.0xFFFFFFFF => 'ce ff ff ff ff',
- ''.0xFFFFFFFFF => 'ab 36 38 37 31 39 34 37 36 37 33 35',
- qr{^(b5 38 2e 33 30 37 36 37 34 39 37 33 36 35 35 37 32 65 2b 30 33 34|b8 38 2e 33 30 37 36 37 34 39 37 33 36 35 35 37 32 34 32 31 65 2b 30 33 34)$}
- : qr{^(b4 38 2e 33 30 37 36 37 34 39 37 33 36 35 35 37 32 65 2b 33 34|b7 38 2e 33 30 37 36 37 34 39 37 33 36 35 35 37 32 34 32 31 65 2b 33 34)$},
- '-'.0x8000000 => 'd2 f8 00 00 00',
- '-'.0x80000000 => 'd2 80 00 00 00',
- '-'.0x800000000 => 'ac 2d 33 34 33 35 39 37 33 38 33 36 38',
- '-'.0x8000000000 => 'ad 2d 35 34 39 37 35 35 38 31 33 38 38 38',
- '-'.0x800000000000000000000000000000 => $is_win ?
- qr{^(b6 2d 36 2e 36 34 36 31 33 39 39 37 38 39 32 34 35 38 65 2b 30 33 35|b9 2d 36 2e 36 34 36 31 33 39 39 37 38 39 32 34 35 37 39 33 36 65 2b 30 33 35)}
- : qr{^(b5 2d 36 2e 36 34 36 31 33 39 39 37 38 39 32 34 35 38 65 2b 33 35|b8 2d 36 2e 36 34 36 31 33 39 39 37 38 39 32 34 35 37 39 33 36 65 2b 33 35)},
- {'0' => '1'}, '81 00 01',
- {'abc' => '1'}, '81 a3 61 62 63 01',
-plan tests => 1*(scalar(@dat)/2) + 2;
-for (my $i=0; $i 64;
-use t::Util;
-my $input = [
- false,true,null,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
- 127,127,255,65535,4294967295,-32,-32,-128,-32768,
- -2147483648,0.0,-0.0, 3.0,-3.0,"a","a",("a" x 70000),"","","",
- [0],[0],[0],[],[],[],{},{},{},
- {"a" => 97},{"abc" => 97},{"xyz" => 97},[[]], [["foo"], ["bar"]],
- [["foo", true, false, null, 42]],
-my $packed = Data::MessagePack->pack($input);
-is_deeply(Data::MessagePack->unpack($packed), $input);
- my $up = Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new();
- $up->execute($packed, 0);
- ok $up->is_finished;
- is_deeply $up->data, $input;
- my $up = Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new();
- $packed x= 3;
- my $offset = 0;
- for my $i(1 .. 3) {
- note "block $i (offset: $offset/".length($packed).")";
- note "starting 3 bytes: ", join " ", map { unpack 'H2', $_ }
- split //, substr($packed, $offset, 3);
- $offset = $up->execute($packed, $offset);
- ok $up->is_finished, 'finished';
- my $data = $up->data;
- is scalar(@{$data}), scalar(@{$input}), 'size of @{$data}';
- is_deeply $data, $input, "block $i, offset $offset";
- $up->reset();
- }
- my $s = '';
- foreach my $datum(reverse @{$input}) {
- $s .= Data::MessagePack->pack($datum);
- }
- my $up = Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new();
- my $offset = 0;
- for my $datum(reverse @{$input}) {
- $offset = $up->execute($s, $offset);
- is_deeply $up->data, $datum, "offset $offset/" . length($s);
- $up->reset();
- }
diff --git a/perl/t/07_break.t b/perl/t/07_break.t
deleted file mode 100644
index cf3f1079..00000000
--- a/perl/t/07_break.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-use t::Util;
-plan tests => 4;
-my $d = Data::MessagePack->unpack(Data::MessagePack->pack({
- nil => undef,
- true => true,
- false => false,
- foo => [undef, true, false],
-$d->{nil} = 42;
-is $d->{nil}, 42;
-$d->{true} = 43;
-is $d->{true}, 43;
-$d->{false} = 44;
-is $d->{false}, 44;
-is_deeply $d->{foo}, [undef, true, false];
diff --git a/perl/t/08_cycle.t b/perl/t/08_cycle.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bd66c10..00000000
--- a/perl/t/08_cycle.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-use t::Util;
-use Test::More;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-plan tests => 6;
-my $aref = [0];
-$aref->[1] = $aref;
-eval { Data::MessagePack->pack($aref) };
-ok $@, $@;
-my $href = {};
-$href->{cycle} = $href;
-eval { Data::MessagePack->pack($aref) };
-ok $@, $@;
-$aref = [0,[1,2]];
-eval { Data::MessagePack->pack($aref) };
-ok !$@;
-eval { Data::MessagePack->pack($aref, 3) };
-ok !$@;
-eval { Data::MessagePack->pack($aref, 2) };
-ok $@, $@;
-eval { Data::MessagePack->pack($aref, -1) };
-ok $@, $@;
diff --git a/perl/t/09_stddata.t b/perl/t/09_stddata.t
deleted file mode 100644
index f98d696b..00000000
--- a/perl/t/09_stddata.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#!perl -w
-# Testing standard dataset in msgpack/test/*.{json,mpac}.
-# Don't edit msgpack/perl/t/std/*, which are just copies.
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-use t::Util;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-sub slurp {
- open my $fh, '<:raw', $_[0] or die "failed to open '$_[0]': $!";
- local $/;
- return scalar <$fh>;
-my @data = do {
- my $json = slurp("t/std/cases.json");
- $json =~ s/:/=>/g;
- @{ eval $json };
-my $mpac1 = slurp("t/std/cases.mpac");
-my $mpac2 = slurp("t/std/cases_compact.mpac");
-my $mps = Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new();
-my $t = 1;
-for my $mpac($mpac1, $mpac2) {
- note "mpac", $t++;
- my $offset = 0;
- my $i = 0;
- while($offset < length($mpac)) {
- $offset = $mps->execute($mpac, $offset);
- ok $mps->is_finished, "data[$i] : is_finished";
- is_deeply $mps->data, $data[$i], "data[$i]";
- $mps->reset;
- $i++;
- }
diff --git a/perl/t/10_splitted_bytes.t b/perl/t/10_splitted_bytes.t
deleted file mode 100644
index d94472d2..00000000
--- a/perl/t/10_splitted_bytes.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# This feature is not yet supported, but 0.23 (or former) caused SEGV in this code,
-# so we put it here.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-use Test::More;
-use t::Util;
-my $input = [
- false,true,null,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
- 127,127,255,65535,4294967295,-32,-32,-128,-32768,
- -2147483648,0.0,-0.0,1.0,-1.0,"a","a","a","","","",
- [0],[0],[0],[],[],[],{},{},{},
- {"a" => 97},{"a" => 97},{"a" => 97},[[]],[["a"]]
-my $packed = Data::MessagePack->pack($input);
-foreach my $size(1 .. 16) {
- my $up = Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new();
- open my $stream, '<:bytes :scalar', \$packed;
- binmode $stream;
- my $buff;
- my $done = 0;
- while( read($stream, $buff, $size) ) {
- note "buff: ", join " ", map { unpack 'H2', $_ } split //, $buff;
- $done = $up->execute($buff);
- }
- is $done, length($packed);
- ok $up->is_finished, "is_finished: $size";
- my $data = $up->data;
- is_deeply $data, $input;
diff --git a/perl/t/11_stream_unpack3.t b/perl/t/11_stream_unpack3.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eb8bff7..00000000
--- a/perl/t/11_stream_unpack3.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-my @data = ( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ] );
-# serialize
-my $buffer = '';
-for my $d (@data) {
- $buffer .= Data::MessagePack->pack($d);
-# deserialize
-my $cb = sub {
- my ($data) = @_;
- my $d = shift @data;
- is_deeply $data, $d;
-my $unpacker = Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new();
-my $nread = 0;
-while (1) {
- $nread = $unpacker->execute( $buffer, $nread );
- if ( $unpacker->is_finished ) {
- my $ret = $unpacker->data;
- $cb->( $ret );
- $unpacker->reset;
- $buffer = substr( $buffer, $nread );
- $nread = 0;
- next if length($buffer) != 0;
- }
- last;
-is scalar(@data), 0;
diff --git a/perl/t/12_stream_unpack4.t b/perl/t/12_stream_unpack4.t
deleted file mode 100644
index ef6fa395..00000000
--- a/perl/t/12_stream_unpack4.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-use Test::More;
-use t::Util;
-my @input = (
- [[]],
- [[],[]],
- [{"a" => 97},{"a" => 97}],
- [{"a" => 97},{"a" => 97},{"a" => 97}],
- [ map { +{ "foo $_" => "bar $_" } } 'aa' .. 'zz' ],
- [42, null],
- [42, true],
- [42, false],
-plan tests => @input * 2;
-for my $input (@input) {
- my $packed = Data::MessagePack->pack($input);
- my $up = Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new();
- $up->execute($packed, 0);
- ok $up->is_finished, 'finished';
- is_deeply($up->data, $input);
diff --git a/perl/t/13_booleans.t b/perl/t/13_booleans.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 1ecbe646..00000000
--- a/perl/t/13_booleans.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#!perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 6;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-ok defined(Data::MessagePack::true()), 'true (1)';
-ok defined(Data::MessagePack::true()), 'true (2)';
-ok Data::MessagePack::true(), 'true is true';
-ok defined(Data::MessagePack::false()), 'false (1)';
-ok defined(Data::MessagePack::false()), 'false (2)';
-ok !Data::MessagePack::false(), 'false is false';
diff --git a/perl/t/14_invalid_data.t b/perl/t/14_invalid_data.t
deleted file mode 100755
index f5344857..00000000
--- a/perl/t/14_invalid_data.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-use Test::More;
-use t::Util;
-my $nil = Data::MessagePack->pack(undef);
-my @data = do 't/data.pl';
-while(my($dump, $data) = splice @data, 0, 2) {
- my $s = Data::MessagePack->pack($data);
- eval {
- Data::MessagePack->unpack($s . $nil);
- };
- like $@, qr/extra bytes/, "dump $dump";
diff --git a/perl/t/15_utf8.t b/perl/t/15_utf8.t
deleted file mode 100644
index f3163dfa..00000000
--- a/perl/t/15_utf8.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#!perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-use utf8;
-my $data = [42, undef, 'foo', "\x{99f1}\x{99dd}"];
-my $packed = Data::MessagePack->pack($data) x 2;
-my $u = Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new()->utf8();
-my $p = 0;
-for(1 .. 2) {
- ok $u->get_utf8();
- $p = $u->execute($packed, $p);
- my $d = $u->data();
- $u->reset();
- is_deeply $d, $data, 'decoded';
-is $u->utf8(0), $u, 'utf8(0)';
-$p = 0;
-for(1 .. 2) {
- ok !$u->get_utf8();
- $p = $u->execute($packed, $p);
- my $d = $u->data();
- $u->reset();
- my $s = $data->[3];
- utf8::encode($s);
- is_deeply $d->[3], $s, 'not decoded';
diff --git a/perl/t/16_unpacker_for_larges.t b/perl/t/16_unpacker_for_larges.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 26894a20..00000000
--- a/perl/t/16_unpacker_for_larges.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-foreach my $data("abc", [ 'x' x 1024 ], [0xFFFF42]) {
- my $packed = Data::MessagePack->pack($data);
- my $unpacker = Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new;
- note "buff: ", join " ", map { unpack 'H2', $_ } split //, $packed;
- foreach my $byte(split //, $packed) {
- $unpacker->execute($byte);
- }
- ok $unpacker->is_finished, 'finished';
- is_deeply $unpacker->data, $data, 'data';
diff --git a/perl/t/17_canonical.t b/perl/t/17_canonical.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 5389e2f9..00000000
--- a/perl/t/17_canonical.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-$Data::MessagePack::Canonical = 1;
-my $data = {
- 'foo' => {
- 'a' => '',
- 'b' => '',
- 'c' => '',
- 'd' => '',
- 'e' => '',
- 'f' => '',
- 'g' => '',
- }
-my $packed1 = +Data::MessagePack->pack($data);
-my $packed2 = +Data::MessagePack->pack(Data::MessagePack->unpack($packed1));
-my $packed3 = +Data::MessagePack->pack(Data::MessagePack->unpack($packed2));
-my $packed4 = +Data::MessagePack->pack(Data::MessagePack->unpack($packed3));
-my $packed5 = +Data::MessagePack->pack(Data::MessagePack->unpack($packed4));
-is $packed1, $packed2;
-is $packed1, $packed3;
-is $packed1, $packed4;
-is $packed1, $packed5;
diff --git a/perl/t/50_leaktrace.t b/perl/t/50_leaktrace.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 440ac901..00000000
--- a/perl/t/50_leaktrace.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#!perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::Requires { 'Test::LeakTrace' => 0.13 };
-use Test::More;
-use Data::MessagePack;
- if($INC{'Data/MessagePack/PP.pm'}) {
- plan skip_all => 'disabled in PP';
- }
-my $simple_data = "xyz";
-my $complex_data = {
- a => 'foo',
- b => 42,
- c => undef,
- d => [qw(bar baz)],
- e => 3.14,
-note 'pack';
-no_leaks_ok {
- my $s = Data::MessagePack->pack($complex_data);
-no_leaks_ok {
- eval { Data::MessagePack->pack([\*STDIN]) };
- note $@;
- $@ or warn "# it must die";
-note 'unpack';
-my $s = Data::MessagePack->pack($simple_data);
-my $c = Data::MessagePack->pack($complex_data);
-no_leaks_ok {
- my $data = Data::MessagePack->unpack($s);
-no_leaks_ok {
- my $data = Data::MessagePack->unpack($c);
-no_leaks_ok {
- my $broken = $s;
- chop $broken;
- eval { Data::MessagePack->unpack($broken) };
- note $@;
- $@ or warn "# it must die";
-note 'stream';
-no_leaks_ok {
- my $up = Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new();
- $up->execute($c);
- my $data = $up->data();
diff --git a/perl/t/Util.pm b/perl/t/Util.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0aa88bb6..00000000
--- a/perl/t/Util.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-package t::Util;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-sub import {
- my $pkg = caller(0);
- strict->import;
- warnings->import;
- no strict 'refs';
- *{"$pkg\::true"} = \&Data::MessagePack::true;
- *{"$pkg\::false"} = \&Data::MessagePack::false;
- *{"$pkg\::null"} = sub() { undef };
diff --git a/perl/t/data.pl b/perl/t/data.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index b7bbaf1a..00000000
--- a/perl/t/data.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-no warnings; # i need this, i need this.
- '93 c0 c2 c3' => [undef, false, true],
- '94 a0 a1 61 a2 62 63 a3 64 65 66', ["", "a", "bc", "def"],
- '92 90 91 91 c0', [[], [[undef]]],
- '93 c0 c2 c3', [undef, false, true],
- '82 d0 2a c2 d0 2b c3', { 42 => false, 43 => true }, # fix map
- 'de 00 02 d0 2a c2 d0 2b c3', { 42 => false, 43 => true }, # map 16
- 'df 00 00 00 02 d0 2a c2 d0 2b c3', { 42 => false, 43 => true }, # map 32
- 'ce 80 00 00 00', 2147483648,
- '99 cc 00 cc 80 cc ff cd 00 00 cd 80 00 cd ff ff ce 00 00 00 00 ce 80 00 00 00 ce ff ff ff ff',
- [0, 128, 255, 0, 32768, 65535, 0, 2147483648, 4294967295],
- '92 93 00 40 7f 93 e0 f0 ff', [[0, 64, 127], [-32, -16, -1]],
- '96 dc 00 00 dc 00 01 c0 dc 00 02 c2 c3 dd 00 00 00 00 dd 00 00 00 01 c0 dd 00 00 00 02 c2 c3',
- [[], [undef], [false, true], [], [undef], [false, true]],
- '96 da 00 00 da 00 01 61 da 00 02 61 62 db 00 00 00 00 db 00 00 00 01 61 db 00 00 00 02 61 62',
- ["", "a", "ab", "", "a", "ab"],
- '99 d0 00 d0 80 d0 ff d1 00 00 d1 80 00 d1 ff ff d2 00 00 00 00 d2 80 00 00 00 d2 ff ff ff ff',
- [0, -128, -1, 0, -32768, -1, 0, -2147483648, -1],
- '82 c2 81 c0 c0 c3 81 c0 80', {false,{undef,undef}, true,{undef,{}}},
- '96 de 00 00 de 00 01 c0 c2 de 00 02 c0 c2 c3 c2 df 00 00 00 00 df 00 00 00 01 c0 c2 df 00 00 00 02 c0 c2 c3 c2',
- [{}, {undef,false}, {true,false, undef,false}, {}, {undef,false}, {true,false, undef,false}],
- 'dc 01 00' . (' c0' x 0x0100), [(undef) x 0x0100],
- 'ce 00 ff ff ff' => ''.0xFFFFFF,
- 'aa 34 32 39 34 39 36 37 32 39 35' => ''.0xFFFFFFFF,
- 'ab 36 38 37 31 39 34 37 36 37 33 35' => ''.0xFFFFFFFFF,
- 'ca 00 00 00 00' => 0.0, # float
- 'ca 40 2c cc cd' => unpack('f', pack 'f', 2.7),
- 'd2 80 00 00 01' => '-2147483647', # int32_t
- 'ce 80 00 00 01' => '2147483649', # uint32_t
- 'd2 ff ff ff ff' => '-1', # int32_t
- 'ce ff ff ff ff' => '4294967295', # uint32_t
- 'd3 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 01' => '2147483649', # int64_t
- 'cf 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 01' => '2147483649', # uint64_t
- 'd3 ff 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff' => '-71776119061217281', # int64_t
- 'cf ff 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff' => '18374967954648334335', # uint64_t
- 'd3 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff' => '-1', # int64_t
- 'cf ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff' => '18446744073709551615', # uint64_t
- # int64_t
- 'd3 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00' => '68719476736',
- 'd3 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 01' => '68719476737',
- 'd3 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00' => '17592186044416',
- 'd3 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00' => '4503599627370496',
- 'd3 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00' => '1152921504606846976',
- 'd3 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00' => '1224979098644774912',
diff --git a/perl/xs-src/MessagePack.c b/perl/xs-src/MessagePack.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 82ad1084..00000000
--- a/perl/xs-src/MessagePack.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#include "xshelper.h"
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-void init_Data__MessagePack_pack(pTHX_ bool const cloning);
-void init_Data__MessagePack_unpack(pTHX_ bool const cloning);
-XS(boot_Data__MessagePack) {
- init_Data__MessagePack_pack(aTHX_ false);
- init_Data__MessagePack_unpack(aTHX_ false);
- newXS("Data::MessagePack::pack", xs_pack, __FILE__);
- newXS("Data::MessagePack::unpack", xs_unpack, __FILE__);
- newXS("Data::MessagePack::Unpacker::new", xs_unpacker_new, __FILE__);
- newXS("Data::MessagePack::Unpacker::utf8", xs_unpacker_utf8, __FILE__);
- newXS("Data::MessagePack::Unpacker::get_utf8", xs_unpacker_get_utf8, __FILE__);
- newXS("Data::MessagePack::Unpacker::execute", xs_unpacker_execute, __FILE__);
- newXS("Data::MessagePack::Unpacker::execute_limit", xs_unpacker_execute_limit, __FILE__);
- newXS("Data::MessagePack::Unpacker::is_finished", xs_unpacker_is_finished, __FILE__);
- newXS("Data::MessagePack::Unpacker::data", xs_unpacker_data, __FILE__);
- newXS("Data::MessagePack::Unpacker::reset", xs_unpacker_reset, __FILE__);
- newXS("Data::MessagePack::Unpacker::DESTROY", xs_unpacker_destroy, __FILE__);
diff --git a/perl/xs-src/pack.c b/perl/xs-src/pack.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 582b1202..00000000
--- a/perl/xs-src/pack.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
- * code is written by tokuhirom.
- * buffer alocation technique is taken from JSON::XS. thanks to mlehmann.
- */
-#include "xshelper.h"
-#include "msgpack/pack_define.h"
-#define msgpack_pack_inline_func(name) \
- static inline void msgpack_pack ## name
-#define msgpack_pack_inline_func_cint(name) \
- static inline void msgpack_pack ## name
-typedef struct {
- char *cur; /* SvPVX (sv) + current output position */
- const char *end; /* SvEND (sv) */
- SV *sv; /* result scalar */
-} enc_t;
-STATIC_INLINE void need(enc_t* const enc, STRLEN const len);
-#define msgpack_pack_user enc_t*
-#define msgpack_pack_append_buffer(enc, buf, len) \
- need(enc, len); \
- memcpy(enc->cur, buf, len); \
- enc->cur += len;
-#include "msgpack/pack_template.h"
-#define INIT_SIZE 32 /* initial scalar size to be allocated */
-#if IVSIZE == 8
-# define PACK_IV msgpack_pack_int64
-# define PACK_UV msgpack_pack_uint64
-#elif IVSIZE == 4
-# define PACK_IV msgpack_pack_int32
-# define PACK_UV msgpack_pack_uint32
-#elif IVSIZE == 2
-# define PACK_IV msgpack_pack_int16
-# define PACK_UV msgpack_pack_uint16
-# error "msgpack only supports IVSIZE = 8,4,2 environment."
-#define ERR_NESTING_EXCEEDED "perl structure exceeds maximum nesting level (max_depth set too low?)"
-STATIC_INLINE void need(enc_t* const enc, STRLEN const len)
- if (enc->cur + len >= enc->end) {
- dTHX;
- STRLEN const cur = enc->cur - SvPVX_const(enc->sv);
- sv_grow (enc->sv, cur + (len < (cur >> 2) ? cur >> 2 : len) + 1);
- enc->cur = SvPVX_mutable(enc->sv) + cur;
- enc->end = SvPVX_const(enc->sv) + SvLEN (enc->sv) - 1;
- }
-static int s_pref_int = 0;
-STATIC_INLINE int pref_int_set(pTHX_ SV* sv, MAGIC* mg PERL_UNUSED_DECL) {
- if (SvTRUE(sv)) {
- s_pref_int = 1;
- } else {
- s_pref_int = 0;
- }
- return 0;
-MGVTBL pref_int_vtbl = {
- pref_int_set,
-#ifdef MGf_LOCAL
-void init_Data__MessagePack_pack(pTHX_ bool const cloning) {
- SV* var = get_sv("Data::MessagePack::PreferInteger", 0);
- sv_magicext(var, NULL, PERL_MAGIC_ext, &pref_int_vtbl, NULL, 0);
- SvSETMAGIC(var);
-STATIC_INLINE int try_int(enc_t* enc, const char *p, size_t len) {
- int negative = 0;
- const char* pe = p + len;
- uint64_t num = 0;
- if (len == 0) { return 0; }
- if (*p == '-') {
- /* length(-0x80000000) == 11 */
- if (len <= 1 || len > 11) { return 0; }
- negative = 1;
- ++p;
- } else {
- /* length(0xFFFFFFFF) == 10 */
- if (len > 10) { return 0; }
- }
-#if '9'=='8'+1 && '8'=='7'+1 && '7'=='6'+1 && '6'=='5'+1 && '5'=='4'+1 \
- && '4'=='3'+1 && '3'=='2'+1 && '2'=='1'+1 && '1'=='0'+1
- do {
- unsigned int c = ((int)*(p++)) - '0';
- if (c > 9) { return 0; }
- num = num * 10 + c;
- } while(p < pe);
- do {
- switch (*(p++)) {
- case '0': num = num * 10 + 0; break;
- case '1': num = num * 10 + 1; break;
- case '2': num = num * 10 + 2; break;
- case '3': num = num * 10 + 3; break;
- case '4': num = num * 10 + 4; break;
- case '5': num = num * 10 + 5; break;
- case '6': num = num * 10 + 6; break;
- case '7': num = num * 10 + 7; break;
- case '8': num = num * 10 + 8; break;
- case '9': num = num * 10 + 9; break;
- default: return 0;
- }
- } while(p < pe);
- if (negative) {
- if (num > 0x80000000) { return 0; }
- msgpack_pack_int32(enc, ((int32_t)num) * -1);
- } else {
- if (num > 0xFFFFFFFF) { return 0; }
- msgpack_pack_uint32(enc, (uint32_t)num);
- }
- return 1;
-STATIC_INLINE void _msgpack_pack_rv(enc_t *enc, SV* sv, int depth);
-STATIC_INLINE void _msgpack_pack_sv(enc_t* const enc, SV* const sv, int const depth) {
- dTHX;
- assert(sv);
- if (UNLIKELY(depth <= 0)) Perl_croak(aTHX_ ERR_NESTING_EXCEEDED);
- if (SvPOKp(sv)) {
- STRLEN const len = SvCUR(sv);
- const char* const pv = SvPVX_const(sv);
- if (s_pref_int && try_int(enc, pv, len)) {
- return;
- } else {
- msgpack_pack_raw(enc, len);
- msgpack_pack_raw_body(enc, pv, len);
- }
- } else if (SvNIOKp(sv)) {
- if(SvUOK(sv)) {
- PACK_UV(enc, SvUVX(sv));
- }
- else if(SvIOKp(sv)) {
- PACK_IV(enc, SvIVX(sv));
- }
- else {
- /* XXX long double is not supported yet. */
- msgpack_pack_double(enc, (double)SvNVX(sv));
- }
- } else if (SvROK(sv)) {
- _msgpack_pack_rv(enc, SvRV(sv), depth-1);
- } else if (!SvOK(sv)) {
- msgpack_pack_nil(enc);
- } else if (isGV(sv)) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "msgpack cannot pack the GV\n");
- } else {
- sv_dump(sv);
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "msgpack for perl doesn't supported this type: %d\n", SvTYPE(sv));
- }
-STATIC_INLINE void _msgpack_pack_rv(enc_t *enc, SV* sv, int depth) {
- svtype svt;
- dTHX;
- assert(sv);
- svt = SvTYPE(sv);
- if (SvOBJECT (sv)) {
- HV *stash = gv_stashpv ("Data::MessagePack::Boolean", 1); // TODO: cache?
- if (SvSTASH (sv) == stash) {
- if (SvIV(sv)) {
- msgpack_pack_true(enc);
- } else {
- msgpack_pack_false(enc);
- }
- } else {
- croak ("encountered object '%s', Data::MessagePack doesn't allow the object",
- SvPV_nolen(sv_2mortal(newRV_inc(sv))));
- }
- } else if (svt == SVt_PVHV) {
- HV* hval = (HV*)sv;
- int count = hv_iterinit(hval);
- HE* he;
- msgpack_pack_map(enc, count);
- if (SvTRUE(get_sv("Data::MessagePack::Canonical", 0))) {
- AV* keys = newAV();
- av_extend(keys, count);
- while ((he = hv_iternext(hval))) {
- av_push(keys, SvREFCNT_inc(hv_iterkeysv(he)));
- }
- int len = av_len(keys) + 1;
- sortsv(AvARRAY(keys), len, Perl_sv_cmp);
- int i;
- for (i=0; ipack($dat [,$max_depth])");
- }
- SV* val = ST(1);
- int depth = 512;
- if (items >= 3) depth = SvIV(ST(2));
- enc_t enc;
- enc.sv = sv_2mortal(newSV(INIT_SIZE));
- enc.cur = SvPVX(enc.sv);
- enc.end = SvEND(enc.sv);
- SvPOK_only(enc.sv);
- _msgpack_pack_sv(&enc, val, depth);
- SvCUR_set(enc.sv, enc.cur - SvPVX (enc.sv));
- *SvEND (enc.sv) = 0; /* many xs functions expect a trailing 0 for text strings */
- ST(0) = enc.sv;
diff --git a/perl/xs-src/unpack.c b/perl/xs-src/unpack.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e3f62c63..00000000
--- a/perl/xs-src/unpack.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-#define NEED_newRV_noinc
-#define NEED_sv_2pv_flags
-#include "xshelper.h"
-#define MY_CXT_KEY "Data::MessagePack::_unpack_guts" XS_VERSION
-typedef struct {
- SV* msgpack_true;
- SV* msgpack_false;
-} my_cxt_t;
-// context data for execute_template()
-typedef struct {
- bool finished;
- bool utf8;
- SV* buffer;
-} unpack_user;
-#define UNPACK_USER_INIT { false, false, NULL }
-#include "msgpack/unpack_define.h"
-#define msgpack_unpack_struct(name) \
- struct template ## name
-#define msgpack_unpack_func(ret, name) \
- STATIC_INLINE ret template ## name
-#define msgpack_unpack_callback(name) \
- template_callback ## name
-#define msgpack_unpack_object SV*
-#define msgpack_unpack_user unpack_user
-void init_Data__MessagePack_unpack(pTHX_ bool const cloning) {
- // booleans are load on demand (lazy load).
- if(!cloning) {
- MY_CXT.msgpack_true = NULL;
- MY_CXT.msgpack_false = NULL;
- }
- else {
- MY_CXT.msgpack_true = NULL;
- MY_CXT.msgpack_false = NULL;
- }
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* utility functions */
-static SV*
-load_bool(pTHX_ const char* const name) {
- CV* const cv = get_cv(name, GV_ADD);
- dSP;
- call_sv((SV*)cv, G_SCALAR);
- SV* const sv = newSVsv(POPs);
- assert(sv);
- assert(sv_isobject(sv));
- if(!SvOK(sv)) {
- croak("Oops: Failed to load %"SVf, name);
- }
- return sv;
-static SV*
-get_bool(bool const value) {
- dTHX;
- dMY_CXT;
- if(value) {
- if(!MY_CXT.msgpack_true) {
- MY_CXT.msgpack_true = load_bool(aTHX_ "Data::MessagePack::true");
- }
- return newSVsv(MY_CXT.msgpack_true);
- }
- else {
- if(!MY_CXT.msgpack_false) {
- MY_CXT.msgpack_false = load_bool(aTHX_ "Data::MessagePack::false");
- }
- return newSVsv(MY_CXT.msgpack_false);
- }
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-struct template_context;
-typedef struct template_context msgpack_unpack_t;
-static void template_init(msgpack_unpack_t* u);
-static SV* template_data(msgpack_unpack_t* u);
-static int template_execute(msgpack_unpack_t* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL,
- const char* data, size_t len, size_t* off);
-STATIC_INLINE SV* template_callback_root(unpack_user* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL)
- return NULL;
-#if IVSIZE == 4
-STATIC_INLINE int template_callback_UV(unpack_user* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL, UV const d, SV** o)
- dTHX;
- *o = newSVuv(d);
- return 0;
-STATIC_INLINE int template_callback_IV(unpack_user* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL, IV const d, SV** o)
- dTHX;
- *o = newSViv(d);
- return 0;
-/* workaround win32 problems (my_snprintf(%llu) returns incorrect values ) */
-static char* str_from_uint64(char* buf_end, uint64_t v)
- char *p = buf_end;
- *--p = '\0';
- do {
- *--p = '0' + v % 10;
- } while ((v /= 10) != 0);
- return p;
-static const char* str_from_int64(char* buf_end, int64_t const v) {
- bool const minus = v < 0;
- char* p = str_from_uint64(buf_end, minus ? -v : v);
- if (minus)
- *--p = '-';
- return p;
-static int template_callback_uint64(unpack_user* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL, uint64_t const d, SV** o)
- dTHX;
- char tbuf[64];
- const char* const s = str_from_uint64(tbuf + sizeof(tbuf), d);
- *o = newSVpvn(s, tbuf + sizeof(tbuf) - 1 - s);
- return 0;
-static int template_callback_int64(unpack_user* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL, int64_t const d, SV** o)
- dTHX;
- char tbuf[64];
- const char* const s = str_from_int64(tbuf + sizeof(tbuf), d);
- *o = newSVpvn(s, tbuf + sizeof(tbuf) - 1 - s);
- return 0;
-#else /* IVSIZE == 8 */
-STATIC_INLINE int template_callback_UV(unpack_user* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL, UV const d, SV** o)
- dTHX;
- *o = newSVuv(d);
- return 0;
-#define template_callback_uint64 template_callback_UV
-STATIC_INLINE int template_callback_IV(unpack_user* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL, IV const d, SV** o)
- dTHX;
- *o = newSViv(d);
- return 0;
-#define template_callback_int64 template_callback_IV
-#endif /* IVSIZE */
-#define template_callback_uint8 template_callback_UV
-#define template_callback_uint16 template_callback_UV
-#define template_callback_uint32 template_callback_UV
-#define template_callback_int8 template_callback_IV
-#define template_callback_int16 template_callback_IV
-#define template_callback_int32 template_callback_IV
-#define template_callback_float template_callback_double
-STATIC_INLINE int template_callback_double(unpack_user* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL, double d, SV** o)
- dTHX;
- *o = newSVnv(d);
- return 0;
-/* &PL_sv_undef is not so good. see http://gist.github.com/387743 */
-STATIC_INLINE int template_callback_nil(unpack_user* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL, SV** o)
- dTHX;
- *o = newSV(0);
- return 0;
-STATIC_INLINE int template_callback_true(unpack_user* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL, SV** o)
- *o = get_bool(true);
- return 0;
-STATIC_INLINE int template_callback_false(unpack_user* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL, SV** o)
- *o = get_bool(false);
- return 0;
-STATIC_INLINE int template_callback_array(unpack_user* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL, unsigned int n, SV** o)
- dTHX;
- AV* const a = newAV();
- *o = newRV_noinc((SV*)a);
- av_extend(a, n + 1);
- return 0;
-STATIC_INLINE int template_callback_array_item(unpack_user* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL, SV** c, SV* o)
- dTHX;
- AV* const a = (AV*)SvRV(*c);
- assert(SvTYPE(a) == SVt_PVAV);
- (void)av_store(a, AvFILLp(a) + 1, o); // the same as av_push(a, o)
- return 0;
-STATIC_INLINE int template_callback_map(unpack_user* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL, unsigned int n, SV** o)
- dTHX;
- HV* const h = newHV();
- hv_ksplit(h, n);
- *o = newRV_noinc((SV*)h);
- return 0;
-STATIC_INLINE int template_callback_map_item(unpack_user* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL, SV** c, SV* k, SV* v)
- dTHX;
- HV* const h = (HV*)SvRV(*c);
- assert(SvTYPE(h) == SVt_PVHV);
- (void)hv_store_ent(h, k, v, 0);
- SvREFCNT_dec(k);
- return 0;
-STATIC_INLINE int template_callback_raw(unpack_user* u PERL_UNUSED_DECL, const char* b PERL_UNUSED_DECL, const char* p, unsigned int l, SV** o)
- dTHX;
- /* newSVpvn(p, l) returns an undef if p == NULL */
- *o = ((l==0) ? newSVpvs("") : newSVpvn(p, l));
- if(u->utf8) {
- sv_utf8_decode(*o);
- }
- return 0;
-#include "msgpack/unpack_template.h"
-#define UNPACKER(from, name) \
- msgpack_unpack_t *name; \
- { \
- SV* const obj = from; \
- if(!(SvROK(obj) && SvIOK(SvRV(obj)))) { \
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Invalid unpacker instance for " #name); \
- } \
- name = INT2PTR(msgpack_unpack_t*, SvIVX(SvRV((obj)))); \
- if(name == NULL) { \
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "NULL found for " # name " when shouldn't be"); \
- } \
- }
-XS(xs_unpack) {
- SV* const data = ST(1);
- size_t limit;
- if (items == 2) {
- limit = sv_len(data);
- }
- else if(items == 3) {
- limit = SvUVx(ST(2));
- }
- else {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: Data::MessagePack->unpack('data' [, $limit])");
- }
- STRLEN dlen;
- const char* const dptr = SvPV_const(data, dlen);
- msgpack_unpack_t mp;
- template_init(&mp);
- unpack_user const u = UNPACK_USER_INIT;
- mp.user = u;
- size_t from = 0;
- int const ret = template_execute(&mp, dptr, (size_t)dlen, &from);
- SV* const obj = template_data(&mp);
- sv_2mortal(obj);
- if(ret < 0) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Data::MessagePack->unpack: parse error");
- } else if(ret == 0) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Data::MessagePack->unpack: insufficient bytes");
- } else {
- if(from < dlen) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Data::MessagePack->unpack: extra bytes");
- }
- }
- ST(0) = obj;
-/* ------------------------------ stream -- */
-/* http://twitter.com/frsyuki/status/13249304748 */
-XS(xs_unpacker_new) {
- if (items != 1) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new()");
- }
- SV* const self = sv_newmortal();
- msgpack_unpack_t *mp;
- Newxz(mp, 1, msgpack_unpack_t);
- template_init(mp);
- unpack_user const u = UNPACK_USER_INIT;
- mp->user = u;
- mp->user.buffer = newSV(80);
- sv_setpvs(mp->user.buffer, "");
- sv_setref_pv(self, "Data::MessagePack::Unpacker", mp);
- ST(0) = self;
-XS(xs_unpacker_utf8) {
- if (!(items == 1 || items == 2)) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: $unpacker->utf8([$bool)");
- }
- UNPACKER(ST(0), mp);
- mp->user.utf8 = (items == 1 || sv_true(ST(1))) ? true : false;
- XSRETURN(1); // returns $self
-XS(xs_unpacker_get_utf8) {
- if (items != 1) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: $unpacker->get_utf8()");
- }
- UNPACKER(ST(0), mp);
- ST(0) = boolSV(mp->user.utf8);
-_execute_impl(SV* const self, SV* const data, UV const offset, UV const limit) {
- dTHX;
- if(offset >= limit) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_
- "offset (%"UVuf") is bigger than data buffer size (%"UVuf")",
- offset, limit);
- }
- UNPACKER(self, mp);
- size_t from = offset;
- const char* dptr = SvPV_nolen_const(data);
- STRLEN dlen = limit;
- if(SvCUR(mp->user.buffer) != 0) {
- sv_catpvn(mp->user.buffer, dptr, dlen);
- dptr = SvPV_const(mp->user.buffer, dlen);
- from = 0;
- }
- int const ret = template_execute(mp, dptr, dlen, &from);
- // ret < 0 : error
- // ret == 0 : insufficient
- // ret > 0 : success
- if(ret < 0) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_
- "Data::MessagePack::Unpacker: parse error while executing");
- }
- mp->user.finished = (ret > 0) ? true : false;
- if(!mp->user.finished) {
- template_init(mp); // reset the state
- sv_setpvn(mp->user.buffer, dptr, dlen);
- from = 0;
- }
- else {
- sv_setpvs(mp->user.buffer, "");
- }
- //warn(">> (%d) dlen=%d, from=%d, rest=%d",
- // (int)ret, (int)dlen, (int)from, dlen - from);
- return from;
-XS(xs_unpacker_execute) {
- SV* const self = ST(0);
- SV* const data = ST(1);
- UV offset;
- if (items == 2) {
- offset = 0;
- }
- else if (items == 3) {
- offset = SvUVx(ST(2));
- }
- else {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: $unpacker->execute(data, offset = 0)");
- }
- sv_setuv(TARG, _execute_impl(self, data, offset, sv_len(data)));
- ST(0) = TARG;
-XS(xs_unpacker_execute_limit) {
- if (items != 4) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: $unpacker->execute_limit(data, offset, limit)");
- }
- SV* const self = ST(0);
- SV* const data = ST(1);
- UV const offset = SvUVx(ST(2));
- UV const limit = SvUVx(ST(3));
- sv_setuv(TARG, _execute_impl(self, data, offset, limit));
- ST(0) = TARG;
-XS(xs_unpacker_is_finished) {
- if (items != 1) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: $unpacker->is_finished()");
- }
- UNPACKER(ST(0), mp);
- ST(0) = boolSV(mp->user.finished);
-XS(xs_unpacker_data) {
- if (items != 1) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: $unpacker->data()");
- }
- UNPACKER(ST(0), mp);
- ST(0) = template_data(mp);
-XS(xs_unpacker_reset) {
- if (items != 1) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: $unpacker->reset()");
- }
- UNPACKER(ST(0), mp);
- SV* const data = template_data(mp);
- SvREFCNT_dec(data);
- template_init(mp);
- sv_setpvs(mp->user.buffer, "");
-XS(xs_unpacker_destroy) {
- if (items != 1) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: $unpacker->DESTROY()");
- }
- UNPACKER(ST(0), mp);
- SV* const data = template_data(mp);
- SvREFCNT_dec(data);
- SvREFCNT_dec(mp->user.buffer);
- Safefree(mp);
diff --git a/perl/xt/99_pod.t b/perl/xt/99_pod.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 437887a0..00000000
--- a/perl/xt/99_pod.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";
-plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@;
diff --git a/perl/xt/leaks/normal.t b/perl/xt/leaks/normal.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 370b23e6..00000000
--- a/perl/xt/leaks/normal.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-use Devel::Peek;
-plan skip_all => '$ENV{LEAK_TEST} is required' unless $ENV{LEAK_TEST};
-my $input = [
- {
- "ZCPGBENCH-1276933268" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x14\x02\x07\x00\x00", 1 ] },
- "VDORBENCH-5637665303" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00", 1 ] },
- "ZVTHBENCH-7648578738" => {
- "1271859210" => [
- "\x0a\x02\x04\x00\x00", "2600",
- "\x0a\x05\x04\x00\x00", "4600"
- ]
- },
- "VMVTBENCH-5237337637" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00", 1 ] },
- "ZPLSBENCH-1823993880" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x01\x07\x07\x03\x06", "10001" ] },
- "ZCPGBENCH-1995524375" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x14\x02\x07\x00\x00", 1 ] },
- "ZCPGBENCH-2330423245" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x14\x02\x07\x00\x00", 1 ] },
- "ZCPGBENCH-2963065090" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x14\x02\x07\x00\x00", 1 ] },
- "MINT0" => { "1271859210" => [ "\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00", "D" ] }
- }
-my $r = Data::MessagePack->pack($input);
-my $n1 = trace(10);
-my $n2 = trace(10000);
-diag("$n1, $n2");
-cmp_ok abs($n2-$n1), '<', 100;
-sub trace {
- my $n = shift;
- my $before = memoryusage();
- for ( 1 .. $n ) {
- my $x = Data::MessagePack->unpack($r);
- # is_deeply($x, $input);
- }
- my $after = memoryusage();
- diag("$n\t: $after - $before");
- return $after - $before;
-sub memoryusage {
- my $status = `cat /proc/$$/status`;
- my @lines = split( "\n", $status );
- foreach my $line (@lines) {
- if ( $line =~ /^VmRSS:/ ) {
- $line =~ s/.*:\s*(\d+).*/$1/;
- return int($line);
- }
- }
- return -1;
- [
- {
- "ZCPGBENCH-1276933268" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x14\x02\x07\x00\x00", 1 ] },
- "VDORBENCH-5637665303" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00", 1 ] },
- "ZVTHBENCH-7648578738" => {
- "1271859210" => [
- "\x0a\x02\x04\x00\x00", "2600",
- "\x0a\x05\x04\x00\x00", "4600"
- ]
- },
- "VMVTBENCH-5237337637" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00", 1 ] },
- "ZPLSBENCH-1823993880" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x01\x07\x07\x03\x06", "10001" ] },
- "ZCPGBENCH-1995524375" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x14\x02\x07\x00\x00", 1 ] },
- "ZCPGBENCH-2330423245" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x14\x02\x07\x00\x00", 1 ] },
- "ZCPGBENCH-2963065090" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x14\x02\x07\x00\x00", 1 ] },
- "MINT0" => { "1271859210" => [ "\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00", "D" ] }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/perl/xt/leaks/stream.t b/perl/xt/leaks/stream.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 7765d733..00000000
--- a/perl/xt/leaks/stream.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use Data::MessagePack;
-use Devel::Peek;
-plan skip_all => '$ENV{LEAK_TEST} is required' unless $ENV{LEAK_TEST};
-my $input = [
- {
- "ZCPGBENCH-1276933268" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x14\x02\x07\x00\x00", 1 ] },
- "VDORBENCH-5637665303" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00", 1 ] },
- "ZVTHBENCH-7648578738" => {
- "1271859210" => [
- "\x0a\x02\x04\x00\x00", "2600",
- "\x0a\x05\x04\x00\x00", "4600"
- ]
- },
- "VMVTBENCH-5237337637" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00", 1 ] },
- "ZPLSBENCH-1823993880" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x01\x07\x07\x03\x06", "10001" ] },
- "ZCPGBENCH-1995524375" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x14\x02\x07\x00\x00", 1 ] },
- "ZCPGBENCH-2330423245" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x14\x02\x07\x00\x00", 1 ] },
- "ZCPGBENCH-2963065090" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x14\x02\x07\x00\x00", 1 ] },
- "MINT0" => { "1271859210" => [ "\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00", "D" ] }
- }
-$input = [(undef)x10];
-my $r = Data::MessagePack->pack($input);
-my $n1 = trace(10);
-my $n2 = trace(10000);
-diag("$n1, $n2");
-cmp_ok abs($n2-$n1), '<', 100;
-sub trace {
- my $n = shift;
- my $before = memoryusage();
- for ( 1 .. $n ) {
- my $unpacker = Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new();
- $unpacker->execute($r, 0);
- # ok $unpacker->is_finished if $i % 100 == 0;
- if ($unpacker->is_finished) {
- my $x = $unpacker->data;
- # is_deeply($x, $input) if $i % 100 == 0;
- }
- $unpacker->reset();
- $unpacker->execute($r, 0);
- $unpacker->reset();
- $unpacker->execute(substr($r, 0, 1), 0);
- $unpacker->execute(substr($r, 0, 2), 1);
- $unpacker->execute($r, 2);
- $unpacker->reset();
- $r or die;
- }
- my $after = memoryusage();
- diag("$n\t: $after - $before");
- return $after - $before;
-sub memoryusage {
- my $status = `cat /proc/$$/status`;
- my @lines = split( "\n", $status );
- foreach my $line (@lines) {
- if ( $line =~ /^VmRSS:/ ) {
- $line =~ s/.*:\s*(\d+).*/$1/;
- return int($line);
- }
- }
- return -1;
- [
- {
- "ZCPGBENCH-1276933268" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x14\x02\x07\x00\x00", 1 ] },
- "VDORBENCH-5637665303" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00", 1 ] },
- "ZVTHBENCH-7648578738" => {
- "1271859210" => [
- "\x0a\x02\x04\x00\x00", "2600",
- "\x0a\x05\x04\x00\x00", "4600"
- ]
- },
- "VMVTBENCH-5237337637" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00", 1 ] },
- "ZPLSBENCH-1823993880" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x01\x07\x07\x03\x06", "10001" ] },
- "ZCPGBENCH-1995524375" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x14\x02\x07\x00\x00", 1 ] },
- "ZCPGBENCH-2330423245" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x14\x02\x07\x00\x00", 1 ] },
- "ZCPGBENCH-2963065090" =>
- { "1271859210" => [ "\x14\x02\x07\x00\x00", 1 ] },
- "MINT0" => { "1271859210" => [ "\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00", "D" ] }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/php/ChangeLog b/php/ChangeLog
index e409478b..b3b1cd76 100644
--- a/php/ChangeLog
+++ b/php/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
msgpack extension changelog
+Version 0.5.1
+ * Fixed include path for version check.
+ (Contributed by duedal)
Version 0.5.0
diff --git a/php/config.m4 b/php/config.m4
index 5bde72d6..a20de3e4 100644
--- a/php/config.m4
+++ b/php/config.m4
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ dnl without editing.
dnl Check PHP version:
-AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include "php/main/php_version.h"], [
+AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include "$phpincludedir/main/php_version.h"], [
#error this extension requires at least PHP version 5 or newer
diff --git a/php/php_msgpack.h b/php/php_msgpack.h
index d677a1c7..bcd64996 100644
--- a/php/php_msgpack.h
+++ b/php/php_msgpack.h
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#include "ext/standard/php_smart_str.h"
diff --git a/python/.gitignore b/python/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 35b00cc7..00000000
--- a/python/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/python/COPYING b/python/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cb1f1e1..00000000
--- a/python/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2008-2010 KLab Inc.
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/ChangeLog.rst b/python/ChangeLog.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 10ddf4f0..00000000
--- a/python/ChangeLog.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-:release date: NOT RELEASED YET
-New feature
-* Add ``encoding`` and ``unicode_errors`` option to packer and unpacker.
- When this option is specified, (un)packs unicode object instead of bytes.
- This enables using msgpack as a replacement of json.
-:release date: 2011-01-29
-New feature
-* ``use_list`` option is added to unpack(b) like Unpacker.
- (Use keyword argument because order of parameters are different)
-Bugs fixed
-* Fix typo.
-* Add MemoryError check.
-:release date: 2011-01-10
-New feature
-* Support ``loads`` and ``dumps`` aliases for API compatibility with
- simplejson and pickle.
-* Add *object_hook* and *list_hook* option to unpacker. It allows you to
- hook unpacing mapping type and array type.
-* Add *default* option to packer. It allows you to pack unsupported types.
-* unpacker accepts (old) buffer types.
-Bugs fixed
-* Fix segv around ``Unpacker.feed`` or ``Unpacker(file)``.
-:release date: 2010-11-02
-New feature
-* Add *object_hook* and *list_hook* option to unpacker. It allows you to
- hook unpacing mapping type and array type.
-* Add *default* option to packer. It allows you to pack unsupported types.
-* unpacker accepts (old) buffer types.
-Bugs fixed
-* Compilation error on win32.
diff --git a/python/MANIFEST.in b/python/MANIFEST.in
deleted file mode 100644
index cbc9ada3..00000000
--- a/python/MANIFEST.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-include setup.py
-include COPYING
-recursive-include msgpack *.h *.c *.pyx
diff --git a/python/Makefile b/python/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 245c09c2..00000000
--- a/python/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-.PHONY: test all python3
- python setup.py build_ext -i -f
- python setup.py build sdist
- python3 setup.py build_ext -i -f
- python3 setup.py build sdist
- nosetests test
diff --git a/python/README b/python/README
deleted file mode 100644
index a7e8c53a..00000000
--- a/python/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-MessagePack Python Binding
-:author: INADA Naoki
-:version: 0.1.0
-:date: 2009-07-12
-You can read document in docstring after `import msgpack`
-Cython_ is required to build msgpack.
-.. _Cython: http://www.cython.org/
-You can install msgpack in common way.
- $ python setup.py install
-MessagePack requires gcc currently. So you need to prepare
- $ python setup.py install -c mingw32
-MessagePack uses `nosetest` for testing.
-Run test with following command:
- $ nosetests test
- vim: filetype=rst
diff --git a/python/msgpack/__init__.py b/python/msgpack/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cdf045fb..00000000
--- a/python/msgpack/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-from msgpack.__version__ import *
-from msgpack._msgpack import *
-# alias for compatibility to simplejson/marshal/pickle.
-load = unpack
-loads = unpackb
-dump = pack
-dumps = packb
diff --git a/python/msgpack/_msgpack.pyx b/python/msgpack/_msgpack.pyx
deleted file mode 100644
index 443cbd75..00000000
--- a/python/msgpack/_msgpack.pyx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-from cpython cimport *
-cdef extern from "Python.h":
- ctypedef char* const_char_ptr "const char*"
- ctypedef char* const_void_ptr "const void*"
- ctypedef struct PyObject
- cdef int PyObject_AsReadBuffer(object o, const_void_ptr* buff, Py_ssize_t* buf_len) except -1
-from libc.stdlib cimport *
-from libc.string cimport *
-import gc
-_gc_disable = gc.disable
-_gc_enable = gc.enable
-cdef extern from "pack.h":
- struct msgpack_packer:
- char* buf
- size_t length
- size_t buf_size
- int msgpack_pack_int(msgpack_packer* pk, int d)
- int msgpack_pack_nil(msgpack_packer* pk)
- int msgpack_pack_true(msgpack_packer* pk)
- int msgpack_pack_false(msgpack_packer* pk)
- int msgpack_pack_long(msgpack_packer* pk, long d)
- int msgpack_pack_long_long(msgpack_packer* pk, long long d)
- int msgpack_pack_unsigned_long_long(msgpack_packer* pk, unsigned long long d)
- int msgpack_pack_double(msgpack_packer* pk, double d)
- int msgpack_pack_array(msgpack_packer* pk, size_t l)
- int msgpack_pack_map(msgpack_packer* pk, size_t l)
- int msgpack_pack_raw(msgpack_packer* pk, size_t l)
- int msgpack_pack_raw_body(msgpack_packer* pk, char* body, size_t l)
-cdef class Packer(object):
- """MessagePack Packer
- usage:
- packer = Packer()
- astream.write(packer.pack(a))
- astream.write(packer.pack(b))
- """
- cdef msgpack_packer pk
- cdef object _default
- cdef object _bencoding
- cdef object _berrors
- cdef char *encoding
- cdef char *unicode_errors
- def __cinit__(self):
- cdef int buf_size = 1024*1024
- self.pk.buf = malloc(buf_size);
- if self.pk.buf == NULL:
- raise MemoryError("Unable to allocate internal buffer.")
- self.pk.buf_size = buf_size
- self.pk.length = 0
- def __init__(self, default=None, encoding='utf-8', unicode_errors='strict'):
- if default is not None:
- if not PyCallable_Check(default):
- raise TypeError("default must be a callable.")
- self._default = default
- if encoding is None:
- self.encoding = NULL
- self.unicode_errors = NULL
- else:
- if isinstance(encoding, unicode):
- self._bencoding = encoding.encode('ascii')
- else:
- self._bencoding = encoding
- self.encoding = PyBytes_AsString(self._bencoding)
- if isinstance(unicode_errors, unicode):
- self._berrors = unicode_errors.encode('ascii')
- else:
- self._berrors = unicode_errors
- self.unicode_errors = PyBytes_AsString(self._berrors)
- def __dealloc__(self):
- free(self.pk.buf);
- cdef int _pack(self, object o, int nest_limit=DEFAULT_RECURSE_LIMIT) except -1:
- cdef long long llval
- cdef unsigned long long ullval
- cdef long longval
- cdef double fval
- cdef char* rawval
- cdef int ret
- cdef dict d
- if nest_limit < 0:
- raise ValueError("Too deep.")
- if o is None:
- ret = msgpack_pack_nil(&self.pk)
- elif isinstance(o, bool):
- if o:
- ret = msgpack_pack_true(&self.pk)
- else:
- ret = msgpack_pack_false(&self.pk)
- elif PyLong_Check(o):
- if o > 0:
- ullval = o
- ret = msgpack_pack_unsigned_long_long(&self.pk, ullval)
- else:
- llval = o
- ret = msgpack_pack_long_long(&self.pk, llval)
- elif PyInt_Check(o):
- longval = o
- ret = msgpack_pack_long(&self.pk, longval)
- elif PyFloat_Check(o):
- fval = o
- ret = msgpack_pack_double(&self.pk, fval)
- elif PyBytes_Check(o):
- rawval = o
- ret = msgpack_pack_raw(&self.pk, len(o))
- if ret == 0:
- ret = msgpack_pack_raw_body(&self.pk, rawval, len(o))
- elif PyUnicode_Check(o):
- if not self.encoding:
- raise TypeError("Can't encode utf-8 no encoding is specified")
- o = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(o, self.encoding, self.unicode_errors)
- rawval = o
- ret = msgpack_pack_raw(&self.pk, len(o))
- if ret == 0:
- ret = msgpack_pack_raw_body(&self.pk, rawval, len(o))
- elif PyDict_Check(o):
- d = o
- ret = msgpack_pack_map(&self.pk, len(d))
- if ret == 0:
- for k,v in d.items():
- ret = self._pack(k, nest_limit-1)
- if ret != 0: break
- ret = self._pack(v, nest_limit-1)
- if ret != 0: break
- elif PySequence_Check(o):
- ret = msgpack_pack_array(&self.pk, len(o))
- if ret == 0:
- for v in o:
- ret = self._pack(v, nest_limit-1)
- if ret != 0: break
- elif self._default:
- o = self._default(o)
- ret = self._pack(o, nest_limit-1)
- else:
- raise TypeError("can't serialize %r" % (o,))
- return ret
- def pack(self, object obj):
- cdef int ret
- ret = self._pack(obj, DEFAULT_RECURSE_LIMIT)
- if ret:
- raise TypeError
- buf = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(self.pk.buf, self.pk.length)
- self.pk.length = 0
- return buf
-def pack(object o, object stream, default=None, encoding='utf-8', unicode_errors='strict'):
- """pack an object `o` and write it to stream)."""
- packer = Packer(default=default, encoding=encoding, unicode_errors=unicode_errors)
- stream.write(packer.pack(o))
-def packb(object o, default=None, encoding='utf-8', unicode_errors='strict'):
- """pack o and return packed bytes."""
- packer = Packer(default=default, encoding=encoding, unicode_errors=unicode_errors)
- return packer.pack(o)
-dumps = packs = packb
-cdef extern from "unpack.h":
- ctypedef struct msgpack_user:
- int use_list
- PyObject* object_hook
- PyObject* list_hook
- char *encoding
- char *unicode_errors
- ctypedef struct template_context:
- msgpack_user user
- PyObject* obj
- size_t count
- unsigned int ct
- PyObject* key
- int template_execute(template_context* ctx, const_char_ptr data,
- size_t len, size_t* off) except -1
- void template_init(template_context* ctx)
- object template_data(template_context* ctx)
-def unpackb(object packed, object object_hook=None, object list_hook=None, bint use_list=0, encoding=None, unicode_errors="strict"):
- """Unpack packed_bytes to object. Returns an unpacked object."""
- cdef template_context ctx
- cdef size_t off = 0
- cdef int ret
- cdef char* buf
- cdef Py_ssize_t buf_len
- PyObject_AsReadBuffer(packed, &buf, &buf_len)
- if encoding is None:
- enc = NULL
- else:
- if isinstance(encoding, unicode):
- bencoding = encoding.encode('ascii')
- else:
- bencoding = encoding
- if isinstance(unicode_errors, unicode):
- berrors = unicode_errors.encode('ascii')
- else:
- berrors = unicode_errors
- enc = PyBytes_AsString(bencoding)
- err = PyBytes_AsString(berrors)
- template_init(&ctx)
- ctx.user.use_list = use_list
- ctx.user.object_hook = ctx.user.list_hook = NULL
- ctx.user.encoding = enc
- ctx.user.unicode_errors = err
- if object_hook is not None:
- if not PyCallable_Check(object_hook):
- raise TypeError("object_hook must be a callable.")
- ctx.user.object_hook = object_hook
- if list_hook is not None:
- if not PyCallable_Check(list_hook):
- raise TypeError("list_hook must be a callable.")
- ctx.user.list_hook = list_hook
- _gc_disable()
- try:
- ret = template_execute(&ctx, buf, buf_len, &off)
- finally:
- _gc_enable()
- if ret == 1:
- return template_data(&ctx)
- else:
- return None
-loads = unpacks = unpackb
-def unpack(object stream, object object_hook=None, object list_hook=None, bint use_list=0, encoding=None, unicode_errors="strict"):
- """unpack an object from stream."""
- return unpackb(stream.read(), use_list=use_list,
- object_hook=object_hook, list_hook=list_hook, encoding=encoding, unicode_errors=unicode_errors)
-cdef class Unpacker(object):
- """Unpacker(read_size=1024*1024)
- Streaming unpacker.
- read_size is used like file_like.read(read_size)
- example:
- unpacker = Unpacker()
- while 1:
- buf = astream.read()
- unpacker.feed(buf)
- for o in unpacker:
- do_something(o)
- """
- cdef template_context ctx
- cdef char* buf
- cdef size_t buf_size, buf_head, buf_tail
- cdef object file_like
- cdef object file_like_read
- cdef Py_ssize_t read_size
- cdef bint use_list
- cdef object object_hook
- def __cinit__(self):
- self.buf = NULL
- def __dealloc__(self):
- free(self.buf);
- self.buf = NULL;
- def __init__(self, file_like=None, Py_ssize_t read_size=0, bint use_list=0,
- object object_hook=None, object list_hook=None, encoding=None, unicode_errors=None):
- if read_size == 0:
- read_size = 1024*1024
- self.use_list = use_list
- self.file_like = file_like
- if file_like:
- self.file_like_read = file_like.read
- if not PyCallable_Check(self.file_like_read):
- raise ValueError("`file_like.read` must be a callable.")
- self.read_size = read_size
- self.buf = malloc(read_size)
- if self.buf == NULL:
- raise MemoryError("Unable to allocate internal buffer.")
- self.buf_size = read_size
- self.buf_head = 0
- self.buf_tail = 0
- template_init(&self.ctx)
- self.ctx.user.use_list = use_list
- self.ctx.user.object_hook = self.ctx.user.list_hook = NULL
- if object_hook is not None:
- if not PyCallable_Check(object_hook):
- raise TypeError("object_hook must be a callable.")
- self.ctx.user.object_hook = object_hook
- if list_hook is not None:
- if not PyCallable_Check(list_hook):
- raise TypeError("list_hook must be a callable.")
- self.ctx.user.list_hook = list_hook
- def feed(self, object next_bytes):
- cdef char* buf
- cdef Py_ssize_t buf_len
- if self.file_like is not None:
- raise AssertionError(
- "unpacker.feed() is not be able to use with`file_like`.")
- PyObject_AsReadBuffer(next_bytes, &buf, &buf_len)
- self.append_buffer(buf, buf_len)
- cdef append_buffer(self, void* _buf, Py_ssize_t _buf_len):
- cdef:
- char* buf = self.buf
- size_t head = self.buf_head
- size_t tail = self.buf_tail
- size_t buf_size = self.buf_size
- size_t new_size
- if tail + _buf_len > buf_size:
- if ((tail - head) + _buf_len)*2 < buf_size:
- # move to front.
- memmove(buf, buf + head, tail - head)
- tail -= head
- head = 0
- else:
- # expand buffer.
- new_size = tail + _buf_len
- if new_size < buf_size*2:
- new_size = buf_size*2
- buf = realloc(buf, new_size)
- if buf == NULL:
- # self.buf still holds old buffer and will be freed during
- # obj destruction
- raise MemoryError("Unable to enlarge internal buffer.")
- buf_size = new_size
- memcpy(buf + tail, (_buf), _buf_len)
- self.buf = buf
- self.buf_head = head
- self.buf_size = buf_size
- self.buf_tail = tail + _buf_len
- # prepare self.buf from file_like
- cdef fill_buffer(self):
- if self.file_like is not None:
- next_bytes = self.file_like_read(self.read_size)
- if next_bytes:
- self.append_buffer(PyBytes_AsString(next_bytes),
- PyBytes_Size(next_bytes))
- else:
- self.file_like = None
- cpdef unpack(self):
- """unpack one object"""
- cdef int ret
- while 1:
- _gc_disable()
- ret = template_execute(&self.ctx, self.buf, self.buf_tail, &self.buf_head)
- _gc_enable()
- if ret == 1:
- o = template_data(&self.ctx)
- template_init(&self.ctx)
- return o
- elif ret == 0:
- if self.file_like is not None:
- self.fill_buffer()
- continue
- raise StopIteration("No more unpack data.")
- else:
- raise ValueError("Unpack failed: error = %d" % (ret,))
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def __next__(self):
- return self.unpack()
- # for debug.
- #def _buf(self):
- # return PyString_FromStringAndSize(self.buf, self.buf_tail)
- #def _off(self):
- # return self.buf_head
diff --git a/python/msgpack/pack.h b/python/msgpack/pack.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ae95d17..00000000
--- a/python/msgpack/pack.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
- * MessagePack for Python packing routine
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2009 Naoki INADA
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include "pack_define.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef struct msgpack_packer {
- char *buf;
- size_t length;
- size_t buf_size;
-} msgpack_packer;
-typedef struct Packer Packer;
-static inline int msgpack_pack_short(msgpack_packer* pk, short d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_int(msgpack_packer* pk, int d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_long(msgpack_packer* pk, long d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_long_long(msgpack_packer* pk, long long d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_unsigned_short(msgpack_packer* pk, unsigned short d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_unsigned_int(msgpack_packer* pk, unsigned int d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_unsigned_long(msgpack_packer* pk, unsigned long d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_unsigned_long_long(msgpack_packer* pk, unsigned long long d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_uint8(msgpack_packer* pk, uint8_t d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_uint16(msgpack_packer* pk, uint16_t d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_uint32(msgpack_packer* pk, uint32_t d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_uint64(msgpack_packer* pk, uint64_t d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_int8(msgpack_packer* pk, int8_t d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_int16(msgpack_packer* pk, int16_t d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_int32(msgpack_packer* pk, int32_t d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_int64(msgpack_packer* pk, int64_t d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_float(msgpack_packer* pk, float d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_double(msgpack_packer* pk, double d);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_nil(msgpack_packer* pk);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_true(msgpack_packer* pk);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_false(msgpack_packer* pk);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_array(msgpack_packer* pk, unsigned int n);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_map(msgpack_packer* pk, unsigned int n);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_raw(msgpack_packer* pk, size_t l);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_raw_body(msgpack_packer* pk, const void* b, size_t l);
-static inline int msgpack_pack_write(msgpack_packer* pk, const char *data, size_t l)
- char* buf = pk->buf;
- size_t bs = pk->buf_size;
- size_t len = pk->length;
- if (len + l > bs) {
- bs = (len + l) * 2;
- buf = realloc(buf, bs);
- if (!buf) return -1;
- }
- memcpy(buf + len, data, l);
- len += l;
- pk->buf = buf;
- pk->buf_size = bs;
- pk->length = len;
- return 0;
-#define msgpack_pack_inline_func(name) \
- static inline int msgpack_pack ## name
-#define msgpack_pack_inline_func_cint(name) \
- static inline int msgpack_pack ## name
-#define msgpack_pack_user msgpack_packer*
-#define msgpack_pack_append_buffer(user, buf, len) \
- return msgpack_pack_write(user, (const char*)buf, len)
-#include "pack_template.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/python/msgpack/pack_define.h b/python/msgpack/pack_define.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f72391b7..00000000
--- a/python/msgpack/pack_define.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * MessagePack unpacking routine template
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 FURUHASHI Sadayuki
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#endif /* msgpack/pack_define.h */
diff --git a/python/msgpack/pack_template.h b/python/msgpack/pack_template.h
deleted file mode 100644
index de148bf6..00000000
--- a/python/msgpack/pack_template.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,686 +0,0 @@
- * MessagePack packing routine template
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 FURUHASHI Sadayuki
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
-#define TAKE8_8(d) ((uint8_t*)&d)[0]
-#define TAKE8_16(d) ((uint8_t*)&d)[0]
-#define TAKE8_32(d) ((uint8_t*)&d)[0]
-#define TAKE8_64(d) ((uint8_t*)&d)[0]
-#elif __BIG_ENDIAN__
-#define TAKE8_8(d) ((uint8_t*)&d)[0]
-#define TAKE8_16(d) ((uint8_t*)&d)[1]
-#define TAKE8_32(d) ((uint8_t*)&d)[3]
-#define TAKE8_64(d) ((uint8_t*)&d)[7]
-#ifndef msgpack_pack_inline_func
-#error msgpack_pack_inline_func template is not defined
-#ifndef msgpack_pack_user
-#error msgpack_pack_user type is not defined
-#ifndef msgpack_pack_append_buffer
-#error msgpack_pack_append_buffer callback is not defined
- * Integer
- */
-#define msgpack_pack_real_uint8(x, d) \
-do { \
- if(d < (1<<7)) { \
- /* fixnum */ \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, &TAKE8_8(d), 1); \
- } else { \
- /* unsigned 8 */ \
- unsigned char buf[2] = {0xcc, TAKE8_8(d)}; \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 2); \
- } \
-} while(0)
-#define msgpack_pack_real_uint16(x, d) \
-do { \
- if(d < (1<<7)) { \
- /* fixnum */ \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, &TAKE8_16(d), 1); \
- } else if(d < (1<<8)) { \
- /* unsigned 8 */ \
- unsigned char buf[2] = {0xcc, TAKE8_16(d)}; \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 2); \
- } else { \
- /* unsigned 16 */ \
- unsigned char buf[3]; \
- buf[0] = 0xcd; *(uint16_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be16(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 3); \
- } \
-} while(0)
-#define msgpack_pack_real_uint32(x, d) \
-do { \
- if(d < (1<<8)) { \
- if(d < (1<<7)) { \
- /* fixnum */ \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, &TAKE8_32(d), 1); \
- } else { \
- /* unsigned 8 */ \
- unsigned char buf[2] = {0xcc, TAKE8_32(d)}; \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 2); \
- } \
- } else { \
- if(d < (1<<16)) { \
- /* unsigned 16 */ \
- unsigned char buf[3]; \
- buf[0] = 0xcd; *(uint16_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be16(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 3); \
- } else { \
- /* unsigned 32 */ \
- unsigned char buf[5]; \
- buf[0] = 0xce; *(uint32_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be32(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 5); \
- } \
- } \
-} while(0)
-#define msgpack_pack_real_uint64(x, d) \
-do { \
- if(d < (1ULL<<8)) { \
- if(d < (1<<7)) { \
- /* fixnum */ \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, &TAKE8_64(d), 1); \
- } else { \
- /* unsigned 8 */ \
- unsigned char buf[2] = {0xcc, TAKE8_64(d)}; \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 2); \
- } \
- } else { \
- if(d < (1ULL<<16)) { \
- /* signed 16 */ \
- unsigned char buf[3]; \
- buf[0] = 0xcd; *(uint16_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be16(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 3); \
- } else if(d < (1ULL<<32)) { \
- /* signed 32 */ \
- unsigned char buf[5]; \
- buf[0] = 0xce; *(uint32_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be32(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 5); \
- } else { \
- /* signed 64 */ \
- unsigned char buf[9]; \
- buf[0] = 0xcf; *(uint64_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be64(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 9); \
- } \
- } \
-} while(0)
-#define msgpack_pack_real_int8(x, d) \
-do { \
- if(d < -(1<<5)) { \
- /* signed 8 */ \
- unsigned char buf[2] = {0xd0, TAKE8_8(d)}; \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 2); \
- } else { \
- /* fixnum */ \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, &TAKE8_8(d), 1); \
- } \
-} while(0)
-#define msgpack_pack_real_int16(x, d) \
-do { \
- if(d < -(1<<5)) { \
- if(d < -(1<<7)) { \
- /* signed 16 */ \
- unsigned char buf[3]; \
- buf[0] = 0xd1; *(uint16_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be16(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 3); \
- } else { \
- /* signed 8 */ \
- unsigned char buf[2] = {0xd0, TAKE8_16(d)}; \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 2); \
- } \
- } else if(d < (1<<7)) { \
- /* fixnum */ \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, &TAKE8_16(d), 1); \
- } else { \
- if(d < (1<<8)) { \
- /* unsigned 8 */ \
- unsigned char buf[2] = {0xcc, TAKE8_16(d)}; \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 2); \
- } else { \
- /* unsigned 16 */ \
- unsigned char buf[3]; \
- buf[0] = 0xcd; *(uint16_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be16(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 3); \
- } \
- } \
-} while(0)
-#define msgpack_pack_real_int32(x, d) \
-do { \
- if(d < -(1<<5)) { \
- if(d < -(1<<15)) { \
- /* signed 32 */ \
- unsigned char buf[5]; \
- buf[0] = 0xd2; *(uint32_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be32(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 5); \
- } else if(d < -(1<<7)) { \
- /* signed 16 */ \
- unsigned char buf[3]; \
- buf[0] = 0xd1; *(uint16_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be16(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 3); \
- } else { \
- /* signed 8 */ \
- unsigned char buf[2] = {0xd0, TAKE8_32(d)}; \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 2); \
- } \
- } else if(d < (1<<7)) { \
- /* fixnum */ \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, &TAKE8_32(d), 1); \
- } else { \
- if(d < (1<<8)) { \
- /* unsigned 8 */ \
- unsigned char buf[2] = {0xcc, TAKE8_32(d)}; \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 2); \
- } else if(d < (1<<16)) { \
- /* unsigned 16 */ \
- unsigned char buf[3]; \
- buf[0] = 0xcd; *(uint16_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be16(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 3); \
- } else { \
- /* unsigned 32 */ \
- unsigned char buf[5]; \
- buf[0] = 0xce; *(uint32_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be32(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 5); \
- } \
- } \
-} while(0)
-#define msgpack_pack_real_int64(x, d) \
-do { \
- if(d < -(1LL<<5)) { \
- if(d < -(1LL<<15)) { \
- if(d < -(1LL<<31)) { \
- /* signed 64 */ \
- unsigned char buf[9]; \
- buf[0] = 0xd3; *(uint64_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be64(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 9); \
- } else { \
- /* signed 32 */ \
- unsigned char buf[5]; \
- buf[0] = 0xd2; *(uint32_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be32(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 5); \
- } \
- } else { \
- if(d < -(1<<7)) { \
- /* signed 16 */ \
- unsigned char buf[3]; \
- buf[0] = 0xd1; *(uint16_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be16(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 3); \
- } else { \
- /* signed 8 */ \
- unsigned char buf[2] = {0xd0, TAKE8_64(d)}; \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 2); \
- } \
- } \
- } else if(d < (1<<7)) { \
- /* fixnum */ \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, &TAKE8_64(d), 1); \
- } else { \
- if(d < (1LL<<16)) { \
- if(d < (1<<8)) { \
- /* unsigned 8 */ \
- unsigned char buf[2] = {0xcc, TAKE8_64(d)}; \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 2); \
- } else { \
- /* unsigned 16 */ \
- unsigned char buf[3]; \
- buf[0] = 0xcd; *(uint16_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be16(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 3); \
- } \
- } else { \
- if(d < (1LL<<32)) { \
- /* unsigned 32 */ \
- unsigned char buf[5]; \
- buf[0] = 0xce; *(uint32_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be32(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 5); \
- } else { \
- /* unsigned 64 */ \
- unsigned char buf[9]; \
- buf[0] = 0xcf; *(uint64_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be64(d); \
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 9); \
- } \
- } \
- } \
-} while(0)
-#ifdef msgpack_pack_inline_func_fastint
-msgpack_pack_inline_func_fastint(_uint8)(msgpack_pack_user x, uint8_t d)
- unsigned char buf[2] = {0xcc, TAKE8_8(d)};
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 2);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func_fastint(_uint16)(msgpack_pack_user x, uint16_t d)
- unsigned char buf[3];
- buf[0] = 0xcd; *(uint16_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be16(d);
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 3);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func_fastint(_uint32)(msgpack_pack_user x, uint32_t d)
- unsigned char buf[5];
- buf[0] = 0xce; *(uint32_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be32(d);
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 5);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func_fastint(_uint64)(msgpack_pack_user x, uint64_t d)
- unsigned char buf[9];
- buf[0] = 0xcf; *(uint64_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be64(d);
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 9);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func_fastint(_int8)(msgpack_pack_user x, int8_t d)
- unsigned char buf[2] = {0xd0, TAKE8_8(d)};
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 2);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func_fastint(_int16)(msgpack_pack_user x, int16_t d)
- unsigned char buf[3];
- buf[0] = 0xd1; *(uint16_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be16(d);
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 3);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func_fastint(_int32)(msgpack_pack_user x, int32_t d)
- unsigned char buf[5];
- buf[0] = 0xd2; *(uint32_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be32(d);
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 5);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func_fastint(_int64)(msgpack_pack_user x, int64_t d)
- unsigned char buf[9];
- buf[0] = 0xd3; *(uint64_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be64(d);
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 9);
-#undef msgpack_pack_inline_func_fastint
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_uint8)(msgpack_pack_user x, uint8_t d)
- msgpack_pack_real_uint8(x, d);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_uint16)(msgpack_pack_user x, uint16_t d)
- msgpack_pack_real_uint16(x, d);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_uint32)(msgpack_pack_user x, uint32_t d)
- msgpack_pack_real_uint32(x, d);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_uint64)(msgpack_pack_user x, uint64_t d)
- msgpack_pack_real_uint64(x, d);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_int8)(msgpack_pack_user x, int8_t d)
- msgpack_pack_real_int8(x, d);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_int16)(msgpack_pack_user x, int16_t d)
- msgpack_pack_real_int16(x, d);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_int32)(msgpack_pack_user x, int32_t d)
- msgpack_pack_real_int32(x, d);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_int64)(msgpack_pack_user x, int64_t d)
- msgpack_pack_real_int64(x, d);
-#ifdef msgpack_pack_inline_func_cint
-msgpack_pack_inline_func_cint(_short)(msgpack_pack_user x, short d)
-#if defined(SIZEOF_SHORT) || defined(SHRT_MAX)
-#if SIZEOF_SHORT == 2 || SHRT_MAX == 0x7fff
- msgpack_pack_real_int16(x, d);
-#elif SIZEOF_SHORT == 4 || SHRT_MAX == 0x7fffffff
- msgpack_pack_real_int32(x, d);
- msgpack_pack_real_int64(x, d);
-if(sizeof(short) == 2) {
- msgpack_pack_real_int16(x, d);
-} else if(sizeof(short) == 4) {
- msgpack_pack_real_int32(x, d);
-} else {
- msgpack_pack_real_int64(x, d);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func_cint(_int)(msgpack_pack_user x, int d)
-#if defined(SIZEOF_INT) || defined(INT_MAX)
-#if SIZEOF_INT == 2 || INT_MAX == 0x7fff
- msgpack_pack_real_int16(x, d);
-#elif SIZEOF_INT == 4 || INT_MAX == 0x7fffffff
- msgpack_pack_real_int32(x, d);
- msgpack_pack_real_int64(x, d);
-if(sizeof(int) == 2) {
- msgpack_pack_real_int16(x, d);
-} else if(sizeof(int) == 4) {
- msgpack_pack_real_int32(x, d);
-} else {
- msgpack_pack_real_int64(x, d);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func_cint(_long)(msgpack_pack_user x, long d)
-#if defined(SIZEOF_LONG) || defined(LONG_MAX)
-#if SIZEOF_LONG == 2 || LONG_MAX == 0x7fffL
- msgpack_pack_real_int16(x, d);
-#elif SIZEOF_LONG == 4 || LONG_MAX == 0x7fffffffL
- msgpack_pack_real_int32(x, d);
- msgpack_pack_real_int64(x, d);
-if(sizeof(long) == 2) {
- msgpack_pack_real_int16(x, d);
-} else if(sizeof(long) == 4) {
- msgpack_pack_real_int32(x, d);
-} else {
- msgpack_pack_real_int64(x, d);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func_cint(_long_long)(msgpack_pack_user x, long long d)
-#if defined(SIZEOF_LONG_LONG) || defined(LLONG_MAX)
-#if SIZEOF_LONG_LONG == 2 || LLONG_MAX == 0x7fffL
- msgpack_pack_real_int16(x, d);
-#elif SIZEOF_LONG_LONG == 4 || LLONG_MAX == 0x7fffffffL
- msgpack_pack_real_int32(x, d);
- msgpack_pack_real_int64(x, d);
-if(sizeof(long long) == 2) {
- msgpack_pack_real_int16(x, d);
-} else if(sizeof(long long) == 4) {
- msgpack_pack_real_int32(x, d);
-} else {
- msgpack_pack_real_int64(x, d);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func_cint(_unsigned_short)(msgpack_pack_user x, unsigned short d)
-#if defined(SIZEOF_SHORT) || defined(USHRT_MAX)
-#if SIZEOF_SHORT == 2 || USHRT_MAX == 0xffffU
- msgpack_pack_real_uint16(x, d);
-#elif SIZEOF_SHORT == 4 || USHRT_MAX == 0xffffffffU
- msgpack_pack_real_uint32(x, d);
- msgpack_pack_real_uint64(x, d);
-if(sizeof(unsigned short) == 2) {
- msgpack_pack_real_uint16(x, d);
-} else if(sizeof(unsigned short) == 4) {
- msgpack_pack_real_uint32(x, d);
-} else {
- msgpack_pack_real_uint64(x, d);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func_cint(_unsigned_int)(msgpack_pack_user x, unsigned int d)
-#if defined(SIZEOF_INT) || defined(UINT_MAX)
-#if SIZEOF_INT == 2 || UINT_MAX == 0xffffU
- msgpack_pack_real_uint16(x, d);
-#elif SIZEOF_INT == 4 || UINT_MAX == 0xffffffffU
- msgpack_pack_real_uint32(x, d);
- msgpack_pack_real_uint64(x, d);
-if(sizeof(unsigned int) == 2) {
- msgpack_pack_real_uint16(x, d);
-} else if(sizeof(unsigned int) == 4) {
- msgpack_pack_real_uint32(x, d);
-} else {
- msgpack_pack_real_uint64(x, d);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func_cint(_unsigned_long)(msgpack_pack_user x, unsigned long d)
-#if defined(SIZEOF_LONG) || defined(ULONG_MAX)
-#if SIZEOF_LONG == 2 || ULONG_MAX == 0xffffUL
- msgpack_pack_real_uint16(x, d);
-#elif SIZEOF_LONG == 4 || ULONG_MAX == 0xffffffffUL
- msgpack_pack_real_uint32(x, d);
- msgpack_pack_real_uint64(x, d);
-if(sizeof(unsigned int) == 2) {
- msgpack_pack_real_uint16(x, d);
-} else if(sizeof(unsigned int) == 4) {
- msgpack_pack_real_uint32(x, d);
-} else {
- msgpack_pack_real_uint64(x, d);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func_cint(_unsigned_long_long)(msgpack_pack_user x, unsigned long long d)
-#if defined(SIZEOF_LONG_LONG) || defined(ULLONG_MAX)
-#if SIZEOF_LONG_LONG == 2 || ULLONG_MAX == 0xffffUL
- msgpack_pack_real_uint16(x, d);
-#elif SIZEOF_LONG_LONG == 4 || ULLONG_MAX == 0xffffffffUL
- msgpack_pack_real_uint32(x, d);
- msgpack_pack_real_uint64(x, d);
-if(sizeof(unsigned long long) == 2) {
- msgpack_pack_real_uint16(x, d);
-} else if(sizeof(unsigned long long) == 4) {
- msgpack_pack_real_uint32(x, d);
-} else {
- msgpack_pack_real_uint64(x, d);
-#undef msgpack_pack_inline_func_cint
- * Float
- */
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_float)(msgpack_pack_user x, float d)
- union { char buf[4]; uint32_t num; } f;
- *((float*)&f.buf) = d; // FIXME
- unsigned char buf[5];
- buf[0] = 0xca; *(uint32_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be32(f.num);
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 5);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_double)(msgpack_pack_user x, double d)
- union { char buf[8]; uint64_t num; } f;
- *((double*)&f.buf) = d; // FIXME
- unsigned char buf[9];
- buf[0] = 0xcb; *(uint64_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be64(f.num);
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 9);
- * Nil
- */
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_nil)(msgpack_pack_user x)
- static const unsigned char d = 0xc0;
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, &d, 1);
- * Boolean
- */
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_true)(msgpack_pack_user x)
- static const unsigned char d = 0xc3;
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, &d, 1);
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_false)(msgpack_pack_user x)
- static const unsigned char d = 0xc2;
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, &d, 1);
- * Array
- */
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_array)(msgpack_pack_user x, unsigned int n)
- if(n < 16) {
- unsigned char d = 0x90 | n;
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, &d, 1);
- } else if(n < 65536) {
- unsigned char buf[3];
- buf[0] = 0xdc; *(uint16_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be16(n);
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 3);
- } else {
- unsigned char buf[5];
- buf[0] = 0xdd; *(uint32_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be32(n);
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 5);
- }
- * Map
- */
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_map)(msgpack_pack_user x, unsigned int n)
- if(n < 16) {
- unsigned char d = 0x80 | n;
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, &TAKE8_8(d), 1);
- } else if(n < 65536) {
- unsigned char buf[3];
- buf[0] = 0xde; *(uint16_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be16(n);
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 3);
- } else {
- unsigned char buf[5];
- buf[0] = 0xdf; *(uint32_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be32(n);
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 5);
- }
- * Raw
- */
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_raw)(msgpack_pack_user x, size_t l)
- if(l < 32) {
- unsigned char d = 0xa0 | l;
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, &TAKE8_8(d), 1);
- } else if(l < 65536) {
- unsigned char buf[3];
- buf[0] = 0xda; *(uint16_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be16(l);
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 3);
- } else {
- unsigned char buf[5];
- buf[0] = 0xdb; *(uint32_t*)&buf[1] = _msgpack_be32(l);
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, buf, 5);
- }
-msgpack_pack_inline_func(_raw_body)(msgpack_pack_user x, const void* b, size_t l)
- msgpack_pack_append_buffer(x, (const unsigned char*)b, l);
-#undef msgpack_pack_inline_func
-#undef msgpack_pack_user
-#undef msgpack_pack_append_buffer
-#undef TAKE8_8
-#undef TAKE8_16
-#undef TAKE8_32
-#undef TAKE8_64
-#undef msgpack_pack_real_uint8
-#undef msgpack_pack_real_uint16
-#undef msgpack_pack_real_uint32
-#undef msgpack_pack_real_uint64
-#undef msgpack_pack_real_int8
-#undef msgpack_pack_real_int16
-#undef msgpack_pack_real_int32
-#undef msgpack_pack_real_int64
diff --git a/python/msgpack/sysdep.h b/python/msgpack/sysdep.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 106158ea..00000000
--- a/python/msgpack/sysdep.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- * MessagePack system dependencies
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 FURUHASHI Sadayuki
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-typedef __int8 int8_t;
-typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t;
-typedef __int16 int16_t;
-typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t;
-typedef __int32 int32_t;
-typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
-typedef __int64 int64_t;
-typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-typedef long _msgpack_atomic_counter_t;
-#define _msgpack_sync_decr_and_fetch(ptr) InterlockedDecrement(ptr)
-#define _msgpack_sync_incr_and_fetch(ptr) InterlockedIncrement(ptr)
-typedef unsigned int _msgpack_atomic_counter_t;
-#define _msgpack_sync_decr_and_fetch(ptr) __sync_sub_and_fetch(ptr, 1)
-#define _msgpack_sync_incr_and_fetch(ptr) __sync_add_and_fetch(ptr, 1)
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include /* __BYTE_ORDER */
-#if !defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) && !defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
-#define __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
-#define __BIG_ENDIAN__
-#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
-#define _msgpack_be16(x) ntohs(x)
-#define _msgpack_be32(x) ntohl(x)
-#if defined(_byteswap_uint64)
-# define _msgpack_be64(x) (_byteswap_uint64(x))
-#elif defined(bswap_64)
-# define _msgpack_be64(x) bswap_64(x)
-#elif defined(__DARWIN_OSSwapInt64)
-# define _msgpack_be64(x) __DARWIN_OSSwapInt64(x)
-#define _msgpack_be64(x) \
- ( ((((uint64_t)x) << 56) & 0xff00000000000000ULL ) | \
- ((((uint64_t)x) << 40) & 0x00ff000000000000ULL ) | \
- ((((uint64_t)x) << 24) & 0x0000ff0000000000ULL ) | \
- ((((uint64_t)x) << 8) & 0x000000ff00000000ULL ) | \
- ((((uint64_t)x) >> 8) & 0x00000000ff000000ULL ) | \
- ((((uint64_t)x) >> 24) & 0x0000000000ff0000ULL ) | \
- ((((uint64_t)x) >> 40) & 0x000000000000ff00ULL ) | \
- ((((uint64_t)x) >> 56) & 0x00000000000000ffULL ) )
-#define _msgpack_be16(x) (x)
-#define _msgpack_be32(x) (x)
-#define _msgpack_be64(x) (x)
-#endif /* msgpack/sysdep.h */
diff --git a/python/msgpack/unpack.h b/python/msgpack/unpack.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0586ca86..00000000
--- a/python/msgpack/unpack.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
- * MessagePack for Python unpacking routine
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2009 Naoki INADA
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#define MSGPACK_MAX_STACK_SIZE (1024)
-#include "unpack_define.h"
-typedef struct unpack_user {
- int use_list;
- PyObject *object_hook;
- PyObject *list_hook;
- const char *encoding;
- const char *unicode_errors;
-} unpack_user;
-#define msgpack_unpack_struct(name) \
- struct template ## name
-#define msgpack_unpack_func(ret, name) \
- static inline ret template ## name
-#define msgpack_unpack_callback(name) \
- template_callback ## name
-#define msgpack_unpack_object PyObject*
-#define msgpack_unpack_user unpack_user
-struct template_context;
-typedef struct template_context template_context;
-static inline msgpack_unpack_object template_callback_root(unpack_user* u)
- return NULL;
-static inline int template_callback_uint16(unpack_user* u, uint16_t d, msgpack_unpack_object* o)
- PyObject *p = PyInt_FromLong((long)d);
- if (!p)
- return -1;
- *o = p;
- return 0;
-static inline int template_callback_uint8(unpack_user* u, uint8_t d, msgpack_unpack_object* o)
- return template_callback_uint16(u, d, o);
-static inline int template_callback_uint32(unpack_user* u, uint32_t d, msgpack_unpack_object* o)
- PyObject *p;
- if (d > LONG_MAX) {
- p = PyLong_FromUnsignedLong((unsigned long)d);
- } else {
- p = PyInt_FromLong((long)d);
- }
- if (!p)
- return -1;
- *o = p;
- return 0;
-static inline int template_callback_uint64(unpack_user* u, uint64_t d, msgpack_unpack_object* o)
- PyObject *p = PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(d);
- if (!p)
- return -1;
- *o = p;
- return 0;
-static inline int template_callback_int32(unpack_user* u, int32_t d, msgpack_unpack_object* o)
- PyObject *p = PyInt_FromLong(d);
- if (!p)
- return -1;
- *o = p;
- return 0;
-static inline int template_callback_int16(unpack_user* u, int16_t d, msgpack_unpack_object* o)
- return template_callback_int32(u, d, o);
-static inline int template_callback_int8(unpack_user* u, int8_t d, msgpack_unpack_object* o)
- return template_callback_int32(u, d, o);
-static inline int template_callback_int64(unpack_user* u, int64_t d, msgpack_unpack_object* o)
- PyObject *p = PyLong_FromLongLong(d);
- if (!p)
- return -1;
- *o = p;
- return 0;
-static inline int template_callback_double(unpack_user* u, double d, msgpack_unpack_object* o)
- PyObject *p = PyFloat_FromDouble(d);
- if (!p)
- return -1;
- *o = p;
- return 0;
-static inline int template_callback_float(unpack_user* u, float d, msgpack_unpack_object* o)
- return template_callback_double(u, d, o);
-static inline int template_callback_nil(unpack_user* u, msgpack_unpack_object* o)
-{ Py_INCREF(Py_None); *o = Py_None; return 0; }
-static inline int template_callback_true(unpack_user* u, msgpack_unpack_object* o)
-{ Py_INCREF(Py_True); *o = Py_True; return 0; }
-static inline int template_callback_false(unpack_user* u, msgpack_unpack_object* o)
-{ Py_INCREF(Py_False); *o = Py_False; return 0; }
-static inline int template_callback_array(unpack_user* u, unsigned int n, msgpack_unpack_object* o)
- PyObject *p = u->use_list ? PyList_New(n) : PyTuple_New(n);
- if (!p)
- return -1;
- *o = p;
- return 0;
-static inline int template_callback_array_item(unpack_user* u, unsigned int current, msgpack_unpack_object* c, msgpack_unpack_object o)
- if (u->use_list)
- PyList_SET_ITEM(*c, current, o);
- else
- PyTuple_SET_ITEM(*c, current, o);
- return 0;
-static inline int template_callback_array_end(unpack_user* u, msgpack_unpack_object* c)
- if (u->list_hook) {
- PyObject *arglist = Py_BuildValue("(O)", *c);
- *c = PyEval_CallObject(u->list_hook, arglist);
- Py_DECREF(arglist);
- }
- return 0;
-static inline int template_callback_map(unpack_user* u, unsigned int n, msgpack_unpack_object* o)
- PyObject *p = PyDict_New();
- if (!p)
- return -1;
- *o = p;
- return 0;
-static inline int template_callback_map_item(unpack_user* u, msgpack_unpack_object* c, msgpack_unpack_object k, msgpack_unpack_object v)
- if (PyDict_SetItem(*c, k, v) == 0) {
- Py_DECREF(k);
- Py_DECREF(v);
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
-static inline int template_callback_map_end(unpack_user* u, msgpack_unpack_object* c)
- if (u->object_hook) {
- PyObject *arglist = Py_BuildValue("(O)", *c);
- *c = PyEval_CallObject(u->object_hook, arglist);
- Py_DECREF(arglist);
- }
- return 0;
-static inline int template_callback_raw(unpack_user* u, const char* b, const char* p, unsigned int l, msgpack_unpack_object* o)
- PyObject *py;
- if(u->encoding) {
- py = PyUnicode_Decode(p, l, u->encoding, u->unicode_errors);
- } else {
- py = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(p, l);
- }
- if (!py)
- return -1;
- *o = py;
- return 0;
-#include "unpack_template.h"
diff --git a/python/msgpack/unpack_define.h b/python/msgpack/unpack_define.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 63d90a8e..00000000
--- a/python/msgpack/unpack_define.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
- * MessagePack unpacking routine template
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 FURUHASHI Sadayuki
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef enum {
- CS_HEADER = 0x00, // nil
- //CS_ = 0x01,
- //CS_ = 0x02, // false
- //CS_ = 0x03, // true
- //CS_ = 0x04,
- //CS_ = 0x05,
- //CS_ = 0x06,
- //CS_ = 0x07,
- //CS_ = 0x08,
- //CS_ = 0x09,
- CS_FLOAT = 0x0a,
- CS_DOUBLE = 0x0b,
- CS_UINT_8 = 0x0c,
- CS_UINT_16 = 0x0d,
- CS_UINT_32 = 0x0e,
- CS_UINT_64 = 0x0f,
- CS_INT_8 = 0x10,
- CS_INT_16 = 0x11,
- CS_INT_32 = 0x12,
- CS_INT_64 = 0x13,
- //CS_ = 0x14,
- //CS_ = 0x15,
- //CS_BIG_INT_16 = 0x16,
- //CS_BIG_INT_32 = 0x17,
- //CS_BIG_FLOAT_16 = 0x18,
- //CS_BIG_FLOAT_32 = 0x19,
- CS_RAW_16 = 0x1a,
- CS_RAW_32 = 0x1b,
- CS_ARRAY_16 = 0x1c,
- CS_ARRAY_32 = 0x1d,
- CS_MAP_16 = 0x1e,
- CS_MAP_32 = 0x1f,
-} msgpack_unpack_state;
-typedef enum {
-} msgpack_container_type;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* msgpack/unpack_define.h */
diff --git a/python/msgpack/unpack_template.h b/python/msgpack/unpack_template.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a2288f1..00000000
--- a/python/msgpack/unpack_template.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
- * MessagePack unpacking routine template
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 FURUHASHI Sadayuki
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef msgpack_unpack_func
-#error msgpack_unpack_func template is not defined
-#ifndef msgpack_unpack_callback
-#error msgpack_unpack_callback template is not defined
-#ifndef msgpack_unpack_struct
-#error msgpack_unpack_struct template is not defined
-#ifndef msgpack_unpack_struct_decl
-#define msgpack_unpack_struct_decl(name) msgpack_unpack_struct(name)
-#ifndef msgpack_unpack_object
-#error msgpack_unpack_object type is not defined
-#ifndef msgpack_unpack_user
-#error msgpack_unpack_user type is not defined
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
-msgpack_unpack_struct_decl(_stack) {
- msgpack_unpack_object obj;
- size_t count;
- unsigned int ct;
- union {
- size_t curr;
- msgpack_unpack_object map_key;
- };
-msgpack_unpack_struct_decl(_context) {
- msgpack_unpack_user user;
- unsigned int cs;
- unsigned int trail;
- unsigned int top;
- msgpack_unpack_struct(_stack) stack[MSGPACK_MAX_STACK_SIZE];
-msgpack_unpack_func(void, _init)(msgpack_unpack_struct(_context)* ctx)
- ctx->cs = CS_HEADER;
- ctx->trail = 0;
- ctx->top = 0;
- ctx->stack[0].obj = msgpack_unpack_callback(_root)(&ctx->user);
-msgpack_unpack_func(msgpack_unpack_object, _data)(msgpack_unpack_struct(_context)* ctx)
- return (ctx)->stack[0].obj;
-msgpack_unpack_func(int, _execute)(msgpack_unpack_struct(_context)* ctx, const char* data, size_t len, size_t* off)
- assert(len >= *off);
- const unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)data + *off;
- const unsigned char* const pe = (unsigned char*)data + len;
- const void* n = NULL;
- unsigned int trail = ctx->trail;
- unsigned int cs = ctx->cs;
- unsigned int top = ctx->top;
- msgpack_unpack_struct(_stack)* stack = ctx->stack;
- msgpack_unpack_user* user = &ctx->user;
- msgpack_unpack_object obj;
- msgpack_unpack_struct(_stack)* c = NULL;
- int ret;
-#define push_simple_value(func) \
- if(msgpack_unpack_callback(func)(user, &obj) < 0) { goto _failed; } \
- goto _push
-#define push_fixed_value(func, arg) \
- if(msgpack_unpack_callback(func)(user, arg, &obj) < 0) { goto _failed; } \
- goto _push
-#define push_variable_value(func, base, pos, len) \
- if(msgpack_unpack_callback(func)(user, \
- (const char*)base, (const char*)pos, len, &obj) < 0) { goto _failed; } \
- goto _push
-#define again_fixed_trail(_cs, trail_len) \
- trail = trail_len; \
- cs = _cs; \
- goto _fixed_trail_again
-#define again_fixed_trail_if_zero(_cs, trail_len, ifzero) \
- trail = trail_len; \
- if(trail == 0) { goto ifzero; } \
- cs = _cs; \
- goto _fixed_trail_again
-#define start_container(func, count_, ct_) \
- if(msgpack_unpack_callback(func)(user, count_, &stack[top].obj) < 0) { goto _failed; } \
- if((count_) == 0) { obj = stack[top].obj; goto _push; } \
- if(top >= MSGPACK_MAX_STACK_SIZE) { goto _failed; } \
- stack[top].ct = ct_; \
- stack[top].curr = 0; \
- stack[top].count = count_; \
- /*printf("container %d count %d stack %d\n",stack[top].obj,count_,top);*/ \
- /*printf("stack push %d\n", top);*/ \
- ++top; \
- goto _header_again
-#define NEXT_CS(p) \
- ((unsigned int)*p & 0x1f)
-#define PTR_CAST_8(ptr) (*(uint8_t*)ptr)
-#define PTR_CAST_16(ptr) _msgpack_be16(*(uint16_t*)ptr)
-#define PTR_CAST_32(ptr) _msgpack_be32(*(uint32_t*)ptr)
-#define PTR_CAST_64(ptr) _msgpack_be64(*(uint64_t*)ptr)
-#define SWITCH_RANGE_BEGIN switch(*p) {
-#define SWITCH_RANGE(FROM, TO) case FROM ... TO:
-#define SWITCH_RANGE_DEFAULT default:
-#define SWITCH_RANGE_BEGIN { if(0) {
-#define SWITCH_RANGE(FROM, TO) } else if(FROM <= *p && *p <= TO) {
-#define SWITCH_RANGE_DEFAULT } else {
-#define SWITCH_RANGE_END } }
- if(p == pe) { goto _out; }
- do {
- switch(cs) {
- case CS_HEADER:
- SWITCH_RANGE(0x00, 0x7f) // Positive Fixnum
- push_fixed_value(_uint8, *(uint8_t*)p);
- SWITCH_RANGE(0xe0, 0xff) // Negative Fixnum
- push_fixed_value(_int8, *(int8_t*)p);
- SWITCH_RANGE(0xc0, 0xdf) // Variable
- switch(*p) {
- case 0xc0: // nil
- push_simple_value(_nil);
- //case 0xc1: // string
- // again_terminal_trail(NEXT_CS(p), p+1);
- case 0xc2: // false
- push_simple_value(_false);
- case 0xc3: // true
- push_simple_value(_true);
- //case 0xc4:
- //case 0xc5:
- //case 0xc6:
- //case 0xc7:
- //case 0xc8:
- //case 0xc9:
- case 0xca: // float
- case 0xcb: // double
- case 0xcc: // unsigned int 8
- case 0xcd: // unsigned int 16
- case 0xce: // unsigned int 32
- case 0xcf: // unsigned int 64
- case 0xd0: // signed int 8
- case 0xd1: // signed int 16
- case 0xd2: // signed int 32
- case 0xd3: // signed int 64
- again_fixed_trail(NEXT_CS(p), 1 << (((unsigned int)*p) & 0x03));
- //case 0xd4:
- //case 0xd5:
- //case 0xd6: // big integer 16
- //case 0xd7: // big integer 32
- //case 0xd8: // big float 16
- //case 0xd9: // big float 32
- case 0xda: // raw 16
- case 0xdb: // raw 32
- case 0xdc: // array 16
- case 0xdd: // array 32
- case 0xde: // map 16
- case 0xdf: // map 32
- again_fixed_trail(NEXT_CS(p), 2 << (((unsigned int)*p) & 0x01));
- default:
- goto _failed;
- }
- SWITCH_RANGE(0xa0, 0xbf) // FixRaw
- again_fixed_trail_if_zero(ACS_RAW_VALUE, ((unsigned int)*p & 0x1f), _raw_zero);
- SWITCH_RANGE(0x90, 0x9f) // FixArray
- start_container(_array, ((unsigned int)*p) & 0x0f, CT_ARRAY_ITEM);
- SWITCH_RANGE(0x80, 0x8f) // FixMap
- start_container(_map, ((unsigned int)*p) & 0x0f, CT_MAP_KEY);
- goto _failed;
- // end CS_HEADER
- _fixed_trail_again:
- ++p;
- default:
- if((size_t)(pe - p) < trail) { goto _out; }
- n = p; p += trail - 1;
- switch(cs) {
- //case CS_
- //case CS_
- case CS_FLOAT: {
- union { uint32_t num; char buf[4]; } f;
- f.num = PTR_CAST_32(n); // FIXME
- push_fixed_value(_float, *((float*)f.buf)); }
- case CS_DOUBLE: {
- union { uint64_t num; char buf[8]; } f;
- f.num = PTR_CAST_64(n); // FIXME
- push_fixed_value(_double, *((double*)f.buf)); }
- case CS_UINT_8:
- push_fixed_value(_uint8, (uint8_t)PTR_CAST_8(n));
- case CS_UINT_16:
- push_fixed_value(_uint16, (uint16_t)PTR_CAST_16(n));
- case CS_UINT_32:
- push_fixed_value(_uint32, (uint32_t)PTR_CAST_32(n));
- case CS_UINT_64:
- push_fixed_value(_uint64, (uint64_t)PTR_CAST_64(n));
- case CS_INT_8:
- push_fixed_value(_int8, (int8_t)PTR_CAST_8(n));
- case CS_INT_16:
- push_fixed_value(_int16, (int16_t)PTR_CAST_16(n));
- case CS_INT_32:
- push_fixed_value(_int32, (int32_t)PTR_CAST_32(n));
- case CS_INT_64:
- push_fixed_value(_int64, (int64_t)PTR_CAST_64(n));
- //case CS_
- //case CS_
- //case CS_BIG_INT_16:
- // again_fixed_trail_if_zero(ACS_BIG_INT_VALUE, (uint16_t)PTR_CAST_16(n), _big_int_zero);
- //case CS_BIG_INT_32:
- // again_fixed_trail_if_zero(ACS_BIG_INT_VALUE, (uint32_t)PTR_CAST_32(n), _big_int_zero);
- //_big_int_zero:
- // // FIXME
- // push_variable_value(_big_int, data, n, trail);
- //case CS_BIG_FLOAT_16:
- // again_fixed_trail_if_zero(ACS_BIG_FLOAT_VALUE, (uint16_t)PTR_CAST_16(n), _big_float_zero);
- //case CS_BIG_FLOAT_32:
- // again_fixed_trail_if_zero(ACS_BIG_FLOAT_VALUE, (uint32_t)PTR_CAST_32(n), _big_float_zero);
- //_big_float_zero:
- // // FIXME
- // push_variable_value(_big_float, data, n, trail);
- case CS_RAW_16:
- again_fixed_trail_if_zero(ACS_RAW_VALUE, (uint16_t)PTR_CAST_16(n), _raw_zero);
- case CS_RAW_32:
- again_fixed_trail_if_zero(ACS_RAW_VALUE, (uint32_t)PTR_CAST_32(n), _raw_zero);
- _raw_zero:
- push_variable_value(_raw, data, n, trail);
- case CS_ARRAY_16:
- start_container(_array, (uint16_t)PTR_CAST_16(n), CT_ARRAY_ITEM);
- case CS_ARRAY_32:
- /* FIXME security guard */
- start_container(_array, (uint32_t)PTR_CAST_32(n), CT_ARRAY_ITEM);
- case CS_MAP_16:
- start_container(_map, (uint16_t)PTR_CAST_16(n), CT_MAP_KEY);
- case CS_MAP_32:
- /* FIXME security guard */
- start_container(_map, (uint32_t)PTR_CAST_32(n), CT_MAP_KEY);
- default:
- goto _failed;
- }
- }
- if(top == 0) { goto _finish; }
- c = &stack[top-1];
- switch(c->ct) {
- if(msgpack_unpack_callback(_array_item)(user, c->curr, &c->obj, obj) < 0) { goto _failed; }
- if(++c->curr == c->count) {
- msgpack_unpack_callback(_array_end)(user, &c->obj);
- obj = c->obj;
- --top;
- /*printf("stack pop %d\n", top);*/
- goto _push;
- }
- goto _header_again;
- case CT_MAP_KEY:
- c->map_key = obj;
- c->ct = CT_MAP_VALUE;
- goto _header_again;
- case CT_MAP_VALUE:
- if(msgpack_unpack_callback(_map_item)(user, &c->obj, c->map_key, obj) < 0) { goto _failed; }
- if(--c->count == 0) {
- msgpack_unpack_callback(_map_end)(user, &c->obj);
- obj = c->obj;
- --top;
- /*printf("stack pop %d\n", top);*/
- goto _push;
- }
- c->ct = CT_MAP_KEY;
- goto _header_again;
- default:
- goto _failed;
- }
- cs = CS_HEADER;
- ++p;
- } while(p != pe);
- goto _out;
- stack[0].obj = obj;
- ++p;
- ret = 1;
- /*printf("-- finish --\n"); */
- goto _end;
- /*printf("** FAILED **\n"); */
- ret = -1;
- goto _end;
- ret = 0;
- goto _end;
- ctx->cs = cs;
- ctx->trail = trail;
- ctx->top = top;
- *off = p - (const unsigned char*)data;
- return ret;
-#undef msgpack_unpack_func
-#undef msgpack_unpack_callback
-#undef msgpack_unpack_struct
-#undef msgpack_unpack_object
-#undef msgpack_unpack_user
-#undef push_simple_value
-#undef push_fixed_value
-#undef push_variable_value
-#undef again_fixed_trail
-#undef again_fixed_trail_if_zero
-#undef start_container
-#undef NEXT_CS
-#undef PTR_CAST_8
-#undef PTR_CAST_16
-#undef PTR_CAST_32
-#undef PTR_CAST_64
diff --git a/python/setup.py b/python/setup.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 16987a46..00000000
--- a/python/setup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-version = (0, 1, 9, 'final')
-import os
-import sys
-from glob import glob
-from distutils.core import setup, Extension
-from distutils.command.sdist import sdist
- from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
- import Cython.Compiler.Main as cython_compiler
- have_cython = True
-except ImportError:
- from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
- have_cython = False
-# make msgpack/__verison__.py
-f = open('msgpack/__version__.py', 'w')
-f.write("version = %r\n" % (version,))
-del f
-version_str = '.'.join(str(x) for x in version[:3])
-if len(version) > 3 and version[3] != 'final':
- version_str += version[3]
-# take care of extension modules.
-if have_cython:
- sources = ['msgpack/_msgpack.pyx']
- class Sdist(sdist):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- for src in glob('msgpack/*.pyx'):
- cython_compiler.compile(glob('msgpack/*.pyx'),
- cython_compiler.default_options)
- sdist.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- sources = ['msgpack/_msgpack.c']
- for f in sources:
- if not os.path.exists(f):
- raise ImportError("Building msgpack from VCS needs Cython. Install Cython or use sdist package.")
- Sdist = sdist
-libraries = ['ws2_32'] if sys.platform == 'win32' else []
-msgpack_mod = Extension('msgpack._msgpack',
- sources=sources,
- libraries=libraries,
- )
-del sources, libraries
-desc = 'MessagePack (de)serializer.'
-long_desc = """MessagePack (de)serializer for Python.
-What's MessagePack? (from http://msgpack.org/)
- MessagePack is a binary-based efficient data interchange format that is
- focused on high performance. It is like JSON, but very fast and small.
- author='INADA Naoki',
- author_email='songofacandy@gmail.com',
- version=version_str,
- cmdclass={'build_ext': build_ext, 'sdist': Sdist},
- ext_modules=[msgpack_mod],
- packages=['msgpack'],
- description=desc,
- long_description=long_desc,
- url='http://msgpack.org/',
- download_url='http://pypi.python.org/pypi/msgpack/',
- classifiers=[
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
- 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
- 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
- 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License',
- ]
- )
diff --git a/python/test/test_buffer.py b/python/test/test_buffer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ce7a72d2..00000000
--- a/python/test/test_buffer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-from nose import main
-from nose.tools import *
-from msgpack import packb, unpackb
-def test_unpack_buffer():
- from array import array
- buf = array('c')
- buf.fromstring(packb(('foo', 'bar')))
- obj = unpackb(buf)
- assert_equal(('foo', 'bar'), obj)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_case.py b/python/test/test_case.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cbc4945..00000000
--- a/python/test/test_case.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-from nose import main
-from nose.tools import *
-from msgpack import packs, unpacks
-def check(length, obj):
- v = packs(obj)
- assert_equal(len(v), length, "%r length should be %r but get %r" % (obj, length, len(v)))
- assert_equal(unpacks(v), obj)
-def test_1():
- for o in [None, True, False, 0, 1, (1 << 6), (1 << 7) - 1, -1,
- -((1<<5)-1), -(1<<5)]:
- check(1, o)
-def test_2():
- for o in [1 << 7, (1 << 8) - 1,
- -((1<<5)+1), -(1<<7)
- ]:
- check(2, o)
-def test_3():
- for o in [1 << 8, (1 << 16) - 1,
- -((1<<7)+1), -(1<<15)]:
- check(3, o)
-def test_5():
- for o in [1 << 16, (1 << 32) - 1,
- -((1<<15)+1), -(1<<31)]:
- check(5, o)
-def test_9():
- for o in [1 << 32, (1 << 64) - 1,
- -((1<<31)+1), -(1<<63),
- 1.0, 0.1, -0.1, -1.0]:
- check(9, o)
-def check_raw(overhead, num):
- check(num + overhead, " " * num)
-def test_fixraw():
- check_raw(1, 0)
- check_raw(1, (1<<5) - 1)
-def test_raw16():
- check_raw(3, 1<<5)
- check_raw(3, (1<<16) - 1)
-def test_raw32():
- check_raw(5, 1<<16)
-def check_array(overhead, num):
- check(num + overhead, (None,) * num)
-def test_fixarray():
- check_array(1, 0)
- check_array(1, (1 << 4) - 1)
-def test_array16():
- check_array(3, 1 << 4)
- check_array(3, (1<<16)-1)
-def test_array32():
- check_array(5, (1<<16))
-def match(obj, buf):
- assert_equal(packs(obj), buf)
- assert_equal(unpacks(buf), obj)
-def test_match():
- cases = [
- (None, '\xc0'),
- (False, '\xc2'),
- (True, '\xc3'),
- (0, '\x00'),
- (127, '\x7f'),
- (128, '\xcc\x80'),
- (256, '\xcd\x01\x00'),
- (-1, '\xff'),
- (-33, '\xd0\xdf'),
- (-129, '\xd1\xff\x7f'),
- ({1:1}, '\x81\x01\x01'),
- (1.0, "\xcb\x3f\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
- ((), '\x90'),
- (tuple(range(15)),"\x9f\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e"),
- (tuple(range(16)),"\xdc\x00\x10\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f"),
- ({}, '\x80'),
- (dict([(x,x) for x in range(15)]), '\x8f\x00\x00\x01\x01\x02\x02\x03\x03\x04\x04\x05\x05\x06\x06\x07\x07\x08\x08\t\t\n\n\x0b\x0b\x0c\x0c\r\r\x0e\x0e'),
- (dict([(x,x) for x in range(16)]), '\xde\x00\x10\x00\x00\x01\x01\x02\x02\x03\x03\x04\x04\x05\x05\x06\x06\x07\x07\x08\x08\t\t\n\n\x0b\x0b\x0c\x0c\r\r\x0e\x0e\x0f\x0f'),
- ]
- for v, p in cases:
- match(v, p)
-def test_unicode():
- assert_equal('foobar', unpacks(packs(u'foobar')))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_except.py b/python/test/test_except.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 574728fb..00000000
--- a/python/test/test_except.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-from nose.tools import *
-from msgpack import packs, unpacks
-import datetime
-def test_raise_on_find_unsupported_value():
- assert_raises(TypeError, packs, datetime.datetime.now())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- from nose import main
- main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_format.py b/python/test/test_format.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 562ef54a..00000000
--- a/python/test/test_format.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-from nose import main
-from nose.tools import *
-from msgpack import unpacks
-def check(src, should):
- assert_equal(unpacks(src), should)
-def testSimpleValue():
- check("\x93\xc0\xc2\xc3",
- (None, False, True,))
-def testFixnum():
- check("\x92\x93\x00\x40\x7f\x93\xe0\xf0\xff",
- ((0,64,127,), (-32,-16,-1,),)
- )
-def testFixArray():
- check("\x92\x90\x91\x91\xc0",
- ((),((None,),),),
- )
-def testFixRaw():
- check("\x94\xa0\xa1a\xa2bc\xa3def",
- ("", "a", "bc", "def",),
- )
-def testFixMap():
- check(
- "\x82\xc2\x81\xc0\xc0\xc3\x81\xc0\x80",
- {False: {None: None}, True:{None:{}}},
- )
-def testUnsignedInt():
- check(
- "\x99\xcc\x00\xcc\x80\xcc\xff\xcd\x00\x00\xcd\x80\x00"
- "\xcd\xff\xff\xce\x00\x00\x00\x00\xce\x80\x00\x00\x00"
- "\xce\xff\xff\xff\xff",
- (0, 128, 255, 0, 32768, 65535, 0, 2147483648, 4294967295,),
- )
-def testSignedInt():
- check("\x99\xd0\x00\xd0\x80\xd0\xff\xd1\x00\x00\xd1\x80\x00"
- "\xd1\xff\xff\xd2\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd2\x80\x00\x00\x00"
- "\xd2\xff\xff\xff\xff",
- (0, -128, -1, 0, -32768, -1, 0, -2147483648, -1,))
-def testRaw():
- check("\x96\xda\x00\x00\xda\x00\x01a\xda\x00\x02ab\xdb\x00\x00"
- "\x00\x00\xdb\x00\x00\x00\x01a\xdb\x00\x00\x00\x02ab",
- ("", "a", "ab", "", "a", "ab"))
-def testArray():
- check("\x96\xdc\x00\x00\xdc\x00\x01\xc0\xdc\x00\x02\xc2\xc3\xdd\x00"
- "\x00\x00\x00\xdd\x00\x00\x00\x01\xc0\xdd\x00\x00\x00\x02"
- "\xc2\xc3",
- ((), (None,), (False,True), (), (None,), (False,True))
- )
-def testMap():
- check(
- "\x96"
- "\xde\x00\x00"
- "\xde\x00\x01\xc0\xc2"
- "\xde\x00\x02\xc0\xc2\xc3\xc2"
- "\xdf\x00\x00\x00\x00"
- "\xdf\x00\x00\x00\x01\xc0\xc2"
- "\xdf\x00\x00\x00\x02\xc0\xc2\xc3\xc2",
- ({}, {None: False}, {True: False, None: False}, {},
- {None: False}, {True: False, None: False}))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_obj.py b/python/test/test_obj.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eebe7be..00000000
--- a/python/test/test_obj.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-from nose import main
-from nose.tools import *
-from msgpack import packs, unpacks
-def _decode_complex(obj):
- if '__complex__' in obj:
- return complex(obj['real'], obj['imag'])
- return obj
-def _encode_complex(obj):
- if isinstance(obj, complex):
- return {'__complex__': True, 'real': 1, 'imag': 2}
- return obj
-def test_encode_hook():
- packed = packs([3, 1+2j], default=_encode_complex)
- unpacked = unpacks(packed)
- eq_(unpacked[1], {'__complex__': True, 'real': 1, 'imag': 2})
-def test_decode_hook():
- packed = packs([3, {'__complex__': True, 'real': 1, 'imag': 2}])
- unpacked = unpacks(packed, object_hook=_decode_complex)
- eq_(unpacked[1], 1+2j)
-def test_bad_hook():
- packed = packs([3, 1+2j], default=lambda o: o)
- unpacked = unpacks(packed)
-def _arr_to_str(arr):
- return ''.join(str(c) for c in arr)
-def test_array_hook():
- packed = packs([1,2,3])
- unpacked = unpacks(packed, list_hook=_arr_to_str)
- eq_(unpacked, '123')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test_decode_hook()
- test_encode_hook()
- test_bad_hook()
- test_array_hook()
diff --git a/python/test/test_pack.py b/python/test/test_pack.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b5f1ade..00000000
--- a/python/test/test_pack.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-from nose import main
-from nose.tools import *
-from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
-from msgpack import packs, unpacks
-def check(data):
- re = unpacks(packs(data))
- assert_equal(re, data)
-def testPack():
- test_data = [
- 0, 1, 127, 128, 255, 256, 65535, 65536,
- -1, -32, -33, -128, -129, -32768, -32769,
- 1.0,
- "", "a", "a"*31, "a"*32,
- None, True, False,
- (), ((),), ((), None,),
- {None: 0},
- (1<<23),
- ]
- for td in test_data:
- check(td)
-def testPackUnicode():
- test_data = [
- u"", u"abcd", (u"defgh",), u"Русский текст",
- ]
- for td in test_data:
- re = unpacks(packs(td, encoding='utf-8'), encoding='utf-8')
- assert_equal(re, td)
-def testPackUTF32():
- try:
- test_data = [
- u"", u"abcd", (u"defgh",), u"Русский текст",
- ]
- for td in test_data:
- re = unpacks(packs(td, encoding='utf-32'), encoding='utf-32')
- assert_equal(re, td)
- except LookupError:
- raise SkipTest
-def testPackBytes():
- test_data = [
- "", "abcd", ("defgh",),
- ]
- for td in test_data:
- check(td)
-def testIgnoreUnicodeErrors():
- re = unpacks(packs('abc\xeddef'),
- encoding='ascii', unicode_errors='ignore')
- assert_equal(re, "abcdef")
-def testStrictUnicodeUnpack():
- unpacks(packs('abc\xeddef'), encoding='utf-8')
-def testStrictUnicodePack():
- packs(u"abc\xeddef", encoding='ascii', unicode_errors='strict')
-def testIgnoreErrorsPack():
- re = unpacks(
- packs(u"abcФФФdef", encoding='ascii', unicode_errors='ignore'),
- encoding='utf-8')
- assert_equal(re, u"abcdef")
-def testNoEncoding():
- packs(u"abc", encoding=None)
-def testDecodeBinary():
- re = unpacks(packs(u"abc"), encoding=None)
- assert_equal(re, "abc")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_seq.py b/python/test/test_seq.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 993a59ec..00000000
--- a/python/test/test_seq.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-from nose import main
-from nose.tools import *
-import StringIO
-import msgpack
-binarydata = [chr(i) for i in xrange(256)]
-binarydata = "".join(binarydata)
-def gen_binary_data(idx):
- data = binarydata[:idx % 300]
- return data
-def test_exceeding_unpacker_read_size():
- dumpf = StringIO.StringIO()
- packer = msgpack.Packer()
- read_size = 16
- # 5 ok for read_size=16, while 6 glibc detected *** python: double free or corruption (fasttop):
- # 20 ok for read_size=256, while 25 segfaults / glibc detected *** python: double free or corruption (!prev)
- # 40 ok for read_size=1024, while 50 introduces errors
- # 7000 ok for read_size=1024*1024, while 8000 leads to glibc detected *** python: double free or corruption (!prev):
- for idx in xrange(NUMBER_OF_STRINGS):
- data = gen_binary_data(idx)
- dumpf.write(packer.pack(data))
- f = StringIO.StringIO(dumpf.getvalue())
- dumpf.close()
- unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(f, read_size=read_size)
- read_count = 0
- for idx, o in enumerate(unpacker):
- assert_equal(type(o), str)
- assert_equal(o, gen_binary_data(idx))
- read_count += 1
- assert_equal(read_count, NUMBER_OF_STRINGS)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # main()
- test_exceeding_unpacker_read_size()
diff --git a/python/test/test_sequnpack.py b/python/test/test_sequnpack.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d61be230..00000000
--- a/python/test/test_sequnpack.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-from msgpack import Unpacker
-def test_foobar():
- unpacker = Unpacker(read_size=3)
- unpacker.feed('foobar')
- assert unpacker.unpack() == ord('f')
- assert unpacker.unpack() == ord('o')
- assert unpacker.unpack() == ord('o')
- assert unpacker.unpack() == ord('b')
- assert unpacker.unpack() == ord('a')
- assert unpacker.unpack() == ord('r')
- try:
- o = unpacker.unpack()
- print "Oops!", o
- assert 0
- except StopIteration:
- assert 1
- else:
- assert 0
- unpacker.feed('foo')
- unpacker.feed('bar')
- k = 0
- for o, e in zip(unpacker, 'foobarbaz'):
- assert o == ord(e)
- k += 1
- assert k == len('foobar')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test_foobar()
diff --git a/python/test3/test_buffer.py b/python/test3/test_buffer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 01310a07..00000000
--- a/python/test3/test_buffer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-from nose import main
-from nose.tools import *
-from msgpack import packb, unpackb
-def test_unpack_buffer():
- from array import array
- buf = array('b')
- buf.fromstring(packb(('foo', 'bar')))
- obj = unpackb(buf)
- assert_equal((b'foo', b'bar'), obj)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/python/test3/test_case.py b/python/test3/test_case.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f423161..00000000
--- a/python/test3/test_case.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-from nose import main
-from nose.tools import *
-from msgpack import packs, unpacks
-def check(length, obj):
- v = packs(obj)
- assert_equal(len(v), length, "%r length should be %r but get %r" % (obj, length, len(v)))
- assert_equal(unpacks(v), obj)
-def test_1():
- for o in [None, True, False, 0, 1, (1 << 6), (1 << 7) - 1, -1,
- -((1<<5)-1), -(1<<5)]:
- check(1, o)
-def test_2():
- for o in [1 << 7, (1 << 8) - 1,
- -((1<<5)+1), -(1<<7)
- ]:
- check(2, o)
-def test_3():
- for o in [1 << 8, (1 << 16) - 1,
- -((1<<7)+1), -(1<<15)]:
- check(3, o)
-def test_5():
- for o in [1 << 16, (1 << 32) - 1,
- -((1<<15)+1), -(1<<31)]:
- check(5, o)
-def test_9():
- for o in [1 << 32, (1 << 64) - 1,
- -((1<<31)+1), -(1<<63),
- 1.0, 0.1, -0.1, -1.0]:
- check(9, o)
-def check_raw(overhead, num):
- check(num + overhead, b" " * num)
-def test_fixraw():
- check_raw(1, 0)
- check_raw(1, (1<<5) - 1)
-def test_raw16():
- check_raw(3, 1<<5)
- check_raw(3, (1<<16) - 1)
-def test_raw32():
- check_raw(5, 1<<16)
-def check_array(overhead, num):
- check(num + overhead, (None,) * num)
-def test_fixarray():
- check_array(1, 0)
- check_array(1, (1 << 4) - 1)
-def test_array16():
- check_array(3, 1 << 4)
- check_array(3, (1<<16)-1)
-def test_array32():
- check_array(5, (1<<16))
-def match(obj, buf):
- assert_equal(packs(obj), buf)
- assert_equal(unpacks(buf), obj)
-def test_match():
- cases = [
- (None, b'\xc0'),
- (False, b'\xc2'),
- (True, b'\xc3'),
- (0, b'\x00'),
- (127, b'\x7f'),
- (128, b'\xcc\x80'),
- (256, b'\xcd\x01\x00'),
- (-1, b'\xff'),
- (-33, b'\xd0\xdf'),
- (-129, b'\xd1\xff\x7f'),
- ({1:1}, b'\x81\x01\x01'),
- (1.0, b"\xcb\x3f\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
- ((), b'\x90'),
- (tuple(range(15)),b"\x9f\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e"),
- (tuple(range(16)),b"\xdc\x00\x10\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f"),
- ({}, b'\x80'),
- (dict([(x,x) for x in range(15)]), b'\x8f\x00\x00\x01\x01\x02\x02\x03\x03\x04\x04\x05\x05\x06\x06\x07\x07\x08\x08\t\t\n\n\x0b\x0b\x0c\x0c\r\r\x0e\x0e'),
- (dict([(x,x) for x in range(16)]), b'\xde\x00\x10\x00\x00\x01\x01\x02\x02\x03\x03\x04\x04\x05\x05\x06\x06\x07\x07\x08\x08\t\t\n\n\x0b\x0b\x0c\x0c\r\r\x0e\x0e\x0f\x0f'),
- ]
- for v, p in cases:
- match(v, p)
-def test_unicode():
- assert_equal(b'foobar', unpacks(packs('foobar')))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/python/test3/test_except.py b/python/test3/test_except.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 574728fb..00000000
--- a/python/test3/test_except.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-from nose.tools import *
-from msgpack import packs, unpacks
-import datetime
-def test_raise_on_find_unsupported_value():
- assert_raises(TypeError, packs, datetime.datetime.now())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- from nose import main
- main()
diff --git a/python/test3/test_format.py b/python/test3/test_format.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 022e6801..00000000
--- a/python/test3/test_format.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-from nose import main
-from nose.tools import *
-from msgpack import unpacks
-def check(src, should):
- assert_equal(unpacks(src), should)
-def testSimpleValue():
- check(b"\x93\xc0\xc2\xc3",
- (None, False, True,))
-def testFixnum():
- check(b"\x92\x93\x00\x40\x7f\x93\xe0\xf0\xff",
- ((0,64,127,), (-32,-16,-1,),)
- )
-def testFixArray():
- check(b"\x92\x90\x91\x91\xc0",
- ((),((None,),),),
- )
-def testFixRaw():
- check(b"\x94\xa0\xa1a\xa2bc\xa3def",
- (b"", b"a", b"bc", b"def",),
- )
-def testFixMap():
- check(
- b"\x82\xc2\x81\xc0\xc0\xc3\x81\xc0\x80",
- {False: {None: None}, True:{None:{}}},
- )
-def testUnsignedInt():
- check(
- b"\x99\xcc\x00\xcc\x80\xcc\xff\xcd\x00\x00\xcd\x80\x00"
- b"\xcd\xff\xff\xce\x00\x00\x00\x00\xce\x80\x00\x00\x00"
- b"\xce\xff\xff\xff\xff",
- (0, 128, 255, 0, 32768, 65535, 0, 2147483648, 4294967295,),
- )
-def testSignedInt():
- check(b"\x99\xd0\x00\xd0\x80\xd0\xff\xd1\x00\x00\xd1\x80\x00"
- b"\xd1\xff\xff\xd2\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd2\x80\x00\x00\x00"
- b"\xd2\xff\xff\xff\xff",
- (0, -128, -1, 0, -32768, -1, 0, -2147483648, -1,))
-def testRaw():
- check(b"\x96\xda\x00\x00\xda\x00\x01a\xda\x00\x02ab\xdb\x00\x00"
- b"\x00\x00\xdb\x00\x00\x00\x01a\xdb\x00\x00\x00\x02ab",
- (b"", b"a", b"ab", b"", b"a", b"ab"))
-def testArray():
- check(b"\x96\xdc\x00\x00\xdc\x00\x01\xc0\xdc\x00\x02\xc2\xc3\xdd\x00"
- b"\x00\x00\x00\xdd\x00\x00\x00\x01\xc0\xdd\x00\x00\x00\x02"
- b"\xc2\xc3",
- ((), (None,), (False,True), (), (None,), (False,True))
- )
-def testMap():
- check(
- b"\x96"
- b"\xde\x00\x00"
- b"\xde\x00\x01\xc0\xc2"
- b"\xde\x00\x02\xc0\xc2\xc3\xc2"
- b"\xdf\x00\x00\x00\x00"
- b"\xdf\x00\x00\x00\x01\xc0\xc2"
- b"\xdf\x00\x00\x00\x02\xc0\xc2\xc3\xc2",
- ({}, {None: False}, {True: False, None: False}, {},
- {None: False}, {True: False, None: False}))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/python/test3/test_obj.py b/python/test3/test_obj.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b54021f2..00000000
--- a/python/test3/test_obj.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-from nose import main
-from nose.tools import *
-from msgpack import packs, unpacks
-def _decode_complex(obj):
- if b'__complex__' in obj:
- return complex(obj[b'real'], obj[b'imag'])
- return obj
-def _encode_complex(obj):
- if isinstance(obj, complex):
- return {b'__complex__': True, b'real': 1, b'imag': 2}
- return obj
-def test_encode_hook():
- packed = packs([3, 1+2j], default=_encode_complex)
- unpacked = unpacks(packed)
- eq_(unpacked[1], {b'__complex__': True, b'real': 1, b'imag': 2})
-def test_decode_hook():
- packed = packs([3, {b'__complex__': True, b'real': 1, b'imag': 2}])
- unpacked = unpacks(packed, object_hook=_decode_complex)
- eq_(unpacked[1], 1+2j)
-def test_bad_hook():
- packed = packs([3, 1+2j], default=lambda o: o)
- unpacked = unpacks(packed)
-def _arr_to_str(arr):
- return ''.join(str(c) for c in arr)
-def test_array_hook():
- packed = packs([1,2,3])
- unpacked = unpacks(packed, list_hook=_arr_to_str)
- eq_(unpacked, '123')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- #main()
- test_decode_hook()
diff --git a/python/test3/test_pack.py b/python/test3/test_pack.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e53f7e64..00000000
--- a/python/test3/test_pack.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-from nose import main
-from nose.tools import *
-from msgpack import packs, unpacks
-def check(data):
- re = unpacks(packs(data))
- assert_equal(re, data)
-def testPack():
- test_data = [
- 0, 1, 127, 128, 255, 256, 65535, 65536,
- -1, -32, -33, -128, -129, -32768, -32769,
- 1.0,
- b"", b"a", b"a"*31, b"a"*32,
- None, True, False,
- (), ((),), ((), None,),
- {None: 0},
- (1<<23),
- ]
- for td in test_data:
- check(td)
-def testPackUnicode():
- test_data = [
- "", "abcd", ("defgh",), "Русский текст",
- ]
- for td in test_data:
- re = unpacks(packs(td, encoding='utf-8'), encoding='utf-8')
- assert_equal(re, td)
-def testPackUTF32():
- test_data = [
- "", "abcd", ("defgh",), "Русский текст",
- ]
- for td in test_data:
- print(packs(td, encoding='utf-32'))
- re = unpacks(packs(td, encoding='utf-32'), encoding='utf-32')
- assert_equal(re, td)
-def testPackBytes():
- test_data = [
- b"", b"abcd", (b"defgh",),
- ]
- for td in test_data:
- check(td)
-def testIgnoreUnicodeErrors():
- re = unpacks(packs(b'abc\xeddef'),
- encoding='utf-8', unicode_errors='ignore')
- assert_equal(re, "abcdef")
-def testStrictUnicodeUnpack():
- unpacks(packs(b'abc\xeddef'), encoding='utf-8')
-def testStrictUnicodePack():
- packs("abc\xeddef", encoding='ascii', unicode_errors='strict')
-def testIgnoreErrorsPack():
- re = unpacks(packs("abcФФФdef", encoding='ascii', unicode_errors='ignore'), encoding='utf-8')
- assert_equal(re, "abcdef")
-def testNoEncoding():
- packs("abc", encoding=None)
-def testDecodeBinary():
- re = unpacks(packs("abc"), encoding=None)
- assert_equal(re, b"abc")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/python/test3/test_sequnpack.py b/python/test3/test_sequnpack.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fd377c4..00000000
--- a/python/test3/test_sequnpack.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-from msgpack import Unpacker
-def test_foobar():
- unpacker = Unpacker(read_size=3)
- unpacker.feed(b'foobar')
- assert unpacker.unpack() == ord(b'f')
- assert unpacker.unpack() == ord(b'o')
- assert unpacker.unpack() == ord(b'o')
- assert unpacker.unpack() == ord(b'b')
- assert unpacker.unpack() == ord(b'a')
- assert unpacker.unpack() == ord(b'r')
- try:
- o = unpacker.unpack()
- print(("Oops!", o))
- assert 0
- except StopIteration:
- assert 1
- else:
- assert 0
- unpacker.feed(b'foo')
- unpacker.feed(b'bar')
- k = 0
- for o, e in zip(unpacker, b'foobarbaz'):
- assert o == e
- k += 1
- assert k == len(b'foobar')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test_foobar()