mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 12:58:05 +01:00
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Copyright (c) 2018 Contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file
This file is part of 0MQ.
0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <unity.h>
#include "../tests/testutil.hpp"
#include "../tests/testutil_unity.hpp"
#include "../unittests/unittest_resolver_common.hpp"
#include <ip_resolver.hpp>
#include <ip.hpp>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
void setUp ()
void tearDown ()
class test_ip_resolver_t : public zmq::ip_resolver_t
test_ip_resolver_t (zmq::ip_resolver_options_t opts_) :
ip_resolver_t (opts_)
struct dns_lut_t
const char *hostname;
const char *ipv4;
const char *ipv6;
virtual int do_getaddrinfo (const char *node_,
const char *service_,
const struct addrinfo *hints_,
struct addrinfo **res_)
static const struct dns_lut_t dns_lut[] = {
{"ip.zeromq.org", "", "fdf5:d058:d656::1"},
{"ipv4only.zeromq.org", "", "::ffff:"},
{"ipv6only.zeromq.org", NULL, "fdf5:d058:d656::2"},
unsigned lut_len = sizeof (dns_lut) / sizeof (dns_lut[0]);
struct addrinfo ai;
TEST_ASSERT_NULL (service_);
bool ipv6 = (hints_->ai_family == AF_INET6);
bool no_dns = (hints_->ai_flags & AI_NUMERICHOST) != 0;
const char *ip = NULL;
if (!no_dns) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < lut_len; i++) {
if (strcmp (dns_lut[i].hostname, node_) == 0) {
if (ipv6) {
ip = dns_lut[i].ipv6;
} else {
ip = dns_lut[i].ipv4;
if (ip == NULL) {
// No address associated with NAME
return EAI_NODATA;
if (ip == NULL) {
// No entry for 'node_' found in the LUT (or DNS is
// forbidden), assume that it's a numeric IP address
ip = node_;
// Call the real getaddrinfo implementation, making sure that it won't
// attempt to resolve using DNS
ai = *hints_;
ai.ai_flags |= AI_NUMERICHOST;
return zmq::ip_resolver_t::do_getaddrinfo (ip, NULL, &ai, res_);
virtual unsigned int do_if_nametoindex (const char *ifname_)
static const char *dummy_interfaces[] = {
unsigned lut_len =
sizeof (dummy_interfaces) / sizeof (dummy_interfaces[0]);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < lut_len; i++) {
if (strcmp (dummy_interfaces[i], ifname_) == 0) {
// The dummy index will be the position in the array + 1 (0 is
// invalid)
return i + 1;
// Not found
return 0;
// Attempt a resolution and test the results. If 'expected_addr_' is NULL
// assume that the resolution is meant to fail.
// On windows we can receive an IPv4 address even when an IPv6 is requested, if
// we're in this situation then we compare to 'expected_addr_v4_failover_'
// instead.
static void test_resolve (zmq::ip_resolver_options_t opts_,
const char *name_,
const char *expected_addr_,
uint16_t expected_port_ = 0,
uint16_t expected_zone_ = 0,
const char *expected_addr_v4_failover_ = NULL)
zmq::ip_addr_t addr;
int family = opts_.ipv6 () ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET;
if (family == AF_INET6 && !is_ipv6_available ()) {
TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE ("ipv6 is not available");
// Generate an invalid but well-defined 'ip_addr_t'. Avoids testing
// uninitialized values if the code is buggy.
memset (&addr, 0xba, sizeof (addr));
test_ip_resolver_t resolver (opts_);
int rc = resolver.resolve (&addr, name_);
if (expected_addr_ == NULL) {
// TODO also check the expected errno
} else {
validate_address (family, &addr, expected_addr_, expected_port_,
expected_zone_, expected_addr_v4_failover_);
// Helper macro to define the v4/v6 function pairs
#define MAKE_TEST_V4V6(_test) \
static void _test##_ipv4 () { _test (false); } \
static void _test##_ipv6 () { _test (true); }
static void test_bind_any (bool ipv6_)
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.bindable (true).expect_port (true).ipv6 (ipv6_);
const char *expected = ipv6_ ? "::" : "";
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "*:*", expected, 0);
MAKE_TEST_V4V6 (test_bind_any)
static void test_bind_any_port0 (bool ipv6_)
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.bindable (true).expect_port (true).ipv6 (ipv6_);
// Should be equivalent to "*:*"
const char *expected = ipv6_ ? "::" : "";
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "*:0", expected, 0);
MAKE_TEST_V4V6 (test_bind_any_port0)
static void test_nobind_any (bool ipv6_)
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true).ipv6 (ipv6_);
// Wildcard should be rejected if we're not looking for a
// bindable address
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "*:*", NULL);
MAKE_TEST_V4V6 (test_nobind_any)
static void test_nobind_any_port (bool ipv6_)
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true).ipv6 (ipv6_);
// Wildcard should be rejected if we're not looking for a
// bindable address
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "*:1234", NULL);
MAKE_TEST_V4V6 (test_nobind_any_port)
static void test_nobind_addr_anyport (bool ipv6_)
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true).ipv6 (ipv6_);
// Wildcard port should be rejected for non-bindable addresses
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "*", NULL);
MAKE_TEST_V4V6 (test_nobind_addr_anyport)
static void test_nobind_addr_port0 (bool ipv6_)
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true).ipv6 (ipv6_);
// Connecting to port 0 is allowed, although it might not be massively
// useful
const char *expected = ipv6_ ? "::ffff:" : "";
const char *fallback = ipv6_ ? "" : NULL;
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "", expected, 0, 0, fallback);
MAKE_TEST_V4V6 (test_nobind_addr_port0)
static void test_parse_ipv4_simple ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "", "");
static void test_parse_ipv4_zero ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "", "");
static void test_parse_ipv4_max ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "", "");
static void test_parse_ipv4_brackets ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
// Not particularly useful, but valid
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[]", "");
static void test_parse_ipv4_brackets_missingl ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "]", NULL);
static void test_parse_ipv4_brackets_missingr ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[", NULL);
static void test_parse_ipv4_brackets_bad ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[1.2.128].129", NULL);
static void test_parse_ipv4_reject_port ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
// No port expected, should be rejected
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "", NULL);
static void test_parse_ipv4_reject_any ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
// No port expected, should be rejected
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "*", NULL);
static void test_parse_ipv4_reject_ipv6 ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
// No port expected, should be rejected
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "::1", NULL);
static void test_parse_ipv4_port ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "", "", 123);
static void test_parse_ipv4_port0 ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true);
// Port 0 is accepted and is equivalent to *
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "", "", 0);
static void test_parse_ipv4_port_garbage ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true);
// The code doesn't validate that the port doesn't contain garbage
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "", "", 567);
static void test_parse_ipv4_port_missing ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "", NULL);
static void test_parse_ipv4_port_bad ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "", NULL);
static void test_parse_ipv4_port_brackets ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[]:5555", "", 5555);
static void test_parse_ipv4_port_brackets_bad ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[]5555", NULL);
static void test_parse_ipv4_port_brackets_bad2 ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[]", NULL);
static void test_parse_ipv4_wild_brackets_bad ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[*]", NULL);
static void test_parse_ipv4_port_ipv6_reject ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[::1]:1234", NULL);
static void test_parse_ipv6_simple ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "::1", "::1");
static void test_parse_ipv6_simple2 ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "abcd:1234::1:0:234", "abcd:1234::1:0:234");
static void test_parse_ipv6_zero ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "::", "::");
static void test_parse_ipv6_max ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff",
static void test_parse_ipv6_brackets ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[::1]", "::1");
static void test_parse_ipv6_brackets_missingl ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "::1]", NULL);
static void test_parse_ipv6_brackets_missingr ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[::1", NULL);
static void test_parse_ipv6_brackets_bad ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[abcd:1234::1:]0:234", NULL);
static void test_parse_ipv6_port ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true).expect_port (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[1234::1]:80", "1234::1", 80);
static void test_parse_ipv6_port_any ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true).expect_port (true).bindable (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[1234::1]:*", "1234::1", 0);
static void test_parse_ipv6_port_nobrackets ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true).expect_port (true);
// Should this be allowed? Seems error-prone but so far ZMQ accepts it.
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "abcd:1234::1:0:234:123", "abcd:1234::1:0:234",
static void test_parse_ipv4_in_ipv6 ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true);
// Parsing IPv4 should also work if an IPv6 is requested, it returns an
// IPv6 with the IPv4 address embedded (except sometimes on Windows where
// we end up with an IPv4 anyway)
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "", "::ffff:", 0, 0,
static void test_parse_ipv4_in_ipv6_port ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true).expect_port (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "", "::ffff:", 55, 0,
static void test_parse_ipv6_scope_int ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "3000:4:5::1:234%2", "3000:4:5::1:234", 0, 2);
static void test_parse_ipv6_scope_zero ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "3000:4:5::1:234%0", NULL);
static void test_parse_ipv6_scope_int_port ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true).ipv6 (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "3000:4:5::1:234%2:1111", "3000:4:5::1:234",
1111, 2);
static void test_parse_ipv6_scope_if ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "3000:4:5::1:234%eth1", "3000:4:5::1:234", 0,
static void test_parse_ipv6_scope_if_port ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true).ipv6 (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "3000:4:5::1:234%eth0:8080", "3000:4:5::1:234",
8080, 2);
static void test_parse_ipv6_scope_if_port_brackets ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true).ipv6 (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[3000:4:5::1:234%eth0]:8080",
"3000:4:5::1:234", 8080, 2);
static void test_parse_ipv6_scope_badif ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "3000:4:5::1:234%bad0", NULL);
static void test_dns_ipv4_simple ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.allow_dns (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "ip.zeromq.org", "");
static void test_dns_ipv4_only ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.allow_dns (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "ipv4only.zeromq.org", "");
static void test_dns_ipv4_invalid ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.allow_dns (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "invalid.zeromq.org", NULL);
static void test_dns_ipv4_ipv6 ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.allow_dns (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "ipv6only.zeromq.org", NULL);
static void test_dns_ipv4_numeric ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.allow_dns (true);
// Numeric IPs should still work
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "", "");
static void test_dns_ipv4_port ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.expect_port (true).allow_dns (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "ip.zeromq.org:1234", "", 1234);
static void test_dns_ipv6_simple ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true).allow_dns (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "ip.zeromq.org", "fdf5:d058:d656::1");
static void test_dns_ipv6_only ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true).allow_dns (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "ipv6only.zeromq.org", "fdf5:d058:d656::2");
static void test_dns_ipv6_invalid ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true).allow_dns (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "invalid.zeromq.org", NULL);
static void test_dns_ipv6_ipv4 ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true).allow_dns (true);
// If a host doesn't have an IPv6 then it should resolve as an embedded v4
// address in an IPv6
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "ipv4only.zeromq.org", "::ffff:");
static void test_dns_ipv6_numeric ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true).allow_dns (true);
// Numeric IPs should still work
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "fdf5:d058:d656::1", "fdf5:d058:d656::1");
static void test_dns_ipv6_port ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (true).expect_port (true).allow_dns (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "ip.zeromq.org:1234", "fdf5:d058:d656::1",
void test_dns_brackets ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.allow_dns (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[ip.zeromq.org]", "");
void test_dns_brackets_bad ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.allow_dns (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[ip.zeromq].org", NULL);
void test_dns_brackets_port ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.allow_dns (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[ip.zeromq.org]:22", "", 22);
void test_dns_brackets_port_bad ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.allow_dns (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[ip.zeromq.org:22]", NULL);
void test_dns_deny (bool ipv6_)
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.allow_dns (false).ipv6 (ipv6_);
// DNS resolution shouldn't work when disallowed
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "ip.zeromq.org", NULL);
MAKE_TEST_V4V6 (test_dns_deny)
void test_dns_ipv6_scope ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.allow_dns (true).ipv6 (true);
// Not sure if that's very useful but you could technically add a scope
// identifier to a hostname
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "ip.zeromq.org%lo0", "fdf5:d058:d656::1", 0,
void test_dns_ipv6_scope_port ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.allow_dns (true).expect_port (true).ipv6 (true);
// Not sure if that's very useful but you could technically add a scope
// identifier to a hostname
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "ip.zeromq.org%lo0:4444", "fdf5:d058:d656::1",
4444, 1);
void test_dns_ipv6_scope_port_brackets ()
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.allow_dns (true).expect_port (true).ipv6 (true);
test_resolve (resolver_opts, "[ip.zeromq.org%lo0]:4444",
"fdf5:d058:d656::1", 4444, 1);
static void test_addr (int family_, const char *addr_, bool multicast_)
if (family_ == AF_INET6 && !is_ipv6_available ()) {
TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE ("ipv6 is not available");
zmq::ip_resolver_options_t resolver_opts;
resolver_opts.ipv6 (family_ == AF_INET6);
test_ip_resolver_t resolver (resolver_opts);
zmq::ip_addr_t addr;
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS_ERRNO (resolver.resolve (&addr, addr_));
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (family_, addr.family ());
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (multicast_, addr.is_multicast ());
static void test_addr_unicast_ipv4 ()
test_addr (AF_INET, "", false);
static void test_addr_unicast_ipv6 ()
test_addr (AF_INET6, "abcd::1", false);
static void test_addr_multicast_ipv4 ()
test_addr (AF_INET, "", true);
static void test_addr_multicast_ipv6 ()
test_addr (AF_INET6, "ffab::1234", true);
static void test_addr_multicast_ipv4_min ()
test_addr (AF_INET, "", true);
static void test_addr_multicast_ipv6_min ()
test_addr (AF_INET6, "ff00::", true);
static void test_addr_multicast_ipv4_max ()
test_addr (AF_INET, "", true);
static void test_addr_multicast_ipv6_max ()
test_addr (AF_INET6, "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff", true);
static void test_addr_multicast_ipv4_sub ()
test_addr (AF_INET, "", false);
static void test_addr_multicast_ipv6_sub ()
test_addr (AF_INET6, "feff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff", false);
static void test_addr_multicast_ipv4_over ()
test_addr (AF_INET, "", false);
int main (void)
zmq::initialize_network ();
setup_test_environment ();
RUN_TEST (test_bind_any_ipv4);
RUN_TEST (test_bind_any_ipv6);
RUN_TEST (test_bind_any_port0_ipv4);
RUN_TEST (test_bind_any_port0_ipv6);
RUN_TEST (test_nobind_any_ipv4);
RUN_TEST (test_nobind_any_ipv6);
RUN_TEST (test_nobind_any_port_ipv4);
RUN_TEST (test_nobind_any_port_ipv6);
RUN_TEST (test_nobind_addr_anyport_ipv4);
RUN_TEST (test_nobind_addr_anyport_ipv6);
RUN_TEST (test_nobind_addr_port0_ipv4);
RUN_TEST (test_nobind_addr_port0_ipv6);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_simple);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_zero);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_max);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_brackets);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_brackets_missingl);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_brackets_missingr);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_brackets_bad);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_reject_port);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_reject_any);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_reject_ipv6);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_port);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_port0);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_port_garbage);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_port_missing);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_port_bad);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_port_brackets);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_port_brackets_bad);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_port_brackets_bad2);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_wild_brackets_bad);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_port_ipv6_reject);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_simple);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_simple2);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_zero);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_max);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_brackets);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_brackets_missingl);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_brackets_missingr);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_brackets_bad);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_port);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_port_any);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_port_nobrackets);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_in_ipv6);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv4_in_ipv6_port);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_scope_int);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_scope_zero);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_scope_int_port);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_scope_if);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_scope_if_port);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_scope_if_port_brackets);
RUN_TEST (test_parse_ipv6_scope_badif);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_ipv4_simple);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_ipv4_only);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_ipv4_invalid);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_ipv4_ipv6);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_ipv4_numeric);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_ipv4_port);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_ipv6_simple);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_ipv6_only);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_ipv6_invalid);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_ipv6_ipv4);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_ipv6_numeric);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_ipv6_port);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_brackets);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_brackets_bad);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_deny_ipv4);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_deny_ipv6);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_ipv6_scope);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_ipv6_scope_port);
RUN_TEST (test_dns_ipv6_scope_port_brackets);
RUN_TEST (test_addr_unicast_ipv4);
RUN_TEST (test_addr_unicast_ipv6);
RUN_TEST (test_addr_multicast_ipv4);
RUN_TEST (test_addr_multicast_ipv6);
RUN_TEST (test_addr_multicast_ipv4_min);
RUN_TEST (test_addr_multicast_ipv6_min);
RUN_TEST (test_addr_multicast_ipv4_max);
RUN_TEST (test_addr_multicast_ipv6_max);
RUN_TEST (test_addr_multicast_ipv4_sub);
RUN_TEST (test_addr_multicast_ipv6_sub);
RUN_TEST (test_addr_multicast_ipv4_over);
zmq::shutdown_network ();
return UNITY_END ();