Pieter Hintjens 6a9af8ed62 Problem: can't build without libsodium from command line (MSVC)
There is an option to enable/disable libsodium via the Visual Studio
UI. This is not practical for command-line usage (via msbuild).

Solution: add configure.bat that searches for libsodium in sibling
directory to libzmq; if it finds it, defines HAVE_LIBSODIUM 1.

This is consistent with zproject, which has the same problem and
is getting the same solution for all dependency resolution on

Note that this approach also provides a way to support tweetnacl
via a configure option.

Also, removed duplicate props files and re-copy in configure.bat
as it was an insane nightmare to update these by hand. (and not
clear that they were identical. Now it's forced.)
2016-02-03 22:44:06 +01:00

79 lines
2.7 KiB

REM Usage: [buildbase.bat ..\vs2013\mysolution.sln 12]
SET solution=%1
SET version=%2
SET log=build_%version%.log
SET tools=Microsoft Visual Studio %version%.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat
SET environment="%programfiles(x86)%\%tools%"
IF NOT EXIST %environment% SET environment="%programfiles%\%tools%"
IF NOT EXIST %environment% GOTO no_tools
SET packages=
IF EXIST "..\..\..\..\libsodium\builds/msvc/vs2015\libsodium.import.props" (
COPY /Y "..\..\..\..\libsodium\builds/msvc/vs2015\libsodium.import.props" . > %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
SET packages=%packages% /p:HAVE_LIBSODIUM=1
) ELSE (
ECHO Building without libsodium
ECHO Building %solution%... (%packages%)
CALL %environment% x86 > nul
ECHO Platform=x86
ECHO Configuration=DynDebug
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=DynDebug /p:Platform=Win32 %packages% %solution% > %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=DynRelease
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=DynRelease /p:Platform=Win32 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=LtcgDebug
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=LtcgDebug /p:Platform=Win32 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=LtcgRelease
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=LtcgRelease /p:Platform=Win32 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=StaticDebug
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=StaticDebug /p:Platform=Win32 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=StaticRelease
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=StaticRelease /p:Platform=Win32 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
CALL %environment% x86_amd64 > nul
ECHO Platform=x64
ECHO Configuration=DynDebug
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=DynDebug /p:Platform=x64 %packages% %solution% > %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=DynRelease
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=DynRelease /p:Platform=x64 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=LtcgDebug
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=LtcgDebug /p:Platform=x64 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=LtcgRelease
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=LtcgRelease /p:Platform=x64 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=StaticDebug
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=StaticDebug /p:Platform=x64 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Configuration=StaticRelease
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration=StaticRelease /p:Platform=x64 %packages% %solution% >> %log%
IF errorlevel 1 GOTO error
ECHO Complete: %solution%
GOTO end
ECHO *** ERROR, build terminated early, see: %log%
GOTO end
ECHO *** ERROR, build tools not found: %tools%