# Travis CI script language: c os: - linux - osx dist: trusty env: - BUILD_TYPE=default CURVE=tweetnacl DRAFT=enabled - BUILD_TYPE=android CURVE=tweetnacl - BUILD_TYPE=cmake CURVE=tweetnacl - BUILD_TYPE=default matrix: include: - env: BUILD_TYPE=default CURVE=tweetnacl IPv6=ON os: linux dist: precise sudo: false - env: BUILD_TYPE=coverage CURVE=tweetnacl DRAFT=enabled os: linux addons: apt: packages: - lcov - env: BUILD_TYPE=valgrind CURVE=tweetnacl DRAFT=enabled os: linux addons: apt: packages: - valgrind - env: BUILD_TYPE=default CURVE=libsodium os: linux addons: apt: sources: - sourceline: 'deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/zeromq:/git-stable/xUbuntu_14.04/ ./' key_url: 'http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/zeromq:/git-stable/xUbuntu_14.04/Release.key' packages: - libsodium-dev - env: BUILD_TYPE=default CURVE=libsodium os: osx sudo: required before_install: - if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" ] ; then brew update; brew install binutils ; fi - if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" -a $CURVE == "libsodium" ] ; then brew install libsodium ; fi before_script: # ZMQ stress tests need more open socket (files) than the usual default # On OSX, it seems the way to set the max files limit is constantly changing, so # try to use all known knobs to ensure compatibility across various versions - if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" ] ; then sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=64000 ; sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=64000 ; sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 64000 64000 ; ulimit -n 64000; fi # Build and check this project according to the BUILD_TYPE script: ./ci_build.sh # Deploy tags before_deploy: - . ./ci_deploy.sh deploy: provider: releases api_key: secure: vGB5E+A8wxm2J1GJZzmIgT9PrjEzvd9gE8iui8FyxSbxAsW9vFZFGZC/21sTtpVcmRarwQCHH1UEbtg+nJwN2iD9YzMRnSVks8xqP+b709YW+VXaMuhZgTzWa74IorQku7NuvLibvQk72/OSgdwPGaNJ6f5AX9pnWVWbEoW1svE= file_glob: true file: ${LIBZMQ_DEPLOYMENT} skip_cleanup: true on: repo: zeromq/libzmq branch: master tags: true condition: "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME =~ (linux) && $BUILD_TYPE =~ (default) && $CURVE =~ (libsodium) && -z $DRAFT"