/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ #include "testutil.hpp" #include "testutil_unity.hpp" void setUp () { } void tearDown () { } // Test vector: rfc.zeromq.org/spec:32/Z85 void test__zmq_z85_encode__valid__success () { static const size_t size = 8; static const size_t length = size * 5 / 4; static const uint8_t decoded[size] = {0x86, 0x4F, 0xD2, 0x6F, 0xB5, 0x59, 0xF7, 0x5B}; static const char expected[length + 1] = "HelloWorld"; char out_encoded[length + 1] = {0}; errno = 0; TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL (zmq_z85_encode (out_encoded, decoded, size)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING (expected, out_encoded); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (0, zmq_errno ()); } // Buffer length must be evenly divisible by 4 or must fail with EINVAL. void test__zmq_z85_encode__invalid__failure (size_t size_) { errno = 0; TEST_ASSERT_NULL (zmq_z85_encode (NULL, NULL, size_)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (EINVAL, zmq_errno ()); } // Test vector: rfc.zeromq.org/spec:32/Z85 void test__zmq_z85_decode__valid__success () { static const size_t size = 10 * 4 / 5; static const uint8_t expected[size] = {0x86, 0x4F, 0xD2, 0x6F, 0xB5, 0x59, 0xF7, 0x5B}; static const char *encoded = "HelloWorld"; uint8_t out_decoded[size] = {0}; errno = 0; TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL (zmq_z85_decode (out_decoded, encoded)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (0, zmq_errno ()); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8_ARRAY (expected, out_decoded, size); } // Invalid input data must fail with EINVAL. template void test__zmq_z85_decode__invalid__failure (const char (&encoded_)[SIZE]) { uint8_t decoded[SIZE * 4 / 5 + 1]; errno = 0; TEST_ASSERT_NULL (zmq_z85_decode (decoded, encoded_)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (EINVAL, zmq_errno ()); } // call zmq_z85_encode, then zmq_z85_decode, and compare the results with the original template void test__zmq_z85_encode__zmq_z85_decode__roundtrip ( const uint8_t (&test_data_)[SIZE]) { char test_data_z85[SIZE * 5 / 4 + 1]; const char *const res1 = zmq_z85_encode (test_data_z85, test_data_, SIZE); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL (res1); uint8_t test_data_decoded[SIZE]; const uint8_t *const res2 = zmq_z85_decode (test_data_decoded, test_data_z85); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL (res2); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8_ARRAY (test_data_, test_data_decoded, SIZE); } // call zmq_z85_encode, then zmq_z85_decode, and compare the results with the original template void test__zmq_z85_decode__zmq_z85_encode__roundtrip ( const char (&test_data_)[SIZE]) { const size_t decoded_size = (SIZE - 1) * 4 / 5; uint8_t test_data_decoded[decoded_size]; const uint8_t *const res1 = zmq_z85_decode (test_data_decoded, test_data_); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL (res1); char test_data_z85[SIZE]; const char *const res2 = zmq_z85_encode (test_data_z85, test_data_decoded, decoded_size); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL (res2); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8_ARRAY (test_data_, test_data_z85, SIZE); } #define def_test__zmq_z85_basename(basename, name, param) \ void test__zmq_z85_##basename##_##name () \ { \ test__zmq_z85_##basename (param); \ } #define def_test__zmq_z85_encode__invalid__failure(name, param) \ def_test__zmq_z85_basename (encode__invalid__failure, name, param) def_test__zmq_z85_encode__invalid__failure (1, 1) def_test__zmq_z85_encode__invalid__failure (42, 42) #define def_test__zmq_z85_decode__invalid__failure(name, param) \ def_test__zmq_z85_basename (decode__invalid__failure, name, param) // String length must be evenly divisible by 5 or must fail with EINVAL. def_test__zmq_z85_decode__invalid__failure (indivisble_by_5_multiple_chars, "01234567") def_test__zmq_z85_decode__invalid__failure (indivisble_by_5_one_char, "0") // decode invalid data with the maximum representable value def_test__zmq_z85_decode__invalid__failure (max, "#####") // decode invalid data with the minimum value beyond the limit // "%nSc0" is 0xffffffff def_test__zmq_z85_decode__invalid__failure (above_limit, "%nSc1") // decode invalid data with an invalid character in the range of valid // characters def_test__zmq_z85_decode__invalid__failure (char_within, "####\0047") // decode invalid data with an invalid character just below the range of valid // characters def_test__zmq_z85_decode__invalid__failure (char_adjacent_below, "####\0200") // decode invalid data with an invalid character just above the range of valid // characters def_test__zmq_z85_decode__invalid__failure (char_adjacent_above, "####\0037") #define def_test__encode__zmq_z85_decode__roundtrip(name, param) \ def_test__zmq_z85_basename (encode__zmq_z85_decode__roundtrip, name, param) const uint8_t test_data_min[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; const uint8_t test_data_max[] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; def_test__encode__zmq_z85_decode__roundtrip (min, test_data_min) def_test__encode__zmq_z85_decode__roundtrip (max, test_data_max) #define def_test__decode__zmq_z85_encode__roundtrip(name, param) \ def_test__zmq_z85_basename (decode__zmq_z85_encode__roundtrip, name, param) const char test_data_regular[] = "r^/rM9M=rMToK)63O8dCvd9D